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Not taking any more offers. ; ) Perhaps another time.

arrow July slot-announcement on page 448

Summer Slots: Smiley Freak, k, Onisfi, Fortiori


--- I - - - - - -Navigation:

--- II - - - - - Introduction & About the Artist

--- III - - - - -Examples

--- IV - - - - - Pricing

--- V - - - - - -Current List

--- VI - - - - - Rules: How to Order, How to Trade...

--- VII - - - - -Link Section

--- VIII - - - - Affiliates

--- IX - - - - - > Information for JULY-slots!

--- IX - - - - - > Offer-list for JULY

--- X - - - - - Received Art

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User ImageII - "Allow me to introduce myself..."

My artwork always lives up to the motto: Quality above Quantity.
So I only take one (or maximum up to two) commissions at once!

Also feel invited to stay and talk a tad...! : )


I do Avatar Art, but I especially prefer to draw the pictures you always had in your mind and only existed in your fantasy up to now... ... ; )
So I am willing to draw nearly anything your heart desires... within the rules of course. ; )

And yes, - nearly everything is monochrome. (Unless we have any special agreement)

I also do:
- cyborgs, androids, robotics.
- mecha
- weapons? cool
- items
- vehicles
- futuristic designs
- landscapes heart
- tattoo-like stuff
- real people
- naturalistic objects
- monsters
- role playing characters...
- the more creative & challenging the better! cluttered too.
- any other ideas of yours...? just feel free to ask!

My only absolute "won't do"s are fanart, chibis or any anime-style. *smirks* I got my own style.


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A short "About Me":

I'm 21, I was born the 2nd June '87.
I live in the heart of europe: Germany.

Artistic media:
-- analog: Mechanical pencils, all kinds of colored Inks, Acrylics, ballpen, ...
-- digital: Nowadays I am mostly drawing digitally with my totally beloved Graphire4 Wacom and the Photoshop 7.0/CS2 software.

Style: Well, I prefer to draw naturalistic or any kind of science-fiction/fantasy, even a tad comicstyle-like - and monochrome.

Most people call my artwork "dark, creepy" or "mysterious"... twisted
I got to mention, I love it that way...: ... Dark.
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Monochrome Artworks:

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Color paintings/drawings :

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sketches / less serious stuff / Doodles /
older stuff :

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As my style is time-consuming as hell, you have a minimum price for each category, depending on how stunning, difficult, complicated and detailed you want the commission to be.

Ergo - the more you pay, the more time-expensive style you can ask for.
- If this isn't fair, what else is. ; )

exclaim While ordering show me which style you have in mind so we can negotiate the terms.
Hey and unless asked otherwise - everything is fullbody only! : )

Black & White / Monochrome drawings:

- The price for one picture is usually 200k minimum.

On highest - a customer paid approximately 42-43 million gold in total for one b&w picture.
[That was one Devil Tail + Nov 03 Letter + 2 millions pure. ]

Color paintings:

- A simple colored painting is 1.000k minimum.
- A full painting, with landscape background only goes for big '03s of course.
. . . [example of one]

On highest - a customer paid Mini Angel Wings for one painting.

If you have any other kind of commissions(icons, emblems, items, ...) not falling into those pricing categories - feel free to ask.

state: 08/11/08

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First slot: k
State: 17% - ON HOLD.
[ exclaim - on hold until we know more about his ability to login... : ( ... ]

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Twice the fun double the trouble: Smiley Freak
State: 10% - modeling faces & personality.

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Three times fun, triple trouble / Sketch& Experimental slot: Onisfi
State: 50% - working on it...! <3 FUN!

Last but not least: Fortiori
State: ./.
[ exclaim note: - winter slot]

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Last Customers:

Last Black&White/Monochrome pictures by fuzic
State: 100%. Done.

-- # 1 --

-- # 2 --


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FAQ & Copyright
First of all, "No Web Use of Art". With the exception of the people who bought a picture personally from me, I cannot grant permission to use any of my art in the internet, neither for profiles nor sitedesigns and the likes.

Personal usage (saving it down to your harddrive, use it on your desktop, for your personal winamp skin, print it for your own wall etc.) is okay though.

Thread related:
    - no senseless spamming in this thread.

Order & Trade policy:
    - Trades work via the method&guidelines the GM's recomment.
    - - (To be found here, Topic: "transaction" wink
    - Contact me via postings or PM. (Your choice! ) : )
    - The trade with the payment inside is a fix appointment between us! : )

General Info:
    - In case you lack the pure gold, I - of course - accept items for payment. Just feel free to ask me.
    - No Art theft: Hands off pictures I did not draw for you! If I find anyone using my pictures without asking me, I'll make you a head shorter!
    - I retain the right to decline any order. (I'll choose the ones which seem the most fun for me to draw of course ; ) )
    - If I'm already busy with other peoples art I won't accept your offer yet.
    - It is only one commission at once. With exceptions or bribes maximum up to two.

