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What do you think we should host next month?

Breedings! 0.13291139240506 13.3% [ 21 ]
Customs! 0.23417721518987 23.4% [ 37 ]
More Flatsales! 0.38607594936709 38.6% [ 61 ]
More Games! 0.19620253164557 19.6% [ 31 ]
Other! (post in thread!) 0.050632911392405 5.1% [ 8 ]
Total Votes:[ 158 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 680 681 682 > >> >>> »|

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"So you've come to see the 'legendary' Celeste, have you?
I'm surprised you've actually managed to find my shop.
I hope you find what you are looking for..
Or perhaps it will find you.
Please, look around,
I'm actually just about to bake something..."
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The Bakery Guild


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January 16, 2011 Winter Events has made a kick start with a game of Choose Your Own Adventure. You can find it here.
January 13, 2010 The Bakery hires and be blue as a new colorist!
September 25, 2010 HIRING INFORMATION.
I am sad to announce that currently, no one new will be hired. I would like to thank those who did apply and while I do not have time to actively reply to everyone who applied and send out criticism, if you would like to hear some, I would be willing to give it back. Also, don't worry! If you really wanted to work here, we often search out for new colorists every once and awhile. Also, if you private message me, I may offer you a chance to privately apply and if I see potential I may work with you with criticism. In the end, if I think it'll work out I may hire someone that way.

August 31, 2010 Free Summer Event is over! Thank you everyone who played.
August 5, 2010 Free Summer Event started.
July 26, 2010 Mini Summer Event starting today!
July 5, 2010 The Bakery is hiring again! Please check out the guild for more information!
June 6, 2010
Re-opening event is finally over! Thank you everyone for participating!
May 22, 2010 The Bakery is OPEN! If you have any concerns (unreceived advertising pets, etc), please contact Appeal and she'll get to it right away!
May 10, 2010 The Bakery has made a new thread to celebrate the new owner and fresh start. Re-opening on the way.

March 14, 2010 The Bakery has decided to move hiring into the guild! See the first post for the link. Also, the free raffle is being moved into this thread and will go until the 18th of March.
March 6, 2010 The Bakery is once again hiring colorists! The Free Raffle is also located there!
November 10, 2009 Halloween event was a huge blast, thank you all for participating! Adona has implemented a Certing Thread for future pets. Also, keep your eyes out for an upcoming event! <3
October 4, 2009 Halloween is finally opened! Check page two!<3
ALSO. All growings, certs, etc etc, can now be found in the GUILD in the Drop Offs thread! Thanks!

September 27, 2009 Hired people, and also rolled for the advertising winner. Info for that can be found on page 237. Now planning for the Halloween Event!
August 25, 2009 After a mini-hiatus, the Bakery's warming up it's ovens again! We'll be back in business soon! In the meantime, we're hiring some more chefs, and another Shopkeeper to keep up with the busy bustle, head over to the hiring thread if you're interested!
May 3, 2009 Grand Opening Event is over! Congrats to all our winners and a HUGE thanks to everyone who participated! You guys rock!
April 26, 2009 GRAND OPENING EVENT <3333
April 20, 2009 Happy fun times ensuing, the Bakery is open for visitors! We're still under construction though..

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            User Image Follow TOS. Just do it.
            User Image Don't steal things. All art, and text here, was all worked hard to do/make. And we don't appreciate theft of any kind.
            User Image Leave the drama at the door. Unless you're an actor. This includes whining and other such childish antics.
            User Image Be polite. Trolling, and flaming is not welcome here. Chat speech is strongly discouraged.
            User Image Don't beg. There's a charity forum right around the corner!
            User Image Roleplay of our pets is not required. But of course encouraged!
            User Image Don't advertise. This thread is not for the shameless plugging your store.
            User Image No selling. If you no longer wish to keep your dessert, we shall do something with it for you.

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                There's a small shop on the far end of town, just before you hit the country, where there aren't many other shops around.

                The story goes...
                That the baker that lives there, Celeste, used to work for the queen as her personal dessert chef, but she was banished from the castle for using some sort of book... A book of forbidden recipes. Recipes that were supposed to have been locked away for the remainder of the queen's life.

                You see, this book was filled with recipes used for creating special kinds of desserts. The most delicious, wonderful, amazing desserts you've ever dreamed of. If you didn't eat them, however, well... things would happen. Creatures would appear over night, emerging from these desserts! Not to be frightened though! These animals were just as sweet as the desserts they came from. Loving, loyal, caring, and sweet! Oh, were they sweet.

