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Omnipresent Sex Symbol

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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxмαι∂єи σf тнє σ¢єαи

                  In Zuleidi, it is said that an unnamed young maiden can be heard singing to the ocean on foggy evenings. Her story has many version, yet all legends concerning her life hold to the same, tragic theme. One such story states she was once a Zuleidian princess who sold her soul to a witch to protect her peasant lover from execution. Others say the princess was a witch herself, killing her lover when she believed he had been unfaithful to her; upon the realization that she had been mistaken, she cursed herself to forever wander the shore. In all legends, one detail always remains the same; it is said that anyone who can find her spirit singing in the fog will be granted one wish and a happy life with the one they love.

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β Ă β Ă Ĵ Ĩxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

                                                  Babaji is an old crone from Laelian legend known for her cruelty toward faeries, and her stories are often used to scare fairy children into obedience or productiveness. Parents tell their young that those who are absentminded will be kidnapped by Babaji and used as an ingredient in one of her potions. Many stories suggest that she covets the wings of faeries and will rip them off the backs of any child who does not pay close attention to their surroundings. Several times it has been said that Babaji can enter day-dreams and control her victims completely. Although she is rumored to reside deep within the dark depths of the Laelian woods, many believe her eyes and ears extend throughout the forest.

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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxℒα вísαвuєlítα

                  In Shasta, a kindly old witch, La Bisabuelita, is said to live in the canyons far below the city. As the tales go, she appears to children when they are in need or injured, protecting them from danger or healing their ailments. However, if a child is unruly or unkind, La Bisabuelita will come steal their desert each night until they apologize and repent. If a child is relentless in their bad behavior, La Bisabuelita will curse them to become ugly, fat, or unmarried when they grow up. Many Shastan parents utilize her as a threat against their young children at times of disobedience.

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ℌαṡεεṉα Ąl-hïќṃαhxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

                                                  Haseena Al-hikmah originates from an ancient Gradian tale shortly after the goddess Proskovya left the mountaintop. She appeared to the early Gradian people and taught them the powerful magic required to cool the volcano's searing heat down to a livable level. For a short time, she lived with the people of Gradius, providing them with much of their early knowledge. Soon, however, the arrogant and disrespectful manner of the Gradians enraged her, and she vowed to destroy them. Seeing her beauty and rage, the Gradians fell to their knees and begged her for forgiveness, promising to honor her yearly with a feast in exchange for their lives. Appeased, she decided spare them. Haseena Al-hikmah disappeared from Gradius soon after, but warned them never to forget their promise. Staying true to their word, a day-long festival is held annually in remembrance of this legend.

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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxÐuShNa ₭obA

                  Stories of Dushna Koba hail from the mountainous region of Salorite, describing her as a great owl who guides lost travelers through the mountains to safety. However, if the person has a wicked soul, she will lure them deep into the mountains and abandon them. Trapped in an endless labyrinth of ice and rock, the helpless man or woman inevitably meets a gruesome end. After they have been picked clean by the vicious mountain creatures, it is said that Dushna Koba returns for their bones to adds them to her nest.

Lore by K33LA
Images via Deviantart

Omnipresent Sex Symbol

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เ ๓ ค ภ เ xx ค ς ђ є ๒ є


            Hekélène is the only member of the Septheon to demonstrate both negative and positive traits, and her official purpose within in the Septheon is difficult to distinguish. Many people believe Hekélène’s role is to test them with lies and misfortune to see if they are worthy of the blessings of the Creator and Septheon. Further still, Hekélène is the mother of witches, creatures despised by many in the White Coast, and this knowledge has created concrete factions within the Faith itself. In addition to battling lies and misfortune, some people believe that witches are simply another thing to be purged from society; this faction argues that humans are the perfect creations, and because witches are different they are therefore wrong. The fact that witches were created by Hekélène is usually written off by stating that it is part of the test, set to confuse the Creator’s children. On the opposite end, others view the witches as being positively different with the true test being to accept their differences. As is the trend with religion, there are a many different opinions concerning Hekélène and her role concerning humans and witches.

            The bonding ceremony is the White Coast equivalent to marriage. Bonding is usually the result of love or duty, and focuses on the tying of bonds. The bonding ceremony itself is standard: friends and family gather and witness the ceremony; soil from the land of both families is put into a jar to represent the joining of the two houses. The couple then pricks a finger and each one squeezes a drop of their blood into the jar as well, signifying the couple becoming one in body and blood. The two then exchange their bond vows. After this ceremony is over, the newly bonded couple goes on a pilgrimage to the White Coast. Once arrived, the two empty their jar into the ocean and wash it in the sea to signify new beginnings. Finally, the couple then gathers sand together and fills the jar to the brim, re-covering it with the lid. In this final step, the white, glittering sand represents the purity of their new relationship as a bonded couple. Although bonding typically occurs between a man and a woman for the purpose of love or joining households in order to produce more wealth and offspring, the ceremony has no actual limit to gender. In truth, there is no true ‘marriage’ in the White Coast. The bonding ceremony is simply a promise or pact between two people: it can be used as a sign of friendship or love, the promise to pay back a debt or take care of a dying parent’s child. Uniting households is simply the majority case, and there are same gendered couples bonded in love (though it is far less common). All bondings are taken down by a registrar.

            Sex in the White Coast is viewed as sacred and a gift from the Creator. While it is not restricted by marriage, it is believed that both young men and women should wait until they have come of age. Frequent sex with many different partners tends to be looked down upon and viewed as wasteful or greedy; sex with blood relatives and animals is also taboo. Being bonded to another person does not necessarily mean that both will only exclusively have sex with each other; that is something stipulated in the bonding vows. It is quite common and normal for men and women to have two or three other lovers throughout their marriage. As far as sexuality is concerned, sex between two men or two women is actually quite common, and nothing dictated in the laws, culture, or the Faith gives any reason to think otherwise. Each person has their own degree of attraction to males and females, and most tend to gravitate towards one or the other. Most people in the White Coast will have had lovers of both genders in their lifetime. While sexual union between opposites brings forth offspring, the people of the White Coast also view same gender sex as natural; in their minds, sex is sex, and each gender has something to offer which the other cannot.

            Hekélène is the only member of the Septheon to demonstrate both negative and positive traits, and her official purpose within in the Septheon is difficult to distinguish. Many people believe Hekélène’s role is to test them with lies and misfortune to see if they are worthy of the blessings of the Creator and Septheon. Further still, Hekélène is the mother of witches, creatures despised by many in the White Coast, and this knowledge has created concrete factions within the Faith itself. In addition to battling lies and misfortune, some people believe that witches are simply another thing to be purged from society; this faction argues that humans are the perfect creations, and because witches are different they are therefore wrong. The fact that witches were created by Hekélène is usually written off by stating that it is part of the test, set to confuse the Creator’s children. On the opposite end, others view the witches as being positively different with the true test being to accept their differences. As is the trend with religion, there are a many different opinions concerning Hekélène and her role concerning humans and witches.

            The bonding ceremony is the White Coast equivalent to marriage. Bonding is usually the result of love or duty, and focuses on the tying of bonds. The bonding ceremony itself is standard: friends and family gather and witness the ceremony; soil from the land of both families is put into a jar to represent the joining of the two houses. The couple then pricks a finger and each one squeezes a drop of their blood into the jar as well, signifying the couple becoming one in body and blood. The two then exchange their bond vows. After this ceremony is over, the newly bonded couple goes on a pilgrimage to the White Coast. Once arrived, the two empty their jar into the ocean and wash it in the sea to signify new beginnings. Finally, the couple then gathers sand together and fills the jar to the brim, re-covering it with the lid. In this final step, the white, glittering sand represents the purity of their new relationship as a bonded couple. Although bonding typically occurs between a man and a woman for the purpose of love or joining households in order to produce more wealth and offspring, the ceremony has no actual limit to gender. In truth, there is no true ‘marriage’ in the White Coast. The bonding ceremony is simply a promise or pact between two people: it can be used as a sign of friendship or love, the promise to pay back a debt or take care of a dying parent’s child. Uniting households is simply the majority case, and there are same gendered couples bonded in love (though it is far less common). All bondings are taken down by a registrar.

