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a little bloomy's Honey Bun

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Holding the pack of cigarettes in his hands and slowly turning it within his palms Berin stared out before him, cigarette hanging limply seemingly forgotten at the edge of his lips. He seemed to be thinking some deep thoughts at the moment, barely disturbing the silence of the night with any sound. He needed this, this moment right here, a moment of peace away from work and away from home. Berin didn't realize just how loaded his mind has been lately. It's a true relief he realizes to be within the chaos of his own thoughts instead of being the director for others. He didn't focus on anyone thing flitting around in his mind, he just listened to the voices. Mostly his conscious going over his day, what was done, what still needs to be done, when he figures he'll actually going to sleep tonight. Reminders, afterthoughts, answers and questions. He felt lighter then. Sadly it was short lived. A voice calls over his head and he looks up. Just as quickly he looks away with a wince and hit as if just seeing Mike caused him internal pain. As Mike moves to sit beside him Berin tiredly rubs at his face and eyes. Why? Why? Why now, why tonight, why?

And when Mike finally reveals his reasons for currently being at Berin's side causes Berin to give a bitter snort. This guy can't be serious. He has to be either high or yanking Berin's chain. "You can't be seriously asking me for something now... Why would I give you the key to my home anyway?" Ah, Richard.... Richard asked Mike to grab his things. Does that kid WANT Berin to become a murder? Why get a problem man to play your middle man? It's just sloppy and shortsighted, Berin loved Richard, but he'd make a shitty diplomat. Stiffly Berin slowly stretches out his back while Mike says his piece, trying hard not to make it look like Berin is physically cringing. Slowly he moves to stand from the bench, just giving up on the bench and that happy quiet place he had been at just a moment ago. He finally leaves, his touch causing Berin's skin to crawl. So, so, so many times Berin just wanted to shut the man up and his ramblings. What he thinks he schooling Berin? You cannot compare an eagle to a sparrow.

Berin doesn't need to 'act tough' he hasn't been in any physical skirmish in years. No, he only needs his piercing words and cold stare to strip your defenses from a distance and cause the foundation of your mind to sink like sand. At that point you're his, no need to raise a hand. Richard.... Richard is a different case. Berin becomes the victim in that he just gets so tongue tied and flustered. Everything the other does manages to affect Berin to the 100 degree and he ends up over reacting because, embarrassingly enough, he doesn't know how to control himself around Richard. It's like Berin is reverted back into a grade school bully picking on his crush. Just his hits leave bruises, and his words know how to cut below the skin. He was sorry, just in that area Berin has a bit of an immaturity problem himself. He is human after all. His pride gets between his feelings and his heart like a cold heavy shield from his years in life. He's just become so good at shutting down his heart and that little voice that pushes for sympathy and having the snake of his pride and envy slither down his spine chilling his posture and swallowing his heart. Over and over again the feelings are hunted down and eaten.

So Berin didn't need this, what was this? A pep talk? A lesson for his psyche? Like Berin needed to hear any of this from Mike. The last man of this century he wanted to see. Thats why Berin is so sure Richard wants the man dead because he continues to keep popping up within Berin's life. "If Richard had half a mind he'd know better to keep it from me." Hasn't Mike ever heard of the saying 'out of sight out of mind' if Berin had kept vigilant and on top of himself Richard might be non the wiser still, he was for all those years, thats Berin's fault. He'd take that, obviously he didn't hide things well enough. "And I have 5 sisters so don't give me that crap." He bites out holding his cigarette close to himself and watches Mike walk into the ER. He wouldn't stop him and make a scene, Berin is patient, there's a right time for everything. He stands alone for a minute, straight anger burning within his eyes. His shoulders tense on edge, yet his cigarette rolls calculatingly between his fingers. Much like a wolf sharpening it's claws.

"Sir." Berin doesn't even turn around, recognizing the voice. "Yee, you're early." Saying it in much a tone as if the other male had been late. Yee only chuckles behind him, walking up to his side to light his own cigarette. He doesn't ask any questions, having worked closely with Berin for years he only had to stand close to feel the electricity zapping off his higher up's shoulders. Following Berin's eyes to the doors of the ER, already figuring this had something to do with someone getting hurt, if the blood on Berin's clothes don't say anything. Yee can't see a gun shot, infact besides just pissed Berin seems fine. This money then had to be for someone else, some kind of accident had happened. Then again, its really non of his business, Berin kept a tight seal on what happens outside of work. This is actually Yee's first time seeing the man in all their years working together outside of work. Yee stared to Berin out the corner of his eye, slowly bringing his cigarette to his lips. Berin is handsome, strong jaw, sharp eyes, perfect posture, great body, and the way how he held himself just left people feeling down right shameful when they pass him by. He's a smart, inquisitive, powerful, gentleman, and for a few months now Yee has found him self going a little sweet for him.

Only a little, Yee has seen glimpses of a picture Berin keeps in his wallet. At first Yee was sure he was looking at a lady but from the few times he has been able to pull small details out of Berin about his male counterpart Yee has been putting two and two together. The picture in Berin's wallet isn't a woman at all, but a man. An attractive small shouldered, milky skinned, full lipped, innocent faced, lush haired, man. He was beautiful when Yee was able to get a glimpse of the picture. In their line of work they deal with beautiful women all the time but Yee has to admit he's never seen a more perfect human being. And somehow Berin managed to snag him, somehow. Honesty Yee couldn't really see how such a cold and calculating man such as Berin is even able to hold any type of relationship outside of his job. Hell Yee would probably turn gay if a man looked THAT pretty. Yee knows his little in office crush isn't going anywhere. He's about Berin's size, broad shouldered, strong jawed, sharp eyed, somewhat larger in frame than Berin since he works out regularly. Essentially the complete opposite from what he saw in the picture.

Suddenly there is another man who approaches Berin and begins telling him what to do. Yee inwardly winces watching from the corner of his eye but not obviously so. Someone telling Berin what to do? This man must have some huge balls. Yee can read Berin's ridged posture, the way he crosses his arm over his chest and doesn't move even if the wind blows. The stillness in his body says all, Berin is mad. The man walks away suddenly, Yee leaning closer to Berin so to whisper. "Want me to...?" He is cut off as Berin raises his hand so to silence him before marching into the doors to the ER without another word. Yee looks to the doors of the ER then over to the strange man. He was handsome, was he a coworker? Perhaps a C.I. working for Berin, someone who gives information on certain people for money. Curious now Yee moves to step closer towards Mike, the length of his hair blowing as a warm breeze comes over him.

"You seem to know Berin pretty well." He says slowly around a new cigarette, chain smoking he thought he was only a slave to it at work... "What's the issue? He's covered in blood, we're standing before the emergency room, your yelling at BERIN, and Berin is asking me to grab him a whole lot of money from the safe for him." Now worriedly he looks over his shoulder to the doors to the ER again. "... No one was shot again right? God, the last time someone was shot, Berin was shot once too. The bullet is still inside him, says its "my reminder so I don't make the same mistake twice" I think he just keeps it cause removing the damn thing is going to cause an ugly scar and he doesn't want to scare of lover." Yee shakes his head as though in admiration for Berin. "That man, he's not afraid of anything.... But the guy he's dating. I think that guy scares the s**t out of Berin." Steps come from behind them and Lai is running closer, waving an envelope over his head. "Oiiii! I got it." Yee turns to shush Lai who doesn't look sorry and smiles over to Mike. "Who's the greasy guy?" Yee goes ahead and answers for him. "Berin's C.I." Nodding as though he could car less Lai pulls his own cigarette from no where and lights it with a zippo. "So whats going on? Boss got shot again?" Shrugging Yee looks back to Mark. "By the way, my name is Yee, and this is Lai." Lai follows Yee's movements and move to also shake Mark's hand. "So C.I huh? That means you probably hear of all the juicy gossip you and I should defiantly talk I'll take notes and use it while working the field." Yee shakes his head, rolling his eyes. "You don't have money to pay for a C.I Lai. He's probably just for the night anyway." Lai defensively tries putting his offer out again. "Yea, I got no money, but who's to say I can't buy you a beer?" Yee places his hand atop Lai's shoulder. "Lai, leave it."

Inside the ER the nurse from earlier nervously leads Berin towards Richard's room. "H, he told me not to let anyone inside." Berin coldly cuts her off and speaks over her, not even looking at her. "I was told otherwise..." The conversation dismissed the walk over is silent. Getting to the door the nurse barely manages to pull it completely open before Berin is inside and slamming the door behind him successfully snatching the handle out from the nurse's fingers. He doesn't recognize anything in the room besides Richard. His eyes land on him from across the room and don't waver. "... So this is how you plan to do it? Not even face me? Send some chump of a guy to demand for the key to MY house. As if I'd ever give that man the key to my house Richie." He has too much money there in the office, beneath the stove, under the floorboards, buried in the chicken coop, everywhere. Crossing his arms over his chest, his eyes narrowing on Richie. "I'm being accused as the bad guy here, but who do you think is paying for your hospitals fees?" This is dirty, a tactic he only uses at work, to threaten people. "I am paying your bills, just as I've paid for your food, your clothes, your current way of living for the past few years and THIS is how you plan to leave me?" He doesn't sound hurt, he sounds sickened. "This is what I relate to for you, where you can't even FACE ME, I'm that low? That unimportant? You don't find me worthy of even an explanation or a warning?"

Leveling the stern tone of his voice, Berin takes a step back, lifting his chin and looking down his nose to Richie. "Your in my debt now Richie. you want an idea for how much this puts me back? Caring for an unappreciative grown a** man? Tonight alone you manage to burn through 4k, thats $4,000 hospitals ain't cheap. Oh, your staying the night because you can't pull your s**t together like a responsible adult? Well go ahead, tack on another 250k. Want them to serve you breakfast in the morning? Cause you get hungry, your only human. $150, food doesn't cook itself, it doesn't serve itself, YOU should know the best out of the both of us Richard." So maybe is a bit salty, just a tad though... "Oh, I could go on, I got receipts, but because I am a fair man, before tonight I was taking care of you, that was MY choice. You decide to walk out that door I'm not paying for anything else. I'm not giving that man MY key, if you want your crap you can come yourself and get it. You got two good feet Richard, good time to get up and break them in because you got no healthcare, no car, no house, no JOB, your going to be workin' them from this moment on to support yourself." Biting his words out venomously and managing to keep his voice down so not to cause curious heads to poke through. He kept his feet planted, knowing if he moved he'd probably regret it by hitting Richard. "If you think you can do it all on your own then fine Richard. Go, make money, you've never worked hard in your whole damn life. I've pruned you, and spoiled you, I made that choice from the first day I met you. 'He's too beautiful to dirty such perfect hands. I'll do the work for him. He's too fragile and perfect for any hard labor, I'll carry the ******** WORLD for him.' Those are the things I thought about you Richard." And he's done just that so WHY was Richie doing this to him?


a little bloomy's Honey Bun

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                                                  "Your beautiful." It oh so moaned, almost painfully hushed, pushed across the dark of the room into her lips, down her throat it was scratching through her ribs. A heavy wet pant, shaky and fragile. "Your just so beautiful..." Hitched voice tangled within his lungs it seemed agonizing though he endured. Increase in breathing moist plush lips tear apart hatching free the cursed oil slick that was Gluttony's tongue. Hot, hot, hot, feeling close to combusting with the first contact of wet muscle to skin. His arm stayed raised as he draped and wrapped his black tongue across the ink covered canvas of his wrist. Blood streamed down from his finger nails to drip from his elbow and all that was in between stuck to his chin and lips, blood mixing with saliva, saliva mixing with gristle. Tongue receding back into the cave of his razor lined mouth breath rising along with the goosebumps on his shoulders. His chest swelling with his shallow breaths as his face melted in with the increase of pleasure leaving vulnerable expressions and silent wanting. He was losing himself. Again. Coming to, glowing eyes revealing from behind a heavy curtain of thick lashes, hand cascading limply down the side of his face, pieces of his own flesh peaked from behind darkened, scarlet lips. His eyes were on her and on her they stayed.

                                                  "Am I a dog to you?" It could only be described as a whimper. Hair a heavy curtain before his face the gloom that raised about him was near palpable even at the distance where she laid bound. She didn't dare answer, she couldn't answer even if she wanted. There was a space within her mouth where her tongue should be it having got away from her in a heated and passionate kiss with this man some time ago. He had it, he ate it. Her silence didn't seem to bother him, almost as though he were being understanding. Inflicter of suffering would understand better than anyone. "I was once someone's dog." Slowly, almost drunkenly he blinked, his head barely swayed against the dazed, out of focus motion of his eyes. "I was hoping to lose all traces of this past." The crystal chandelier seemed to hold his attention, forever damned pupils caught aflame in innocent halos as they watched the unmoving dim light above. "I tried to educate myself as much as I could about this world in the short time that has passed so far..." Head rolled, eye contact to chandelier broken, gaze locked with new subdued interest on her naked form roped down to the table. "But I got distracted..." Confession shared in one smooth motion like an unhinged cat Vindora easily raised himself from the deep red chair he had been resting in.

                                                  The shirt that covered his body were loose and warped, a detail that may have been missed under the blood soaked cotton. A large rip slashed across his belly the stain here indicating there once was heavy bleeding from the area but it has long since dried. His hair was a long stringy mess caked with what was left of his last victims. Despite the chandelier giving off it's weak eerie glow her captor still managed to slink from the surrounding shadows to hover closely over her. Right away her senses were ambushed with the smothering scent of blood from his breath to his person. She gagged on the smell causing dark crimson to pool over her bottom lip and flow down her umber neck. Tattooed hand shamelessly fell onto her neck then lowered and roamed over her. His actions sharply contrasted with his chaste smile. "I dont know why I have come to the decision that I have. But I-." Words momentarily stopped by an internal belch which he managed to suppress in time. "- I think this way I get more out of it. I get more of what I want. So what if I'm someone's dog? I'm Gluttony, I just want to consume all beautiful things in his world." His kind expressions cracked apart exposing true lines of a black, pain filled, wicked, and damned pet to forever be held prisoner to the jaws of Hell. She screamed, or at least tried screaming what stub she had left of a tongue poked above the fountain of blood from within her lips she choked and gurgled. Vindora caught a stream over his nose before he dove into her neck, chewing her down, grinding her into a bloody paste into the table.

