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User Image

You may have seen these lines/this shop around before and might be getting mighty sick of it popping up. Well here's our deal... Ever since these lines were purchased from `raze, the shop never really got off the ground with little to no established/active regulars. Due to a lack of communication and bad organizing on the part of the staff, it merely struggled on the brink of flourishing and quickly died. Now with some cleaning up and a huge revamp (and a very determined colorist) we're giving these beauties one last chance to live, and sincerely need assistance.

So we hope you like what you see and that you'll stick around and help finally get this shop launched properly C:


                                                User Image Welcome post
                                                User Image Rules
                                                User Image Updates/Progress
                                                User Image Story
                                                User Image Stages
                                                User Image Magic
                                                User Image Breedings
                                                User Image Current staff
                                                User Image Hiring info
                                                User Image Hiring Application
                                                User Image Applicants
                                                User Image Games/Contests
                                                User Image Advertising
                                                User Image Affiliates
                                                User Image Credits.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x xRules
A must read!

            User Image R-E-S-P-E-C-T! Understand that respectful behavior will get you far in this shop. Please do not cuss at other people here and especially staff. Do not bother owners for their pets or for breedings. Don't put down others during events or in the thread. A lighter atmosphere is a happier atmosphere, which is more comfortable for everyone. <3
            User Image Do not steal the ideas of this shop, the art, anything! Theft is wrong and will get you into some serious trouble.
            User Image You can own as many Coeurl as you want. n___n They are not RP-intensive
            User Image Do not advertise your shop here. Please PM the mule if you'd like to affiliate.
            User Image Follow the TOS and the individual rules posted for events. The flatsales will differ from time to time, as well as auctions.
            User Image Do not quote more than three times. Let's keep the shop clean, please!
            User Image Use your common sense. If you think you'll get into deep trouble for it, don't do it. n___n
            User Image BAAAAAWWWWing and dirty laundry DO NOT belong in thread. Please PM issues to the mule where they can hopefully be solved, rather then bringing down the entire thread.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x xUpdates
Truckin' along~

            User Image Feb. 13 Started setting up revival interest thread, shop revamping, and cleaning up.

            guild ann
            Hey guys! 8D

            So we're making lot of progress towards a grand reopening but first i wanted to share some links with you.

            Hey Neli, I need something!
            For our old regulars that need growings, certings, and other rightings.

            Certing thread!
            For anyone who just has an uncert. Even the people keeping your applications pets, you must post here to receive a cert. Because some people didn't pick an element or even send a name 8X;;

            Also;; We have our awesomesauce new colorists and managers. I thought they were pretty noteworthy |3

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x xStory
History lesson

            User Image The planet Psyche is one of natural beauty. It is unharmed by human hands, and the humans who do inhabit this planet take extremes to keeping to safe. They live in peace with the Coeurl; majestic beasts that roam the plains and mountains. It wasn't always like this, however. The Coeurl had once been hunted by people, and in response the Coeurl had begun to hunt their predators. It was once called a "war" between the breeds. Humans viewed the Coeurl as a source of food and clothing. The Coeurl, as natural predators, saw the humans as prey. There was also something very, very valuable about the Coeurl financially.

            Their whiskers held magical properties. If a Coeurl was caught and killed, the hunter would often take their victim's whiskers and sell them to medical workers. The magical properties proved to make amazing medicines and vaccines. It became a popular occupation... That of being a hunter for this purpose. The Coeurl population, once abundant, had been nearly depleted.

            The Coeurl were also valuable in another way. They were valuable to the world that was their home. The beasts that were being so mercilessly hunted were the children of this planet. They were its life force. With less and less Coeurl around, the planet was beginning to die. It was quite a drastic change. The grass was not as green as before and the sky was almost always clouded over. The food that was being harvested was being poisoned by Psyche itself as a natural defense to rid itself of its parasites. The people of Psyche turned to the Coeurl as a food source then, along with other breeds of monsters that lived in their world. Other creatures that were Psyche's children.

            Rangi, a mere child at the time, was one of the few to see what was really the cause of Psyche's destruction. He had always been different, "special" if you will. He was in tune to Psyche. He could physically see the planet's Goddess himself at her temple in Marana. He stayed long days and nights there, trying to find the answer to her withering life. Rangi one day on his way to the temple heard growling and shouts. He hurried himself to the source of the noise, and he came upon a hunter cornering a cub. It was then that he found the answer, and was able to save the cub when the hunter was distracted by him. The cub however, followed Rangi to the temple. Inside the temple Psyche was waiting for her daily visitor, but was pleasantly surprised by the sight.