            Sex in the White Coast is viewed as sacred and a gift from the Creator. While it is not restricted by marriage, it is believed that both young men and women should wait until they have come of age. Frequent sex with many different partners tends to be looked down upon and viewed as wasteful or greedy; sex with blood relatives and animals is also taboo. Being bonded to another person does not necessarily mean that both will only exclusively have sex with each other; that is something stipulated in the bonding vows. It is quite common and normal for men and women to have two or three other lovers throughout their marriage. As far as sexuality is concerned, sex between two men or two women is actually quite common, and nothing dictated in the laws, culture, or the Faith gives any reason to think otherwise. Each person has their own degree of attraction to males and females, and most tend to gravitate towards one or the other. Most people in the White Coast will have had lovers of both genders in their lifetime. While sexual union between opposites brings forth offspring, the people of the White Coast also view same gender sex as natural; in their minds, sex is sex, and each gender has something to offer which the other cannot.


Omnipresent Sex Symbol

User ImageHekélène is the only member of the Septheon to demonstrate both negative and positive traits, and her official purpose within in the Septheon is difficult to distinguish. Many people believe Hekélène’s role is to test them with lies and misfortune to see if they are worthy of the blessings of the Creator and Septheon. Further still, Hekélène is the mother of witches, creatures despised by many in the White Coast, and this knowledge has created concrete factions within the Faith itself. In addition to battling lies and misfortune, some people believe that witches are simply another thing to be purged from society; this faction argues that humans are the perfect creations, and because witches are different they are therefore wrong. The fact that witches were created by Hekélène is usually written off by stating that it is part of the test, set to confuse the Creator’s children. On the opposite end, others view the witches as being positively different with the true test being to accept their differences. As is the trend with religion, there are a many different opinions concerning Hekélène and her role concerning humans and witches.

The bonding ceremony is the White Coast equivalent to marriage. Bonding is usually the result of love or duty, and focuses on the tying of bonds. The bonding ceremony itself is standard: friends and family gather and witness the ceremony; soil from the land of both families is put into a jar to represent the joining of the two houses. The couple then pricks a finger and each one squeezes a drop of their blood into the jar as well, signifying the couple becoming one in body and blood. The two then exchange their bond vows. After this ceremony is over, the newly bonded couple goes on a pilgrimage to the White Coast. Once arrived, the two empty their jar into the ocean and wash it in the sea to signify new beginnings. Finally, the couple then gathers sand together and fills the jar to the brim, re-covering it with the lid. In this final step, the white, glittering sand represents the purity of their new relationship as a bonded couple. Although bonding typically occurs between a man and a woman for the purpose of love or joining households in order to produce more wealth and offspring, the ceremony has no actual limit to gender. In truth, there is no true ‘marriage’ in the White Coast. The bonding ceremony is simply a promise or pact between two people: it can be used as a sign of friendship or love, the promise to pay back a debt or take care of a dying parent’s child. Uniting households is simply the majority case, and there are same gendered couples bonded in love (though it is far less common). All bondings are taken down by a registrar.

Sex in the White Coast is viewed as sacred and a gift from the Creator. While it is not restricted by marriage, it is believed that both young men and women should wait until they have come of age. Frequent sex with many different partners tends to be looked down upon and viewed as wasteful or greedy; sex with blood relatives and animals is also taboo. Being bonded to another person does not necessarily mean that both will only exclusively have sex with each other; that is something stipulated in the bonding vows. It is quite common and normal for men and women to have two or three other lovers throughout their marriage. As far as sexuality is concerned, sex between two men or two women is actually quite common, and nothing dictated in the laws, culture, or the Faith gives any reason to think otherwise. Each person has their own degree of attraction to males and females, and most tend to gravitate towards one or the other. Most people in the White Coast will have had lovers of both genders in their lifetime. While sexual union between opposites brings forth offspring, the people of the White Coast also view same gender sex as natural; in their minds, sex is sex, and each gender has something to offer which the other cannot.

Hekélène is the only member of the Septheon to demonstrate both negative and positive traits, and her official purpose within in the Septheon is difficult to distinguish. Many people believe Hekélène’s role is to test them with lies and misfortune to see if they are worthy of the blessings of the Creator and Septheon. Further still, Hekélène is the mother of witches, creatures despised by many in the White Coast, and this knowledge has created concrete factions within the Faith itself. In addition to battling lies and misfortune, some people believe that witches are simply another thing to be purged from society; this faction argues that humans are the perfect creations, and because witches are different they are therefore wrong. The fact that witches were created by Hekélène is usually written off by stating that it is part of the test, set to confuse the Creator’s children. On the opposite end, others view the witches as being positively different with the true test being to accept their differences. As is the trend with religion, there are a many different opinions concerning Hekélène and her role concerning humans and witches.

The bonding ceremony is the White Coast equivalent to marriage. Bonding is usually the result of love or duty, and focuses on the tying of bonds. The bonding ceremony itself is standard: friends and family gather and witness the ceremony; soil from the land of both families is put into a jar to represent the joining of the two houses. The couple then pricks a finger and each one squeezes a drop of their blood into the jar as well, signifying the couple becoming one in body and blood. The two then exchange their bond vows. After this ceremony is over, the newly bonded couple goes on a pilgrimage to the White Coast. Once arrived, the two empty their jar into the ocean and wash it in the sea to signify new beginnings. Finally, the couple then gathers sand together and fills the jar to the brim, re-covering it with the lid. In this final step, the white, glittering sand represents the purity of their new relationship as a bonded couple. Although bonding typically occurs between a man and a woman for the purpose of love or joining households in order to produce more wealth and offspring, the ceremony has no actual limit to gender. In truth, there is no true ‘marriage’ in the White Coast. The bonding ceremony is simply a promise or pact between two people: it can be used as a sign of friendship or love, the promise to pay back a debt or take care of a dying parent’s child. Uniting households is simply the majority case, and there are same gendered couples bonded in love (though it is far less common). All bondings are taken down by a registrar.

Sex in the White Coast is viewed as sacred and a gift from the Creator. While it is not restricted by marriage, it is believed that both young men and women should wait until they have come of age. Frequent sex with many different partners tends to be looked down upon and viewed as wasteful or greedy; sex with blood relatives and animals is also taboo. Being bonded to another person does not necessarily mean that both will only exclusively have sex with each other; that is something stipulated in the bonding vows. It is quite common and normal for men and women to have two or three other lovers throughout their marriage. As far as sexuality is concerned, sex between two men or two women is actually quite common, and nothing dictated in the laws, culture, or the Faith gives any reason to think otherwise. Each person has their own degree of attraction to males and females, and most tend to gravitate towards one or the other. Most people in the White Coast will have had lovers of both genders in their lifetime. While sexual union between opposites brings forth offspring, the people of the White Coast also view same gender sex as natural; in their minds, sex is sex, and each gender has something to offer which the other cannot.

Omnipresent Sex Symbol

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xx Damsel Azure Scrappy || 32 || Fae/Human Halfie

xxxxxxxx Merchant Extraordinaire || Mage || K33LA

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                                          -------------------∬ THE'BASICS
                                          "Hello, I'm Damsel... Azure Scrappy! It's pretty, right? Pick your favorite!"

                                          "I'm only 32 years old! Or was it 31?"

                                          "I'm a girl! Er, woman..."

                                          "My parents always tell me I'm special, and I think they're right! My mother is a Fae and my father is human, but we've always lived away from most human settlements. A lot of them don't like us. I wish that wasn't the case! I'm so much fun!"

                                          "I-I'm a mage, I swear! I can cast spells, honest! Just, uh, lemme find that sheet I wrote some down on!"

                                          "Hmm, I guess I sell things... What's that word again? Um... Merchant! Yes, that's the one. I gotta get around somehow, you know? I can't afford this lifestyle for free!"

                                          "I've bounced, hehe, back and forth between a lot of places in my life, mainly Atra Nemus and Lacuna Village. They allll know my name there! So much fun! Geez, I really miss them. I also lived in Ferien's Caves for a couple years in my early childhood. Those Anthros aren't as scarey as they look!"

                                          "I have terrible orientation! My sense of direction stinks!"

                                          "I'm a perfect 5'8 and I weigh 133 pounds... last time I checked. Oh gosh, I need to stop eating all that chocolate!"

                                          "One time I was walking down stairs and -- Oh, look at that pretty bird! How lovely..."

                                          Oooh, I'm pretty easy going, I guess. Sometimes I get sad or angry, but I tend to get over it quickly, you know? There's no reason anyone should just... sit in those kind of emotions! Or is it stand? Um, nevermind.

                                          Aaanywaaay, I try my best to stay happy, find the good in every situation, discover something to be glad about! It doesn't always work, but I'd give myself an 'A for effort.' People say I'm pretty clumsy, but I think life likes to throw me curve balls... A lot of curve balls!