                                                  They think I'm a dog! I'll be the dog!
                                                  When she stopped thrashing he didn't know. When she stopped gurgling he didn't know. Her head had been whipping back and forth splashing crimson everywhere before she violently convulsed then stilled as her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Vindora didn't notice any of this, his tongue was dancing across the surface of the soaked wooden table top as he ran his face up and down what little was left of her. Was once her. Lifting his head as his throat silently swallowed down the last of her, his eyes seeming lost into the darkness outside the veil of light. "And that is why I am returning back to mother... Because you all die the same, and too easily." Not even looking down to the table as he made his way around the solid furniture into the darkness of the room. He wouldn't remember her face, how her hair naturally curled, or her brown sugar skin glowed under those street lamps. Not even as he bathed in her shower and dressed in her blood filed room. He will remember just her taste from beginning to end. One more soul collected, one more closer for the beast being sated.

                                                  Contently his hand unconsciously rubbed at his gurgling midsection as it worked down it's last meal. Dinner was good, but dinner was always good it's just never filling. In fact, he got hungry enough on the walk over to the pent house to pick up another 'small' bite. 24 hour fast food places were so far the only thing he would call a godsend. He was still licking up the lone employee who was working there from his fingers... Of course he was welcomed with no door, only allowing a short pause before allowing himself inside. It had only been just afew days but already things felt drastically different. He had been an unwilling slave the last time he had been in here. While the slave part hasn't at all changed his attitude has. He was back on his old boat only this time he was in it all for himself. He would consume the spoils of their missions and think only of those spoils. He was going to let go of what he thought of and believed of before. It was obvious, sadly Vindora had to be taught the hard way. They were all hell's playthings, no one cared about the other and Lucifer had those she has labeled her favorites. It was all so clear to Vindora now, he was just a small piece in it all doomed to be forever at the level of Cerberus as a pet of hell. Coming to terms with it was difficult. He still couldn't swallow it down without choking alittle. Of course it hurt, but he blamed this pain on his naivety. He was still just a hell babe, he still didn't even trust himself to teleport yet. While he was up on the surface he might as well try and enjoy himself.

                                                  The faint sounds of something playing on the television caught his ear. Who was playing he didn't know, and didn't want to find out at the moment. He had to learn to detach himself from these souless bastards. He was on his own in a way, thinking and caring about just himself. The memory he left of himself was something over powered and conquered. Betrayed, kicked down, weak. That wasn't him any more... Expression darkening he avoided the room where Lars and Mark played and instead made his way around to the kitchen. This place... The memories here seemed to be logging him down by some engulfing invisible force. The fridge always managed to cheer him up. Upon opening it he found something right away that would lift his mood. Grabbing for the foil covered mound. The sweet scent was making his mouth water. Peeking beneath the tin cover he found a pound cake with only one thin slice taken out of it's side. Not knowing of a method that would be both fast and polite Vindora's tongue found its way around the cake helping to lead it to it's demise as he threw his head back. With a soft clank as he set the plate down onto the counter and turned only to find Artemis eyeing her glass of wine and wincing at her tone towards the other sin. Gently shutting the fridge behind him easily Vindora stepped up beside Artemis, hand brushing against the counter top leaving a streak of copper scented crimson in it's wake. "Mother." He lowered his head in acknowledgement before his eyes landed on her hand that had lashed out to Mark. "Mommy, that's far from clean." Gently he reached out his hand to take her blood stained nails into his, keeping his eye on her wrist as he brought up the blood tinged digits to rest over his lips, coating them in the dark fluid. "We dont want you smelling of blood now." Though he reeked of the smell. That old smirk of his was back as his tongue barely poked free from his lips to lick one of her covered digits. His mood, his expression while changed obviously showed he didn't still cradle anything of the past. He couldn't, what could a dog to to his master besides bite them once? The thought of taking a bite out of anything caused his stomach to loudly rumble Vindora giving a slight wince as the hunger suddenly struck out at his spine as though he hadn't eaten in months. "Mom dear Gluttony is hungry. If I'm going to be staying for awhile would you mind having some diner with me? Perhaps desert?" Implying with a move of her hand down to rest and hold it under his over his rumbling stomach that she had her pet Glutton. He would be staying with her to the end.

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a little bloomy's Honey Bun

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                                                      User Image"Chicken pox...." Blinking Rasta confusedly searched through the dim blanket of light from the work lamp sitting on the carpet next to Dai. "Has he had his chicken pox yet?" Dai asked not once looking up from his work, the buzz from the tattoo gun competing with the lyrics of Ling Toshite Sigure. "Chicken pox? N, no.... Why?" A tense from Rasta as the needle rode down his shoulder before stopping, ink rolling down his skin to get soaked into the towel beneath him. "... Listen.... Its the fist song you gave me..." Lifting his head slightly Rasta recognized the slow intro to Moment A rythm. "This the long one?" At Dai's silent nod Rasta relaxed into the carpet eyes rolling shut from the tiredness of it being about dusk and the pain from the needle gun. He really did enjoy this band though not nearly as much as Dai. "******** tired this was a terrible idea we were up all night doing this... Hey Dai, change it to something else I hate this song..." "tooku orenji no shuugou tai sae mo.... fure rareru, you ni" Ignored. Dai quietly sang along not needing skill to sing to keep up with such a song. Rasta could tell with the gentle strokes from Dai's gloved fingers against his ink slick skin that he was finally finishing up. " tatoeba tetsu no mukou gawa ni karada o nagedashi te boku o tokashi te...... iki o tome ta ." Finger wiping more ink away Dai looked down to the colors and patterns splashed against Rasta's skin of complex stories made from tiger stripes, waves, lotus and koi. This was Rasta's dairy. All important events in life were recorded into pictures onto Rasta's skin with Dai's help. From the troubles of when they wree younger, secretes Rasta keeps close to his heart, To the most recent one of his new born child. Though for Dai this tattoo had other meaning. For this would be Dai's last tattoo...

                                                      This will also be Rasta's last tattoo... He just didn't know it yet..."tatoeba boku ha 12 senchi oki ni kimi o sasu kedo... me o tsumut ta shunkan ni... subete ga~." Leaning down Dai gently ran his hand through Rasta's hair, lullabying the already tired male with the cold whisper from his voice. Slowly the paper hospital mask was pulled from Dai's face to rest at his neck, expression hardening as his true intentions began dawn. Bare hand gently falling to rest onto Rasta's shoulder, rubbing an already healed older tattoo beneath his fingers. Along with the break of lyrics Dai would gently massage Rasta's shoulders his mouth pursing as he swallowed a thick lump making him nearly choke on the next line. "dare mo ga ushiro o furimui te sukoshi dake boku o omoidashi ta mitsuke rare nai furēzu...." Hands having creeped up Rasta's shoulders to wrap around his throat and squeeze. Rasta, who was used to sleeping on Dai's floor allowed for the kind massage thinking Vinta who is training to be a masseuse taught Dai a few tricks. Innocent. Upon feeling the thin fingers begin to strangle around his windpipe Rasta flopped and tried to struggle. Nothing raced through his mind as he tried grabbing Dai's small wrist. It didn't even seem to matter that it made no sense that Dai being much smaller than him could have such strength to be able to hold him down. Or was he just getting weaker? He was loosing breath faster than seemed possible.

                                                      "tatoeba boku ha 12 senchi oki ni kimi o sasu kedo mimi o fusai da shunkan ni subete ga." Dai tried to calm the other, he didn't want him to suffer, he didn't want to hurt him. He wanted him to die of natural causes. But dying was always scary. Dropping to sing next into Rasta's ear. "aimai na kao o shi te 12 senchi oki ni kimi o sasu kedo wakari durai furēzu de subete ga.... Shhh. Its just your lungs filling up with fluid. Relax, if you panic you'll just make it painful." Rasta started to flail harder Dai's words going completely over him as his eyes began to turn red with tears and his mouth fell open to try and scream. Instead his internal fluids leaked from the corners of his mouth, his eyes rolling into the back of his head as he gurgled. His chest, his lungs, his breath, he was choking, when did breathing become so hard? "kimi no shira nai sekai ga doko ka ni mioboe o wasure te ukan da..." Struggling to hold Rasta still they continued to fight for what felt too short. It was all too soon. He died so easily... Why is it that he couldn't fight just that much longer for Dai to change his mind? He became still too quickly. ".... ano hi ni..." The shaking in Rasta's chest ceased, his wheezing and painful sounding pants were gone, he had stopped moving long ago. But he was still so warm... Rasta's hair was in his eyes, Dai felt the strands when he blinked. His ear was still so warm, Dai found himself still whispering into it.

                                                      If Dai couldn't have him... Then no one could, not even this child of his, or some broad who he didn't know who claimed to love Rasta. Dai had to make sure, that Rasta was going to be safe, that Rasta was going to be his. The other was like that father he never had. Rasta was there for him, for so long it was just them. ******** Vinta! ******** Holiday and Susu. None of them were there in the beginning. None of them were there when it mattered. "Like hell am I going to allow myself to lose those precious to me at the hands of some OTHER again." Sitting up next to Rasta. No, the corps of Rasta. Dai smiled this was the right thing to do right? He was leaving in a few hours... "I have a meeting to get to. Everything was going to change... I had to have you. I had to have you Rasta..." Silence from the body that no longer moved. Quickly he swiped at his eye, an invisible tear? "You probably dont understand right now Rasta... I finished what I started. Our story isn't done even though there's no more ink.... There's no more ink...." Repeating it solemnly as though just realizing it. "Just as the song said, I stab the knife 12 centimeters deep... Dont worry, I still have bare skin. Like I said our story isn't done. I gave my last stroke of the needle on you. Wasn't it your wish?" As though his limbs were weights Dai shakily reached for the still Rasta, digging into his pockets and pulling out a ring of keys connected to a link of chain to his wallet which he took as well. "But I still have one last thing to do for you. You had one last wish?" A flash through his mind of Rasta smiling to him a memory that was only a few weeks old. "DAIKI! I wish--!" Blinking the already fuzzy image as he realized. "A memory now.... All of it..." Needing to mentally shake himself Dai slowly shut his eyes and smiled even as pained lines framed his face it was an expression that could only be explained as wistful. But why? Rasta was still with him.

                                                      He stood then. Eyes glued on the pale unmoving form. He might as well be stone. Some art piece full of color that needed to be hung up for all to see. It was something beautiful. "I needed to do what I thought had to be done so that I couldn't go back to this life." It was done... A barefoot back. Another right behind it. Back away... Its gone. Eyes closed. If he opened his eyes now what would happen? Swallowing as he took another step back from the scene towards his front door. Slowly he turned, hand reaching for his Cold Steel he placed in the ready for his leave. It would be all he needed from this point on. Eyes still shut he reached for his handle. "If I open my eyes now... Would I wish for it all to be undone?" Pause. Eyes opened revealing red sclera from unshead tears. " No I keep going forward Rasta. We keep going forward." Through the door, down the steps, into the garage he recognized no one. It was so early no one was up to be recognized. Easily finding what he wanted parked in his guest parking spot. It was a large monster of a shadow out of place next to the hybrid and Camry Rasta's 1968 oil black mustang laid in wait for a master with it's key. Feeling the slick paint brush against his palm as he unlocked the door and stepped into the deep upholstery. It was silent in the car... Heavy. Hesitantly he pushed the keys into the ignition making the car rumble to life. "You taught me how to drive stick with this car..." Smile.

                                                      Glancing down to the passenger side seat where he saw his discarded MP3. Dai had been meaning to get it, or remind Rasta to bring it up with him when he visited. His cold steel placed next to him as he reached over to find it already plugged into the dash jack. Pressing play and freezing when played Rin Toshite Shigure. It was the shorter version of what was being played up in his apartment. A breath tumbled from his lips leaving him deflated, expression shocked. Rasta was listening to Ling? Dai was sure the other was sick of the band from him over playing their music. "The first song you shared with me." Uneasily he set the device back onto the seat, it glowing within the dark of the car. Flipping his wrist to his digital watch that shined the time back to him. "Just enough time to fulfill one last wish." Reverse out the space, down out towards the road. Smiling. Ling played with him the whole way, the ride always feels so short when his mind is swept clean with the lyrics, chords, sound it was all Rasta. And Rasta didn't even have a clue. Or was it Daiki who didn't have a clue? He was there, the sky was growing lighter by the moment. This one story house, that was so broken in yet it was completely unfamiliar to Daiki now from the new inhabitants that resided from within. The car rumbled silent the stretch of leather from his seat the only sound as he moved to retrieve his cold steal. There are birds outside chirping as well. From the window Daiki could make out baby blue curtains, the outline of a white crib through the blinds, the, stupid musical spinny thing that goes over the baby's head to make them quiet.

                                                      It was all so quick what happened.... Having used the key from the ring he took from Rasta's corps to open the door. Even though he had his own... The door was open, he was inside, even though he hadn't been inside the house for months things were still in places he remembered. And there were things moved into unfamiliar places that wouldn't of been bothered to be moved if the b***h hadn't of moved in. Clothes familiar and unfamiliar were scattered around... Baby toys, Dai was stepping on a baby blanket. Only his eyes traced the home, the rest of his bod stood unmoving, his cold steel had followed him in it seemed. Comforting. It was comforting in his hand when surrounded by so much unfamiliar. Foreign when it really shouldn't be... It all had happened so fast. He was in then he was out. Thats all what happened. Even though he hadn't set foot within the house for months he easily maneuvered his way through the one hall. One hall, there always has just been one... Just like he remembered. The pictures on the wall were the same, thank the gods. It was reassuring? The door was already open for him, the room had been repainted because Daiki remembered it being a more caramel brown than powder blue. There across the room, was the wish.

                                                      He went in, then he went out...

                                                      He was standing above looking down. There was Rasta! He looked so lively, already awake before his parents had even come in. The baby didn't even bother to recognize Daiki, it too busy fumbling with it's own hands that were wrapped in pajama mittens. So blue... Eyes falling closed, almost just a sliver of what he once was stood awake to watch what he was about to do. Left hand moving to invade the space of the right, gripping his cold steel's hilt. The room was silent, but there were birds chirping, the baby burping, the refrigerator running, the fan over head spinning, the baby monitor whirring, and foot steps coming. He was aware of it all, and it was all so silent... "Babe? I heard the car up front, but didn't see you come to bed. Also the front was left.... Open..." She must of noticed Daiki wasn't Rasta. "Rah?" Rasta's not here! Your Rah's not coming! YOU b***h! Slowly he turned to face her. Daiki had seen her before, once no twice. Maybe even a forth time. When Rasta and her weren't, an item... Daiki hadn't known her, Vinta hadn't known her, Holiday, Susu, no one knew her yet she seemed to fall from a crack out of the sky onto Rasta's head into his life. No one had taken their relationship seriously... Look what it's lead to. She gasped upon seeing Daiki's face and not Rasta's, expected. Then she noticed with the turn of his body the long narrow hilt of his steel. That look on her face was she scared or impressed? "You!" She tried to scream but instead chose to speak. What happened next wasn't supposed to happen. It wasn't part of the wish. He had walked in and walked out. Nothing happened...

