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                          tab tab tab tab tab tab THE YUKIONNA!

                                              • Night had fallen. Normally it would be time to make for home. But for some reason, Yuria didn't feel like leaving just yet. Letting the delicate rim of the wine glass touch her lips, she casually sat in a bar surrounded by people. How? Well, even though she was a youkai, she was one who was a tad discreet about her appearance as a youkai. Hell, that came naturally. There was nothing special -in terms of appearance- about a yuki-onna. Well, perhaps apart from the colourless hair. Yet that didn't seem to be a bother given the number of people who dyed their hair these days. So . . .yeah, nothing to worry about at all ~

                                                Yuria put the change for her drinks on the counter, thanking the barman, before gracefully standing from the barstool and, equally gracefully, walking out the bar. She could just imagine the look on the bartender's face when he looks again the number of drinks she orders. Being a youkai, Yuria had a much higher tolerance to alcohol than most other people after all. No wonder she was able to drink so much within so little time. As of now though, she was simply keen to wander around town for a while. Maybe look for fresh meat? Nah. She had already had her fair share of blood. Her family dinner was more than enough. Yuria never killed. Hell, she never even hit anyone. Not unless it was for utmost importance of self-defence. She was an odd demon, that's for sure.


                                                The albino raised a well-groomed eyebrow at the people whom she had just run into. Just at first glance she could tell that they were demons. From the little she picked up of their conversation, it seemed that they were talking about humans? One thing the female said did resemble a human description.

                                                "They structure their own false world, worrying over frivolous complications like school and work just to feel like there's meaning to their lives. They're pathetic and infectious, and don't deserve life where it goes unappreciated."

                                                "I have to say, that's a fairly accurate description of the human race," she intervened, stepping into their line of sight. She realized that she wasn't really familiar with either of them. Though she hoped that they wouldn't attack her thinking she was human. "Yuria. A yuki-onna. Pleasure to make your acquaintance," she spoke with utmost politeness as a smile came to her face. Her greeting wasn't really to be taken for granted. This woman could ********. You. Up. She definitely wouldn't hesitate.

                                                Her eyes went back and forth between the female and the male. Oh man, they seemed to be your generic youkai to her: cold blooded fiends. Then again, her own family could be considered one. Apart from her, that is. Again, she was an odd person.

                                                "So then, are humans the topic of conversation here? Or would you rather talk about something else?" Did she appear to be too forward with her greeting? Maybe. But in all honesty, she was bored and looking for entertainment. And by the looks of it, she'd say she hit the nail on the head.


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      THE OX
            Yayoi Sohma
        ▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆ ...
        .....................* nineteen.. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
          x Anime_Ghost Girl
              First and foremost, Yayoi cares. A lot. She is an avid scholar (somewhat contradictory to her zodiac) excelling in the sciences. She is actually a student studying a pure chemistry degree at the moment anyway. She is a very hard-working and devoted person. Yayoi isn't a talkative yet witty person who's learned to hold her tongue to prevent information of value leaking out. Not particularly romantic, Yayoi is a person who expresses her love in ways which are deemed to be strange, to say the least. Yayoi is nonetheless, very devoted and loyal to those who earned her hard-to-get respect and friendship. Which brings us to her next aspect. Yayoi is a perfectionist. And stubborn. She just has to have the last argument. This also means that she has a short temper and often looks down upon those who don't have her own mindset. Yet at the same time, she is an observant individual and hardly jealous. AND she comes with good memory! Now, who doesn't want to get with that? Good luck though . . .

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            Saizo Nura
        ▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆ ...
        .....................* twenty-five.. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
          x Anime_Ghost Girl
              Saizo is, first and foremost, a very strict, old-fashioned per-- snigger. Can't even say that with a straight face. Jokes aside, for twenty-five years of age, Saizo is certainly mature. He is also a flirt. A very handsome flirt. He will go to great lengths to charm and impress a woman. Unfortunately, even when he is in a committed relationship, he is still a flirt and that's what causes most of his break-ups. Though, mind you, the man is committed when he needs to be. Just . . . well he is a man, isn't he? Saizo can, however, be a very sophisticated gentleman when needed to be. Even though he is a flirt, he is also the CEO of his family's company. One can say that his flirting is simply a way to win the hearts of his female co-workers and employees. He has never shown weakness in front of anyone. Or so he believes. He has a hard time venting out his frustration and thus, appears very happy and calm in the public eye. Can anyone help him to vent his frustration? Of course! He's married. He loves his wife dearly and she is the only person who doesn't pay heed to his flirting as she knows it's his nature. Saizo has never once thought of cheating on her and she is the only one with whom he can truly speak his mind to. She listens so attentively as well. How can he not love her? Yet this love brings out Saizo's protective and almost possessive side. Of course, he doesn't mind her speaking with other men. But he will beat the living daylights out of a man who dares to flirt with his wife when he's around. Kind of a hypocrite, eh?


Sohma, Yayoi

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                                  NAME ;
                                  Yayoi Sohma
                                  Yayoi. Nothing else. She won't respond. Though Daiki calls her Ya-san. That's annoying . . .
                                  AGE ;
                                  GENDER ;
                                  One-hundred and twenty-five pounds
                                  Five feet six inches
                                  WHAT ANIMAL ARE YOU CURSED WITH?;
                                  Ox; this is her, right here
                                  The Sohma Estate.
                                  Full time university student, part time waitress


                                  PERSONALITY TRAITS;
                                  ██「✶ Hard-working: The ox is suited to her because Yayoi is a very hard-working person. When she got out of hospital and had fallen behind in uni, she worked day and night to catch up. She is an avid scholar.