                                          Hmm, what else can I tell you? Oh! I really like people! They're so interesting: Fae, Anthro, Human, Elf, and Dwarf! The five races are all so different; I love learning about them! I think that's why I love to travel so much. That way, I can meet all sorts of fun people! As for myself, I'm a halfie. My mother was a Fae, she was so small and pretty! Even in her human form, I grew taller than her in my early teens. She gave me my pretty blonde hair and blue eyes. They're actually what I'm named after: Azure. But, uh, that's just one of my names! I have several.

                                          From my dad, I got my caramel colored skin (they thought they were going to name me caramel at first), but he was waaaaaaay darker than I am! And he was huge, even for a human! Their height difference put me right in the middle. I'm just right!

                                          Gosh, I really miss them. They both passed a few years back...

                                          Maybe hearing about a Fae and a Human together is a bit strange for you? I know there aren't a whole lot of interracial couples and halfie children outside Atra Billis. I can tell you how they met, if you would like! Maybe that will help it make more sense? Okay, just sit tight! Hehe, I love this story!

                                          Well, my father came from Teocria originally, and he traveled to Atra Nemus deep in the forest in order to meet the Faeries. He had an uncommon disease that was incurable by human medicines, so he set out to find and employ the legendary healing skills possessed by the Fae. To make a long story short, my mother and father met during the months of his treatment. By the end of his stay, both of them have fallen in looove! Wow! It was weird for him, I think - especially coming from a family like his. They're not very... supportive of the other races, let alone interracial relationships. Needless to say, he was disowned when he returned with the news of his new wife and child-to-be. I've only met them once or twice in my childhood, but... the memories aren't exactly my favorite.

                                          Bah! Positive thinking, right? Let's see... If they had accepted us, my parents and I probably wouldn't have been as close as we had been, right? Okay, yeah.

                                          So, er, what next? Hmmm... Ah, got it! I grew up all over Atra Billis. My parents always said life was too short to live in one place! Wanted me to have a lot of experiences and memories. For the most part, we either stayed in Atra Nemus or Lacuna Village, but I lived most everywhere there is to be in the forest. Ferien's cave was probably the most interesting one of all! We even went out of the forest occasionally. I learned so much from my trips, and my parents taught me everything they knew! I inherited my magical aptitude from my mother. I owe a lot of my unique abilities to her Fae-blood.

                                          But yeah, my life has always been pretty happy. I think I'm luckier than most people. I've even met the love of my life! Sylith. I met Sylith when I was only a kid; we grew up together in Lacuna Village (well, during the periods I lived there). We weren't together until much later, and we weren't really all that close at first. Seasonal friends, really. The best is yet to come, however! My parents decided to settle down at Atra Nemus eventually. My dad was getting older (he was in his 30's when they met), and I think they wanted some time off the road. Well, I was around 18 or 19 at that point, and I wasn't quite ready to end my travels. I set out on my own! Funnily enough, Sylith did the same thing around then too, and we somehow met in the middle. Well, we were actually attacked by bandits, but we worked our way out of that one well enough...

                                          Anyway, after seeing Sy all those years later, I was really impressed! Sylith had become an amazing rogue: fast, strong, cunning. It seemed like a good idea to stick together. My magic came in handy too, and since we already knew each other, our joining made the most sense. From that point on, we were inseparable. I'm not quite sure how or why it happened, but the two of us became close quickly. It wasn't long before we started getting more intimate, both emotionally and physically. Sy made me feel more special and important than anyone ever! Aside from my parents, of course, but that's a different kind of love. We traveled around together for the next ten or so years, and the two of us went on all sorts of adventures! It came to an end eventually, however...

                                          My father became sick again, this time with a new illness none of us had heard of before. Despite my mother's magic and the aid of other Faeries, there was nothing they could do. When I discovered this, Sylith and I journeyed back to Atra Nemus to be with my mother and father. It was the last time we were all together, and my memories of that period were both happy and sad ones. A few months after we had returned, my father passed away. He was about 63 by then. Unfortunately, my mother didn't last long without him. Although Faeries live long lifespans, nothing could save her from the grief of losing her husband. They were soul mates; without her other half my mother couldn't go on.

                                          Around the time mom's health began to deteriorate, Sy became restless. Sylith's uneasiness disturbed me, especially during such a sad time in my own life. I knew something bad would happen... Sure enough, Sy disappeared without much of an explanation... That was the worst part of my life, undoubtedly. Everyone who was important to me was gone, dead, or dying. There were some days I could barely get out of bed, but I had to stay strong for my mom. I wouldn't let her see me sad, not when she had so little time left. It would be another year before my mother finally passed...

                                          On her deathbed she made me promise to follow my heart and to never let others rule over me. She wanted me to be my own person... A few days before she died, my mother gave me an old Fae artifact. She never explained exactly what it is, but I don't care. It's the last thing she gave me, and I'll treasure it forever...

                                          It was then, shortly before I turned 30, that I went after Sylith. It's been almost three years since then... I've been searching all this time, looking for clues as to what happened and where we might meet. Only a few times have I found any honest leads. I have so many unanswered questions and so much I want to say; finding Sylith is the only thing that matters to me now.

                                          Geez, that kind of got sad near the end, didn't it?! Bah, hopefully it wasn't too annoying! I'm not complaining, I swear. I guess I get carried away, especially on a topic I have so much to talk about. I promise I'll keep quiet for a while!


Omnipresent Sex Symbol

кυиαℓ ѕα'ιя мαнαραтяα
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Prince of gяα∂ιυѕ

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            Kunal silenced himself immediately when his sister spoke. Bashirah was alive, and all was right. Yet the prince found his panic quickly replaced itself with shame. It was not correct to showcase his emotions in such a manner. It was a sign of a weak mind, body and spirit. Emotion was imperfection, and imperfection was... impossible. He was perfect. Perfect. Perfect.

                                k i l lxx i t . . .

            He had to focus, to return to the situation at hand. Entertaining dangerous thoughts was a waste of time... Yes, a waste. As they all were released, Kunal absorbed the ideas bouncing back and forth, many of them ludicrous. When Bashirah refuted the plan offered by Remus, Kunal had to agree with his sister. Released from his bindings, he came to rest behind his sister, forcing his steps to match a comfortable, even rhythm; it would be shameful to appear over eager.

            "Bashirah is correct. The idea of drugging that Goliath is idiotic at best, though the Shastan's abilities give me hope. The only way to control the beast is to control the sand beneath it - we should use Kora and Adora's earth manipulation to our advantage. Our best bet at victory would be to trap it, pin it down somehow, and vanquish it there where it is most vulnerable... besides the concern for the safety those consumed, which in all honestly seems rather arbitrary, there is still another problem. Even if we do manage to restrain it, where is its weakness? As my sister pointed out, it has no blood, no veins. Is there even a heart for us to cut out? We must first discern its weaknesses in order to--"

            At that moment, Sonya's snarling voice cut clean through his speech. Kunal did not like being interrupted, especially by an elf. It was odd how far Sonya's personality had jumped over the last few minutes - had she not been gracious and respectful a short time ago? What kind of game was she at? All the more infuriating was the body of her rant. She dared to label Kunal and Bashirah idiotic and lazy? What did she know about the life they had lead, the hardships both of them had faced? He could care less about the other four royals present; as far as he was concerned, everything the elven woman spat applied to them. But himself? Never.

            She knew nothing.

            "Shut your mouth, elven dog," he said. Just then, a realization passed his mind, and Kunal scanned the room. His search was in vain, his suspicions confirmed. Out of all those present in the chamber, there was one who was missing.

            "Where is Aurelia?" Kunal asked, voice blank. Although Kunal would never consider associating himself with a servant, he found Aurelia's absence disturbing. She had been with the twins as a constant companions since the two were young, her figure always looming in the background. In a way, the twins were closer to her than their own parents. It was odd to have regards of any sort to one so far beneath him. There was simply something about her he could not hate. Bashirah felt the same, he was sure. Her presence was... soothing. She rarely made mistakes. When she did, Kunal could never bring himself to be too harsh with her. He looked to Bashirah for a brief exchange. Lightly, two of his fingers brushed his temple. The thought that she was missing did not cause Kunal to panic; it was merely disheartening...

            Yes, he thought, merely disheartening.

Omnipresent Sex Symbol

And You Should Never Ever Forget The All Important Rainbow Text!!!

