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                                                          It had been months since Adam had killed someone. Correction, it had been months since Adam had been on an assignment. That was the proper term for killing or so he was told, but never really thought about people as homework. He had hated homework in school, so why would he want do it outside of a educational facility? That was probably because he didnt really have a choice anymore. Once upon a time he had been the rudest, ignorant, cocky son of a b***h you'd ever meet. Ever. A person that needed everything yesterday, if not sooner. But no more. If years of hellish solitude in that horrible psychiatric center had taught him nothing else, it was how to wait for what he wanted. He sat patiently in the living room of his targets upper side flat, weapon cradled on lap, and watched the lights of the street below and biding his time. He was in no hurry, at all. Enjoying the view, and even more, finally starting to enjoy life. Ever since he had started accepting retrieval missions from the Angeletti's, his lifestyle had actually started to become fulfilling. That was of course, when he wasn't called up at random times to carry out assignments. At 3:00 A.M. sharp, a key sounded in the lock. Adam could have quickly risen to his feet and hung against the wall like a large family portrait, but decided against it. He didn't feel like acting particularly sneaky on this night for some strange reason. Instead, he actually felt good for once in a long time. He knew he should have been fearing for his life at the moment, but on the contrary, knowing this simple fact regulated the flow of adrenaline coursing through his veins.

                                                          Garbed in all white painter coveralls, Adam scratched his head through the suits hood and listened to the faint footsteps grow louder and louder as the assignment walked deeper into the bowels of his apartment. The man of the hour, Edmund Vlaire, was whistling as he dropped his things and entered the room. Adam recognized the melody from a old movie called Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and smiled through the painters mask as the Vlaire walked directly past the beige natoosi leather couch where he had situated himself. Straight to the bar located on the opposite side. It must haveve been another good night, because he had just opened the 87' instead of going for the scotch as usual. Probably raped another child, and got away with it. Again. Adam knew he was there to take him out for other reasons, money laundering from the mafia, or some s**t. He had forgotten what the dossier had said exactly. But he loved getting jobs where the mans rap sheet was longer than his testicle's, stretched out. He also loved the liquid terror that could be seen dripping into their veins like a hospital I.V. Sort of like the look Vlaire had given Adam the moment he turned around. Pricless. The whistling stopped, and the glass hit the floor as Vlaire saw Adam waving for him take a seat with the silenced FN Five-Seven handgun.

                                                          Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

                                                          Thirty minutes had passed since the incursion, and boy oh boy was Vlaire a fighter! Well, not in the sense that he was literally fighting back. It seemed funny to Adam that he had forgotten his tools back at his apartment because it usually didn't happen. But Edmund had a nice thirty two piece cutlery set that finished the job just fine. He didn't even have to use his gun! Well, maybe to shoot the china mans kneecaps so he couldn't jump out the window. Why did they always try and run? 

                                                          "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHRGRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! DO YOU INOW WHO I AM? DO YOU YOU EVEN KNOW WHO YOUR ******** WITH" Vlaire screamed in pain as he lay on his side and his arms bound with plastic cuffs. One of the shitty details  that realtor forgets to tell a a person when they choose to be greedy and purchase an entrire penthouse suite top floor. No one can hear you scream. "Calm down, Mr. Vlaire." Adam stated in a matter of factly tone as he walked back to the couch and took a seat, massaging the material with his gloved hands. Oh how he loved a fine couch. "Calm down, Mr. Vlaire." Adam repeated as he stared around the apartment. It had been really nice! Shame for all the blood on the white carpet thought. "Tell me what I need to know, and I'll be on my way." He then stood up, walked over, and knelt in front of the man. "Some people figure you might have gotten too fat off your own lard Mr. Vlaire. That laundered money you decided not to stole, should have been wired in by now. Mr. Rafael has grown very impatient with you... What? Did you think that you could have gotten away with the five million? Anyway, That's none of my business. I am here for the code to the account Mr. Vlaire." The man known as Edmund Vlaire laughed as he coughed up a glob of congealed blood and spat it at Adam, but missed."I got while the gettin' was good kid. The Angeletti families gonna' to burn to the ground!" He said as he started laughing, and stared at Adam with the same piggy eyes almost as if trying to summon a veil of false bravery to shroud the fact that he had been fearing for his life. "Look, you let me go.. and I'll split it with ya! Eighty, Twenty." the fat balding man gurgled out with his whiskey laced breath. Adam could smell it right through the mask as the man made a last ditch effort to save his hide. Even in the face of death, the man had been a greedy b*****d. "I'm taking your failed attempt at creating a business transaction with me as a no? Then you leave me no choice Mr. Vlaire."