                                  ██「✶ Cunning: And intelligent. Yayoi's street smarts are not to be messed with. Though she is more book-smart. Still, she can easily come across as having a two-faced nature but she isn't half bad, I swear.

                                  ██「✶ Devoted: Both to daily tasks and relationships. Yayoi obviously isn't possessive and doesn't show jealousy but she is a loyal and devoted person who'll always stick with a problem until the solution has been found. She'll also spoil anyone if that's what it'll take to earn their affection. Though she is hardly the romantic.

                                  ██「✶ Short-tempered: Yayoi has a short fuse and it doesn't take long for her to blow. She also appears to be constantly annoyed. It's not particularly abnormal if Yayoi is seen grumbling a string of curses and walking down the halls with her hands rolled into a fist.

                                  ██「✶ Reliable: Still, Yayoi isn't reckless. She is a rational person and a reliable one. Need a hand with homework? Missed notes? Need someone to cover for you when it's your turn to do the dishes? Yayoi's your gal! She enjoys work wherever it may be.

                                  ██「✶ Seemingly condescending: Yayoi might not appear to be the nicest fork in the kitchen because of the lack of smiles on her face. But I swear, she isn't half bad a person when you get to know her. She just has more criteria choosing friends than a university does choosing applicants.

                                  Ah life~ The gift of having a physical body which you can interact with the world around you. Certainly better than being a ghost I guess. But being brought into the world by unacceptable means isn't something most people want. Honestly, the child doesn't get much choice do they? Anyway, she's beating around the bush. So aside from certain organisms, pretty much every other living thing on earth needs to be conceived through sexual reproduction right? What? Okay fine . . . for any minors out there ignore what was just said and listen here: mama and papa wanted a baby so they asked the stork to deliver them one! Happy? Good.

                                  Anyhow, the stork that delivered baby Yayoi to her parents was more of an uninvited guest than a wish-granting bird. Yayoi's mother was a Sohma who wasn't a cursed one and, thus, was free to be in a relationship with an outsider. While it seemed to being oh-jolly-good at first, it soon turned darker than black and her mother was more abused than a battered ram. This led to the unwanted and unintentional conceiving of Yayoi. Upon finding out, her father apologised and left her mother. As such Yayoi never knew her biological father. Furthermore, Yayoi was born premature at seven months, due to an appendix problem faced by her mother.

                                  Her mother couldn't get herself to have an abortion. But she also couldn't get herself to raise Yayoi under such rough conditions. Though said conditions were improving for her, there was no telling how much humiliation Yayoi might face being a product of unmarried sex. Fearing this needless humiliation, Yayoi was sent to live at the Sohma estate. She arrived around the same time as Daiki, if not a little before, and developed a very close friendship with him. Furthermore, Yayoi was one of the unlucky ones with a curse atop her head. Why, who could live with this outside of the Sohma estate? Certainly not her, I can tell you that much . . .

                                  Her mother moved away to a nearby town to start her life with another man. A young Yayoi obviously came to visit but never really understood why he resented her. He never showed it in a blatantly obvious way but . . . well, how dense do you think Yayoi is? It probably escalated when he tried to get over the resentment and hugged her causing her to scare the living daylights out of him when he found himself hugging an ox. After that incident, he fell into depression further resenting his step-daughter. Yayoi's mother decided to regretfully break contact with her only daughter and have her husband's memories erased.

                                  Yayoi obviously thought that her mother was betraying her position as a mother when she did that but said nothing. She knew what she had gone through and how Yayoi was never meant to be here. Owing her unintentional existence to the woman, Yayoi felt that she at least deserved to spend the rest of her life in peace and away from trauma that was caused before. Yayoi was a living memory of that after all.

                                  In the Sohma estate, the ox was probably such a non-memorable person, it's not even funny. Perhaps the only time she was ever remembered for a day was during her year to perform at the new years celebrations. As such, she devoted herself to studies excelling in both academics and the arts. Not so much in sports . . .
                                  Still, it's only one down right?

                                  Her love for the sciences caused her to take up a major in chemistry in her university life. Ever since then, her life isn't really worth remembering. Well, perhaps apart from that one time where Yayoi's classmate, who had recently earned her driving licence, ended up losing near complete control of the car and it skid off the road. Oh man that was out-rightly awful. Yayoi wasn't sure why she survived. Maybe because she was flung out of her open window and landed on the hard road? No, that couldn't be it. Either way, her injuries were too serious to simply pass up, naturally. Her abdominal area had been severely damaged and her uterus was removed to save her life. Yayoi spent a good chunk of her time recovering in hospital from further broken ribs, a skull damage and a broken leg. Oh dear lord, the pain . . .

                                  That's probably why Yayoi keeps as far away from physical activity as possible. That includes driving! Though she is being pestered by her friends to take up driving lessons if 'she wants to be independent in life.' Dare she say, it's starting to work. But no. Chemistry comes first!


