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Veire forgot to think of a poll!

Oh noez! :o 0.3013698630137 30.1% [ 22 ]
Figures. v_v 0.17808219178082 17.8% [ 13 ]
That's okay, I still love you. <3 0.20547945205479 20.5% [ 15 ]
Wtf, where's the Shibly Pip option? 0.10958904109589 11.0% [ 8 ]
*molests* 0.20547945205479 20.5% [ 15 ]
Total Votes:[ 73 ]
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Dapper Lunatic

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For the past year or so, I've been working on a webcomic called the Godspawn Chronicles. I uploaded the first pages onto Deviantart on September 10th, 2008. Now, after moving to ComicGenesis and a few college-related hiatuses (I've since graduated), Godspawn's one year anniversary has arrived and passed. In celebration of successfully making it through the first of what will hopefully be many years, I've decided to hold an art contest for the five main characters. For I am a hopeless art whore. ;D

Starts: October 23rd, 2009
Ends: February 19th
Note: If you turn in a WIP by the end date, you'll have an additional week (until Feb. 26th) to finish and turn it in.

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Feb. 12, 2010: One week. I should probably start counting the days now.
Feb. 6, 2010: Two weeks left now!
Feb. 2, 2010: Roughly three weeks left to go! 18 if you want to get technical. If you count today. And the 19th. Which I do.
Dec. 2, 2009: Tweaked the rules a bit.
Nov. 8, 2009: Made an addition to the rules for clarification.
Oct. 23, 2009: Contest opens. Took long enough didn't I?

Dapper Lunatic

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Godspawn revolves around the story of Brother Farouk, a priest who survives a horrific attack on his small town only to suddenly find himself in the middle of a bustling city acting as nanny to his Goddess' three morbid offspring. He is less than clear on why exactly he's been volunteered to babysit two 20-something Godspawn and their teenage sister, nor does he understand why he's even needed in the first place since the three seem perfectly capable of taking care of themselves. What's more curious, however--to both himself and others in the temple--is the fact that his Goddess seems entirely unconcerned with the fact that he's the only witness to ever walk away from this unique brand of attackers with his life in the three centuries since they first began plaguing her and her people. This leads him to wonder what exactly she expects him to protect her children from and, more importantly, what her true intentions are.

Dapper Lunatic

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-Follow Gaia's TOS.
-Submit only your own work made especially for this contest. No copying, no stealing, no submitting something you've already done for me or anyone else.
-Use the entry form and post it here in the thread.
-Treat others with tolerance and respect.
-You can submit as many entries as you want.
-Do not advertise outside of your signature or affiliating.
-Do not constantly whine about how horrible you are or brag about how you're God's gift to art. It's one thing to be humble or proud of your work, it's entirely another to go to the extremes and make a nuisance out of yourself.
-Based on past experiences, I've decided that the prize for a particular category can only be handed out if that category has at least two submissions. Otherwise, there's nothing to judge! If there are any "orphan entries," so to speak, they will be integrated into a new category.
-I will never claim your art as my own, but I reserve the right to display it on my comic's website--with credit, of course--and that I may edit the images to create thumbnails, banners, custom profiles, and/or even the occasional avatar image (I rarely use art of my characters as avatars, but it does happen now and then).
-Keep in mind that I have the right to extend this contest or cancel it with compensation to the entrants for any reason.
-I have the right to disqualify you due to the violation of any of these rules and I may alter them at any time.

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Q: Do I have to read/follow the comic?
A: No, it's not necessary to read the comic. Albeit, I will say this: it's a fairly quick read, being only a year old, and it may help you get a better grasp of the characters. It's also the only place where you can find other characters for the Misc Characters category as I will not be including any information on them here.

Q: Can I alter their clothing designs?
A: Yes, by all means! The references I provide are merely to give you an idea of what each character's style is so, as long as you keep that in mind, go nuts.

Q: Your art sucks, why the hell are you making a webcomic?
A: Because my art sucks. A webcomic is the only thing that can get me to practice constantly and so I've put this story in comic form so I can improve. Also because I was educated in the art of writing prose. Dialogue is often said to be one of the most difficult areas in writing, so you can imagine how writing a story purely in dialogue could help a writer with such problems. I've never actually been told that I really need to work on my dialogue, but it never hurts to work on getting better anyway. After all, no one's told me that my dialogue is fantastic either. ;]

But seriously, if you ever tell me or anyone else their art sucks I will feed you to my dog. And she's small, so feeding you to her would most likely involve grinding of some sort.