                                                          [******** YOU YOU COCKSU-" Edmund Vlaire could no longer finish the sentence because of the fact that Adam had stuffed a cloth gag into his mouth. His whiny voice had undoubtedly gotten annoying to the boy, so Adam had decided to silence him. Well, kind of. The man had still managed to muffle a ALRIGHT ALRIGHT, SEVENTY - FORTY! as Adam asked him if he had been sure that he wanted to go through with this. He took the answer as a yes as he injected the man with dopamine and adrenaline. Edmund Vlaire wasn't about to go into shock or pass out during the retrieval process. "Blink twice when you are ready to give up the codes Mr. Vlaire" Adam could hear the man try to scream through the gag as he brought the butcher knife down onto the mans pinky finger, and then cauterized the wound with a blow torch. No avail, for Edmund Vlaire still wouldn't blink twice. He knew what he had to do. Adam dragged the man across the carpet / hardwood flooring of the penthouse suite, and then threw him out the glass patio screen door. "The problem with you Mr. Vlaire..-" Adam cut the two thousand dollar, bloodied jacket off the man with a paring knife, and continued to strip all of the underlying articles of clothing under it until Edmund Vlaire had been topless. "Do you think understand pain because of your age? You've seen everything the world can throw at you? And because I'm part of the new generation, I have no...-" The man said nothing, which infuriated Adam so he stopped talking. Vlaire saw him as a joke. Vlaire really thought he had seen it all, with had been a giant mistake. Adam then stomped on the mans groin multiple times before kicking Vlaire in the rib cage, and forced him to flip onto his pathetic beer belly. Kneeling down beside the man, Adam grabbed Edmunds hair and yanked his head up before whispering into his right ear. "Hell will seem like R&R after I've finished with you." He then slammed the mans face down on to the concrete flooring of the Penthouse's patio before bringing it back up again and switching on the blow torch. "Because you have no idea, what I am capable of." 

                                                          The view looked beautiful, he thought as he finished banana he had been eating. He folded the banana, and tossed it in the trash before washing his hands, and putting on new latex gloves. He had to give it to Vlaire, the man could take a beating but then again, Adam hadn't even gotten started yet. Unfortunately, he hadn't accounted for the fact that the man had would have taken up so much time to talk, and gone into his personal time. Pretty good, now Vlaire had to be punished. He thought as he returned to the patio with a jug of bleach in his right hand and scotch in his left. He then emptied the two liquids over the mans burned and scarred body, and watched Vlaire writhe in pain before tossing aside the empty bottles. "Wouldn't want those bruises to get infected. Ready to talk yet Mr. Vlaire?." Adam asked in a bored tone, and watched as the man didn't move. ******** it. Kicking him over on his beer belly again, Adam withdrew the fillet knife from the cutlery set and sliced a large nick across the mans lower back before proceeding to peel the mans skin from the muscle and fat by ripping it upwards as if he were receiving a Brazilian wax job. The blood curdling scream that emitted from Edmund Vlaires' mouth sounded like music to Adams ears as he held the man down with his boot pressing onto the mans now rapidly bleeding wound. This is were the dopamine and adrenaline kicked in. Tossing the skin aside, Adam quickly clicked on the blow torch and cauterized the mans entire backside. The heat from the torch melted fat and burned blood as the flames danced across the bare muscle and exposed veins. This forced him to scream even louder than he had before. "Up we get!" Adam said as he dragged the Vlaire to his feet by only his hair and leaned him over the patio railing that looked down on to the street. Taking the cape like flap of skin in latex hands, Adam tied it around the railing before lifting Edmund Vlaires legs up and pushed them over the railing to follow his body. "If you talk, I'll cut you loose,... scouts honor." Adam said as he watched the man hang over the building suspended by only his skin. "However, if you don't talk, you will most likely bleed to death or the skin will eventually tear, and you will drop fall to your death. Either way, balls in your court." Adam watched the man in anticipation. He didn't want to die. That had been too much money, he realized as the man opened his cracked lips and started speaking.

