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Chatty Friend

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This is a thread where I will post random questions/quizzes for anyone who wants to do them in my quest thread. Please do not post here!

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Chatty Friend

9,375 Points
  • Elocutionist 200
  • Friendly 100
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Set's of 10

Fun Questions About Movies to Ask Friends

Everyone watches movies these days, so here are some fun questions to ask you friends about the movies.
1. What’s your favorite movie of all time and why?
2. What was the best movie you saw this last year and why?
3. Who’s your favorite director and why?
4. Do you like black and white movies? Why or why not?
5. Do you read movie reviews? If so, which reviewers do you enjoy? If not, why?
6. What’s the scariest movie you’ve ever seen?
7. Who’s your favorite actor and why?
8. Do you cry at movies? If so, which movies make you cry?
9. What’s the funniest movie you’ve ever seen?
10. Would you rather see a movie at the theater or at home on DVD? Why?

Fun Questions to Ask Friends About TV

Even more people watch tv than go to the movies. So here are some fun questions to ask your friends about tv.

1. What’s your favorite tv show of all time and why?
2. How many hours a week do you spend watching tv?
3. What’s your favorite tv station and why?
4. What was your favorite tv show when you were growing up?
5. Who’s your favorite actor on television and why?
6. Would you rather watch a sitcom, a reality show, a police drama, a legal drama, or a medical drama? Or something else? Why?
7. Has a television show ever moved you to tears? If yes, which one and when?
8. Do you watch the news on tv? How often?
9. Have you ever been on tv?
10. If you were a character on a tv show, which one would you be?

Fun Questions to Ask Friends About Books

This one is a little tougher, because a lot of people don’t read books anymore. But here are 10 fun questions to ask friends about books anyway:

1. Has reading a book ever changed your life? Which one and why, if yes?
2. Do you prefer to read fiction or nonfiction? Explain your choice.
3. If you could be a character in any novel you’ve ever read, who would you be and why?
4. Has reading a book ever made you cry? Which one and why?
5. How many books do you read each year?
6. Have you ever written (or started to write) a book?
7. Name one book you had to read but hated, and explain why you hated it.
8. If someone wrote a book about your life, what would they title it?
9. If you could pick a book you’ve read to make into a movie, which one would you choose?
10. What was your favorite book as a child and why?

Fun Questions to Ask Friends About Money

Money is a less sensitive issues than sex with some people, but others might find it even more personal. Here are 10 lighthearted and fun questions about money you can ask a friend:

1. What would you do if you had a million dollars?
2. Are you a spender or a saver?
3. How much money do you save on a regular basis? (As a percentage of your income?)
4. Do you have a personal written budget?
5. When you go to a meal dutch, would you prefer to itemize the receipt or just split it in half?
6. When you’re on a date, do you think the man should pay or not?
7. What’s the most expensive gift you’ve ever given someone?
8. What’s the most expensive gift you’ve ever received from someone?
9. If someone offered you a million dollars for a night of sex, would you do it? Would it matter if the person were good looking or not?
10. Do you invest in the stock market? What kind of investing strategy do you use if you do?

Fun Questions to Ask Friends About Music

Almost everyone listens to music. Here are a few fun questions about music you can ask your friends:

1. What’s your favorite kind of music?
2. Who’s your favorite singer or band?
3. What’s your favorite album?
4. What’s your favorite song?
5. Do you like to sing karaoke?
6. Are you a good dancer?
7. Do you like musicals? (movies or theater)
8. Has a song ever made you cry?
9. If your life was a song, what would the title be?
10. If you could be a particular singer or musician, who would you be?

Fun Questions to Ask About Games

All of us played games of some kind growing up, and some of us still play games now. Here are some fun questions on the subject:

1. What was your favorite game to play as a child?
2. Do you play video games now?
3. What’s your favorite gambling game?
4. Do you prefer card games or board games?
5. Do you ever play drinking games?
6. Are you good at Chess?
7. Have you ever played Dungeons & Dragons? Did you like it/
8. Do you ever play solitaire when you’re bored?
9. Are you good at Trivial Pursuit?
10. Have you ever been on a game show? Which one?


Dilemmas are questions you have to think about. Thinking aloud about your answers with your friends can be a lot of fun, and it can shed a lot of light on why your friends are the way they are.

1. Would you rather be rich or healthy?
2. Would you rather be good looking or rich?
3. Do you believe in the death penalty? Why or why not?
4. Have you seen Sophie’s Choice, and if so, do you think she made the right choice or the wrong choice?
5. Would you like to know the day you’re going to die ahead of time? Why or why not?
6. Would you rather have super strength or super intelligence?
7. Would you rather have the power to be invisible or the power to read minds?
8. Would you rather spend the rest of your life without a significant other, or would you rather have a partner who is extremely difficult?
9. Would you rather spend life in prison or be executed?
10. Should marijuana be legalized? Why or why not?

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Chatty Friend

9,375 Points
  • Elocutionist 200
  • Friendly 100
  • Hygienic 200
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100 Random Questions

1. If you could buy any type of food what would you buy?
2. What color is your tooth brush?
3. If you could be any animal what would it be and why?
4. What is one of the things you would put on your “bucket” list?
5. Who is your favorite super hero and why?
6. Who do you admire the most?
7. What is your favorite summer activity?
8. If a movie was made of your life what genre would it be, who would play you?
9. If you could be any flavor of ice cream what ice cream flavor would you be and why?
10. Who is your favorite cartoon character and why?
11. If you could go any where in the world where would you go and why?
12. What is your dream job?
13. Are you a morning or a night person?
14. What is your favorite hobby?
15. What is one thing that annoys you the most?
16. What is the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?
17. What is your favorite thing about someone in your family?
18. What is one of your weird quirks?
19. Describe your self in 3 words.
20. If you could trade lives with anyone for a day who would it be and why?
21. If you could talk in your sleep what would you say?
22. What is the first thing you do when you get up in the morning?
23. What is your favorite movie quote?
24. What is your favorite joke?
25. What would you do on Mars for fun?
26. If you could get yourself anything, what would you get?
27. Where is the worst place you could get stuck?
28. What would you do with your “15 minutes” of fame?
29. Where would you go if you where invisible?
30. What is your favorite flavor of “Berty Bots every flavored beans”.
31. What is the one thing you own you wish you didn’t?
32. Describe the perfect kiss in 3 words.
33. What is your biggest addiction?
34. Do you have a song that reminds you of a relationship if so what song?
35. How many books have you read so far this year?
36. When I dance, I look like…?
37. Who have you met that you wish you hadn’t?
38. If you were famous what would you be famous for?
39. What is the worst job you could have?
40. What is your favorite T.V. channel?
41. What is the thing your most afraid of?
42. If you could paint anything what would you paint?
43. What celebrity annoys you the most?
44. What is the most interesting thing you have in your purse/wallet?
45. What is the meanest thing you’ve ever said to someone?
46. If you could get a yacht what would you call it?
47. What is your life long dream?
48. If you could talk to the President what would you talk about?
49. Have you ever tried to do something you know you would be really bad at, what was it?
50. On a scale of 1 to 10 how “cool” are you?
51. What is the best advantage to being really tall?
52. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
53. What is the one thing you have always wanted to do?
54. What TV sitcom family would you be a member of?
55. What store do you shop at the most?
56. What new technology will transform the future?
57. What supply in your house is running low?
58. If you could be any nationality what would it be?
59. What is the most delightful word you can think of?
60. What is your least favorite beverage?
61. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
62. If you were stranded on a tropical island what 2 things would you want with you?
63. What is the first thing you notice about someone when you first meet?
64. If you where running for office what would your campaign slogan be?
65. What was your favorite book growing up?
66. What city in America should not be included on a map, why?
67. What compliment does people give you the most?
68. What word would you add to the dictionary if you could, what would it mean?
69. What product would you refuse to promote?
70. What is your favorite pet’s name?
71. Use one word to describe your computer ability?
72. If your plane was about to crash, who would you want sitting next to you?
73. Which of the presidents was your favorite?
74. How long of a consecutive time have you spent in a car?
75. What is your favorite Halloween costume?
76. How can you tell if some one is a nerd?
77. If you could teach any grade or subject what would it be?
78. What fashion trend do you just not get?
79. If you where a wicked tyrant what country would you rule?
80. What is the lowest grade you have ever been given what class was it for?
81. If you could choose your nickname what would it be?
82. What is your best feature?
83. If you could swim in any liquid what would it be and why?
84. What is the song you hear most often?
85. What have you done that you are most proud of?
86. How many keys do you have on your key ring?
87. What is your favorite song?
88. How old where you when you had the worst hair cut ever what style was it?
89. What advice did you get that was the most rewarding?
90. If you could change one thing about your looks what would it be?
91. What is your least favorite type of music?
92. If you where a super hero what would your powers be?
93. What fortune would you want to get from a fortune cookie?
94. What is one food you wouldn’t want to give up?
95. If you won a million dollars what would you buy?
96. If you had access to a time machine where and when would you go?
97. If you could add a person to Mount Rushmore who would it be, why?
98. If you could win any award what would it be, why?
99. If you could teleport where would you go, why?
100. What was your favorite cartoon growing up?

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Chatty Friend

9,375 Points
  • Elocutionist 200
  • Friendly 100
  • Hygienic 200
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If anyone actually does this than wow you are AWESOME! <333 Does anyone dare to try? Longest quiz I have. Haha good luck

Kikie_179's Quiz
1. How much gold do you have right now?
2. How much gold would you like to have?
3. Do you think you'll finish this quiz?
4. Why are you doing this quiz?

Kikie_179's Quiz
5. Do you have a dream avi?
6. Are you questing for anything?
7. Do you like gaias layout?
8. Do you like gaia?
9. What's your favorite gaia game?
10. Do you go on forums much?
11. Have you donated anything before?
12. Are you in a guild?
13. What's your favorite food?
14. What's your favorite course at a meal?
15. What's your favorite beverage?
16. What's your favorite letter?

Kikie_179's Quiz
17. Coke or Pepsi?
18. Black or White?
19. Black or Yellow?
20. Demonic or Angelic?
21. Tv or Computer?
22. i-pod or mp3 player?
23. i-pod or cd-player?
24. Animation or Cartoon?
25. Beach House or Island retreat?
26. Donator or Slot Jackpot?
27. Las Vegas or Las Angeles?
28. New Zealand or New England?
29. Australia or America?
30. Superhero or being normal?
31. Gold or items?
32. Girl or Boy?

Kikie_179's Quiz
33. Are you famous?
34. What color is your hair?
35. Are you a boy or a girl?
36. Are you wearing a hat?
37. Are you wearing socks?
38. What clothes are you wearing? (Give a description)!
39. Do you like this quiz?
40. How old are you?
41. Are you happy with that age?
42. What time is it where you live?
43. What continent do you live in?
44. What's the most embarrassing movie you've ever watched?
45. Is this quiz earning you a lot of gold?
46. What's the worst thing you've ever ate?
47. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
48. Are you sitting near a cactus?
49. If you could redo any moment of your life what would it be?
50. what's the craziest thing you've ever done?
51. Are you an animal person?
52. How many people do you have in your family? (including you).
53. How many pets do you have?
54. What grade are you in?
55. Do you know what time-zone are you in?
56. What's your favorite pop product? (coke or pepsi)
57. What's your favorite flavor?
58. Do you hate the dentist?
59. Do you hate the doctor?
60. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
61. Are you wearing a hat?
62. Have you ever had lice?
63. Do you have a cellphone?
64. Do you have any siblings?
65. Does anyone beside you in your family go on gaia?
66. Is this quiz long?
67. Is it long enough for you?
68. Do you like school?
69. Do you like homework?
70. Do you like your teacher(s)?
71. How many gaia accounts do you have?
72. Are you happy with that number?
73. Have you ever got gum stuck in your hair?
74. Ever got gum stuck on your shoe?
75. Ever get gum stuck on anything?
76. Do you have a i-pod?
77. Would you rather be a child or an adult?
78. Is this quiz boring you to death?
79. Is this quiz worth it?
80. Ever entered in the arena? Was it worth it?
81. Do you have a trading pass?
82. Do you have a shop?
83. Do you like cookies?
84. Do you like pickles?
85. Do you like milkshakes?
86. Do you like ice cream?
87. Ever had sushi?
88. Ever had octopus?
89. Do you drink alcohol?
90. Are you a grammar freak?
91. Would you consider yourself rich?
92. Would you consider yourself poor?
93. Do you keep up with gaia news?
94. Do you keep up with trends in fashions?
95. What's a tv show you watched when you were little?
96. Do you like bugs?
97. What's your most memorable quote?
98. What's your most memorable moment?
99. When's the farthest back you remember?
100. What's your favorite book?
101. Do you like music? Yeah…
102. What's your favorite band?
103. What's your favorite song?
104. What's some of your must haves?
105. What career do you want to have when you grow up?
106. Do you have a fireplace?
107. What's the last thing you ate?
108. Do you go on gaia much?
109. Does any of your friends go on gaia?
110. Have you ever sat on a cactus?
111. Have you ever even seen a cactus up close?
112. Do you put salt and pepper on a lot of things?
113. Do you like muffins?
114. Do you like turtles?
115. Do you like pizza?
116. What's the last time you had a trade?

Kikie_179's Quiz
117. Post each emoticon in separate posts.
118. Post each letter in the alphabet in separate posts.
119. Post each character in your username in separate posts.
120. Post each letter in GAIA in separate posts.
121. Bump 10 times.
122. Count down from 25.