    - love my artistic freedom.

    Oh and although i committed myself to art, please understand that I also do have a life outside Gaia. ; )
    Patience is a virtue.
    Thank you.

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Link me and get linked! : )



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[url=http://tinyurl.com/3x2hlv] [IMG]http://tinyurl.com/2xwx35[/IMG][/url]

sized 200 x 40 Logos:

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[url=http://tinyurl.com/3x2hlv] [IMG]http://tinyurl.com/2agbkf[/IMG][/url]

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[url=http://tinyurl.com/3x2hlv] [IMG]http://tinyurl.com/ynuptu[/IMG][/url]

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[url=http://tinyurl.com/3x2hlv] [IMG]http://tinyurl.com/2ehfpy[/IMG][/url]

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I only link 88x31 or 200x40 pixel banners.
Also I reserve the right to remove banners without notifications if the linked shop is closed / becomes inactive for over 2 months.
So this ensures all links to stay up-to-date!


Affiliates, Artshops & links out:

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Request threads, Auctions & Contests:

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I'll collect offers on commissions until july the 11th. We are past that Date. Closed :]

I'll PM all who are involved later in the day.


Collecting offers on commissions.
- For the simple reason to gain a slot you do not have to worry about the right timing and everybody has similar chances!
So I don't start with - nor accept any new commissions before the 11th.


  • Criteria for my choice:
    • Optimal payment for a fair effort
    • subject to be drawn
    • will it be fun or challenging...? Or both? ; )
    • sudden inspiration
  • you can send in many commission-offers.
  • Perhaps I pick only one; perhaps one big and one small commission - perhaps three small ones...
    It all depends on how much I like the offers/themes. 3nodding
  • DJ Studio Headphones/ or portables guarantee a 99% chance that I'll accept. ; )

  • And yes you can make changes on your offer, anytime. They aren't fix/final, they are offers.

For ordering (and easier choice) please mention:
  • the sort you would like: (Monochrome / Color: [sketch, low detailed, mid detailed, High detailed]), anything that's important to you.
  • payment, if it's gold, make it a clear amount. ; )
  • and perhaps a short description of the subject you would like me to draw. (you can give me the long version later!).

That's all. ; ) Thank you very much!
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    27 Entries in total:

    Highest bids:
  • Angelic Mini Wings
  • Angelic Mini Wings ( different person )

    teacup mouse (page 295)
    • Subject: Two OC's having a picnic.
    • Style: Monochrome drawing
    • Payment: 550k [420 k + Picolitrosso's Urn 1st Gen. 130k]

    Silent Comet (page 296)
    • Subject: One OC (or more). Choice between 4 OCs. 3 are female, one male.
    • Style: Monochrome drawing
    • Payment: 800 k, more than willing to go higher

    Darkness_Nation (page 296)
    • Subject: Avatar on a Suzuki GSXR 1300 Motorcycle.
    • Style: Monochrome drawing OR full color portrait.
    • Payment: 12 Mil in Total (2003 December Letter [worth around 11 mil] + 2 Katanas [each 460 k=+920 k])

    Emperor Zensekai (page 297)
    • Subject: probably OC Emperor Zensekai.
    • Style: Monochrome drawing.
    • Payment: 1.05 mil.

    Leogha (PM)
    • Subject: One (squirrel-anthro?) OC.
    • Style: In Color this time.
    • Payment: Have 4.448.434 gold now, perhaps 5.541.834 gold later.

    Plummy Lovelace (page 303)
    • Subject: One OC(Dightmere).
    • Style: Monochrome Drawing (detail up to ky, action-pose loved).
    • Payment: August 04 (worth roughly 3mil ^^)

    Asseres (page 304)
    • Subject: Zurg Queen.
    • Style: Monochrome drawing.
    • Payment: 1.5 mil gold [& homemade cookies].

    SkieBorne (page 305)
    • Subject: one OC [Cyralthein].
    • Style: Color picture. Going for detailed!
    • Payment: 4.5mil total [Angelic Pendant + 1,5 mil gold. (~3mil on tektek today)]

    Dj Musik (page 307)
    • Subject: Avatar.
    • Style: Monochrome drawing, all freedom.
    • Payment: 400 k.

