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Lots of people seem to have forgotten what a skeptic really is, they are not people who don't believe in the supernatural... rather they are people who ask questions. What the modern skeptic tends to forget is, even the conclusions that they draw need to be questioned. A skeptic is not one that says "That's ridiculous, I don't believe you!" but instead "Have you evidence to support your claim?"

Most "supernatural" phenomena can be explained by otherwise normal circumstances; swamp gas can look like UFOs, the canines of a corpse will sometimes protrude like fangs, etc. A skeptic is a person who examines all possible explanations instead of jumping to the conclusion that "the wizard did it".

A More Definitive Definition of 'Skeptic'
skeptic |ˈskeptik| ( Brit. sceptic)
1 a person inclined to question or doubt all accepted opinions.
• a person who doubts the truth of Christianity and other religions; an atheist or agnostic.
2 Philosophy an ancient or modern philosopher who denies the possibility of knowledge, or even rational belief, in some sphere.

skepticism |ˈskeptəˌsizəm| |ˈskɛptəˈsɪzəm| |-sɪz(ə)m| ( Brit. scepticism) noun


1.) First Post/Intro
2.) The "Old" Thread
3.) Poll Results & Data Discussion
4.) Note-Worthy Threads
5.) Reserved Post


"Good" Evidence vs. "Bad" Evidence

In ordinary speech we appeal to all kinds of evidence: “I heard it on the news”; “I saw it with my own eyes”; “In tests, eight out of ten cats say their owners preferred it”.

The problem is, of course, that not all evidence is good evidence. What makes good evidence is a big issue, but the key general principal is that evidence is stronger if it is available to inspection by more people on repeated occasions; and worse if it is confined to the testimonies of a small number of people on limited occasions. We can see how this principal works by considering two extreme examples. The evidence that water freezes at zero degrees centigrade is an example of the best kind of evidence. In principal, anyone can test this out at any time for themselves and each test makes the evidence more compelling.

Now consider the other extreme, often called anecdotal evidence because it relies on the testimony of a single person relating to one incident. Someone claims that they saw their dog spontaneously combust right before their very eyes. Is this good evidence for the existence of spontaneous canine combustion? Not at all, for many reasons. First, as the Scottish philosopher David Hume pointed out, the evidence has to be balanced against the much larger amount of evidence that don’t just burst into flames. Hume’s point is not that testimony of this one person isn’t evidence at all. It is rather that it is insignificant when we compare it to all the other evidence we have that spontaneous canine combustion does not take place.

A second reason why it is not good evidence is that, sadly, human beings are not very good at interpreting their experiences, especially unusual ones. Take as a simple example the experience of seeing an illusionist who pretends to have real powers bending a metal spoon without excreting any apparent physical force. You will hear people persuaded by such experiments to say that they “saw the person bend the spoon with their thoughts.” Of course, they saw no such thing, not least because they could not see the illusionist’s thoughts, which means they couldn’t have seen the thoughts bend the metal. What they saw was a spoon bend, while they did not see any physical force being exerted upon it, that is all. Everything else is just interpretation.

To say this is not to call the witness a liar or fool. They are neither. They did not lie, they were just mistaken, and they are not fools but victims of a clever trick.

We can see how the merits of these two extremes of evidence compare by considering how we show anecdotal evidence to be weak. In the case of spontaneous canine combustion, the failure of the episode to ever be repeated is one reason why we take the anecdotal evidence for its occurrence to be weak. If dogs did burs into flames for no apparent reason regularly, the the evidence would be stronger: stronger because it is available to inspection to more people in repeated occasions.

We can be similarly skeptical about the strength of evidence for spoon-bending because when the “powers” of the spoon-bender are tested in a situation in which the phenomenon can be observed in laboratory conditions, no such powers are displayed. Again, it seems that the evidence is such that it is not open to the kind of ordinary inspection that the freezing of water is.

Providing Evidence
A Helpful and Informative Thread


3 Guide-lines of Skepticism
1. If you are told someone is usually a skeptic, but this had them convinced, they aren't a skeptic.
Why? Because a skeptic is someone who questions things and weighs probabilities. A skeptic is NOT someone who generally doesn't believe things but chooses to believe specific things regardless of evidence of personal experience. Nine times out of ten, when a person says "I'm usually a skeptic..." what they really mean is "I'm usually a non-believer..." Skeptics are not non-believers, skeptics are truth-seekers. If someone says that [BLANK] has them convinced, then a skeptic would make damn sure that [BLANK] is credible evidence.
2. Opening ones mind does not mean suspending critical thinking or skepticism. It means comparing the validity of new ideas
Being "open-minded" does NOT mean believing every outlandish claim that is made. Being "open-minded" simply means not refusing to acknowledge a possibility of said claim. If a claimant cannot present any compelling evidence of their claim, then a skeptic has not reason to believe them. This does not mean that the skeptic is "closed-minded", it just means that the one making the claim has not provided adequate evidence to support their claim. Likewise, when one keeps their mind open, that does not mean that they have to push their sense of logic and rational reasoning out of the opening. Thinking about things critically is also not "closed-minded".
3. Skepticism isn't a plain "I don't believe in it" it is instead, more of a "I evaluate statements based on their validity and supporting facts, instead of on faith and belief of myself and others"
This one should be self-explanatory. A skeptic is not a person who just decides that a claim is unsubstantial and refuses to believe it regardless of what it is and what evidence is presented to support it. No. A skeptic is a person who says "I am doubtful of what you say. Can you support it?" The skeptic asks for evidence before making a decision.