Q: What's with all the Voltaire lyrics/songs in the profiles?
A: Voltaire's music served as an integral part of my inspiration when I was initially piecing GS and its characters together. This is especially true for Vex, who was the character that launched the entire story into creation, and Vice, who seriously lacked a personality until I went to Italy for a week and listened to almost nothing but Voltaire on the bus rides around the countryside. In essence, I created these characters and this story to the sound of Voltaire's music.

Also, I'm a dork. ;D

Q: Vicious, Vice, Vainglory, Vex, Voltaire, and Veire? Seriously?
A: I like V's. mrgreen

Dapper Lunatic

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Grand Prize
The best, most impressive, awe-inspiring entry of them all!

Self-explanatory. Extra points for relationship accuracy.





Self-explanatory. Her shirt is meant to be a constantly changing enigma. Get creative with it and you will generate more love for your piece.

Applies to any other character from the comic.

Best Display of Abilities
I should clarify that flight alone probably ain't gonna cut it for this category. These characters each have abilities that define them (not counting Farouk) and I'd like to see them showing 'em off a bit. But also try to keep in mind some of their lesser emphasized abilities as well, especially if you're doing either Vice or Vicious.

Sibling Rivalry
Three of these characters are siblings. SIB. LINGS. Need I say more?

Most Creative
An entry that really and truly stands out in terms of theme, style, context, etc.

Never underestimate the power of soul-crushing cuteness.

Let's not forget that these characters are the BAD GUYS. Just because they happen to be a family means absolutely nothing about how truly frightening these kids, their ma, and, yes, sometimes even their nanny can be.

This'll mark the first time I've ever separated this category from Cutest. But only because Godspawn is one of the very few subjects that I can imagine causing the two to have a distinct line drawn between them.

Entry Raffles
15 Entries
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Once a total of 15 finished entries are submitted, all contestants will be entered into a raffle to win a 1st Gen Dander. Each contestant will only be entered once, regardless of how many pieces they contributed.

30 Entries
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In the event that a total of 30 finished entries are submitted, all contestants that entered up until that point will be entered into a raffle to win a Cloud. To keep things fair, the winner of the previous raffle will not be eligible to win this prize.

50 Entries
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In the event that a total of 50 finished entries are submitted, all contestants that contributed--except for the two winners of the previous raffles--will be entered to win a 1st Gen Reve Rouille.

Dapper Lunatic

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All entries can be viewed here.

Vex by Cerinety Vegete
Vicious by Cerinety Vegete
Vicious and Vice by veelafleur
Everyone by Arxce
Vain by Xxamurai
Vex by PureHart
Everyone by Colaholiker
Vice (and Farouk) by KyuHiragiizawa
Vex by Knavery
Vicious by Knavery
Vex and a chimera by veelafleur
Vain by uudie
Vex by Harley Quinne
Vain, Vice, Farouk, and a NINJA ninja by veelafleur

Vain by Miss Mayena

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[b]Link:[/b] [url=image URL goes here][x][/url]

Dapper Lunatic

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Now smile as you're standing
At the edge of your life.
Your troubles are over,
Mine are just beginning.

User ImageName: Farouk
Age: ~30
Height: 5'10"
Personality: Chary, jumpy, suffers from a nervous stutter, inept at…well a lot of things really, yet oddly perceptive and cagey at times, catspaw, generally nonconfrontational.
Bio: The unwillingly volunteered "nanny but not" to Vicious' three children. He lived in a small country town, Galvin, dedicated to the Goddess up until it was attacked and put to ruin by the strange beasts that seem set on destroying everything and everyone Vicious related. As of yet, he is the only known survivor of any of the attacks carried out by these monsters--though oddly enough, Vicious hasn't bothered to ask him anything about them. Farouk doesn't seem to know all that much about Vicious or the customs surrounding her religion, making him a very poor priest who is thusly probably better suited to playing babysitter anyway.
Eyes: Dark green
Hair: Dark gray, occasionally blazed, and always, always messy.
Build: Toned.
Abilities: N/A
Weapon: Staff
Role: Nanny/Priest
Favorite Pages: [First Appearance] [In which Farouk looks sad] [In which Farouk discovers how badly Dardanus fails at lying] [In which Farouk ponders death and how it relates to Cockroach Man]
Voltaire Theme: Feathery Wings
References: [Ref Sheet]

Dapper Lunatic

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Ravens land upon her hair,
Clouds adrift on her skin,
A smile that tugs upon my soul
And whispers gently in my ear.