            The sight of a Coeurl and a human side-by-side, not harming each other, was all Psyche needed to revive enough to speak to Rangi. She explained to him the powers of the Coeurl and why they were so close to her and then planet. Time had stopped for Rangi and the cub, because in real time he had been at the temple for nearly a week. His parents and many of the townspeople waited outside the temple where they always saw him leave to in hopes of finding him. The fateful day Rangi left the temple with the cub was the day that the people saw why their planet was dying. Realization was what Psyche needed to rejuvenate, and she hersef appeared before her people with an explanation.

            The war between the Coeurl and the humans had ended that day. It took a while for the two to warm up with each other, but now, years later, it is not uncommon to see a human with a Coeurl or two. Newly found parents often went to find Coeurls who just had litters to bond a cub with their child. This was the way Psyche had intended her children to live; side-by-side peacefully.

            With Rangi as the prince of Marana, it is hard to see the future of Psyche ever falling into such disarray again.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x xStages
User Image
User Image

            User Image The "egg" stage. When a human dies, and they long to stay in the world of the living, they become a Pyrefly. When they become a Coeurl, they have no recollection of their human past. Time Coeurl from the Pyrefly state may have recollection, but very vaguely. If a Coeurl was obtained in it's adult/cub stage via custom/FS, it is the owner's decision whether or not they had Coeurl parents or were once human if not previously stated.
            User Image Cubs. Cubs are curious, bumbling babies getting a handle on the world around them. Gifted cubs will show signs of their magic early on, but even fewer will be able to control it.
            User Image Adolescents. Becoming more independent, most all coeurl-- save for the late bloomers-- should be fully showing signs of their element and able to use magic.
            User Image Adults. Adults are completely independent and have usually found their purpose, be it in a pride of other coeurl, bonded to a human, or as a lone rogue.
            User Image Elders. This stage is only reached with extensive RP. Elders are made from a singular, unisex base but are always made unique and very beautiful with edits and markings.


            User Image Normal.- Fully available// Most common type
            User Image Blessed- Lined, still templating//Very rare type
            User Image Cursed- Not yet available//Very rare type
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x xMagic
Elemental powers~

            User Image Revamped magic info coming soon. At this point in time there are seven magic types; Fire, ice, earth, thunder, water, time and heal. Time and heal are highly restricted.

