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Shirtless Hellraiser

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Hey everyone!

One of the things we are working on this year, along with continuing to revamp our forums, is revamping our various social media pages online. They are a great way for us to communicate with you all in more diverse ways!

As I was going through our various accounts, I noticed that our Facebook page was looking, well, a bit stale! We've had the same picture of the floating castle land for a while now, and I wanted a fresh new image to use. Then it dawned on me that having something created by you, our fabulous community members, would be the best thing to display on our page! You are all so talented and creative, I bet you could make something phenomenal for us to display.

If you are interested in entering the "Design a Header for Our Facebook Page" contest, read below for more information!

- Sisky

Shirtless Hellraiser

16,625 Points
  • Jack-pot 100
  • Battle: Rogue 100
  • Cheercrusher 50
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gaia_angelleft Design Gaia's Facebook Page Header Contest: Rules and Regulations! gaia_angelright

What is this contest about?
This contest is about you designing a new header image for our Facebook page, and letting us use it! You'll not only be credited for the design, but will win some awesome prizes as well!

How long will this contest last
This design contest will run from today, January 17, 2013 until 11:59 pm on Thursday, January 31st, 2013. Basically, it lasts two weeks!

How do I enter the contest?
Once you've created your entry (an image that is 851 pixels wide and 315 pixels high) and uploaded it your image hosting site (e.g. Photobucket, Flickr, Image Shack, etc.), post your entry in this thread with the following information:

*Name of Entry
*Link to entry photo
* Brief description about your entry - why you think it represents Gaia to you!

What are you looking for in contest submissions?
This design contest is to find new art works to showcase on our Facebook page header. All entries submitted should meet the following criteria:

  • Entries must be created in a simple, Gaia-compatible web-based image format such as JPG, PNG, etc.
  • Each entry must contain only one item design. Color variations do not count as separate designs.
  • Entries must be original, created by the entrant and the entrant must have all rights necessary to submit the entry.
  • Entries must not, in the sole discretion of Gaia Online, contain any sexually explicit, profane, disparaging, libelous or other inappropriate content. Designs should be appropriate for the Gaia Online site, as well as our Facebook page.
  • Entries must not, in the sole discretion of Gaia Online, contain any commercial content that promotes any product or service other than those products or services belonging to Gaia Online.
  • By participating in the contest, you grant to Gaia Online a non-exclusive, worldwide, fully paid, royalty-free, perpetual, transferable, sublicensable, irrevocable license to reproduce, copy, display, transmit, perform, distribute, store, modify and otherwise use (including the right to make derivative works of) the entry, materials and information submitted on and in connection with the Gaia website, the Gaia store, Gaia products and services, and Gaia marketing collateral, in any form, medium or technology. By submitting any entry or accepting any prize, the winner assigns all right, title and interest in his or her entry to Gaia Online. Each participating entrant hereby waives his or her moral rights in any such entries, materials and information, and hereby warrants that any such entries, materials and information are original with entrant and do not infringe upon the copyrights, trademarks, rights of privacy, publicity or other intellectual property or other rights of any person or third-party entity.
  • By participating in the contest, you acknowledge that you are allowed, by law, to enter such contests in your country of residence, and that you have verified this to be true.

Great googly moogly - that was a whole lot of legal text mumbo jumbo - can you clarify it for us please?!?
Sure! In more plain language, what the above says is that by entering the contest, you agree that Gaia Online may use your submission:
* On our Facebook page, as well as on any of our other properties where we feel it is appropriate to do so and that we may do so without charge.
* By entering the contest, you give Gaia Online permission to use your design is forever, free of charge, and this permission cannot be revoked.
* By entering this contest, you assert that your entry is your own creation, and that you are not using copyrighted material from a third-party in its creation.
* All entries must be Gaia-appropriate - that is, they must contain content that is in line with Gaia Online's Terms of Service and Rules & Guidelines.
* Submitting a recolored version of a previous entry will be disqualified - recolors of one design don't count as new entries.
* All entrants are allowed by the laws of their countries to enter such contests!

Ok, phew! It's the standard art contest entry rules text - yay! Anyway, now that THAT is out of the way, what size image are your looking for?
The standard size for a Facebook header image is 851 pixels wide and 315 pixels high. Entries should be this size!

