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Oh no! A chance encounter with a creepy magical mirror has left Kanoko stranded in a topsy-turvy alternate reality, and it's up to you to find her.

When you step into the Dark Reflection, you'll find that your favorite NPCs have been jumbled into eerie alternate states. To find Kanoko, you'll have to talk to as many of these strange characters as you can... if you press on and investigate further, you could end up with a shot at a fantastically rare item!

Each Dark Reflection will grant you one random item-- no matter how your search turns out, you're bound to get something cool. It's packed with great items, including Cash Shop favorites, great new exclusives and more. Here's a taste of what you might walk away with:

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To grab one-- or save some Cash by picking up a bundle-- visit our Dark Reflection page!

For the full story, check out this Dark Reflection mini-comic:

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Click to see the full-sized image.