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Gaians, allow me to be clear: I am not an advocate for war. But when the Black Kingdom insists on invading my lands, in attacking my people -- well. I will not sit idly by. Although the Black Kingdom may have won a few scattered battles here and there, there has never been a better time to rout them. My husband, the man the Black King dared to call weak and cowardly, has already set our plans into motion and is leading our troops to battle. He intends to fight the Black Queen's troops head on. We are both certain that it won't be long before we drive these cruel invaders from our lands and claim our destined victory! But I must ask all you brave souls out there for aid. Will you fight for the White Kingdom? Will you champion our righteous and noble cause? Then join our ranks in Checkmate Tactics: Counter, friends, and together we will send these Black Kingdom curs scurrying back to the alleyways they crawled out from. I promise ample rewards to those who fight for our side. Here, take a look at the gifts we can offer:

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Needless to say, these beautiful treasures are merely the icing on the cake. Fighting for our side and destroying the Black Kingdom's army is a prize on to itself, if you ask me. Please, aid us in our battle, Gaians. Fight the Black Kingdom in Checkmate Tactics: Counter. Or test your true bravery with a bundle of nine. I thank you from the bottom of my heart, and wish you well in battle!

No matter which side you choose to support, I am certain that tomorrow shall be the final, decisive battle. I suggest you ready yourself.