    Mjolnir The Hammer (PM)
    • Subject: Avatar in north mythology style
    • Style: Monochrome drawing.
    • Payment: 500 k.

    vince moon (PM)
    • Subject: One anthro OC.
    • Style: Sketch.
    • Payment: 1010 k approximately. (in items: demonic pendant, guitar of demona, mochi puppy)

    Cross Lucane (page 316)
    • Subject: Single OC.
    • Style: Monochrome
    • Payment: 203k total [LOLCat Halo + May '08 letter + Sealed 06/08 + 30k Pure]

    Kokoryta (page 318 )
    • Subject: Colouring two line art pictures done by Rvaya.
    • Style: Colouring.
    • Payment: 9 mil total [August 2004 Letter & 6 mil gold]

    lildevilchick (page 320)
    • Subject: Single OC: Garin.
    • Style: Monochrome drawing or full-color portrait.
    • Payment: 2 mil total [Fuzzy Penguin Slippers + whatever the difference to 2mil is]

    Ginsa-chan (page 334 )
    • Subject: One OC (fire demon Ginsayuri)
    • Style: Monochrome drawing
    • Payment: 2 mil pure

    Ginsa-chan (page 334 )
    • Subject: Brain and Ginsa-chan
    • Style: Monochrome drawing
    • Payment: 3.1 mil pure

    Imrus (page 338 )
    • Subject: One OC (Imre Foldes)
    • Style: Monochrome drawing, detail
    • Payment: ~1.890mil Total. [1 million pure + Kiki kitty (~890k)]

    Tina_Candy (page 339 )
    • Subject: Designs of Two guns and a motorcycle
    • Style: Monochrome
    • Payment: ~1.140 mil Total. [1 Mil pure, + 2 bags of win]

    rurui-chan (page 353 )
    • Subject: One OC: Xeric
    • Style: Monochrome
    • Payment: 800 k

    Fortiori (page 357 )
    • Subject: One RL her. : )
    • Style: Monochrome (Realism)
    • Payment: 12 Mil in Total [AFK (Worth 10 Mil.) + 2 Mil pure]

    KachinaNova (PM)
    • Subject: 2 Angels (one male one female) holding a sign.
    • Style: Monochrome
    • Payment: 3 Mil

    Smiley Freak (page 379)
    • Subject: 4 People (living room background)
    • Style: Preferrably Color. Realistic.
    • Payment: Angelic Minis

    MuhSue (PM)
    • Subject: to be chosen
    • Style: Monochrome or Color. ( depends on the subject)
    • Payment: Angelic Minis

    Jean-Paul (page 412)
    • Subject: Steven and/or Tim
    • Style: Monochrome.
    • Payment: 1 Mil

    Onisfi / Tentachu Onis (page 427)
    • Subject: MK and/or Haksu
    • Style: Monochrome. Sketch, color parts - Anything. Freedom! : )
    • Payment: roughly 3 Mil [The Horns of the Demon and a golden pocket-watch]

    Lady Sierra (page 434)
    • Subject: One OC: Ra'kar
    • Style: Monochrome, mid-to-high detailed.
    • Payment: 1 755 675 Gold [Emo Bag 440k + Goti Clips 350k + Demonic Pitchfork 544k + Katana 424k ]

    K (page 443)
    • Subject: Scenery with two OCs
    • Style: Monochrome, mid - high detailed.
    • Payment: Approx. 42-43 mil in total [Devils Tail(30Mil) + November 2003 letter(appr. 10-11mil) +2 mil]

XI - Received Art blaugh

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    OC Art by
    Mottenprinz, windlily, Yu-Tan, Tandye, Cuifen, Cannira, Cannira, AbyssOfFinality, Sundri, Moonprism, ...

reference for the oc is >here<

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    Avatar-Art by
    Belijaal, Kajo, Ragnhild, Lancha, Setsu-P, Lielym-Lee, Sundri, Crying Dream, Chemical Nova, Surusurukami, Tentachu Onis, Drakokatze, Drakokatze (color), Suran Raina, skyfairystarling, Samiji, Cannira, Cucoriedka, Cheza Calanthe, Shizuka Doumeki-San, Sin, ...

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    Different art by
    Sundri, Rooikat, Chanker, Kanoji...

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Found this in another person's thread, ...who found it in someone's Journal, who found it somewhere else... ; )

and I believe it is worth a read.

Every day, there are more and more posts seeking “artists” for everything from auto graphics to comic books to corporate logo designs. More people are finding themselves in need of some form of illustrative service.

But what they’re NOT doing, unfortunately, is realizing how rare someone with these particular talents can be.

