Welcome to Gaia! ::

Penn Almasy
Holy s**t, Lanzer's back? eek

Wow. There is some hope for this site yet.

If I wanted him to fix anything, I'd have him look at the economy first. He'd have to somehow undo literal years of damage to the economy and find a way to safely drain a lot of the billions floating around until numbers get back to normal. Then I'd do a looooot of price-fixing in the shops to reflect this loss of gold. Finally, I'd like him to just...get rid of the gold gens and make shops like Dernier*Cri matter again.

Ghost of War
May I suggest that you all resurrect Johnny Gambino somehow (or turn him back from diedrich)?

Nah. Johnny should stay dead, but I do agree on Diedrich being stamped out of existence.

No s**t! I'm really back!

Yes the horrible state of the economy is one of our top priorities. We have to do a lot to get things back to the way they were. We can do it, but it will be a lot of work. I'll share with you all some ideas that we have once we get them more thought out. We're also transitioning away from gold gens. Hard to imagine it existing.

Demonic Lunatic

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Penn Almasy
Holy s**t, Lanzer's back? eek

Wow. There is some hope for this site yet.

If I wanted him to fix anything, I'd have him look at the economy first. He'd have to somehow undo literal years of damage to the economy and find a way to safely drain a lot of the billions floating around until numbers get back to normal. Then I'd do a looooot of price-fixing in the shops to reflect this loss of gold. Finally, I'd like him to just...get rid of the gold gens and make shops like Dernier*Cri matter again.

Ghost of War
May I suggest that you all resurrect Johnny Gambino somehow (or turn him back from diedrich)?

Nah. Johnny should stay dead, but I do agree on Diedrich being stamped out of existence.

No s**t! I'm really back!

Yes the horrible state of the economy is one of our top priorities. We have to do a lot to get things back to the way they were. We can do it, but it will be a lot of work. I'll share with you all some ideas that we have once we get them more thought out. We're also transitioning away from gold gens. Hard to imagine it existing.
That's good to hear the economy is a top priority! I don't know if prices will ever return to pre-Flynn's Chest/Booty levels, but any show of action towards them will renew a lot of faith from Gaians who were either disgusted or made apathetic by all this money-grubbing nonsense.

Honestly, a cool gold sink that incentivizes actively spending gold could work. Maybe tie it in to the Alchemy system (which IIRC is kind of in shambles?) via selling certain recipe ingredients for X amount of gold. A lot of recipes use Fail Items from previous RIGs/CIs and so they've almost become as expensive as the actual rewards from those things. Something to tempt gold buying while promising Alchemy progress could be a good, if small, step.

But that's just me throwing around ideas. You do you, Lanzer. God bless and godspeed.

Josies Champion

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We're also transitioning away from gold gens.

This made me legitimately want to cry happy tears dude. Gold gens should never have happened and the site cannot ever hope to truly heal and become a community again unless they're stopped completely and forever. I know the economy will never go back to where 1 billion gold is an insane amount but I have over 500 bil right now and that's not even middling for the average Gaian anymore.

That's...insane. Like Zimbabwe insane. We're gonna be using carts full of gold to buy treats at Rina's Cafe soon!

The silly jokes aside, I am glad to see you back and I know many would repeat my sentiments. The staff and I haven't always gotten along over the years. I've been quite critical especially of the new direction things took when you left. Heck, I was banned because I tried to warn people about a scammer and that really angered me. In the end though I love this site. I've been here since 2003 and this is where I grew up on the internet from a kid to a parent myself.

I can't speak for all gaians but I can certainly speak for my guild of 1,643 members that are devoted to improving the site and bringing back the lost sense of community. Our guild is called Revolution:Gaia and it fights for honest sincere communication between staff and members, the kind of communication that was almost completely lost in your absence. Now that you're back I really hope (and it seems like it's happening so far!) that the staff and users can start working together to bring back the site we loved.

Unholy Knight

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smile heart

Great to see you again, and thank you so much for visiting me! You've made me feel at home in light of recent events. You are welcome to come back at any time. Our guild's Goddess says hello~

I was going to ask you about the economy, and it's great to see that you already have plans to fix it the best way that you possibly can. It looks like someone else already touched on my concerns. So all I really have to say is thank you, and you already know that I have faith in you, and I can't wait to see the new ideas you come up with in the future.