Omnipresent Sex Symbol

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x x x x x x x x x x
∂αмѕєℓ αzυяє ѕ¢яαρρу

Yes, I've been brokenhearted, blue since the day we parted...

Why, why did I ever let you go?
Mamma mia, now I really know, my, my, I could never let you go!


            Oooh, I'm pretty easy going, I guess. Sometimes I get sad or angry, but I tend to get over it quickly, you know? There's no reason anyone should just... sit in those kind of emotions! Or is it stand? Um, nevermind.

            Aaanywaaay, I try my best to stay happy, find the good in every situation, discover something to be glad about! It doesn't always work, but I'd give myself an 'A for effort.' People say I'm pretty clumsy, but I think life likes to throw me curve balls... A lot of curve balls!

            Hmm, what else can I tell you? Oh! I really like people! They're so interesting: Fae, Anthro, Human, Elf, and Dwarf! The five races are all so different; I love learning about them! I think that's why I love to travel so much. That way, I can meet all sorts of fun people! As for myself, I'm a halfie. My mother was a Fae, she was so small and pretty! Even in her human form, I grew taller than her in my early teens. She gave me my pretty blonde hair and blue eyes. They're actually what I'm named after: Azure. But, uh, that's just one of my names! I have several.

            From my dad, I got my caramel colored skin (they thought they were going to name me caramel at first), but he was waaaaaaay darker than I am! And he was huge, even for a human! Their height difference put me right in the middle. I'm just right!

            Gosh, I really miss them. They both passed a few years back...

            Maybe hearing about a Fae and a Human together is a bit strange for you? I know there aren't a whole lot of interracial couples and halfie children outside Atra Billis. I can tell you how they met, if you would like! Maybe that will help it make more sense? Okay, just sit tight! Hehe, I love this story!

            Well, my father came from Teocria originally, and he traveled to Atra Nemus deep in the forest in order to meet the Faeries. He had an uncommon disease that was incurable by human medicines, so he set out to find and employ the legendary healing skills possessed by the Fae. To make a long story short, my mother and father met during the months of his treatment. By the end of his stay, both of them have fallen in looove! Wow! It was weird for him, I think - especially coming from a family like his. They're not very... supportive of the other races, let alone interracial relationships. Needless to say, he was disowned when he returned with the news of his new wife and child-to-be. I've only met them once or twice in my childhood, but... the memories aren't exactly my favorite.

            Bah! Positive thinking, right? Let's see... If they had accepted us, my parents and I probably wouldn't have been as close as we had been, right? Okay, yeah.

            So, er, what next? Hmmm... Ah, got it! I grew up all over Atra Billis. My parents always said life was too short to live in one place! Wanted me to have a lot of experiences and memories. For the most part, we either stayed in Atra Nemus or Lacuna Village, but I lived most everywhere there is to be in the forest. Ferien's cave was probably the most interesting one of all! We even went out of the forest occasionally. I learned so much from my trips, and my parents taught me everything they knew! I inherited my magical aptitude from my mother. I owe a lot of my unique abilities to her Fae-blood.

            But yeah, my life has always been pretty happy. I think I'm luckier than most people. I've even met the love of my life! Sylith. I met Sylith when I was only a kid; we grew up together in Lacuna Village (well, during the periods I lived there). We weren't together until much later, and we weren't really all that close at first. Seasonal friends, really. The best is yet to come, however! My parents decided to settle down at Atra Nemus eventually. My dad was getting older (he was in his 30's when they met), and I think they wanted some time off the road. Well, I was around 18 or 19 at that point, and I wasn't quite ready to end my travels. I set out on my own! Funnily enough, Sylith did the same thing around then too, and we somehow met in the middle. Well, we were actually attacked by bandits, but we worked our way out of that one well enough...

            Anyway, after seeing Sy all those years later, I was really impressed! Sylith had become an amazing rogue: fast, strong, cunning. It seemed like a good idea to stick together. My magic came in handy too, and since we already knew each other, our joining made the most sense. From that point on, we were inseparable. I'm not quite sure how or why it happened, but the two of us became close quickly. It wasn't long before we started getting more intimate, both emotionally and physically. Sy made me feel more special and important than anyone ever! Aside from my parents, of course, but that's a different kind of love. We traveled around together for the next ten or so years, and the two of us went on all sorts of adventures! It came to an end eventually, however...

            My father became sick again, this time with a new illness none of us had heard of before. Despite my mother's magic and the aid of other Faeries, there was nothing they could do. When I discovered this, Sylith and I journeyed back to Atra Nemus to be with my mother and father. It was the last time we were all together, and my memories of that period were both happy and sad ones. A few months after we had returned, my father passed away. He was about 63 by then. Unfortunately, my mother didn't last long without him. Although Faeries live long lifespans, nothing could save her from the grief of losing her husband. They were soul mates; without her other half my mother couldn't go on.

            Around the time mom's health began to deteriorate, Sy became restless. Sylith's uneasiness disturbed me, especially during such a sad time in my own life. I knew something bad would happen... Sure enough, Sy disappeared without much of an explanation... That was the worst part of my life, undoubtedly. Everyone who was important to me was gone, dead, or dying. There were some days I could barely get out of bed, but I had to stay strong for my mom. I wouldn't let her see me sad, not when she had so little time left. It would be another year before my mother finally passed...

            On her deathbed she made me promise to follow my heart and to never let others rule over me. She wanted me to be my own person... A few days before she died, my mother gave me an old Fae artifact. She never explained exactly what it is, but I don't care. It's the last thing she gave me, and I'll treasure it forever...

            It was then, shortly before I turned 30, that I went after Sylith. It's been almost three years since then... I've been searching all this time, looking for clues as to what happened and where we might meet. Only a few times have I found any honest leads. I have so many unanswered questions and so much I want to say; finding Sylith is the only thing that matters to me now.

            Geez, that kind of got sad near the end, didn't it?! Bah, hopefully it wasn't too annoying! I'm not complaining, I swear. I guess I get carried away, especially on a topic I have so much to talk about. I promise I'll keep quiet for a while!

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Late at night, Ryan finally appeared before Hecketh. As she said, the old woman was waiting for him in the main room, standing somewhere in the shadows as Keela and Rachel slept. When he arrived and quietly announced his presence, the crone stepped from the darkness, the moonlight spilling over her features. Her deep wrinkles stretched and pulled, forming into a strange sort of smile as she approached him. Her visage, her very presence, was nothing short of sinister. She has seemingly changed from before, no longer cackling crone she had been when they first met. She was darker now, exuding more power than she had before. What caused the witch to change her behavior so? What did it mean for the young man in front of her? Friend or foe - which of these was she to the Outsiders?

"Follow me, child," she said plainly, the mysterious smile still planted firmly on her face. As the two walked, twisting down the various corners of her house, Hecketh continued. "You feel them, do you not? The threads of magic which cover this plane of existence? I believe you do, though you are not fully aware of it at this point. Ryan, you and I are one in the same." Stopping, she turned to meet him face to face. "You are a witch."

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The old woman looked more sinister in the moonlight. No, it wasn't the moonlight. The witch had changed. Her once crazed personality and figure seemed, diminished. Had she always been this way? Was the Hecketh they knew all an act? The woman was stronger, he could feel power coursing around her. Some of the power felt dark and malevolent, he had a feeling there was some righteous magic within her. (At least he hoped.) Ryan had been hoping for something less terrifying. He wasn't sure whether he should listen to her, or if he should run, run like the devil himself was chasing him.

When she beckoned him to follow, Ryan nodded and trailed anxiously behind her. Hecketh, seemed absorbed in what she was explaining. Ryan was a witch. Stopping abruptly, Ryan had to wrap his head around what she was saying. So, did that mean he could fly on a broom? Surely not. Assuming his definition of witch was correct, he could make potions. "Hang on. Let me get this straight. I'm a witch?" He rubbed his temples. God, being an Outsider was rough. "So, I am guessing I have a lot to learn?" Looking Hecketh dead in the eyes, he smiled. Being a witch could be cool! He finally had an ability. While Nao could turn invisible, and Rachel could heal people, Ryan could use magic! He felt special; finally he had some use in the group.

"Teach me all you can." Wanting to assimilate as much as possible, Ryan wished he had a pen and paper to take notes. The witch was wise and undoubtedly powerful. The shrew could probably take down an army with a single spell. If Ryan was wise, he would fear her.