                                  MENTAL HEALTH;
                                  Daiki might say she has an obsession with chemistry. Which she doesn't deny. But there is nothing wrong with her mental health clinically, despite having a rough background.
                                  PHYSICAL HEALTH;
                                  Despite being born prematurely, Yayoi likes to think that she has a fairly healthy body. Okay, that's a lie. Yayoi can't have children. That accident cost her the ability along with her uterus. She really feels sorry for the man she'll marry. Though it doesn't have an adverse affect on her health as such, she does have her bouts of hormonal imbalance. This is very delicate stuff she won't be able to explain because she can't explain it in brief,


                                  ██「✶ 1: Yayoi is a secret fan of erotic novels. Obviously that's hidden from all.
                                  ██「✶ 2: She loves coffee. Probably because of the energy it provides.
                                  ██「✶ 3: She likes cute baby animals and birds
                                  ██「✶ 4: Especially penguins
                                  ██「✶ 5: She is very insecure about her chest size because it's below average.

                                  As much as she would love a pet, she doesn't have one.
                                    ██「✶ s a y u r i t i g e r
                                          「✶ yayoi doesn't understand her
                                          「✶ how can someone drink so much?
                                          「✶ she ends up volunteering to cover her work
                                          「✶ she finds it hard to believe sayuri's the older one

                                    ██「✶ d a i k i r a b b i t
                                          「✶ that b*****d . . .
                                          「✶ yayoi actively dislikes him
                                          「✶ not hate; in fact, she's quite fond of him as a childhood friend
                                          「✶ she hates it when he plays pranks on her though

Anime_Ghost Girl


Nura, Saizo

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                                  NAME ;
                                  Saizo Nura
                                  Honestly, he only responds to Saizo. But certain people can call him Sai as well.
                                  AGE ;
                                  GENDER ;
                                  One-hundred and fifty pounds
                                  Five feet and ten inches
                                  Saizo, his wife and his younger sister, Sakura, live in quite a big house near the outskirts of town. Somewhat near the Sohma residence actually.
                                  CEO of Nura Inc.


                                  PERSONALITY TRAITS;
                                  ██「✶ Charming: Saizo is silver-tongued. He is also quite the gentleman. He's a well-mannered and polite person who knows social conduct down to the bone. In social occasions anyway.

                                  ██「✶ Witty: As said before, Saizo is silver-tongued. His quick thinking, intelligence and street smarts are what made him and his company rise. That man will weasel his way in and out of trouble situations of any level of difficulty just to get, say, that watch he's been eyeing but hadn't gone on sale yet. Yeah, he's just that determined.

                                  ██「✶ Possessive: Even though he doesn't appear to be so. His possessiveness is subtle. He never actually says no to his wife for doing anything. Rather, he works from the shadows and makes sure he doesn't leave a trail of clues behind him. He makes sure what is his remains his through this method. Perhaps the only one who's come to love him regardless of his shadily possessive self is his wife and sister.

                                  ██「✶ Seemingly always cheerful: Saizo doesn't know the words 'negative emotion.' Not in front of others anyway. Always so happy-go-lucky, he is. Even when he is frustrated or angry, he never shows it. That's probably the main reason people who do know his past are so surprised of him. How can he be so happy all the time? Hell if he knows. He guesses that it's because he's got people to look after and cannot show any sign of a negative emotion, except perhaps worry.

                                  ██「✶ Flirtatious: Ladies watch out! While not necessarily the woman's ideal matador or what-have-you, Saizo certainly tries. In his opinion, he's as close to a knight in shining armour on a white horse as any man in this day and age will ever get. That and he is such a smooth talker (did I mention he was silver-tongued? I did? Oh . . . well, there you have it). No woman has not fallen for his wooing. He's like Shakespeare's Romeo with his poetic language when trying to impress. Sometimes, he wonders why his wife is still with him. Oh right. He's one hell of an a*****e to people he doesn't like. Which is exactly what he turns into after he's finished with the flirting.

                                  ██「✶ Heedless: Saizo does't appear to have a care in the world. He simply seems to be all sugar and rainbows around everyone. Maybe that's why he is so loved by his employees? He is somewhat looking out for himself but mostly, he prefers to be the family type of person and drown out his sorrows by spending time with his wife and sister.

                                  ██「✶ Optimistic: Saizo never looks for the bad. What's is ever going to bring you but more bad stuff? Always think the glass if half full. That's his mindset which has brought him through his life. Perhaps his optimism rubs people the wrong way? Maybe so. But he has a subtle way of showing it and isn't one of them 'the heroes always win' people.

                                  Ah the gift of life. Saizo didn't ask for it but hey, he came into the world didn't he? Unfortunately, as a child, he probably would have preferred a world which was . . . er, less strict, to say the least. He was brought up in the Nura household, a family which owned a company which produced and sold medical equipment and developed medical methods. All in all, they worked very closely with the allied health professionals.

                                  Now naturally one would think the obvious. And it was true. His family was very orthodox and strict. His childhood was, to put simply, planned. Saizo knew that as the oldest child, he was being shaped to be the next head of the Nura Inc. He knew that since as early as ten years old. As hard as it is to believe, Saizo was once such a nerd and such a quiet kid, it's not even funny. For most now, it's kind of hard to imagine. Aaaaanyway, Saizo was seen as the ideal heir to the headship. That was until, he began to, I dunno, think for himself. During the age of, say fifteen, was when Saizo first started to drift away from the family traditions and customs.

                                  His own family was hanging by a thread. Saizo's mother left his father for unknown reasons. Well, Saizo still doesn't know them anyway. His father remarried and had another child with his step-mum. They called her Sakura. Saizo, at first, was naturally resentful of her. Perhaps, that's why he kept away from her. Over time though, he grew closer to her. Perhaps when he was moving out to complete his studies and take over the company, Sakura was the only one whom he actually knew he'd miss. Saizo moved out of the Nura household upon completing highschool and moved into his own small home while studying management in university. It was there that his personality began to change for the better. Though if his father knew him now, he'd say the change was for the worse. Damn b*****d . . .