                                                      She ran. In nothing but panties and a large plaid button down that was obviously Rasta's she stumbled against the door frame and turned to run. The stumble was all Daiki needed. In a second his steel was unsheathed, flipped then lunged to fly across the room into her back. It was a sickly smooth noise. She didn't even turn around, it was nothing like in the movies. She just... Crumpled. Lips fell apart as he realized what he just did Daiki straightened from his throw to see the blood against the hall wall, over her fingers, down her chin it was a 100 point hit right through her lung. Face falling as the realization hit. That... Wasn't supposed to happen, he was just supposed to walk in, walk out. Nothing. Standing there for however long he did by the time he decided to move the room was filled with a fowl smelling blood order, and the baby was starting to make noise. The sun was now starting to rise, there was light coming into the room, over his scene. Turning to look down to the wriggling, fumbling, mumbling, child. It finally noticed him, looking up to Daiki with large clear round eyes. Black, black, black, black eyes. They stared at each other for a long moment. One expecting other expecting... Finally Daiki moved, bringing his thumb up to be licked by his tongue he reached over the crib and smeared his saliva covered digit over the babie's forehead. "Chicken pox." And then he was gone, his steel having been lodged free, the mustang having grumbled away, the door left wide open for any to judge they wouldn't understand. Daiki was sick. He was just real sick no one even had any kind of idea to just how sick he was. "[******** bronchitis..." He coughed hiding his pale lips and face into another paper hospital mask as he pulled into a free space to park. The ending notes of Acoustic dying through his car.

                                                      This place, it was out in the middle of no where... Was this right? Gods Rasta dealt with maps and such Daiki just drove shotgun and smoked all the black and milds. Pulling a tightly folded invitation from the back of his jeans as he stepped from the car. Another ugly cough though he smothered it with an inhail of his black and mild, the sweet scent blanketing him completely and following him up to the door. Pulling the mask back over his lips as he killed the light from within his cigar. He wondered if he should knock... Deciding at the last minute to pull his hand away from touching the door. Her germaphobia saving him from a bout of whatever might be infesting the door. He instead decided on roughly giving the door a good hard kick, his cold steel at his side at the ready. "Whoo.... It's kinda hot Rasta." He was running a slight fever, again, and here he had been trying to look his best instead he could only glare miserably to the door as he waited for someone to open. "Hello!" He rasped looking around the porch before clicking his lips irritated. [******** lungs feel bout ready to blow and nobody can open the damn door... Please open your door! I'm sick..."


a little bloomy's Honey Bun

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"I really, really like this..." Tongue moving past his lips to swipe away at some cream from the corner of his mouth. Fingers despite being covered black in grit and grime from working on his car easily slid into his mouth with no concerns. In fact he ate with a childish gusto. Now slick fingers smacking free from the sugary confines of his mouth. Eagerly he reached into the flexible metallic pan again fingers scratching the bottom for another square soggy slice of the tres leches his sweet neighbor continued to hold out for him. He called her Nana the tiny Spanish grandma who lived across from him in the small apartment 15B. She was alone most of the time, her family rarely coming over not even for the holidays. One of her sons actually robbed $15,000 from her bank account last year. That was how Douha was able to get closer with her by helping her with her financial problem since her family wouldn't step in and she didn't know who else to ask. Even once it was found out who took the money, bless her little heart, she did nothing to press charges against her son. She loves him too much, this angered her family but Douha likes to think he understands. She is a mother, that her son, she didn't want to hurt him. The moment Douha had moved in, boxes still sitting out his door the truck having just driven away there she was standing at his open door a large plate full of warm brownies. "I noticed someone was moving in so I've been cooking these since morning thinking you might want a snack." She grinned then Douha still blinking to her surprised eyes his eyes fell longingly on the brownies. "Well aren't you young and handsome, handsome boy mind helping me with something?" He had nodded without question and walked from his box filled apartment across the narrow hall into her heavily spice smelling one.

Now she was standing. No sitting now, when did she pull up that folding chair? Holding the large pan of tres leches on her lap like a table contently watching Douha lick up the cake. With each swallow he took her smile would be rekindled. She would always say she made too much, used to cooking for a big family and she would bring the extra to Douha, playing distressed about the food going to waste though secretly smiling to herself as she would see that familiar longing stare and swallow to her dish from him. These past few weeks Douha hasn't even been buying groceries, accepting the rich dinners and heavy lunches which he would stock away in his fridge for later. "I just wanted to thank you for helping me install that fancy shower head." Without looking up from the slowly diminishing cake from the large aluminum foil container he answered around a mouthful of cream. "That was a week ago..." She had paid him back by making him that deliciously huge quiche. "I know." She said leaning back into the chair for emphases which creaked under her weight. "Just, also I worry about you. Your so thin I wonder if you ever eat at all." Swallowing with a slight hiccup as he glanced down to his tanktop which fit perfectly this morning though now stretched to accommodate the size of his now full stomach. Thumb slowly pulling from his mouth as he looked over the change in his body. "I see..."

Sadly, his waist line has suffered since he has moved here. These past few weeks it has suffered twice as much since Nana has been especially giving. "Ok." He burped finally pulling away from the last tempting half of the tres leches realizing he had barely even been breathed as he stuffed his face. Sitting back trying to put space between himself and the cake he shifted on the stool he had been sitting on to better face her. "Something going on? Something you want to tell me?" At first she silently shook her head. "No! No nothing baby it's nothing, here, here take it." Hands suddenly full with the foil pan still heavy with what was left of the cake. Douha looked to her his eyes pulling worried lines as he slowly and reluctantly put the cake down on the floor next to him. "Nana....." Now he could see the the slight worry in her own motions, how her small hands twisted within themselves. Taking those small hands into his large ones feeling how cold and worn they were from years of taking care of family that has seemed to have left her. "I'm getting old..." She finally smiled solemnly and Douha had to swallow the sudden lump as those words rung familiar alarms. "Cant I just take care of you for the rest of my days?" He could feel his face growing hot from holding in tears and his jaw ache from trying not to howl sadly into the sky. "..... Yea." He choked, it only coming out as a whisper as he softly smiled and ran his thumb over her hands.

"Thank you baby." She said a weight seeming to lift from her as she smiled once again. This time a genuine easy smile of no burden or heavy thoughts. "Well I'll leave you back to working on that scary car of yours." She stood from the chair and being as small as she was with Douha sitting and her now standing she was barely over him. He watched her silently, jaw tense as she reached over and gave a small loving pinch to his chin then walked back towards the stairs leading from the garage to the apartments. He continued to watch the door she had walked through to leave, face stony. He has come to learn, that humans, as they get older seem to know when their clock is running out. They begin talking like how Nana just spoke. His first owner did the same. He would sit in one place for hours just watching the outside and stroke Douha's head in a kind of content silence. Then finally after hours randomly he would say. "It's almost time...." Without looking from the window. And he would smile then, changing the rhythmic strokes to Douha's head for short pats as he would murmur "Good boy..." Then the silence would continue.

He was getting so choked up that it took a sharp bark from his side to cause him to blink then look over to the bull terrier who had been lazing about at the opening to the garage who had waddled over to his side. Clearing his throat as he looked down to the dog who seemed to be criticizing him. Sniffing as he ran a thump under his nose. "I'm not a p***y Precious.... Just." Another bark causing him to frown down to the dog and snuff his tears as his lips tightened into a pout. Precious just sat down looking right back at him. Finally with a click of his tongue he reached reached for his discarded screw driver from the floor next to the stool and continued tinkering with the engine of his 1968 oil black mustang. It was the first car once in America having wandered through Europe most of his life. It was something he took pride in and loved working on knowing his way around an engine. A few impatient barks later from Precious caused Douha to irritably throw his screw driver into the floor a tense frown hardening his handsome features as he rocked from the short stool and turned to face Precious who was now on her feet. "Ok, I'm done were going. Right now I know you want to see your beau Sven." He said with a roll of his eyes at the excited wag from the dog at the mention of Sven's name.

Yanking the drivers side door for the dog who hopped inside then poked her head through the rolled down window and gave a mumble of a bark as though to rush him. Douha ignored her, reaching up for the hood and pushing it closed. Boots thudding as he reached down to pick up his few scattered tools and tossing them into his metal toolbox. Easily lifting it over his shoulder a feat that would be difficult for a normal person his size and walking around to the trunk to set it in it's place. Now was for the tres leches cake. Cradling it against himself he bit his lip to the tempting bit left then sighed feeling his already full stomach poke against the aluminum pan and gently set it through the window into floor of the back seat. A bark from the car then though Douha didn't quicken his pace as his hand swiped up a black hoody, zipping it over himself. He didn't want the others to see they'd probably poke fun at him about letting a human take care of him so even though they knew for the most part how he felt about humans. Despite possibly being teased by the others the thought of Nana caused him to smile thoughtfully. Oh how he wished things were different, how he wished he could just be himself around her. He didn't want to scare her....

Swinging his door open Precious stepping into the passenger seat in the same motion as he collapsed against the leather upholstery. Just as he closed the door he was getting a commanding bark from his side to which he slowly looked unamused towards his dog. "Watch it." He said with a warning finger then reached over with a grunt to manually roll down the window, just how Precious liked it. As a thank you and perhaps even sorry Douha got an earful of tongue in a purposely sloppy kiss from Precious to which he grimaced. "Yea, yea you kissup..." With a smooth jerk he started the car it roaring to life beneath them. Shifting into reverse Douha slid from the garage into the street, straightening then car howling past the children who skittered clear of the street and waved from the sidewalks. At a nudge from a cold nose on his hand that was gripping the shift he glanced over to Precious. "What?" Looking down as his hand was continuously nudged. "You want the radio?" Prodding at the radio and turning a knob to raise the volume to a comfortable level. Precious seemed content and looked out the window ears flapping in the breeze. With a shake of his head his eyes fell back onto the road heading for out of town towards his Alpha's house. Though about 15 minutes in he started feeling the affects of eating so much of that tres leches begin to kick around.

"I'm stopping at this store, I need something for this stomach ache..." With a wince he pulled into a supermarket in the middle of Bird City this one large and fancy, one he didn't ever step into since he lived downtown. "Stay." He gave the short command shutting off the car and stepping into the store. Reading the signs over the aisles then turning into the one that looked as though it would have what he needed. Walking around someone's shopping cart full of items and nodding to a man who slipped past him with a shopping basket. The store was surprisingly full for it being somewhat early in the day, luckily he only needed one thing, and good thing this wasn't the store he usually shopped at. Finding a shelf of different medicines for car sickness, food poisoning, and so on until his still black fingers plucked up the bottle of TUMS. With a satisfying shake of the bottle he maneuvered his way through the store back to the front. Soot covered fingers ran through his curls of hair as he waited in the shortest line he could find which had him behind two people with full baskets. Where the holidays coming up or something?

Finally he made his way out with his purchase Precious seeming to give off a groan as he grinned down to the bottle of TUMS in his hand. "Oh what? So you had to wait in the car boo hoo." Frowning as he pulled the bottle open and popped three into his mouth. Grimacing to the chalky texture and the mix of two cherries and a lemon that ruined the red berry's taste he peeled out the parking lot, his exit drawing stares as the roar of his car echoed throughout the full lot startling shoppers. Lips pulling back as the lingering chalky taste only bothered him Douha dug around in his pockets for a pack of cigarettes. He only smoked a few times nothing like his dear Sven. And he only smoked because his first master had smoked. Douha had forced himself to like smoking. Lifting the metal zippo from his cup holder and holding the lighter up to end of his cigarette just as Precious gave a bark next to him. Looking up to see a girl perched on a rock. Why out here at this time there was someone sitting like that was beyond him. He should probably keep going... A bark from Precious her probably echoing his thoughts though he ignored both his thoughts and Precious as he found his foot pressing on the break to roll to a stop before her.

Window having been rolled down when he pulled out his cigarette he pulled the cancer stick from his mouth to clear his throat and look out his window. "Hey... You... Lost?" Hopefully he wasn't coming off as... Weird.... Hand moving to run over his neck. "You need a ride maybe?" Looking over to the passenger seat to Precious who was looking out his window to the girl as well, curious. "Move to the back." Ears raised as though in surprise to his command she obviously didn't want to move. "Move... To... The back." Precious knew when her master began speaking slowly like that he was serious and so reluctantly climbed her way between the seats to the back. "And dont touch my cake..." Looking back to the girl sitting on the rock he cocked his head. "You look like your running away, or struggling with something." He said calmly, trying to put understanding in his voice. "..... Maybe I'm wrong." He said after a long moment of silence. "Sorry for prying." Finally looking away hand moving to shift the car out of park getting ready to drive away.

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a little bloomy's Honey Bun

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                                                  "Lately, its been just that more difficult to wield Cerberus. For some reason since the events, that time, its just been that much harder. I guess, because even the extinguished demons from within myself have echoed the same message that my friends have. Even if they have said it directly to my person, their eyes say it all loud enough. I wasn't exactly trying to keep it a secret, though the last thing I wanted was to announce it all over Midgar... The world doesn't need to know of a monster's pain. It's unnecessary..." Dragging his metal fingers across the soil under his cape. The glow of the cave felt warm against his pale face, leather clad arm draped over his raised knee before his face. Sitting on the hard soil for hours was something Vincent had accustomed himself to. "Lucrecia, they call for me to move on." Face raising from behind the buckled cloth, raising his golden gauntlet before him to the enormous crystal that held Lucrecia in a forever beautiful coffin. The life stream bubbled free from the small pond surrounding the crystal surrounding her forever frozen face in rays of natural light that just made her look all the more beautiful.

                                                  The planets forever trophy, perhaps it kept her locked here as a memory. Remembering the time, so that it would never happen again. The creation of another Sephiroth... "... You know... Even though you wish not to tell me. You kept it from me but I figured it out. Hojo tried keeping it from me as well. But I know the truth, and I just thought I should let you know that I know... Lucrecia I forgive you." Squeezing his gauntlet before dropping it with a soft metallic clang. Carefully he rotated his head to rest on his shoulder shutting his eyes. "I've never tried... Forgiving my sins..." He finally admitted, remembering a time Cloud had asked him in the forbidden forest. Opening his crimson eyes then, long lashes fanning over his cheeks as he seemed to ponder over the memory and the words exchanged. "... Never tried..." Attention moving suddenly to Lucrecia, Vincent could of sworn he just heard her whispers blow in with the wind from the entrance of the cave.