User ImageName: Vicious
Age: We're to assume she's somewhere in the four to five thousand range. On the younger side for a divinity, but not by much.
Race: Chaos Goddess
Height: Varies depending on who's in the room. She's always shorter than most male Gods, but she's always taller than any non-divine being. It's unclear whether or not her feet are ever actually touching the ground beneath her dress.
Personality: Temperamental, flighty, intuitive, more judicious than most people are inclined to believe, mischievous, alluring, femme fatale—quite literally a man eater. (and you all thought Farouk was exaggerating)
Bio: One of the many children of Chaos and mother of Vice, Vain, and Vex. Vicious is a Goddess with a lot of enemies and...peculiar ways of dealing with them. Or anything for that matter. She is a Goddess of death, misfortune, cruel irony, untimely death, and plague--some of these aspects she flaunts more vividly than others. For the past three centuries or so, her five city states and the lands associated with them have been plagued by vicious creatures, beset upon her people by an unknown enemy. It is also worth noting that she seems to have had a son with a mortal at some point in the past, though little has been revealed about either father or child.
Eyes: Red
Hair: Dark purple, curly/wavy, and in a constant state of...how to put this...flotation? It DOES manage to retain its overall shape, though. She'd make a poor Goddess if she couldn't manage something as simple as that.
Build: Being a Goddess, Vicious' body is hard to describe. She can manipulate her form at will, shaping herself any way she pleases. For the most part, though, she has an overall pear shape due in part to her magnificent child-bearing hips.
Abilities: As a Goddess, she has a long list of abilities but her most significant ones are her ability to open up windows to other locations by essentially slicing out a hole in the air with her claw-like fingernails, "poofing" (which Farouk can attest to is VERY annoying), manipulating her body at will (size, shape, tangibility...this is how she can manage not to be any specific height), using her hair as tendrils/extra limbs, and inflicting disease with a touch. Her " window " ability is perhaps her most important since, while she can see the window hanging in the air from her end and hear and see everything through it, it can not be detected in any fashion from the location to where it is opened. This means she can spy on people quite easily and speak to them seemingly out of nowhere when she so chooses.
Weapon: Vicious is one of the few Gods who doesn't have a signature weapon. Even back in the times when Gods were allowed to battle one another, she never found herself in need of one.
Role: Mother
Favorite Pages: [First Appearance] [In which Vicious takes an interest in Farouk and awesome sound effects are used] [In which I killed my right hand drawing that damn garden] [In which even awesomer sound effects are used and the answer is: yes, Farouk, yes]
Voltaire Theme: Ravens Land
References: [Ref Sheet]

Dapper Lunatic

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I'm Mr. Irresponsible.
I'm irresponsible and I don't care
If the whole world burns.
Let it burn.

