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Aiden Lee Hyung


Look baby, I only want to greet the morning with you.
Before this night passes, our own secret party
But your like Cinderella want to go home when the clock hits 12.
Lonely nights are long, callin' up your parents.
I act strong but it bothers me, S.O.S there's no progress..
Oh wait a second! Why am I like this? Am I drunk? I'm getting dizzy.. I'm falling asleep.
Don't go home baby~ I have a present here for you
Don't go home today baby ye~ To be honest I'm not used to it either
Sweetheart .


The day seemed to have dragged a bit longer than usually. It was fairly cold out, it was winter after all. At least the season was coming to an end. The students that roamed the campus, made their way quickly to class. Must be due to the cold harsh gusts of wind. The prestigious University campus was awfully big. Building where everywhere, if not in the main campus, they would be in other campus centers throughout the city, or the state. The main campus, consisted of the more expensive and longer career goals. That means student's looking to be a doctor, a scientist, a business CEO, etc. Though the school was very expensive, many students recieved full ride scholarships to the University, by talent, or grades. Dorms where all over the place, within and out of the campus. Lot's of the professors had a room in the dorms of their own. Since the days were long, and they could not really afford being late to teach or not having access to their classrooms.

Aiden Hyung was one of the many Professor of the University. Professor Hyung taught the anatomy classes, and some other science classes, like biology, and chemistry. Hyung was originally from Seoul, South Korea. He was born and raised there as a child. Back in South Korea school and study was really important especially to his parents. So when exams came up in school, he had to study extra hard, and do his very best, to make his parents proud. When he had finished up high school, he had received an offer, to go abroad to the United States, all expenses paid to join one of the top Universities. The decision was a hard one, but his parents insisted he take the offer. Aiden finished University at the age of 26. He had received a Ph.D in Science. Now, he could have been out there doing something more impressive than being a Professor. He did want to do something different, but in order to do so, he need to earn and save up some money first. Hyung simply needed to take a couple more pricey classes, and a plane ticket back to his homeland.

Professor Hyung sat at his long, jet black wooden desk. He wore his glasses, only when grading papers or reading a book. Pushing his glasses up with his index finger, he read over the material. It was yesterday's essay assignment. One would think he was tired, annoyed and very uninterested in grading things like this. But honestly, he loved science, and every paper he read was truly different, with opinions and facts, he hadn't read before. Putting one of the last essays flat down on the desk, he stood up off his chair. He stretched his arms, above his head. Leaning his head to the sides, hearing his own bones crack. A small smile shaped his lips, as students began to walk in. As they rushed at the ring of the bell, he walked around his desk, to the very front of the classroom.

"Hello everyone! Welcome back to Anatomy class~" Professor Hyung sang cheerfully, as he clasped his hands together. Rubbing his moist hands against one another, as he paced through the rows. He looked each student in the eye, giving them a small head bow. There was one particular student he had always had an interest for. Not only was it her gorgeous looks, but it was everything else. Just something about seeing her in his classroom and even outside of the campus, made his day. Hyung probably gave her the biggest smile, as he approached her. "Hello, Miss Simon. You're looking very lovely today." Without another word he walked off, down the rows. Throwing some other positive compliments to other students. So it wouldn't seem obvious that he favored Miss Simon a bit more than the other.

As Professor Hyung reached the last student of the last row, he walked back to the front. "Well. All of my pupils have been doing very well in class. In class and home work especially. I am very impressed. I know you wouldn't all mind a load more of work. But..I think we need a day off. At least for the first thirty minutes of class. Don't you all think so?" Without another word, Professor Hyung walked over to the light switch, turning them completely off, as he turned on the projector that hung above with the remote control in his pocket. "I'm going to pop in a little movie for you. Well, more like a television series. We will be watching an episode or two of the 'First 48'. I know it's more for a Forensic Science class. But this is science after all, so it's all fair. Enjoy~" As he pressed play on the remote, he walked back over to his desk. Taking a seat back on his chair, his eyes scanned over the classroom. He was many happy faces, he assumed they were glad they had a little treat, after all the extreme pillage of work he had overwhelmed them with. All his students knew that if they needed to talk about homework, classwork, grades, or anything could come up to his desk at anytime. Seeing that he had probably seen the episode up on the screen a dozen times, he looked down at his desk. Picking up his mechanical pencil, he began to spin it between his fingers, amused by such a little distraction.