Suggestion/Draft by shyanimegrl
My second suggestion draft for the Coeurl magic system:
The following is the layout of magic stats leveling:
----- Key -----
Stage (Level #)
Chance for successful control of cast and physical counter (meaning: block, dodge): majority of Coeurls / gifted Coeurls / few of gifted Coeurls
Max physical damage:
Max magic damage of spells learned at this stage:
All spells learned at this stage have a mana cost of:
Health points:
Mana rejuvenation spell capability:
Cast time:
----- End of Key -----
Cub (Level 1)
Chance for successful control of cast and physical counter (meaning: block, dodge): 0% / 10% / 30%
Max physical damage: 50
Max magic damage of spells learned at this stage: 100
All spells learned at this stage have a mana cost of: 5
Mana: 100
Health points: 2000
Mana rejuvenation spell capability: no knowledge of spell
Cast time: spell is in effect/has hit/is calculated in the target's 6th post after its cast post
Teen (Level 2)
Chance for successful control of cast and physical counter (meaning: block, dodge): 60% / 65% / 70%
Max physical damage: 100
Max magic damage of spells learned at this stage: 200
All spells learned at this stage have a mana cost of: 100
Mana: 3000
Health points: 4000
Mana rejuvenation spell capability: no knowledge of spell
Cast time: spell is in effect/has hit/is calculated in the target's 5th post after its cast post
Adult (Level 3)
Chance for successful control of cast and physical counter (meaning: block, dodge): 75% / 77% / 80%
Max physical damage: 200
Max magic damage of spells learned at this stage: 400
All spells learned at this stage have a mana cost of: 300
Mana: 6000
Health points: 8000
Mana rejuvenation spell capability: no knowledge of spell
Cast time: spell is in effect/has hit/is calculated in the target's 4th post after its cast post
Elder (Level 4)
Chance for successful control of cast and physical counter (meaning: block, dodge): 90% / 90% / 90%
Max physical damage: 500
Max magic damage of spells learned at this stage: 1000
All spells learned at this stage have a mana cost of: 400
Mana: 20000
Health points: 10000
Mana rejuvenation spell capability: no knowledge of spell
Cast time: spell is in effect/has hit/is calculated in the target's 3rd post after its cast post
The following is the layout of how Coeurls learn their magic type's spells:
Fire type:
- Learned at cub stage: Fire
- Learned at teen stage: Fira
- Learned at adult stage: Firaga
Water type:
- Learned at cub stage: Water
- Learned at teen stage: Watera
- Learned at adult stage: Wateraga
Thunder type:
- Learned at cub stage: Thunder
- Learned at teen stage: Thundara
- Learned at adult stage: Thundaga
Ice type:
- Learned at cub stage: Blizzard
- Learned at teen stage: Blizzara
- Learned at adult stage: Blizzaga
Earth type:
- Learned at cub stage: Earth
- Learned at teen stage: Earthara
- Learned at adult stage: Earthaga
Heal type:
- Learned at cub stage: Cure
- Learned at teen stage: Cura
- Learned at adult stage: Curaga
- Learned at elder stage: Curaja
Time type:
- Learned at teen stage: Haste (target subtracts 1 from cast time), Slow (target adds 1 to cast time), and Stop (target skips 1 post turn)
- Learned at adult stage: choice between Hastega (subtracts 2) or Slowga (adds 2)
- Learned at elder stage: whichever of the two spell choices that hadn't been learned at adult stage
Above are the layouts of how Coeurls level and learn spells in magic regardless of rp activity as they grow.
Are there RP perks? Certainly. RP perks are awarded by Mother Psyche when you gift her gems. Gems are earned by roleplaying. RP perks include being able to strengthen magic with blessings: control-physical counter boosts, physical attack boosts, magic attack max boosts, mana rejuvenation spell/boosts which allows a Coeurl to restore to full at will for example in battle aside from goddess restore points [which are the Psyche version of save/heal points in FF games] (ex. able to perform 1 mana rejuvenation per 20 posts), faster cast time, etc. Other RP perks also include blessings such as: discounts, pre-made/various custom Coeurl packages, etc.
RP perk list:
#### gems earns a ....
The following is still in an untidy draft format:
first posts (4 usually, 2 from each rper) of spar threads serve as key roll for unlucky numbers that result in no control, no block or dodge (use 100 sided dice)
both rpers roll one die after both have finished setting up first posts for who attacks first
usual rolls are five dice first for control-physical counter (time inserts another die roll here since more accident prone than others), second if uncontrolled hits anyway, third is percent of max damage of type of attack used inflicted if cast successfully controlled or hits anyway, fourth is if critical hit (double attack), fifth if will dodge / block opponent's next attack (magic can't be dodged or it can be, this can be changed x'3)
NPC enemies need a roll key created for attacks. For the key divide numbers 0-9 by the number of attacks the NPC has. If division is uneven, make some ranges larger starting from the weakest spell. For example, if enemy has three spells: physical attack, attack 1, attack 2. Roll for three attacks respectively are: 69, 72, and 55. Then rolls ending in 0-2 are attack 1, rolls ending in 3-5 are attack 2, and 6-9 physical attack (has largest range). NPC enemies have stats like the majority of Coeurls.
Only all or nothing attacks? How about the scenario of managing to only receive a scratch from an attack? Answer is: that'll be an rp perk or boosts available as rp perks and have starting version readily available in layout?: option to subtract max (maybe use another dice roll) of --- (%?, #?) from damage received ---- (ex. once, twice) every --- (##) posts.
How are gems obtained? I suggest dice roll while rping. I suggest dice roll in rp post to determine target number. Dice rolls for target numbers should be at least five hours apart. After five dice rolls that have not landed on the target number, on the sixth number roll for an even number to get a gem. If you get an odd number, try again another five times to get the target number and if the target number still hasn't been landed after that. On the next rp post you can rp obtaining a gem. It is required that after obtaining a gem, you wait 24 hours before starting to roll to obtain another. After waiting 24 hours after obtaining a gem, you can begin rolling to earn another starting by rolling for a new target number. This way, even if with 100% luck at rolling dice, you can only earn 1 gem in 24 hours so as things are more challenging and thus interesting.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x xBreeding
Where babies come from! -shot-

            User Image Breedings cost 10k; 5k from each owner. One owner can pay in full, but that does not entitle you to more than one cub or choice of where the other cubs go.
            User Image You get two cubs standard. If a pair roleplays than there is chance they may get a third, and an extensively rped and lifemated pair may get FOUR cubs! o___o
            User Image You do not need to roleplay your Coeurl to breed them. There are perks, however.
            User Image The magic affiliation is based on the parents. If the mother is Water and the father is Fire, than some will (or all) will be Fire or Water.
            User Image No homosexual breedings. Through artificial insemination it can happen, you'll ned an extensive rp log to back it up. In this process, the children take on the traits of all three parents.
            User Image If a lifemating is broken, than they cannot breed for a month.
            User Image The owners of the Coeurl are both entitled to one cub per litter. Two is standard, but if three or four are born, than you have three options. First, you could give it away to a friend, shop newbie, anyone (even me! xD). Your second option is to do some kind of rp contest for it or a survey so the owners can pick who they'd like their extra cub to go to. Your third option is to give the extra cub to the shop to be raffled off. The owners will receive 0% of the profits; all profit will go to the colorist. A cub given to the shop is considered a donation. You cannot argue who the cub ends up with if it is raffled off.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x xStaffers
On the payroll~

            User Image I'll fill this out after Ive heard back from some people :I

Quote from p. 51 --

Mother Psyche
Staffers! 83~

Color only colorists:
Tygress Dream

Edit Authorized:
E L ii B U G
Cyren of the Sea

Manager/Thread helper/Carneli prodder/AWESOME:

And the winner of the advertising raffle was Frezir.
You have 32 hours to claim your tiger or he'll be given to someone else.

