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Feral Genius

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                              Character Name: Michaela Sörensson
                              Code Name: Draconia
                              Model: Izumi Nase - Kyoukai no Kanata

                              ✘ :: PLAYED BY— Krazy Michelle Ranak
                                  PHOBIA:: DRACOPHOBIA
                                  ▬▬ ∷ DRAGON PHYSIOLOGY

                                  Subject Draconia has a fear of fire-breathing dragons. As such she is able to shift into a dragon and breathe fire in either form. The cause of this fear is hard to pin down exactly. She willingly sought out Timore and quickly took control over her abilities. However it was not quite as easy as she makes it seem. Subject is known to look as if she is restraining herself especially when it comes to emotions and she tends to speak in dry sarcastic tones. WHEN IN DRAGON FORM SHE HATES HER TAIL BEING TOUCHED AND WILL NOT HESITATE TO BAKE ANYONE WHO TOUCHES IT.

Feral Genius


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                            ██ FIRST &. LAST NAME 》Michaela Sörensson
                            ██ PRONUNCIATION 》MEE-kah-e-lah SOR-ren-suhn
                            ██ NICKNAMES 》Mika, Draconia, Draco
                            ██ GENDER 》Female
                            ██ AGE 》26
                            ██ D.O.B 》07/22/1989
                            ██ SEXUALITY 》Pansexual. But she's kind of picky with who she'll actually have sex with.
                            ██ NATIONALITY 》Swedish
                            ██ CLASSIFICATION 》Conductor

                                ▬▬ &. SPECIAL EXTRAS
                                ██ LOYALTIES 》HomoSuperiors, Peters
                                ██ ALIGNMENT 》GOOD
                                ██ MODEL 》 Izumi Nase - Kyoukai no Kanata
                                ██ SPEECH COLOR 》 #8F8FBC
                                ██ VOICEEnglish - Carli Mosier (Izumi Nase); Swedish; Japanese - Ayako Kawasumi (Izumi Nase)
                                ██ THEMESwrite here

Feral Genius


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                            ██ HEIGHT &. WEIGHT 》 5'9" & 145lbs.
                            ██ HAIR 》 Black
                            ██ EYES 》 Purple
                            ██ BODY TYPE 》Curvy
                            ██ MISCELLANEOUSDragon

Feral Genius


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                                                            ▬▬ &. PERSONALITY
                                                                ██ POSITIVE TRAITS 》 Idealistic | Disciplined | Perceptive | Loyal
                                                                ██ NEGATIVE TRAITS 》 Sarcastic | Restrained | Over-Protective | Abrasive

                                                                ▬▬ &. THEIR HABITS
                                                                MANNERISM ▬▬▬ &. Sarcasm
                                                                    A constant spout of sarcastic remarks, it is genuinely hard to tell if she is being completely serious about some of the things she says.

                                                                MANNERISM ▬▬▬ &. Nesting
                                                                    One corner of her room is piled high with all the random things she hoarded over the years. At times she'll pile blankets and things on top and just nest on top of the pile.

                                                                MANNERISM ▬▬▬ &. Collecting
                                                                    She'll pick up random things off the ground, especially if they are shiny, to add to her ever growing collection. If someone else has something she is interested in 'collecting' she will ask if she can have it. If that person says no then she will respect that wish but it is possible she will ask again after a while in the hopes that said person has changed their mind. She does not take things from others and if it is discovered that something in her collection was something important someone lost, she will happily give it back.

                                                                MANNERISM ▬▬▬ &. Lip Bitting
                                                                    Usually occurs when she's trying to concentrate on something. It is also a sign that she might be experiencing a quick emotional change and she's trying to keep herself from overreacting.

                                                                MANNERISM ▬▬▬ &. Sighs
                                                                    Keeping her emotions in check is hard work sometimes so she will sigh softly if she's successfully avoided an unnecessary outburst.

                                                                ▬▬ &. THEIR INTERESTS
                                                                    LIKE ▬▬ &. Heat
                                                                    Hot showers, Coffee, Hot Tea, even spicy foods. She likes all of it.

                                                                    LIKE ▬▬ &. Shiny Objects
                                                                    She likes to keep things that are shiny. Metals of all kinds, coin currency, silverware, glass, CDs. Pretty much anything

                                                                    LIKE ▬▬ &. Languages
                                                                    Hearing others speak a different language helps her to learn it and she loves to learn languages. Even if its a language she is unfamiliar with, she will absolutely love to listen to someone speaking it. Unfortunately her love of language only goes towards speaking the language and not reading or writing said language. She picks up on languages very easily. (She is currently trying to learn ASL but is having difficulties due to lack of actual speech...)

