Welcome to Gaia! ::

I kept seeing people mentioning glassdoor reviews as they talked about your latest screwup decision with Club verge, and I decided to check it out, and I gotta say, the reviews from your former employees are just so damn depressing, but they really gave me insight on how your company is run and how management does things. It's not pretty, dude, and doesn't make me trust you guys are leading the Gaia, the site that I've invested years of my life in; the site that I love, is going to be ok and head in the right direction. If your employees don't trust the higher up execs, then I sure as hell don't, so what makes you think- no, what right do you have to basically demand my money at every opportunity, and invest monetarily in you?

“Talented Team, Poor management”
Anonymous Employee (Former Employee)
Pros- I'll probably never work with a team like I did at Gaia again. They were a fun and very talented group of people. This place felt like a family and I consider myself lucky to have been a part of it.

Work-life balance was a crucial part of the culture. Used to be flexible about work hours and benefits were great (100% premium covered)
Cons- It's really a shame, this place used to be such a fun place to work. Unfortunately, it wasn't always productive.

- Some management hired based on their MBA, not skills or competence. Others are hired because they are good engineers/artists/etc, but it doesn't necessarily mean they make effective managers.

- Lack of direction and process, making projects run very inefficiently.

- Sometimes the focus is on the build limitations instead of asking "Is this fun to play" Not enough transparency/feedback between teams to know about updates/changes.

- No opportunity for career growth. You do what you were hired to do and that's it. The only time you do more is when someone leaves and you take over their work, with no job title or raise.

Left because I no longer felt fulfilled or valued.
Advice to Senior Management- If someone is asking for support, don't promise anything if you don't intend to follow through.
  - Take responsibility AND accountability for your team and your actions (or lack there of)
  - LISTEN to feedback from others. You may think your idea is awesome, but ignoring others leads to a year of producing an unpopular product (and on a platform that is past the trend)

“Used to be great, but new Execs are destroying culture and morale”
Anonymous Employee (Current Employee)
Pros- The remaining employees here are talented and hard working. (So were many of those who have been let go or left the company on their own in recent months.)
Cons- New executives seem disingenuous, patronizing, and disconnected.
- Employee benefits and privileges are slowly being stripped away.
- Morale is currently at an all-time low.
- We are losing valued coworkers weekly.
Advice to Senior Management The employees have all worked tirelessly to maintain excellent standards of workmanship despite historically lacking strong management or direction. It feels like the creative culture at our company has been mistaken for unprofessionalism and a lack of productivity.

Stop trying to get your personnel to "shape up." You already have top quality employees. Instead, concentrate on stemming the company's steady hemorrhaging of talent. So far, new policies have only resulted in speeding the exodus along.

“Definitely glad to have left”
Anonymous Employee (Former Employee)
Pros- Free food.
- Undemanding work environment (perhaps too much).
Cons- Free food is all greasy, sugary snack foods. I wouldn't be surprised if this contributed to low morale.
- Little to no accountability for getting work done on time.
- Supervisors take little to no interest in helping employees advance their careers in any way.
- Management does most game design instead of the actual game designers.
Advice to Senior Management Empower your employees to show you what they can do.
- Take the time to show them you care by helping them prepare for their career's future.
- Dump the greasy lunches and replace them with a healthier alternative.

“Don't expect to be important”
Anonymous Employee (Former Employee)
Pros- Very talented employees, fun group activities, and a love for the community.
Cons- Poor direction, no chance of advancement, blatant cronyism by some management.
Advice to Senior Management Sometimes the problem isn't your employees, it's the people managing them. Give credit where it is due.

“Great to work at, good to stay, then move on when it's time”
Senior Software Engineer (Former Employee)
Pros- Good company with a lot of potential to grow. Expect to have a lot of opportunities to try new things.
Cons- There's not much career advancement here. The organizational structure is very flat, and the company so far has a trend of hiring management from outside sources. Because of this, it's a good place to build up your skills and then move on.
Advice to Senior Management – You've got to keep the creative energy flowing through the company. It's so vital to the company's success, but also the most neglected thing. This applies to Art, UI, Engineering, even Customer Service. If people aren't getting excited, the lack of creativity will find its way into the site wide events.

“A great way to boost your skillset”
Software Engineer (Current Employee)
Pros- Lots of creative freedom is here, in regards to project details. The community feedback is great, and not something you see at a typical company. The company is still small in size as of this writing, although it doesn't feel or act very small. You get all the benefits and support of a larger company, but your team remains very small and focused. The knowledge sharing here is amazing as well, and everyone who enters leaves with a better skill set than when they came, making it great for advancing an individual career.
Cons- There's not much career advancement here. Management manages, and everyone else does specific task work. Part of this is due to the company size, but there's simply no opportunities here. If you're looking to move up your career towards a management / leader track, you'd want to look elsewhere. Another major downside is that Gaia has a hard time swallowing the Agile pill. They seem very scared of letting projects run whatever course the nature of the project dictates. As a result, there's still a ton of waterfall process here, without necessarily any indication this will be evolving / changing with time.
Advice to Senior Management They need to put more trust and accountability into the low level positions. They were hired to be great developers, artists, and UI people, but are rarely given the tools to succeed in those roles.