((OOC; Holly crap, this is too much. I'm sorry about that. I got carried away. Don't worry. The real important stuff is in the last 2 paragraphs. xD))

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"Grandma, school starts soon..I have to take a shower!"The sweet voice spoke gracefully from the kitchen as it rushed from corner to the other corner. This was a daily routine for her, every early morning it was the same. Washing the dishes, preparing the dough, doing the laundry,sweeping and mopping the floors.

A very tall and slim figure appeared as the door, as the two woman of the house stormed around the kitchen like a tornado. He stayed clear from the scene watching and listening in.

Her grandma, was off by the bigger ovens, rolling and patting the dough. "You have to finish up with me, you can't go right now." Her grandma answered back in a a rather strict tone.

"Halmeoni, let Jenny go. I'll help you out instead. I don't go to school until much later on." He assured his grandmother, as he stepped in. Looking over at Jin, giving her a slight smile. "Hurry up, Jenny. Go take that shower, and go ahead and take Grandpa's car." Walking over to the drawer, he took out an white apron. Now rather struggling on how these were put on.

Jin smiled wide, as she took her own apron off. Running and dodging the bags of flour on the kitchen ground. She embraced Bum Sun and looked up at him. "Thank you so much! I owe you, cousin!" Once that was said, she let go and quickly rushed out of the kitchen. Sprinting up the stairs, she laughed softly as she faintly made out what her cousin had said back to her.

"Jenny!! Next time make sure you are not covered in flour before you hug me again! I swear!" He shouted, as he followed out the kitchen when Jin had sprinted off. Now looking up the stairs with a rather annoyed expression.

Jin Kyong, is a part of a middle class family. Her mother and father passed away, when she turned just ten years old. It was a great deal of pain to her, and her friends knew that as well. Soon after her parents death, she moved in with her grandmother, Kim and older cousin, Bum. Her grandmother owns a bakery shop, which is a part of the house they are living in. Her grandmother is growing weak, so cousin Bum and her try their best to help out. Sometimes it interferes with their school, but that is why Bum tries his best to get Jin to go to school everyday. He does that by helping out twice as much, and having a little side job as mechanic. Of course, Jin was admitted to the school she is currently attending, because of her scholarships and high test scores.

After the quick but fresh and clean shower she had taken, she rushed to her dresser. Pulling out the best of the outfits that she had in there. A white long sleeve blouse, with the cute black ribbon that hung from it. To match with that, she wore her black skirt, that she had recently finished altering. Drying out her hair with her pink, white polka dotted towel. Till it was only slightly wet now, but not damp at all. Followed by, brushing out the tangles and knots. As well as applying some of her leave in strawberry scented conditioner. Running her fingers evenly throughout her entire hair. She threw what she had just picked up onto the bed. She had no time to fix those stuff back where they were, or to even arrange her covers and pillows, like the way they were just yesterday. She picked up her neon blue backpack and hurried out of the room, and down the stairs. "Bye, Grandma. Bye, Bum!!" She shouted out to the kitchen.

"Goodbye, Granddaughter!" Jin's grandma shouted back.

"Bye, Jenny." Bum spoke as he smiled and waved at her, as he peeked out of the kitchen entrance. "The keys are on the table by the entrance! Study hard. Stay away from perverted boys. And don't stay out late!"

"Shut up and help me!" Their grandmother said rather ticked off again.

Jin giggled softly and nodded. "Don't worry, Bum! Bye!" She smiled as she waved goodbye, now walking over to the entrance of their home. She put on her 3' inch black heels, and picked up the truck keys. Stepping out of the family home, she walked up to the old truck. As soon as she was in, and started that sucker, she was on the road and off to school. Which was about 30 minutes away from home.

