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I EXIST 0.60843373493976 60.8% [ 101 ]
I DO NOT EXIST 0.39156626506024 39.2% [ 65 ]
Total Votes:[ 166 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 87 88 89 > >>

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Thread Map
1. Introduction
2. Overview of features
3. First Town Construction
4. Hiring
5. Links

For those unaware, Harvest Moon is a popular video game series by Natsume, usually described as a "farming simulation" but, especially in recent games with more options, more like a "small town life simulation". The main character usually inherits a farm, and the game revolves around working the fields, taking care of animals, establishing relationships with the townsfolk, and eventually making your farm into a success, getting married, having kids, etc.

I've been kicking the idea of taking this concept and making it into a Breedables shop for some time now. There's so many cool aspects about doing this, from the open-ended roleplay to the mounds and mounds of animals that can be handed out, and overall awesometastic stuff. I've actually started one interest thread before, probably a year or two ago, but ended up scrapping the idea because I was too nervous to start it up with an artist I was not familiar with.

Well, one or two years has given me time to practice with my own art and confidence enough to put it up for judgment, and so now here we are. So if you're a fan of the series, or interested in the open-ended small-town roleplay concept, read on!

Here are the things I still have yet to do.

- Sheep lineart (lamb, adult male)
- Horse lineart (foal, fem. adult, male adult)
- Dog lineart (pointy-eared adult)
- Cat lineart (shorthair kitten, longhair kitten)
- Custom Pet lineart (rabbit, hawk)
- Line and template touch-ups (adult female chicken, adult male cow, happy chick, calf, floppy-eared puppy, shorthair adult cat, longhair adult cat)
- Map art (first town, first continent: ACSII for first town properties)
- Building art...?
- Item art...?
- Cert graphic
- Banner graphic

- Work/stamina system (What is the minimum/maximum stamina? Power nuts gives how many points?, tool use takes how many points of stamina?, natural stamina has what effect on total points?, is there a gain for natural stamina without power nuts?)

- First Town Name (Probably something lame and generic and color-based. Or maybe not.)
- Set up shop thread (when all art is complete, we have a co-manager + we're ready to start off the first flatsale to fill up the characters for the first town)
- Set up guild for first town
- Figure templates for guilds (necessary: front page link to shop, standard rule posts which define the rules of the community, links to information threads in the main guild, credits in each guild)
- "Hierarchy" of staff (shop staff [who make sure that the community stays within certain guidelines of the shop, define events which affect towns grouped together like weather, and handle the distribution of art] > mayor or city council [who make festival decisions for their town, distribute the land and property of their town, decide the standards of their town and what characters they want in it, handle certain tasks like heart approval and putting in requests for rare items like power nuts and blue feathers, define the plot of a community should any exist] > sprites (who are given responsibilities to update ASCII maps and oversee the most basic level of roleplay).

- Consider: the ultimate moral quandary: Miracle Potions as in 64, or "Miracle Potions" as in AWL? Or both?


So, I was thinking about the name yesterday. I really like a lot of the submissions that we've gotten thus far, and I especially liked Kitteh's "All Roads Lead Here". It hit a lot of the interconnectedness that I wanted the name to express, but it was lacking something. So, I was also thinking a lot about the conversation Twelve and I had about the game and what made it so unique, the entire thing about innocence.

So, I'm pulling shopowner rank and bypassing the vote idea altogether, and calling the name of the shop: "Harvest Moon: Road to Innocence".


As thanks for both Kitteh and Twelve's help in finding the shop name, I'm also gonna pull rank and award them each a character in the first town, should they be interested. xd (Otherwise, I dunno, I can give you guys a couple Vials of Unknown Liquid?) There's a list of open character slots on the front page; we can discuss it more later, but for now, think about what occupation slot you might want your character to fill.

I'm taking suggestions for the shop name!

It's pretty easy to say that it's gonna be "Harvest Moon: Something Something Something", but the 'somethings' have to get filled in, and short of something along the vague lines of "A Gaian Moon", I haven't gotten any great inspiration.

Here are the basic themes I'm thinking of when it comes to names:

1.) Something to do with Gaia, since that's obvious.
2.) Something to do with the connectivity of the various towns (parcel towns are gonna be "open border", which means that any character in any town can move from one to another)- lame name "It's a Small World", but hits the same chord that I've been playing with.
3.) Something that focuses on the open-ended small town life aspect. Got no suggestions at all for this one, but very happy to hear 'em.

