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Gracious, Gaians! I've been practicing my ukelele pretty regularly for nearly a month now, and you know what? I think I've gotten quite good! Look, I can play "Twinkle Twinkle" fairly well. Here, hang on -- just gotta tune the darn thing and -- Ack! No! A string snapped! This is heartbreaking news, Gaians! Wherever shall I find my musical inspiration now? How will I be a world-renowned concert ukelele player if my instrument of choice is broken? Oh, I can see it now. All those symphonies and orchestras of ukelele players, smug in their fully attached strings, playing beautiful ukelele concertos and mocking me with their ability to pluck more than two chords! All right, well, I simply must fix this. You'll have to excuse me for a while! In the meantime, however, why not check out this month's second Advance Chance? It's only just arrived!

    User Image What will the next CI be? Nobody is quite sure, but you’ll get the first crack at it with the March Advance Chance II. On the day of the next CI release, you’ll be able to open your bundle and start reaping the rewards of your CIs hours before they’re released to the general public, so you can start listing items on the Marketplace when hardly anyone has their hands on them yet.

Perhaps it has some new strings for my poor, poor ukelele... I knew I should've stuck with piano! My parents did always say I had such long, elegant fingers for an accountant... Or perhaps I ought to return to my passion for writing and try my hand at composing? Ah, well. I'll figure it out! In the meantime, feel free to pick up March's Advance Chance in La Victoire.

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