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The Old Thread

The old skeptics thread by electricwaltz was moved to Friends Chat for being off topic to often. Let us try not to repeat the same mistake here in the new skeptics thread. The Supernatural Forum needs a thread like this, its obligatory in my opinon. So lets all do our best to keep it here and not get it moved again.

The old thread can still be found here:

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Versatile Receiver

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Poll Results & Data Discussion

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This is a poll provided by one of our SNF Regulars, Jazin Kay from his thread Ouija Boards - The Magical Engines of Bullshit (click the link to read the original thread). It seems that the majority of voted agreed that Ouija boards do not, in fact, contact the dead. Why then, do you suppose are there some many posters in the forum warning people away from Ouija boards? Are the results of this poll inaccurate or was the question to specific? Should we instead be asking "Do you think Ouija boards can actually contact spirits?" or "Do you think Ouija boards can contact things not of the Earthly-plane?"


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One would think that with all the "I think my dream means something!" and "Tell me what my dreams are saying." thread in this forum, we would have had fewer votes for the "dreams are meaningless" option. I must say, this poll seems rather indicative of the hypocrisy of this forum. I love it!


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So it seems that most people in this forum think that ghosts are fairly plausible. In that case, what do you define as a "ghost"? Is it an imprint of a person after they have been snuffled loose the mortal coils? Or are they not mere imprints but rather the lost and wondering souls of people who have died with unfinished business? Could it be both? Or if its neither what then?


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Well, it seems love conquers all. Funny, since everyone in this forum (myself included) is such an a**. Ah, well. When you hear the word "love" what do you think of? Is it "romantic" love? Platonic love? Do you think of soul-mates? If so, what would you define as a soul-mate? Could such a thing even exist?


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Seems most people think that the most plausible reason for extraterrestrials to visit our planet for for anthropological study. Do you think that this theory is supported by the many varied accounts of alien activity on Earth? Why? Why not? Assuming they are visiting us and they are anthropologists, how do you explain things such as crop circles and cattle mutilations? Since anthropology emphasizes a minimal effect on your study group how would one justify something that is anything but minimizing an effect?

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Extraterrestrials wins by a land slide! (Not that it was really a contest.) Why, I wonder, do so many think that creatures from another planet are more plausible than extraterrestrials, creatures from our own plant that as simply just unknown to us. There are so many places of our own planet that we have not yet explored, how can we really be sure that we know of and have cataloged everything that lives here and shares our planet with us?

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Note Worthy Threads

LOOK! Angry Spam Here! - http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/look-the-angry-spamming-thread/t.58663023/
The Versus Sticky!: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/this-vs-that-vs-everything-else-versus-sticky/t.55891145/
The Twilight Forum! Take all your sparkles, Mary-Sues, and toxic relationships here: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/twilight-saga/f.587/

Supernatural Topics:

Aliens, Conspiracy Theories, and Strange Science

Aliens/Phenomena attributed to aliens:
Alien Agenda: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/alien-agenda/t.55900951/?_gaia_t_=3934
Crop Circles: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/t.58727545/?_gaia_t_=3934
Cattle Mutilations: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/t.58696419/?_gaia_t_=3934
Why people believe in ancient astronauts - and why it's bunk: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/why-people-believe-in-ancient-astronauts-and-why-it-s-bunk/t.62006215/

Conspiracy Theories:
The Spaceship Moon Theory: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/the-spaceship-moon-theory/t.58222497/
Bob Lazar and the S-4: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/bob-lazar-and-s-4/t.59280101/

Alternative Health, Strange Science and Alchemy

Alternative/Strange Science:
Reality Glitch: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/reality-glitch/t.59486317/
Dowsing: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/dowsing/t.59704561/
The Fortean Phenomena: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/the-fortean-phenomena-thread-it-s-raining-frogs/t.59706621/

Alchemy?: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/alchemy/t.59184135/
Hermetic magic: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/hermetic-magic/t.58628435/