Kikie_179's Quiz
123. Have you ever made a petition before?
124. What color shoes do you have?
125. What's the brand name of your shoes?
126. What career do you want to take on as an adult?
127. Have you had any dreams recently?
128. Do you eat a lot of fast food?
129. Do you like fast food?
130. What's your favorite candy?
131. What's your favorite number?
132. What's your favorite season?
133. What's your favorite holiday?
134. Have you advertised this thread?
135. Do you watch naruto?
136. Do you watch Inyuasha?
137. New or Grunny?
138. Offline or Online?
139. How or Where?
140. Why or What?
141. Are you earning a lot of gold?
142. Do you like chainletters?
143. Do you do chainletters?
144. Do you make chainletters?
145. Are you sad they removed the 'send to all friends' at the pm's?
146. Have you ever owned a pet?
147. Are you allergic to anything?
148. What's the craziest question anyone's ever asked you?
149. Do you like reading?
150. What's your favorite subject?
151. Day or Night?
152. Twilight or Dawn?
153. Starlight or Daylight?
154. Can you play an instrument?
155. What's your favorite day of the week?
156. Inside or Outside?
157. What's your favorite fruit?
158. What's your favorite cereal?
159. What's your favorite veggie?
160. Light or Dark?
161. Do you like bowling?
162. What's your favorite flavor?
163. Possible or Impossible?
164. Plaid or Stripe?
165. Marker or Crayon?
166. Pen or Pencil?
167. Friend or Foe?
168. Colored Pencil or Sharpie?
169. What's your favorite thing to do on the computer?
170. Are you a republican or democrat or independent?
171. Are you able to vote yet?
172. How often do you go on gaia?
173. Are you active or inactive in gaia?
174. What's your favorite website?
175. What items are equipped on your avi?
176. What's the weather like where you live?
177. What's the first thing you do in the morning?
178. Are you wearing pajamas?
179. Do you do pranks much?
180. What's your favorite website?
181. How much tickets do you have?
182. How many junk items do you have?
183. How many tokens do you have?
184. Have you ever invited any friends to gaia?
185. Ever made your own thread on the forums?
186. Ever tried out the gaia cinemas?
187. Do you go to the marketplace often?
188. Ever tried to belly dance?
189. Have you bought anything from the g-store?
190. What's your favorite day you like?
191. What's your favorite tv station?
192. About how much gold have you earned so far from this quiz?
193. Have you done the poll?
194. Ever gotten on a black list before?
195. Do you think the gold list is original?
196. What do you think of the quiz?
197. Do you think the name 'fanny' is funny?
198. Ever wrote a novel?
199. Is this quiz taking a while?
200. Are you scared of clowns?
201. Have you ever fainted?
202. Smart or Popular?
203. What question have you enjoyed the most on this quiz?
204. Why are you still doing this quiz?
205. Do you own a house?
206. Squares or circles?
207. Finish this sentence "Spiders are crawling up..."
208. What's the oldest person you know?
209. Did you know your on question 209?
210. Do you like needles?
211. Ever ate dog food?
212. What about cat food? (lol)
213. Ever gotten hacked?
214. Do you like the hospital?
215. Ever bought anything from the g-store?
216. Sad you’re not done with the quiz yet?
217. Are you scared of monkeys?
218. Ever create a successful thread?
219. Do you like rpg?
220. Does the word 'old' mean anything to you?
221. Do you smoke?
222. Do you drink?
223. Pick a random number 1-100. What number is it? (Remember that number!)
224. Do you think this quiz could go on forever?
225. Are you a vegetarian?
226. Are you a total carnivore?
227. Are you on a laptop or computer?
228. Do you still remember the number I asked you to pick before? (still remember the number)!
229. What's the most expensive item you have?
230. Have you sent a gift before?
231. Have you donated to me?
232. Have you advertised this thread?
233. Do you have any pets?
234. What's the last book you read?
235. Did you know you have about 1000 more questions left?
236. Do you like cheese?
237. Do you like ramen?
238. What question is this?
239. What do you like to put on your favorite food?
240. How much money do you have in your wallet right now?
241. Are you at home doing this quiz?
242. What's your idea of the best day ever?
243. Do you go to youtube?
244. Have you pm'd me before?
245. Remember the number before? Count from that number in separate posts.
246. What's the greatest rip-off you've seen before on the marketplace?
247. Does your school have gaia blocked in the computer lab?
248. What's the movie you are most embarrassed to admit you saw?
249. Silver or gold?
250. Sky or Land or Water?
251. Dogs or Cats?
252. Grunny or New?
253. Have you ever broken a bone?
254. Have you ever been to a concert?
255. Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
256. Are you happy you got about 1/4 of this quiz done?
257. What feeling are you feeling right now?
258. Are you emo?
259. Are you punk?
260. Are you goth?
261. Ever break a promise?
262. Summer or Winter?
263. Spring or Fall?
264. Shorts or Jeans?
265. What's your favorite gaia quest?
266. Do you like chocolate?
267. Do you live with your mother?
268. Have I ever repeated a question?
269. Do you have ahsma?
270. Do you have any kind of disease?
271. What's your favorite default color?
272. Is this the first quiz you've done before?
273. Have you ever lied?
274. Do you a pool?
275. Do you or anyone you know live at a hotel?
276. Think of a random song. What song is it?
277. Do you drive?
278. About how long has it taken you to get this far?
279. What is the item you use everyday or practically everyday?
280. When I say 'duck' what do you think of?
281. When I say the word 'chicken' what do you think of?
282. When I say the word 'pudding' what does it make you think of?
283. Do you live in the suburbs?
284. Do you live in a big city?
285. Do you live in the country?
286. Do you live in a boring regular town?
287. Have you ever been to a foreign country?
288. Before you sat down at the computer, what were you doing?
289. Are you annoyed at beggars?
290. What question number are you on?
291. When I say 'ants' you think of?
292. Have you ever made someone else cry?
293. Is this quiz annoying you?
294. Using emoticons on gaia what are you feeling right now?
295. Have you done any other quiz's lately?
296. Did you know by now I'm almost done typing the quiz?
297. Vanilla or Chocolate?
298. What day is it today?
299. What time is it right now?
300. How long have you been doing this quiz?
301. Do you play any sports?
302. What color is the sky?
303. Are you rasist?
304. Are you sexis?
305. Do you have ADD?
306. Do you have ADHD?
307. Do you like bees?
308. Are you chewing gum?
309. Would you rather have your hair up or down?
310. How much gold do you have now?
311. Do you remember the number you said earlier on in the quiz without looking?
312. You and the opposite gender turn in a report written with the same things. (Who know's why) You get a B and the other person gets a A. What would you do?)
313. For the question above did you answer kill them?
314. Have you ever been hacked?
315. What's your favorite question?
316. Do you have an account on myspace?
317. Do you have an account on youtube?
318. Yay you’re on question 300! Are you bored yet?
319. Besides gaia what's the last website you were on?
320. Do you like onions?
321. What's your favorite quiz?
322. By now do you have enough gold for what your questing for?
323. How much more gold do you want now?
324. Do you pick your nose?
325. Do you suck your thumb?
326. Were you lying about the last 2 questions?
327. Have you ever counted down from a million before?
328. Have you ever lied before?
329. Were you lying about the last question?
330. Have you entered your avatar in the avi contest before?
331. Have you ever entered your house in the house contest?
332. Have you ever entered your art in the art contest before?
333. When's the last time you took a vacation?
334. Where was the last time you took a vacation at?
335. What's the worst thing that ever happened to you?
336. Do you have a job?
337. Do you like math?
338. Are you failing anything?
339. What grade are you in?
340. Have you ever gone sky-diving?
341. Have you ever been bungie jumping?
342. Do you live in the USA?
343. Have you ever been to the Bermuda triangle?
344. Can you drive yet?
345. Have you ever been an a car accident?
346. What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
347. What's your favorite pizza topping?
348. Have you ever seen a shark up close before?
349. Do you have a nickname? If yes what is it?
350. Have you ever gotten stung by a bee?
351. Have you ever been to Las Vegas?
352. Are you on a vacation right now?
353. Do you have an i-pod?
354. Do you have an mp-3 player?
355. Do you have a cd player?
356. Ever heard of the i-phone?
357. Did you really think you were done with this quiz
358. Have you ever helped out someone who was hacked?
359. Have you ever served in the military?
360. Should GAIA have a GAIAN church?
361. What new things would you like to see at the Gaia shops?
362. What do you think about the new GAIAN cars?
363. Would you like to have a full set of donation items given to you if you donated “If you donate to Gaia and get a full set of armor with a weapon to outfit your AVI”?
364. Do you think it would be cool to have a Gaian music station?
365. What kind of music would you like to have for this station?
366. Would you like to see more specialty shops on Gaia?
367. How long have you been on Gaia?
368. With all of the different AVI themes out there would you like to see Themed homes?
369. As an example would it be cool to have the outside of your home look like a Gothic Structure or a Medieval castle? Nah, not for me!!
370. How many times a week do you log onto Gaia?
371. What is the longest time spent on Gaia?
372. What is the shortest time spent on Gaia?
373. How often do you get bumped off line?
374. What is you’re favorite donation item?
375. Have you ever had breakfast for dinner?
376. What do you think about the Gaian World map?
377. Would you like to see an expansion on the Gaia world?
378. If you could add a new game to the Gaia games what would it be?
379. Do you like how the Avatars look?
380. If you could change how they looked what would you change?
381. What pets would you like to see?
382. Do you have a Gaia pet?
383. Do you have any brothers or sisters?
384. Older or younger?
385. Do you play Video games? Every other months!!
386. What game systems do you have?
387. What is your all time favorite Video Game?
388. Have you ever been to a Video Arcade?
389. When was the last time you went?
390. Hand held or Console?
391. Flash light or oil Lamp?
392. Camping or amusement park?
393. Video Cassettes or DVD?
394. New car or Classic car?
395. Cat person or Dog person?
396. Good book or TV?
397. Card games or Board games?
398. Spray paint or Paint brush?
399. Is this quiz getting hard yet?
400. Magic the Gathering or Pokemon?
401. Who is youy hero?
402. Angelic or Demonic?
403. Do you RP often? That’s my everyday thing to do!!
404. What was the best thing you ever received in the daily chance?
405. Do you prefer winter games or summer games?
406. Precious gems or precious metals?
407. Do you have any hobbies?
408. Have you ever been asked to do something you were not comfortable doing?
409. Have you ever shop lifted?
410. Are you telling the truth on the previous question?
411. What is your favorite flavor of gum?
412. Ever have a Jaw Breaker?
413. Did it break your jaw?
414. What is the spiciest food you ever ate?
415. What was your favorite kid’s book?
416. What was your favorite toy as a kid?
417. Did you ever play cow boys and Indians as a kid?
418. Have you ever cheated on a test?
419. Did you pass?
420. Chess or Checkers?
421. Monster truck or Low rider?
422. What is you favorite holiday?
423. Silk or Satin?
424. Hunting or fishing?
425. Cheerios or Lucky charms?
426. Are you a morning person?
427. What is the worst thing you ever did to someone?
428. Shower or bath?
429.Do you watch cartoon network?
430. what is your favorite cartoon?
431. Glasses or Contact lenses?
432. Magazine or News paper?
433. Kool aide or Soda pop?
434. Do you prefer a mouse, track ball or touch pad?
435. Traditional monitor or LCD screen?
436. What is the easiest pet to take care of?
437. Have you ever had a Water balloon fight?
438. Do you think sculls are cool?
439. Dragons or fairies?
440. Fast food or home cooked meal?
441. Pizza or Burgers?
442. Baseball or Football?
443. Nascar or Monster truck Rally?
444. Have you ever lived in a Mobile home?
445. Have you ever seen a tornado?
446. Ever watch Johnny Bravo?
447. What did you think of it?
448. Would you rather shop at a discount store or a retail store?
449. Are you a slave to fashion?
450. Cash or credit?
451. Do you wear boots or shoes to work / school?
452. If you were an international spy what country would you work for?
453. Good guy or bad guy?
454. St uffed animals or squirt guns?
455. Paper or plastic?
456. do you have a rubber ducky (grins)?
457. What is the oldest coin you ever got back in change?
458. Do you use hair conditioner?
459. T-shirt or sweat shirt?
460. Do you pick on you little brother / sister?
461. If you could choose an instrument to be what would you be?
462. Why would you choose to be that instrument?
463. If you could change something about you what would it be?
464. What color id your hair?
465. Do you use any hair color?
466. What is your favorite shampoo?
467. What is the longest time you went without bathing and why?
468. Would you ever date a Nerd?
469. Do you prefer shopping on line or at the store?
470. Ever play store tag?
471. Have you ever rearranged a store display?
472. Trapper keeper or clip board?
473. Do you like shopping for school supplies?
474. Ever been excited to go back to school?
475. Do you look forward to summer break?
476. Would you get mad if they made school all year long?
477. Would you still be mad if school only lasted till noon?
478. Are your parents / kids weird?
479. What is your favorite wild animal?
480. Do you think bugs are creepy?
481. Ever rub two pennies together?
482. Do you have a night light?
483. What color is your night light?
484. Ever sleep on a water bed?
485. If you could pick a time in the past to live in and when would it be?
486. Cake or Pie?
487. Ice cream or cookies?
488. Would you ever ride on a motor cycle?
489. What is your favorite past time?
490. If you could be an animal what would it be?
491. Ever play Laser tag?
492. Have you ever hacked anyone before?
493. What did you have for breakfast this morning?
494. Do you have a favorite outfit?
495. Do you like comedy?
496. do you like Horror?
497. Do you like Science Fiction?
498. Do you like Drama?
499. Ever watched a Docudrama?
500. Would you prefer having wings or a tail?
501. Flowers or Trees?
502. Would rather ski or snow board?
503. Where is the worst place you ever had to go to sleep?
504. What would be you worst day ever?
505. What is your scariest nightmare?
506. If you could be a pilot would you fly a plane or a helicopter?
507. Snow or sand?
508. Brick or wood?
509. Who is your favorite loony toon?
510. Hey did you know that you have more questions to answer?
511. Are you aware that you just past the half way mark?
512.Are you sick of this quiz yet?
513. Do you think 50K is worth all of this work?
514. Have you ever taken a 1000 question quiz before?
515. Have you ever owned a pet rock?
516. Did you paint your pet rock?
517. Ever hit a girl before?
518. Did she deserve it?
519.Have you ever pushed your little brother / sister down?
520. Ever put tape on the feet of your cat?
521. What was the funniest joke you ever told?
522. What is the best prank you ever pulled?
523. Did they find out who did it?
524. Ever pull the wings off of a fly?
525. Have you ever used a magnifying glass to burn ants?
526. Ever made fun of a clown?
527. Have you ever had a pie in the face?
528. Ever freak out your baby sitter?
529. Have you ever fallen out of a tree?
530. How many arms do you have?
531. Do you have any really cool scars?
532. How did you get them?
533. Ever stuck a bucket on your head?
534. Did it get stuck?
535. Ever yelled at your parents?
536. Have you ever slipped on ice and recreated a scene from a cartoon?
537. How much change do you have in your pocket?
538. How much lint do you have in your pocket?
539. Do you own a stained t-shirt?
540. Ever rip your pants out?
541. Have you ever lost your pants in public?
542. Have you ever been bitten by a dog?
543. Ever hit your thumb with a hammer?
544. Have you ever sewn your homework to the teacher’s finger to your project?
545. When was the last time you got a paper cut?
546. Have you ever sliced your finger while cutting veggies?
547. What question do you think I will ask next?
548. Is this quiz getting old yet?
549. Have you ever egged some ones house before?
550. Did you ever play with matches as a kid?
551. Are you crazy for playing with matches?
552. Ever light off fire works?
553. Have you ever been hit by a fire work?
554. Are you scared of fire works?
555. Have you ever blown up a model with firecrackers?
556. How far is your computer from your room?
557. Does your family own more than one computer?
558. Do you mess with telemarketers?
559. What was the worst thing you did to a telemarketer?
560. Have you ever made a prank phone call?
561. Have you ever fallen off the top Bunk?
562. Have you ever taken all of the batteries out of the remote controls in the house?
563. Do you like your neighbors?
564. Have you ever seen an episode of South Park?
565. Ever gotten angry at a video game?
566. What is your girl / boy friend’s birthday?
567. Do you know when your parents birthday?
568. Do you know how old they are?
569. Do you have a cell phone?
570. Have you ever lost your cell phone?
571. What was the longest time you where grounded for?
572. Do you own any holey socks?
573. What color are your eyes?
574. What color are your Girl / Boy Friend’s eyes?
575. What is the worst tasting thing you ever drank?
576. What is the worst tasting thing you ate?
577. Have you ever eaten a bug? No
578. Have you ever been sprayed by a skunk?
579. What is the closest you have been to a wild animal?
580. Have you ever goosed an EMU {GRINS}?
581. Have you ever been spanked?
582. Have you ever talked back to your parents?
583.What did they do when you talked back?
584. What is the weirdest food combination you ever created?
585. Do you like beef jerky?
586. Have you ever shot a deer?
587. Have you ever tortured a stuffed toy?
588. Have you ever thrown up on someone?
589. What is the worst smell in the world?
590. Have you ever changed a poopy diaper?
591. Can you draw a straight line?
592. Have you ever fallen down the stairs?
593. Have you ever slipped on a banana peel?
594. Have you ever been burned?
595. Have you ever been treated for poison ivy / oak?
596. Ever skinned your knee?
597. Have you ever wrecked on your bike?
598. When was the last time?
599. Have you built a snow fort?
600. Have you ever made mud pies?
601. Did you make your little brother eat that mud pie?
602. Have you gone river rafting?
603. What is the farthest distance you have ever traveled?
604. Ever been on a Zamboni?
605. Can you roller skate?
606. How many chores do you have?
607. Do you paint your toe nails?
608. Ever made the world’s largest snow ball during recess?
609. Have you ever played king of the hill?
610. Have you ever had a fire cracker go off in your hand?
611. Did it hurt?
612. Have you ever fallen asleep during class?
613. Did you drool on your desk?
614. Have you ever played paint ball?
615. Have you dated a cheer leader?
616. Have you dated the captain of the football team?
617. What did you have for lunch today?
618. Can you describe the perfect date?
619. What was the most expensive date you ever had?
620. Did you have more than one date for the prom?
621. Have you ever been in a parade?
622. Do you like rats?
623. Have you ever fed a snake?
624. Who is your favorite actor?
625. Who is your favorite actress?
626. If you could be anything what would you be?
627. Are you offended by political correctness?
628. How often do you eat potato chips?
629. do you get annoyed by you brothers and sisters?
630. What color is your room?
631. Will this quiz ever end?
632. would you zig or would you zag?
633. Pretzels or potato chips?
634. has your mom or dad ever said “I told you so”?
635. Do you sound like your parents and say some of the things they say?
636. Have you ever played battleship?
637. Did they sing your battleship?
638. what was the longest monopoly game you ever played?
639. Cool breeze or a hot wind?
640. Lemonade or Chocolate milk?
641. Have you ever cut through some ones yard?
642. Have you ever hit an old person on your bike?
643. Ever ridden your bike in the snow?
644. Have you ever one any contests?
645. Are you sick of answering these questions?
646. how old is your cat / dog?
647. Do you have any fish?
648. Can you eat them?
649. Who feeds your fish?
650. What is the biggest fish you own?
651. Do you like sea food?
652. How many time do you fill up your plate at an all you can eat restaurant?
653. Have you ever had a tummy ache?
654. Have you ever been Hospitalized for the flew?
655. How long where you there/
656. Ever had any major surgery?
657. Have you ever made a nurse cry?
658. Have you been woken up by a nurse so she could give you a sleeping pill?
659. Have you ever seen a live birth before?
660.What is the grossest thing you ever saw?
661. Have you ever pulled a girls hair?
662. Have you ever played golf?
663. Ever been hit by a golf ball?
664. Have you been to the ocean?
665. Have you ever dissected a frog?
666. Do you save your pickle juice after the last pickle is gone?
667. Have you ever drunk out of the carton?
668. Do your feet smell?
669. Does your nose run?
670. Don’t you think you should catch your nose if it’s running?
671. Wow did you know this is a long quiz?
672. Can you stand doing this anymore?
673. How many stripes are on the American flag?
674. What year was the American civil war?
675. Who did we fight?
676. When did we land on the moon?
677. Do you think time travel is possible?
678. do you have any extra toes or fingers?
679. How many times do you sneeze a day?
680. do you have any allergies?
681. Do you like getting mail?
682. Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
683. What are they?
684. Have you ever ordered something and not paid for it?
685. Do you eat junk food on a regular basis?
686. Do you collect stamps?
687. Do you have any baseball cards?
688. have you ever read a comic book?
689. Do you know who Albert Einstein is?
690. What was he famous for?
691. When was the Atomic bomb invented?
692. What country invented it?
693. Have you ever seen the show myth busters?
694. Have you ever crashed a car on purpose?
695. Have you ever been spit on?
696. Have you ever spit on anyone?
697. Have you ever shaved your hair off?
698. Have you ever used a pen to doodle on yourself?
699. Do you have all of your teeth?
700. Ever lost a tooth in a fight?
701. Do you have big feet?
702. Have you ever been in a fight?
703. What color is your avi’s Eyes?
704. do you collect bottle caps?
705. do you like marshmallows?
706. Do you like waffles?
707. Did you know you are on question 700?
708. Do you like pancakes?
709. Do you like French toast?
710. Do you like mints?
711. Have you ever thrown a rock through a window?
712. have you ever been arrested by the cops?
713. Have you ever pissed off a cop?
714. Have you ever gotten out of a ticket by making the cop laugh?
715. Sandals or boots?
716. Do you have a pogo stick?
717. have you ever played soccer?
718. Do you like angels?
719. Do you like demons?
720. Do you like mustard?
721. How many TVs do you have in your home?
722. have you ever peed on your self?
723. Do you honk when you blow your nose?
724. have you ever broken your nose?
725. are you bald?
726. do you have long hair?
727. Have you ever done a belly flop?
728. do you use hand lotion?
729. how many tokens have you ever had?
730. do you buy your tickets at the market place?
731. Have you ever used them at prize and joy?
732. Have you ever eaten military rations?
733. Have you ever shot a gun?
734. Did you ever build a go cart?
735. Do you own a sword?
736. how many people do you know?
737. Have you ever seen a vet?
738. Do you know sign language?
739. Do you speak more than one language?
740. can you do Chinese arithmetic?
741. Can you read Latin?
742. Are you some kind of genius if you can do the previous two questions?
743. If you are a genius why are you on Gaia?
744. Do you play with marbles?
745. Do you have any Legos?
746. How many do you have?
747. Do you buy the sets or just the blocks?
748. Have you ever seen the USS Constitution?
749. Have you ever been to the Smithsonian institute?
750. Did you have fun there?
751. Are you a nerd?
752. do you or anyone you know play dungeons and dragons?
753. Did you know Vin Diesel plays D & D?
754. Do you know who Vin Diesel is?
755. Have you ever lost your D &D Character because you made a stupid decision?
756. Have you been to the movies in the past week?
757. What did you see?
758. Did you like it?
759. who was your favorite character?
760. Did you get popcorn?
761. Have you ever been to a bar?
762. Have you ever played pool?
763. Have you been to Yellow Stone National Park?
764. Ever eat a raw egg?
765. Ever eaten raw beef?
766. Have you ever drunk blood?
767. Dot you drink soda?
768. How many glasses of water do you drink in a day?
769. Did you know my wrist hurts from typing these questions?
770. Does yours hurt from typing the answers?
771. Do you like spinach?
772. Have you ever mixed all of the fountain drinks together at a fast food place?
773. Do you have a convenience store within a block of your home?
774. How often do you go there?
775. What do you buy the most there?
776. what is your favorite candy bar?
777. Have you ever eaten Vienna sausages?
778. Do you like sardines?
779. Did you know they come in tomato sauce?
780. have you ever eaten cardboard?
781. do you like the taste of envelope glue?
782. have you ever fallen off of your roof?
783. Do you know how to use a barbecue?
784. how many toes does a bat have?
785. Do you think you could answer this many questions?
786. Can you count by threes?
787. Do you hate being interrupted?
788. Have you ever eaten a raw hot dog?
789. Have you ever sat on an ant hill?
790. did they get in your pants?
791. Ever piss off a bee hive?
792. Have you ever tripped anyone?
793. Do you snore at night?
794. Have you ever shot a noodle out of your nose?
795. Have you cut your own hair?
796. How many pimples does your big brother / sister have?
797. Does their face look like the surface of the moon?
798. Are you sure you're/you're not a newb?
799. Do you have a Doll / action figure collection?
800. Are you aware that this is a long quiz?
801. Have you ever fed you dog peanut butter?
802. Did you laugh so hard you cried?
803. Ever burn you hair?
804. Have you ever spray painted graffiti?
805. Do you have matching socks?
806. Do you dust your house?
807. Have you ever been electrocuted?
808. Have you ever fried a computer?
809. Have you lost something very important to you?
810. Do you think you will get you 50k when you’re done?
811.Do squeaky toys annoy you?
812. Ever do bad things to a stuffed monkey?
813. Have you used the power windows of a car to break a siblings toys?
814. Do you think these questions are just random nonsense?
815.Does your toilet have a ring around it?
816. Have you ever plugged your toilet with a toy?
817. Do you use half a roll of toilet paper when you’re done?
818. How many rocks do you have?
819. Do you own any bugs?
820. Have you ever eaten a stale Twinkie?
821. Have you ever taken revenge on someone for stealing your boy / girl friend?
822. Have you thrown up on a fair ride?
823. have you sneezed on anyone?
824. Have you ever hit yourself with a pool stick?
825. have you ever slapped Jell-O?
826. Have you ever sucked Jell-O up your nose?
827. Have you put peanut butter under a car door handle?
828. Do you have toe jam?
829. Do you channel surf during commercials?
830. Does it bug the other people watching TV with you?
831. Do you squeeze the Charmin?
832. Is your face dirty?
833. can you touch your nose with your tongue?
834. Can you wiggle your ears?
835. Can you touch your nose with your big toe?
836. Can you put your foot behind your head?
837. Can you bench press 500 pounds?
838. Can you rebuild an engine?
839. Can you plan a party?
840. Have you ever done both on the same day?
841. Do you have an annoying friend?
842. Have you ever played Pac man?
843. Have you ever farted and blamed it on the dog?
844. Do you disrupt class for no reason?
845. Do you know how to get grass stains out of your pants?
846. Can you tell the difference between a USB port and a PS2 port?
847. How many games do you have installed on your computer right now?
848. Have you ever upgraded your computer just so you could play a new game?
849. Are you still using windows 98?
850. Why haven’t you upgraded yet?
851. Do you like birds?
852. Have you ever shaved your head?
853. Do you have any gray hair?
854. Do you believe in aliens?
855. Do you have a Phaser?
856. Would you like to own a real light saber?
857. Do you play in the tub?
858. do you wash your hair first or last?
859. What color is your bathroom floor?
860. Tile or rug floor?
861. How many bathrooms do you have?
862. How many innings are there in a baseball game?
863. What is PAR?
864. Do you know how to make a FRIP NORP?
865. Do you know what a FRIP NORP is?
866. Neither do I, so why did I ask you?
867. Better yet why did you answer if you didn’t know?
868. How many c**k roaches does it take to screw in a light bulb?
869. Have you ever been bitten by a snake?
870. Did it hurt?
871. Was it poisonous?
872. What color was it?
873. Is this number cool looking?
874. What number comes before 999?
875. Can you play a banjo?
876. Do you have any red neck friends?
877. Finish this sentence: You might be a red neck if…
878. How many cars do you own?
879. Have you ever been tackled by a love struck girl / boy?
880. Have you ever got you tongue frozen to the swing set?
881. Have you had a brain freeze?
882. Can you eat a gallon of ice cream by yourself?
883. Have you ever seen Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory? (if so, original or newer one?)
884. Does your TV have a V chip?
885. Guess what, you are on question 900 what are you going to do now?
886. How many do you have left to go?
887. What color are your teeth?
888. How many cavities do you have?
889. When was the last time you went to the dentist?
890. Do you have ear hair?
891. Is that gross?
892. are they gray?
893. Do you have a beauty mark?
894. Do you like crackers?
895. Did you have Pea green soup for breakfast?
896. Did you have pea green soup for lunch?
897. Did you have pea green soup for dinner?
898. Did you pea green soup all night?
899. What is your favorite cheese?
900. What is your favorite dish for thanksgiving?
901. Do you have a Nintendo game boy?
902. What color is it?
903. How many games do you have for it?
904. What color is Garfield?
905. What is the dog’s name in Garfield?
906. Who is Garfield’s owner?
907. Have you ever vacuumed the cat?
908. Do you like to pull weeds?
909. Have you painted a house?
910. Can you use a power saw?
911. Do you like to go to the hardware store?
912. Do you play piano?
913. What can you play?
914. Who is Mozart?
915. Where is Rome?
916. Are you smarter than a fifth grader?
917. What is the equator?
918. Where is the North Pole?
919. What color is it?
920. have you ever seen it?
921. So how do you know what color it is?
922. Did you know there is no pole at the pole?
923. Do you believe in Santa Claus?
924. Do you like kids?
925. What continent is Brazil on?
926. what country is north of the United States?
927. Who was Adolph Hitler?
928. Who was Winston Church hill?
929. Do you know where your mom is?
930. Do you believe that dinosaurs lived on earth?
931. Do you know what an AK-47 is?
932. How many TV stations do you have?
933. How many do you actually watch?
934. Do you pay a lot for all those channels?
935. Cable or satellite?
936. How many pairs of jeans do you own?
937. Do you like robots or androids better, or neither? XD
938. Can you do Algebra?
939. What is the longest book you ever read?
940. How many pages can you read in an hour?
941. Have you ever seen a UFO or even believe in them for that matter?
942. Do you tan or burn?
943. Where is Texas?
944. Do you like school lunches?
945. Do you like your teachers?, (if you have any if not boss, or etc.)
946. Do you want this quiz to end?
947. Would you quit now if you got 50k on this question or would you finish the quiz?
948. Do you have an old transformer?
949. How many do you have?
950. Do you like pigs?
951. Have you ever kicked a chicken?
952. Do you know what mutton chops are?
953. What is hagus?
954. How many days are in a leap year?
955. Have you ever heard of nannites?
956. What is a bio machine?
957. Does your school have a cool mascot?
958. What are your school colors?
959. Do you have any posters in your room?
960. Who is Jimmy Neutron?
961. Have you seen the Grand Canyon?
962. Where is it?
963. Do you like camping?
964. Have you ever taken a road trip across the country?
965. How far can you drive in one day?
966. Ever been on a cruise?
967. When did the Titanic sink?
968. Have you played in the rain?
969. Was the rain cold or warm?
970. What is you favorite pie?
971. Do you like Jam?
972. Do you have a sleeping bag?
973. Can you navigate using a compass?
974. How long did you think this was going to be?
975. Did you know you are down to the last 10 questions?
976. Do you still have your toys from your childhood?
977. How many DVDs do you own?
978. Is your room clean?
979. Have you forgotten your shores to do this quiz?
980. Are you aware that there is only five questions left?
981 .How do you think you did?
982. could you imagine it would take this long?
983. Did you know you were almost done?
984. Did you know you have one question left on this quiz?
985. Are you glad this is almost over?
986. Did you know it's almost official that this is the longest quiz on gaia?
987. Have you broken any rules while doing this quiz?
988. Have you ever finished any other quiz before?
989. Do you think this is the longest quiz in gaia's history?
990. Do you know the first 5 numbers of pi?
991. What's the difference between pi and pie?
992. Ever entered a dream avi contest?
993. Ever finished a quiz this long before?
994. About how long did it take you to get this far?
995. Any of your friends online?
996. Did you make a lot of gold?
997. About how much gold did you make from this quiz?
998. Do you think anyone will ever make a quiz longer then this one?
999. Did this take you a long time to finish?
1000. Do you know how much you weigh?
1001. How many cars do you have?
1002. Do you own a pool?
1003. Do you live in an apartment?
1004. Do you live in a shack?
1005. Do you play pool?
1006. Ever won a contest before?
1007. Do you think you could've came up with this many questions?
1008. Which question in this quiz was your favorite?
1009. Can you imagine anyone finishing this quiz?
1010. Are you rich now that you've almost finished this quiz?
1011. Did this quiz help you get any of your dream items?
1012. Do you have a journal on gaia?
1013. Do you have a diary?
1014. Do you think I'm being nosy?
1015. Do you believe in magic, aliens, ghosts, etc.?
1016. Has anyone ever robbed/broken into your house?