                So... why were they forbidden you ask? After the king died many years ago, the queen began to resent anything happy. It was the prime of their marriage together when he suddenly came down with a horrid disease that no doctor could figure out; let alone cure... The king, in his health, had been very fond of the special desserts. He wouldn't eat them, ever, he'd enjoy the animals' company, and their love. Some even said he enjoyed their company more than the queen's. But as long as he was happy, she was happy.

                But once he died, the queen couldn't bear to see the animals around her kingdom anymore, they were unwelcome memories. She had the book locked away, and hired a new chef, Celeste. The queen just couldn't have the king's old chef around anymore.

                Celeste was young at the time, around twenty-three, and she'd heard the stories, the stories of the magical desserts. Of course, to the commoners, they were just legend! But still, she was curious. She would chat with the guards and the servants, trying and get anything out of them about this legendary recipe book. Finally, when the eldest butler there grew tired of Celeste's nagging and gave in, he explained to her that it was locked away.

                It wasn't hard for Celeste to get the book, she used her beauty and charm to her advantage, persuading the guards into letting her take just a little peek at the book. Little to the guards' knowledge, Celeste quickly copied a few of the recipes down. Just a few. She'd only wanted to see if the stories were true. And who wouldn't?

                It wasn't long before Celeste had baked quiet a few creatures for herself... And it wasn't long before the queen found out, either. Celeste was banished from the castle and forbidden to ever step foot in the castle again.

                The only thing she has left of the years she spent at the castle are a few select recipes she's kept for herself...

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Stage 1: A lovely dessert!
A yummy dessert that you have bought from the Bakery, there is a warning label on the box which you received it in. It says: DO NOT EAT! I wonder what would happen if you did eat it... on second thought you better not! Let it sit out for a while, I wonder what'll happen! Lets give it a few days...

Stage 2: Adolescence
Your dessert has changed into an animal?! My my, who would of thought? You've obtained one of the pets from the forbidden book! You better take good care of this youngin'. Feed it with lots of love and affection, cause lord knows it was baked with only that!

Stage 3: Adult
Your delicious sweet has finally grown up! I guess it really was baked with sugar and spice!
You can now breed your dessert and come up with new recipes! You've just got to visit with Celeste again.
Please take care of your yummy treat! For it will treat you well!


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        User Image Cakerolls
        Cakerolls spend all day rolling around and enjoying the sun. The most energetic of all of Celeste's desserts, Cakerolls' favorite past-time is playing fetch and chasing Flan. Celeste always has trouble getting Cakerolls to come back in when it gets dark out because they hate being shut indoors where rolling around might mess up Celeste's ingredients and Celeste might get mad. Exceptionally loyal and eager to please, Cakerolls are the crowd favorite and you're their favorite, too.

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        User Image Cinnamon Buns
        These cutie pies are... well they're definitely not pies, but they sure do eat a lot of them. Cinnamon Buns would better be called Cinnamon Bums for the lazy bums they are, but when it comes to loving, they’re the sweetest of Celeste’s desserts. Pudgy and fluffy, Cinnamon Buns enjoy simply sitting contentedly in Celeste's lap rather than going on walks with the rest of the pastries. There's easier access to the goodies in her pockets from there anyway.

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        User Image Flan
        The Flan's favorite dessert is pudding. Probably because Flan are a distant relative of pudding, just more on the solid side as desserts go. But just like pudding, Flan are always the favorite of the little kids. Extremely curious, Flan like to go on adventures scouting and exploring the area and only comes home when they want to, not when Celeste tell them to. Flan also like making friends with the neighborhood stray cats and pick up cat-like qualities such as the art of sunbathing, and the art of sass.

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        User Image Angelfood Cakes
        Angelfood Cakes think they're top rung. I mean, look, they can even fly. How many desserts have you seen that can do that, eh? Angelfood Cakes keep and classy and enjoy the finer things in life. But while they sit high class, it doesn't keep them from being some of the nicest Cakes around. Whenever they seen a Flan being bullied by a Cakeroll, or a Cinnamon Bun scavenging for some treats, Angelfood Cakes are happy to swoop in to help out!

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        User Image Devil's Food Cakes
        Devil's Food Cakes are the odd ones out in Celeste's Bakery. While all the other desserts love fooling around and are pure sweet sugar, Devil's Food Cakes know a thing or two about the real world. Not everything's fun and games for them, and they stick to what they know. It takes a little bit longer for Devil's Food Cakes to warm up to people, but once they do, they’ll never leave your side.