                                                          "0.....0628.............27PA617.......4.. "Edmund choked weakly with his rasping breath. After dialing the message in text form, he sent it straight to his computer back at HQ. The code checked out. "Your in luck, your s**t checked out!" Adam leaned over the railing and stared at Edmund. The man tried to smile, but Adam had sliced his lips straight down the middle. "I suppose I should stick to my deal." Adam then pulled a butcher knife from the kitchen set, and chopped the skin bindings from the metal railing. The back skin flap seemed to have flowed like a cape as the man dropped! He thought as he listened to the skin beat against the wind until it had gotten out of hearing range. But that didn't stop him from watching the body as it splattered on the concrete sidewalk below. "Oops." Adam chided as he pulled out a disposable phone from his pocket, and then dialed 911. As the phone rang, then man reached into his back pocket of his bloodstained coveralls before taking out Edmunds home defense revolver. The line picked up. "911, Please state the nature of your emergency." a feminine voice sounded.

                                                          "Help! Please! I heard screaming on the top floor! And I think there's a gun!"  Adam then squeezed the trigger two times and then tossed the gun over the railing. "Please hurry!" He then hung up, and jumped out of the painters overalls, tossing them into the electric fired with the banana peel, and watched as the banana burned. Good, that would have been the only evidence linking him to the crime, he thought as he took the sim card out of the disposable phone, cracked it, and tossed it into the fire as well. All in a days work, he thought as he whistled in the elevator ride down. All in a days work. 

                                                          The following afternoon

                                                          Yawning loudly, Adam flipped over on his face as the sunlight walloped it with a fist of bright fury. He used to wonder why people hated morning so much, and now knew why. Slowly sitting up on the queen sized bed, Adam turned his head as his cellphone started ringing, and then stopped suddenly. "Fuuck." he sighed lightly as he swung his legs over the bed and proceeded to get wash up. After he had finished getting ready, Adam doubled checked that he had everything he needed this time, and started moving out the door. He had only taken two steps before kicking kicking his Venom helmet on mistake. "Gonna need this." He thought as he bent over and donned the protective gear before leaving the the apartment complex. It had been just one of his many safe houses for storage and such. You could never be too safe. Ever. He had been a living example of that, learning to trust no one. Except Rafael. He saw everyone else as potential dead weight until proven wrong he thought as he walked the distance of the garage and mounted his Erbacher. The ride to HQ seemed shorter than usual. Then again, he hadn't stopped for any of lights or oncoming traffic, and had been surprised the police hadn't stopped him. Probably because he had been in what he would have liked to call the red halo. An invisible line that cops didn't really like crossing, because of the fact that everyone had been a potential threat who had surrounded the Angeletti HQ building. Having been an Angeletti Freelance Agent, he already knew who to look and not look after. Besides. He hadn't been worried, he had actually been happy! Today had been the day he'd broken last years self-set quota for retrievals, Adam thought as happily as he pulled into his reserved parking space. He had finally reached twenty-five million dollars in self-returned assets to the Angeletti family. He didn't even bother to take his helmet off as he entered the building and took the elevator up to his office. Now that he thought about it, he needed an assistant. But finding one would've been a b***h, and he had definitely been too lazy, he thought as he enjoyed the view of his corner office and slipped into the leather couch. He hadn't slept well, so the nap felt well deserved.

