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Greetings, Gaians! I'm going to do my best to keep this brief, as I'm preparing everything on and around my desk for the upcoming tax season. I realize that it's October, but trust me when I say that preparing in advance is the absolute most important part of tax season. If all of my pens and books aren't in their exact right location from the start, then it's bound to become a disaster. Having to pull piles of papers off a desk just to find a pen is not fun, let me tell you. And speaking of preparing in advance, now is your chance to do the same, as the October 2017 Advance Chance is here!

    User Image What will this month's CI be? We just don't know yet, but you'll be one of the first to find out with the October 2017 Advance Chance! On the day that the next CI is released, you'll be able to open up this surprise bundle to receive a 9-pack of the CI, and start winning the prizes inside hours before they're even available to the general public! That means you'll have the chance to list them on the Marketplace before anyone has seen them! Not to mention, you'll get a copy of the enhanced version of the CI as well! If you're a particularly lucky individual, this month's Advance Chance could even open up to reveal the Advance Chance Plus, which will instead grant you TEN copies of the enhanced version of the CI—and yes, that means that if you get the 25 pack, you'll get not 10, but 25 enhanced CIs straight to your inventory!

Get Your Advance Chance!

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