                                                                    LIKE ▬▬ &. People Watching
                                                                    Watching other people interact is helpful in realizing how she should interact sometimes. Its also kind of fun to see what kind of drama happens.

                                                                    LIKE ▬▬ &. Children
                                                                    She is protective of everyone and even more so children. They have a special place in her heart and she will defend every single one of them to the death. This also includes those who may not be children anymore. And even some who are her own age...

                                                                    LIKE ▬▬ &. Working Out
                                                                    She loves to go into the training room and just punch stuff. Also training with polearms and abilities fall under this category. Best with a partner though.

                                                                ▬▬ &. THEIR TABOOS
                                                                    DISLIKE ▬▬ &. Tail
                                                                    She absolutely hates having her tail touched. Though you would think with the size of a dragon how would she notice its being touched. She just does and is not adverse to cooking anyone who touches it. Its the fastest way to piss her off.

                                                                    DISLIKE ▬▬ &. Stealing
                                                                    She does not like the idea of someone taking something that isn't theirs without permission. As someone who has tons of items n her possession, she doesn't want any of it taken from her and she doesn't agree with anyone who would take things from others.

                                                                    DISLIKE ▬▬ &. Fighting
                                                                    As a person who likes to protect those she's close to, it feels a little odd that she doesn't actually like fighting. Because of picking multitudes of fights over the course of her life, she has grown to hate fighting and will, most of the times anyway, try to find a way around fighting to solve a problem. It is also harder to keep her anger in control when she's in a fight.

                                                                    DISLIKE ▬▬ &. Organization
                                                                    Her room is a mess. And she knows this. Please don't point it out to her as she is very likely to bury you under her pile of shiny objects. She's not a fan of having to keep everything neat and orderly. However when not in her room, she will attempt to keep things reasonably organized for the next person to come behind her.

                                                                    DISLIKE ▬▬ &. Disney Movies
                                                                    Their depictions of Dragons are old school and stupid. She isn't a fan of most movies or games that depict dragons. Exceptions include How to Train your Dragon and Skyrim.

                                                                ▬▬ &. THEIR SKILLS
                                                                    SKILL ▬▬ &. Gymnastics
                                                                    SKILL ▬▬ &. LANGUAGES: English, Swedish, Japanese(Speaking), German(Speaking), Russian(Speaking), ASL (Learning)
                                                                    SKILL ▬▬ &. Polearm Fighting
                                                                    SKILL ▬▬ &. Piano
                                                                    SKILL ▬▬ &. write here
                                                                    SKILL ▬▬ &. write here

                                                                ▬▬ &. THEIR GOALS
                                                                    GOAL ▬▬ &. PEACE ON EARTH! Okay not really. More like keeping the safety of HomoSuperiors. Starting with Timore Island.
                                                                    GOAL ▬▬ &. Learn as many languages as possible.
                                                                    GOAL ▬▬ &. Having all the shiny things!

Feral Genius


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                                                                ▬▬ &. THEIR PHOBIAS
                                                                    FEAR ▬▬ &. Dracophobia
                                                                    a fear of fire-breathing dragons

                                                                    FEAR ▬▬ &. Abandonment
                                                                    An irrational belief that one is imminent danger of being personally rejected, discarded or replaced

                                                                ▬▬ &. MEDICAL INFORMATION
                                                                    ██ BLOOD TYPE 》 A+
                                                                    ██ ALLERGIES 》N/A

                                                                    ██ GENETIC CONDITION 》 N/A

                                                                    ██ MEDICAL CONDITION 》 Borderline Personailty Disorder (BPD)
                                                                        The main feature of borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a pervasive pattern of instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image and emotions. People with borderline personality disorder are also usually very impulsive, oftentimes demonstrating self-injurious behaviors (risky sexual behaviors, cutting, suicide attempts).

                                                                        These individuals are very sensitive to environmental circumstances. The perception of impending separation or rejection, or the loss of external structure, can lead to profound changes in self-image, affect, cognition, and behavior. They experience intense abandonment fears and inappropriate anger, even when faced with a realistic time-limited separation or when there are unavoidable changes in plans.(PsychCentral

                                                                        Has been going through Dialectical Behavior Therapy, DBT for six years now.

