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Aha! Can you smell that? It's the smell of an impending tax season. I do hope you are ready to file your taxes. Do you have all of your deductibles, and estates in order? You better! Until then, I discovered something which may help encourage you to get file your taxes sooner:

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    User Image What will this month's CI be? We just don't know yet, but you'll be one of the first to find out with the January 2016 Advance Chance! On the day that the next CI is released, you'll be able to open up this surprise bundle to receive a 10-pack of the CI, and start winning the prizes inside hours before they're even available to the general public! That means you'll have the chance to list them on the Marketplace before anyone has seen them! Not to mention, if you're a particularly lucky individual, this month's Advance Chance could even open up to reveal an enhanced version of the CI—and yes, that means that if you get the 25 pack, you'll get not 10, but 25 enhanced CIs straight to your inventory!

Surely the weakening seal means the new CI is imminent-- if you want to get that sweet head start, you'd better grab an Advance Chance soon!

Buy January Advance Chance!

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