Ghosts, Monsters, Mythological Creatures

Ghosts, Spirits, Shadow People:
Shadow people: share your stories: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/shadow-people-share-your-stories/t.58602313/
the white lady?: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/the-white-lady/t.58564631/
Shadow People: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/shadow-people/t.58573107/
Gods, spirits, otherworldly beings: The differences?: Gods, spirits, otherworldly beings: The differences?
Morphology of Souls/Spirits/Quintessance: Morphology of Souls/Spirits/Quintessance
True Hauntings and Ghost Stories: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/true-hauntings-and-ghost-stories/t.59706141/

The Definitive Guide to Demons: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/the-definitive-guide-to-demons-dealing-exorcism/t.58297269/

Fictional Vampires:
Vampire: Defanged?: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/vampire-defanged-unofficial-sd-first-ever-vamp-thread/t.55456659/
Vampires. Looking for Facts, and Intelligent Opinions.: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/vampires-looking-for-facts-and-intelligent-opinions/t.58811545/

Werewolves - savage, stylish, sexy & superior to vampires: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/werewolves-savage-stylish-sexy-superior-to-vampires/t.55661905/

Supernatural, Mystical, and Unseen Creatures:
Fairies?: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/fairies/t.58411851/
The Grinning Man: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/the-grinning-man/t.58544913/
Angels: Fluffy winged babies or a**-kicking soliders?: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/angels-fluffy-winged-babies-or-a-kicking-soliders/t.58493637/
It's time for a slender man thread.: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/it-s-time-for-a-slender-man-thread/t.58500357/
Sexual Fetish - Monsters: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/sexual-fetish-monsters-nocturnal-emissions/t.57386929/

Witchcraft, The Occult, Divination, and Possession

The Offical Witchcraft Thread Version 3.0: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/the-offical-witchcraft-thread-version-3-0/t.55580317/
Witches: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/witches/t.56940703/
Witch.: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/witch/t.58122689/
Voodoo research: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/voodoo-research/t.58044727/
Witch Craft and You.: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/witch-craft-and-you/t.55701531_61/
The Evocation and Invocation of Various Spirits: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/the-evocation-and-invocation-of-various-spirits/t.59505727/

Ancient Futhark Runes: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/ancient-futhark-runes/t.58636577/
Tarot card talk: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/tarot-card-talk/t.56309697/

Spirit channeling and possession: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/spirit-channeling-and-possession/t.66332967/

Psychic Abilities, Dreams, Trancework, and Astral Travel

Psychic abilities:
Psychic Chat: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/psychic-chat-welcome-to-the-board-interpretation-thread/t.55702121/
Telepathy, Anyone?: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/telepathy-anyone/t.58323249/
Seeing the Aura: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/seeing-the-aura/t.55901269/
Magic and Abilities: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/magic-and-ablities/t.55659587/
Telekinesis: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/telekinesis/t.56104143/?_gaia_t_=3934

Dreams/Dream Interpretation:
Dream Powers: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/dream-powers/t.58505849/
Dream Interpretation and Meanings: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/dream-intepretation-and-meanings/t.58549253/
DREAMS Talk and Dream Interpretation: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/dreams-talk-and-dream-interpretation/t.55677481/

Astral Projection/Out-of-Body Experiences/Trancework:
Astral Projection/Out-of-Body Experiences: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/astral-projection-out-of-body-experiences/t.58034163/
Otherworld Travels: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/otherworld-travels/t.55853939/

Creepy and Mysterious People, Places, and Things

Creepy Places
50 Berkeley Square. An evil house?: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/50-berkeley-square-an-evil-house/t.58639705/
Poveglia Island: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/poveglia-island/t.59002675/
Aokigahara - Suicide Forest: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/aokigahara-suicide-forest/t.59006923/
Sedlec Ossuary: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/sedlec-ossuary/t.59009063/
Capuchin Catacombs in Palermo: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/capuchin-catacombs-in-palermo/t.59110811/
The Cursed Resort of San Zhi: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/the-cursed-resort-of-san-zhi/t.59124129/
Winchester Mystery House: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/winchester-mystery-house/t.59125229/

Religious Mythology:
The Holy Grail: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/the-holy-grail-not-tobe-confused-w-grail-shaped-becon/t.59199773/
Reincarnation: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/reincarnation/t.68536921/

Strange People
The Phantom Clown Incidents: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/the-phantom-clown-incidents/t.59824563/
Edgar Cayce - Interdimensional Guide: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/edgar-cayce-interdimensional-guide/t.63042308/

Creepy Things
The Official Creepypasta Thread: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/the-official-creepypasta-thread-warning-may-be-disturbed/t.62341805/
The Fear or Ylmxntrth: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/the-fear-or-ylmxntrth/t.61379941/