Kikie_179's Quiz
1017. Did you go crazy while doing this quiz?
1018. Was it worth it doing this quiz?
1019. Was the quiz fun?
1020. Would you suggest this quiz to other people to do?
1021. Did you earn a lot of gold?
1022. How much gold do you have now?
1023. Would you have liked to get more?
1024. Was this quiz worth doing?
1025. Did you know this is a newer question?
1026. Doesn't it seem like this quiz keeps going on and on?
1027. Would you like to stop doing this quiz at this point?
1028. I'm glad your continuing on, so why are you bothering to finish this quiz?
1029. Halo 3 or Call of Duty 4?
1030. PS3 or XBOX 360?
1031. WII or PSP?
1032. Ever heard of the site called runescape?
1033. If you answered no on the last one just leave the answer to this one blank, Do you have an account on the website?
1034. Have you ever been electrocuted?
1035. What's the last movie you saw?
1036. When was the last time you cried?
1037. In your opinion does peeling onions really make you cry?
1038. Did you realize this quiz has gotten longer?
1039. Are you starting to wish you never started this quiz?
1040. Have you ever watched the show Mythbusters?
1041. What is one myth you would like to test out yourself?
1042. If you could be someone for 1 day who would it be?
1043. Do you hate it when people park in handi-capped spots and aren't really handi-capped?
1044. Are you on of the people who aren't handi-capped but park in the spots?
1045. Do you think driving and talking on your cells (excluding hands free and bluetooth) should be illegal?
1046. If you were president what would be the first thing you would do?
1047. When you were little what job did you want?
1048. What number of questions would you like this quiz to have?