Just as Jin, had arrived to school, her cell phone went off. She dug through her backpack, looking for it. Once she had it, she opened it up. She had received a message from Jinae.

to ; jinae
from ; jinkyong
Hey!! : D
I'm here too! I'll be inside the campus in about a minute.
I'm going, I'm going! >3<

As she finished her response to Jinae's message, she stepped out of the truck. Her backpack hanging from one of her shoulders. She locked the car, and slightly sprinted through the school gates. Around the slutty group of girls, she spotted her friend from the corner of her eye. She ran up to her, with a big smile, embracing her friend. "Jinae!!"

OOC; I got lazy everywhere! xD

Grandmother Kim Sun
Cousin Bum Sun
JIn Kyong
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JiYong from all the thinking, yet again feel into sleep. No later than 10 minutes into it Makane SeungRi ran in with pots and pans. Banging them together loudly, he jumped onto JiYongs bed. "Wake up, Kwon!!" Gaho was up and running around the room, and barking. Choi TOP barged in as well, jumping onto the bed, rolling on top of JiYong. "Wake up, Sexy!!" He exclaimed. "You guys shut the hell up!" Taeyang said a bit annoyed, seeing that they were attempting to piss JiYong off. But no here comes Daesung as well, and begins shaking the bed violently. "Wake up, sweetheart!!" "Shut the sh*t up!!" JiYong shouted at the top of his lungs as he took Daesung down onto the ground in one smooth move. "Oh no he is going to get us all!!Wah wah!" Choi chuckled as he ran out of the room and elsewhere in fear of being attacked. "Help me! Leader is choking me!!" Daesung cried and laughed at the same time. "Get out!!!" JiYong shouted once again. Daesung struggled off and ran out. Seungri followed his lead. G-Dragon picked up one of his bats, and stormed out of the room with it. Taeyang stepped back and nodded his head from side to side. "I told them not to.."

JiYong chased the three boys almost everywhere and he was getting fed up. Just when he was at the right distance to take a whack at Choi, G-dragon tripped. Not just any old trip, he hit his head against the table top and twisted his ankle. "Ahh!!" He let out as he fell to the ground rather hard. "Oh my,,," Choi whispered to himself as he saw the scene. Taeyang almost flew down to the scene, this was too rare to happen to the leader. Taeyang grabbed a towel quickly and helf it against JiYong's head. "Someone call YG." He said rather calmly. Daesung ran for the the phone and dialed the number.

After Daesung had explained to YG what had happened to G-Dragon he was rather mad. YG was upset because due to the injury, JiYong would have to stay home and around the YG building. He couldn't go to tour like that! YG had to have Se7en prepare for a tour, in place of JiYong. But it was okay, that only meant Se7en would work extra hard and get started on practice as soon as possible.

After the medical doctors had left the scene. JiYong was left on the couch, with a small cast, near his ankle, and a bandage around his head and wrist. He was very upset, but after a heartfelt conversation and 'Sorry's' The Bang's were forgiven for JiYong's incident. He sighed. "Now what?"

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As always Draco arrived late to the celebration of a new year. He could care less, the only reason he was here, was to be a better and bigger wizard. Even bigger than Harry could have ever been. He had been held out for a while, not only because he did not care, but because Professor Snape had to talk to Draco. Something about a couple new students, and how he thinks they are a great potential wizard for our house. Not only that but there was, 'bad' news. As Slytherin received their own bunch of new students, so did their rival, Gryffindor. Draco was instructed not to start a scene today with the rivals and to instead keep his little pretty face focused on the most important thing. The new students, training them, instructing them, warning them and all such things.

Draco walked through the big doors towards the Great Hall. Directly heading for the Slytherin table. He was greeted and patted on the back by many of his very own group. Before he could get to business and the new students, he had to go through the rest of the ceremony. That meant, sit down listen and all that great stuff. He scanned the room, as he pretty much ignored the same words he heard every single year. First his eyes, immediately pierced to Harry's, as if telling him 'To watch his back'. Draco and Harry had always been rivals. Of course Harry wanted to compromise and be friends. Draco disagreed, to not such a thing as friends and since their Houses had always been neck in neck, then they shall too.