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          Out of Condoms | Urgh, never posting like that again, ever. 
          Thinking | Happy 25M
          Location | Corner Office
          Current | Apparel
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                                                              The last words that seemed to run through Tiberious' mind were the words 'Keep Calm' as everything went to went to hell around him. Almost as if he had been in a boring class, staring at the teacher and hoping that the words would soon start to make sense to him. It didn't help that no one, absolutely no one had come to interrupt the two as she stood over him and tossed the bottle on the couch. He didn't know what to do as the girl "What are you...-" Tiberious blinked hard as she straddled him and the world went from slow motion to full blown stoppaged. Almost as if he had gone back in time like a muggle time traveller called The Doctor, everyone in the room had seemed to stop, and simply disappear as the Tartus exploded and eviscerated everything except Maystelle and Tiberious in the RoR. Okay breath.. oh god, I've forgotten how to breath!, he thought to himself as his eyes darted all over the girls body. He had not thought about it until now, but this had been the closest he had allowed a woman to get to him in two entire year. So it had been safe to say, whatever the dance floor had not finished, this move from her sure had.

                                                              He had actually gone brain dumb. He did not know whether to place his hands on her exposed thighs on to the couch. So, he did the latter. If he had been completely wasted like his female counterpart, he probably would have thrown her on the couch and snogged her right there there on the couch . But unfortunately, he still clung on to some sense of responsibility, if only by the fingertips. Correction. Fingernails. Again, correction. Everything had fleeted suddenly as he had been forced to look into her eyes. What the ********, had he been the veela? he thought as the optics seemed to pierce him with all their drunken allure. Being bested by a normal girl.. how embarrassing, his parents would have scrutinized him about it seeing as if they had know Maystelle. They always did. "Oh she's such a well mannered woman!" He remembered the words well, and wondered if they would have thought the same thing had they seen her now. Breath, breath! He told himself as she brought her face closer to his as if she were about to kiss him. "Wha-" he stopped talking as she began to spoke, but couldn't stop thinking about her lips. They had looked so soft, and couldn't help but wonder what they had tasted like. It felt like pure electricity as he looked up from her lips and into her eyes. Tiberious clenched his teeth and forced a smile on his face as she stated she had only been joking. He had to give it to her, and she had artfully dodged a bullet, and had successfully been the first girl to reject him while intoxicated. Maybe she caught it, maybe she hadn't, he didn't care. She didn't feel anything, apparently, at least that had been what it felt like to him as she withdrew her face from his. Good job, he said to himself as she rose from his lap.

                                                              "It's pronounced Smir-nov hun." he chided as he walked beside her, but stopped at the bar as she continued onto talk to Charlie. Staring around the room Tiberious saw that everyone at the party seemed to be having fun. Enjoying themselves. Turning back to Charlie, Tiberious had noticed even he had been having fun. With Maystelle. At first, he didn't know how to react to the situation., but then he had seen Charlie's face, and then burst out laughing as Charlie started stuttering. Tiberious smiled stupidly before making a motion as if locking his lips together and tossing away the key before taking the bottle away from Maystelle, but their hands touched and he had felt it. It hadn't been heat, but more electricity as their skin touched each other. "You know you never answered my question." he said as he replaced Maystelle's Smirnoff with Charlie's butter beer and looked away from her. "I didn't give you this, alright?" Tiberious shouted over the loud music with tears still in his eyes from the laughing. He loved the boy like a little brother and would definitely miss him after graduation. But now hadn't been the time to sulk, now had been the time to have fun. Tiberious sniffed, and then turned back to Maystelle. "Alright Lady, you got your drink and a snog to boot! Where to now?"  