I know you said no using copyrighted materials, but can we use Gaia Online's characters, designs, items, etc. in our piece?
Yes! You can draw or render our creations or characters and use them in your entry! You can, say, draw Grunnies, or avatars, or NPC's, or part of Towns, or Mogas - whatever you like! The part about copyright was intended for other non-Gaia designed content.

What should the theme of the piece be?
We're looking for images that show just how fun and awesome Gaia is! What do you love about Gaia or its community? What is fun about being here? These are great places to start. Try and represent what you love most about Gaia Online in your image. One note: Your image should clearly say "Gaia Online" somewhere in the work ^^

Any particular design style I should be going for?
Nope, you can create anything - wherever your imagination takes you! Use whatever colors and styles you feel work best to realize your vision!

I can't draw or paint well - is there anything else I can do?!?
Not to worry, if you have a camera you can take a picture of something you've made and submit that! For example, you could sculpt some Gaia-related items or characters out of clay, make origami characters in Gaia-related themes, bake a Gaia-related cake, build something Gaia-related out of snow or sand, etc.! You get the picture - there are lots of ways to express your creativity, just capture that expression in an image and send it along!

I don't really use Facebook - can I still enter the contest?
Of course! If you are a Gaian, can make a picture that meets the contest standards, and your country allows you to enter contests like this, then you are eligible to enter!

That is all great, but what I really want to know is this - what are the prizes for winning?
We knew you'd want to know what the prizes are! This contest will have 6 winners - we want to be able to change the image occasionally to keep the Fb header fresh and show off more of your fabulous art!

Each winner will receive a pretty nifty prize pack that consists of:
* 1000 Gaia cash
* 1,000,000 Gaia gold

Can I hang out in this thread and chat and make friends while the contest is going on?
Sure! Please refrain from spamming or posting content that violates our Terms of Service or Rules & Guidelines, but if you just want to hang out and make some new friends or chat with old friends while you work on your entries, feel free!

Shirtless Hellraiser

16,625 Points
  • Jack-pot 100
  • Battle: Rogue 100
  • Cheercrusher 50
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gaia_angelleft Design Gaia's Facebook Page Header Contest: Winners List! gaia_angelright

Congratulations to the following Gaians for their winning entries:

Username: Yamashta
Name of Entry: Art of Gaia
Link to entry photo: (link)
Brief description about your entry: GaiaOnline has always been a great place for art. It supports it and shares it and encourages it's users to become artists as well, because art is a wonderful way of expressing yourself. GaiaOnline has gotten me into a lot of art related things like contest entries, commissions, and fan art of the NPCs, which overall is good practice when you're an amateur artist. Thank you, GaiaOnline.

Banana Bun
*Username: Banana Bun
*Name of Entry: "The Gaia Strip"
*Link to entry photo: Here
* Brief description about your entry - why you think it represents Gaia to you!
I guess whenever I think of Gaia I think of driving through Las Vegas, all bright colors and lights and flashy, one-of-a-kind people. I think this submission represents the way Gaia appears in my mind. emotion_yatta

Ripper Ruu
Username: Ripper Ruu
Name of Entry: Gaia: Be anyone! (woah cheese alert OTL)
Link to entry photo: My entry <3
Brief description about your entry: My entry sums up what Gaia gives to people; the ability to be whoever you want! One day i am a cute bunny girl, the next, and eeevil snake guy!
For my entry, i used the avatars of fellow Gaians, who i feel sum up Gaia the best, The super cute girls, and the burley armoured men cat_pirate

Ps: I've never won anything ever before, so im not getting my hopes up... ;A;

* Hysteriavitis
* The world
* Simplicity

* Brief description about your entry - why you think it represents Gaia to you!

Hmmm I see Gaia as an other world we experience everyday and this is the representation if I was there as a casual observer. Just liven the life.

*Username: sizigi
*Name of Entry: Gaia 4 Ever <3
*Link to entry photo: [LINK]
* Brief description about your entry - why you think it represents Gaia to you!