As he scanned the Great Hall for the new faces and the old faces, he seemed to have stopped in his tracks. He kept his eyes on this one specific girl at the Gryffindor table. Not only did he notice that beauty of hers but also that power, or magic some may call. As if it where just a scent to him, he gave a small smirk and then look away. He felt some what strange, for eying a Gryffindor for so long, from a far. But he assumed this was just foretelling enemies. Little did he know, that was not the case at all.

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Hello Mr. Perfect, you met me......

From now on I'll transform into a SuperStar.

Do you believe we are a match? That's the reason for this attraction.

Mi Young had been up since about 5 a.m. Her boss had called her over to discuss some shots and things he wanted done by a certain time. She was a half time Super Star, you could say. She did not attend public school, she much rather prefer home schooling. Even though she was not big just yet, most guys around the area knew her. Either because they use to be friends, some where fans and some where plain out stalkers. Loving the feeling of fufilling her dreams, she could care less about her appearence. If her manager would have not given her a personal dresser and make up artist. She would look pretty much normal, pretty, but normal. With that said, she didn't have the time to admire herself or do something other than what her job asked.

"You can go now. I need you back here again tomorrow though!" Mi Young's manager reminded her as he gave her a small smile.

Mi Young smiled back bowing her head a bit. "Thank you so much! Have a great day!"

When she had left the Entertainment building, it was around 9:30 am. It was actually pretty early, earlier than other days. She was in luck indeed. Stepping out onto the streets, she walked down the sidewalk casually. Of course she had not taken note of the many stares, she didn't have that kind of powers. Dropping her sunglasses onto the ground, she bent over carefully to pick them up. Just then a boy appeared before her.

"Noona, is out early today?" he smiled softly.

"Wait..Do I know you?" she asked a bit confused.

The boy did not answer. With that she gave a slow pivit and turned around. Oh my, there had to be about 15 guys, right then and there. She stepped back casually. They followed her steps. Now she seemed a bit freaked out.

"Whats your name?" One asked.

"Will you go out with me?" The other asked.

"Remember me?" Another asked.

"I'm sorry. I have a boyfriend." She lied through her teeth.

"Now, now. Don't lie." One said with a big grin.

"I sware!" She lied again.

"Where is he?" Yet another guy asked.

"Uh..." She paused for a minute.

With that she ran. She ran like her life depended on it. Crazy enough, they were all right behind her. She kept running and was starting to get a bunch of weird or surprised stares. She then decided to J walk across the street, near this Coffee Shop. Seeing a young man standing there, as if so concentrated and in love with something. She figured she could get this guy to pretend they were lovers. Then run for it again. She needed a decoy really. Once across the street,she embrassed the guy tightly. She whispered for a quick second. "Pretend your my boyfriend for just a couple minutes, please!"
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K e i B u m Y o n g
Prince of the Fire Nation
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Kei Bum Yong, was the royal prince of the Fire Nation. His grandfather had died a couple years ago, and his father was now in rule. Honestly, his father was not a bad man, he had great intentions. The only problem right now was, the tables were being turned. Well, for some reason, the water benders had something against them. Only the elderly understood why. Something to do with the Avatar and the Fire Lord at the time. He tried his best to have some of the water benders that threatened other fire villages, at times. Some took it well, and calmed, which were mostly always the elderly. It was just those young ones, it's like they forgot that the Avatar had brought peace among all nations years before. He understood they were still hurt, but the ones ruling now did nothing wrong, and were not part of the that past.

Although all was well, executed in the fire nation, Kei Bum Yong's uncle, was the general of the fire nation army. That Uncle, was full of lust and want of power. He kind of took admiration for the Fire Lord in the past that had done great damage to all nations. Luckily, Kei Bum Yong's father was the one in charge. His father knew right from wrong, he knew the uncle was going to cause trouble sooner or later. The Uncle had already caused some commotion a couple weeks ago, when some water benders attacked. His father had told the uncle to not attack back, but he defied orders and did it anyways. Soon enough though, the uncle would be brought into trail.