_________________________________________________User Image

Chatty Friend

9,375 Points
  • Elocutionist 200
  • Friendly 100
  • Hygienic 200

1. How much gold do you have right now?
2. How much gold would you like to have?
3. Do you think you'll finish this quiz?
4. Why are you doing this quiz?
5. Do you have a dream avi?
6. Are you questing for anything? If so, what?
7. Do you like gaias layout?
8. Do you like gaia?
9. What's your favorite gaia game?
10. Do you go on forums much?
11. Have you donated anything before?
12. Are you in a guild?
13. What's your favorite food?
14. What's your favorite course at a meal?
15. What's your favorite beverage?
16. What's your favorite letter?
17. Coke or Pepsi?
18. Black or White?
19. Black or Yellow?
20. Demonic or Angelic?
21. Tv or Computer?
22. i-pod or mp3 player?
23. i-pod or cd-player?
24. Animation or Cartoon?
25. Beach House or Island retreat?
26. Donator or Slot Jackpot?
27. Las Vegas or Las Angeles?
28. New Zeland or New England?
29. Australia or America?
30. Superhero or being normal?
31. Gold or items?
32. Girl or Boy?
33. Are you famous?
34. What color is your hair?
35. Are you a boy or a girl?
36. Are you wearing a hat?
37. Are you wearing socks?
38. What clothes are you wearing? (Give a description)!
39. Do you like this quiz?
40. How old are you?
41. Are you happy with that age?
42. What time is it where you live?
43. What continet do you live in?
44. What's the most embarrassing movie you've ever watched?
45. Is this quiz earning you alot of gold?
46. What's the worst thing you've ever ate?
47. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
48. Are you sitting near a cactus?
49. If you could redo any moment of your life what would it be?
50. what's the craziest thing you've evr done?
51. Are you an animal person?
52. How many people do youhave in your family? (including you).
53. How many pets do you have?
54. What grade are you in?
55. Do you know what time-zone are you in?
56. What's your favorite pop product? (coke or pepsi)
58. What's your favorite flavor?
59. Do you hate the dentist?
60. Do you hate the doctor?
61. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
62. Are you wearing a hat?
63. Have you ever had lice?
64. Do you have a cellphone?
65. Do you have any syblings?
66. Does anyone beside you in your family go on gaia?
67. Is this quiz long?
68. Is it long enough for you?
69. Do you like school?
70. Do you like homework?
71. Do you like your teacher(s)?
72. How many gaia accounts do you have?
73. Are you happy with that number?
74. Have you ever got gum stuck in your hair?
75. Ever got gum stuck on your shoe?
76. Ever get gum stuck on anything?
77. Do you have a i-pod?
78. Would you rather be a child or an adult?
79. Is this quiz boring you to death?
80. Is this quiz worth it?
81. Ever entered in the arena? Was it worth it?
82. Do you have a trading pass?
83. Do you have a shop?
84. Do you like cookies?
85. Do you like pickles?
86. Do you like milkshakes?
87. Do you like ice cream?
88. Ever had sushi?
89. Ever had octopus?
90. Do you drink alchohol?
91. Are you a grammer freak?
92. Would you consider yourself rich?
93. Would you consider yourself poor?
94. Do you keep up with gaia news?
95. Do you keep up with trends in fashions?
96. What's a tv show you watched when you were little?
97. Do you like bugs?
98. What's your most memorable quote?
99. When's the farthest back you remember?
100. Does any of your friends go on gaia?
101. Have ou ever sat on a cactus?
102. Have you ever even seen a cactus up close?
103. Do you put salt and pepper on alot of things?
104. Do you like muffins?
105. Do you like turtles?
106. Do you like pizza?
107. What's the last time you had a trade?
108. Post each emoticon in seperate posts.
109. Post each letter in the alphabet in separate posts.
110. Post each character in your username in separate posts.
111. Post each letter in GAIA in seperate posts.
112. Bump 10 times.
113. Count down from 25.
114. Have you ever made a petiton before?
115. What color shoes do you have?
116. What's the brand name of your shoes?
117. What career do you want to take on as an adult?
118. Have you had any dreams recently?
119. Do you eat alot of fast food?
120. Do you like fast food?
121. What's your favorite candy?
122. What's your favorite number?
123. What's your favorite season?
124. What's your favorite holiday?
125. Have you advertised this thread?
126. Do you watch naruto?
127. Do you watch Inyuasha?
128. New or Grunny?
129. Offline or Online?
130. How or Where?
131. Why or What?
132. Are you earning alot of gold?
133. Do you like chainletters?
134. Do you do chainletters?
135. Do you make chainletters?
136. Are you sad they removed the 'send to all friends' at the pm's?
137. Have you ever owned a pet?
138. Are you allergic to anything?
139. What's the craziest question anyone's ever asked you?
140. Do you like reading?
141. What's your favorite subject?
142. Day or Night?
143. Twilight or Dawn?
144. Starlight or Daylight?
145. Can you play an instrument?
146. What's your favorite day of the week?
147. Inside or Outside?
148. What's your favorite fruit?
149. What's your favorite cereal?
150. What's your favorite veggie?
151. Light or Dark?
152. Do you liek bowling?
153. What's your favorite flavor?
154. Possible or Impossible?
155. Plaid or Stripe?
156. Marker or Crayon?
157. Pen or Pencil?
158. Friend or Foe?
159. Colored Pencil or Sharpie?
160. What's your favorite thing to do on the computer?
161. Are you a republican or democrat or independant?
162. Are you able to vote yet?
163. How often do you go on gaia?
164. Are you active or inactive in gaia?
165. What's your favorite website?
166. What items are equipped on your avi?
167. What's the weather like where you live?
168. What's the first thing you do in the morning?
169. Are you wearing pajamas?
170. Do you do pranks much?
171. What's your favorite website?
172. How much tickets do you have?
173. How many junk items do you have?
174. How many tokens do you have?
175. Have you ever invited any friends to gaia?
176. Ever made your own thread on the forums?
177. Ever tried out the gaia cinemas?
178. Do you go to the marketplace often?
179. Ever tried to belly dance? XD
180. Have you bought anything from the g-store?
181. Wat'syour favorite day like?
182. What's your favorite tv station?
183. About how much gold have you earned so far from this quiz?
184. Have you done the poll?
185. Ever gotten on a black list before?
186. Do you think the gold list is original?
187. What do you think of the quiz?
188. Do you think the name 'fanny' is funny?
189. Ever wrote a novel?
190. Is this quiz taking a while?
191. Are you scared of clowns?
192. Have you ever fainted?
193. Smart or Popular?
194. What question have you enjoyed the most on this quiz?
195. Why are you still doing this quiz?
196. Do you own a house?
197. Squares or circles?
198. Finish this sentence "Spiders are crawling up..."
199. What's the oldest person you know?
200. Did you know youron question 200?
201. Do you like needles?
202. Ever ate dog food?
203. What about cat food? (lol)
204. Ever gotten hacked?
205. Do you like the hospital?
206. Ever bought anything from the g-store?
207. Sad your not done with the quiz yet?
208. Are you scared of monkies?
209. Ever create a succesful thread?
210. Do you like rp?
211. Does the word 'old' mean anything to you?
212. Do you smoke?
213. Do you drink?
214. Pick a random number 1-100. What number is it? (Remember that number!)
215. Do you think this quiz could go on forever?
216. Are you a vegatarian?
217. Are you a total carnavor?
218. Do you like cheese?
219. Do you like ramen?
220. What question is this?
221. What do you like to put on your favorite food?
222. How much money do you have in your wallet right now?
223. Are you at home doing this quiz?
224. What's your idea of the best day ever?
225. Do you go to youtube?
226. Do you pm a lot?
227. Remember the number before? Count from that number in seperate posts.
228. What's the greatest rip-off you've seen before on the marketplace?
229. Does your school have gaia blocked in the computer lab?
230. What's the movie you are most embarrassed to admit you saw?
231. Silver or gold?
232. Sky or Land or Water?
233. Dogs or Cats?
234. Grunny or New?
235. Have you ever broken a bone?
236. Have you ever been to a concert?
237. Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
238. Are you happy you got about 1/4 of this quiz done?
239. What feeling are you feeling right now?
240. Are you emo?
241. Are you punk?
242. Are you goth?
243. Ever break a promise?
244. Summer or Winter?
245. Spring or Fall?
246. Shorts or Jeans?
247. What's your favorite gaia quest?
248. Do you like chocolate?
249. Do you live with your mother? XD
250. Have I ever repeated a question?
251. Do you have ashma?
252. Do you have any kind of disease?
253. What's your favorite default color?
254. Is this the first quiz you've done before?
255. Have you ever lied?
256. Do you a pool?
257. Do you or anyone you know live at a hotel?
258. Think of a ranom song. What song is it?
259. Do you drive?
260. About how long has it taken you to get this far?
261. What is an item you use everyday or practicly everyday?
262. When I say 'duck' what do you think of?
263. When I say the word 'chicken' what do you think of?
264. When I say the word 'pudding' what does it make you think of?
265. Do you live in the suburbs?
266. Do you live in a big city?
267. Do you live in the country?
268. Do you live in a boring regular town?
269. Have you ever been to a foreign country?
270. Before you sat down at the computer, what were you doing?
271. Are you annoyed at beggars?
272. What question number are you on?
273. When I say 'ants' you think of?
274. Have you ever made someone else cry?
275. Is this quiz annoying you?
276. Using emoticons on gaia what are you feeling right now?
277. Have you done any other quiz's lately?
278. Did you know by now I'm alomst done typing the quiz?
279. Vinialla or Chocolate?
280. What day is it today?
281. What time is it right now?
282. How long have you been doing this quiz?
283. Do you play any sports?
284. What coloris the sky?
285. Are you racist?
286. Are you sexist?
287. Do you have ADD?
288. Do you have ADHD?
289. Do you like bees?
290. Are you chewing gum?
291. Would you rather have your hair up or down?
292. How much gold do you have now?
293. Do you remember the number you said earlier on in the quiz without looking?
294. You and the oppoisite gender turn in a report written with the same things. You get a B and the other person gets a A. What would you do?
295. For the question above did you answer kill them?
296. Have you ever been hacked?
297. What's your favorite question?
298. Do you have an account on myspace?
299. Do you have an account on youtube?
300. Yay your on question 300! Are you bored yet?
311. Besides gaia wat's the last website you were on?
312. Do you like onions?
313. What's your favorite quiz?
314. By now do you have enough gold for what your questing for?
315. How much more gold do you want now?
316. Do you pick your nose?
317. Do you suck your thumb?
318. Were you lying about the last 2 questions?
319. Have you ever counted down from a million before?
320. Have you ever lied before?
321. Were you lying about the last question?
322. Have you entered your avatar in the avi contest before?
323. Have you ever entered your house in the house contest?
324. Have you ever entered your art in the art contest before?
325. When's the last time you took a vacation?
326. Where was the last time you took a vacation at?
327. What's the worst thing that ever happened to you?
328. Do you have a job?
329. Do you like math?
330. Are you failing anything?
331. What grade are you in?
332. Have you ever gone sky-diving?
333. Have you ever been bungie jumping?
334. Do you live in the USA?
335. Have you ever been to the bermuda triangle?
336. Can you drive yet?
337. Have you ever been an a car accident?
338. What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
339. What's your favorite pizza topping?
340. Have you ever seen a shark up close before?
341. Do you have a nickname? If yes what is it?
342. Have you ever gotten stung by a bee?
343. Have you ever been to Las Vegas?
344. Are you on a vacation right now?
345. Do you have an i-pod?
346. Do you have an mp-3 player?
347. Do you have a cd player?
348. Ever heard of the i-phone?
349. Did you really think you where done with this quiz?
350. Have you ever helped out someone who was hacked?
351. Have you ever served in the military?
352. Should GAIA have a GAIAN church?
353. What new things would you like to see at the Gaia shops?
354. What do you think about the new GAIAN cars?
355. Would you like to have a full set of donation items given to you if you donated “IE you donate to Gaia and get a full set of armor with a weapon to outfit your AVI”?
356. Do you think it would be cool to have a Gaian music station?
357. What kind of music would you like to have for this station?
358. Would you like to see more specialty shops on Gaia?
359. How long have you been on Gaia?
360. With all of the different AVI themes out there would you like to see Themed homes?
361. As an example would it be cool to have the outside of your home look like a Gothic Structure or a Medieval castle?
362. How many times a week do you log onto Gaia?
363. What is the longest time spent on Gaia?
364. What is the shortest time spent on Gaia?
365. How often do you get bumped off line?
366. What is you favorite donation item?
367. Have you ever had breakfast for dinner?
368. What do you think about the Gaian World map?
369. Would you like to see an expansion on the Gaia world?
370. If you could add a new game to the Gaia games what would it be?
371. Do you like how the Avatars look?
372. If you could change how they looked what would you change?
373. What pets would you like to see?
374. Do you have a Gaia pet?
375. Do you have any brothers or sisters?
376. Older or younger?
377. Do you play Video games
378. What game system do you have
379. What is your all time favorite Video Game
380. Have you ever been to a Video Arcade?
381. When was the last time you went?
382. Hand held or Console?
383. Flash light or oil Lamp?
384. Camping or amusement park/
385. Video Cassettes or DVD
386. New car or Classic car?
387. Cat person or Dog person?
388. Good book or TV?
389. Card games or Board games?
390. Spray paint or Paint brush?
391. Is this quiz getting hard yet?
392. Magic the Gathering or Pokemon?
393. Who is you hero?
394. Angelic or Demonic?
395. Do you RP often?
396. What was the best thing you ever received in the daily chance?
397. Do you prefer winter games or summer games?
398. Precious gems or precious metals?
399. Do you have any hobbies?
400. Have you ever been asked to do something you where not comfortable doing?
401. Have you ever shop lifted?
402. Are you telling the truth on the previous question?
403. What is your favorite flavor of gum?
404. Ever have a Jaw Breaker?
405. Did it break your jaw?
406. What is the spiciest food you ever ate?
407. What was your favorite kid’s book?
408. What was your favorite toy as a kid?
409. Did you ever play cow boys and Indians as a kid?
410. Have you ever cheated on a test?
411. Did you pass?
412. Chess or Checkers?
413. Monster truck or Low rider?
414. What is you favorite holiday?
415. Silk or Satin?
416. Hunting or fishing?
417. Cheerios or Lucky charms?
418. Are you a morning person?
419. What is the worst thing you ever did to someone?
420. Shower or bath?
421. Do you watch cartoon network?
422. what is your favorite cartoon?
423. Glasses or Contact lenses?
424. Magazine or News paper?
425. Kool aide or Soda pop?
426. Do you prefer a mouse, track ball or touch pad?
427. Traditional monitor or LCD screen?
428. What is the easiest pet to take care of?
429. Have you ever had a Water balloon fight?
430. Do you think sculls are cool?
431. Dragons or fairies
432. Fast food or home cooked meal?
433. Pizza or Burgers?
434. Baseball or Football?
435. Nascar or Monster truck Rally?
436. Have you ever lived in a Mobile home?
437. Have you ever seen a tornado?
438. Ever watch Johnny Bravo? (I don't watch it either I've just heard of it)
439. What did you think of it?
440. Would you rather shop at a discount store or a retail store?
441. Are you a slave to fashion?
442. Cash or credit?
443. Do you wear boots or shoes to work / school?
444. If you were an international spy what country would you work for?
445. Good guy or bad guy?
446. Stuffed animals or squirt guns?
447. Paper or plastic?
448. do you have a rubber ducky (grins)?
449. What is the oldest coin you ever got back in change?
450. Do you use hair conditioner?
451. T-shirt or sweat shirt?
452. Do you pick on you little brother / sister?
453. If you could choose an instrument to be what would you be?
454. Why would you choose to be that instrument?
455. If you could change something about you what would it be?
456. What color id your hair?
457. Do you use any hair color?
458. What is your favorite shampoo?
459. What is the longest time you went with out bathing and why?
460. Would you ever date a Nerd?
461. Do you prefer shopping on line or at the store?
462. Ever play store tag?
463. Have you ever rearranged a store display?
464. Trapper keeper or clip board?
465. Do you like shopping for school supplies?
466. Ever been excited to go back to school
467. Do you look forward to summer break?
468. Would you get mad if they made school all year long?
469. Would you still be mad if school only lasted till noon?
470. Are your parents / kids weird?
471. What is your favorite wild animal
472. Do you think bugs are creepy?
473. Ever rub two pennies together?
474. Do you have a night light?
475. What color is your night light?
476. Ever sleep on a water bed?
477. If you could pick a time in the past to live when would it be?
478. Cake or Pie?
479. Ice cream or cookies?
480. Would you ever ride on a motor cycle?
481. What is you favorite past time?
482. If you could be an animal what would it be?
481. Ever play Laser tag?
482. Have you ever hacked anyone before?
483. What did you have for breakfast this morning?
484. Do you have a favorite outfit?
485. Do you like comedy?
486. do you like Horror?
487. Do you like Science Fiction?
488. Do you like Drama?
489. Ever watched a Docudrama?
490. Would you prefer having wings or a tail?
491. Flowers or Trees?
492. Would rather ski or snow board?
493. Where is the worst place you ever had to go to sleep?
494. What would be you worst day ever?
495. What is your scariest nightmare?
496. If you could be a pilot would you fly a plane or a helicopter?
497. Snow or sand?
498. Brick or wood?
499. Who is your favorite loony toon?
500. Did you know you're done?

Chatty Friend

9,375 Points
  • Elocutionist 200
  • Friendly 100
  • Hygienic 200


Chatty Friend

9,375 Points
  • Elocutionist 200
  • Friendly 100
  • Hygienic 200

1. Whats your name?
2. How much gold do you have?
3. How much gold would you like to have?
4. Whats your favorite Item?
5. Whats your favorite evolving item?
6. How long have you been on gaia?
7. How old are you?
8. Do you like being that age?
9. If you could choose an age, what would it be?
10. Do you have any siblings
11. If so, do you like them?
12. Whats your favorite food?
13. Can you cook that food yourself?
14. Whats your favorite restaraunt?
15. What country do you live in?
16. If the USA, what state?
17. Would you like to move?
18. If yes on the last question, where to?
19. Do you like snow?
20. Do you like summer or winter better?
21. Spring or Fall?
22. Whats your favorite holiday?
23. Whats your favorite number?
24. Favorite letter of the alphabet?
25. angel or devil?

26. fly by plane or go by boat?
27. Do you like flying at all?
28. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
29. What language do you wish you could speak?
30. which one, rock climbing or wind surfing?
31. black or white?
32. in color or black and white.
33. most memorable moment?
34. do you wear perfume/cologne(yes/no)?
35. If so, what scent/brand do you wear?
36. Do you like the oposite sex to wear perfume/colonge?
37. Are you allergic to anything?
38. Are you thinking you'll finish this quiz?
39. Every play the game truth or dare?
40. What was the worst dare that you were told to do?
41. Do you lie to your parents?
42. What was the last thing you lied about?
43. Do you know all your prior presidents names?
44. Who was the 24th president?
45. Who was in office for 12 years?
46. Did you just look those last 2 answers up on google or another site?
47. Do you have a dream avi?
48. Whats the most expensive item you have?
49. What does "brb" stand for?