                                                  Sitting there stiffly, hand fisted as he waited in high tensioned anticipation to the form that hasn't moved in over 30 years. Would she suddenly move now? It was silly to hope for, though Vincent could wish couldn't he? There was a long drawn out pause as Vincent's eyes never left her form, never blinked, slightly wider in his fear, hope, joy, and then disappointment when nothing happened. Looking away from the crystal, recovering faster over his hopeful episodes such as this one over the years. Eyes narrowed with his disappointment, it could almost be described as a pout, hiding the bottom of his face within his cape he spoke out loud after a time. "... I'm to visit Tiffa today..." Eyes focusing on the inner wall of the cave as he thought of Tiffa. He didn't exactly dislike visiting, though the raven haired girl would insist on his visiting. It would be the other way around but... Vincent is usually never at home... It was almost painful whenever he visited, he could almost choke on the pity that seeps from her eyes and drowns him. And the kids, he wasn't too fond of kids...

                                                  Standing to his feet then, and turning to leave he stopped short to call over his shoulder. "This conversation concerning Sephiroth... We will continue it once I return..." Waiting for a response, a goodbye, an OK, something but nothing came... Which was expected. It was no surprise. So why did it hurt so much? Squeezing the pain from his chest along with the motion of his fist Vincent began the trek to Midgar. Despite all what it's been through with the falling of the plate leading to the destruction of section 7 slums, to meteor, to Kadaj and so on. Reno... He was the one who pushed the button, how could one person be so destructive? It was unnatural for sure. The Turks, to think he had been one at a time... A long time ago. Reno was now head wasn't he? Just under Tseng. How someone like that was able to get into such a high position was beyond Vincent. Some people were just amazingly lucky like that. How Reno even managed to survive training for becoming a Turk alluded Vincent as well. "Rufus must of started getting lax once I... Left..." Remembering it was Rufus who was just a small little thing at the time was in charge of the Turks, Tseng was there next to him back then too. Everyone was so young...

                                                  Hand coming up to pinch the bridge of his nose, Tiffa came then setting a cup of hot tea before him. "Vincent you alright?" Looking up Vincent reassured Tiffa with a nod, making the mistake to catch those pity filled eyes. He looked away then, taking the cup and having a sip of the hot tea. "Where's Cloud?" He asked gruffly then, vision moving down to the pale green liquid within the white porcelain. "He off doing his delivery service?" Guess so, because all he got from Tiffa was a silence. She must be wondering the same thing. Poor girl, always waiting on Cloud it seemed to Vincent. Well then they both might as well be the same. Two way pity, though Vincent didn't try to pity people, it brought them down lower than what he would imagine what they wanted to be. Silently taking his cup back to his lips as Tiffa went to help another customer. It was at this time the door chimed and the heavy thud of only someone with a cocky swagger could accomplish. Vincent paid no mind to the new comber, enjoying his dark corner that Tiffa had kept empty for him as he took another sip from his tea. It was only when the steps stopped at his table did Vincent's gaze move from the rim of his cup to the obnoxiously bright red shirt, then to the similarly obnoxiously matching hair, then those green eyes.

                                                  At the welcome Vincent pulled away from his tea to stare to the Turk. Vincent's face, as usual held nothing, no surprise, no anger, no questions, defiantly no admiration for the other male or love. Tiffa and Cloud might of forgiven the turn, and Vincent might of been sleeping at the time, but this man did destroy a whole sector, as well as killed many people and got pleasure out of it as well as attempt to kill AVALANCHE on multiple occasions and had been near successful... At least with Cloud... Yet the man allows the Turk to swagger into his restaurant. Well the Turks have always just swaggered in, but this man had the gull to do so alone and... What was he wearing? Was he trying to tease Vincent? He obviously wanted something from him considering he walked all the way across the bar cutting past plenty of empty tables to stand RIGHT, HERE, before Vincent's tucked away table. He even said hi... And sat down...

                                                  "Well someone is eager to die today..." Was all Vincent said as he easily began loading Cerberus with bullets. Loading and locking it closed Vincent held the long three barrel revolver closely within his hands, holding it out in plain sight obviously warning the Turk. Examining Cerberus within his hands Vincent finally asked, lucky for Reno he was the one to ask questions before shooting. "Obviously your here for some reason..." Looking to Reno's attire once more before moving his attention back to his gun. "And dressed like that. You have one chance, no warnings, and not three chances one. No you dont even got one chance to not screw this up or get on my bad side." Crimson eyes locking onto Reno's green ones. "Which you already are..." Looking back to his gun. "I dont want to cause trouble for Tiffa, but really it doesn't matter where I shoot you. Now speak, you already lost your no chance by showing up here..." Quick, to the point, through. Reno best hurry with what he had to say, Vincent was actually warming up to enjoying his tea.

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a little bloomy's Honey Bun

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                                      User Image"Hold still please...." Delicate thin fingers expertly worked the thread and needle through the cotton material of the stuffed giraffe in his hands. The soft doll stopped it's slight wriggles to hold completely still in his hands though it never once went limp with loss of life. Instead it held still with almost an expectant inpatients before it started wriggling once again only a few seconds later. Pushing a sigh Daiki gently set the toy onto the table before him, watching as it's weak stuffed legs struggled to support itself before standing fully and giving a shake of it's body as though it were a real animal. Daiki watched the giraffe turn to face him, then turn around again and begin walking to the edge of the table to jump off the edge onto the ground below. It's back held a only half finished sewed hole, some cotton protruding from the hole it looked funny though it worried Daiki. Already he has found pieces of cotton lying around randomly on the floor from his 'wounded' giraffe and when holding the doll he could feel how empty of cotton it was. "It's probably best I try not to close it now while he doesn't have all his cotton in any way..." The giraffe once it had it's footing again like a new born deer stumbled onto it's legs before hobbling quickly away to get lost about in the room where it was as though a whole community of moving, dancing, socializing, and working stuffed toys harmonized together happily.

                                      Eyes seemingly empty for someone who looked as young as him looked to the moving toys about his room, as though his eyes held things only someone who has lived a long time would harbor. There was a stiff pain, a burning loath for something only the world could produce. Back held straight, only someone with years of practice would have such confident posture though his head and shoulders held a small slump as though gravity had been forcing him down for years. His face held the gift of a full youthful face, though those eyes seemed to hold the history of an old man. "Oh, a silver hair!" Blinking suddenly Daiki turned his stiff gaze back to the mirror before him where he sat to look at the reflection of one of the LABS nurses behind him. In her hand she held a hot pink brush which she had been just some seconds ago running through Dai's hair. Looking curiously and seemingly amazed down to the brush her face obviously held a deep attention to what was sitting reflecting through the thick bristles of the brush. Carefully using her nails she plucked free a single strand from the tangles, easily honing it out and pulling it free to hold before her face. Daiki continued to look up to her through the mirror his facial expression not once changes from how it had been. "See? Look!" Pushing the silver strand before Daiki's face to see his brows twitched ever so slightly in the negative at her seemingly excited attitude at this simple strand of silver hair.

                                      Eyes falling on the strand pinched limply between her fingers. It was long, obviously having been stuck in his scalp for some time, having been trimmed and cared for like the rest of his hair though this strand was able to go unnoticed this whole time... Was obviously a fault on the LABS staff. "Everyone gets silver hair and everyone gets silver hair at different times." Dismissing it as he pushed himself away from the table and mirror to push himself from the chair, feet landing with a soft thud to the ground having been too small to reach the floor. Walking into the flurrying of stuffed toys moving about the room as though each and everyone had goals and jobs and plans they are doing or need to get ready for. Walking over a tug of war with a toy snake as the rope between a group of bunnys, birds, and frogs. On the other side of the large room where the flat screen TV was some bears and dogs were watching a yoga tape using bathroom towels as the mats as they expertly moved their bodies with the relaxing music from the tape. Other toys innocently were playing and running around as though they weren't toys to be played with. Some were playing tag, others hop scotch with some chalk on the hard wood (which they weren't supposed to do). Other toys were playing more complicated games such as news cast with a cardboard box which had been drawn on with crayon the back drop and what was supposed to be 'NEWS' though instead was just a mess of scribbles with the familiar text frame from the news on television. Another group of dolls were playing house, while another group was doing a play and even had an audience clapping stuffed paws and giving silent cheers.

                                      A balled up sock flew past Daiki's feet as a crowd of ducks and cats ran past after it nearly avoiding getting stepped on though Daiki didn't stop once or slow down. Stopping before a huge life size panda it easily toward over Daiki's small frame. Everyone did... In it's large paws it held a neatly folded white long sleeve cotton shirt. Accepting it silently as two more life size bears approached him one holding his glasses and the other his boots. Taking the glasses he set them onto his face then took the shoes, sitting back onto his bed and tying them onto his small sock covered feet. The nurse stayed next to the table watching the dolls run around the room silently nervously she pulled at her dress uniform and looked down to the brush. "... You know, it was bound to happen eventually, your true age was going to come through at some time." Fingers pulling the last lace taught as he looked up through his glasses and hair to the nurse. Daiki stayed silent, though his eyes never left her as he waited for her to continue on what she was getting at. She looked from the toys then to her feet when a doll dinosaur slowly stalked through her feet then looked up to her with it's beady eyes. Swallowing obviously she was beginning to grow scared of being in this room where toys come to life.

                                      Daiki just watched her, though she wasn't very interesting and soon his attention was pulled to a pile of papers that had been left on his bed when the nurse first walked in. "Well... Well I'll go get your breakfast then--" SQUEAK The short high pitched squeal from the squeak doll pierced through the silence of the room, the clinking of bells and whistles instantly died down as the nurse slowly lifted her foot to find an abused stuffed ferret unmoving under her where her foot once was. It was only the silence of the room besides the yoga video from the TV that pulled her attention away from the ferret squished into the carpet that made her look about the room and see how all button eyes were on her. Breath catching in her throat as he hands went up to cover over her mouth. "D, Daiki! Daiki I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to--"

                                      "It's just a toy...." It was the calm of his voice that cut her off and made her freeze. "... It's just a toy... I know, thats what you were thinking right?" At this she slowly shook her head, the terror of the situation starting to sink in. "N, no I didn't mean to..." Standing from his bed then the three large human like bears all had their stitched eyes on the nurse as if just waiting for the command from their master. Small packet of papers rested neatly in the nook of his arm his large child like eyes full of years like an old man locked onto the frightened nurse. "... Dolls have feelings too you know." At this the squished ferret doll finally moved back to life, pulling itself up from the ground and shaking its fuzzy body back to normal before quickly scurrying away from the nurse in a frightened manner. "These dolls that seem nothing to you actually mean a lot to me." Looking down then to the many dolls that surrounded his feet their eyes not once leaving the nurse who stayed frozen where she stood though her hand twitched closer to her wrist for the device that with a push of the button would call in the LABS security to protect her if needed. Though Daiki wouldn't allow for her to press it. "Your not needed, in fact your evermore dismissed." Turning and walking towards his door at the end of the huge room.

                                      The nurse watched Daiki head for the door, her hand falling from her wrist as she scoffed in her mind that Daiki didn't have the authority to forever dismiss her despite his long years within the LABS. Though it was as she glowered to him when suddenly there was a quick glint of metal then a scream as the nurse fell to the ground holding the back of her now bleeding heel. As she landed to the floor dolls filled her vision as they began to slowly advance towards her gripping her leg which was still bleeding profusely from the back of her heel. "Gah! No! Daiki! I'm sorry! Stop them! STOP THEM!" A stuffed ninja cat suddenly jumped into her line of vision, it holding in its paws a bloody butcher knife still dripping with her blood. Another scream filled the room as dolls began pulling things from their stuffing such as screw drivers, switch blades, ice picks, hammers, even some random devices of torture such as wine openers, nail clippers, and broken bottles. The larger human bears also had weapons, the panda sporting a metal baseball bat while the long furred tan bear unzipped the white bear with the ribbon from the back and pulled from it's stuffing a rusted ax. Unable to scream any more as the ninja cat had gagged her with a sock, the other dolls having tied her with a jump rope. She could only cry and watch as the cute stuffed toys all with unchanging fantasy faces advanced holding death within their stuffed paws.

                                      Upon closing the door behind him Daiki stopped to find his largest stuffed bear waiting for him. It easily towered over a man and was obviously made with a heavier denser material and leather that made his body thud heavily against the floor almost flaunting his heavy industrial make. It was a large bear with thick black wool for it's fur and dark brown leather for it's paws, muzzle, and stomach. It was slightly worn though with a silver button missing from one of it's eyes it more looking like a battle scar and giving it an even hardier appearance. This bear was actually a good friend of Daiki's, the first rescued bear of his. He had found it in a near buried war plane factory. The bear was like the factories mascot for WWI and WWII, it held many memories within it's stitches. For rescuing the bear Daiki named it Papa who would tell of Daiki it's stories and protect Daiki. (The four larger bears were named respectively from Papa being the top down to Mama, Brother, then Baby.) It was a real war bear, it willing to sacrifice it's stuffing for Daiki. It once even walked through fire for him, perhaps one of the few things that can kill his dolls. Once it walked across the ocean for him, Daiki having left the bear behind for a mission, the bear growing uneasy and in the end walked the distance through ocean and land to get to Daiki. Since then Daiki never once let the bear leave his side having grown a large respect for the much older bear, if you see Daiki you usually see Papa along with him. "Good morning Papa bear." Daiki greeted the large bear with a slight bow of his head. The bear did the same, giving a silent bow before reaching under it's large arm and pulling free from it a stuffed zebra and handing it to Daiki almost as a peace offering.

                                      Taking the offered stuffed zebra Daiki then noticed he was not only handed a toy zebra that seemed excited to see him but also a clear bag of alphabet cookies and his DS. Daiki couldn't help but smile lightly at this. The bear was so thoughtful, getting one of Daiki's favorite snacks from the public LABS kitchen then grabbing his forgotten DS. As of late Daiki has noticed he has been forgetting things quite a bit. Once second it could be in his hand then the next it wont. Lately its been happening so much that Daiki would usually just forget about it and move on with his business, knowing he will only frustrate himself with trying to find it. Papa bear must of watched him set it down and hung onto it when he put Daiki to bed the other night. Hugging the zebra closer to his chest Daiki wondered what he would have done with himself if he didn't have his dolls. They all looked out for each other, no one got left behind or lost. A shift in weight caught Daiki's attention, watching as the huge bear knelt before him his back to him. Looking to the offered back Daiki already knew what to do having rode on his bears many times to get through the long halls of the LABS. For someone as small and old as Daiki the trek from one meeting to the next could be a lot for him at times.