                                  Ahem. Anyway, Saizo had grown aware of the evident decline of the Nura business. The company had gone into a huge amount of debt. The only way which Saizo could think of to get the company back on their feet was a side business of something . . . well, darker. That naturally went against his oh so virtuous father. Saizo said nothing until he took control of the company and went ahead with the deal. His father, still not knowing this, had invited him over one day for some news. Big news apparently. The man was confused and, when he went, he was utterly shocked to find out he was getting married. He wasn't quite sure whether he was happy or sad. Just shocked. Too shocked to really object to this legal union.

                                  But that might have been to simply calm father down after Saizo broke the news of his company and the actions he had taken to bring back the Nura family. He felt equally bad for dragging Sakura- who happened upon their argument by accident- into this. Much to Saizo's objections, she was given a choice to be with either her parents or him. That alone was enough to tell Saizo that his parents were no longer in support of him. He didn't need father telling him that a second time. Still, he had previously agreed on the marriage and didn't go back on it. He also didn't want Sakura to worry so he kept his own sadness and frustration locked away from the eyes of anyone.

                                  As time went by, he came to love his wife was well and wanted to have children with her. He obviously didn't give up on flirting and what made him love her more, was the fact that she didn't mind! This brings us to the present day. The pair have tried quite a few times to have children but have been unable to conceive. Currently, there going back and forth from the hospital trying to somehow conceive.


                                  MENTAL HEALTH;
                                  Apart from having difficulty venting out his frustrations, nothing worth noting. Saizo was always an odd child. But nothing more. Ohwaitno . . . does addiction count? If so, then to remain happy-go-lucky as he is, he's got himself hooked on aspirins and other anti-stress medication of the like. He might not always need it but his doses have become much more frequent and larger now. Now apart from THAT, he's perfect sane~
                                  PHYSICAL HEALTH;
                                  For all Saizo knows, he's perfectly healthy physically. His check-ups came out normal when he was a child and still do now. Hence the reason he hasn't bothered to take any advanced tests. Well apart from the fertility test. Which is fine, so the man can still pass his genes on.


                                  ██「✶ 1:He loves ice-cream. A lot. He could just always eat it. Even in sub-zero temperatures.
                                  ██「✶ 2:Saizo has a thing against stuffed animals. Probably a reason he doesn't step into his sister's room unless utmost necessary.
                                  ██「✶ 3: He tuts when he watches the news. Unless it's news about the economy. He has his face glued to the TV then.
                                  ██「✶ 4: When he's handed a cup of coffee, he always says 'ooh lovely!' Just a habit.
                                  ██「✶ 5: The only way (or so he claims) he knows he isn't a teenager is that he takes longer to get out of bed.
                                  ██「✶ 6: He loves wine. Nothing else to really say about that.

                                  For Sakura's sake, Saizo got a pet hamster and let her name it. He himself, however, stays the HELL away from the wretched thing. Insert shudder here.
                                    ██「✶ s a k u r a o u t s i d e r
                                          「✶ this is his sister we're talking about
                                          「✶ he loves her dearly
                                          「✶ he hates to make her feel bad
                                          「✶ but at the same time, loves to take the mickey out of her

                                    ██「✶ n a m e r o l e
                                          「✶ comment
                                          「✶ comment
                                          「✶ comment
                                          「✶ comment

Anime_Ghost Girl


⋆⋮supposedly heterosexual
⋆⋮hero support
⋆⋮astral projection
⋆⋮highly intelligent; laid-back; resourceful; sincere
⋆⋮overly emotional; restless; emotionally weak; temperamental

⋆⋮lauryn harrow x x x
⋆⋮Anime_Ghost Girl

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                                        tab ⋆⋮jerri noelle steele "jerri"
                                        tab tab tab tab tab eighteen × female × bisexual (clearly homosexual)


                                            SECT O1◞× ASTRAL PROJECTION

                                              Astral projection, to put it bluntly, is the ability to separate body from soul. Jerri takes it one step
                                              further, so as to counter its uselessness. Of course, she can separate her soul from her body,
                                              but she can also plant thoughts into the consciousness of others. This is a lot different from
                                              mental manipulation as this actually doesn't control the mind directly, but rather suggests something.
                                              For example, if she were to plant the simple thought of cookies in her victim's head, they might
                                              suddenly start to crave some chocolate-chip cookies or want to bake them or something. Jerri
                                              has no way of knowing exactly what'll happen. How can she do this? Well, get this. Astral projection
                                              allows for her soul to enter the mental world and the world of consciousness, in other words, the
                                              astral plane. Her physical form, however, lies on the corporal plane. At the moment, Jerri can be
                                              in one plane or another. She hasn't been able to be in both planes at the same time, as she
                                              doesn't have nearly the amount of experience to do so. Even if she doesn't get there, she hopes
                                              that experience will also allow her to interact with the physical form while still in the astral plane.
                                              Also, no one can see her when she's out and about the realm of consciousness. So why not spend
                                              it walking through walls and spying on people? Of course, there are downsides to this power. It's
                                              pretty useless to actually fight with. It also leaves her physical form vulnerable. Also, her thought
                                              implanting power is pretty useless for those with mental barriers around their minds.