Scholarly Storyteller

57,450 Points
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  • Alchemy Level 10 100
They have a "right" to ask for money because that's the point of this website...to make money biggrin i mean if i start a website company i would want to provide a service to the people, but i'd also want to make money off of it

that said, keep in mind those reviews were left by dissatisfied employees. that's not to say their feedback is invalid but just keep that in mind. also posting that stuff to SF and looking for some kind of reaction from staff is not really going to get us anywhere with the staff. they don't have to answer to those reviews or explain why they think employees feel that way about the company. it just might make current staff defensive and feel annoyed/confused tbh.

if staff are aware of those reviews though it's something for them to think about. but it's probably not something for them to discuss with us (users), but something to discuss between other staff at HQ, especially with regards to communication between teams. but yeah those reviews are not really something we can ask staff about and expect answers from staff about. just putting this opinion out there.
Existential Existence
They have a "right" to ask for money because that's the point of this website...to make money biggrin i mean if i start a website company i would want to provide a service to the people, but i'd also want to make money off of it

that said, keep in mind those reviews were left by dissatisfied employees. that's not to say their feedback is invalid but just keep that in mind. also posting that stuff to SF and looking for some kind of reaction from staff is not really going to get us anywhere with the staff. they don't have to answer to those reviews or explain why they think employees feel that way about the company. it just might make current staff defensive and feel annoyed/confused tbh.

if staff are aware of those reviews though it's something for them to think about. but it's probably not something for them to discuss with us (users), but something to discuss between other staff at HQ, especially with regards to communication between teams. but yeah those reviews are not really something we can ask staff about and expect answers from staff about. just putting this opinion out there.
if they're running their business into the ground and treating not only their employees, but supposedly values customers like this, like cash cows, and not taking note of employee or customer concerns and feedback; from people who obviously care more about the well being of the company and its direction than the higher ups do, then no; no they do not have any such right to expect money from us. If I see someone abusing an animal, and then they turn to me and ask for money to but it food so it's kept alive, only so they can keep beating the animal to near-death; you think I'm going to help them and offer my cash?

If Gaia did the right thing, handled things as they should, provide job growth for their employees, listened to employees, raised morale, all that stuff, do you really think there would be employees who'd be leaving on their own will, or getting laid off, or even still working there, and harboring resentment to Gaia? Why would there be disgruntled employees, if the company was run right?

Scholarly Storyteller

57,450 Points
  • Partygoer 500
  • Battle: Level 10 250
  • Alchemy Level 10 100
Existential Existence
They have a "right" to ask for money because that's the point of this website...to make money biggrin i mean if i start a website company i would want to provide a service to the people, but i'd also want to make money off of it

that said, keep in mind those reviews were left by dissatisfied employees. that's not to say their feedback is invalid but just keep that in mind. also posting that stuff to SF and looking for some kind of reaction from staff is not really going to get us anywhere with the staff. they don't have to answer to those reviews or explain why they think employees feel that way about the company. it just might make current staff defensive and feel annoyed/confused tbh.

if staff are aware of those reviews though it's something for them to think about. but it's probably not something for them to discuss with us (users), but something to discuss between other staff at HQ, especially with regards to communication between teams. but yeah those reviews are not really something we can ask staff about and expect answers from staff about. just putting this opinion out there.
if they're running their business into the ground and treating not only their employees, but supposedly values customers like this, like cash cows, and not taking note of employee or customer concerns and feedback; from people who obviously care more about the well being of the company and its direction than the higher ups do, then no; no they do not have any such right to expect money from us. If I see someone abusing an animal, and then they turn to me and ask for money to but it food so it's kept alive, only so they can keep beating the animal to near-death; you think I'm going to help them and offer my cash?

If Gaia did the right thing, handled things as they should, provide job growth for their employees, listened to employees, raised morale, all that stuff, do you really think there would be employees who'd be leaving on their own will, or getting laid off, or even still working there, and harboring resentment to Gaia? Why would there be disgruntled employees, if the company was run right?

Of course they shouldn't expect people to hand over cash. But companies and businesses still do have the right to create and market their own inventory of goods. If no one buys their crap then they will be forced to lower prices but companies still have the right to sell products at the prices they wish to sell them. If we're going to use biased analogies here then you might as well walk into a gas station and demand they lower their prices to $3/gal because they have no "right" charge hiked up gas prices. Good luck with that.

