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The seasons are again changing, my friends, and you know what that means. No, I don't mean it's time to dig your winter clothes out of storage. Well, I mean, it is, but that's not my point. It's a beautiful time for opening yourself up, trying new things, and in my case, reconciling with old adversaries. Just last weekend I spent the better part of a day filming a short montage of myself sitting on the sidewalk with my old nemesis, the CopyCorp 3000XL, whom I had wrestled into submission a number of months ago.

The montage begins with the great copier sitting by the side of the road in the rain, beaten and broken by yours truly, as a passing car drives through a puddle and splashes filthy water all over it. Cut to a shot of me walking past and taking pity on it. I approach and cover the machine with my coat. The following segments show us laughing together, crying a little, sharing a 40 oz. beverage, and hugging. Eventually the film fades out as the two of us play the harmonica together. I'm going to see what I can do about getting it into a few film festivals.

Anyhow, my point is that you should try something new, such as getting a head start on October's CI with Advance Chance!

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    What will the next CI be? Nobody knows, but you’ll get the first crack at it with the October Advance Chance. On the day of the next CI release, you’ll be able to open your bundle and start reaping the rewards of your CIs hours before they’re released to the general public, so you can start listing items on the Marketplace when hardly anyone has their hands on them yet.

Don't let a great opportunity pass you by. Grab the Advance Chance while you can!