User ImageName: Vice Vicious Secundus
Age: 23
Race: Godspawn
Height: 6'4"
Personality: Serious, seemingly detached, cold, calculating, furtive, taciturn, hostile, defensive (particularly of his family members), cantankerous, and a fan of deadpan if ever there was one.
Bio: Vice is...Vice. He inherited a certain level of disregard for any other living thing from his mother and has taken it to the extreme. There is little that won't set him off enough to severely punish whoever has caused him nuisance. Needless to say, Vice can be kind of scary sometimes. He carries little, if any, expression on his face other than that of permanent annoyance, which is part of what makes it so difficult to tell whether or not he's being sarcastic at times. Considering the content of many of his conversations, that can be fairly worrisome. He refuses to stick to the mold he sets out to make people believe he fits so perfectly, however, and occasionally reveals why his sisters have eternally labeled him a "goof."
Eyes: Venom green
Hair: Dark purple
Build: Though he doesn't bother showing it off, Vice actually keeps himself in fairly decent shape. And for good reason; his mace takes a lot of effort to wield effectively and the boy's gotta be able to hold his own in a household full of crazy bitches (and when he accidentally says that out loud, he means it in the nicest way possible).
Abilities: Not all of Vice's abilities have been revealed in the comic yet and, unlike some others, it would be rather spoilerish if I revealed them all here. What can be put here is that, just like 85% of Godspawn, he obtained the ability of flight at a very early age. Throughout his life he also gained a talent for increasing the acidity of his saliva--and, erm, other bodily fluids *cough*--to the point where it becomes an incredibly dangerous acid; along with this came the ability to..."over salivate" when he produces acid, making it all the more effective when trying to inhibit an opponent with it. Although he does not often get a chance to use it, Vice inherited an ability from his mother: he can kill with a touch. Or rather, that's how it's often referred to. In reality, while his mother grants sickness with contact, Vice increases--by his own will, of course--the aging process. He will occasionally use this to weaken a load bearing wall in a building, dry out flowers for his sisters because they're bribing him with food, or, y'know, just to kill plants for fun. Sometimes birds, but they usually belong to Vex and then she hits him and then he shoves her and...things just get messy. Vice has also recently acquired enhanced strength, though he's still getting used to it. His most commonly used ability by far is summoning objects into either or both of his hands. He has to know where the object is in order to summon it properly, however, and he uses this most often to summon his mace when he has need for it.
Weapon: Mace.
Role: Big brother/Unofficial leader
Favorite Pages: [First Appearance] [In which Vice gets a face!]
Voltaire Theme: Land of the Dead, but I guess Irresponsible is probably a little more accurate. Honestly, I just associate a lot of Voltaire's songs with Vice.
References: [Ref Sheet]

Dapper Lunatic

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Suddenly I remember
The girl with eyes like the sea.
I turn, she winks and she smiles gently
While the bull runs straight into me

User ImageName: Vainglory Vicious Tertia, a.k.a. Vain
Age: 21
Race: Godspawn
Height: 5'7"
Personality: Doting, prudent, attentive, upholds a misleadingly calm demeanor most of the time, manipulative, fierce, can be a bit pushy at times, and quite the force to be reckoned with when she gets well and truly pissed off.
Bio: Vain is her mother's daughter, if perhaps slightly less...eccentric. She's the "little mother" of the family, taking up where Vicious leaves off when she heads out to take care of Godly business, and she seems to have a fixation with feeding people. She has a misleadingly calm, caring nature through which numerous violent tendencies tend to shine in a lovely little blend of mother henish hell. Throwing butcher knives at her siblings is treated with as much normalcy as pouring them a glass of milk.
Eyes: Bright blue
Hair: Dark blue, curly/wavy, and when not in use generally reaches her mid- to low-back. See Abilities for more info.
Build: In short, Vain is voluptuous. She's a bigger girl in general, some would even go so far as to say fat--not the ones that want to keep their various extremities attached, but some nonetheless. Yes, she's very busty. Yes, her hips and a** are fairly large. And finally, yes, she has a pooch hidden under that cloak-thing of hers. This is not to say that she doesn't try to keep herself in shape--for that matter, any and all use of her abilities burns calories--she just has a penchant for baking sweets. And then, as tends to follow, eating them.
Abilities: Out of her entire family, Vain seems to have drawn the short straw when it comes to abilities. Her lesser abilities consist of flight, of course, acid resilience (developed for obvious reasons), and "night" vision. This ability extends to allow her to see even in pitch black, where not even animals would be able to see the whiskers on their faces. Her more prominent abilities are the two she relies on the most and, given that they both developed around puberty, are by far the most powerful. Vain can summon up shadow portals anywhere so long as there are other, adequate shadows around for them to feed off of. These portals can either instantly transport her anywhere up to 15 miles away, or they can merely take her, quite literally, into the shadows. As much as she hates calling it such, this sort of "shadow realm" is a safe haven for her and anyone she pulls into it. It is entirely pitch black inside--no doubt the reason her "night" vision developed a few years later--and as such only Vain is capable of actually seeing this particular layer of the world. Her other ability consists of hair manipulation. Undoubtedly inherited from her mother, Vain can extend her hair to great lengths, using her locks as tendrils to attack her enemies. These tendrils are quick and are often used as shields, battering rams, and extra limbs of extreme strength. With them, Vain can smash her enemies or even impale them and then shred them an instant later. No matter how many times her locks are cut, she can always grow them back tenfold. She hardly, if ever, sees hand-to-hand combat, though she does keep a scythe tucked away in the shadows (literally) for those rare occasions.
Weapon: Scythe.
Role: Middle sister/Unofficial second-in-command. Or puppeteer, as the case may be. Let me put it this way--and if you've ever seen My Big Fat Greek Wedding, you'll appreciate this--if Vice is the head of their little group, then Vain is the neck. And the neck can turn the head any way she wants. >3
Favorite Pages: [First Appearance] [In which Vain wins >D] [In which Vain does not win =P] [In which Vain meets her foe] [In which Vain adamantly disagrees]
Voltaire Theme: Blue Eyed Matador
References: [Ref Sheet] (wherein I fail to depict her tummy properly; should've chosen a pose that didn't make her midsection twist like that >_o)