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"I will teach you as much as I can with the time allotted," she responded. "You will learn quickly, I suspect, if you are as talented as I believe you to be." Hecketh turned and continued slowly down the corridors of her home, though her explanation did not stop there. "Witches in Volta - and all over the world, truly - have often been persecuted for their unique abilities. First and foremost, I must stress to you the importance of keeping your identity as a witch hidden. It must be kept solely to yourself and those you trust - whether or not you can truly trust anyone among your party will be for you to decide. A witch's blood is their source of power; anyone can make a potion, you see, but it is our blood which brings the spell to life." She continued her journey, Ryan close behind, and paused for a few moments. Her hair began to shift then, braiding itself into a neat plait. "There are more spells and recipes out there than you could ever hope to learn, and they all have the potential to bring ruin upon yourself and others. A love potion may be more costly than you realize... Measurements must be precise, for one careless mistake will destroy you."

The two of them came to rest before a large black door. Although it appeared much like the other doors littered through the rest of the house, this one was obviously different. The door itself was anything but static; it seemed to move and shift on its own. She turned her head to face him and asked if the boy was ready. "Beyond this door is a realm of magic, an epicenter of the black arts. It is from places like this, dimensions like this, that witches are said to draw their power from. I have created this place to act as my laboratory, and it is here that we shall train each night. Someday, if you are skilled enough, you may be able to create your own. I will merely supervise and guide you - the rest I shall leave to you. We will practice until you feel too tired to continue. If you will," she said, gesturing to the door handle.

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Magic in general was dangerous, Ryan understood that. What he had trouble wrapping his head around was how he was going to keep this a secret. He knew he had to tell Ravi. There was no doubt there. Ravi was his leader, so he should know. As to who else he wanted to tell, for whatever odd reason, he wanted to tell Aliona. Sure she was an assassin, but he knew deep down she had a heart. Plus, they had potential to be friends. Everyone else would be kept in the darkness. He didn't want to wake up to someone trying to drain his blood; talk about a rude awakening.

Paying close attention to Hecketh as she spoke, Ryan nodded when he needed to. The idea of thousands of spells intimidated him. How could he learn it all? Time. That was all he needed. Sure, eventually he could become a witch as powerful as Hecketh, maybe. Arriving at a black door, Ryan stopped for a second. He took a moment to evaluate the door, and the obvious power within it. Now all he had to do was open it. Giving Hecketh a questioning look, he grabbed the handle, twisted and pulled it open. The door revealed a room that was dark, ominous, and foggy. Taking a step forward, Ryan fell to his knees. It almost felt like all of the bones in his body were gone. He felt like a glob of jelly. It took him a minute before he could stand steadily.

This was her laboratory. The dark room was filled with silver shelves; housing various vials, beakers, and ingredients. Ryan was surprised to see a jar of toad eyes. Interesting.

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Ryan reacted just as Hecketh had expected - stepping into another dimension was difficult the first few times, after all. Once he had regained his footing, Hecketh entered the room behind him, the door shutting of its own volition. She waited patiently as he examined the room before him, his natural curiosity expected. After Ryan seemed satisfied and a bit more 'at home,' (if that concept was possible in such a place) she moved to a table within the dark, smokey room and placed her hand on a large, worn-looking book.

"Ryan, from this spell book, you will learn the basics of our dark profession. Memorize all you can, for your memory will be your greatest weapon. It must become an archive, filled with the spells you shall learn here and abroad. Your apprenticeship with me will be short, but I know you will be an apt pupil. Once you have left my forest, I implore you to seek other forms of study - spell books, tomes, other witches. They will all be of great assistance and vital to the expansion of your power." She paused for a moment, as if to think, and then continued: "When you feel ready, you may open the book and begin. I suggest you begin with the first chapter. If you have any questions, you are free to ask me."

Hecketh stepped back then, allowing Ryan full access to the table. For now, she would simply watch him; the crone was sure he would need little help - the magic was in his blood, after all. Hecketh, who was not an easy woman to impress, was intrigued by Ryan's latent potential; she had come across few who matched him. And so it began, the making of a witch. Ryan poured over the pages of the spell book, taking in page after page. He studied each one carefully, gathering materials and brewing a few simple potions. The p***k of blood required to activate each concoction hurt at first, but Ryan soon became used to the sensation; eventually, he almost looked forward to it. Although the spells and potions her worked on that night were easy, the boy realized just how powerful witchcraft could be; flesh melting liquids, potions of blindness, insanity, and poison. If he learned to master this art, he would be unstoppable.

Together, the two remained within the confines of the odd room the entire night, returning only after Ryan was exhausted.

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                                                        Hekélène is the only member of the Septheon to demonstrate both negative and positive traits, and her official purpose within in the Septheon is difficult to distinguish. Many people believe Hekélène’s role is to test them with lies and misfortune to see if they are worthy of the blessings of the Creator and Septheon. Further still, Hekélène is the mother of witches, creatures despised by many in the White Coast, and this knowledge has created concrete factions within the Faith itself. In addition to battling lies and misfortune, some people believe that witches are simply another thing to be purged from society; this faction argues that humans are the perfect creations, and because witches are different they are therefore wrong. The fact that witches were created by Hekélène is usually written off by stating that it is part of the test, set to confuse the Creator’s children. On the opposite end, others view the witches as being positively different with the true test being to accept their differences. As is the trend with religion, there are a many different opinions concerning Hekélène and her role concerning humans and witches.

                                                        The bonding ceremony is the White Coast equivalent to marriage. Bonding is usually the result of love or duty, and focuses on the tying of bonds. The bonding ceremony itself is standard: friends and family gather and witness the ceremony; soil from the land of both families is put into a jar to represent the joining of the two houses. The couple then pricks a finger and each one squeezes a drop of their blood into the jar as well, signifying the couple becoming one in body and blood. The two then exchange their bond vows. After this ceremony is over, the newly bonded couple goes on a pilgrimage to the White Coast. Once arrived, the two empty their jar into the ocean and wash it in the sea to signify new beginnings. Finally, the couple then gathers sand together and fills the jar to the brim, re-covering it with the lid. In this final step, the white, glittering sand represents the purity of their new relationship as a bonded couple. Although bonding typically occurs between a man and a woman for the purpose of love or joining households in order to produce more wealth and offspring, the ceremony has no actual limit to gender. In truth, there is no true ‘marriage’ in the White Coast. The bonding ceremony is simply a promise or pact between two people: it can be used as a sign of friendship or love, the promise to pay back a debt or take care of a dying parent’s child. Uniting households is simply the majority case, and there are same gendered couples bonded in love (though it is far less common). All bondings are taken down by a registrar.

                                                        Sex in the White Coast is viewed as sacred and a gift from the Creator. While it is not restricted by marriage, it is believed that both young men and women should wait until they have come of age. Frequent sex with many different partners tends to be looked down upon and viewed as wasteful or greedy; sex with blood relatives and animals is also taboo. Being bonded to another person does not necessarily mean that both will only exclusively have sex with each other; that is something stipulated in the bonding vows. It is quite common and normal for men and women to have two or three other lovers throughout their marriage. As far as sexuality is concerned, sex between two men or two women is actually quite common, and nothing dictated in the laws, culture, or the Faith gives any reason to think otherwise. Each person has their own degree of attraction to males and females, and most tend to gravitate towards one or the other. Most people in the White Coast will have had lovers of both genders in their lifetime. While sexual union between opposites brings forth offspring, the people of the White Coast also view same gender sex as natural; in their minds, sex is sex, and each gender has something to offer which the other cannot.

                                                        Hekélène is the only member of the Septheon to demonstrate both negative and positive traits, and her official purpose within in the Septheon is difficult to distinguish. Many people believe Hekélène’s role is to test them with lies and misfortune to see if they are worthy of the blessings of the Creator and Septheon. Further still, Hekélène is the mother of witches, creatures despised by many in the White Coast, and this knowledge has created concrete factions within the Faith itself. In addition to battling lies and misfortune, some people believe that witches are simply another thing to be purged from society; this faction argues that humans are the perfect creations, and because witches are different they are therefore wrong. The fact that witches were created by Hekélène is usually written off by stating that it is part of the test, set to confuse the Creator’s children. On the opposite end, others view the witches as being positively different with the true test being to accept their differences. As is the trend with religion, there are a many different opinions concerning Hekélène and her role concerning humans and witches.

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        Bashirah didn’t even bother to wind the turret up again when the final blow had been landed. Frozen only momentarily, paralyzed partially by disbelief, partially by awe, the Gradian princess bolted for the staircase, her feet barely touching the steps as she flew down.