                                            SECT O2◞× PERSONALITY

                                              Intelligent wouldn't even begin to describe Jerri's IQ. She's a genius to the nth degree. By
                                              that, I mean book smart. But she knew at a very young age that just becoming one of them
                                              assistants to the lab-coated guys was not her course of action. Conclusion? She never pays
                                              attention in school. On the academic side of things anyway. She just needs to look at the book
                                              once to remember what's inside it.
                                              Emotional like hell. Got a mildly sad movie? She'd be crying her eyes out. That's how bad
                                              she is. Don't break her heart, you assholes! She's a sensitive little b***h.
                                              She's also a demanding one. And spoilt. She will get her way by throwing tantrums and
                                              sulking out for the rest of the month if she has to. Maybe astral project herself out of her body
                                              and threaten to never return as well.
                                              Oh, and you can't forget that hot temper. When she gets angry, which is often, she gets
                                              angry. Many say it's because of insecurities. But still. She can get pretty damn angry pretty damn
                                              Is it possible to be restless and laid-back at the same time? Apparently for Jerri, it is.
                                              She can get so impatient with things that she really wants but goes with the flow when she just
                                              doesn't care. She's strange like that.
                                              Still, she's resourceful thanks to her powers. Come on. Who wouldn't spend their time being
                                              creeps and spying on other people with those powers? Have a question about an upcoming test?
                                              She's totally your gal! In all honesty though, Jerri is hardly a liar and is very sincere and
                                              gullible. You can tell her anything and she won't blurt it out. But be careful as someone else
                                              might weasel it out of her quite easily.

                                            SECT O3◞× BIOGRAPHY

                                              Jerri was born to two human parents, both doctors. She's actually part Indonesian and part Australian.
                                              She showed her powers at a very young age, due to her love and fascination with the supernatural.
                                              She herself was quite surprised at the near death experience that astral projection provided her with.
                                              Naturally, her parents didn't quite believe that it happened until she showed them herself. This was
                                              at age nine, maybe?
                                              Either way, there was obviously the need for something like this to be controlled. Whenever Jerri
                                              would drift off into her own world, she would occasionally trigger her powers. That was sure as hell
                                              not a good sign, now was it?
                                              Anyway, she has no idea how, but her parents had gotten wind of Sky High and decided to send
                                              her there within a month of discovering her powers. Now here's the thing. As said before, Jerri is
                                              a very emotionally weak person. And as such, she didn't quite fancy being away from her parents
                                              at age nine.
                                              It wasn't really surprising to say that she fell into depression of missing them and had to take
                                              severe medication for quite a while.
                                              Now though, she's gotten it sorted out. Kinda. Well, she does have those anti-depressants for
                                              emergencies which relate to her mood. But apart from that, she's perfectly healthy ~

                                            tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab lauryn harrow » Anime_Ghost Girl


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tab tab tab T W E N T Y F I V E ┊ F E M A L E ┊ S P E L L B O O K ┊ S E R E N E ┊ T W O F A C E D
tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab &* ANIME_GHOST GIRL

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tab tab tab T W E N T Y T H R E E ┊ M A L E ┊ T O O L B O X ┊ O P T I M I S T I C ┊ T E M P E R A M E N T A L
tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab &* ANIME_GHOST GIRL

samples right hurr


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                                        tab ⋆⋮tasha nicola dalton "tash"
                                        tab tab tab tab tab eighteen× female × pansexual


                                            SECT O1◞× EREBOKINESIS

                                              Bluntly put, much like Tasha's dark personality underneath, she can control the darkness. and pretty damn
                                              well as well. Her powers revolve mostly around the use of shadows. Tasha can manifest and manipulate
                                              them at her will, even going as far as taking control of another's shadow and using it against them.
                                              Choke them. Skewer them. Paralyse them. Their shadows are her key to do it all. Though, most of the time,
                                              Tasha sticks to her own source of shadows. She can not only transform any part of herself into shadow,
                                              she can also bring forth shadows either from a pre-existing source or simply channel it through the use
                                              of her emotions. That's probably the main reason she doesn't let her emotions go haywire. Can't destroy
                                              the school now can she? Tasha is capable of transporting herself over long distances through the help
                                              of shadows. Of course, there is a critical weakness: light. While Tasha can still be useful in light, it
                                              weakens her greatly to use her powers in bright light as most of the times, she needs to generate
                                              the darkness through her emotions, a process she finds to be exhausting.

                                            SECT O2◞× PERSONALITY

                                              「✶ Silver-tongued honestly. There is hardly anything that you can actually keep hidden from her. She'll
                                              find a way to get it out of you by her smooth words.
                                              「✶ Two-faced and not afraid to change sides within a blink of an eye. She's known to be a tricky one
                                              and will probably continue to deceive and trick.
                                              「✶ Serene to the core. It's extremely hard to tick her off. In fact, Tasha herself can't recall a single time
                                              when she was actually angry at anything. But she has a good reason to keep herself under control.
                                              「✶ Tactful and strategic, there is almost always a purpose to every move that Tasha makes.
                                              「✶ Manipulative as hell. Matches with her silver-tongue (which never seems to turn to lead either).
                                              She can weasel her way in and out of trouble with grace and poise.
                                              「✶ Rational and always thinking before leaping: that's Tasha for you. As well as a purpose, much
                                              careful planning goes into every move Tasha makes. Most of the time anyway. This makes her
                                              very hard to be tricked as well though.
                                              「✶ A heart of stone is something she is kind of forced to have. As said before, under no
                                              circumstances can Tasha let her emotions go amok and has learned to not take sadness from other people.
                                              「✶ Ambitious and ain't nothing stopping her! Tasha is a determined character, even though it's kind
                                              of hard to believe.
                                              「✶ Social butterfly though~ Despite her flaws and tricky personality, Tasha makes no effort to stay
                                              away from people and actively joins in conversations at parties and social occasions.