Dapper Lunatic

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And I sang death death
Devil devil devil devil
Evil evil evil evil songs
Hell you know that's how I get along!

User ImageName: Vex Vicious Quarta
Age: 15
Race: Godspawn
Height: 5'4"
Personality: Vibrant, somewhat selfish, attention-seeking, saucy, impulsive, peevish by name and by nature, but a studious little thing when she wants to be. (See Abilities)
Bio: Vex is the youngest, fastest, perkiest, and most bothersome of her siblings. And a massive attention whore to boot. Maybe she wasn't loved enough as a child. No one really knows. There is little rhyme or reason as to why Vex acts the way she does, but, at the very least, her brother and sister seem to get a good kick out of it. Farouk does not, but that's because Vex practically lives to annoy him. In the most loving way possible, of course.
Eyes: Dark red
Hair: Cotton candy pink, past her waist, and rather unkempt due to her active and erratic nature.
Build: Slim, small-busted, and about as in-shape as any average teenage girl that makes a habit of bouncing off the walls every five seconds.
Abilities: Vex would be the prodigy among her siblings. Although she shares with them the ability to fly and has enhanced speed, especially when in the air, she's been gifted with the especially rare talent of creating beings--commonly referred to as chimeras--from scratch. While in Gods this is a widespread ability, a scant 6% of Godspawn ever manage to obtain it. Even then, it is hardly ever as powerful as hers. Few of her peers can create more than the smallest of creatures and even fewer can successfully bring them fully to life. This lack of completeness is what causes smoke or vapor to rise from the chimeras' bodies. Of course, since the creation of life is no small matter, she is being tutored and closely monitored by her mother and grandmother. Let it not be said that Vex has no sense of responsibility. She is an attentive student when it comes to matters of chimera creation and rarely ever completes any of her smokey little pals without following the strict and proper guidelines for such actions. As incomplete creatures, they are extremely easy to kill; generally a single blow will totally vaporize them. But what they lack in strength, they make up for in hordes and hordes of opponents. Vex often uses her chimeras to overwhelm her enemies or as tools for spying. Sometimes she'll complete some of the smaller ones and keep them around as pets or for entertainment purposes. Or to bug Farouk. She's the reason there are tiny, biting, fairylike imp things flitting about the Vertex. Vex's favorite and most beloved creation by far, however, is Orcus, a sizeable doglike demon...thing...that has essentially become the family pet (except significantly more intelligent; he understands speech, though he cannot speak himself, and can communicate with other animals). He is, for the most part, ready to be completed, but Vex is nervous about doing so since, once fully alive, he can also be fully killed. Although she can regenerate him exactly as he is--same personality, same memories, same being overall--she will lose the ability to do this once he is complete. Her fears remain despite the fact that Orcus is and will remain a worthy and deadly foe to anyone foolish enough to cross him. Destroying him, even as he is now, is a feat indeed.
Weapon: A pair of bladed sais.
Role: The littlest Godspawn ;3
Favorite Pages: [First Appearance] [In which Vex's various expressions were fun to draw =D]
Voltaire Theme: Death Death (Devil Devil Evil Evil Songs), albeit I initially created her to the tune of Ex-Lover's Lover.
References: [Ref Sheet]
Note: I realize that there's no reference for Orcus. He hasn't been introduced into the comic yet and I'm not sure if he will be before the end of the contest. He's also not a main character and thus not part of the real focus of this contest. However, I will try to make something for him shortly.

Dapper Lunatic

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Dapper Lunatic

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Want to be affiliates? Just ask me and it shall be done!

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Dapper Lunatic

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All song lyrics © Voltaire.
Godspawn Chronicles and all related characters are © Rebekkah Klandrud, 2008-2010.

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