        By the time she reached the sandy square, the monster had just about completely disintegrated. From it emerged a darkness, a smoky shadow. That must have been the dark magic animating the carcass in the first place. It almost got away, but it was trapped in a chest by one of the elves, Lun, and consequently banished. Not soon after, the sky darkened and rain began to fall from the clouds. That’s when she noticed Kunal across a dune.

        He had arrived much the same as his sister, bounding down the tunnels and steps which had lead him to his place in the sand. His heart beat a mile a minute, sounding powerfully with each deep, hurried breath he took. Something was different now, something he hadn't felt before - he was elated. Kunal felt as if he was on top of the world, and this time he wasn't alone. They had all worked together to fell the beast, and the fruits of their labor had been worthwhile.

        Kunal caught his sister's eyes, and he could see she was feeling the same. Maybe there was still hope for the both of them? Before he knew it, his feet were carrying him to her side. When she saw him coming, she did the same. They met in the middle, apart from the surge of people that were helping those from the sand. Kunal picked Bashirah from the ground and swung her in his arms. He was giddy, ensnared in the joyful mood - even he could not deny it. He smiled at her, and for once, he was surprised it didn't hurt to do so.

        For a moment, their mutual joyous actions came naturally to them, Gradian principles temporarily (and astonishingly) erased from their immediate consciousnesses. But, again, it was only for a fleeting moment. The uneven sand plus the force of Bashirah's impact into Kunal's arms knocked him off-balance; when her heels sank into the ground after their short albeit honest embrace, it was really like coming back down to earth. Bashirah cleared her throat. She distanced herself from her brother. So many people... paranoid, she glanced around to see if they were paying any attention. Advantageously, they all seemed preoccupied by the hands of those swallowed popping up all around.

        The princess used this factor as an excuse. "Our duty is not yet complete," she announced, trying to conceal pleasure with responsibility. "Come Kunal, let us join the others." Her expression, at that point, had settled back into stoic straightness, but there was energy undeniably emanating from her. Without further ado, Bashirah rushed over to the first helpless fingers she could find.

        Eyes meeting, Kunal also felt his face straighten once more - now was not the time for silliness. He went to follow his sister, yet when his feet moved this time they had an opposite effect; it was as if each step drained him of his previous elation. Stopping short of the crowd, Kunal withdrew in upon himself.

        What am I doing? This is not how I behave...

        He was acting so whimsically, his heart overwhelming his judgement - it wasn't right. Why should Kunal feel anything for these people trapped under the sand? Why should he feel any connection to the others who helped defeat the beast? Why should Bashirah? Weren't they all beneath them?

        Looking up, he watched his sister intently. She was enthralled in her work, not a hint of doubt on her face.

        Why does she help them? Shouldn't she be at my side? Or am I supposed to be at hers?

        Although he wanted to go to her, to stop her and remind her of who she was, Kunal did not move. Simply, he stared at her with wonder, unable to understand why she continued to do what she was doing. Hadn't her lapse in judgement come to an end?

        I want to join her, said a soft voice somewhere inside. Swiftly, he was isolated once more; whether Bashirah was with him in his solitude, he couldn't decide. Hadn't they always been together before?

        Despite her brother's hesitation (which she did not even really notice), Bashirah plunged into the effort. Though her current attire did little to aid her in this mission -- high heels sinking into the sand -- she did not let that slow her down. In fact, she eventually just took her shoes off entirely. This turned out to be a good idea for more than one reason; jolting, startled, Bashirah felt fingertips brush and tickle the bottom of her foot.

        She had found someone!

        Quickly, she began to dig until an entire hand was revealed. With every ounce of strength, she pulled; then a wrist appeared. Then an elbow. A shoulder. And finally, the face of a gasping man. With most of his upper body freed, it was only a matter of seconds until he would be fully above the sand. With one final, forceful tug, Bashirah miscalculated and pulled a bit too hard. The man nearly flew out of the pit and knocked her over.

        Before she could sweep the hair that had fallen before her eyes, a pair of hands grabbed the sides of her face and brought it almost desperately forward.

        And Bashirah could not tell if it was sand or five o'clock shadow that gently scraped her skin as the rescued man thanked her with a breathless kiss.

        It was only after the fact that the man had even bothered to brush the sand from his eyes. Sitting, dumbfounded, stupefied, the Gradian princess clutched the lap of her dress tightly enough to cramp her hands. When her eyes finally managed to look back to the man she had rescued, he froze mid-cough. A smile splayed itself across his mouth, as if he had just realized that, luckily for him, he had blindly kissed a very pretty girl. Bashirah hastily got to her feet and scurried away, mumbling something about helping others.

        Watching Bashirah put Kunal in a daze, though the exact reason he could not determine. She felt... distant, apart from him, and never before had he experienced such a sensation, however vaguely. By the time she was finished, the Dradecan King had begun his speech. Kunal would have to put this feeling behind him for now and focus on the speech at hand. He made his way to the rest of the group, giving them all a slight nod of recognition (they deserved at least that much, if anything). Listening to the King's words, Kunal was unsure whether to be honored or unimpressed. After all, he really didn't like elves... but when the King and Queen bowed before him and his companions (and subsequently the whole crowd), the Gradian swelled with pride. They had accomplished no small feat.

        Unlike her brother, Bashirah felt immersed in otherness; drowning, she found it hard to breathe. All of them, everyone, everywhere... they bowed to them, even the elves, whom the Gradians despised, and were likewise despised by. They did not know her. And yet, here they paid their respects. The princess knew that their accomplishment was at least worthy of some recognition, and while she was not unfamiliar with an entire nation bowing to her, there was something about this that was vastly different. A tad disturbing.

        Bashirah knew feeling this much was dangerous, especially for someone like her, with her... frailties. But this she could not run from. And so, with her hands clenched at her sides, resolute, she let the world in, just a little bit.


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    RED Crimson Darkred Firebrick Indianred Maroon Tomato

    BROWN Burlywood Chocolate Darkkhaki Peru Saddlebrown Sandybrown Sienna Tan

    PINK Bisque Blanchedalmond Darksalmon Deeppink Magenta Fuchsia Hotpink Lightpink Lightsalmon Navajowhite Palevioletred Peachpuff Salmon Wheat Moccasin

    ORANGECoral Darkorange Orangered

    YELLOW Darkgoldenrod Gold Goldenrod Khaki Palegoldenrod

    GREEN Chartreuse Darkgreen Darkolivegreen Darkseagreen Forestgreen Seagreen Greenyellow Lawngreen Lightgreen Lime Limegreen Mediumseagreen Mediumspringgreen Olive Olivedrab Palegreen Springgreen YellowGreen

    BLUE Aqua Aquamarine Cadetblue Cornflowerblue Cyan Darkblue Darkcyan Darkslateblue Darkturquoise Deepskyblue Dodgerblue Lightblue Lightseagreen Lightskyblue Lightsteelblue Mediumaquamarine Mediumblue Mediumslateblue Mediumturquoise Midnightblue Navy Paleturquoise Powderblue Royalblue Skyblue Slateblue Steelblue Teal Turquoise

    PURPLE Blueviolet Darkmagenta Darkorchid Darkviolet Indigo Mediumorchid Mediumpurple Mediumvioletred Orchid Plum Rosybrown Thistle Violet

    BLACKGRAY Darkgray Darkslategray Dimgray Gainsboro Lightgrey Lightslategray Silver Slategray

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Á á Ć ć É é Í í Ĺ ĺ Ń ń Ó ó Ŕ ŕ Ś ś Ú ú Ý ý Ź ź À à È è Ì ì Ò ò Ù ù  â Ĉ ĉ Ê ê Ĝ ĝ Ĥ ĥ Î î Ĵ ĵ Ô ô Ŝ ŝ Û û Ŵ ŵ Ŷ ŷ Ä ä Ë ë Ï ï Ö ö Ü ü Ÿ ÿ ß Ã ã Ẽ ẽ Ĩ ĩ Ñ ñ Õ õ Ũ ũ Ỹ ỹ Ç ç Ģ ģ Ķ ķ Ļ ļ Ņ ņ Ŗ ŗ Ş ş Ţ ţ Đ đ Ů ů Ǎ ǎ Č č Ď ď Ě ě Ǐ ǐ Ľ ľ Ň ň Ǒ ǒ Ř ř Š š Ť ť Ǔ ǔ Ž ž Ā ā Ē ē Ī ī Ō ō Ū ū ǖ ǘ ǚ ǜ Ă ă Ĕ ĕ Ğ ğ Ĭ ĭ Ŏ ŏ Ŭ ŭ Ċ ċ Ė ė Ġ ġ İ ı Ż ż Ą ą Ę ę Į į Ų ų Ł ł Ő ő Ű ű Ŀ ŀ Ħ ħ Ð ð Þ þ Œ œ Æ æ Ø ø Å å Ə ə •