I'll probably pick the best suggestions and put them up to vote, unless something is so utterly and undeniably perfect that it would be a forgone conclusion. I do definitely reserve the final call, though, in case there was any doubt.

Submissions thus far:
Harvest Moon: the Miracle of Living (Twelve Yb TnuoC)
Harvest Moon: Denizens of Gaia (Twelve Yb TnuoC)
Harvest Moon: Hope, Life, Love (Twelve Yb TnuoC)
Harvest Moon: Qualities of a Creation (Twelve Yb TnuoC)
Harvest Moon: All Roads Lead Here (Teh Sexeh Kitteh)

Shop Staff:

Shop Owner + Line Artist: Arrien
Co-managers: Call Me Stephanie + Baniru
Artist: Gildeveaus

- Several "town" communities, each community with rules, events and standards defined by a single mayor or a group of city council members. Each community will be set up with its own guild and given shop support and oversight. Interaction and moving of characters between towns is allowed, creating a world community beyond a single town.
- Every town will have different items available, be able to grow different crops, and provide the best environment for certain breeds of animals.
- "RP Communities" are available, which do not rely on stats and allows for more focus on character interaction and roleplay. This contrasts with the traditional "Game Communities", which enforce a stat system and promotes game competition in addition to the basic roleplay.
- More expensive "bundle" communities will be made available, which have an allotted number of characters already bought and paid for by the mayor or city council that have absolute say over who receives the characters, as well as a number of other town-specific decisions. Shop-run "parcel" communities are more open-ended and allow any players with characters to move in (presuming that the town is not overcrowded).
- Depending on the natural features of a town, things such as weather, soil quality, and other features will be influenced.

- Stock lineart animals for farms, ranches, and pets, individually colored. Some manner of edit system will be available for those looking to make their animals more unique, allowing for accessories and the like to be purchased IC.
- Land and building art to track a character's progress and success.
- Character art done uniquely by artists assigned to specific communities. Babies, children, and adults are currently the only stages, though exceptions may be made for elder stages for more age variation (if anyone should be interested... I can dream....)

Roleplay and Gameplay
- Diary system to track progression of relationships between characters, which heart approval systems after 7 hearts to prevent "insta-mate" relationships. The average "courting" time to build a relationship from 0 to 10 hearts will be approximately 3 seasons, which can be sped up and slowed down with IC influences.
- Purchase of a blue feather allows for official marriage, after which couples may have one (or more!) children.
- Class and skill system to allow for different jobs- anything from farmer, to fisher, to tailor.
- Certain "social" classes are available to allow options for players that do not have the time or inclination to deal with the stat system, such as innkeeper or store owner.
- Use of randomizers for finding in-season scavenged items, fishing, mine ore, etc., with unique items available in each town (tradeable to other towns through special orders via the supplier). Some recipes may depend on these town-specific items.
- Open-ended occupation system allows for the mayor/city council to approve new businesses other than what might be explored in the game. For example: news office. Stat systems are open-ended to evolve with new ideas that come up in-game.
- Characters have the option to be city salarymen (ala Grant from AWL/AnWL), in the instance that keeping up with the schedule is too tedious for a player. This takes a huge chunk out of the day which is not RPable with other characters (minimum 1 hour travel time + at least an 8-hour work day = minimum of 10 hours, possibly as many as 12 spent away from city), but also provides a steady income and allows players to focus on the RP times they DO have.
- Item creation skills operate on a point-based system. For every hour that a character dedicates toward making an item, they can apply a number of points equal to their applicable skill level (so, a character with 50 levels in Forgery can apply 50 points an hour). Every item requires a certain number of points to create or upgrade, in addition to certain materials. For complex items such as houses, multiple characters can pool their talents to speed along the building process.
- "Natural" stat system, taking notes from the children system in "A Wonderful Life"/"Another Wonderful Life" (defined for our purposes as Physical, Plants, Animal, Creativity, Scholar, and Social, to allow wider interpretations for various careers). Natural stats affect how quickly someone can learn skills based on their inclination for such things. Scale from 1 to 10.
- "Trained" stat system, looking to "Rune Factory" for an example (Pharmacy (for making medicines and medical know-how), Forging (for making weapons and tools), Tailoring (making accessories and clothing), Mining (for getting ores, as well as handling obstacles that might be caused by natural disasters), Logging (for getting wood from logs and stumps), Farming (for various skills of tilling, watering, etc.), Cooking (for cooking and baking recipes), Brewing (for making teas and alcohols), Communication (for interactions with animals), Fishing (for skills and knowledge which allow fishers chances at rarer and bigger fish), Carpentry (for making fences, buildings, and furniture).) Trained stats directly determine the how quickly a character can perform certain chores, how much stamina it takes, and in some cases, the chance of success and the potential to turn out higher-quality items.

