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We've got some great new EI updates: some new gear from the Anima Admanatea, plus a huge aquatic update to the Gogh Reed, including a cute new painting from the item's artist!

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For more informative fun some cool art, scroll down to see the full report from Dr. Singh and Timmy!

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Dr. Singh: Hi, everyone! Welcome to the Evolving Item Report, your weekly source for all the latest EI news. I'm your host, Dr. Singh, and this is my unfortunate sidekick, Timmy. How ya doing this week, Timmy?

    Timmy: Sullen, Doc. Sullen and angry. And greasy. And getting more an' more spotty and gangly all the time.

Dr. Singh: Dear me, it seems to be progressing more quickly than I thought... I knew puberty would be rough for you, on account of your extreme awkwardness, but I had no idea it would be so sudden.

    Timmy: Well, I don't like it. I don't like anything. Leave me alone. I no longer respect authority figures.

Dr. Singh: Snap out of it, Timmy! What you're experiencing is called a "mood," and it's brought on by the surge of angry hormones currently racking your unsteady little frame.

    Timmy: You mean I don't really feel this way? Whew. Jeepers, Doc, I was gettin' worried for a minute.

Dr. Singh: Let's just focus on the task at hand, shall we? We've got business to attend to, and we can't let ourselves be distracted by your disturbing adolescent metamorphosis.

    Timmy: Understood!

Dr. Singh: First up, we've got a cool new upgrade to the cutting-edge Anima Adamantea-- in addition to some sleek new armor pieces, it looks like the small robotic companion is continuing to grow and become more technologically sophisticated.

    Timmy: Can I teach it to do tricks, Doc?

Dr. Singh: Well, I don't think that's really the point, Timmy. But maybe. Finally, there's a fantastic new set of elemental items from the Gogh Reed, this time focusing on water. The cute little lizard seems to have transformed into a sparkling blue fish-- and it's brought along a gorgeous water cape, a mermaid tail, a new eye style and more. We've also got a lovely new painting by the item's creator:

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    Timmy: That's a lotta stuff! It could practically be a whole item by itself, but that's just one evolution!

Dr. Singh: Such is the beauty of evolving items, squire! They're so jam-packed with value that it's practically unbelievable. Well, that's all for this week-- don't forget to stop by our poll and let us know what your favorite items are! Adios, folks, and have a great weekend.

    Timmy: Bye bye!