                                      Walking over and climbing onto the bear's back the large bear hung onto Daiki's legs then began to carry him piggy back down the large halls of the LABS. The wing that Daiki lived down was mostly empty having most nothing but the large hallway with empty rooms Daiki's was at the way end, having the largest room this wing could offer. To think the LABS planned on filling all these empty rooms. Until then his dolls when feeling adventitious or were being too noisy would run through this long hall, into rooms playing hide and go seek with the adjoining rooms, scribbling on the walls with crayons and just getting into messes. In fact a few stuffed toys who were already out the room running around in the halls stopped to wave and watch or even run to try and keep up with the large bear. Soon though they would fall back never trailing too far from home and continue playing. Sometimes though the occasional new toy would wander too far away and one of the four larger bears would have to go and hunt for it. Once out side Daiki's protection many things can go wrong from them getting crushed or worse. People... People could be so evil to dolls just because they were weaker or smaller. Once Daiki had been searching for a lost devil bear and found the brutes of the LAB security pulling it's head from its body. To Daiki it had the same equivalence of a machine ripping a human's head off, it was merciless and Daiki had snapped, calling family of large bears and hunting the men to who had hurt his devil bear. They were killed, of course Daiki was punished by the LABS but it was worth it. In the end the doll was able to be saved, Daiki needing to hunt for every piece and sewing it back together. That was the only way to restore a doll's life back, if one thread or patch was missing it's life wouldn't ever come back...

                                      It was depressing to think, though Daiki worked hard to protect his dolls. They were his friends. Upon entering the more busier portion of the LABS where scientist and workers buzzed about to get from meeting to meeting or project to project. People were used to Daiki and his huge bears and walked around them like anyone else as the two headed for their destination. "Ah Daiki!" Bear stopping to slowly turn and face the man who had called him the two looked to the man, he having long hair for a scientist and a stern face. Though perhaps one of the few humans Daiki actually accepted. But that was a whole 'nother story. "Daiki your supposed to be at a meeting right now." Despite being somewhat younger the scientist said this unapprovingly like a parent nagging their child. Daiki didn't seem to mind this coming from this man though. "Meeting......" Blinking then Daiki looked back down to the scientist. "Oh your right... I even got the memo in my packet this morning." The man brought a hand to rub at his temples. "Tch, what am I to do with you? You better hurry off then if you plan to make it." Nodding in agreement as well as a thank you. "It's with Mr. Hopper right?" The man nodded. "Yea, and you know how that man can get when he doesn't have things in his order." It was Daiki's turn to silently scoff as he rolled his eyes up to the ceiling and mumbled some choice words under his breath. "That man, hes not much older than I am yet he thinks he can push me around. Where does he come off?" Clicking his tongue irritatedly before childishly poking his bottom lip out in a pout. The scientist only shook his head more in an understanding. "Oh Daysle." The scientist looked up at his name. "There was an accident in my room. Tell someone to clean it up."

                                      "Dai.... What did you do?" Blinking at how well Daysle knew him Dai only turned away, this signaling his bear to begin moving towards the meeting. "I did nothing, she was a pain anyway..." Daysle only watched as Daiki left on his huge bear, hands on his hips disapprovingly. "How much does he plan on pushing the LABS and seeing if he can get away with it?" Leaving his question to hang in the air Daysle grabbed a passing security man and ordered for him to check on Daiki's room before rushing off to finish what he had been doing before he bumped into Daiki. Making it to the meeting room Papa bear opened the door, having the bend over slightly to walk inside. Upon seeing most everyone was already seated Daiki squirmed and slid down the large bear's back nearly loosing his balance as his feet connected with the floor. Pulling down his shirt he collected the things in his hand before finally just handing the zebra over to Papa bear as he shuffled his papers. Taking place on the other side of Kelvin Papa bear moving in close behind him as his security despite being late Daiki showed no attention to Mr. Hopper. Instead he pulled his DS from his pocket and took out the game sliding it before Kelvin. "Here I said I would let you play it once I beat it since you did help me buy it. It's fun like you said it would." While out on a mission Daiki had been with Kelvin and they passed a game store, seeing a new much wanted game was out. Of course Daiki wanted it as hard as he tries to pass of as nonchalant about most things and Kelvin helped him buy it since he was short on the money at the time. Hey whenever out Daiki has to buy as many dolls as he can, he has to rescue as many as he can...

                                      Looking past Kelvin to Nakatsumi then Daiki began fiddling in his pocket then and pulled free a small crotchet made rilakkuma bear. "I'm sorry it took me so long to make. But I did promise you something." The reason behind the promise was lost to Daiki now his memory failing him as of late. Passing the small made phone charm over to her. "It's for your phone. But it can be hung off most anything." At the rough clearing of a throat Daiki's eyes landed heavily on Mr. Hopper on the other side of the table, the older male obviously growing impatiently upset though Daiki wouldn't have any of it. "Excuse me sir, though I do believe you can clearly see that I am busy in the middle of something involving another person. Therefore, this point A and point B exchange and conversation shouldn't be getting any point C interference, for that is considered rude." He said sharply and perhaps because his face was as youthful as it was it seemed all wrong and made the anger Mr. Hopper feel even worse. "And also." Not missing a beat as Daiki moved to sit on his knees so he was at a better height as he neatly folded his hands over his paper. "The nurse who was working with me has been permanently dismissed. I will be expecting a new one later this evening. BEFORE bath time. And this time please.... Can she be above a C cup? And maybe one who uses the suffix 'sama' at at the end of my name every time I'll only forgive their clumsiness then the next time they step on one of my friends." Faintest of smirks twitching at the corners of his lips as his gaze never left from Mr. Hopper. So he was bit of an old pervert so shoot him but with his face he could get away with it. Actually with his face he gets away with most everything. But this time maybe not so much... At least not with the way Mr. Hopper's face seemed ready to implode on itself. "YOU!" Since this wasn't the first time Mr. Hopper already had an idea what Daiki meant. "I've left her to the mercy of my friends. I wonder how she will turn out?" A twitch in Mr. Hoppers face then. "We will talk about this later..." See? Get away with everything. Though this wasn't something that made Daiki smile.

                                      Papa bear placed the zebra doll onto the table next to Daiki, though when Daiki made no move to take it, instead he kept his stare locked on Mr. Hopper, his face completely neutral though there was an obvious anger building. The zebra bucked then galloped around freely over the table running up to people then dodging quickly away before their hands could touch him. Daiki continued to ignore the rampant zebra even as Papa bear began to slowly move and catch the zebra. Finally though it seemed Mr. Hopper had enough. "DAIKI! GET YOUR TOYS OFF THE TABLE!" Tch, just like a boring adult...The zebra jumped in fright before racing back to Daiki, knocking a few paper cups on his way. Daiki carefully took the zebra and hugged it into his arms under his chin with a slight pout. When it seemed the zebra was contained the meeting continued.

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a little bloomy's Honey Bun

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Kicking in the door of the small brick building squished between two apartments the narrow building nearly rang with his entrance though his screaming speaker head phones were enough notice of his coming. Slowly stepping into the building his heavy boots landing onto the wooden entrance with a hollow thud. Scanning the interior it was nothing special. The narrow hallway as forced even narrower with it being stuffed on either side with dusty extinct equipment that hasn't seen the light of days since the 90's. The place smelled of dust and mothballs as well as electrical wires and old school mouses. It smelled like the work place. Stepping farther into the dark hall until he was in just a bit of a wider space, the long narrow room was chock full of equipment just like the hall leading into it. Two long modified tables stretched down the walls of either side of the room the right side table was the main work space, it somewhat cleaner holding individual monitors and pieces of hard ware strewn about. Three computer monitors were currently on and occupied, some men as younger as Sadie all typing away, lines of concentration set deep on their faces as their retinas fried from LCD screens.

“Yo my lifeless whores. Ready to suck this dic--!” Before he could fully break the repeating clicking of keys all three of his co-workers shot up and ran to him. “Sadie! Where have you been?! There has been a back up of hard drive repair orders and you are the head of that department! WHY AREN'T YOU REPAIRING!? Do you want us to go out of business; it’s already hard as it is!” Waving off to one long haired working neighbor as Sadie blocked an ear of their worrying with his finger, pushing his way through the three and plopping onto his chair where everyone gathered around. “You know how the boss gets when you don’t do your work Sadie. Do you want him to come in here and see your not working…? What are you doing anyway?” Having ignored all the talking and crowding, you had to be used to it when working in a narrow, windowless, stuffy, room with three other people… Sadie held up a large slab of card board for all in the room to see.

“… What is it?” At the question Sadie gave a rare smile, or more smirk of pride, bringing the cardboard sign back down onto the table and reaching for some color markers. “What is it? It's your mama's face that's what it is. This! Is my advertisement!” At the silence he continued to explain. “You see… I’m thinkin' bout renting out the other side of my loft. It’s hard living in this city by myself, isn’t any money for lunch these days…” The three behind Sadie looked to each other, concern on their faces. “… It’s a sign, and some rope…” The monotone response was enough to make Sadie snap, jumping up and glaring to the three behind him, perhaps the only few who no longer flinched when he moved in such a way any more. “Yea it’s a sign and rope! It’s my sign! This sign is going to get me a room mate! Tie it onto the back of my Vespa and I’m on my way!” Confusion was obvious on the faces before him as they looked to the sign then back to Sadie. “How… Will this work?”

At this question Sadie pushed passed the three, storming back for the hall where the exit was. “I’m going to make it work! This is what you call advertisement that WORKS! I’ll show you sissy mother fruchers that all you need is a sign, rope, a voice, and some gas to get your message out to the town! In a few weeks my room and my wallet is going to be full enough to buy oodles of noodles from months out, BITCHES!” Spitting out the insult while throwing a thumbs down that got no response once again, his co-workers already used to the insults, and name calling. They knew Sadie would get it… And he did. Turning around to march out the door a sudden blow to the stomach made him gasp as all the air from his chest was knocked out. Though that wasn’t it, a hit over the shoulders and then he was down on the floor groaning. His attacker? A man in a suit. The weapon? A bike helmet. Fixing the few strands that fell from his gelled hair the man held up the helmet for Sadie to see. “You left this at my house the other night…” Tossing the helmet across the room the man pointed to the three workers who had stayed back to watch the assault. “You three, grab that rope, tie him down, he’s not going anywhere till those repairs are finished and those forms are filled out, completely.”

Sadie, who had been rolling on the floor holding his middle let out a stream of strangled curses while his co-workers picked him up then sloppily tied him to his work chair. “Boss! You, hurt… Me.” Sadie cried as he sat limply in his chair. The attacker, his boss, calmly turned to leave. “Remember Sadie… I want everything filled out completely… I would stay longer, but I have a meeting to get to and some deals that need sealing. Please don’t let me down…” Three out of the four gave low mumbles of ‘yes sir’ while the fourth gave more a groan of pain. Though about seven hours later as things started growing darker and clouds grew bloated with rain Sadie was finally freed to go. Sticking the black helmet onto his head just as he felt a few drops fall onto his nose Sadie, still grumbling over what had happened earlier, saddled his bike, kicking it alive. It was growing cold, and he was unable to eat his pudding or drink his tea while tied down in the office… Literally. “Gotta get me some grub…” Luckily for him there was a welcoming looking café, on the other side of the street. No problem. The second his eyes landed on the warm looking lights and hot bowl being handed to a man by... Wait was that clam chowder!?

"Oh hell I gotta flip this b***h!"
Jerking his bike and cutting through traffic he barely dodged the cars coming right for him. Cutting through the street he was on, going over the bold yellow line, driving over the cement island and cutting through the opposite street. Running over the curb before stopping and parking his bike Sadie removed his helmet then walked through the doors as though he hadn't of just broken many laws now. Of course, what had just happened, was not missed by everyone inside the restaurant what with all the honking and tires screeching, it was a miracle Sadie was even still alive! “I’ll have what that guy is having.” Rudely pointing to the guy across the cafe he had seen through the window from the other side of the street. “It better be clam chowder. And make sure its nice and hot!” Quickly the waiters scrambled to get his order, the one at the counter who Sadie had in his glare shivered. "Is that, here or to go?" Lightly scratching at his chin as he though Sadie started digging through his pockets. "Think I want that b***h to go." Slamming some money down nervously the cash register guy took it. "Oh... I got an announcement." Without waiting for an OK from the register Sadie turned to face the still ogling restaurant. "Listen up! I got a loft, its big. Real big. I'm renting the half of it out, cheap!" Pointing to his Vespa with the sign he had tied to the side of the grill. "Any one need a room, well then speak up! We can negotiate over coffee." Of course no one responded right away, which was ok with Sadie, he was just waiting for his clam chowder.

B i t e ME! ♫...
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a little bloomy's Honey Bun

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              OH GAWDS! He did it again! That blush~ It was enough to body slam Gene's heart into his rib cage then bounce back again for more. Kai could be the cutest little thing Gene just couldn't help himself. He wished, and has voiced this many times to the other male, that they were some weird deformed Siamese twins connected at the hip so Gene could have reason to be stuck with him forever! And Kai, sweet little Kai, well, he hasn't exactly voiced the same excitement... Though it did not matter! For Gene could run on love alone! And he sure did love his friends to no end. Especially his Kai and Min. He felt they were his two loving, cute, special, kissable, hug-gable, children that he wished he had the money to just spoil till they got all chubby like so he had more excuse to just squeeze them... Though of course, sadly, life was just a jealous fat broad who had to make things all difficult and just, unreal. Le-sigh~.... Perhaps Gene should take up his brother's offer and borrow money... BUT HE COULDN'T! NO! It wasn't like Gene to mooch! Well, money wise... Especially off FAMILY! For one, it would feel too strange since he wasn't exactly close with his family. Perhaps the reason why he connected himself so roughly with his friends to the point he nearly killed them with his feelings. Living off in the dusty of no where, where no one was exactly close and it was every man, child, and mouse for himself... Well, yea.