I suppose it represents me in the way that I enjoy Gaia and hope this site continues to infinity and beyond!~ for me at least. I also incorporated my favorite NPCs of all time. yay. :3

edit; here's a version with the trademark I forgot to add to the logo previously, since I saw that it might be required... [x] I hope it's okay that I post this second version.

Username: Gekkarts
Title: Be part of it

User Imagehttp://i278.photobucket.com/albums/kk98/Mightyiena/Link/gaiafacebook1_zps8b9e0ed3.jpg

=I like the fact that gaia let us meet new people around the world =

Ri Oestreich
(Barely made it...@-@)

*Username: Ri Oestreich
*Name of Entry: CI Mania!
*Link to entry photo: CI Mania!
* Brief description about your entry: Well, CI's and MC's and all of those awesome things are a big part of Gaia. They bring cool items and even more amazing characters, seriously. A lot of people put a lot of time and effort into making CI's especially, and a lot of users spend a lot of time too trying to get all the stuff they can from them! Even though you hardly ever get to the end and get the best item out there, they're still super enjoyable to play!
Characters (right to left) : Azrael, Ringmaster, Ezo, Estelle, Winsor, Bloody Mary, and Jet the Kitten Star. C:

*Username - Clouxx
*Name of Entry - Serenity
*Link to entry photo - Entry, Entry color variation
* Brief description about your entry - why you think it represents Gaia to you! - I made this entry mainly out of the collectables artwork. I enjoy all of the evolving items, chance items, and monthly collectables. Everything's always changing, and I think that the collectables are a small way of showing how much gaia has to offer.

Username: Jonjon21428
Name of Entry: Gaia Forever!
Link to entry photo: link
Represents Gaia because it has HoC, zOMG!, MOGA, that new kitten game, and 2 famous gaia figures.

  • Username: coconai
  • Name of Entry: Waffles knows
  • Link to entry photo: http://tinyurl.com/axjgeow
  • Brief description: I've seen the progression of gaiaonline.com since 2005+
    I have noticed that Lanzer is a big helping factor and kind of represents gaia in his corky attiude.
    I'm in love with his cat and it shows that gaia can be fierce and fluffy at the same time.
    Waffles ears are equipped with Gstore signature clips when it was open.

II CuriousAngel II
II CuriousAngel II

Gaia, come and hang out sometime.

Gaia, come and hang out sometime!

I think this represents Gaia because it's the people here who make the site so much fun! From the strange to entertaining forum discussions, to the NPC's that have been here for ages, and to your average every day gaian, you get the chance to safely interact with people from all over the world. Plus I think Ian is everyone's favorite NPC.

Shirtless Hellraiser

16,625 Points
  • Jack-pot 100
  • Battle: Rogue 100
  • Cheercrusher 50
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gaia_angelleft Design Gaia's Facebook Page Header Contest: Contest Updates and Info! gaia_angelright

If anything changes with this contest, we'll post contest updates here!

Perfect Artist

Lonely Smoker

12,475 Points
  • Millionaire 200
  • Jolly Roger 50
  • Grunny Grabber 50
we can use pictures of gaia to do the header???

7,100 Points
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Signature Look 250
  • Forum Sophomore 300
Cool contest!! Good luck everyone heart

Versatile Explorer

11,825 Points
  • Beta Explorer 0
  • Invisibility 100
  • Beta Citizen 0
Interesting surprised

Shameless Perfectionist

12,600 Points
  • Market Browser 100
  • Timid 100
  • Forum Explorer 100
Interesting, I can't wait to see what people come up with.
That looks interesting! >w<
Might participate! surprised

Beeping Bear

to bad its finals week >:C
but it sounds fun!

Blessed Bilge rat

9,700 Points
  • Timid 100
  • Partygoer 500
  • Frozen Sleuth 100
ooh, neat! heart

Sparkly Explorer

OMG hat cake... biggrin

I baked one a few months ago when I gave my husband his OMG hat on Gaia (he was so shocked to get online to find it *u*) and I had so much fun, and never got a picture taken... biggrin

Time to do it again!

Conservative Genius

32,750 Points
  • Threadmaster 200
  • Firestarter 200
Very cool.

Aged Hoarder

12,750 Points
  • Invisibility 100
  • Happy Birthday! 100
  • Partygoer 500
good luck people!

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