                                            SECT O3◞× BIOGRAPHY

                                              Well for starters, Tasha was not 'born' so to speak. Rather, she was developed through intricate technology
                                              which only her family, the Daltons, had access to.
                                              Though she technically was alive before then. She just has no memory whatsoever of the time.
                                              The city of Exeter, Great Britain, was her 'birthplace' and the same place where she was 'raised.'
                                              Truth be told, Tasha didn't really mind. Nor did she care. Until she started to realize that she was created
                                              to be something of a weapon for wealth and fame of the family.
                                              When she thought that she was nothing more than a simple weapon to be sold, a breakthrough came from
                                              the Daltons. The head didn't have an heir to succeed the corporation. And what better candidate than a
                                              superhuman who just happened to be created by the family? That's right. Tasha's life of luxury began
                                              at around the age of ten, when she was adopted into the family.
                                              This was also a time when she began to actually develop a personality.
                                              Since then, Tasha has been mastering her powers but also her personality and skills to become
                                              your fancy-dancy business woman.
                                              Though, currently she attends Sky High for a formal education and mastery of her power. Hell, maybe
                                              she'll learn something new?

                                            tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab aliona vilani » Anime_Ghost Girl


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                      tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab ⋮⋮IO AVRAE
                      tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab ⇣ THE STATIC OF YOUR ARMS, IT IS A CATALYST, YOU'RE A CHEMICAL THAT BURNS, THERE IS NOTHING LIKE THIS
                      tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab ⇣ THE STATIC OF YOUR ARMS, IT IS A CATALYST, YOU'RE A CHEMICAL THAT BURNS, THERE IS NOTHING LIKE THIS
                      tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab ⇣ THE STATIC OF YOUR ARMS, IT IS A CATALYST, YOU'RE A CHEMICAL THAT BURNS, THERE IS NOTHING LIKE THIS

                                                      Unlike the usual soaring through the skies drama, Tiamat preferred to run through the land. Strange for a dragon, he was aware. Yet little care he had, choosing to focus completely on speed through land than flight. Of course the dragon could take flight. But chose not to for some strange reason or another. Perhaps because he was more inclined to be near vegetation and actually stay with vegetation instead of flying over it without fully enjoying the greenery. His rider, Io didn't seem to mind it either. So, what's stopping him?

                                                      "And so the council gathers, huh. Wouldn't have imagined it being this early," he heard his rider comment. Io had no understanding of his so-called speech. Yet she was able to read his body language like an open book. And by his subtle nod- which might not have appeared to be a nod in the eyes of most- was enough to tell her that he agreed. It was only a mere sixteen years earlier that Hurvensjon, along with the other five clans, had been at war with Vaftir. Io's mind failed to comprehend how even a formerly great clan such as Vaftir was able to rebuild herself from total ruin into total war. To her, it simply physically and economically impossible.

                                                      Yet Tiamat knew different. Back in his days of freedom (or so he believed them to be) he remembered Vaftir's potential to be such a powerful clan. Sure enough, said clan had indeed fulfilled their potential, but in ways much too horrible to comprehend. Those memories were something his mind had trouble of bearing. Yet he bore them with great pride at the same time. Yep. Tiamat was a mass of contradictions. It could be said that, out of all persons requested to be at the council- or at least the dragons- Tiamat was the least excited. In fact, excited wasn't even a feeling he had within himself. A more prominent feeling that hung about in his mind was dread. Yet, he could only keep the feelings to himself. He couldn't communicate them even if he tried.

                                                      Io was still smart enough to sense something was wrong though. "Excited isn't the word for you is it? You seem hesitant. I can tell by your movements," she commented as she felt his pace slow down. The two looked on to the temple which towered in the distant horizon. Tiamat huffed to show, what seemed to be agreement. Io scoffed at that before bracing herself.

                                                      She only ever showed this side of her to her dragon. Hell, even he thought this was rare for her to show concern. Either way, he would rather count his blessings.

                                                      The once grounded dragon soon too flight with a mighty flap of his outstretched wings. Since it was only a matter of achieving height, the dragon flew almost vertically before levelling off. Ah. Now Io knew why she didn't mind when Tiamat ran instead of flew. His flying manoeuvres were something that often got to her. Why not take off in a manner where she wouldn't need to be literally hanging for dear life? Apparently that wasn't in her dragon's job description, she deduced.

                                                      Eventually though (somehow) the pair made it, with Io feeling like she had to get off. Seriously. The female gracefully dismounted her dragon who looked to the council. Actually, maybe the right word would be glare. "Calm yourself Tiamat. We're here to make peace, not war," Io spoke sternly, to which the dragon huffed and lowered his head slightly. Io shut her eyes momentarily before opening them again to look around her. It seemed that they were the last to arrive seeing as how most of the other chairs were filled. Her purple eyes made sure to make eye contact with each one of the other leaders as a way to acknowledge their presence.

                                                      "It is an honour to see you all," she finally made a vocal greeting. Her voice still had that sweet-sounding tone to it, yet at the same time, it was evident that this was the tone of a leader, something Io believed herself to be. At least to her clan. Still, the one thing her clan could do was make better clothing. This whole attire of hers was something she found to be very uncomfortable. Still, she made no effort to show her discomfort and kept a straight face. "It seems that we are the last to arrive, yes?"