Questing/"Visitor" System
- With approval from the mayor or city council, "visiting" characters may come into town. These characters are not official shop characters, and they are considered to live in the city. Visitors must have some connection to a character in town (relative, friend, etc.) to justify their coming. Visitors may receive gifts (which may be kept track of in a quest thread, if wanted), but they are not allowed to work, forage, fish, or take any official action that would gather items, skills, or other such actions. Although they may interact with characters in town, they do not exist in the heart system. It also costs an existing character a minimum of 500g a day (potentially more, for those with lavish lifestyles) to support a visiting character, and the maximum a visiting character may visit for is 3 IC days in each season. If a questing character is entered into a town at a later date, they may use any prior experiences as a basis for pre-assigning hearts (up to a maximum of 5) based on their interactions with townsfolk during their visits.

- "Open edit" system for animal lineart, allowing people to add personal touches like accessories, brands, etc. without depending on colorists?
- "Shop edit" system for animal, tool and character lineart, wherein characters that fulfill certain positions in a community (tailor, blacksmith, etc.) can make custom edits?


Young Cow Lineart
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Adult Cow Female Lineart
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Adult Cow Male Lineart
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Adult Sheep Female Lineart
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Young Chicken Lineart
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Adult Chicken Female Lineart
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Adult Chicken Male Lineart
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Adult Floppy-eared Dog Lineart
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Young Floppy-eared Dog Lineart
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Young Pointy-eared Dog Lineart
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Adult Short-Haired Cat Lineart
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Adult Long-Haired Cat Lineart
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Unique Character Lineart Example (by Gildeveaus)
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Individual Property ASCII Example

A= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
B= _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . V V V f f f f f f . =
C= | . . . . . . . . . | . V V V f f f f f f . =
D= | . 1 . . . . . . . | ~ V V V f f f f f f . =
E= | . . . . . _ _ / / | ~ v v v * * * v v v . =
F= | _ _ _ _ | . . + + . . v v v * * * v v v . =
G= . r r r r r r . + + . . v v v * * * v v v . =
H= . r r r r r r . + + + + + + + + + + + + + . =
I= . r r r r r r . + + . i i i . i i i . i i i =
J= . _ _ _ _ _ _ . + + . i T i . i T i . i t i =
K= . | . . . . | . + + . i i i . i i i . i i i =
L= . | . 2 . . / + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + =
M= . | . . . . / + + + . i i i . i i i . i i i =
N= . | _ _ _ _ | . + + . i t i . i t i . i t i =
O= . . . . . . . . + + . i i i . i i i . i i i =
P= = = = = = = = = / / = = = = = = = = = = = = =

I'm going to be slowly filling in the details of the "launch" town here, just for the sake of showing an example of how things are going to run.

TOWN NAME: Unnamed
TOWN TYPE: Game, Parcel, Unique Character Art, Mayor-run
TOWN MAYOR: Arrien (Kiki)

Very very bad map of town: [X]
Government/Official Buildings
- City Hall
- Church
- Library
- Doctor's Office

Store Buildings
- Bar
- Cafe
- Inn
- General Store
- Blacksmith
- Tailor

Land Plot Buildings
- Farm
- Ranch
- Carpenter
- Mining Camp
- ???