To those who are “seeking artists”, let me ask you; How many people do you know, personally, with the talent and skill to perform the services you need? A dozen? Five? One? …none?

More than likely, you don’t know any. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be posting to find them.

And this is not really a surprise.

In this country, there are almost twice as many neurosurgeons as there are professional illustrators. There are eleven times as many certified mechanics. There are SEVENTY times as many people in the IT field.

So, given that they are less rare, and therefore less in demand, would it make sense to ask your mechanic to work on your car for free? Would you look him in the eye, with a straight face, and tell him that his compensation would be the ability to have his work shown to others as you drive down the street?

Would you offer a neurosurgeon the “opportunity” to add your name to his resume as payment for removing that pesky tumor?
(Maybe you could offer him “a few bucks” for “materials”. What a deal!)

Would you be able to seriously even CONSIDER offering your web hosting service the chance to have people see their work, by viewing your website, as their payment for hosting you?

If you answered “yes” to ANY of the above, you’re obviously insane. If you answered “no”, then kudos to you for living in the real world.

But then tell me… why would you think it is okay to live out the same, delusional, ridiculous fantasy when seeking someone whose abilities are even less in supply than these folks?

Graphic artists, illustrators, painters, etc., are skilled tradesmen. As such, to consider them as, or deal with them as, anything less than professionals fully deserving of your respect is both insulting and a bad reflection on you as a sane, reasonable person. In short, it makes you look like a twit.

A few things you need to know;

1. It is not a “great opportunity” for an artist to have his work seen on your car/’zine/website/bedroom wall, etc. It IS a “great opportunity” for YOU to have their work there.

2. It is not clever to seek a “student” or “beginner” in an attempt to get work for free. It’s ignorant and insulting. They may be “students”, but that does not mean they don’t deserve to be paid for their hard work. You were a “student” once, too. Would you have taken that job at McDonalds with no pay, because you were learning essential job skills for the real world? Yes, your proposition it JUST as stupid.

3. The chance to have their name on something that is going to be seen by other people, whether it’s one or one million, is NOT a valid enticement. Neither is the right to add that work to their “portfolio”. They get to do those things ANYWAY, after being paid as they should. It’s not compensation. It’s their right, and it’s a given.

4. Stop thinking that you’re giving them some great chance to work. Once they skip over your silly ad, as they should, the next ad is usually for someone who lives in the real world, and as such, will pay them. There are far more jobs needing these skills than there are people who possess these skills.

5. Students DO need “experience”. But they do NOT need to get it by giving their work away. In fact, this does not even offer them the experience they need. Anyone who will not/can not pay them is obviously the type of person or business they should be ashamed to have on their resume anyway. Do you think professional contractors list the “experience” they got while nailing down a loose step at their grandmother’s house when they were seventeen?

If you your company or gig was worth listing as desired experience, it would be able to pay for the services it received. The only experience they will get doing free work for you is a lesson learned in what kinds of scrubs they should not lower themselves to deal with.

6. (This one is FOR the artists out there, please pay attention.) Some will ask you to “submit work for consideration”. They may even be posing as some sort of “contest”. These are almost always scams. They will take the work submitted by many artists seeking to win the “contest”, or be “chosen” for the gig, and find what they like most. They will then usually have someone who works for them, or someone who works incredibly cheap because they have no originality or talent of their own, reproduce that same work, or even just make slight modifications to it, and claim it as their own. You will NOT be paid, you will NOT win the contest. The only people who win, here, are the underhanded folks who run these ads. This is speculative, or “spec”, work. It’s risky at best, and a complete scam at worst. I urge you to avoid it, completely. For more information on this subject, please visit [link]. [comment: not working anymore]

So to artists/designers/illustrators looking for work, do everyone a favor, ESPECIALLY yourselves, and avoid people who do not intend to pay you. Whether they are “spec” gigs, or just some guy who wants a free mural on his living room walls. They need you. You do NOT need them. Say NO to free art.

And for those who are looking for someone to do work for free…please wake up and join the real world. The only thing you’re accomplishing is to insult those with the skills you need. Get a clue.

If you agree with the above important information, please pass it along. The more people know, the faster we can correct this problem. 3nodding

Shirtless Sex Symbol

8,250 Points
  • Ultimate Player 200
  • Tycoon 200
  • Elocutionist 200

"Even though I can't afford it, I just wanted to say you're art is AMAZING."
Pixie Sticking

"Even though I can't afford it, I just wanted to say you're art is AMAZING."

Thank you! : ) in your profile there you show a quite nice style&taste as well.

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