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        User Image Jelly Cookies
        Jelly Cookies may look tough but they are happy creatures just like the other desserts. However, hard times are not unknown to a Jelly Cookie, who are often misunderstood by the other furrier and cuter desserts. Due to their tough exterior, many of the other desserts are afraid of them at first glance. Regardless, they love to please Celeste, their maker and unconditional lover, by flying around the kitchen with various tools and spices to help her bake new friends.

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Or you can look on page 2. Event Information will be listed there.

Flatsales price varies on species. Prices listed below.

                  User Image Cakeroll: 9K
                  User Image Cinnamon Bun: 9K
                  User Image Flan: 12K
                  User Image Angelfood Cake: 15K
                  User Image Devilfood Cake: 15K
                  User Image Jelly Cookie: 15K

Nothing's in the oven right now. Check back soon!

Speed Sales For those of us who're quicker than lightning.

                  User Image 10 Minutes prior to the Flatsale time. Previews and any specific rules will be posted in the thread.
                  User Image 5 Minutes prior the the Flatsale time. The thread will have a 'quiet' period. No posting during this period will be allowed.
                  User Image Baker Celeste will post 'GO!' in big salmon colored font, at which point the mad rush for your bakery item can begin!
                  User Image DO NOT EDIT YOUR POST. This is cheating. We don't like cheaters.
                  User Image Send a trade to Baker Celeste within 24 hours of the announcement of the winners. Otherwise your win will be forfeited!

                  Flaffles For those of us without computers that run faster than NASCAR drivers.

                  User Image 10 Minutes prior to the Flatsale time. Previews and any specific rules will be posted in the thread.
                  User Image Baker Celeste will post 'GO!' in big salmon colored font, at which point the mad rush for your bakery item can begin!
                  User Image You may claim ONE ticket. Proxying is allowed (in addition to your own ticket), but every person may only have one ticket.
                  User Image Post a preference list when you claim your ticket. This is so we don't need to wait for you to give out our tasties!
                  User Image 5 Minutes after the claiming period we will have a 'quiet' period to post the claimed tickets to make sure we haven't missed anyone.
                  User Image Baker Celeste will roll the winners. Please send your trade to Baker Celeste within 24 hours or your win will be forfeited!

                  Dice Sales For those of us who should live in Vegas.

                  User Image 10 Minutes prior to the Flatsale time. Previews and any specific rules will be posted in the thread.
                  User Image Baker Celeste will post 'GO!' in big salmon colored font, at which point the mad rush for your bakery item can begin!
                  User Image Match Baker Celeste's dice. Roll the same sided and number die as Baker Celeste to land the same number.
                  User Image You may roll as many times as you wish. Rolling will continue until all the pets have been won.
                  User Image You may only win once. After you win, no more rolling!
                  User Image Send a trade to Baker Celeste within 24 hours of the announcement of the winners. Otherwise your win will be forfeited!

Nothing's in the oven right now. Check back soon!

                  User Image Each raffle will have its own specific rules. Please pay attention!
                  User Image Tickets are generally 100G. Again, each raffle will be unique.
                  User Image Tickets are generally unlimited. Again, each raffle will be unique.
                  User Image Post in the thread claiming your tickets. You will not be able to claim specific numbers.
                  User Image Send the trade to Baker Celeste. Please label it with the number of tickets you are purchasing.

Nothing's in the oven right now. Check back soon!

                  User Image Each auction may have its own specific rules. Please pay attention!
                  User Image Starting bid will be at 5K. The minimum bid increment is 1K.
                  User Image There will be an anti-snipe guard of 20 minutes. A staff member will be there to moderate.
                  User Image Bid withdrawals are not tolerated. Do not bid what you do not have.

Events and Contests
Nothing's in the oven right now. Check back soon!

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Check your ingredient list... rules & requirements.

              User Image Proper age. Your dessert must be an adult. And must have been an adult for at least two weeks.
              User Image Roleplay. Unless stated otherwise, you must of held some in-guild RP or in-thread RP. Doesn't have to be a serious RP.
              User Image Oven fees. 6K from each owner is required for baking.
              User Image Cross baking. Mixing a cakeroll recipe with a cinnamonbun recipe is not allowed. Same-kind-desserts only.
              User Image Batches. Your litter will vary between desserts. There will be at least two desserts from a breeding no matter what species they are. However, the final number is chosen through dice-rolling.
              User Image Gender. Same gender breeding is allowed.