                                                                    ██ EMERGENCY TREATMENTS 》 N/A

Feral Genius


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                                                            ▬▬ &. SPECIAL ABILITIES
                                                              STATIC EFFECTS
                                                              ▬▬ ∷ SIXTH SENSE
                                                                This is an ability that all Nameless and Fearless possess in which they can tell when something life-threatening is about to occur. A product of Natural Selection that gives the Homo Superior's an upper edge against humanity. Like animals, the Nameless and Fearless will have this urge to get out of a possible dangerous situation and will know that they have to get to safety and will know where that is... just not what it is that occurs. Think of it like this, Dogs and Cats getting to higher ground before a hurricane hits...

                                                              ▬▬ ∷ Decelerated Aging
                                                                The user either ages slower than normal for their species or is of a species that has an extended life-span. It is uncertain exactly how long Mika will live but it is a fact that soon she will look younger than she actually is.

                                                              ▬▬ ∷ Thermal Resistance
                                                                User is able to survive at any temperature without discomfort. As a dragon she is immune to fire. She can survive colder temperatures as well, so long as she is in dragon form. Her human form is less durable in extreme temperatures.

                                                              ▬▬ ∷ Subterranean Adaptation
                                                                User is able to survive and adapt to underground, stuffy, low-light terrene conditions like caves/tunnels with senses, endurance and breathing adapted for such (perhaps also adapted for intense heat, if adapted for areas closer to the earth's core)

                                                              ▬▬ ∷ Enhanced Durability
                                                                The user's physical durability (ability to endure/resist damage) is extremely high, allowing them to take numerous blows of internal or external assaults before succumbing to the effects

                                                              ▬▬ ∷ Enhanced Endurance
                                                                Users can operate on a low power setting, allowing them to operate for an extended amount of time. They can hold their breath for longer periods of time and remain calm through stressful or painful situations, tolerate extreme hunger, unbearable thirst, and strong urges to sleep.

                                                              ▬▬ ∷ Enhanced Strength
                                                                Users have incredible ability to defy weight limitations of the member of their race, but not completely break them. Dense, lengthy, or overweight items are easy to move and simple to use in nearly any manner. Users can crush, lift, throw, or catch items of great weight.

                                                              ▬▬ ∷ Enhanced Smell
                                                                Users can detect specific persons, objects, substances or even places, locate their origin and track targets with nothing but their nose. Some may even be able to detect lying, sicknesses, or tumors by which hormones/smells a target excretes.

                                                              ▬▬ ∷ Enhanced Sight
                                                                User has enhanced vision, allowing them to see with amazing clarity/detail, distance, or color, perhaps even in a different spectrum of light or into another dimension.

                                                              ▬▬ ∷ Enhanced Intelligence
                                                                Mika is gifted with higher mental faculties such as a more powerful memory, better calculation skills, greater reasoning skills, and superior learning capacity.

                                                              ▬▬ ∷ Fire
                                                                Mika is unaffected by fire and extreme heat in dragon form. However as a human she can still be burnt unless she has on her scale armor.

                                                              ▬▬ ∷ Emotions
                                                                As it is impossible to determine if Mika's extreme emotions are caused by her abilities, she has been very careful to keep all emotions to a minimum. As such anyone with an ability to manipulate emotions will affect her greatly.

                                                              ▬▬ ∷ Size
                                                                Dragons are rather large so it is almost impossible for Mika to transform inside.

                                                              ▬▬ ∷ Mortal
                                                                Though hard to kill, Mika can still die. As a dragon she has a soft underbelly that is relatively easy to pierce and even her scale armor does not cover her chest area.

                                                            ━━ Western Dragon Physiology | type:: aggressive / passive
                                                              The user is or has the ability to take on the form of European Dragon typically depicted as a huge fire-breathing, scaly and horned lizard-like creature, with leathery, bat-like wings, with four legs and a long muscular tail, sometimes shown with feathered wings, crests, fiery manes, ivory spikes running down its spine and various exotic colorations.

                                                            ━━ Retractable Claws | type:: aggressive
                                                              The user can project and retract razor-sharp claws from their fingertips for offensive purposes. Claws can be composed of energy, bone, metal, or simple keratin.

                                                            ━━ Wing Manifestation | type:: passive
                                                              User has or is able to manifest wings that grow or are attached to the body allowing flight. They may also protect from rear attacks or detach and re-grow for quick getaways.

                                                            ━━ Scale Manifestation | type:: passive
                                                              User is able to grow scales of varying size which often possess great durability.

                                                            ━━ Fire Breath | type:: aggressive
                                                              The user is able to manipulate the fire in their lungs in a way that allows them to shape the exhaling of fire. These shapes can include bursts of fire, streams of fire, spheres made of fire, etc. from the mouth. Users have thermal resistance in their throats and mouths.