New staffers (and old) have 48 hours to respond to make them official <3

Thank you to everyone who applied. All applicants may keep or give away ONE of their samples. C: Just PM it to the mule with your chosen name.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x xHiring!
Please to remember we are a non-union organization -brick'd-

Yes! We are hiring! We need... well just about everything. Part time, full time, and guest colorists. Managers, graphics makers, cert creators, idea bouncer offers (a non profit position ;D ) And basically enough people to keep the place running despite my fail leadership.

Here's some more detail on the various positions opening:
All colorists keep 100% of their profits.

            User ImageFull time

User ImageFull time colorists Can open customs and/or breedings once a month.
User ImageThey can take bribes with special permission.
User ImageCan run auctions/raffles/games/events on their own or in a group as they please. (events require a greenlight from me, though.)
User ImageCan make free Coeurl for themselves and/or friends (If you abuse this you may lose this perk, though :I )
User ImageYou have all kinds of freedom. If you have a bad month or whatever, you don't need to open customs or anything like that. But you do have to hang around the thread, if nothing else then to let me know you're still around. If you go months without contributing, or just leave for long periods of time and only return when you need gold, you could be fired.

            User ImagePart time

User ImagePart time colorists Can open customs and/or breedings with special permission.
User ImageCan contribute/participate in events being planned.
User ImageCan run free games as it suits them, and auctions and raffles with special permission.
User ImageCan make 1 free Coeurl for themselves and/or friends a month.

            User ImageGuest colorists

User ImageCan very occasionally run auctions/raffles.
User ImageMay be asked if they can contribute to events when needed.
User ImageCan run free games whenever they want.
User ImageCan make one free coeurl for themselves or a friend every month they contribute.

Payment will be discussed o3o

            User ImageRP/Thread manager

User ImageMust monitor both guild and thread RP.
User ImageMust have hung around enough to be able to answer questions.
User ImageWork hand in hand with the artist and magic monitor, informing them of any significant RP progression, and help keep track of how much each colorists has contributed a month.
User ImageKeep the owner's list up to date.
User ImageBe a general thread helper outer 8I;; <333

            User ImageMagic manager

User ImageHelp fine tune the magic system.
User ImageKeep track of RP progression, for the purpose of making sure spells are fairly distributed.
User ImageFinal Fantasy and spell knowledge is a MUST.

Cert/Graphics maker
Payment will be discussed upon commissioning.
Here and here are examples of our old cert and thread graphics. If you think you can do better and can follow the requested theme with the requested, custom font (link will be provided) the PM the mule with samples. We're looking for something a little more artistic and professional looking that follows the blue and silver color scheme, especially by way of the cert. Thank you C:

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x xApplications/Forms
Please to remember we are a non-union organization -brick'd-

Applications are no longer being accepted C:
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x xPotentials
The hopeful talent

            User Image DieKraft Fe-Amon -Pg 22
            User Image -Toxic Laurel- -Pg 24
            User Image Snow_Leopard_Anthro -Pg 25 + 29
            User Image Lollicat -Pg 26
            User Image Tiggylumpkins -Pg 27
            User Image Massa the Cosmos -Pg 29
            User Image Tygress Dream -Pg 29
            User Image E L ii B U G -Pg 41
            User Image Shyanimegrl -Pg 41
            User Image Dixie -Pg 43
            User Image kristyn-kun -Pg 47
            User Image ILoveLemons -Pg 47
            User Image K y l e C__xx -Pg 48
            User Image Cyren of the Sea -Pg 49

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x xPrize Pot
Pretties up for grabs
User Image

            User Image A small preview of incentives to hang around in thread. The first poster after certain page numbers/times and random game winners will receive these guys. So stick around C:
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x xAdvertising
Whore us around ;D

            User Image Advertising has it's perks. For every person who pops in that you referred, you get two tickets. For every day you keep the banner in your sig, you get one ticket.
            Just post "Hey! I'm Advertising!" in great big colorful letters so it's not missed.


User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.


So far all I have to offer is this guy |D; But I will add more soon.
User Image


User ImageDreaming Wide Awake- 2
Aestaru- 17
Frezir- 7
Snow_Leopard_Anthro- 5
Massa the Cosmos- 1

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x xCredits
Special thanks~

            User Image Teh Angel Yuna // The epic lineartist
            User Image Kaiven // Talented templatist
            User Image `raze // Original shop concept thinker upper.

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