              To Gene his friends were his proper family. He was, of course, the awesome daddy. Joey that supporting mommy, Min and Kai had no say, they were the kids, they were just too cute to be boring, sad, tired adult like people. At least, all this was how Gene saw it... Really he wouldn't know what he would do if they all suddenly got separated he would probably go find a cliff to jump off of or a ship to go sail then sink. Just thinking of it made him want to attack the closest person with love and affection and yell 'DO NOT FEAR FOR GENE WILL ALWAYS BE HERE!' And what luck, it just so happens that Kai has just magically appeared in his arms, it would seem that their bond is just that strong that when Gene wants it, all he must do is think it and Kai will come! That red thread between them had grown taught from their pulling and Kai just couldn't take it any more! He felt Gene's calling! WHAT A FRIEND!

              Having completely ignored everything Kai had been saying, having been lost in his land of love, and caring where little baby naked Cupids flew around striking all in the face and chest with arrows in the shapes of hard candy cherry hearts. And in the middle of all that pink mist was Gene leaping through it all laughing happily as he would run through the clouds after his friends and tackling them to the ground like a cheetah to a zebra when suddenly... Sophie appears from some feather of the like and she too is now running and Gene his love instincts telling him he must run. Run after her, catch her, she is slipping away, away, away to where? Oh there! There into.... Some, other guys... Arms...

              "THE FRACK!? THE HELL IS THAT!?" And what was he doing in his day dream!? Arms tightening in a death grip around Kai's neck that he hadn't let go of as he frowned. "Kai! Who is that man!? Right there!" Of course, Kai couldn't see inside his head, of wouldn't know what the hell Gene was talking about. "I've seen him from somewhere before! But where... Where... Where..." Forcefully pulling Kai down the hall towards their class as he thought loudly of this. Gene, was off on autopilot , unable to hear anything going on outside his own head, and he was pulling Kai along for the ride. "Kai. It's killing me man, there's this guy right, I fear, hes trying to take my Sophia. I'm trying to think of that oh so familiar face I see not so clearly in my mind but for some reason I cant get a clear lock on it." Rambling Gene pulled up to the class, finally letting go of Kai as he ran his hands through his hair, then began admiring his colorful fingernails. "Sophia wouldn't leave me... No, she wont, I love her too much."

              Ginger cinnamon brown sparkle index finger flying up to his lips as he began to nibble on it. Sophia, wouldn't leave Gene, Sophia, wouldn't, HURT Gene... Would she? Because despite how he acts, his heart was actually quite, fragile... Why does he have this doubt? With Kai or Joey he would never have doubt, even his little Minni mouse he wouldn't have doubt. Though, there have been rumors, hasn't there? Why hasn't he been paying attention? He has heard them many times, some people have even walked up to ask him but he would only laugh, and he had right to laugh because it was all absurd! Sophia, leaving him for some, rich, hot headed, muscled, well groomed -wait no he was well groomed too! And muscled...! Enough... He couldn't help it if he was just naturally small! His whole family is small! So what if he wasn't some, beefy, America, steroid, Hulk hunk! No! He was a lightweight all 100% proud natural Japanese man! THERE WAS A DIFFERENCE! Did Sophia care for that? Did she care for a beefed up body? "Kai, this is a problem. I dont usually worry this much. It causes wrinkles... We say nothing of this alright? I'll handle it." Was Kai caught up to what was going on? It didn't matter, Gene, as said would handle it. Grabbing the knob and opening the door Gene walked into the class of Creative Writing, the teacher stopping what he was doing to look over to Gene and Kai. Quickly clapping his hands together before his face Gene bowed. "SUMIMASEN! Im sorry for being late Sensei!" Some giggles as Gene took it upon himself to be the clown and take most of the heat of the situation, knowing Kai then wouldn't get so much scolding for being late himself.

              Le-sigh~ The things a parent does for their cute, loving, child! Gene will protect his children from evil dragon teachers! Standing up straight and glancing behind him to smirk to Kai Gene started walking to his desk, ignoring the teachers scold though the word 'detention' did catch his, attention. Puling a dramatic pout Gene held to the front of his shirt as if he were just stabbed in the heart. "ITAI~! Your words, they hurt me...! I, I, thought. You loved me!" Some laughs, a warning glare and Gene promptly sat down next to Min and Joey, looking over to them then blowed a kiss with a loud *smack* in their direction. "Love ya babes~ Daddy's home, miss me?"

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G e N e ▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀~
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a little bloomy's Honey Bun

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                        Well, today was going to be a busy day, new 'recruits' were in and Rinda, being one of the few doctors who were actually not busy with very busy doctor medical lives at the moment, was the one who was currently checking everyone out. Down the hall, seven doors to the left six ceiling lights away where the lights cut short for the turn was where he was standing just out of sight slightly in the shadow of that gap between the lights. Back to the wall he could hear everything just perfectly fine from where he was standing. The tiles and emptiness along with the narrow hall helped literally vault the echoes of the children to where he didn't have to do anything but stand there. Lively bunch this time, what a problem wasn't your usual silent goody two shoe problem children. No, from the sound of it these children didn't know their manners...

                        This would be quite troublesome, annoying, just from the octaves of their voices and the attitude of their words he could make out who was who from their voices alone. Already he wanted to turn and leave the pick up for another doctor, though Rinda was a professional, therefore, he did things professionally, like what all adults should do. Well, someone had to show these children that not all adults slacked off. When he was their age (really not that long ago...) the thing that bothered Rinda, was that once he saw the adult world, being 18 it was as if curtains were being pushed aside for you to see the truth of things. Grownups acted differently, they showed their true intentions and did so with crooked grins hoping that he would join them. Rinda, had a power, this power is knowledge. Despite his young age he exceeded in all his classes. Though of course because he isn't some two faced, uncaring, lazy, forgetful, sad, ADULT just yet, he still isn't trusted...

                        Though of course, since he is still young, he is quite childishly stubborn. And it was this cocky stubbornness that led him into some tangles. One half adult against the world. This half adult holding power and eyes, would stump those around him with his blunt words and stoic faces. What this half adult failed to realize, was that real adults play dirty, and when you follow the book word for word, while going against (how juvenile of him) CHEATERS! Then you begin to realize all the holes, and mistakes left in the book by the adults who purposely left them there, just so that they COULD cheat. They wrote it all, they know it all, its these adults who fabricate all these situational road blocks and ditches. And to think, it's all done PURPOSELY.

                        Rinda, has learned his lesson. His childish heart had to be shattered eventually, that heart holding those dreams, ideas, words, everything. He decided, deep down, silently, that he will just say nothing while walking into the shadows with those adults who think that he was now on their side. When really, he doesn't agree on anything, though he has learned his lesson like said. He works best in the shadows, on his own, solo with no kids or adults to help him. That person who squeezes into the cracks and seams of walls to get from one place to another, to fulfill his own selfish needs. He had a goal in mind, what adults do you know of has dreams still? His, was drug related, the goal, stop it. Stop it all. Tired of seeing children just short of becoming adults just not strong enough to say the simple word NO!. Kids say it so easily too, being sensible really isn't that difficult! Through Rinda's whole life he has been SENSIBLE, though really only because there was no room to not be sensible. He had no time for screw ups or re-runs. He had to do it all right the frist time, and that led to near perfect study habits, careful observation of the problem at hand, rational thinking, and split second last minute decision making that led to the RIGHT outcome.

                        Perhaps, he was never a child any more after his father died...

                        Pulling cigarette away from his lips as this thought dawned on him, he looked dully across from him, smoke moving sluggishly around his head. "I choose you pikachu." Heh, cute, perhaps this group of kids will be entertaining enough to get him through the days... Hopefully. Though from the sound of things it would probably be best to stop observing now and to make his presence known... Dropping his cigarette and digging it into the tile with his boot he looked down to the black smudge it left knowing the trouble he would get into from the therapist. She would always scold him whenever he was smoking inside or did something like throw his cigarette butts to the floor... Uh-oh, is that lazy adult kicking in, because this morning he wasn't giving a damn. Oh boy, he was willing to take the earful so to move on five minutes earlier with his life.

                        Pushing away from the wall Rinda turned the corner, medical coat flapping dramatically behind him as he seemed to merge from the shadows. Hardhearted expression on his face as he pursed his lips when his eyes fell on the group before him. To think, he used to say 'I'm the one who will be saving your husband's life.' to people... Stopping before the kids he looked to each one individually, slipping his hands in his pockets, legs slightly parted, cape hospital coat finally deflating behind him. Trying to pinpoint each voice to a face, though he wouldn't know who was who for sure until he heard all their voices. Well, while he was doing his own sound-check he might as well get their names in the process, they might be important to remember for all he knew...

                        "Welcome." No 'hello' no kind of house warming words, not even a 'congratulations'. "I am Dr. Rockmell. I'm just one of the many doctors here who will help you in gaining back control of your life... Do not worry." The smallest hint of a twitch in his lips that was perhaps a smirk. "I'm a professional." Redirecting his gaze down to his name tag on his white coat, pinching the plastic between his fingers. "My formal name as I told you, is Dr. Rockmell. Though here, since I will be seeing you all the most, and I expect us all to grow close." Since he has taken it upon himself to introduce himself first and take the kids, those bastards doctors professional his a**! "You may call me Girly. Forget the name tag..." Yes, there was a story behind his name, and he was sure someone was going to ask... He was obviously NOT a girl from his deep voice, though you'd be surprised how many have mistaken his feminine features, careful movements, and tall yet small body as female. It's his elegant fingers, is what hes been told. The name, was supposed to be insult, though Rinda has taken it and. Just threw it out there to make all know that, yes, he was very much aware of his girlish appearance, and, no, whatever you say wont have any affect on Rinda... People are so used to it now that even the doctors and staff call him Girly, probably no one remembers his middle name any more... "Well, if there are any questions please ask me as I direct you through the facility and to your rooms." Motioning with his hand he began walking back from where he came down the hall face turning stony once again.


a little bloomy's Honey Bun

LiFE is just D|a|n|d|y
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                                                  Things secretly were much harder for Dandy than he let on. In reality it took a lot to just smile and toss everything over your shoulder. Though Dandy has had years of practice in things like this that it was more habit than anything. Its gone, deal with it, move on, it was harder to swallow each time. There’s something wrong, you have no power to fix it, deal with it, move on. Think happy, be optimistic, because you have no time to be down about anything, its not all about you, you cant be spoiled, don’t compare because there is nothing to compare. Though he wants to do more, he wanted to do so much more. To pull HIM away from his ‘captor’ to pull him into his arms and hold him once again. To shove him against a wall, pull his hair, hit him. Dandy wanted so bad to hit him, hit him over and over again. He can see himself doing it so easily. “DON’T YOU DARE DO THAT AGAIN! DON’T YOU ******** LEAVE ME AGAIN! YOU DO THAT AGAIN AND I’LL KILL YOU! I’LL KILL YOU! I’LL ******** KILL YOU!” There was a side to Dandy that almost no one knew of. A violent and dangerous side that he kept hidden and only allowed it to bloom behind closed doors, inside bathroom stalls, and very rarely in empty store isles. Dandy has thought of this plenty of times before, that perhaps it was this that made him leave him and if so then wasn’t it all Dandy’s fault? But why did it seem so wrong when he thought of it?

                                                  He knew better than allow people close to him for this reason. He knew that taking Vadimon’s hair band, forcing him to get his food, it was all for Dandy mostly. The reason why he caught onto Vadimon so easily, because secretly Dandy saw that Vadimon, would be too easy. The guy was smaller than Dandy, he was weaker, frightened easy, seemed to have no back bone at all. He was too easy to push out of school, too easy to break him away. And it will be even easier to crush him. Though Dandy wasn’t stupid, he knew what to do. Vadimon was just like a rabbit, put onto this world for the only purpose to be eaten by wolves like himself. They were timid animals that you had to approach slowly, carefully you trance them into liking you, you pet their head, scratch behind their ears, they run away at first but slowly naturally curious they cant help but to come over. And only when Dandy has Vadimon following him, only then will Dandy be able to finally get over HIM. Only then will he be able to be free, his outlet. And it was sick that Dandy was thinking this, playing the mask of the good guy, leading both of them on, smiling widely, even laughing with them. Only thing with Vadimon, is that Dandy could guess the other male wasn’t born a rabbit. He must have been born of something stronger once, and there was the challenge in it that made things interesting. Vadimon didn’t come off as always being this way, there was something there, that could burst free at any second, it was there, it was something and Dandy wanted to be the first one to see it, then to pinch it between his fingers and watch it burst.

                                                  Though there were other hurdles as well. Michael had been on his list of who to totally mind ******** once he brought attention to himself though thing with Michael was that Dandy was worried he would fight back. Or worse kill himself. Michael seemed like a loose cannon that had many mines scattered about it. Dandy felt it would be too much work to worm his way inside, he felt also it would be too easy. Michael, after hearing his story it sounded as though Michael was healing and was willing to grasp onto anything at the moment that would keep him anchored from doing… Something drastic. It was too easy and too risky at the same time equaling in something too complicated and crazy for Dandy. Perhaps Michael will be something for later, a bigger project. Until that day came Dandy would only watch Michael closely, watch his moves and reactions, his likes and dislikes, Dandy would study him until he was confident enough that he could slip past the barbed wire with few scratches. Right now the other’s emotions were dodging around too much to where Dandy couldn’t keep up AND keep Vadimon. He could be a double agent working as a friend, even a teacher maybe because of his age. Keeping the hair band it was like a symbol holding so much meaning there were too many connections, this hair band to Dandy meant Vadimon’s life, and he planned on making it his.