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                      20 bisexual anime_ghost girl


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                                                  ghost or ghostie.
                                                  sample thread.
                                                  on pretty much everyday; posting in ic is usually every other day.
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                                                  the horse.
                                                  optimistic; graceful.
                                                  annoyingly stubborn; temperamental.

                                                  Let's see now. Yamabuki is one hell of a firecracker. You can kind of imagine her to be all 'hero'
                                                  and loves to be in the limelight of things. She believes that with enough effort, belief and other fluffy
                                                  things, one can accomplish anything and everything. Oh, and if her optimism wasn't enough,
                                                  Yamabuki is also 'independent' and doesn't take anything from anyone. That also, unfortunately means,
                                                  that she is stubborn to the point of annoyance. She just has to have the last statement in the
                                                  argument. And if she doesn't, boy are you in for some colourful words. She's got a temper to match
                                                  with that equally pretty face of hers. It honestly comes as a surprise as to how often her mood swings
                                                  can occur. Hell, it often comes as a surprise to outsiders that she even has mood swings. Yamabuki
                                                  is actually very well-mannered and polite in public, whilst still maintaining her confident demeanour.

                                                  here she is ~.
                                                  Can summon gusts of wind.


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                                                  NAME: YAMABUKI-NO-SOHMA
                                                  AGE: TWENTY-ONE
                                                  GENDER: FEMALE
                                                  BIRTHDAY: DECEMBER 16
                                                  ROLE: THE HORSE

                                                  User Image
                                                  Okay, here's the deal. There's a reason as to why Yamabuki might not be the best Sohma out
                                                  there. She is probably the only one of the Sohmas who's not a pure blooded Sohma. You see,
                                                  her mother was also a Sohma, but her father wasn't. This was probably not the first time it happened
                                                  but certainly, it was the first time that it was found out. Yamabuki's mother had willingly slept
                                                  with a man whom she claimed to love. Clearly that claim was genuine as she even stood up for
                                                  him when the two were caught. Their romantic endeavour didn't last long for they were both
                                                  condemned, humiliated and punished severely. During those times of romance, however, Yamabuki
                                                  was conceived. Her mother endured enough to give birth to a healthy baby, only to die in childbirth.
                                                  As a result, the curse of the disgruntled horse has been with Yamabuki since before she could wipe a
                                                  drool off her face. To be honest, this news wasn't even kept from Yamabuki. At least, it wasn't
                                                  kept well. She found out at the age of ten that she was not a pure blood Sohma. She didn't really care
                                                  either. If nobody else knew, it didn't matter. What did change was that she bore a grudge towards the
                                                  God of the family. This extended to Sho, who came into power after his father, the man who'd doomed
                                                  Yamabuki's mother, passed on. How come he got a peaceful passing and not her? Yamabuki had
                                                  come to the obvious conclusion that this wasn't a world where one could get away by breaking
                                                  even a minor rule. Still, the horse never found it in herself to not object to many of Sho's views and
                                                  opinions. Clearly, she's gotten on the bad side of him. But she cares little. Her feud is with Sho.
                                                  Yamabuki has actually developed quite a close friendship with his mother though she naturally
                                                  keeps her opinion of Sho private.
                                                  As of now, her recent objection has been to her own wedding. It seems the apple doesn't fall too far
                                                  from the tree, for Yamabuki, like her mother before, does not wish to be married according to tradition.
                                                  No, she has her eye for another.

                                                  User Image
                                                  Yamabuki is the horse of the Sohma family. As such, her personality reflects that of any person
                                                  born under the year of the horse. Just a bit more extreme. Yamabuki is one confident woman, not
                                                  afraid to speak her opinion on issues that really bother her. That being said, there are many issues that
                                                  do. No, she isn't picky. Rather, she's just short-tempered and will get angry over the slightest of problems.
                                                  The worst part of this is that she is stubborn to add to that temper and will argue with you until she
                                                  wins. Still, Yamabuki loves to be in the limelight and doesn't mind attention. Despite the anger issues,
                                                  Yamabuki's mindset is set to believe the glass to be half full rather than half empty. She's an optimist.
                                                  Also, her social skills are still top notch and she is seen to be a graceful and elegant royal lady in
                                                  public. Most of the times anyway. But honestly though she's well-mannered to those she likes.
                                                  As you might have figured out, her temper and optimism are kind of contradictory. As such, she's very
                                                  prone to mood-swings. In a nutshell, Yamabuki is one hell of a person who has anger problems
                                                  but argues for the bright side of things, due to her optimism. Yet all this somehow goes unnoticed by her
                                                  graceful public manners. Confused yet?

                                                  User Image
                                                  LIKES: RAIDEN ; SAKE ; PLAYING THE KOTO ; WINDY WEATHER ; SWEET FOODS ; PARTIES ; ORIGAMI
                                                  DISLIKES: SPICY FOODS ; SHO ; EXTREMELY HOT WEATHER ; REJECTION ; THE SOHMA CUSTOMES
                                                  FEARS: NEEDLES ; BEING WED ; BEING REJECTED BY THE ONE SHE LOVES
                                                  THEMESONGS: TWO STEPS FROM HELL


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                                                  do I have to re-link?
                                                  always here bby c:
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                                                  the ox.
                                                  patient and devoted.
                                                  seemingly standoffish and judgemental.