Feral Genius


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                                                        Michaela Sorensson was born in the middle of Nowhere, Sweden. The eldest child started as the only child. She was pampered and protected. So when a few years later she had a sibling that got more attention than her, she didn’t like it. So she acted out. Hissy fits, temper tantrums, arguing and doing the opposite of what she was told. It wasn’t until the boy was old enough to try and form words that Mika realized he was someone to protect. It didn’t stop her outbursts, just changed the focus to others who decided to try to hurt what she was holding precious.

                                                        Her first memory of being afraid of dragons occurred around the age of 8 at a friend’s sleepover party. They were watching the movie "Sleeping Beauty". Upon seeing the dragon, she flipped out, screaming and throwing a fit. It took three grown adults to isolate her away from the movie and calm her down. After that even the mention of Disney would trigger a reaction for a time. Sometime after that she started to notice how temperature didn’t really bother her anymore.

                                                        And after her brother discovered his own abilities, the overprotective sister was born. Mika would fight anyone who wanted to pick on her brother but that didn’t seem like enough. So she would go and befriend all the nerds and anyone the bullies were harassing and then beat up the bullies. Most of her school life was spent in trouble for one reason or another. About the age of 16 Mika decided to piss off some bullies that were a bit tougher than she originally anticipated. They pinned her down and she did the only thing she could, she breathed fire at them. No one got hurt but the group dispersed and Mika was terrified, thinking there was something wrong with her. So when she got home she did some research on the internet.

                                                        It was odd. She didn’t know what exactly she was looking for but it wasn’t what she found. A theory she would never forget. A theory that her fire breathing might be far worse than she’d imagined. Fear becoming abilities. But she wasn’t scared of fire. When she realized what her fear was, she quickly rushed to pack her things. No way was she going to turn into a dragon and harm her family. However, she wasn’t able to sneak out alone. Her stubborn brother wouldn’t let her go without him.

                                                        Though she relented and let him follow her around, she wasn’t happy about it. She felt like she couldn’t protect him the way she wanted to with the fear of changing into a dragon. For two years they wandered around Europe, spending tons of time in Germany. After that time they were able to go to Timore with the help of a stranger.

                                                        Mika took quickly to her abilities. The enhanced sight and smell, the fire breathing, the scale armor, but not the transformation. It took her a while to be comfortable enough to change. Even after her first transformation, she’d puff out smoke and breathe fire when she was upset. After a bit of time on the Island she was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder and immediately started therapy for it. And with that came the ability to control her emotions and finally become a Fearless. Unlike others, she decided she wanted to teach others so she stayed a Fearless for two years before deciding to take the next step and become a Conductor. By that time, she knew she would do more good as a Conductor than a Fearless. And now with the influx of people arriving to the island, Mika knows her place is to help out as much as possible. Especially to keep this home of theirs safe.

Feral Genius


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                                                        ▬▬ &. PLOT DEVICES
                                                          I WANT ▬▬▬ &. Therapist
                                                              One who has worked extensively with Mika to help her with her BPD

                                                          I WANT ▬▬▬ &. Love interest?
                                                              Someone who can put up with her sarcastic nature and loves her anyway. Doesn't have to be immediate, can develop over the rp.

                                                          I WANT ▬▬▬ &. Frenemy
                                                              Someone she can have a mutual love-hate relationship with. They just do not get along and tend to bicker constantly. But if either is in danger the other will help out under the guise of "I want to be the one to harm/kill you."

                                                          I WANT ▬▬▬ &. Students
                                                              Or anyone really that she can mentor. And also those she has mentored in the past.

                                                        ▬▬ &. PATIENT'S INNER CIRCLE

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Feral Genius


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                                                        ▬▬ &. THEIR PLOTS
                                                        RELATIONSHIP ▬▬▬ &. (BROBRO)
                                                            (Lizard Conductor).

                                                        RELATIONSHIP ▬▬▬ &. name

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                                                        RELATIONSHIP ▬▬▬ &. name

Feral Genius

Mika gets ready for the dinner. dress for dinner. Is upset at the meeting but does her best not to have an outburst. Complains that they should be more calm, that's the whole reason they were conductors in the first place. Heads down to help corral their guests to the dinning room. On the way there bright light that transports her away.

Realizes she's on a beach. Its different from the one she's used to on the island. Thinks this is some UNE trick and transforms into her dragon form to fly back home. Realizes after a quick sweep of the area that this is no where she knows. Lands back on the beach to contemplate what she's going to do next.

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