Natural Features
- Waterfall
- River
- Goddess Pond (?)
- Beach
- Mountain


Character List
Occupation / Player / Character
Mayor / Arrien / Kiki
Priest / Teh Sexeh Kitteh / ???
Librarian / Arrien / Miranda
Doctor / Twelve Yb TnuoC / Johnathan
Bar Owner / ??? / ???
Cafe Owner / ??? / ???
General Store Owner / ??? / ???
Innkeeper / ??? / ???
Blacksmith / ??? / ???
Tailor / ??? / ???
Farmer / ??? / ???
Rancher / ??? / ???
Carpenter / ??? / ???
Mining Director / ??? / ???
Bum / Gildeveaus / Gohma
Musician / Gildeveaus / Gil

Character Profiles
Name: Miranda
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Birthday: September 14
Hair: Long and brown, straight
Eyes: Dark blue
Height: Taller than average
Weight: Average
Occupation: Librarian
Home: In town, near the library
Personality: Quiet and timid, easily overshadowed by others, but full of rarely-voiced intelligence and humor.
Profile: Miranda came to the town with the intention of getting some independence from her sisters, who she claims dominated her life and her work. A hopeless city girl with little experience with "real" work, the girl was only able to find work as a stablehand for a short while before her clumsy reflexes nearly resulted in injury to one of the animals, and cost her the job. After staying at the inn for a few months, she had been considering a return to the city when the new library was built. The educated and knowledgeable Miranda was a shoo-in as the town's librarian, and has since moved into a small home of her own and led a quiet and respectable life.

Physical: * - - - - - - - - -
Plants: * - - - - - - - - -
Animal: * * * - - - - - - -
Creativity: * * * * - - - - -
Scholar: * * * * * * * * - -
Social: * * * - - - - - - -

Pharmacy: 0
Forging: 0
Tailoring: 0
Mining: 0
Logging: 0
Farming: 0
Cooking: (medium-ish...?)
Brewing: (very low)
Ranching: (low)
Fishing: 0
Carpentry: 0

Stamina: 120
Loves: Cake and most other baked goods, apples, pink catmint flowers, tea.
Likes: Most animals, ice cream, carrots, corn.
Hates: Heavy alcohols, sharp tools, chickens, eggplant, turnip, sashimi.
Recipe: Catmint Cookies (Oven recipe. Difficulty: medium. Ingredients: pink catmint, flour, egg, butter.)
Hangouts: Library (works 9am-6pm weekdays), Town Square, Ranch, Fields, Bar (usually only when either Gil or Gohma are there)


Gil (<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 - - - - -)
Gohma (<3 <3 <3 <3 - - - - - -)
Kiki (<3 <3 - - - - - - - - )

Zuzu the Rabbit (<3 <3 <3 - - - - - - - )

Name: Gil
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Birthday: October 23
Hair: Very long and white, straight
Eyes: Red
Height: Slightly taller than Miranda
Weight: A bit skinny
Occupation: Musician
Home: Inn room, with Gohma
Personality: Friendly but somewhat awkward and nervous, prone to mood swings...?
Profile: Gil is a musician from the city who is staying in the country for an indefinite amount of time. He doesn't talk much about himself, but apparently he came to the village for health reasons. Although he's not really a permanent resident, he seems to have settled in nicely and enjoys the village greatly. In order to keep up the rent for his room at the inn--which he's sharing with Gohma--he does odd jobs in town. Otherwise, he spends most of his time practicing music or visiting other parts of the village.

Physical: * * * * - - - - - -
Plants: * - - - - - - - - -
Animal: * * * * - - - - - -
Creativity: * * * * * * - - -
Scholar: * * * - - - - - - -
Social: * * * * * - - - - -

Pharmacy: 0
Forging: 0
Tailoring: 0
Mining: 0
Logging: 0
Farming: 0
Cooking: (medium)
Brewing: 0
Ranching: (medium)
Fishing: 0
Carpentry: 0

Stamina: 180
Loves: All animals, wool, yarn, medicinal herb, salmon, shrimp, omlettes.
Likes: Turnips, strawberries, jam, tea, bluemist flower, moondrop flower.
Hates: Carrots, carrot juice, oranges, orange juice, orange herb.
???: Alcoholic drinks
Recipe: Haru's Special Bento (Frying pan recipe. Difficulty: medium. Ingredients: salmon, shrimp, yam, flour, egg.)
Hangouts: Ranch, Inn, Miranda's House, Library, Farm, Town Square, Clinic.