                                                  Tokiya was born in the usual inbred Sohma tradition. He was born a fairly healthy baby, surprisingly
                                                  enough. Since he was a young child, Tokiya has always been much like his cursed ox self. Like the
                                                  zodiac, Tokiya is a hard-working and devoted individual. His loyalty knows no bounds and he is
                                                  extremely loyal to his emperor (he is aware of Sho's true gender). He has an active role when it
                                                  comes to politics and government, choosing to be a minister and a warrior at the same time.
                                                  However, he has gained a few political enemies and is well aware of this. Unfortunately there is
                                                  little they can do when he has the royal family's protection, pretty much. That being said
                                                  though, Tokiya has a severe case of social anxiety and almost never goes out in public, instead
                                                  choosing to remain cooped up in his quarters or going out to fight with his fellow clansmen
                                                  over socializing or the like. As such, Tokiya has a hard time showing how he feels, making
                                                  him come across as this jackass who thinks he's too good for anyone. He isn't all that bad.

                                                  Tokiya no Sohma.
                                                  Hurr ~~
                                                  Could he be a politician in Sho's court or something? I 'd imagine he'd be at least moderately
                                                  close to the god if this was the case as well.


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                                                  NAME: TOKIYA-NO-SOHMA
                                                  AGE: THIRTY
                                                  GENDER: MALE
                                                  BIRTHDAY: FEBRUARY 13
                                                  ROLE: THE OX

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                                                  The cursed sheep and ox had conceived Tokiya along with his twin. Yes, twin. He was the cursed ox
                                                  and she was the sheep. However, his twin didn't make it to even take a living breath in the world for their
                                                  mother fell gravely ill during childbirth. Thankfully though, mother and the remaining baby boy survived.
                                                  Tokiya was always a sheltered child. Reason being was because this was his parents' second attempt
                                                  at conceiving. It had worked the first time around but the child didn't survive. Because the same
                                                  happened to Tokiya's sister, they didn't want any harm to come to their beloved Tokiya. As a result,
                                                  the boy became isolated and almost unknown outside of the family. All most people knew was that
                                                  there was an ox. That being said though, Tokiya was a child prodigy. He most often spent his time
                                                  in his room reading various pieces of literature and poetry as well as textbooks on mathematics
                                                  and the sciences. Tokiya also had a love for politics and would often discuss said politics with
                                                  his father and the previous emperor. Said emperor took nicely to his views and before long, the
                                                  male was one of the leading and unknown politicians in the city. Tokiya had the protection of the
                                                  Sohma clan and thus doesn't believe that he'll come to any harm from his political rivals. However,
                                                  he is never one to show his face during meetings, choosing to either remain behind a screen or
                                                  not show up at all and have his opinions passed onto trusted persons who expressed them at the
                                                  meetings. This is due to his social anxiety, something he developed from being a child who lived
                                                  in almost complete and utter isolation. Tokiya's anxiety attacks were much more frequent when he
                                                  had just started. Since then, they've calmed down comparatively though he's still weary of
                                                  staying out in public for too long, lest he collapse in the middle of the commoners quarter. The
                                                  only time commoners have actually seen him is when he'd going or returning from battle. Tokiya's
                                                  long-standing loyalty for the Sohma clan and their glory and power remains as he continues to
                                                  serve as a politician in Sho's government. However, in this day and age, he's gained more political
                                                  rivals than he ever had. Normally, the quiet shrew would go right ahead and find one way or another
                                                  to remove them, but for some reason, his mind is astray in its own world these days.

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                                                  CALM: seriously. Never can Tokiya recall losing his temper at anything. No matter how important
                                                  the occasion. Tokiya's calmness is almost scary. He has never even flinched at sign of trouble. At least,
                                                  when said trouble is political in nature. His calm is as icy as his powers when in battle as well.
                                                  LOYAL: and fiercely at that. His loyalties like to none other than Sho himself. And Sho knows it. This
                                                  does not, however, mean that Tokiya will follow Sho around like a mindless lackey. He knows his
                                                  own value in the political system but will do whatever he can to ensure the Sohma's prosperity.
                                                  STANDOFFISH: or so he appears. Due to his social anxiety, Tokiya goes by the precautionary
                                                  principle and takes precaution of not interacting with the outside world much. Instead, his opinions
                                                  on the governance of the city is passed on to the council via a servant of the Sohma clan or by a
                                                  clan member.
                                                  DEVOTED: he really is. Tokiya will work to extreme lengths until he achieves something. He's an extremely
                                                  committed and hard-working man. He didn't become a favourite of the god by batting his eyelashes at him, did
                                                  he now? Tokiya actually stays committed to any task given to him and will keep on being so until told to let go.
                                                  Sadly, this also applies to grudges. Difference being, he doesn't let go despite being told to do so.
                                                  PATIENT: certainly, Tokiya comes with a very tolerant mind. He firmly believes in the whole 'good
                                                  things come to those who wait' principle and abides by it. That being said, he is a very tolerant
                                                  person even when dealing with humans, trying not to let anything get to him.
                                                  JUDGEMENTAL: remember what I said about Tokiya holding a grudge? Well, that can happen right
                                                  off the bat because he judges people waaayyy too easily. He's got one hell of an opinion and is
                                                  extremely adamant about changing it. To a certain extent he is a good judge of character, but he
                                                  often drives away those he gets a bad first impression from, even those who might not be so bad.

                                                  User Image
                                                  LIKES: PEACE ; QUIET ; SNOW ; COLD WEATHER IN GENERAL ; THE SOUND OF THE FLUTE ; LITERATURE AND POETRY
                                                  THEMESONGS: ICY STRINGS PLAYING IN MY HEART

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