50. What does "lawl" stand for?
51. Name a celebrity off the top of your head?
52. Has this person played in any movies?
53. Is this celebrity married/divourced or single?
54. Would you like to meet this person?
55. What are you wearing right now?
56. What is the current time?
57. How many items are on your wishlist?
58. Whats your favorite song?
59. Does this song remind you of anything?
60. Do you have a gf/bf?
61. How tall are you?
62. Are you gaining any gold?
63. How many pages is this quiz now?
64. What brand of shoe do you wear?
65. Do you prefer boots or shoes?
66. Whats your favorite color?
67. Have i repeated any questions?
68. Do you know where the name teddy bear came from.
69. do you like stuffed animals or beanie babies?
70. jig-saw puzzle or rubix cube
71. Newspaper or Magazine?
72. How long is your hair?
73. What color is your hair?
74. Have you colored your hair at all?

75. Do you have any messengers?
76. Would you ever PM me?
77. Have you ever donated before?
78. How many times have you traded?
79. Have you been in the cinema's?
80. Do you hate how you can't go into 11-20 cinema's
81. Have you ever been hacked?
82. If you have, what did you lose?
83. Do you have a myspace?
84. Do you have facebook?
85. Do you have your own computer/laptop?
86. Are you a good or bad person?
87. Why are you a good or bad person (reason)
88. Ever been suspended from school?
89. What is your favorite book?
90. Why is it your favorite book (reason)?
91. What was/is your favorite toy to have in the bathtub?
92. Do you know what the Bush doctrine is?
93. Whats a resolution you have for the new year?
94. Whats your favorite T.V show?
95. How many hours do you spend online each day?
96. What's your favorite disney princess or vilian?
97. What was the last movie you saw in theaters?
98. Ever like fluffy bunnies or any other animal?
99. Are you bored of this quiz?

100. Do you play sports(yes/no)?
101. What sport do you play?
102. How long have you played that sport?
103. Are you wanting to go pro?
104. Do you have a Cell phone?
105. Ever been stalked before?
106. Ever been thrown a suprise party?
107. When was your last birthday party?
108. How many friends do you have on gaia?
109. Do you prefer pepsi or coke?
110. from the last question, would that one beat Dr. Peper?
111. What color are your walls in your room?
112. Do you have any pets(yes/no)?
113. How many pets do you have, and what are they?
114. Do you get along with your parents?
115. What was the best gift you've recieved?
116. Are you listening to music right now?
117. How many gaia accounts do you have?
118. When was the last time you took a shower?
119. Are you wearing a hat or scarf?
120. Scooby doo or Scooby Dumb?
121. Do you like Scrappy Doo?
122. Daphny or Velma?
123. Fred or Shaggy?
124. Have you ever seen "that 70's show"?

125. If so, who's your favorite from it?
126. Do you text or call people more?
127. iPod or MP3?
128. Shrek or Donkey?
129. Ever watch all three movies of Shrek?
130. Which one was your favorite?
131. Harry potter or Twilight?
132. If harry potter which book is better?
133. If Twilight, which book is better?
134. Which harry potter movie thats outs, do you like more?
135. Who is your favorite character from Harry Potter (not actor)?
136. Daniel Radcliffe or Tom Felton (harry or draco)?
137. Emma watson or Bonnie Write (hermione or Ginny)?
138. Do you like Edward from Twilight?
139. Why are you still doing this quiz?
140. Write the alphabet from A-Z in different Posts..
141. Write your User name by each letter in different posts..
142. Did you really do the last 2 questions?
143. Did you see the movie "camp rock" (yes/no)?
144. Did you like it?
145. Who's your favorite Jonas brother?
146. Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise?
147. T.V show "Friends" or "The Office"?
148. Which one "Bruce Almighty" or "Evan Almighty 2"?
149. Do you like Jim Carrey?

150. Are you into comedy?
151. Rap or Hip Hop?
152. Rock or R&B?
153. Gold or Silver?
154. Necklace or bracelet?
155. Dog taggs or Chains?
156. Lefty or Righty (writing hand)?
157. Do you wear glasses or contacts?
158. Shorts or Pants?
159. Do you listen to the radio?
160. The Beatles or The Beach Boys?
161. Are you Straight/Bi/ or Gay?
162. Did you agree to the marrige law?
163. Do you like our new president?
164. Did you want McCain to win?
165. When bored, did you ever write on yourself with pen?
166. Are you sarcastic?
167. Do you sing in the shower?
168. Do you dance randomly?
169. Ever been caught dancing randomly?
170. Did you ever perform in a school talent show?
171. Do you watch American Idol?
172. Do you watch "So You Think You Can Dance?
173. Do you crack your fingers or "pop"?
174. Do you have any cousins?

175. Do you like your cousins?
176. What are you doing or what did you do for thanksgiving?
177. Are you excited for Christmas?
178. Do you know the actual spirit of christmas?
179. Have you ever run into a screen door?
180. Have you ever broke a bone , which one?
181. What color cast did you have ?
182. Ever sit on a tac?
183. Ever pull a prank on someone?
184. What was the prank you pulled?
185. Can you multi task?
186. Do you like to bowl?
187. What was your highest score?
188. Do you play cards?
189. What are you questing for?
190. Skii or Snowboard?
191. Swimming pool or ocean?
192. one piece or two piece(girls) speedo or swim trunks(guys)??
193. Swimming pool or Jacuzzi(hot top)?
194. Blind date or actual date?
195. Single date or double date?
196. Flowers or Chocolate, (to give, or recieve)?
197. Funniest pick up line you've used/heard?
198. Who was your first kiss?
199. Do you remember ever second of that day?

200. Does your bedroom have a window?
201. How many text's do you send each month?
202. If you had to lose one which would it be , cell phone or computer?
203. Do you feel the computer makes you procrastinate?
204. Do you watch the news?
205. Are you worried about your future?
206. What is your current mood?
207. Do you own a flash drive?
208. Can you drive?
209. If you can, do you have a car?
210. How long have you been able to drive?
211. Do you have a permit or license?
212. the Moon or the Sun?
213. Day or night?
214. Cold weather or warm weather?
215. Ever been on a cruise?
216. If so which cruise?
217. Do you find someone people really annoying?
218. Whats your favorite activity?
219. Whats your favorite radio station?
220. If you had a certain power, what would it be?
221. Being able to fly or teleport?
222. dark or light?
223. cat or dog?
224. Did you ever go to the zoo?

225. Ever go on a school trip out of state?
226. City bus or school bus?
227. Do you have photoshop?
228. Brownies or Cake?
229. Favorite dessert?
230. Favorite breakfast meal?
231. Favorite dinner meal?
232. Do you get mad often?
233. How many bf's/gf's have you had?
234. How late do you usually stay up?
235. Who's your favorite super hero?
236. Have you ever beaten up someone?
237. Were you ever beaten up?
238. Were you ever bullied around?
239. How many times has your family moved?
240. Are you an organized person?
241. When was the last time you were outside?
242. Do you lock the door to your room?
243. Do you have a sign on your door?
244. Do you know who Dane Cook is?
245. If i said blue , what would you respond?
246. Do you like going to the doctor?
247. Do you like going to the dentist?
248. When was your last shot you had to get?
249. How much money is in your purse/wallet?

250. Are you a photogenic person?
251. Whats your favorite amusement park?
252. Do you like roller coasters?
253. Do you like water rides more then bumper cars?
254. Would you get in trouble if your parents found you up late?
255. Will you be going to High school Prom?
256. How early do you get to school?
257. Do you like any of your teachers?
258. Would you be upset/mad if school was all year long?
259. Would you rather have year round school.. so only like 3 weeks of summer?
260. Have you ever climbed a mountain(gone hiking)?
261. Ever sing kareoke?
262. If you could have a wild animal as a pet, what would it be?
263. A sweater or sweat shirt?
264. A hoodie or no hoodie?
265. Do you like bugs?
266. milk or chocolate milk?
267. Chocolate Chip cookies or oreo's?
268. Santa or the Sand man?
269. Father time or Mother Nature?
270. Wind or Fire (which element)?
271. Do you like the rain?
272. Ever build something?
273. Ever build a snow man?
274. Ever been to the Mall of America in Minnesota?

275. Ever been to Sixx Flaggs?
276. Ever fart during class?
277. Do you get nervice when your in front of the class?
278. Can you believe that your almost a quarter of the way through?
279. What are you thinking right now?
280. Do you like rainbows?
281. Do you like anime?
282. Do you draw any good?
283. If you saw a homless guy on the streets, what would you do?
284. Do you help out in any charity's?
285. Ever have to do community survice?
286. Does your internet act up all the time?
287. How many posts have you done now?
288. How much gold have you gained?
289. Would you ever fly up to the moon?
290. Ever embarasse yourself in front of someone you like?
291. Do you studder when you speak sometimes?
292. Are you a good speller?
293. Whats your favorite class for school?
294. Do you live in a home/apartment without your parents?
295. Are you hungry?
296. What was the last thing you ate?
297. What color are your eyes?
298. Could you guess what mine are?
299. What grade are you in at school?

300. Ever see the movie "300"?
301. Do you have and use a web cam?
302. Are you into photography?
303. Do you go on "photobucket"?
304. Whats your favorite candy?
305. Sweet or sour?
306. what instrument do you wish you could play if you can't already?
307. What instrument do you like to play?
308. Ever wish you could be in a band?
309. if you were an inatiment object what would you be?
310. Buy any new items?
311. Do you believe in love?
312. Do you believe in love at first site?
313. Have you ever been in love?
314. Ever had a heart break?
315. Have you ever broken someones heart?
316. Do you like him/her but she/he likes someone else?
317. Ever been to the Grand Canyon in Arizona?
318. Ever been to las Vegas?
319. What was the last national monument you've seen?
320. Ever been to a concert?
321. Ever been back stage at a concert?
322. Who's concert would you like to see?
323. Ever keep a secret journal/diary?
324. Have you ever had a wet dream?

325. How many pillows do you sleep with?
326. When listening to music, does your head or feet move to the beat?
327. Can you sing(actually really good at it)?
328. Whats a hidden talent you have?
329. Whats your dream vehical(car/truck/etc.), explain in details)?
330. Do you keep boxes that you've bought things in(for a long period of time)?
331. Do you work out?
332. Do you believe in ghost stories?
333. Have you even gone camping?
334. When you camped, did you tell/listen to ghost stories?
335. Do you sleep with some sort of night light?
336. Do you have a special blanky that you sleep with?
337. Watermelon or strawberries?
338. Ice Tea or Green Tea?
339. Rock or Country?
340. Fabreeze or Glade?
341. Would you consider yourself a circle or square?
342. ROFL or LMAO?
343. Ever think of your dream wedding?
344. Do you keep change in your pokets?
345. Whats something daily that you consume?
346. The Blue Jackets or Red Coats?
347. Germany or Italy?
348. Do you have your class ring?
349. Do you think rain hides your feelings?

350. When was the last time you yelled?
351. When was the last time you said "sorry" to someone?
352. Who's birthday is coming up that you know of?
353. How old will that person be?
354. Do you believe in magic?
355. Benny the puppy or Momo the monkey?
356. The Patriots or Cults?
357. Have you ever gone tanning?
358. Do you use sun tan lotion?
359. hycups or burbs?
360. Cash or Credit?
361. Whats the funniest nick name you call someone?
362. Do you have any tattoo's (yes/no)?
363. Would you like a tattoo (yes/no)?
364. What design tattoo would you want?
365. Do you like guys/girls with tattoo's?
366. Girls, do you like jock or preppy guys...guys, do you like preppy, or sporty girls?
367. Do you flip your hair around a lot?
368. Have you ever dreamed in black and white?
369. Who's your favorite sports team? (any sport)
370. Have you ever gone ice skating?
371. Did you ever fall on your butt when you first started to skate?
372. Can you remember how many bruises you've had?
373. Do you get physically hurt often?
374. When was the last time you were in the hospital?

375. What would you be if you were in a royal family? (position)
376. Do yo like adolph hitler.
377. If you could go to any planet, which would it be?
378. Do you like marshmello's?
379. Do you like smores?
380. Ever roast a marsmello?
381. Ever sit by a camp fire?
382. Have you been to a beach?
383. Sharpie, or regular pen?
384. pencil or highlighter?
385. Would you rather have blue eyes or green eyes?
386. Ever eat sushi?
387. Do you like fish?
388. Ever been to Japan?
389. Do you watch the Olympics?
390. Whats your favorite sport/event that goes on in the Olympics?
391. Side walk or street?
392. Do you cook for your family?
393. Do you watch video's on youtube?
394. Do you have a face book account?
395. Are you going to school?
396. Do you like icecream?
397. Pudding or Apple sauce?
398. Target or Walmart?
399. Circle K or 7/11?

400. Do you use shampoo and conditioner?
401. When you were little, what dream job did you want?
402. Do you park in the handi-capped spots when you shouldnt?
403. If you could be someone for one day, who would it be?
404. Do you watch the show "myth busters"?
405. Do onions really make you cry?
406. a Wii or PS3?
407. Has your house ever been broken into?
408. Have you ever won a contest?
409. Does your mom order from AVON?
410. Do you play pool?
411. How many cars do you have?
412. How many friends are online?
413. Have you entered your avi/house/art into a contest?
414. Do you keep your room clean or messy?
415. How many DVD's do you own?
416. Do you still have toy's from your childhood?
417. Have you ever used a compass before?
418. Ever sleep in a sleeping bag?
419. Whats your favorite flavor of Jam?
420. Did you watch the movie "Titanic"?
421. Ever gone on a road trip?
422. Do you know your Nick stars?
423. Do you have poster on your wall?
424. Does your school have a cool mascot?

425. When is the next leap year?
426. Do you like farm animals?
427. Do you own any "transformer" toys?
428. Did you ever see the movie?
429. Is lunch your favorite subject in school?
430. What state/country were you born at?
431. Can you tan, or just burn?
432. Do you believe in UFO's?
433. How long does it take you to read a book?
434. Can you do math(like REALLY GOOD MATH(algebra)?
435. Robots or computers?
436. How many shirts do you own?
437. How many pairs of pants do you own?
438. Direct TV or Dish Network?
439. Most watched Channel in your house hold?
440. Does your family own a gun?
441. Do you believe in dinosaurs?
442. Where is Austria-Hungary located?
443. Do you like kids?
444. Do you believe there is a North Pole?
445. Are you smart then a 5th grader?
446. Can you play the piano?
447. Have you painted a room before?
448. what game systems do you own?
449. Do you like crackers?

450. Do you have a beaty mark?
451. Which version of Charler and the chocolate factory do you like better?
452. Have you ever had brain freeze?
453. Have you ever been tackled by a best friend?
454. Ever been bitten by a snake?
455. Do you know what type of snake it was?
456. Do you play golf?
457. How many positions are there played on the baseball field?
458. Tile or carpet?
459. What games do you have installed in your computer?
460. Have you ever disrupted class for talking?
461. Have you ever disrupted class for accidently laughing loudly?
462. Ever play any old fashion game like (pac-man/snake, or pong)?
463. Can you build or rebuild cars?
464. Can you plan or throw a party?
465. How much can you bench?
467. Can you put your foot behind your head?
468. Are you flexable?
469. Can you touch your toes?
470. Do you surf channels during commercials?
471. Have you ever gotten anyone sick?
472. Ever got sick on a fair ride?
473. Ever go on a ride a long with a police officer?
474. Ever get revenge on someone?

475. Is your bathroom clean?
476. Do you like squeaky toys?
477. Have you lost something important to you?
478. Do you sometimes wear socks that don't match?
479. Do you like graffiti art?
480. Have you ever laughed so hard that you cried?
481. Whats the craziest thing you've fed your dog?
482. Do you have a doll/action figure collection?
483. Are you a noob?
484. Does your other sibling have achne?
485. Have you cut your own hair?
486. Do your parents snore?
487. Do you snore?
488. Ever trip over something?
489. Ever get stong by a bee?
490. Do you get interupted a lot?
491. Do you interupt people a lot?
492. Can you cook on a barbecue?
493. Ever jump off the roof into a pool?
494. Do you like the taste of the envelope?
495. Do you like ketchup?
496. Favorite candy bar?
497. What do you by most of at a convenience store?
498. How often do you go to one?(from above).
499. Do you mix your fountain drinks together?

500. Are you Bilingual?
501. Ever wanna walk the red carpet?
502. What did you do last valentines day?
503. Do you buy gifts for your friends on christmas?
504. Do you listen to the stocks giving by the government?
505. Are you tired of this quiz yet?
506. Horror movies or action movies?
507. Ever have a water bed?
508. Would you ever drive/ride a motor cycle?
509. Ever play tag (laser tag)?
510. What type of pie?
511. How many times have you changed your user name?
512. How many times have you changed the look of your avi?(eyes)
513. What was the last thing you drank?
514. Do you sing disney songs?
515. Single or Taken?
516. Do you wanna be the oposite of what you just answered?
517. Ever seen "phantom of the opera" as a play?
518. What other play's have you seen?
519. Ever seen a show on broadway ?
520. Ever been to Wall st. ?
521. Where did you spend your last New Years Eve?
522. Do you/Did you have family coming/come for thanksgiving?
523. Have you been stressed lately?
524. Do you have any scares on your body?