                                                  Eyes focused intently on Vadimon before him as he spoke; lightly raising his head when Michael spoke to show he heard him though he never took his eyes off Vadimon. It was true, all true or more Dandy agreed. Of course you shouldn’t let anyone close, that was the safest method. Unless you were skilled in being a wolf then do not try to get close or else you will be bit. Dandy, tries to be the top wolf with everyone he meets, he cant stand being alone, so he wont stand for being hurt. Instead, he hurts those before they can hurt him. He allows only very few close and only about 4 people have been able to actually hurt him in more ways than one. Only one person has been able to leave their mark on him, bite him, scratch him, cause him both physical and mental pain even though the two were equal only problem was that Dandy was willing to show his belly to the other male. And because of that he was hurt in the worst of ways, his scars now following him constantly to this day,

                                                  Internally relating with Vadimon until the other quickly ran for the bathroom. Dandy sat there bangs curtaining over his eyes casting a strange shadow, though his grin was obvious. Though quickly it was gone, it being replaced by a mask of worry for the other male. “Come on.” Forcing his way towards the bathroom Dandy slipped inside and held the door open for Michael to come in. Slowly walking towards the stall where he heard the retching then peeking around inside to see Vadimon. Dandy was used to things like this, having experienced it plenty with himself and his best friend from military school who suffered from bulimia. Mostly Dandy blamed the other male for his current eating habits but that’s another story for another time. Leaning against the stall he wondered if he should touch the other male or not. “… Your not… Like, anorexic or something.” Dandy asked as he examined his nails not seeming bothered with the retching. Looking up and over to the suffering male before sighing and walking into the stall behind Vadimon Dandy took a fistful of the other’s hair then pulled it back out of the way. “… I learned… From my last boyfriend when he would binge drink, and got sick afterwards…” Dandy started, his voice seeming to fill the empty bathroom stalls. “He would always get so pissy whenever his hair would get messed up since it was so long, like yours. Then he would be all bitchy for the rest of the day, like it was my fault he drunk so much.” Pushing air from his nose as he looked up to the tiled ceiling. “I doubt you would be like him, I swear he was so hormonal I think he was secretly a girl… Always ready to get into a fight or an argument and despite being a skinny stick he would raise his fist and kick your knees out then scratch your face up. He always fought dirty.” ‘As well as did other dirty things…’ “… I was always worried about him. He had all these enemies that wanted to hurt him, yet he was so care free. He would say things like. ‘I’m not going to let them rule my life! I’m getting my ******** sponge cake so you can fall down some stairs for all I care!” Face cracking into the slightest smile, though his bangs casted a heavy darkness over his face, honey eyes reflecting pain over the memories. “He would say some of the most hurtful words then flip me off. I, couldn’t let it bother me though, because he was one of those people, where you tried to get all depressed or sappy he would drop you in a second.” He was the first person, Dandy ever felt he NEEDED. He was the first, Dandy was afraid of loosing, so he tried so hard for him. Not even knowing that he was getting pulled by memories oncee again, or that he was even talking.

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a little bloomy's Honey Bun

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                                                Happilly dropping the brush to trade it for the left over sandwich Vindora began munching, savoring the taste of bread with lightly slathered in mayo, the ham causing him to hum in content. His eyes began to slide shut as he felt Poet working his hands through his hair, moving his back to allow better access. "I only highlighted it in the first place because Greed tricked me into doing it and he didn't know what the hell he was doing so I had that stupid blond patch on my head for the longest time." Not at all understanding that, that was the whole point in bleaching someone's hair, Vindora was sure this whole time that Greed had made a mistake and until it started growing out believing he had been cursed to forever had half and half hair. So when it had began fading out and Vindora woke up having eaten most of his hair you can imagine how upset he'd been.

                                                Scoffing at the memory, not at all tender headed so even when Poet had caught his fingers in a run against his scalp he didn't react to it. Vindora had thick, thick mostly straight hair. Usually it was down his back being lucky to never really need to do too much to take care of it. It had to be in his human bodies genes. His hair was just naturally silky, he usually didn't get splint ends, his hair almost never dried out, any one who would ask always seemed to love his hair. ".... Yea I kinda liked it long to..." He grumbled then, more at himself for eating his own hair, then at Greed again not properly explaining what it meant to bleach his hair.

                                                He stopped chewing all together when he felt Poet's arms wrap around him, honestly he had been expecting a belly rub and unconsciously allowed himself to relax into Poet, listening to him. Shivering at the feeling of Poet's cool lips against his skin he looked away, trying to shake it off as though it didn't bother him. "Tch, shouldn't I be the one worried about people coming at you? Your the sex demon, not me, if anything I'm expecting everyone from dancers to security to the bartender to be wrapped around your ankles by the time the nights over."

                                                He looked down to the last bite of his sandwich then, feeling Poet's body lift away towards the front door. Slowly is brows creased as a quick image flashed within his mind mumbling then to himself. ".... Chroma.... Damn, don't get yourself too jealous Poet, It'll only hurt more when I look the other way." Popping the last of his sandwich into his mouth he hurried after Poet. Sitting in the car he allowed the passing lights and scenery to blur across his mind, that face managing to take space in his head, how he had reacted to it, was it really so obvious though? That he'd been starring, and protective over Chroma against Poet at that time? Gods and he thought he had feelings for Binky too until he realized his feelings for her didn't go farther than wanting her in his stomach. With Chroma he couldn't tell if he wanted to eat him or, something else...

                                                The line to the thought was cut short as they pulled into the club, walking from the car Vindora watched as Poet threatened a human before tossing his keys to him. "... Don't think he wont kill you over the damned machine, trust me. I know, I got to experience first hand..." They easily walked past the line, many awes, and boos being thrown their way. Vindora never understood why they would all wait outside when they could just walk up to the door as Poet and him have always done. Since Vindora was so used to just walking in, never having to have to wait in the line he had carried the mentality with him almost everywhere he went. The movie theater, almost getting himself into a fight with a group of punks. The grocery store, nearly getting into a fight with a lady with a shopping cart full of cat litter. Some fast food joints, nearly getting kicked out when the man he was trying to cut was a police officer. So it didn't always work, obviously that didn't stop Vindora from trying.

                                                Once inside the heat of the club crawled over his skin giving him goosebumps. The speakers echoed through his body leaving him tingly, even down to the ends of his hair. Watching as people squirmed gyrated against each other. Vindora actually never understood the theme. Yea hes seen it before but he truly only saw it as a human thing. That was until Poet posted it out to him, Vindora practically spluttering over himself from the realization. "Shut the front door! No way, th, THATS supposed to be Lucifer!? Holy... He'd totally blow a gasket if he was to see this. It's a total slap in the face. Do the humans have a death wish or something? No wonder Lucifer wants to take over them, they make a fool of him like this practically daily... His head then spun around to the humans dressed in horns and tails, his face paling. ".... No way.... Wait. Are they?" He only shook his head then, suddenly feeling sick over it. "Gods, human's are more twisted than I thought. I need a drink..."

                                                Almost dizzily he pushed his way towards the bar, sitting down at one of the stools, glancing back up to the 'satan' over the bar before dropping his gaze as though burned before doing a sign with his hands then closing his eyes in a hurried prayer. "Dear Lucifer please forgive me for having this drink beneath this mockery of your image. Pleasedontcomeuphereandsmitemewithallthesehumans amen." Pulling his wallet out as though suddenly drained of energy he placed his black card against the counter. "Gimmy some fire. I want that cinnamon." The bartender seemed to understand the request, taking the card and eyeing Vindora before walking away leaving Vindora to rub stiffly at his temples.

                                                About 8 shots of cinnamon whiskey later he was thrown arm in arm with another guy at the bar, laughing a large stack of nachos between them as they drunkenly swung their arms out before themselves. "You know? Your totally going to Hell!?" The guy only laughed at him, finding Vindora's words a complete knee slapper as he repeatedly hit his hand against the counter, his shoulder shaking with the effort. Vindora only grinned drunkenly. "No really! I can tell these kinds of things! Your totally dirty! Your souls already got a foot in the door! And you see that guy?" Pointing to the satan statue over the bar. "He's gunna be your pimp and your gunna be his b***h!" When the guy threw his head back in hysterics Vindora only grinned back, bringing his already empty shot glass to his lips for the third time, forgetting he needed to ask for a refill when there was a grab around his neck that nearly tore him off his stool. "VINNY! I FOUND YOU!"

                                                If Vindora wasn't too busy laughing with the guy he would have obviously choked from the force. "Eh? Huh? Ummm.... B, Binky!" He craned his neck back to only find his face meet with the plush of Binky's breast. Of course he grinned then. Binky only hugged him tighter as he remembered her. "Vindora your totally drunk! Thats so cute! Hey! Have you gone onto the dance floor yet?" Vindora only looked up to her before pointing, nearly taking out the bar tender's eye who had come back to refill Vindora's drink. "I'm gunna visit that guy down in Hell!" The guy again burst out laughing, Vindora laughing with him reaching and failing at an attempted at a drunken high five, which just left them spilling all over each other again in hysterics. "Oh my god. Vindora, you HAVE to dance with me your too cute like this." Vindora didn't have time to respond, having managed to reach for his glace, still locked in Binky's arms, and was figuring a way to get the drink into his mouth without spilling it over himself when Binky with sudden inhuman strength ripped him from his chair to tug him into the crowd. Binky forcefully straightened him out once they were in the middle of the crowd before turning and dancing into him. Vindora was slow to register, slow to start grinding against her, practically leaning over her to help keep his balance. "Where'ss yor gril frweind!?" That last drink had definitely took him over the edge of tipsy into drunk, not yet sloppy drunk but drunk enough. "Clair went to go find your boy friend Poet!"

                                                Vindora's brows tried to work themselves into a frown then. "He' not myy bowfriend!" He seemed to smile then against the red blush warming his face from his alcohol as he swayed back and forth against Binky. "I fink. I found somewon, I'd liek to be my boyfriend." Binky turned around to wrap her arms around them, placing her chin into his stomach to look up to him. "Whaaaaat? It's only the second day and your cheating on me? And with a man!?" Though she didn't sound angry, infact she smiled up to him. "Oooh, kinda suspected you were bi, you should invite him over for a threesome one day!" Vindora blinked lazily down to her, his hair draping around his face as he watched her. "Fink thats more Poets thingg... I jus wanna eat choo." Bringing his hands up to cup her face comically before bending down and nipping at her smooched lips. "Ow your teeth are sharp Vindora!" She giggled, playfully slapping against his grinning mouth.

                                                "What's your new boy toy's name?" Twirling around to start shaking her head back and forth, causing her locks to whip against Vindora's chest. He watched as within his own mind her hair moved as though in slow motion. "Chroma, his name's Chrome, and I cant tell Poet otherwise he might kill him..." At the name Binky stopped dancing to look up to Vindora. "... Chroma? I know that name..." Seeing her stop dancing Vindora had also stopped, waiting silently for her to finish. "... Hnn... I can't remember. But his name pisses me off for some reason." Vindora only cocked his head. "Doesnt sound as iff you know him too well..." Binky only playfully stuck her tongue out at him, pulling on his arm then to lead him out of the crowd towards the back to the bathrooms. "Whatever, I'd watch your back if I were you. Clair probably knows more than I do, if we see her I'll ask her for you." Vindora only allowed himself to be pulled along, eyes distractedly searching over moving heads for Poet.


a little bloomy's Honey Bun

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He could feel the filter of the clove softening against his lips, the heat from the fire at its tip close enough for him to feel against his fingers. His chest held a tingle from the smoke he inhaled, a cough waiting to be expelled to help clear his airways. The cough never came, this was a sensation he was getting used to by now. He should quit smoking, he tells himself this every time he pulls cash out the side pocket of the diaper bag to buy himself more. He will remind himself to decline the offered matches so it would be harder for him to light them. He will curse at himself when he finds himself craving for them when he cant find the baby wipes where he supposedly left them. He will be reminded of them when his chest would ache in the middle of the night, and before he knew it he would go digging through all the drawers of the apartment and looking in the bottoms of shoes for matches. Smoking no longer seemed to do anything for him, he no longer felt the wave of calm smother through his frontal lobe down to his toes after inhaling. Sounds of the world around him no longer muted out of his awareness. It was more of a wish, or longing for these sensations that came from smoking that he was searching for. These memories of what used to be, of how things were back then, of easier times. Its what mostly likely what he was really grasping for every time he picked up a clove.

Now when he felt the smoke hit the back of his mouth, and tasted the burn of the leaf paper wrap around his tongue he just felt an internal nothingness be filled with ash. He couldn't exactly point out when in his history did the enjoyment of smoking be washed out of his day. All he knew was the memory of it, and what he felt now. The murky, deep, smell from the burning of his clove fills around his head before dissipating into a light husk to halo around him. With a weightless wave of his hand he brushes the smoke from before his eyes, flinching when small droplets of water splash against his nose. Before him sat Shan, lost in his own world as he repeatedly crashed his small fist against the surface of the bubbly bath water. His splashes became more excited as he suddenly began voicing what was going on in his mind. Nws yog ntub dej!" Bern smiled lightly then down to him, twisting the butt of his cigar between his fingers. "Yes, it is all wet. All wet." Shan didn't look up to him yet slowly tried and repeated his father's words. "Awl... Wek..." Bern ran his bottom lip against the front of his teeth catching how disinterested Shan was in him something he's been noticing lately. "Peb ntub dej?" Shan then looked up to Bern, realizing his father was speaking Hmong to him, exciting him. "Kuv txiv nws ntub dej txhia!!!!!" Bern smiled again, bigger this time as he nodded his head. "Da is all wet. Shan is all wet too." Shan reached for the yellow rubber duck floating past him before splashing it under the water. "tus kwv tij uas ntub dej?" Bern asked then reaching over the tub wall to flick the ash from his clove into the tray next to the tub. Shan looked up from the rubber duck to him, nearly loosing his balance and grabbing Bern's ankle to steady himself. "Douha nws ntub dej txhia!" Taking an inhail then breathing it over the side of the tub Bern shifted himself so the back of his foot rested against Shan's back to help keep him upright. "Tsis yog.... No. Douha isn't wet."

Shan was busy squeezing the rubber duck but Berin could see Shan's face begin puckering into an exaggerated frown. "Nws yog ntub dej!" Bern raised the butt of his cigar to his lips. "No. Douha's in bed.. Try English Shan. English, not Hmong." Shan ignored him. "Nws yog ntub dej!" Bern licked the smokey taste of vanilla from the filter of his clove. "Douha's not wet though, he's in bed." With a scream that would surprise anyone else yet no longer fazed Bern Shan raised his fist gripping the yellow duck over his shoulder, obviously getting ready to throw it. Bern stared down to the face that mirrored his expression of lack of patience. ".... Shan... Dont." Shan only raised his tiny brows in what Bern thought was to mock him. "tsis txhob." Bern didn't even blink. "Do not..." His warnings went ignored when the rubber duck suddenly flew past his head only to hit against the tilled wall with a sharp squeak and roll over his shoulder to plop into the water. Shan pointed to him then mocked Bern, copying. "Don't do it." Bern held his stare feeling the hairs on the back of his neck raise from him holding back his annoyance. Not tonight, he cant deal with this... Bern reached over the tub putting his cigar out in the ash tray and standing. "Alright, bath times over..." Shan yelped his excitement raising his arms as Bern wrapped him in a large fluffy towel and lifted him from the tub. The second Bern set him onto the ground Shan took off running with the towel. "Shan!" Cursing Bern let the water out of the tub, reaching for a towel and tying it around his waist he followed after Shan, his hands struggling with pulling his hair into a wet bun.