Otherkin, Non-fictional Vampires, and Spirit Guides

Non-Fictional Vampires/Lifestylers:
Vampyres vs Vampires: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/vampyres-vs-vampires-learn-your-subcultures-vs-myth/t.58732313/
The Vampire Support Thread - Supernatural Forum Version (coming soon)
Vampires and magic-psychological or magical?: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/vampiries-and-magic-psychological-or-magical/t.58858233/?_gaia_t_=3936

~Otherkin United!~: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/otherkin-united-are-you-one-of-us/t.55798643/

Spirit Guides
Spirit Guides, or "Let's chat about our unseen buddies": http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/spirit-guides-or-let-s-chat-about-our-unseen-buddies/t.58837441_121/
~Guides, Angels, and Animals. Oh my!~: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/the-official-thread-guides-angels-and-animals-oh-my/t.59381411/


The Skeptics' Table: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/skeptics-table-the-x-in-the-file/t.58244873/
The Supernatural, Skepticism, and Open-Mindedness: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/the-supernatural-skepticism-and-open-mindedness/t.56794287_1/#15
Ouija Boards - The Magical Engines of Bullshit: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/ouija-boards-the-magical-engines-of-bullshit/t.59289681/
Debunkers of the Supernatural and Occam's Razor: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/debunkers-of-the-supernatural-and-occam-s-razor/t.59691351/
Fluffy Bunnyism: Not just for the religious/irreligious....: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/fluffy-bunnyism-not-just-for-the-religious-irreligious/t.59719969/
Good Evening, Mr. Dark: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/supernatural/good-evening-mr-dark-ima-doom-cookie-betches/t.59749825/

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Versatile Receiver

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*Cuts Ribbon*
The Skeptics' Table is now Open for Debate!

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First. <3

A good place to start would be: tinfoil hats.

Where the hell did THIS idea come from?

Otherworldly Foe

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I don't know who started the idea of tinfoil hats, but I believe the idea is that it acts like a Faraday cage for your cranium.

Otherworldly Foe

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I like Jaz's tinfoil hats idea. Where DID that come from? neutral

I edited my post to reflect my acknowledgment of Jazin's question. xd

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Let us first examine which types of known energy waves are interrupted or altered in any way by tinfoil.

Then we can examine, out of the list of waves discovered to have the tendency to be altered due to tinfoil, how said waves can affect a living brain.

Sad thing is, I don't think we'd get too far.

Dangerous Lunatic

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My, it's funnier than I thought it was.

Otherworldly Foe

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Jazin Kay
Let us first examine which types of known energy waves are interrupted or altered in any way by tinfoil.

Then we can examine, out of the list of waves discovered to have the tendency to be altered due to tinfoil, how said waves can affect a living brain.

Sad thing is, I don't think we'd get too far.

I found some things on Wikipedia. The origin of the tinfoil hat is attributed to this: "The concept was mentioned in a science fiction story by Julian Huxley, "The Tissue-Culture King", first published in 1927."

As I suspected, the effect is meant to act like a Faraday cage in order to protect the wearer from outside influence via electromagnetic energy.

"The notion that a tin foil hat can significantly reduce the intensity of incident radio frequency radiation on the wearer's brain has some scientific validity, as the effect of strong radio waves has been documented for quite some time. A well constructed tin foil enclosure would approximate a Faraday cage, reducing the amount of (typically harmless) radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation inside. A common high school physics demonstration involves placing an AM radio on tin foil, and then covering the radio with a metal bucket. This leads to a noticeable reduction in signal strength. The efficiency of such an enclosure in blocking such radiation depends on the thickness of the tin foil, as dictated by the skin depth, the distance the radiation can propagate in a particular non-ideal conductor. For half-millimeter-thick tin foil, radiation above about 20 kHz (i.e., including both AM and FM bands) would be partially blocked, although tin foil is not sold in this thickness, and numerous layers of tin foil would be required to sustain this effect."

It seems like a good idea if you believe in the idea that things like the HAARP array can influence your thoughts. Something very interesting to consider:

"Humans are able to detect modulated radio-frequency electromagnetic signals in the microwave range, hearing them as sounds. The perceived source of induced sound is located inside of or directly behind the head of the recipient, regardless of the location of the transmitter. The effect is believed to be caused by thermoelastic expansion of the brain exposed to microwaves.

During the Cold War, electromagnetic hearing was clinically studied in the United States for applications including covert message transmission and use as a non-lethal weapon. As a declassified National Ground Intelligence Center document points out:

It may be useful to provide a disruptive condition to a person not aware of the technology. Not only might it be disruptive to the sense of hearing, it could be psychologically devastating if one suddenly heard "voices within one's head".

A number of patents was granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office for various applications of the technology, including "nervous system excitation", and "remotely monitoring and altering brain waves".

In 1962, Allan H. Frey discovered that reception of the induced sound can be blocked by a patch of wire mesh (not foil) placed above the temporal lobe."

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tinfoil_hat

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