525. Do you know how to snowboard?
526. Would you teach me how to do some cool tricks (question from above) ^^??
527. Ever been in a snowboarding/skiing competition?
528. Ever watch the Spelling Bee competition?
529. Were you ever IN a spelling Bee competition?
530. Who taught you how to swim?
531. Ever hack someone?
532. Has someone ever stalked you?
533. Have you ever dumped someone?
534. Has someone ever dumped you?
535. What your longest sitting period on your computer?(that you never left its site).
536. How many essay's have you had to write in your educational period?
537. Ever been lied to?
538. Ever lie to someone?
539. do you have the shirt "i'm with stupid"?
540. Is your light on in your room?
541. Do you have any fears (yes/no)?
542. What are they?
543. Why are are affraid of it/them?
544. What do you think about "across the univers"?
545. Whats one thing you wish you could know right now?
546. What did you dream about last night?
547. Do you like musicals?
548. Are you an actor/actress?
549. How many books can you read in a week?

550. Whats 2-2?
551. Do you like Ice cream Sanwiches?
552. Do you like blue or black pens better?
553. When was the last time you ran?
554. Last time you stood in the rain was?
555. Do you bite your lip alot?
556. Do you have chapped lips?
557. Do you have nervious habits(yes/no)?
558. If you do, what are they?
559. Do you think you can get over your nervious habits?
560. Last color you dyed your hair was?
561. Do you fart in front of people?
562. Do you burp in front of people?
563. Last time you said "excuse me"?
564. Is your stomach growling?
565. Do you use "emotions" to express you?
566. Last time you stuck your tongue out at someone?
567. Last time you slammed your bedroom door?
568. What font do you usually use?
569. Is that your favorite font?
570. How big do you make your font?
571. What color font do you like out of the defaults?
572. Are you just copying and pasting the questions?
573. Do you visite any chat rooms?
574. What games do you play (not on gaia)?

575. Last time you got a scab?
576. Do you get annoyed often?
577. Have you gotten anything to drink in the last half hour?
578. Ever drink when you shouldnt have?
579. What was your favorite thing to do as a child?
580. How much money do you have in the bank?
581. Do you ever write on note cards?
582. What Cell phone do you have?
583. Are you eating something right now?
584. Ever have lice?
585. Is a cat or dog laying at your feet right now?
586. Do you collect anything(yes/no)?
587. If you do collect , what is the item?
588. Are you a virgin?
589. Do your parents know that you are or arent one(from above question)?
590. Do you help clean the house?
591. Whats the worst chore you have to do?
592. Where you in your schools choir?
593. Ever play in any of your schools sports?
594. Best Buy or Circuit City?
595. iTunes or Limewire?
596. Messy room or a clean room?
597. Are you Innocent or Guilty?
598. Is your radio playing at this exact moment?
599. Ever been bitten by a wild animal?

600. Ever been to another country?
601. does your butt hurt for sitting so long?
602. Do you have leg warmers?
603. Ever meet the Pope?
604. What holidays do you celebrate?
605. Can you multi-task?
606. What amusement parks have you been too?
607. Ever fix a bike?
608. Do you get a long with your mom or dad better?
609. Have any saved magazines?
610. Can you believe your half way there?
611. What time is it for you now?
612. Do you like the scent of flowers?
613. What item do you want most that you can't get?
614. Do you envi someone elses avi?
615. Do you wish you had some of their items?
616. Have you ever hacked someone?
617. What little items do you buy a lot?
618. Do you want more hair styles to choose from?
619. Do you want more hair colors too?
620. Shouldnt you be taking a shower or eating right now?
621. Where would you get your icecream, store, or fast food place?
622. Do you eat our veggetables?
623. Fanta, fanta xD ever seen that commercial?
624. Ever watch Bruce Almighty?

625. Have you ever begged for gold , while on gaia?
626. Ever get the "five finger discount"?
627. If Yes, at which store?
628. Do you use lotion after taking a shower?
629. How long are you usually in the shower?
630. Do you know what "asl" means?
631. Do you drink any energy drinks?
632. Did you know that energy drinks can destory your intestents?(liver etc.)
633. Do you wanna live in a castle/mansion?
634. Ever play the game "MASH"?
635. Whats your favorite scent from anything?
634. Whose your all time favorite all star athlete?
635. Do you blow dry your hair after the shower, or just let it dry on its own?
636. Did you ever buy from the Icecream man?
637. Ever have joint pains?
638. Are you a good flirt?
639. ever gone to a wild party?
640. Ever gotten the goosebumps?
641. Have you had the chicken pox?
642. What other sickness have you had?
643. Do you belive in miricals?
644. Do you believe in any superstitions?
645. Ever try to find the end of a rainbow for a pot of gold?
646. When will you move out of your parents house if you havent already?
647. Did you ever place your tooth under your pillow for the tooth fairy?
648. Do you like being outside or inside better?
649. Do you like popcicles?

650. Where was president lincoln shot?
651. Who was the person to kill president Lincoln?
652. Who shot and killed JFK?
653. Do you like George Bush?
654. Did you like Him or John Carry better?
655. Do you have a T.V in your room?
656. Do you were any colorful socks? (with like designs on them).
657. Ever sit on someones lap?(not including your parents's)
658. Who's lap was it?
659. Do you wait until the last minute to do a lot of things?
660. Do you like writing?
661. Do you like to sing?
662. Ever get drunk yet with your friends?
663. Do you breath air or oxygen?
664. What does H2O stand for?
665. Do you have the periodic table of elements memorized?
6*6*6. Do you have pi Memorized?
667. Did you know the last question was # 666?
668. How does that make you feel?
669. Do your grandparents drink prun juice?
670. Has someone told you that you were a bad kisser?
671. Are you the quarterback of your High school football team?
672. If not, is he more popular then you?
673. Are you in your school band?
674. Does your stomach ever hurt?

675. Whats the longest speech you've had to write?
676. Do you like presenting in front of a class?
677. Where do you sit during school lunch?
678. Do you like the people you sit with?
679. Do you take the bus home, drive home, or walk?
680. How many times a day do you use a "smiley"?
681. Do random people PM you all the time?
682. Do you like getting random PM"s?
683. Do you decorate your house on holidays?
684. Do you sing and dance to your favorite songs when no one is around?
685. Do you like metal or plastic more?
686. Are you on a diet of some kind?
687. Do you have a personal trainer?
688. Do you wanna live in a beach house?
689. what does "je ne sais pas" mean?
690. Are you a big tease?
691. Can you speak another language fluently?
692. Do you get head achs a lot?
693. Are you tired, or did you just wake up?
694. Whats your status currently say?
695. Are you planning on changing it?
696. Do you skate board?
697. Do you like any pro skaters?
698. When was the last time you walked in snow?
699. Dont you have to go to the bathroom again?

700. right, left, up or down ?
701. Shouldnt you be doing your homework?
702. Ever been under a water fall?
703. where does the line "I love you Jennay" come from??
704. where does the line "we are here, and we are waiting" come form?
705. What movie is best showed in blue ray disk?
706. Do you have a blue ray player?
707. Are you still bored, is that why your doing this quiz?
708. How much gold have you gained now?
709. Can you hear dogs barking outside your window at night and or day?
710. Where do your dogs sleep at night?
711. Do you wash beind your ears?
712. Do you pick your nose?
713. Do you fart in public?
714. Did you lie about the two previous questions?
715. What other embarrasing thing have you done in public?
716. Where did you live before where you are currently?
717. Would you PM me after this quiz?
718. What color font are you using now?
719. Are you ticklish?
720. Do you tickle people?
721. Do you keep the fan on in your room?
722. What day of the week is it now?
723. How many people are online now?
724. Did your parents allow you to have an account on gaia?

725. Would you want a puppy for christmas?
726. Are you interested in someone on gaia?
727. If its no secret, who is it?
728. What would you do to tell them your feelings?
729. When texting, do you type out the full word, or shorten them?
730. Do you like being in the dark?
731. Do you like being alone in the dark?
732. What would you do if you heard a noise during the night?
733. Do you go around christmas caroling?
734. When was the last time you went trick or treating?
735. Are you random most days?
736. Do you have ADD?
737. Do you have ADHD?
738. Did you know there was a black out last night?
739. Do you care there was a black out?
740. Can you burp the ABC's?
741. How old are you in 4 years?
742. Will you be voting in 4 years?
743. Do you have a small jungle gym in your backyard?
744. Have you ever played hop scotch?
745. Did you know my fingers still dont hurt from writing this?
746. What is a hero to you?
747. isnt that a jet? a 747?
748. Would you join the air force?
749. Would you join the Army?

750. Would you join the Marines?
751. Would you join the Cost Guard?
752. Would you join the Navy?
753. Which one would you most join?
754. Do you collect state quarters?
755. Do you twiddle your thumbs a lot?
756. What T.V show is playing atm?
757. Do you like answering so many questions?
758. Are you a skater boy/girl?
759. Do you like water slides?
760. What would you name your baby girl?
761. What would you name your baby boy?
762. What are the top 5 names you'd want for a girl?
763. what are the top 5 names you'd want for a boy?
764. Do you know someone who is pregnate?
765. Have you ever jump ropped?
766. Did you play tag football in P.E?
767. How many questions have i repeated?
768. What is the question you remember the most?
769. Do you like valentines day?
770. What would you do if someone who liked you, but you didnt like them so much, asked you out?
771. What would you do if you were chased by a pack of wolves?
772. Have you ever eaten yellow snow?
773. What do you put on your PB&J?
774. Do you like peanut butter?

775. What would you do if you won that lottery?
776. Will you go to a casino once your 21?
777. WIll you get drunk the night of your 21st birthday?
778. Have you ever played BINGO?
779. Does your room smell like animal?
780. What does your brain do?
781. Are you in love?
782. What is the meaning of "gay"?
783. Why do we have wars?
784. Do you believe in date rape? (like..do you think it should or shouldnt happen)?
785. Do you like screaming bands?
786. Do you watch the clouds and imagine them as an object?
787. Do you use plug ins to freshin your house?
788. Is your Cell phone right by you right now?
789. Do you have a special ritual that you do?
790. Can you wait till i return for the next question?
791. Did you wait?
792. Do you like Icy's?
793. Ever see the movie "big green"?
794. Do you know of the brand "Toshiba"?
795. Do you have webbed toes?
796. Do you know anyone who does?
797. Shouldnt you be out with your friends right now?
798. how many messages have you recieved at once?
799. Do you like to wear the color pink?

800. Do you like hooks?
801. Would you dye your hair bright red?
802. Is long hair or short hair cooler?
803. Would you want the nick name "shnickers"?
804. If you know me, would you be my friend and add me?
805. Will you add my after this quiz?
806. Did you know that i'm 17?
807. Did you know pink is for babies?
808. Do you have all yahoo, aim, and msn accounts?
809. Did you know its getting harder to think of questions?
810. Have you ever seen a tornado in person?
811. Have you ever had to barracade yourself from one?
812. Whats the worst storm you've been in?
813. Can you read minds?
814. What am i thinking right now?
815. Do you sit around your house all day?
816. Are you a loner?
817. If you could, would you ever use pixy dust?
818. Are you going to see the new movie Twilight if you havent already?
819. Do you like lemons?
820. Do you like limes?
821. Are you a vegan?(spelt wrong i know).
822. Have you lost your mind at something?
823. Do you see dead people?
824. Do you know who played that role? "i see dead people"?

825. Would you talk to the person who answered a question above you?
826. Would you ever date this person?
827. What was the name given to the first nuclear test in the USA on the 16th of July 1945?
828. Which 'reclusive' group from Manchester sold more singles than the Beatles in 1965?
829. Is this fun?
830. What famous document begins: "When in the course of human events..."?
831. What fashion did General Ambrose Burnside start in Civil War?
832. What is so cool about tattoo's?
833. In the Chinese calendar what year follows Monkey?
834. What is a Kakapo?
835. Which dinosaurs name translates as speedy predator?
836. What city has the longest metro system?
837. If you were eating calamari - what are you snacking on?
838. What is a smew?
839. Why did the USA gov. open Lincolns coffin in 1887 and 1901?
840. Marilyn Munroe was the model for which Disney Character?
841. Which insect has the best eyesight?
842. What was one of Elvis Presley's famous songs?
843. Who said "one small step for man, one giant step for man kind"?
844. Which country is nearest to the north pole?
845. Who was in the move "behind enemy lines"?
846. What is a peeping tom?
847. What song is sung the most?
848. Whats the girls name who was on "Titanic"(character)?
849. What (actor) played the man she fell in love with?

850. Whats the most known alcholic beverage?
851. If you could change into an animal what would it be?
852. Would you change into a cat or a dog?
853. What bread of animal (from above, cat, dog). would you be?
854. Do you think your smart?
855. Do you think your dumb/slow?
856. Do others find you attactive?
857. Do you find yourself attractive?
858. Would you go out with your schools quarterback/head cheearleader?
859. Do you think your school's football team is good?
860. Do you sleep on your back of stomach?
861. Do you sleep nearest the wall or away from it/
862. Is your door next to your bed or across the room from it?
863. Ever eat moldy food?
864. Have you been outside at all tody?
865. Do you like the movie series "lord of the rings"?
866. Do you care about people?
867. Do you easily bruise?
868. Do you get hurt often? (falling etc.)
869. Are you clumsy?
870. How long can you hold your breath?
871. Whats your states mascott or (animal)?
872. Would you want grills? or a gold tooth?
873. Are you nice at the dinner table?
874. Do you have table manors?

875. Can people trust you?
876. which face , xD or =D ?
877. Do you wish you were out of high school if your in it ?
878. blah or bleh?
879. spring fling or summer romance?
880. Prom or Home coming?
881. Evil or good?
882. Where is your destination in life?
883. Where will you be in the next 3 hours?
884. Are your legs/feet falling asleep?
885. Do you buy stuff off eBay?
886. Whens your next vacation?
887. clothed or bare?
888. How many posters are on your wall?
889. Do you still like them, or just havent taken them down?
890. Do you bite your fingernails?
891. Do you bit your lip constintely?
892. Do you have dimples?
893. Do you have freckles?
894. Do you watch the show "Hero's"
895. If, so who's your favorite character?
896. Are you on a laptop or Desktop now?
897. Why is 8 affraid of 7?
898. When do you open presents during christmas?(if you dont, just put, "N/A" wink
899. Ever dream of skipping through a flower garden with someone?

900. Whats your favorite quote?
901. whats your favorite store to shop at?
902. Do you think i'm crazy for all the questions?
903. Can you believe that there is still over 100 left?
904. Can you hear the T.V from your room? when its in another?
905. Do you like the milkey way?
906. How do you think man kind was created?
907. How do you really think the dinosaurs dissapeared?
908. Do you think i'm a dork?
909. Are you having with what ever your doing?
910. Are you glad you did this quiz?
911. How much do you laugh a day?
912. How do you cure hycups?
913. Would you lay out in the grass if it was raining?
914. If someone dared you to "kiss/suck neck" would you do it?
915. Do you answer to truth more, or dare more?
916. Do you ever wanna go to jail?
917. Have you visited someone in jail/prison?
918. i say ello you say?
919. i spy with my little eye, something blue, what would you guess?
920. What time do you get up for school/work?
921. Do you give good shoulder massages?
922. Do you get movies from blockbuster?
923. Can you wiggle your ears?
924. How many WPM can you do?(words per minute)?

925. Did you have a hot wheels when you were younger?
926. Did you have a cabage patch kid doll?
927. What did you eat today?
928. What do the different rose colors mean?
929. Do you smirk a lot?
930. Do you have muscles?
931. Did you take weight training in HS?
932. have you checked your phone today for any text messages or missed calls?
933. What time did you wake up today?
934. If i said dance, what would you do?
935 If i said "if you do the hooky pooky, and you turn youself around" then what?
936. 10 bottles of beer on the wall, you take one down and pass it around, and then your left it.........Finish the song in seperate posts.
937. whats the scariest movie you've seen?
938. Whats the most retarded movie you've seen?
939. Would you have done a quiz like this?
940. Do you have a trampoline?
941. Would you give it too me, cause i want one?
942. If you could adopt a star for a day, who would it be?
943. If you could have ANY job for a day, what would it be?
944. If you could spend 1Mill$ in a day, what would you do/buy?
945. If there was an illness you could cure, which would it be?
946. What T.V show would you want to go on (game show too if chosen).
947. Did you ever try to get on "wheele of forturn"?
948. Do you like the movie "The Grinch stole chrstmas"
949. THe old one or the newer one with Jim Carrey?