Fields, Lake, Pond, Mountain, Spring, Bar (usually when either Miranda or Gohma are there)


Miranda (<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 - - - - -)
Gohma (<3 <3 <3 - - - - - - -)


Name: Gohma
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Birthday: August 5
Hair: Very long and very, very colorful
Eyes: Green
Height: Exceptionally short
Weight: Proportionate to his height
Occupation: Bum
Home: Inn room, with Gil
Personality: Boisterous, vain, lazy, flirtatous towards just about anyone, and a moocher with a great love of booze.
Profile: A particularly colorful inhabitant of the village, Gohma may not be a local, but has earned himself the title of Official Town Bum regardless. He can be found at the inn when he's not doing anything of absolutely no importance (being unemployed, being a flirt, being a nuisance), but has made something of a second home at the bar. He shares a room with Gil despite the fact that he does just about nothing to finance his stay there.

Physical: * * * * * * * - - -
Plants: * - - - - - - - - -
Animal: * - - - - - - - - -
Creativity: * * * - - - - - -
Scholar: * - - - - - - - - -
Social: * * * * * * * * * -

Pharmacy: 0
Forging: 0
Tailoring: 0
Mining: 0
Logging: 0
Farming: 0
Cooking: (very low)
Brewing: (very high)
Ranching: 0
Fishing: 0
Carpentry: 0

Stamina: 240
Loves: All alcoholic drinks, succesfully cooked recipes, cooked fish, sashimi, grapes, wild grapes.
Likes: Cheese, carrots, tomatoes, oranges, apples, tropical fruit, very-berry berry.
Hates: Milk, grass, moondrop flowers, pink catmint flowers, bluemist flowers, poison mushrooms, live fish, failed recipes.
Recipe: Ultimate Cocktail (Brewing pot recipe. Difficulty: Very easy. Ingredients: Grapes, wild grapes, [either/or/all of any] strawberry, apple, orange, tropical fruit, verry-berry berry.)
Hangouts: Bar (from open-close on business days), Vineyard, Cafe, Inn, Town Square, Library, Beach, Miranda's house


Miranda (<3 <3 <3 <3 - - - - - -)
Gil (<3 <3 <3 <3 - - - - - -)


Name: Kiki
Gender: Female
Age: 46
Birthday: February 7th
Hair: Faded blue, wispy
Eyes: Bright shade of fuchsia
Height: Just about average
Weight: In good shape
Occupation: Mayor
Home: Mayor's House
Personality: Acts unnecessarily serious in most instances, seems constantly full of energy, always rushing to get the next thing done in time for the thing after that.
Profile: Affluent and very financially successful in her youth, Kiki has been mayor of ______ since its founding twenty-three years ago. Kiki has a single son (aged twenty-one), who she lost in an messy divorce when he was still a toddler. She often spends her weekends visiting him in the city, sometimes to the complaints of those that would like her available for business then. For the most part, however, she is fully dedicated to her work in taking care of the town and its people. She has always been quick to 'adopt' down-on-their-luck townsfolk and help them to success, even at her personal expense- sometimes, however, she's managed to make an enemy by forcing unwanted help, and she seems to brood over such mistakes without end.

Physical: * * * * - - - - - -
Plants: * * - - - - - - - -
Animal: * * - - - - - - - -
Creativity: * * * * * * - - - -
Scholar: * * * - - - - - - -
Social: * * * * * * * * - -

Pharmacy: (low)
Forging: 0
Tailoring: (low)
Mining: 0
Logging: 0
Farming: 0
Cooking: (moderate)
Brewing: (low)
Ranching: 0
Fishing: (low)
Carpentry: 0

Stamina: 180
Loves: Milk, potatoes, fish, cloth, stews.
Likes: Eggplant, cabbage, apples, grasses.
Hates: Flowers.
Recipe: Potato Dumplings (Pot recipe. Difficulty: easy. Ingredients: Flour, egg, potato.)
Hangouts: City Hall (9am-3pm weekdays), Town Square, Church, Lake, Train Station.

Son (<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 - - )

Miranda (<3 <3 - - - - - - -)
Gohma (<3 - - - - - - - - -)
Gil ( <3 - - - - - - - - - )


01 WEEKEND + New Year's Festival (drinking contest)
04 Planting Festival (seed balloons: Harvest King + Flower Princess get hot air balloon ride)
08 Horse Race (adult horses race, everyone can bet)
11 Flower Festival (everyone votes for the year's "Flower Princess", dance)

01 Fireworks Festival (gathering at town square + fireworks in the evening)
04 Vegetable Festival (contest of grown crops, judged by ???)
08 Firefly Festival (basically a version of the Japanese Obon festival)
12 Sea Festival (swimming race to usher in swimming season)