These are issues that should discussed between company employees, not between users and employees. What do you exactly want from this thread, a reply from Sisky about discussing these concerns with management? If you blow enough hot air you'll get it but you're not going to get the answers you want.

Spiritual Recalibrator

33,440 Points
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Wow. I hate to say it, but I could already feel the effect of those decisions management has made. And, yes, they are disconnected. Just look at all the cash pushes recently. It's a mess. The staffers are more hush hush about things, and there's this cold feeling I'm getting as well. I just get the feeling that more and more they're being impressed upon that they shouldn't interact with us so much and just do their job. neutral

To have 2/5 stars...that's not a good thing.

Divine Whisperer

31,725 Points
  • Friendly 100
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  • Peoplewatcher 100
This is great, it's exactly the sort of thing I was looking for to try to figure out what got up Gaia's a** to make C.V., and to make their summer sale be "shut up and give me tons of money for one item".

Do you know how much a server costs to run? You know those halos that were sold during the summer sale for 999USD? It's less than that. Sure Gaia has more than one server, obviously, so maybe a few halos for that. Actually lets scratch that because I don't know how big Gaia's team is, so I don't know how much money actually leaves the company and goes to the employees.

You know the days right after Zodiacal came out and even then some people were outraged at a single item costing more than 10 USD? That moment in time says Hi.
The main users of this site are under 18, right? That's why Gaia's supposed to be PG-13, right?
So why, in a place on the 'net, where young teens to 30+year olds (and those 30+ year olds are fairly rare compared to the massive amount of teens) can gather and talk about anime or manga or games or what-have-you, do you feel the need to charge 50USD for one item? 250USD? 500USD? ETC.? Is it bad planning? stupid funding? both? Bad management in general? Maybe you should work on that, because I'm definitely not paying more than 50$ for some virtual items for my virtual character to make his virtual fashion better. Especially when I don't care about fashion IRL. I don't even think that makes a difference though, because the instances where people have paid exorbitant prices for digital things are mostly related to MMORPGs. See what I typed there? MMORPGs. Not MMOGathering, talking, hanging out-sites. The amount of people who use this site for roleplaying is probably a lot compared to other forums, because of your avatar system, but that doesn't automatically mean they're in their 20s or 30s, it doesn't mean they're wealthy, and it certainly doesn't mean they're going to pay 500$ for something that does nothing, or something that gives them one more sentence to type in their RP.

You supposedly have two teams, one to work on the site, and one to work on games and things like that, right? Maybe your games team should brainstorm ideas more before deciding on something.
Why? zOMG was actually a great idea. I don't know what you did exactly to completely screw it up, but it was a great idea. It's an MMORPG, and if you wanted to charge out the a** for "best" or "custom" items for something, that would've been it. But after that was shot in the foot, You tried more.. social-networking-like gaming. I say this because of Monster Galaxy being essentially only on facebook for awhile, those Viximo games, and now HoC. Yeah there's also that kitten rumble or whatever it's called, but I don't count that because it's only on iOS, which to me means you're aiming it solely at the people with tons of cash to spend.
zOMG? Cut. Monster Galaxy? I really don't know but I haven't been keeping up with it. Viximo? Cut. HoC? Cut. and then? Let's anger everyone who's ever bought from us before by offering items that are so ridiculously high-priced that they're out of nearly everyone's reach. Because our main site is the only thing we haven't totally mangled yet.

There's another concern with C.V., is it a one time thing of having to spend 100USD to get into the club? Or is it "oh you haven't bought 100$ worth of stuff in the past year, bye"?
If the latter, I'm never going to spend more than 90$ in a year on this site, solely because of your high-roller's club.

You took a step in the right direction with Virtual Piggy, but they're kinda moving at a snail's pace IMO, because there's not a single other shop/place/site that they have deals with that I or my friends give a damn about. I can go on blissfully ignoring VP simply because of that fact. There's nothing they can offer me at this moment.

And I realize this only relates to C.V. because "GaiaCash", but what made you think that switching to only one offer provider to earn GC with, would be a good idea? Because Trialpay is the only provider with offers that give 20+GC, they can make them whatever they want, and what they apparently want is - no easy offers, no free offers outside of surveys or internet usage monitoring programs. I really miss being able to do offers for 100GC+ on a regular basis.