950. Will you be watching it since its almost Christmas?
951. How would you decribe me from what you've answered.?
952. Would you PM after you finish so i can put your name on the "finished" lsit?
953. How much gold do you have now?
954. Do you like the different questions, since barely any repeat?
955. 10 minute shower or 30 minute shower?
956. Would you go rock climbing or sky diving more if you could choose?
957. Do you have any tooth cavities?
958. Do you think dolmations are the best pet for a fireman?
959. If no, then what dog should take its place?
960. Do you have a bed time?
961. Do you have a current or classic layout?
962. Why is your current user name , what it is..(why is it that?)?
963. Do you carry around sharpies?
964. Do you keep birthday cards?
965. Whats your favorite line from ANY movie?
966. How many times have you voted today?
967. What does "BTW" and "FTW" mean?
968. Are you currently hyper?
969. Whats one thing you regret doing?
970. If you could one thing you've said back, what would it be?
971. Why would you take it back?
972. Do perv's annoy you?
973. Would you work as a jurr? (on the jury in court)?
974. Who is your hero (comic form)?

975. Do you fall asleep before or after your parents?
976. Do you like monopoly?
977. Ever play the game "life"?
978. What channel is your t.v on?
979. Steak or Ribs?
980. What are you wearing at the current time?
981. Do you shop at Hot Topic?
982. Do you know your credit score?
983. Do you put moose in your hair?
984. Do you style your hair at all?
985. Can you whistle?
986. Would you donate to me?
987. Do you like cold weather?
988. Are you warm or cold blooded?
989. Ever make snow angels?
990. What order would you want the alphabet?
991. Do you know what your wearing tomorrow?
992. When you hear music, do you move to the beat?
993. Whats a tradition in your family hoidays?
994. Did you ever leave out milk and cookies?
995. Do you play at the park?
996. What was your favorite thing about the park you were at?
997. Did you get your first kiss when you little enough for the sand box?
998. Did you ever get chased by boys/girls when you were little?
999. Did they ever catch you and do anything?(such as tickle)?

1000. Can you believe you've reached to # 1000?
1001. Have you ever been rick roll'd?
1002. Do you know the game "mad gab"?
1003. Starbucks or Jamba Juice?
1004. From above, what drink is your favorite?
1005. Do you torture people by tickling them?
1006. Did you ever get into mischief when you were little?
1007. Are you a prep?
1008. Are you a Jock?
1009. Are you something other then those?
1010. Do you still have the "Barney" song stuck in your head from when you were 3?
1011. Do you believe Shaia Labeouf is the next Tom Hanks?
1012. Did you like him in the show "even stevens"?
1013. baked potato or mashed potato's?
1014. Do you think your white and nerdy?
1015. Have you added me yet?
1016. what would you do if i said *gives you a cookie*?
1017. Some where over the _______? <---fill it in"?
1018. Are you good with puzzles?
1019. Are you good with crossword puzzles?
1020. Is your bed made?
1021. Do you sit next to anyone cute in a class?
1022. If you could change your name, what would you chage it too?
1023. Do you cuse?
1024. How many times a day do you curse if you do?

1025. Did you watch a movie today?
1026. When was the last time you ate popcorn?
1027. Do you sit up straight or slouch?
1028. Do you dislike anyone in your family (cousins/aunts , etc.)?
1029. What is the reason for not liking them?
1030. Are you charging your phone right now?
1031. Have you ever gotten your phone taken away?
1032. Who do your pets favor in the family most?
1033. Do you sneak onto the computer sometimes?
1034. How much clothes is in your closet?
1035. Can you believe your within 15 questions of finishing?
1036. How many forums do you post in a day?
1037. Are you in any guilds?
1038. What is the date today?
1039. Are you alergic to any sweets?
1040. Would you work in the poice force?
1041. If you live in the U.S, Do you still remember 9/11?
1042. Do you love when cats meow?
1043. How much gold have you gained now?
1044. Are you glad this quiz is finally over?
1045. Does your head hurt from answering some of these questions?
1046. Will you tell anyone about this quiz?
1047. Did you remember to PM and tell me that you finished this quiz?
1048. Ever been asked "do you have msn" by someone you dont know?
1049. Did you know that i just passed someones other quiz questions?

1050. Do you still love your parents when you argue with them?
1051. Would they be disappointed if you said you were Bi or Gay?
1052. How would you tell your parents you were Gay?
1053. Ever through a huge party for someone?
1054. Did you go the full five yards and include something special?
1055. Ever name a star after someone?
1056. Do you have hockey tickets for an upcoming game?
1057. Do you take me as bitter sweet xD ?
1058. Can you believe you only have 3 questions to answer?
1059. What would you do if you could rule the country?
1060. Do you know all our presidents Middle names?
1061. Did you know i was kidding about the question that you only had 3 left?
1062. Did you know the prize is what you gained?
1063. How much gold did you gain from doing this quiz?
1064. Arent you glad you did this quiz to gain gold?
1065. Did you have fun answering some of these questions, or did you not have any sarcasm?
1066. Will you add me?
1067. How much gold do you have now?
1068. Did you get all that you wanted?
1069. Do you think I'm annoying yet?
1070. Do you wish I would stop making random questions up?
1071. Do you like pickles?
1072. Do you know how much gold you make in a week?
1073. If you do know, how much is that?
1074. What is your favorite color?

1075. Do you have a cell phone?
1078. If yes to the last question, Would you text/call me?
1079. Did you know on this question all you have to say is !!!"WOOOT I FINISHED THIS QUIZ, NOW OBEY ME" XD"".. and then your done.

Chatty Friend

9,375 Points
  • Elocutionist 200
  • Friendly 100
  • Hygienic 200

1. Is your birthday in January?
2. February?
3. March?
4. April?
5. May
6. June?
7. July?
8. August?
9. September?
10. October?
11. November?
12. December?
13. Does your birthday fall in between the 1st and the 5th?
14. Between 6th or 10th?
15. Between 11th or 15th?
16. Between 16th or 20th?
17. Between 21st or 25th?
18. Between 26th or 31st?
19. Is your Zodiac sign the Aries?
20. Taurus?
21. Gemini?
22. Cancer?
23. Leo?
24. Virgo?
25. Libra?
26. Scorpio?
27. Sagittarius?
28. Capricorn?
29. Aquarius?
30. Pisces?
31. Were you born under the year of the Rat?
32. Ox?
33. Tiger?
34. Rabbit?
35. Dragon?
36. Snake?
37. Horse?
38. Sheep?
39. Monkey?
40. Rooster?
41. Dog?
42. Pig?
43. Tired yet of answering questions about your birthday?
44. Ready for more “thrilling” questions?
45. Is your hair color currently your natural hair color?
46. Is your hair color currently not your natural hair color?
47. Is your current hair color Brown?
48. Blonde?
49. White?
50. Red?
51. Blue?
52. Green?
53. Black?
54. Purple?
55. Orange?
56. Would you ever shave your hair?
57. Do you shave your hair?
58. Is your hair long?
59. Short?
60. Medium length?
61. Is your hair permed?
62. Have you ever permed your hair?
63. Is your hair naturally curly?
64. Straight?
65. Wavy?
66. Is your hair currently highlighted?
67. Is your hair layered?
68. Do you like your hair currently?
69. Have you thought about changing your hair color?
70. Have you thought about changing your hair style?
71. Tired of answering to questions about hair?
72. We’re moving on to eyes, excited?
73. Is your eye color naturally blue?
74. Green?
75. Hazel?
76. Brown?
77. Black?
78. Red?
79. Do you wear prescription glasses?
80. Do you wear non- prescription glasses?
81. Do you wear prescription contact lens?
82. Do you wear non- prescription contact lens?
83. Would you ever like to change your eye color to blue?
84. Red?
85. Green?
86. Hazel?
87. Brown?
88. Black?
89. White?
90. Yellow?
91. Purple?
92. Orange?
93. Would you ever consider wearing cat’s eye contacts?
94. Have you ever worn cat’s eye contacts?
95. Do you like your eyes currently?
96. Is your eyesight 20/20?
97. Are you near-sighted?
98. Are you far-sighted?
99. Bored yet?
100. Woot! You’ve done 100 questions so far. Are you proud of this achievement?

101. Excited to do 900 more?
102. Is your ethnic background Caucasian?
103. African?
104. Chinese?
105. Japanese?
106. Philapennse?
107. Mexican?
108. Native?
109. Spanish?
110. Is your ethnic background one not listed above?
111. Are you under 5’0”?
112. Are you between 5’1” and 5’5”?
113. Are you in between 5’6” and 6’0”
114. Are you taller than 6’0”?
115. Do you like your height?
116. Are you single?
117. Married?
118. Divorced?
119. Widowed?
120. Are you heterosexual?
121. Bi-sexual?
122. Homosexual?
123. Ok, we’re done the About You questions. Ready for more?

Are you…

124. Active?
125. Adventurous?
126. Affectionate?
127. Easily afraid?
128. Ambitious?
129. Easily angered?
130. Easily annoyed?
131. Annoying?
132. Apologetic?
133. Arrogant?
134. Attentive?
135. Easily bored?
136. Brave?
137. Brilliant?
138. Careful?
139. Careless?
140. Cautious?
141. Cheerful?
142. Childish?
143. Clever?
144. Clumsy?
145. Confident?
146. Easily confused?
147. Considerate?
148. Cooperative?
149. Courageous?
150. Cowardly?
151. Cruel?
152. Curios?
153. Dangerous?
154. Demanding?
155. Dependable?
156. Dishonest?
157. Disrespectful?
158. Dull?
159. Easygoing?
160. Easily embarrassed?
161. Encouraging?
162. Energetic?
163. Evil?
164. Faithful?
165. Fearless?
166. Foolish?
167. Friendly?
168. Funny?
169. Gentle?
170. Glamorous?
171. Graceful?
172. Greedy?
173. Healthy?
174. Helpful?
175. Honest?
176. Imaginative?
177. Impatient?
178. Impolite?
179. Inconsiderate?
180. Independent?
181. Industrious?
182. Innocent?
183. Intelligent?
184. Lazy?
185. Lively?
186. Lonely?
187. Loving?
188. Loyal?
189. Lucky?
190. Mature?
191. Mean?
192. Messy?
193. Mysterious?
194. Naughty?
195. Nice?
196. Obedient?
197. Picky?
198. Polite?
199. Popular?
200. Positive?

Are you...(cont.)

201. Precise?
202. Rational?
203. Reliable?
204. Religious?
205. Responsible?
206. Rowdy?
207. Rude?
208. Easily scared?
209. Secretive?
210. Selfish?
211. Serious?
212. Shy?
213. Silly?
214. Sly?
215. Smart?
216. Sneaky?
217. Spoiled?
218. Stingy?
219. Strange?
220. Strict?
221. Stubborn?
222. Sweet?
223. Talented?
224. Thoughtful?
225. Thoughtless?
226. Tolerant?
227. Touchy?
228. Trustworthy?
229. Unfriendly?
230. Useful?
231. Weak?
232. Wicked?
233. Wise?
234. Easily worried?
235. Ok! Done all those questions! Feel good about yourself?

Have you ever...

236. Seen a sunset?
237. Seen a sunrise?
238. Been a guest to a surprise party?
239. Been the host to a surprise party?
240. Been given a surprise party?
241. Been in a fist fight?
242. Been on TV?
243. Been to a live theatre?
244. Broken a bone?
245. Broken more than one bone at a time?
246. Wondered what it be like to have a cast?
247. Been on a dated?
248. Been in a relationship?
249. Broken up with someone?
250. Called your bf/gf by the wrong name?
251. Cheated on an exam?
252. Caught someone cheating on an exam?
253. Reported someone cheating on an exam?
254. Got caught cheating on an exam?
255. Cried in public?
256. Screamed in public?
257. Kissed in public?
258. Dated someone of a different race than you?
259. Driven a sports car?
260. Driven a truck?
261. Driven a bus?
262. Driven a standard?
263. Driven an automatic?
264. Dine and dashed?
265. Eaten frog legs?
266. Snails?
267. Calamari?
268. Woke up not know where you were?
269. Got drunk?
270. Remembered a night after drinking?
271. Forgotten a night after drinking?
272. Fallen asleep while taking a bath?
273. Fallen asleep while taking a shower?
274. Fallen asleep while driving?
275. Fallen asleep at a bar?
276. Fallen down the stairs?
277. Been pushed down the stairs?
278. Fallen on top of someone?
279. Fallen on top of someone purposely?
280. Have some fall on top of you?
281. Forgotten your mother’s birthday?
282. Father’s?
283. Girlfriend’s / Boyfriend’s?
284. Sibling’s?
285. Given jewellery to a bf/gf?
286. Gone mountain climbing?
287. Gone bungee jumping?
288. Gone skydiving?
289. Gone skiing?
290. Gone surfing?
291. Seen a ghost?
292. Been a ghost in a dream?
293. Had a DejaVu experience?
294. Made cheesecake?
295. Made muffins?
296. Made cookies?
297. Made banana bread?
298. Cooked a Thanksgiving supper?
299. Cooked a Christmas supper?
300. Cooked for more than 5 people?

Have you ever...(cont.)

301. Met a celebrity?
302. Played a joke on someone?
303. Fallen for a practical joke?
304. Told someone you loved them, and meant it?
305. Have someone tell you they loved you, and meant it?
306. Said I love you, and didn’t mean it?
307. Have someone tell you they loved you, when they didn’t?
308. Regretted saying I love you?
309. Ridden a horse?
310. Ridden a pony?
311. Ridden a donkey?
312. Ridden a camel?
313. Ridden a motorcycle?
314. Said yes when you meant no?
315. Slept in a tent?
316. Slept in a trailer?
317. Swam in an ocean?
318. Swam in a lake?
319. Swam in a river?
320. Gone fishing?
321. Gone fly fishing?
322. Gone ice fishing?
323. Fished in the ocean?
324. Fished on a lake?
325. Fished by a river?
326. Lied?
327. Ridden a skateboard?
328. Ridden a long board?
329. Tired In-line skating?
330. Experienced an earthquake?
331. Experienced a tornado?
332. Experienced a hurricane?
333. Ripped your pants in public?
334. Ripped your pants at home?
335. Kissed someone by mistake?
336. Kissed a member of the same sex?
337. Played Truth or Dare?
338. Played Spin the Bottle?
339. Had a sleepover with the opposite sex?
340. Laughed until tears came from your eyes?
341. Laughed until some kind of liquid came out of your nose?
342. Sprained your ankle?
343. Sprained your wrist?
344. Written an article for a school’s newspaper?
345. Written an article for a local newspaper?
346. Written an article for a national newspaper?
347. Written an article for a global newspaper?
348. Been in a car accident?
349. Seen a car accident?
350. Been called to the principal’s office?
351. Been called to your boss’s office?
352. Dropped out of a class or course?
353. Skipped a class or a course?
354. Reported someone skipping a class or a course?
355. On the radio?
356. Received a love letter?
357. Sent a love letter?
358. Seen a tornado?
359. Milked a cow?
360. Owned a cat?
361. Owned a dog?
362. Owned a bird?
363. Owned a lizard?
364. Owned a snake?
365. Owned a spider?
366. Owned a fish?
367. Owned an exotic animal?
368. Kept a special blanket or bed for your pet to sleep on?
369. Let your pet sleep in or on your bed with you?
370. Given your pet a special treat?
371. Built an igloo?
372. Built a sandcastle?
373. Held a gun?
374. Fired a gun?
375. Killed a wild animal?
376. Hugged a tree?
377. Walked into the wall?
378. Walked into a lamppost?
379. Walked into someone you knew?
380. Walked into someone you didn’t know?
381. Walked into someone you had a crush on?
382. Saved a piece of chewing gum for later?
383. Called a woman “Sir”?
384. Called a man “Ma’am”?
385. Called a teacher mom or dad?
386. Called a friend mom or dad?
387. Asked someone when they were due and wasn’t pregnant?
388. Seen an elephant?
389. Seen a lion?
390. Seen a bear?
391. Seen a monkey?
392. Seen a crocodile?
393. Had a conflict with a teacher or boss?
394. Stolen something?
395. Been caught stealing something?
396. Reported someone stealing?
397. Stopped someone stealing?
398. Failed a class or course?
399. Kept a secret for someone?
400. Told people a secret a friend asked you to keep?