02 Cow Festival (contest of cow's milk, judged by ???)
06 Harvest Festival (Harvest King is chosen at random by whoever finds a coin in their cake)
11 Egg Festival (search for colored eggs! + chicken egg contest)
13 Horse Race (adult horses race, everyone can bet)

03 WEEKEND +Thanksgiving Day (gathering in town square, potluck-type deal)
08 Dog Race (adult dogs race, everyone can bet)
11 Spirit Festival (musical + play performance)
13 New Year's Eve (Winter's End, celebration- IC and OOC, one day only)

Moondrop Flower (2g, common)
Bluemist Flower (2g, common)
Grass (2g, common)
Orange Herb (5g, common)
Medicinal Herb (15g, uncommon)
Very-Berry Berry (25g, rare)

Bluemist Flower (2g, common)
Pink Catmint Flower (2g, common)
Orange Herb (5g, common)
Red Herb (5g, common)
Medicinal Herb (15g, uncommon)
Tropical Fruit (25g, rare)

Red Herb (5g, common)
Medicinal Herb (15g, uncommon)
Mushroom (20g, uncommon)
Wild Grapes (30g, rare)
Poison Mushroom (50g, very rare)

White Grass (30g, rare)
Truffle (80g, very rare)

Scrap Iron (4g, common)
Coin (10g, common)
Iron Ore (15g, common)
Bronze Ore (45g, uncommon)
Silver Ore (70g, uncommon)
Fossil (75g, uncommon)
Moonlight Crystal (90g, rare)
Gold Ore (100g, rare)
Platinum Ore (200g, very rare)
Rare Coin (500g, very rare)
Rare Metal (1000g, super rare)

??? (super rare)




??? (super rare)
??? (super rare)


Want to earn our love? Give us a link! We're always happy to affiliate as well, so if you're interested, just post with a link to your thread and let us know you're interested!

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(Thank you, icy ramen, for the cute button!!)


User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
A Breedables Interest thread, rp-optional through three stages, fourth stage unlockable through RP, stock lineart. Centers around animals infected by a "werevirus". It's still getting fleshed out, but it looks like there's a lot of potential for interesting roleplay and some very nice art is already getting sketched out!

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
A Golden Compass themed Breedables Interest thread, a couple (three?) stages, stock lineart, unsure what the RP requirements are going to be. It's got very reasonable pricing, adorable art, and a person who looks very much like they know what they're doing in lead. Check it out!

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Description coming soon. <3

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Description coming soon. <3
*noms happily as she templates the adult cow*
Whee, complete example for adult female cow up!
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Whee, good luck. :3 I love those harvest moon games.

<3 Thanks for the post, Derine!

Adult female chicken art up! surprised
Hrm. Just did the rough sketches for the chicks. Since there's going to be very little to individualize between one yellow chick and the next, I thought I'd draw a bunch of poses and see what I like. I'm not sure if I like any of the poses that much so far, but here's the sketch:

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All right, update tiem!

1. Did a second version of the fem. adult chicken art, because I didn't fully like what I had. The new version can be seen here- the lines are edited to be a little more simplified, keeping closer with the HM art style.
2. Fleshed out the sketches for the chicks, and I've started inking. WIP can be seen here, with four different chicks- Fat, Sleepy, Happy, and o_o. Doing my best to resist the urge to rip off Snow White and the Seven Dwarves... >>
Harvest moon games are like, super fantastic. heart
I think that is a great idea! Good luck. C: (also, cute chicks)
^o^ Thanks for the post, Mary! *pings with the fat chicks, since she thinks they're the cutest so far*
I thought I had a Harvest Moon game for DS once but it was a bit dodgy so I never played it. Then I saw this thread and went 'Was that that one game I had..?' and so I went and researched Harvest Moon and now I'm pretty sure that wasn't it because I'd remember something that awesome.
The sketches look awesome, I totally want a cow.
Would you like to affiliate with my interest thread?

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Heck yeah, I'd love to affiliate! *goes to post up your link*

I haven't gotten to play Harvest Moon DS yet, sadly. crying I have gotten to play Rune Factory on the same system, though, and that one's pretty interesting. Change of pace from the usual game, though I don't like the characters as much- they get pretty flat after a while, sadly. I love the skill system for it, though, so I'd recommend it, if only for that. xD

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