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This week, there's a brand new evolving item in the Cash Shop: Fremere's Guard! Plus, we've got new evolutions from the Wingding Shirt and Changeling Babies, and the final evolution of the Coocoon!

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The Wingding Shirt: Yowza!

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Read on for the full report from Dr. Singh, plus a special visit from Edmund!

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Dr. Singh: Welcome to the Evolving Item Report! I'm your host, Dr. Singh, and this is our special guest, Edmund... in addition to being a prominent Gaian business owner, he's also a former head of research and development for G-Corp!

    Edmund: Well, that was a long time ago, Dr. Singh.

Dr. Singh: Even so, there's no denying that you're blessed with one of the sharpest scientific minds in Gaia's history, so it's a true honor to have you on the show. A little later, we'll be talking to Edmund about the latest news on Timmy, the former co-host of this show. But first, let's get to the items!

    Edmund: With pleasure! I'm quite intrigued by this new item...

Dr. Singh: Oh! You must mean Fremere's Guard, the mysterious new addition to the evolving item lineup. I generally comment on the scientific properties of items, but this one seems to be more interesting for the warrior legend surrounding it. I hear you used to be a bit of a fighter, Edmund-- do you know anything about Fremere's Guard?

    Edmund: Oh, I've heard the stories-- great warriors may die, but their spirits tend to stick around until their business is complete. They say Fremere's soul could never be satisfied. No victory was glorious enough, no Gold shone bright enough, no revenge was sweet enough... all his pride, rage and ambition were cast into this item. Notice how its red eyes seem to glow with implacable angst?

Dr. Singh: I did notice something pretty intense about it, yes.

    Edmund: When you've got the spirit of a legendary warrior guiding an item's evolution, it seems like incredible things are bound to happen.

Dr. Singh: I'd imagine so! Elsewhere this week, the Changeling Babies are continuing their worrisome growth... we warned would-be adopters that these creatures might be a bit of a handful, so I can only hope they're prepared for some big surprises.

    Edmund: And speaking of big surprises... this Wingding Shirt is really something.

Dr. Singh: Yes, they're updating for the first time this week, and I've noticed that the female shirts tend to be a bit... flattering.

    Edmund: Mind if I buy one for Vanessa? I think she'd appreciate it.

Dr. Singh: I don't think she really needs one, Edmund. During my last Salon visit, I couldn't help notice that she's got plenty going on up there already. In fact, I noticed a long line of young men outside hoping for a little trim.

    Edmund: ...

Dr. Singh: Aaaanyway, moving on: looks like the Coocoon has reached its final stage today! Quite an exciting development in the field of entomology, and quite a fantastic day for all the Coocoon owners who've been patiently waiting for something special. In other news, little Gimpi isn't quite ready to evolve this week, so we'll likely need to wait another week for the final evolution. Sorry about that, Gimpi fans! We want to make sure the little guy gets the best treatment possible.

    Edmund: We're all rooting for you, Gimpi!

Dr. Singh: I suppose that about does it for this week's evolutions, Edmund. Now, I'm sure all the Timmy fans out there are wondering if you found out anything interesting about his condition...

    Edmund: In fact, I did! I took a little trip to Labtech Gene's decrepit old laboratory, which has apparently been abandoned for quite some time. Inside, I found the vat of Gro-Gain in which Gene fabricated the original batch... I analyzed a bit of the goop left in the centrifuge system, and I found small traces of a contaminant: pure evil.

Dr. Singh: Oh no! How could it have-- wait! Wait a minute!

    Edmund: Yes?

Dr. Singh: It all makes sense! A while back, Timmy somehow managed to get himself trapped in a vat of toxic G-Corp waste, and started to become a horrible, twisted mutant... Labtech Gene performed genetic surgery on him and managed to remove the evil thing that had grown inside him, but it escaped from the lab!

    Edmund: A piece of pure evil escaped containment and you didn't do anything about it!? Good heavens, Dr. Singh, if it had crawled into a volcano or something, we'd all be slaves of some ancient fire god by now!

Dr. Singh: I guess I just kinda forgot about it... out of sight, out of mind, you know.

    Edmund: So, that makes sense... the piece of concentrated evil must have crawled into the old vat of leftover Gro-Gain, and then Gene decided to make a quick buck by selling it... he's created an epidemic of hirsute evil!

Dr. Singh: Is there anything we can do?

    Edmund: I'm afraid it may be too late to save Gene-- as you can see by his outrageous hair growth, I fear he's become too twisted by the Gro-Gain. But Timmy may still be salvageable in some form... can you think of a way to bring him here next week?

Dr. Singh: I'm sure I could think of something. Maybe if I appeal to that awful ego he's developed, he won't be able to resist.

    Edmund: Well, give it a try. I'll see what I can do.

Dr. Singh: Thanks so much, Edmund! I guess that's it for today's Evolving Item Report, ladies and gentlemen. Come back next week for more great items and, hopefully, a visit from Timmy! And don't forget to vote in our weekly evolving item poll!