Have you ever...(cont.)
401. Cried yourself to sleep?
402. Had a near death experience?
403. Walked in on someone going to the washroom at home?
404. Walked in on someone going to the washroom in public?
405. Walked in on someone of the opposite sex going to the washroom?
406. Been walked in on going to the washroom?
407. Plagiarized on an assignment?
408. Been caught plagiarizing on an assignment?
409. Caught someone plagiarizing on an assignment?
410. Reported someone plagirarizing on an assignment?
411. Started a rumour on someone?
412. Heard a rumour about you?
413. Had a lover cheat on you?
414. Caught a lover cheating?
415. Cheated on a lover?
416. Been caught cheating on a lover?
417. Chosen a lover over friends?
418. Chosen friends over a lover?
419. Chosen family over a lover?
420. Chosen a lover over your family?
421. Attempted to move an object with your mind?
422. Called a crush, but hanged up just when they said “Hello”?
423. Goggled for yourself?
424. Tried for a reality TV show?
425. Been on a reality TV show?
426. Fake a cry to get out of trouble?
427. Fake a cry to get wake you wanted?
428. Wished you live in a different decade?
429. Dreamt about your wedding day?
430. Forged your parent’s signature?
431. Got caught forging your parent’s signature?
432. Forged someone else’s parent’s signature?
433. Reported someone forging their parent’s signature?
434. Gone after a friend’s crush?
435. Gone after a friend’s ex bf/gf?
436. Gone after a friend’s current bf/gf?
437. Smoked a cigarette?
438. Smoked a cigar?
439. Tried drugs?
440. Been backstage during a concert?
441. Gotten backstage passes?
442. Met your favourite band member or artist?
443. Met your favourite actor?
444. Met your favourite actress?
445. Lost your wallet?
446. Lost your cell phone?
447. Lost and item belonging to a friend?
448. Lost and item belonging to a parent?
449. Lost and item belonging to a lover?
450. Lost and item belonging to a sibling?
451. Dated two people at once, without either of them knowing?
452. Dated two people at once, with both knowing and accepting it?
453. Kept a New Year’s resolution?
454. Failed at keeping a New Year’s resolution?
455. Thrown a party when your parents were gone?
456. Gone back out with an ex?
457. Made the first move?
458. Prank called someone?
459. Had someone prank call you?
460. Had a black eye?
461. Given someone a black eye?
462. Gotten pink eye?
463. Had a co-ed sleepover?
464. Thrown up in public?
465. Dumped a lover through email?
466. Been dumped through an email?
467. Dumped a lover over the phone?
468. Been dumped over the phone?
469. Gotten a friend to tell your lover it’s over?
470. Had someone get their friend to tell you it’s over?
471. Been stun by a jellyfish?
472. Cried after you got a hair cut?
473. Been arrested?
474. Failed a driving test?
475. Seen a falling star?
476. Looked at the stars through a telescope?
477. Looked at a planet or the moon through a telescope?
478. Got to a lover’s graduation ceremony?
479. Invited a lover or crush to a graduation ceremony?
480. Been in an arm wrestle?
481. Won an arm wrestle?
482. Lost and arm wrestle?
483. Had a thumb war?
484. Won a thumb war?
485. Lost a thumb war?
486. Cried during a movie?
487. Lied about your age?
488. Played hard to get, and worked?
489. Played hard to get, and it failed?
490. Got commando?
491. Sneaked in or out of your house late at night?
492. Tried to sneak in or your of your house, but got caught?
493. Eaten a lobster?
494. Chosen which live lobster to eat?
495. Eaten a crab?
496. Chosen which live crab to eat?
497. Gotten a speeding ticket?
498. Told off a teacher or boss?
499. Swore in a class or course?
500. Swore in front of a teacher or boss?

Do you like…

502. Pancakes?
503. Sausages?
504. Eggs?
505. Chickens?
506. Chicks?
507. Cows?
508. Beef?
509. Mac Donald’s?
510. A&W?
511. DQ?
512. French Fries?
513. Japanese?
514. Anime?
515. Manga?
516. Drawing?
517. Painting?
518. Movies?
519. Movie Theatres?
520. Harry Potter?
521. Lord of the Rings?
522. B-Rated Movies?
523. Horror?
524. Comedy?
525. Science Fiction?
526. Aliens?
527. Invader Zim?
528. Johnny the Homicidal Manic
529. Death?
530. Life?
531. Sunshine?
532. Sunsets?
533. Fall?
534. Winter?
535. Spring?
536. Summer?
537. The beach?
538. Lakes?
539. Rivers?
540. Tuna?
541. Salmon?
542. Trout?
543. Fishing?
544. Swimming?
545. Skiing?
546. Hiking?
547. Driving?
548. Racing?
549. NASCAR?
550. Formula One?
551. Green?
552. Blue?
553. Red?
554. Yellow?
555. Orange?
556. Purple?
557. Dresses?
558. Skirts?
559. Ties?
560. Suits?
561. Dress pants?
562. Plaid?
563. Skulls?
564. Roses?
565. Blood?
566. Cloverfield?
567. Cassettes?
568. Walkmans?
569. CDs?
570. Discman?
571. MP3s?
572. Ipods?
573. Macintosh?
574. Windows?
575. PCs?
576. Laptops?
577. Video games?
578. Computer games?
579. Doom 3?
580. Prey?
581. Fear?
582. Legend of Zelda?
583. Mario Party?
584. Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)?
585. Super NES?
586. Nintendo 64?
587. Nintendo Wii?
588. Gameboy?
589. Gameboy Color?
590. Gameboy Sp?
591. Nintendo DS?
592. Phoenix Wright?
593. Mario?
594. Luigi?
595. Yoshi?
596. Playstation?
597. Playstation 2?
598. Playstation 3?
599. Final Fantasy?
600. Metal Gear Solid?

Do you like...(cont.)

601. Crash Bandicoot?
602. Resident Evil?
603. Xbox?
604. Xbox 360?
605. Halo?
606. Halo 2?
607. Halo 3?
608. Oblivion?
609. Dead Rising?
610. Microsoft?
611. Sony?
612. Panasonic?
613. Bose?
614. Speakers?
615. Headphone?
616. Bass?
617. Singing?
618. Nine Inch Nail?
619. My Chemical Romance?
620. Green Day?
621. Metallica?
622. Led Zeppelin?
623. Peter Gabriel?
624. Phil Collins?
625. Puddle of Mudd?
626. Males?
627. Females?
628. Kids?
629. Dogs?
630. Cats?
631. Birds?
632. Snakes?
633. Spiders?
634. Lizards?
635. Fish?
636. Number 13?
637. Number 7?
638. Earrings?
639. Necklaces?
640. Chains?
641. Spikes?
642. Diamonds?
643. Rubies?
644. Sapphires?
645. Snow?
646. Rain?
647. Wind?
648. Hail?
649. Thunder?
650. Lightning?
651. Hot Sauce?

Are you afraid of…

652. Darkness?
653. Noise?
654. Heights?
655. Pain?
656. Wild animals?
657. Needles?
658. Cats?
659. Chickens?
660. Men?
661. Bees?
662. Spiders?
663. Numbers?
664. Fire?
665. Thunder or Lightning?
666. Flying?
667. Stairs?
668. Toads?
669. Cancer?
670. Mirrors?
671. Time?
672. Stings?
673. Cemeteries?
674. Clowns?
675. Bicycles?
676. Rabies?
677. Demons?
678. Crowds?
679. Dentists?
680. Accidents?
681. Electricity?
682. Nosebleeds?
683. Horses?
684. Loneliness?
685. Crossing bridges?
686. Growing old?
687. Speaking to an audience?
688. Women?
689. Hell?
690. Blood?
691. The number 666?
692. Fog?
693. Firearms?
694. Doctors?
695. Fish?
696. Poison?
697. Tornadoes?
698. Hurricanes?
699. Lakes?
700. Moths?

Are you afraid of...

701. Mice?
702. Death?
703. Night?
704. Hospitals?
705. Nuclear weapons?
706. Snakes?
707. Birds?
708. Heaven?
709. Diseases?
710. Friday the 13th?
711. Lice?
712. Dolls?
713. Ghosts?
714. Kissing?
715. Falling in love?
716. Tombstones?
717. Wealth?
718. Spirits?
719. Gaining weight?
720. Beards?
721. Color purple?
722. Puppets?
723. Halloween?
724. Satan?
725. Sharks?
726. Germs?
727. Wasps?
728. Speed?
729. Taking tests?
730. Sea?
731. Witches or Witchcraft?
732. Razors?
733. Animals?


734. Are you wearing socks right now?
735. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?
736. Are you hot?
737. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?
738. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne?
739. Are you due sometime this year for a doctor's visit?
740. Do you have a tan?
741. Do you collect anything?
742. Have you ever drunk your soda from a straw?
743. Do you need to do laundry?
744. Are you someone's best friend?
745. Are you rich?
746. Are you or were you a good student?
747. Do you enjoy sleeping late?
748. Do you drive?
749. Do you believe in karma?
750. Do you believe in luck?
751. Have you ever given money to a bum?
752. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
753. Do you like the smell of gasoline?
754. Do you give in easily?
755. Can you read other people's expressions?
756. Are you a good guesser?
757. Are you a bully?
758. Do you have any nicknames?
759. Have you ever been scuba diving?
760. Do you enjoy challenges?
761. Do you miss anyone right now?
762. Do you listen to the radio?
763. Have you ever caught a butterfly?
764. Do you have any obsessions right now?
765. Do you like things that glow in the dark?
766. Do you watch cartoons?
767. Have you ever sat on a roof?
768. Have you ever been to a different country?
769. Do you like sushi?
770. Do you believe in magic?
771. Do you hold grudges?
772. Do you go to church?
773. Do you pray?
774. Do you wear jewellery?
775. When you were in school, did you speak up in class?
776. Did you sit in front or the back?
777. Do you have a green thumb?
778. Are you a good speller?
779. Do you have any weird habits?
780. Do you type well?
781. Do you prefer to be behind the camera?
782. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera?
783. Do you wake up easily in the morning?
784. Have you ever had a boyfriend that you regret dating?
785. Do you feel younger than your current age?
786. Do you feel older than your current age?
787. Do you buy lottery tickets?
788. Have you ever peed your pants after age 8?
789. Would you date someone you met online?
790. Do you wear deodorant?
791. Do you hate yourself?
792. Do you like tongue twisters?
793. Do you know how to drive a car?
794. Have you ever cut off a limb?
795. Are you ghetto?
796. Do you believe in the external world?
797. Would you cry if Gaia stopped working?
798. Do you have a blog?
799. Have you ever been on a roller coaster?
800. Do you consider yourself religious?

801. Have you ever been to Six Flags?
802. Would you smoke?
803. Do you believe that animals have souls?
804. Have you ever fallen in love with a neighbour?
805. Would you be president if you could?
806. Do you have a soul?
807. Do you believe in spontaneous combustion?
808. Do you like the band Radiohead?
809. Do you think Snoop Dogg sucks?
810. Have you ever driven a Ferrari?
811. Have you ever walked more than a mile?
812. Have you ever gone to a mall?
813. Would you be my friend?
814. Do you read much?
815. Do you play an instrument?
816. Would you date someone older than you?
817. Do you believe in love at first sight?
818. Do you drink alcohol?
819. Do you want to talk to anyone right now?
820. Would you dress as the opposite sex?
821. Do you like to learn?
822. Have you ever been hit on by the same sex?
823. Do you have a bad life?
824. Do animals go to Heaven?
825. Do you like your name?
826. Would you drop out of school or quit your job?
827. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter?
828. Do you like celebrities?
829. Do you like travelling?
830. Would you go rock climbing?
831. Do you believe in love?
832. Have you ever snuck anyone into your house?
833. Do you personally know any bums?
834. Do you believe in aliens?
835. Would you sell your soul to the Devil?
836. Would you have plastic surgery?
837. Do you have a bf/gf?
838. Do you have any pets?
839. Do you believe in soul mates?
840. Do you stop to smell the roses?
841. Do you like taking surveys?
842. Do you know how to drive stick?
843. Do you ever use your full name?
844. Would you eat human flesh for money?
845. Do you like seafood?
846. Have you ever sworn?
847. Would you try to take over the world?
848. Would you give me $5?
849. Do you want to get married?
850. Do you study the Bible?
851. Do you like photography?
852. Do you ever cook?
853. Would you run from the police?
854. Have you ever been asked for an autograph?
855. Do you wear makeup?
856. Do you want a boyfriend or girlfriend?
857. Have you ever been high... on life?
858. Do you want to have kids?
859. Do you shower daily?
860. Have you ever bought a car?
861. Have you ever been tied up?
862. Have you ever been to a gay bar?
863. Did you French kiss before you were 16?
864. Have you ever had a poem or a song written about you?
865. Have you ever found anything in your parents' bedroom that was questionable?
866. Have you ever peeked in the opposite sexes locker room?
867. Have you ever bitten your toenails?
868. Have you ever sniffed an animal's butt?
869. Do you have any strange phobias?
870. Have you ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?
871. Have you ever been dared to do something you totally regretted?
872. Have you ever been drunk at work or school?
873. Do you want to bring sexy back?
874. Do you consider yourself kind?
875. Do you know your neighbours?
876. Do you follow your horoscope?
877. Would you move for the person you loved?
878. Are you touchy feely?
879. Do you believe that opposites attract?
880. Do you paint your nails?
881. Do you trust people easily?
882. Do you keep a handwritten journal?
883. Are you paranoid?
884. Do you own a gun?
885. Do you have A.D.D.?
886. Does someone have a crush on you?
887. Do you own an iPod?
888. Do any of your friends have children?
889. Has anyone ever called you lazy?
890. Do you ever take medication to help you fall asleep faster?
891. Has anyone told you a secret this week?
892. Have you ever given someone a hickey?
893. Do you think people talk about you behind your back?
894. Are you shy around the opposite sex?
895. Do you own any band t-shirts?
896. Do you read for fun?
897. Do you cry a lot?
898. Do you currently want any piercings or tattoos?
899. Would you ever date someone covered in tattoos?
900. Is sex before marriage wrong?

901. Do you pay attention to calories on the back of packages?
902. Have you ever crashed a someone else's party?
903. Are you picky about spelling and grammar?
904. Do you like cottage cheese?
905. Have you ever bid for something on eBay?
906. Do you enjoy giving hugs?
907. Have you ever licked a 9 volt battery?
908. Are you registered to vote?
909. Do you have cable?
910. You like anyone right now?
911. Do you have a garden?
912. Do you know all the words to the national anthem?
913. Have you ever smoked peanut shells?
914. Have you ever been in a beauty pageant?
915. Have you ever won a trophy?
916. Ever ordered from an infomercial?
917. Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school/work?
918. Can exes just be friends?
919. Did you have long hair as a young kid?
920. Do Lipton Tea employees take coffee breaks?
921. If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest drown too?
922. If the police arrest a mime, do they tell him he has the right to remain silent?
923. Can you cry under water?
924. If a man alone in the woods said something would a woman still say he was wrong?
925. Can bald people have Hairline fractures?
926. If nobody buys a ticket to a movie do they still show it?
927. Are you close with your family?
928. Do you like to watch sports?
929. Do you like to drink?
930. Do you do any drugs?
931. Did you dream last night?
932. Do you remember your dreams?
933. Seen anything weird lately?
934. Do you like to dance?
935. Does your name make any interesting anagrams?
936. Would you ever consider living abroad?
937. Are you listening to music right now?
938. Do you carry a donor card?
939. Is the glass half empty?
940. Is the glass half full?
941. Do you know how to pump your own gas?
942. Do you touch-type?
943. Is there anything going on this weekend?
944. If you won the lottery would you tell people?
945. Do you sing in the shower?
946. Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
947. Can you close your eyes and raise your eyebrows?
948. Any new and exciting things?
949. Have you ever seen a UFO?
950. Do you have premonitions that are correct?
951. Are you clumsy?
952. Are you a packrat?
953. Do you go to yard sales?
954. Do you donate to charity?
955. Are you frequently misunderstood?
956. Are you spontaneous?
957. Have you ever had your fortune read?
958. Were you ever attacked by an animal?
959. Do you always stop in pet store when you go to the mall?
960. Do you do your own laundry?
961. Have you ever had an operation?
962. Has anyone ever been obsessed with you?
963. Have you ever taken a foreign language?
964. Do people tend change under your influence?
965. Are you impatient waiting in lines?
966. Do you like your friends?
967. Have you ever washed someone's hair
968. Have you ever been dirty-dancing?
969. Have you ever been in a school play?
970. Have you ever ridden on a moped?
971. Ever get a parking ticket?
972. Ever call a 1-900 number?
973. Are you a fan of dragons?
974. Are you sane?
975. Do you own a bow and arrow?
976. Do you believe in Dinosaurs?
977. Do you believe in the president?
978. Do you like peanuts?
979. Do you like Chemistry?
980. Are bees evil?
981. Is cheese anything like boys?
982. Is there a key to your heart?
983. Is there a animal in the room?
984. Do you have a alter ego?
985. Have you ever seen a Polar Bear?
986. Did you know Bob Marley?
987. Do you own art?
988. If the men from Monty Python asked you would you get naked?
989. Have you ever considered that you were not meant to be born a human?
990. Do you like superpowers?
991. Do cows fall in love?
992. Is there actually a Sci-fi tv show with good acting?
993. Would you kill someone over a sandal?
994. Is there anything thicker then blood?
995. Does it suck to be you?
996. Have you fallen in love with music?
997. Have you ever considered stalking someone?
998. Is Utopia a real place?
999. Are you a random person?
1000. Are you proud of yourself for answering this many questions?
1001. Did you finish a quiz of 1001 questions?

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