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Thinking | Good job Charlie!
OOC | yuck post is yuck.
W/ | maystelle, hwang MARIO | charlie, lawn chair crisis
Outfit | Click gif
His body swayed into the beat as the music pumped into his ears. His eyes rolled within their sockets under as eyelids shielded them from the sporadic rapidly changing strobe lights. "Don’t worry about it, I’ll get you another one." He smiled as he gave her back the drink to finish it off. After a while his heart started beating faster as it seemed to jump from double time to quadruple time; as it tried to compete with the music, it felt as if someone had removed all the blood within his body, and replaced it with epinephrine. If someone had cut him, he would have bled fountains of the clear liquid. Tiberous had felt this similar when he remembered the old days when he’d partied with James for he’d been there before Jace. He had been there first with the pranks, and the parties; but after he had become team captain, he learned to accept more responsibilities and stop partying so damned much. Probably why another person had received all the credit for something he could have, but chose not to do. He didn’t care because it hadn’t at all affected the two’s relationship for some reason, he thought as he looked through a part in the crowd and saw Albus for if only a moment, and then back down in surprise as Maystelle started to move against him.

Surprise would not even come close to being the word that he would use to describe the event that had started to unfold in front of his now wide opened eyes. And that statement, would’ve been an understatement. At first, he thought he had taken another girl around his arms and guided her to the dance floor unknowingly, but as Maystelle turned and her head and smiled at him, he was forced to believe that she was still Maystelle. Or maybe it had been one of her freaky friends who had stolen a hair from her brush and crafted a polyjuice potion just to sleep with him. He didn’t know why, unless Maystelle would have told her about him being vela, and she wanted him for baby-making!

Silly… …silly daft insinuations, he told himself. The fact that he hadn’t run into a duplicate, or Maystelle number one, forced him to believe that he was in fact with the original. But wouldn’t that make the entire situation wrong? The thought rapped against the side of his conscious multiple times as she got closer, and closer. What would people think, if they had seen this? Not that he cared about his reputation at the school anymore, but anything he would’ve done with her after words on the team would’ve seemed as if it were special treatment, he thought as he wanted to step back. But his legs seemed locked in the process of trying to move his body closer to her. He didn’t want to revert back to his old self, and never figured Maystelle, would have been the one to take him there. This is bad, he thought as his right hand to her waist and left to her thigh. The last word that seemed to flash through his mind, or part of the word for that matter had been self-…  As his mind had now locked what had been a prominent conscience, in a barred cage, Tiberious’ body had now been the controller of what had almost been an innocent dance session. In layman’s terms, not a single ******** would be given that night. Enough thinking, and more acting, he thought as he closed the space between them and the fun began. "Yeah, you're okay." he responded smiling at her

But there had been a problem he had soon found out about in all of his proactiveness’. And it was simple; the boy had forgotten how to dance. "Hey May, there might be a slight problem. I’ve forgotten how to dance!" He yelled loud enough so that she could hear him, but it had been the booming laugh that turned the people’s heads closest towards them to them. Embarrassing thing to say out loud? But it had been better than just standing there like a blithering idiot like most of guys around him. So much for using an example to guide off of, but that didn’t matter so much after a while, for he had starting learning to just follow Maystelle’s fluid movements. He just sort of just shuffled around until he found the rhythm of the songs being played. And because she weaved her fingers with his as he finally found the correct spots to place his hands. He didn't want to take advantage of the girl; even though he could have multiple times, probably because of the simple fact that they had run already through a bottle of  Smirnoff, and half a bottle of Bacardi. So plastered? No, down but not out. So no groping of the breast or crotch. He did enjoy the fact that she had stayed with him for so long, and it was probably because of the fact that he had been having so much fun with her, and she must've felt the same way seeing as if they had both turned down multiple people who had tried to split them apart.

Tiberious couldn't help but laugh as he combed his fingers through his hair with his right hand, and took a swing from the Bacardi before passing the bottle to Maystelle. "See? I told you I'd get you more. Maybe not FW but it's still good." he said while smiling at her. It must have been the liquor whispering to him, but something told him to lean forward and kiss her as she looked at him. Maybe it wasn't the liquor. She smelled sweet, and he wondered if she had tasted the same. My god, he thought as he looked away from her, of all the times his conscience could return to him, it had to have been when he was plastered and ready to shag something. Great. No matter, he would not touch her if she didn't want it as badly as he did even though they had in close proximity for a while, he thought as he placed his RECKLESS cap on her head. It didn't match, she still looked looked cute either.