Kei Bum Yong, had left the palace along with a white dove pet of his. He walked down the streets and bowed at the citizens. Eventually he had arrived at a tea shop. He remembered when his great great uncle owned his very own. Smiling slightly, he walked inside. It was not full, neither was it empty. He took a a table to the side, of that of a strange girl. Honestly, he had never seen her around here. Quite suspicious about it he began to wonder. He snapped out of it, once the waiter had arrived. His pet dove had flown over in front of him, pecking at the piece of bread the man had set there for Kei Bum Yong.

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"I only want peace for my people, someone needs to take my Uncle down before it's too late for every nation..."
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Kwon Ji Yong

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Busy schedule, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Everytime. By the end of the day, by night fall a lonely Idol would be left, at home with nothing. Of course Idol's had support and company from their other band members, other idols, managers, the company, the fans, and the critics. Although a lot of Idol's where used to such crazy schedules and so much alone times, some could not stand it one bit. Honest to say it wasn't the best. Oh, what Idol's would give to have a day a privacy and an actual chance to meet girls or make friend out of their circle.

Among these Idols, was G-Dragon. He is a very well know Idol, in Korea and Japan, and a lot of other countries at that. Being trained since the age of 13 under the company and wings of Papa YG. GD was well known for his lyrics, the scandals he got himself into with the law, and the unique flow of music he produced. Though he might be well known around Asia, that didn't mean people hated him, or that there were people that maybe never head of him. Though G-Dragon might have been a bit of a recognized name, the group Big Bang was even more well know. Above all that, YG and TOP were one of the biggest names heard. YG for his amazing talented artists, that had their creative freedom. TOP for his drop dead gorgeous looks and husky voice.

Recently Kwon Ji Yong had been consumed and overwhelmed by work. For once he had a bit of a brake time. It was almost a week of relaxing time. GD and TOP had been working on an alum together, and released it. Now that Seungri had released his own within the month. G-Dragon and TOP did not necessarily have to attend many shows or performances anymore. Now that they were all preparing for the Big Bang comeback. YG wanted them all to relax and be ready, for maybe the most hard, tiring, and exciting period of time in their lifes. This was a comeback.

Jiyong had awoken early, surprisingly. He had much sleep the night before, to his luck. Jiyong had a sort of craving for something bitter and sweet. Now, he didn't to attempt cooking within the Big Bang residence. He knew a big percentage of what he would prepared would probably be gone, before he even got his taste buds on it. Jiyong was all dressed and styled, as he walked out of the Big Bang residence. Outside it was a bit chilly, so Jiyong was covered up well. A scarf, a hat, gloves, a lot. Though winter was nearly over, it still got some cold harsh winds, and a bit of snow.

Jiyong had been walking down the sidewalk from the departments to the city of Seoul, Korea. He had stopped in his tracks. Smelling a rather delightful aroma, he looked around. Noticing how thi aroma had been coming out of a family owned cafe, he smiled slightly. He knew family owned businesses where one of the best. Walking over to the small business building he walked in. No one noticed who he was, since he was disguised under the winter clothing rather well. Since the cafe was rather small, it was bit cramped with people. Pushing himself though a group of teens, he had lost balance of his foot, and did a sort of a trip. Bumping into a young lady, he felt a burning sensation on his own skin and probably the other's. Looking down at the ground he noticed he had knocked the girl's coffee latte off her hands. "Aish! I'm so sorry. I didn't see you there."

Lokking at her shirt, he pressed his hand against the stain on her shirt. "s**t.." He muttered to himself rather quietly. "You can borrow my jacket or something. I am at fault I am sorry." He began taking off his jacket and handed it to her. "Here. I'll buy you another coffee or tea..Um. What kind was it?" He asked raising his brow. "Wait! I forgot my manners!" Clearing his throat a bit, he smirked rather flirtatiously. "I'm Kwon Ji Yong..and you are?" He had whispered rather softly. Not really wanting anyone else to over hear and cause a bit more mess.

" Don't go home baby~ I have a present here for you..
Don't go home today baby ye~
To be honest I'm not used to it either Sweatheart!~"

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