I am so happy that you're gonna transition away from gold generators as well. I made so many angry threads about them here in this forum. Hahaha.

It feels good to have you back.You have always legitimately cared about your member base, and you have never been a cold corporate robot. That's why I've never left.

Also, if you ever need any extra help with more artists to join your team, then check out my friend Siin Adonai.
Shes a multi-faceted artist of the highest caliber. She also animated my guild's banner that you saw. Plus she's also a loyal member of gaia whose been around just as long as I have. She is also well behaved and stays out of trouble. 3nodding

It's a pleasure to have you back, Lanzer. I look forward to reading the Q & A in this thread!

Lord Elwrind's Queen

Dangerous Fairy

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-snipped for simplicity-

Hey. Please visit SF often. We are already talking up a lot of ideas here for you to take into consideration. For myself, I always look forward to the next gold sinking kickstart thing, which we have not gotten in a long time. You could start with that and the alchemy thing.

(please keep Diedrich. You could use him to sport one of the next kickstarters)

Precious Feeder


I'm not sure if this is even possible, but I had an idea that might help with inflation on the marketplace. You see when it comes to the GC items and RIGs, depending on what they are and if they are limited time only, they can go onto the market place for trillions, heck I have even seen monthly collectibles go for billions straight away. Would it be possible to have a standard starting price to ask for on the marketplace?


SHINEY NEW BAD a** ITEM is introduced. Someone wants to sell it on the market place for quick gold and lots of it. Since the item is new I think it should only be able to be listed at 20k at the time of release, Only as the items age, lets say six months at a time, can the price increase. Make it age to gain value just like things do in the real world.

I know plenty of people may be opposed to this, but I feel like that could really help with the inflation problem.

Hairy Fairy

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Do you think you'll hire new artists for the new year? I'm sure the team could use help, with the workload of project tickets and a few artists leaving recently, plus i'm always excited to get more creative diversity in styles etc : )

Omnipresent Seraph

Ghost of War


On behalf of Gaians everywhere, I'd like to thank you for jumping on the opportunity to take Gaia back from the previous management, and run it with members of your original team. I missed seeing your announcements pop up, and now that you've returned the dose of nostalgia is making me, and so many others happy.

I for one, was not happy with the way that the previous management ran things, and I was pretty vocal about it here in this feedback forum at one point. So my feedback to you about your return and the return of the OG team is:

I have faith in you and your team, in that you will take care of this website properly and fix as many things as you can with your wonderful new ideas.

It was your team that always did the best things for Gaia!

May I suggest that you all resurrect Johnny Gambino somehow (or turn him back from diedrich)?

To the members of this forum, what would you have Lanzer and his management do differently or fix from the previous management?

OMG, is this true? Is our lord and savior Lanzer back?

Omnipresent Seraph

Penn Almasy
Holy s**t, Lanzer's back? eek

Wow. There is some hope for this site yet.

If I wanted him to fix anything, I'd have him look at the economy first. He'd have to somehow undo literal years of damage to the economy and find a way to safely drain a lot of the billions floating around until numbers get back to normal. Then I'd do a looooot of price-fixing in the shops to reflect this loss of gold. Finally, I'd like him to just...get rid of the gold gens and make shops like Dernier*Cri matter again.

Ghost of War
May I suggest that you all resurrect Johnny Gambino somehow (or turn him back from diedrich)?

Nah. Johnny should stay dead, but I do agree on Diedrich being stamped out of existence.

No s**t! I'm really back!

Yes the horrible state of the economy is one of our top priorities. We have to do a lot to get things back to the way they were. We can do it, but it will be a lot of work. I'll share with you all some ideas that we have once we get them more thought out. We're also transitioning away from gold gens. Hard to imagine it existing.

OMG IT'S TRUE! LANZER! YOU'RE BACK! Finally the reign of goldymort is over. I'm so happy. T-T I'm putting on my Lanzer pin.