Hearing Shan scream from somewhere in the apartment Bern knew he was in his room, most likely on his bed. Turning off the bathroom light Bern gripping the towel around his waist as he stepped into his room catching sight of Shan's bare behind as he struggled to climb onto Bern's bed for his clothes splayed messily across the sheets. Bern looked to his side over to a black crib. Looking over the bars of the crib to see Douha was laying on his stomach looking around awake most likely from Shan's scream. As soon as Douha caught sight of his father he gave a coo, smiling . Bern reached into the crib hugging Douha against his bare chest. Hoping he could leave Shan to try and dress himself Bern walked down the hall into the kitchen. The kitchen light came on as Bern let loose a suppressed cough. He could already feel a cold coming, most likely from Douha... As he looked across the counter to the mess of empty bottles and spilled formula Douha pressed his mouth onto Bern's cheek, smothering him with drool. "Tshaib plab? We hungry?" Rummaging through the dish rack finding one clean bottle. In the middle of mixing Douha's bottle Shan ran into the front room with only one sock on and his shirt on backwards screaming. "Shan!" Bern shushed irritatedly Douha still trying to eat his face. Danger, the bull terrier sleeping on the couch jumped awake when Shan threw a book at him. "NO DOG!" Bern clicked his tongue when his phone whistled with a text, walking into the front room. "Shan don't throw. Stop." Bern was already struggling, he had been home from work only long enough to change Douha put him down for a nap, then run a bath and already this was happening. Lately Shan has been having bouts of anger toward Bern, even sometimes going so far as throwing things at Douha. Douha hasn't been meeting his milestones, being 7/2 months he barely makes a sound, hasn't tried to walk, he only just smiles, coos, maybe will laugh, and cry.

Bern couldn't hide his worry any more. When Shan ask for his Ma, Bern cant answer Shan will throw a fit. Bern didn't know how to make Shan understand his mom was away trying to get better for them. Thank gods he had Gracelynn and Ariel. Where was Gracelynn any way? She is usually here by now... Fighting to get Douha to release his hair he almost pulled free from the messy bun and offered the cold formula up to Douha's lips. Hungrily Douha messily took the n****e of the bottle, formula falling from his mouth onto Bern's shoulder and neck. Grabbing a dish towel and throwing it over his shoulder Bern walked into the front room, spotting the half naked Shan and trying to reach for his arm. Shan saw Bern coming and ran away around the table yelling "tsis muaj".Bern pulled the bottle from Douha's mouth as he tried burping him "Shan. C'mon." "khiav mus!" Bern covered his mouth to cough again, grimacing slightly. "No, I am not going to go away..." Seeing Shan was not going to cooperate Bern sat down, spotting his phone then and seeing the received message from Ariel. Adjusting the bottle for Douha to feed off his chest to free his hand he replied back.

To: Ariel
From: Berinn
Sure just stop by, maybe you could speak with Shan and get him to stop acting up? Also is it normal for babies 8 months not to talk?

Sending the message he looked back down to Douha who once made eye contact only smiled around the bottle, his eyes curling as they always did. Bern couldn't smile back though, he wanted to, he felt it behind his weariness, but didn't have the energy to share it. Shan now had the TV on and was waving the remote around at the dog who ignored him. Bern found himself sighing as he rubbed his fingers against his forehead, then quickly pulling the bottle away as Douha began spitting up all over himself and Bern. Quickly he used the dish towel to clean up the sticky mess, Douha only smiled as he watched his father work frantically. Managing to clean most of it from his chest when the remote suddenly whizzed next to his head and splintered against the wall. Bern now frowned to Shan who only copied his expression. Before he knew it Bern suddenly found himself losing his composure, and all the stress from the past few days came flying from his mouth in a heated and angry yell. "Your mommy isn't here!"Blinking from his outburst, shocked at himself for even doing so, and at Shan but it was too late. Shan stood there, half naked, his bottom lip poking out beginning to cry. Douha, sensitive, and not accustom to his father raising his voice began to break out in a cry as well. Bern could only look sadly to Shan, disappointed in himself and showed it by dropping his head.

"Da is sorry...Kuv Thov txim..." Bern lifted and kissed the top of his head to help calm him which usually made him giggle but not this time. When Douha cried it was a colic cry, he screamed when he cried, and he couldn't stop once he started. All Bern could do by now was let him cry himself to sleep. He had to look away from Douha when he noticed Shan was being too quiet. Seeing then Shan had peed all over himself and the hard wood floor. Shan always pittled himself when he cried from Bern. Taken off guard Bern shook himself from it quickly. Lifting from the couch to hurry around the table and scoop up Shan who didn't run this time. Walking down the hall Bern stepped into his dark room, Setting a screaming Douha down first into his crib, then placing a now crying Shan onto his bed before shutting the door. Douha's crying became muffled but still audible, and now Shan was trying to scream wanting to be heard over Douha's screams. Bern stood there gripping the door knob until his hand began to hurt, Shan's words causing that familiar drop form within his stomach. "Mama!! I want Mama!! MA!!!"

Taking a shuttered breath Bern let go of the knob, tiredly he shuffled back into the front room. Letting the towel fall from his hips to fall lamely over Shan's puddle on the floor. He walked around the table, scooping up a left over pair of sweats he had to wrestle from under Danger's form. Slipping them on he grabbed his phone as he passed the couch to go back into the kitchen dialing a number. "Gracelynn? Hey, its Bern. Your probably almost here already, I just wanted to call and make sure if you were coming over still.Shan could use a play mate also..." He tried clearing his throat then as he felt another cough, able to hold it back this time. "You got the key, you can just come in, but you already know that..." He found he didn't know what else he should say as he stood there staring into the fridge. There was some left over macaroni and hot dog from Shan's dinner, some baby food, peanut butter, beer. Bern's stomach gave a messy cacophony of noise then as he swallowed, not exactly finding anything that would help him. He reached for the peanut butter. "I'm pretty sure your close, so I guess I'll just hang around and wait for you." Getting a spoon and shuffling back to the couch, Bern collapsed against it, Danger groaning next to him. "Alright... I'll talk to you later. Bye." Letting the phone fall lamely from his shoulder after leaving his message, Bern scooped around the jar of peanut butter with his spoon, taking some into his mouth then dropping it onto the table and instead pulling out another cigar to smoke. The TV was still on mute, and the remote probably broken now. With a tired exhale Bern dropped his head back onto the couch and closed his eyes.


a little bloomy's Honey Bun

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                                                  Dear brother.... I bet your laughing now, well HA, HA, go ahead I dont care. I keep telling myself that things could be worse. Then again the current situation could of easily been avoided if the owner of the jeep would of done the responsible thing. The responsible thing being checking to make sure all spares were accounted for. Like mother always said, have a back up to your back up... If a spare were currently present and even if that spare were to have some sort of defect the back up spare would of been all we needed to be continuing on our way to our nowhere. If we had working spares then I, with my knowledge of replacing spares, would of gone down onto my hands and knees and manually replaced the tire because I don't think my triple A card works this far out of town. And this wouldn't of even been a problem for me. Not a big one anyway... If we would be out driving, miles, and miles away by now if the spare and the extra spare were to be functioning perfectly, doing their jobs as spares! I wouldn't mind at all because if by now we were to be miles and miles away, probably with something high calorie and tasty, the car in working order, everyone laughing and singing to the few clear country stations on the radio, sleeping, joking, and just being merry. I really, really, really wouldn't mind at all a 15 minute hiccup to replace a spare. That red velvet cake I had for breakfast was a long time ago, and now I'm growing irritable. Rarely brother do I get angry with anyone.... But the group of people who we managed to bump into on this grand adventure.... I just dont understand, perhaps its just how nauseatingly optimistic they are? I'm not quite sure if I should trust them or not... I want to ask them for something to eat, for something to drink... But I'm being ridiculously stubborn into thinking what they might share with me will be completely unappealing to my taste... Or dirty. For once I'm damned disappointed in myself for having such a picky and select palate. I love rich foods that melt on the tongue and roof of my mouth, like what they served in the cafeteria at the university! I cant, stop thinking of their macaroni. So.... Cheesy.....

                                                  Head dropping as his arms strained against the passenger side door of the van, while it was much easier with all of them pushing, actually making good progress as the van easily continued to roll down the side of the road with the power of everyone's sweat. What was the use of a car when it needed to be pushed to move? Everything was completely a** backwards! Why was Vindora currently here pushing a strangers unattractive van across the state? He would forget, then remember why he was where he was doing what he was and feeling how he was. Answering his own questions around and around in his mind getting no where to getting his temper to mellow out. His face, usually a stoic and still porcelain doll with naturally thick lashes at the moment was just the slightest bit contorted in strain from his pushing. And patients thinning... While he didn't speak much between his comrades and strangers his mind was a furious ember that was being stoked with each slow turn of the tires into a ravenous flame that consumed his angry thoughts like gasoline and it would soon begin to bubble over as it reaches heat to melt iron which his sanity just so happens to be supported on. It was only a matter of time before everything collapsed and Vindora would just fall apart into a rare display of fits and frustration.

                                                  He needed his gameboy, he needed his PSP. He needed SOMETHING. Gaming having always been his outlet, it was hard enough being away from his PS3, from the network he didn't dare bring it for fear of the fragile machine breaking. The thing was just too expensive to even risk moving it from the trunk of his car, the home of his PS3 when he doesn't use it. He didn't trust to leave it within the dorms when he isn't around. They dont make the game systems like how they used to... Vinta still has his Dreamcast and N64 which work as fine as the morning on Christmas or his birthday he released them from their confines of wrapping paper and cardboard. His PS3 he has needed to replace a good 5 times, once 3 times within 20 days. On this trip he did bring his PC on which holds a many of games. Currently he was replaying his Dracula Origins during the trip. He would play his online games such as Aika, or Cabal of his cellphone hotspot were fast enough to download movies, play a game, watch youtube, read books, look at pictures, and do the general research. As well as handle any "piggy backers" who decided to hitch onto his mobile network. Since it was just a simple hotspot and wasn't anything like his satellite internet connection he didn't bother with it.

                                                  Vindora is a quiet one. He would prefer to have his nose into some flashy screen while having an ear free for the world around him. His friends are used to his way of conversing how he makes no eye contact with them though somehow is able to keep up with the conversation while at the same time racking up that 100 point combo on whatever game he would be playing. Vindora was one of the few people who can successfully get away with multitasking. Usually he needs to be bribed to be pulled away from his games and not many besides his friends know what appeals to him enough to make him look up. Though if successful in grabbing Vindora's full attention you will be met with sinking dark irises haloed by light hazel rings and large doll eyes. And a blank face. Not one to smile, or frown, smirk, cry, and laugh much. Though unlike a mannequin it can be told what Vindora is feeling from the light in his eyes, to his posture or how he plays with his hands. His hands make up his lack of animation anywhere else. When there isn't a game control within his digits he will flex his fingers, rhythmically shift them, hold them against his body, pick at his clothes, or silently drum them. Vindora actually isn't as complicated as his aura might let him seem to be. It can be broken down to him just being that strong silent, and mysterious type. If it wasn't for the way he dressed at least... How a simple change in the direction hair flips, and the difference a cut in some jeans can completely change how people will perceive you and 'dance' with you. Vindora really is the strong silent type, he works out, plays video games, has many tattoos, can be crude when he wants but because of his preference of clothing its drastically moved him from one side of the scale to the other. Not at all flamboyant, but people always expect it from him, or they dont take him seriously, or they want nothing to do with him once they figure out what he really is which is male. And that usually happens the moment he opens his mouth and speaks because Vindora has a very deep voice. People dont even hide how turned off they are any more. And so, Vindora stays for the most part to himself. Quiet.

                                                  Since no one but his friends or school mates really try striking up a conversation with him it is unknown to most that Vindora can actually have some pretty good advice. If you are able to grab his attention and keep it you may be pleasantly surprised by Vindora's easy tone, his passion, tight etiquette, interesting views, his unbiased mind, and maybe you will be rewarded with a genuine smile of exposed straight, white teeth, from past years of braces. Vindora can deliver long hours of words of communication to you that will cause you to think, will open your mind, and widen your views. Though most dont bother. And so Vindora doesn't get to bloom. And while he isn't picky with who he surrounds himself with Vindota does know what he likes. And the current situation, isn't something he is really liking... For how long he doesn't know, he has been wrestling with himself on weather to just stop pushing and walk back the so many miles they have gone to the Jeep and sleep until help comes. Now he didn't want to be here with his friends he wanted to be back at his dorm, bundled up in his blankets on his bed and playing video games until the early morn. And some hot coco... How much longer did they have to push this damn van? It was either going to be his silence or his body that broke first... Before he pushed himself any farther to the point he had to open his mouth and begin jabbing unnecessary hurtful words to anyone just to feel better Vindora pulled away from the door of the van to step away. Watching as the van slowly sailed on he could only stand there and watch, and for the first time since they have run into everybody he spoke.

                                                  "...... This.... Is ridiculous..." Bringing a hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose, obviously like everyone else he was tired of pushing a van for so long. ".... I dont want to do this any more.... I'm not doing this any more. I dont even know what where trying to do any more..." He said finally as what he has been wanting to say and do for the past hour began just seeping from him as he seemed to deflate from tiredness. He then wrapped an arm around himself while the other rested at the junction of his neck and shoulder trying to massage away the stress. "Why are we pushing this again?" He asked tiredly, once again allowing himself to forget the reason for everything, this time being too tired to remind himself. "Were pushing the van to a gas station, what the hell..." Closing his eyes his tired mind jumbled with stress and loss of patients tried conjuring up some sort of alternative to what they were currently doing. "Gas station.... Gas station usually has a phone. Where there is a phone, or a public one there is usually a phone book.... And with a phone book we can call people who's jobs it is to do what we are trying to do. I feel like a sad cave man. We are in this modern age pushing a giant wheel up a hill." Looking up to the group of people around the van. Vindora, was defeated, and he was too tired not to hide it. "I'd rather walk the so many miles left to the gas station than have to take 3x as long and carry a huge van when we can just make a phone call and hire some men who make it their life doing this. Does this not make sense?" Dropping his arms then to cross them stubbornly over his chest. "I am NOT, pushing this people's load of CRAP any more than I have." He was tired, and hungry, and thirsty, and angry, and gods damn! He just wanted his mom right now!

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