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Good afternoon, EI fans. Big day around here-- we've got three new developments to share! Petit Cherie gets a little chilly, Modus Operandi follows a trail of breadcrumbs thanks to artist Mishiri, and Owlpocalypse evolves for the last time. I've got that feeling in my toes that it's gonna be a spectacular update. Check it out:

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    User Image Owlpocalypse - It's the end of an owl era. The owls are now flying off to wherever owls go, but our feathery friends have left us with many gifts. It's been a real hoot, friends.

    User Image Petit Cherie - Spring can get a little chilly, but that doesn't mean you can't cover up in style! Put on some earmuffs, wrap yourself in that shawl and go enjoy some cake!

    User Image Modus Operandi - Hansel and Gretel were brought up in a small town's dessert shop by their father and stepmother. Their stepmother was a possessive, fraudulent woman always looking for the father's attention, and any notice he gave the children would drive her mad with jealousy. She regularly abused the children and would blame their bruises on the children fighting with each other. With the children disciplined and sent to their rooms, the stepmother would have more time to spend with their father.

    One night, the pair slaughtered the abusive stepmother, baked her into a pie, and fed her to the family. When their father realized what had occurred, he took them deep into the woods and attempted to abandon them there. The children were able to find their way back, and when they did, they took their revenge by killing their father and disappearing into the night.

    Not much is known for certain about the whereabouts of Hansel and Gretel after the incident, but with similarly-maimed victims found later, it's assumed that their acquired taste led them to a life of serial murder.

Wow! Wonderfully grisly stuff, right? Be sure to check out this week's Modus Operandi illustration at the bottom of this post, too. What'd you think about this week's developments? Head over to the weekly EI poll and exercise your voting finger. See you next time!

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