Ά ά Έ έ Ή ή Ί ί Ό ό Ύ ύ Ώ ώ Α α Β β Γ γ Δ δ Ε ε Ζ ζ Η η Θ θ Ι ι Κ κ Λ λ Μ μ Ν ν Ξ ξ Ο ο Π π Ρ ρ Σ σ ς Τ τ Υ υ Φ φ Χ χ Ψ ψ Ω ω • •

А а Б б В в Г г Ґ ґ Ѓ ѓ Д д Ђ ђ Е е Ё ё Є є Ж ж З з Ѕ ѕ И и І і Ї ї Й й Ј ј К к Ќ ќ Л л Љ љ М м Н н Њ њ О о П п Р р С с Т т Ћ ћ У у Ў ў Ф ф Х х Ц ц Ч ч Џ џ Ш ш Щ щ Ъ ъ Ы ы Ь ь Э э Ю ю Я я

ŋ ə ⁿ•

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Ά ά Έ έ Ή ή Ί ί Ό ό Ύ ύ Ώ ώ Α α Β β Γ γ Δ δ Ε ε Ζ ζ Η η Θ θ Ι ι Κ κ Λ λ Μ μ Ν ν Ξ ξ Ο ο Π π Ρ ρ Σ σ ς Τ τ Υ υ Φ φ Χ χ Ψ ψ Ω ω • •

А а Б б В в Г г Ґ ґ Ѓ ѓ Д д Ђ ђ Е е Ё ё Є є Ж ж З з Ѕ ѕ И и І і Ї ї Й й Ј ј К к Ќ ќ Л л Љ љ М м Н н Њ њ О о П п Р р С с Т т Ћ ћ У у Ў ў Ф ф Х х Ц ц Ч ч Џ џ Ш ш Щ щ Ъ ъ Ы ы Ь ь Э э Ю ю Я я

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Ά ά Έ έ Ή ή Ί ί Ό ό Ύ ύ Ώ ώ Α α Β β Γ γ Δ δ Ε ε Ζ ζ Η η Θ θ Ι ι Κ κ Λ λ Μ μ Ν ν Ξ ξ Ο ο Π π Ρ ρ Σ σ ς Τ τ Υ υ Φ φ Χ χ Ψ ψ Ω ω • •

А а Б б В в Г г Ґ ґ Ѓ ѓ Д д Ђ ђ Е е Ё ё Є є Ж ж З з Ѕ ѕ И и І і Ї ї Й й Ј ј К к Ќ ќ Л л Љ љ М м Н н Њ њ О о П п Р р С с Т т Ћ ћ У у Ў ў Ф ф Х х Ц ц Ч ч Џ џ Ш ш Щ щ Ъ ъ Ы ы Ь ь Э э Ю ю Я я

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ʁ к т η ö м ค α є ѕ σ ω н я и ℓ ε ι κ ∂ т в υ ƒ ℓ ¢

Omnipresent Sex Symbol

User Image
User Image
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx---- »» prince of dradecusтнє ℓα∂ιєѕ


            Hekélène is the only member of the Septheon to demonstrate both negative and positive traits, and her official purpose within in the Septheon is difficult to distinguish. Many people believe Hekélène’s role is to test them with lies and misfortune to see if they are worthy of the blessings of the Creator and Septheon. Further still, Hekélène is the mother of witches, creatures despised by many in the White Coast, and this knowledge has created concrete factions within the Faith itself. In addition to battling lies and misfortune, some people believe that witches are simply another thing to be purged from society; this faction argues that humans are the perfect creations, and because witches are different they are therefore wrong. The fact that witches were created by Hekélène is usually written off by stating that it is part of the test, set to confuse the Creator’s children. On the opposite end, others view the witches as being positively different with the true test being to accept their differences. As is the trend with religion, there are a many different opinions concerning Hekélène and her role concerning humans and witches.

            The bonding ceremony is the White Coast equivalent to marriage. Bonding is usually the result of love or duty, and focuses on the tying of bonds. The bonding ceremony itself is standard: friends and family gather and witness the ceremony; soil from the land of both families is put into a jar to represent the joining of the two houses. The couple then pricks a finger and each one squeezes a drop of their blood into the jar as well, signifying the couple becoming one in body and blood. The two then exchange their bond vows. After this ceremony is over, the newly bonded couple goes on a pilgrimage to the White Coast. Once arrived, the two empty their jar into the ocean and wash it in the sea to signify new beginnings. Finally, the couple then gathers sand together and fills the jar to the brim, re-covering it with the lid. In this final step, the white, glittering sand represents the purity of their new relationship as a bonded couple. Although bonding typically occurs between a man and a woman for the purpose of love or joining households in order to produce more wealth and offspring, the ceremony has no actual limit to gender. In truth, there is no true ‘marriage’ in the White Coast. The bonding ceremony is simply a promise or pact between two people: it can be used as a sign of friendship or love, the promise to pay back a debt or take care of a dying parent’s child. Uniting households is simply the majority case, and there are same gendered couples bonded in love (though it is far less common). All bondings are taken down by a registrar.

            Sex in the White Coast is viewed as sacred and a gift from the Creator. While it is not restricted by marriage, it is believed that both young men and women should wait until they have come of age. Frequent sex with many different partners tends to be looked down upon and viewed as wasteful or greedy; sex with blood relatives and animals is also taboo. Being bonded to another person does not necessarily mean that both will only exclusively have sex with each other; that is something stipulated in the bonding vows. It is quite common and normal for men and women to have two or three other lovers throughout their marriage. As far as sexuality is concerned, sex between two men or two women is actually quite common, and nothing dictated in the laws, culture, or the Faith gives any reason to think otherwise. Each person has their own degree of attraction to males and females, and most tend to gravitate towards one or the other. Most people in the White Coast will have had lovers of both genders in their lifetime. While sexual union between opposites brings forth offspring, the people of the White Coast also view same gender sex as natural; in their minds, sex is sex, and each gender has something to offer which the other cannot.

            Hekélène is the only member of the Septheon to demonstrate both negative and positive traits, and her official purpose within in the Septheon is difficult to distinguish. Many people believe Hekélène’s role is to test them with lies and misfortune to see if they are worthy of the blessings of the Creator and Septheon. Further still, Hekélène is the mother of witches, creatures despised by many in the White Coast, and this knowledge has created concrete factions within the Faith itself. In addition to battling lies and misfortune, some people believe that witches are simply another thing to be purged from society; this faction argues that humans are the perfect creations, and because witches are different they are therefore wrong. The fact that witches were created by Hekélène is usually written off by stating that it is part of the test, set to confuse the Creator’s children. On the opposite end, others view the witches as being positively different with the true test being to accept their differences. As is the trend with religion, there are a many different opinions concerning Hekélène and her role concerning humans and witches.


Omnipresent Sex Symbol

User Image

ImPeRfEcTiOn is в є α υ т у,
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxⓂⒶⒹⓃⒺⓈⓈ is gєníus,
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxand it is better to be absolutely ɾïḋïсυløυṡ than absolutely ๒◊ЯⅰиG.


            Hekélène is the only member of the Septheon to demonstrate both negative and positive traits, and her official purpose within in the Septheon is difficult to distinguish. Many people believe Hekélène’s role is to test them with lies and misfortune to see if they are worthy of the blessings of the Creator and Septheon. Further still, Hekélène is the mother of witches, creatures despised by many in the White Coast, and this knowledge has created concrete factions within the Faith itself. In addition to battling lies and misfortune, some people believe that witches are simply another thing to be purged from society; this faction argues that humans are the perfect creations, and because witches are different they are therefore wrong. The fact that witches were created by Hekélène is usually written off by stating that it is part of the test, set to confuse the Creator’s children. On the opposite end, others view the witches as being positively different with the true test being to accept their differences. As is the trend with religion, there are a many different opinions concerning Hekélène and her role concerning humans and witches.