Fashionable Shapeshifter

almost anything gaia does can be justified with the "its a company, they need to make profit" line

but theres thing about it. gaia isnt just a company. you COULD compare it to other businesses, to say, a corporation like kmart. they do a lot of things we're familiar with in the business world that are mainly profit driven: opportunistic sales, rewards programs that encourage customers to spend money, a strict atmophere of professionalism and an employee rulebook designed to homogenize the customer experience, and hiring practices to that try to get as few people working for the fewer dollars possible to maximum the bottomline

those things work for companies like that... but theyre also hellish realities for the people who work there. and, imo, it is a completely cultureless experience for the customer

theres no community in a kmart. people dont base part of their identity by how they spend their time there. no one has their life changed by interacting with kmart staff (if they do, its not kmart's doing but a matter of personal interaction)

gaia, on the other hand, does more than have a community -- it IS a community. like a tiny country governed by its own laws and affected by its personal geography, the userbase moves through here less like customers through a supermarket aisle and more like people walking down city streets. even if youre a tourist in a town, shopping is only part of the experience of visiting. meeting people and seeing sights are important too. and for the people who live there, having a good relationship with the government is a big part of creating a healthy community

tl;dr im really, really hoping that gaia's identity as a company doesnt overtake its identity as a community. they havent abandoned projects like towns (which brings more life to that aspect of the gaia experience), and some of the admins work really hard on the PR end, so i know theyre trying

but im still worried about where these trends are going. cross your fingers

Lucky Hoarder

74,775 Points
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To answer your remark about Monster Galaxy, is literally ''dead'' on Gaia at the moment. I haven't bothered trying it but those who play are spamming the forum asking why they can't play or some even demanding access. Supposedly the game is giving them a white screen to admire. xd
To be honest, those reviews aren't nearly as bad as they seem. Every company has room for improvement. EA games and Nexon have far worse reviews but it doesn't stop people from buying what they're selling. These reviews will have no impact on anyone but maybe future employees.

almost anything gaia does can be justified with the "its a company, they need to make profit" line

but theres thing about it. gaia isnt just a company. you COULD compare it to other businesses, to say, a corporation like kmart. they do a lot of things we're familiar with in the business world that are mainly profit driven: opportunistic sales, rewards programs that encourage customers to spend money, a strict atmophere of professionalism and an employee rulebook designed to homogenize the customer experience, and hiring practices to that try to get as few people working for the fewer dollars possible to maximum the bottomline

those things work for companies like that... but theyre also hellish realities for the people who work there. and, imo, it is a completely cultureless experience for the customer

theres no community in a kmart. people dont base part of their identity by how they spend their time there. no one has their life changed by interacting with kmart staff (if they do, its not kmart's doing but a matter of personal interaction)

gaia, on the other hand, does more than have a community -- it IS a community. like a tiny country governed by its own laws and affected by its personal geography, the userbase moves through here less like customers through a supermarket aisle and more like people walking down city streets. even if youre a tourist in a town, shopping is only part of the experience of visiting. meeting people and seeing sights are important too. and for the people who live there, having a good relationship with the government is a big part of creating a healthy community

tl;dr im really, really hoping that gaia's identity as a company doesnt overtake its identity as a community. they havent abandoned projects like towns (which brings more life to that aspect of the gaia experience), and some of the admins work really hard on the PR end, so i know theyre trying

but im still worried about where these trends are going. cross your fingers


I cannot express in words how much I agree with this.

Really, I am getting tired of users turning down any kind of criticism towards gaia's cash shenanigans by using the "they're a company" line - as if anyone would dedicate hours of their free time to give feedback to an ordinary company with no other repayment for that feedback then the knowledge that they've at least tried to help improve the comapany.

Anxious Friend

You must not forget that most people won't take time to leave a good review but will be quite happy to slander a company into the ground..

Not saying these aren't valid because I'm sure they are but don't forget also that no company is prefect. Most people tend to not like the people in corporate because they see theory but not practice. I honestly don't see much different in these reviews than I would see for other companies.

Angelic Blob

Well, they're on their third CEO I believe, so yeah, bad management and each attempting to be so drastic with site changes instead of growing that it comes off as negative to the community and apparently the employees.

I don't doubt the fun environment, I just dislike how depressing it is that Gaia is struggling to be known while sacrificing a good chunk of what made it known in the past.

Apocalyptic Streaker

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Masquerade! Paper faces on parade. Masquerade!

Honestly, you cannot get any more straight-forward at what is happening than that especially if those are recent reviews and it scares me to know that the greedy profit-making side of society has infiltrated Gaia (and by that, I am not speaking of the obvious keep-afloat profit-making side either).

Until the CEO and the rest of management wakes up or are replaced by people who actually care more about the site itself and not the bottom line and making as much money as possible to line their pockets, my money is strictly going to purchasing material to create my dream wardrobe and any costumes/outfits for conventions and other special occasions outside of food, gas for my car, and helping my mother out when the crazy time approaches. Not even Rocky Horror items will make me want to spend money now.

Hide your face so the world will never find you.

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