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So I ended up in a strange part of town the other day, Gaians. Everywhere I looked there was a guy in a blazer and sunglasses hopping around doing a weird kind of horsey dance. Actually, it was kind of awesome. And there was all this great food, and fun music -- I tell ya, it might have been totally different from what I'm used to, but I really loved it! And man, the clothes! So many nice things. But there was one item in particular that caught my eye, and so I decided to bring back as much as I could carry to offer up to Gaians lookin' to add some color to their wardrobes. Take a look!

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Asshi's Norigae is so bright and cheerful that it's sure to put a smile on your face! Or make you yell at people's butts. I saw some of that too. It was kind of great. Anyway, this super cute item will be in La Victoire until March 16th, 11:59 PM EST or until it sells out! Why not visit La Victoire and see how it looks on you?

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