            The bonding ceremony is the White Coast equivalent to marriage. Bonding is usually the result of love or duty, and focuses on the tying of bonds. The bonding ceremony itself is standard: friends and family gather and witness the ceremony; soil from the land of both families is put into a jar to represent the joining of the two houses. The couple then pricks a finger and each one squeezes a drop of their blood into the jar as well, signifying the couple becoming one in body and blood. The two then exchange their bond vows. After this ceremony is over, the newly bonded couple goes on a pilgrimage to the White Coast. Once arrived, the two empty their jar into the ocean and wash it in the sea to signify new beginnings. Finally, the couple then gathers sand together and fills the jar to the brim, re-covering it with the lid. In this final step, the white, glittering sand represents the purity of their new relationship as a bonded couple. Although bonding typically occurs between a man and a woman for the purpose of love or joining households in order to produce more wealth and offspring, the ceremony has no actual limit to gender. In truth, there is no true ‘marriage’ in the White Coast. The bonding ceremony is simply a promise or pact between two people: it can be used as a sign of friendship or love, the promise to pay back a debt or take care of a dying parent’s child. Uniting households is simply the majority case, and there are same gendered couples bonded in love (though it is far less common). All bondings are taken down by a registrar.

            Sex in the White Coast is viewed as sacred and a gift from the Creator. While it is not restricted by marriage, it is believed that both young men and women should wait until they have come of age. Frequent sex with many different partners tends to be looked down upon and viewed as wasteful or greedy; sex with blood relatives and animals is also taboo. Being bonded to another person does not necessarily mean that both will only exclusively have sex with each other; that is something stipulated in the bonding vows. It is quite common and normal for men and women to have two or three other lovers throughout their marriage. As far as sexuality is concerned, sex between two men or two women is actually quite common, and nothing dictated in the laws, culture, or the Faith gives any reason to think otherwise. Each person has their own degree of attraction to males and females, and most tend to gravitate towards one or the other. Most people in the White Coast will have had lovers of both genders in their lifetime. While sexual union between opposites brings forth offspring, the people of the White Coast also view same gender sex as natural; in their minds, sex is sex, and each gender has something to offer which the other cannot.

            Hekélène is the only member of the Septheon to demonstrate both negative and positive traits, and her official purpose within in the Septheon is difficult to distinguish. Many people believe Hekélène’s role is to test them with lies and misfortune to see if they are worthy of the blessings of the Creator and Septheon. Further still, Hekélène is the mother of witches, creatures despised by many in the White Coast, and this knowledge has created concrete factions within the Faith itself. In addition to battling lies and misfortune, some people believe that witches are simply another thing to be purged from society; this faction argues that humans are the perfect creations, and because witches are different they are therefore wrong. The fact that witches were created by Hekélène is usually written off by stating that it is part of the test, set to confuse the Creator’s children. On the opposite end, others view the witches as being positively different with the true test being to accept their differences. As is the trend with religion, there are a many different opinions concerning Hekélène and her role concerning humans and witches.

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                Amir cocked his head to the side slightly as Keela returned his greeting, his grin never fading. He had been earnest enough, and it wasn't like she was a modest dresser. Not that it really mattered. She was feisty too, and smarter than a lot of women Amir knew (and that was a lot of women).

                "I may have played a small part, but what really matters is that you've pulled through. You gave everyone quite a scare." His tone was a tad more serious now, as he really wasn't speaking with exaggeration. A strange noise caught his attention, and Amir glanced over his shoulder just in time to see Ravi--er--Vivi--er--Rojas attempt to clobber Ryan. Wide eyed, he brought his attention back to Keela.

                Saku also caught the mana user's attention, and she winced as the girl-turned-man smacked Ryan with a frying-pan-sized hand. Averting her attention back to Amir, Keela spoke.

                "Well, shall we get started?" she inquired. In truth, Keela was in no condition to fight. Vivi's death still pressed heavily upon her, and she still felt somewhat weak from her episode in the webs. The woman misjudged herself, however, believing she would be fine as long as she maintained concentration.

                Taking a fighting stance, Keela squared herself. She closed her eyes momentarily, opening the channels of mana in her body, and began to draw up energy from the earth beneath her. Tingling with a refreshing sense of power, Keela's eyes met Amir's.

                As she did so, the treasure hunter nodded, still not sure how he felt about fighting her. She had been unconscious only hours, maybe even minutes before. His initial guess was that she would hardly be walking much less fighting, but her sudden surge of energy made Amir second guess that judgement. If anything, he was right about her being tough.

                Still, he didn't want to overdo it. As Keela's eyes met his, Amir drew one of his scimitars from his belt and readied it in his right hand; if he had to, he could draw the second, but he would wait to see how this played out. Dropping to a combat stance, he nodded, declaring his readiness.

                Seeing that the treasure hunter was ready for her, Keela launched herself forward to meet him. His weapons gave him an advantage, but she had fought many an enemy unarmed. She threw her fist at his chest, mana rushing to enforce the blow, but Amir was quick to dodge. Gracefully, he flipped back and landed out of harms way. Her punch connecting with the air, the woman was thrown off balance. Keela stumbled before she steadied herself, her head spinning slightly.

                This might not be as smooth a battle as I had imagined.

                Amir, on the other hand, was rather impressed. That swing had power behind it, and while he was just quick enough to avoid it, he was also facing a recently comatose woman. The miss had put Keela off balance though, and Amir was ever the opportunist.

                Reversing the momentum from his backward dodge, the treasure hunter flourished his blade, bringing it down almost as a fencer would at Keela, her head still spinning from her recent efforts. Amir turned the sword at the last moment, flicking his wrist and striking the woman's arm with the flat of his blade before stepping to the side in anticipation of a counter attack.

                Though he always enjoyed the thrill of combat, Amir felt wrong about this fight, especially after the way Keela practically stumbled. Still, he did not feel like being on the receiving end of one of her blows.

                Keela found her own handicap irritating, heightened by the fact that Amir seemed to noticed. Frustrated, she decided to take it out on the treasure hunter. Once again, she pushed the mana in her body to her fists and swung an arm around to catch Amir as he dodged. Her body made a 180, following the path of the blow, but he had managed to elude her a second time. All Keela was met with was the bark of a tree - her fist skimmed over it lightly, the wood splintering beneath her touch. She was thrown for a loop once more, turning awkwardly to find her opponent.

                Keela was met with a blade, a strong arm bringing it down over her head, and she barely had time to throw her hands in the air to produce a barrier. Brilliantly, a green light blossomed from her fingers, forming a faint bubble of energy around her. Although it seemed intangible, Amir's blade could not pass the barrier, almost as if it was wrought from steel. Keela had never been the best at barrier-making, but she could conjure them well enough for short periods of time... When she hadn't been recently maimed by over-sized spiders, of course.

                Keela's shield disappeared the moment after she had called it. Her vision became fuzzy and she fell to her knees, head spinning in a dizzy haze.
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                Amir was quick to drop to one knee, setting his blade down beside him as he steadied the poor woman. Clearly, she was in no condition for combat, as he had suspected in the beginning. Although... Dark eyes flickered over to the splintered bark on a portion of the tree she had hit. She was either trying too hard, not fully in control of her abilities due to her injury, or she really, really didn't like him.

                Even if she didn't, Amir knew enough to stop a fight when it had gone too far. He returned the scimitar to its place on his belt and helped Keela to stand. She wobbled a bit, disoriented. Amir's face donned a concerned expression.

                "I think... That's enough, for now. At this rate, you'll tear me apart." He shot another wide eyed glance at the tree before helping Keela to the steps of the Witch's abode to sit. He took the seat next to her, making sure she was steadied, his arm around her the whole time.

                "If I don't tear myself apart first," Keela responded, quietly but amiably. "I'm made of tougher stuff than this... Just, er, not right now." Sitting next to him, Keela felt his arm firmly around her waist. "You're lucky. Most men don't get this far with me so quickly," she said softly, her head gesturing weakly. "I apologize for failing to deliver so terribly. We'll fight on equal terms soon enough..."

                "No need for apologies," Amir offered, nodding. "I've already seen how tough you can be, this fight not included." He winked then, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "And yes, I am indeed very lucky, there is no denying that. But, I get the sense you'll give me what-for soon enough too."

                "I suppose I will," Keela laughed quietly. She propped her head up on an upturned palm, steadying her vision to get a better look at the field before them. Intently, she watched as the other members of their group began their own matches. "Let's just sit here and enjoy the show, for now."

                "Your wish is my command," Amir responded jokingly. Smiling, they both sat together on the steps and watched.

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