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                                                              Tiberious blinked hard as to try and wake up from the dream he had been having. "Okay, your clearly asleep, and any moment now, you are going to stop tripping balls mate." his conscious told him as he moved closer to Maystelle. "No! This is real!" a smaller voice chipped in. "This obviously isn't real, go for the teet bro, shes just a figment of your imagination!" Tiberious slowly snaked the hand that hadn't been entwined in imagination Maystelles hand, up the side of her body. "Don't do it! It's all real!" the little voice pipped in again. But it had been so small, he could barely hear it like it had been there, and not there at the same time. So he allowed his hand to continue to move and finally rest on her breast. "You see mate? Nothing. Soft and squishy, just like you'd imagined it would be. You're just dreamin'. Probably not even in hogwarts yet!" the louder, more confident conscious shouted. "My god, what have you done man!?!? Oi stop moving your hand on her thigh like that! the small voice chipped in, but this time, started gaining intensity and volume.

                                                              "I think Sam's jelly mate." 

                                                              "Wasn't it obvious? That had been the reason he came over in the first place!" 

                                                              "Didn't notice. I was too busy making us look ******** awesome! And besides, if you would just stop acting like such a b***h, he wouldn't be able to compete with us at all!" the louder conscious yelled, rapping his brain with a mental fist, which in turn made Tiberious want to ball his fingers into a fist, and knock Sam Grey on his a**.

                                                              "Look at him, he's just a pretty boy! You'd still look better than him with two olive eyes and a split lip mate. How are you gonna let that man, come over hur', and dance with your girl? " The teenager felt his soul slip away from his body as he tensed up again. "The old Tiberious I knew would have sorted that b***h out a while ago! Go ahead! Finish him mate! He's not going for it, so swoop in like that super hero from that muggle comic!" He couldn't control himself as he moved the hand that had been on her thigh, to her face and turned her head so that he could lightly plant his lips on her own. She tasted sweeter than he had imagined, and didn't want to break apart even if Samuel had been as close as he had been. He just didn't care anymore. Or so he thought for if only a moment. "No! Don't listen to him! You're not your old self! You're better than that now! And get your hand off her tit!" the smaller voice had started to get louder yet in his head and Tiberious relaxed again as he started moving his hand from her breast. "Be the the suave one mate! Shes your teammate.... He's you're teammate! There should be no excuse why you should hit him! Maystelle's not even yours to claim! Look at you taking advantage of her while she's completely plastered."  

                                                              He then broke the kiss as he felt a ping of guilt shoot through his system like a bucket of ice water dumped over his head. "Oi, come off it! We're plastered too! Keep that hand right there! You know it feels right mate, and why can't we have fun after two years of your reign? When's the last time we held a tit? If he wants to sort out Sam for interrupting us, then let it be!" The freezing feeling disappeared almost instantaneously, making him re-cup them. "It does sort of feel nice. No wait! I mean... it doesn't! THAT'S NOT THE POINT! Urgh, There's no excuse worth hitting a teammate for...... point blank." the voices had been equally matched now as they canceled each other out and Tiberious seemed to be in state limbo as his eyes glazed over, his head bobbed, and body still moved with the music. Never before had he been through so much indecision in his entire life. He stared around, and noticed a couple of people had been paying attention, but at this point wondered "They looked extra s**t faced and jealous."

                                                              "The question is, who isn't shitfaced and jealous of us right now mate?" He just hoped he remembered something, if anything from the night after he'd awoken.

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Thinking | Hfkckhfckfh. Is this real life?
OOC | Omg, I had a blast with this post. =D epic battle of the conscious leaves wizard broken. sober good will vs. drunken logic
W/ | Maystelle, hwang MARIO | Samuel, wast3d
Outfit | Click gif

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