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Hello again, taxpayers! I'd love to bombard you with a whole host of queries about this transaction and that, but I've more important matters to discuss: Admin. Who is this mysterious woman? What is her role? Does she dance among us named NPCs, with our fleshed out identities and harrowing backstories, or does she drift alongside the real life Gaia Staff, making smalltalk at desks and hoarding free goodies from the kitchen? It's a conundrum that has troubled me for far too long! More importantly, she hasn't filed taxes in 12 years! This is an outrage! A disgrace! I demand answers, Gaians! And unfortunately, she refuses to reply to my emails. I guess I'm just terrible at talking to women. Or rather, Mr Bibbles is, seeing as I've let him handle all my correspondence as of late. In fact, he's penning this announcement as we speak. And I dutifully believe he'll type only the most truthful things as they leave my lips. Have I mentioned that I smell? I smell awful. Mr. Bibbles is the best and I am just a stinky old tax man who won't spring for a quality cat tree. All Hail Bibbles.

    User Image What will the next CI be? Nobody knows, but you’ll get the first crack at it with August's Advance Chance. On the day of the next CI release, you’ll be able to open your bundle and start reaping the rewards of your CIs hours before they’re released to the general public, so you can start listing items on the Marketplace when hardly anyone has their hands on them yet. This month's Advance Chance includes a rare chance to receive a bundle filled with only enhanced CIs! (10 for normal, 25 for the 25 pack)

Be sure to visit my associates at La Victoire if you'd like to get a head start on August's CI. Best of luck! Now, let me just proofread... HEY! Mr. Bibbles, how could you?! That's not--

Visit La Victoire!

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