Barton Cleric

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Welcome back, Lanzer! emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart
I'm very happy that you're back, as are many others! I just about lost all hope in this site after there was no Rejected Olympics. Severe lack in town events in general. It just hasn't been feeling like Gaia. :'(

Newbie Noob

Ghost of War
To the members of this forum, what would you have Lanzer and his management do differently or fix from the previous management?
1. Get rid of paid gold gens

2. Turn the daily chance back to 2008 levels or really every gold gen returned to sane levels.

3. Have a crazy gold sink that is designed to deflate the economy. Add a limited time feature that murders gold from the economy. For example, a Zomg or Late Kindred beta mobile app that requires 10,000 gold per minute to run for the first six months, with the option of ending it if you've taken enough gold.

4. Get everything from flash to HTML5.

5. Add the ability to easily post pictures, like image-boards.

6. Functional mobile app. Also a side marketplace app, once the economy crashes and recovers.

7. Another option is to introduce another currency, like silver, and slowly transition gold to silver. Only items made before 2017 can be purchased with gold and only in the marketplace, everything going forth is silver only.

8. Hide all guilds who have no activity in one year.

Dedicated Gaian

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We're also transitioning away from gold gens. Hard to imagine it existing.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Anxious Poster

Penn Almasy
Holy s**t, Lanzer's back? eek

Wow. There is some hope for this site yet.

If I wanted him to fix anything, I'd have him look at the economy first. He'd have to somehow undo literal years of damage to the economy and find a way to safely drain a lot of the billions floating around until numbers get back to normal. Then I'd do a looooot of price-fixing in the shops to reflect this loss of gold. Finally, I'd like him to just...get rid of the gold gens and make shops like Dernier*Cri matter again.

Ghost of War
May I suggest that you all resurrect Johnny Gambino somehow (or turn him back from diedrich)?

Nah. Johnny should stay dead, but I do agree on Diedrich being stamped out of existence.

No s**t! I'm really back!

Yes the horrible state of the economy is one of our top priorities. We have to do a lot to get things back to the way they were. We can do it, but it will be a lot of work. I'll share with you all some ideas that we have once we get them more thought out. We're also transitioning away from gold gens. Hard to imagine it existing.
Yeah they have ruined this website with the gold gens. I have been a member since 05 and it broke my heart. Not only that but the re-released a bunch of the monthly collectibles. They just didn't care. Its a shame they milked everything for what it was worth...I hope they didn't just milk it and then hand it back over after making a few quick bucks. Welcome back Lanzer.

Everyday Garbage

Transitioning away from gold generators is definitely a step in the right direction, but I'd like to offer an idea that will likely be less received, but ultimately far more helpful.
Gold generators being released was atrocious.
This is definitely not something I will deny.
They were a nail in the coffin for me, and I have staunchly refused to support Gaia financially since.
But even after their introduction, the damage was relatively minimal.
The reason being, we had a sales cap in the market, and a gold cap on accounts.
What did the most damage, and caused things to absolutely balloon out of control, was the removal of those caps.
Gold generators did damage, sure.
But nothing compared to allowing users to both own and sell items for trillions.
It was what kept the market structured, stable, and prevented over the top inflation like we're seeing now.
Over time I think most people forgot about this, because it was a one time change while gold generators were constantly making things worse.
But this by far and large was the most damaging thing ever done to the economy.
Obviously the old cap isn't going to be feasible, and adding a cap at all right now is probably not feasible either.
But regulating the economy again with some form of sales/gold cap will do a LOT of good down the road.
The removal of gold generators will help, yes.
But gold generators aren't what did the most damage to our economy.
Flynn's Booty and Chest didn't truly hit us hard until after these economic failsafes were removed.
DawnThe Dark Morningstar

I'm not sure if this is even possible, but I had an idea that might help with inflation on the marketplace. You see when it comes to the GC items and RIGs, depending on what they are and if they are limited time only, they can go onto the market place for trillions, heck I have even seen monthly collectibles go for billions straight away. Would it be possible to have a standard starting price to ask for on the marketplace?

Yes so far I'm thinking something along this line. We will need many, many items to make this happen, might even involve some old items too. Never the less, it'll take much more planning and a lot of listening to Gaians opinions before we move forward.

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