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                      Role-playing Rules

                      User Image There is no RP requirement for this shop. It is, however, encouraged.
                      User Image RPs may be conducted in-thread or in the guild. Link is in the first post.
                      User Image The Desserts can communicate and understand people, and vice versa.
                      User Image Please adhere to the roleplaying setting of the Bakery. We are in a Victorian/Steam-punk era. Refer to the more detailed settings below.
                      User Image RP is to be kept PG-13 please!
                      User Image Do not God-mode, or kill off other people's characters without their permission.
                      User Image If a RP is going on in thread, please OOC speaking should be in double parenthesis/brackets: (( )), [[ ]]

          User Image The City
          The bakery sits just on the edge of the city. From here, Celeste can just barely see the castle from where she has been banished from over the rooftops of the city. The city has a Victorian Era feel to it and seems to have grown from the middle outwards, with the center of the city being most densely populated and the castle standing just a mile or so northward. It's a bustling city full of every type of person and nearly everything is sold somewhere in the city. This is a city where everyone's just trying to make a little coin, and if you've already got the coin, you're enjoying it. It's been a while since Celeste's wandered through the musty streets of the city. Nowadays, Celeste spends her time in the Bakery. Flour, eggs and other materials are delivered straight to her, and as for customers, well, face it. You came to her.

          User Image The Kitchen
          The bakery is filled with the sweet smell of fresh baked goods. The kind that permeates the air, so thick that if the smell were anything less delicious, it would be hard to breathe. Celeste hums an old tune as she beats the dough for her latest creation, occasionally peeking into the oven beside her to check on her darling cake rolls. She’s the only person in the kitchen. No assistants. She doesn't trust anyone to keep their mouth closed.

          The room is average sized, not to small, but not big enough to host a party. There’s flour and sugar all over the place. Colorful icing and sprinkles in bottles line a few shelves. Celeste does her best to keep the place orderly, but honestly, it's a kitchen. She bakes so many things a day, that if she put away everything she used, she'd just pull it out again 5 minutes later. Several cartons of eggs and a few gallons of milk stand dangerously close to the edge of a counter top. Pots and pans and all sorts of other baking tools hang on the walls while others are messily shoved in shelves. One false move could make enough noise to wake the dead. Better be careful in here, this is Celeste's sanctified house. This is where she works her magic.

          User Image The Forest
          Behind the bakery is the edge of a forest. No one's ever made a map of the forest, since no one really ever goes in there. Which is actually really convenient since the forest is where most of Celeste's desserts play during the day once she's shooed them all out of her bakery. The forest is perfect -- green canopy held up by sturdy brown trunks. Scattered flowers grow at the bases of the trees and on days when the weather is at its best, the sun streams through the leaves as if passing through a pasta strainer. In this forest, berry bushes provide snacks for the various animals who call this forest their home, and the birds always singing their happiest melody. The forest is so perfect it's as if it's been pulled straight out of a fairy tale book. At least, that's what it seems like from the edge of the forest. Like I said, no one really goes too far in there... no one really knows what the forest’s like deeper in...

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Owner's List is here.

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User Image How can I receive a dessert?
Please check our availability post! We're always trying to come up with events and such, so people can own a dessert! Some are even free!

User Image How long between stages?
Stage 1 to 2 usually three days. Stage 2 to 3 usually about two weeks or so.

User Image Can I breed them?
After your dessert has been an adult for 2 weeks. There may or may not be other qualifications you may need to meet before you can breed, so please check that post.

User Image Can I sell my desserts babies?
You may give them away, or we will do something with them. But no, you may not sell them.

User Image Can I co-own?
If it's from a flatsale, no. Generally it's auction only. Unless specified otherwise.

User Image Where do we go for our certs?
First, you should post the info for your pet here in the Certing Thread. Then your pet will be certed, and their cert can be found in the Drop-off Thread.

User Image I have a question... What should I do?
Ask! The thread is a great place to get an answer! ;3

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Link us in your thread first, and we'll link you in The Bakery.
Please post all request in the thread. Please do not private message Baker Celeste.

We are only accepting 200 x 40 banners at the moment. Thank you!

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                  User Image Appeal Head Baker: Owner, colorist, responsible for just about everything.
                  User Image and be blue Baker: Colorist, responsible for making our desserts tasty.
                  User Image Ashton Tsuki Baker: Colorist, responsible for making our desserts tasty.
                  User Image iStoleYurVamps Baker: Colorist, responsible for making our desserts tasty.
                  User Image Mimi Sharpies Baker: Colorist, responsible for making our desserts tasty.
                  User Image OnionGrump Baker: Colorist, responsible for making our desserts tasty.
                  User Image Quiched Line Baker: Lineartist, responsible for the adorableness in-thread.
                  User Image sharsh Template Baker: Templartist, responsible for making our recipes complete.
                  User Image whuk Baker: Colorist, responsible for making our desserts tasty.

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