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Yes, I am! 0.75945945945946 75.9% [ 281 ]
No, I am not! 0.24054054054054 24.1% [ 89 ]
Total Votes:[ 370 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 1280 1281 1282 > >> >>> »|

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Sighing, she slowly walked though the busy market, not paying much attention to the people around her. There was nothing worthwhile there; she was just killing time until she had to meet her parents. She abruptly stopped when something in her peripheral vision grabbed her attention.

She blinked, and stared at the building. She looked around, checking out the expressions of the other shoppers, trying to see if they saw what she did. Nobody seemed to notice, and she began to think she was crazy.

Still, she wandered closer. It was an old pagoda, exactly like she had seen in pictures. Compared to the other plain, rectangular buildings of the market, it was extremely out of place. Now just a few feet away, she could tell that it was covered in dirt and dust. She doubted that anybody had been inside in decades.

“Of course nobody’s been inside!”

The voice made her jump. It was youthful and there was a hint of amusement. She glanced around, but didn’t see anybody and quickly began to feel uneasy. Turning, she took a step away from the old pagoda, when she noticed the old man sitting just six feet away. She swore he hadn’t been there a minute before.

He got up and walked toward her. As he approached, she noticed that his face had the lines of a very long life, but his eyes were youthful and bright. When he spoke, she realized it was his voice that had startled her minutes before.

“You’re curious. I can tell.”

She hesitated. He was right, she was incredibly curious, and it got the best of her. “What is this?”

“It’s my shop,” he replied.

That had certainly not been the answer she was expecting. “Your shop? What could you possibly sell in there? I thought you said nobody had been inside!”

He let out a long, loud laugh. “I most certainly did say that. People can’t possibly go in my shop.” Leading her closer to the old building, he pointed to a dusty section on the wall. Brushing off some of the dust with his wrinkled hand, he began to read from the gold plate.

“What does that mean? What are those pictures of?” the questions just flew out of her mouth, as she started dusting off more of the wall. “They’re things?”

“Those are pictures of my product. That’s what you can buy here,” the old man explained. “Well, sort of…”

Now, intrigued beyond all measure, she demanded, “What do you mean by ‘sort of?’”

The old man took her around to the front of the old pagoda, and gestured to a place next to the door. It looked like an oversized coin slot. Now, fully confused, she stared blankly at the old man, hoping for an explanation.

Chuckling at her expression, he asked her if she had ever heard of a Gacha vending machine. Seeing her nod, he continued. This was a special machine he had built. He only carried items you could get no where else. Just like in the other machines, some items were more common that others and some were rare and difficult to obtain. Pointing back to the gold plates on the wall, he told her those were items that had been discovered by past customers. Laughing again, he told her that even he does not know all the items in the machine.

Filled with excitement, she asked to buy a token. After she had put the token in the slot, she turned the large knob in the middle of the door. For appearing so old, the gears moved swiftly and silently, and within seconds, a fist sized capsule rolled out of a small hole in the bottom of the door.

The old man looked just about as excited as she did, and once she opened the capsule, his face really lit up. “I think that’s a new one!” he exclaimed, grabbing her arm and pulling her back to the side of the building. On that gold plate, where she swore there used to be no inscription, there was a picture of the item she had in her hands, and underneath was her name. It should have shocked her, but she was beginning to accept the mystery of the place.

The old man greatly appreciated her offer to help clean up the building. After many weekends of hard work, the place shined. Though the windows, all the capsules inside were clearly visible. The gold plates glittered in the sunlight and attracted all sorts of curious passerby. Business was skyrocketing.

Some things about the old shop still made her curious. New items just appeared in the machine, it was never empty – or even low – after a very hectic day. Every so often, she would find special items in the machine. They would stay around for a week or two, and then she could never find them again. When she would ask the old man, he’d just laugh that loud laugh and smile at her.

Welcome to Pagacha!

This shop is essentially a giant vending machine. You'll see a bunch of items in the posts below, but you can't really buy them. You can only purchase tokens, which you'll use in the machine to get a random item. There are commons, uncommons, rares and even limiteds and other special items. You can't pick what you get, it's any one of the many, many items in the Pagacha inventory.

If you can only make out an item's shadow, that's because it hasn't been discovered yet! Once an item has been discovered, you'll be able to see it and you'll also see the name of the lucky person who was the first to find it! If you have enough patience you just may be able to complete a full set of items!

Buy a token and try your luck!
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[1]. Introduction / Backstory
[2]. Index
[3]. Updates
[4]. Rules
[5]. FAQs
[6]. Contests / Events
[7]. Special Features / Account Levels
[8]. Limited Items / Unlimited Items
[9]. Order Info + Forms
[10]. Top Purchasers / Set Completion
[11]. White / Grey / Black Lists
[12]. Staff / Job Opportunities
[13]. Links / Affiliates
[14]. Credits
[15]. ID / Set Info
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November 6, 2010 - Shop going under a revamp and moving to a new thread! Keep your eyes peeled for updates on this exciting change!
September 18, 2010 - Two new sets: Sailor Moon Items & OHSHC!
September 2, 2010 - Finally! Two new sets: Web Browsers & Drinks. Oh yea, Vira is back, too! :3
August 16, 2010 - Tori's reminder that she will fill any orders that come in!
June 6, 2009 - Tori's small attempt to bring the shop back from horrid inactivity!
April 8, 2009 - Easter 09 Limited Set Added!
March 31, 2009 - St. Patty's Limiteds removed.
March 6, 2009 - St Pattys 09 Limited Set Added!
March 3, 2009 - St. Patty's Pick-A-Box Event and Stamp Contest begin!
February 18, 2009 - Valentine's 2009 Limiteds removed. Sanrio set released!
February 9, 2009 - Valentine's Day Limiteds Added!
February 2, 2009 - Birthday Limiteds removed.
January 24, 2009 - Sets added: Limited: Birthday, CLAMP Mascots, FF Job Classes, & Hair Clips.
January 24, 2009 - Omnalu added as a Shop Helper! Now she can fill orders and approve trades as well!
January 18, 2009 - Gaian NPC and Potion sets released.
January 13, 2009 - Eevee and Eon, Elemental Staffs set released. Fourteen new items added to the Naruto set.
January 9, 2009 - Three sets released: Naruto, Ouran and Shoes!
January 7, 2009 - Pocahontas set released!
January 1, 2009 - Happy New Year! The December Event has ended. The goal was met and exceed: a total of 34,296 tokens were sold! The contest winners are up!
December 28, 2008 - Dads Shed, Japanese Foods and Street Signs sets released!
December 22, 2008 - 10,000 TOKEN GOAL REACHED! From now until the 31st all tokens are 75% off!
December 20, 2008 - FFXI Summons, Butterflies, 2003 Monthly Collectibles and the Soul Eater sets released! :33
December 15, 2008 - Mario Star Spirits set released!
December 7, 2008 - EIGHT NINE! New Sets: Animorphs, Death Note, Desserts, Evolving Items, One Piece: Strawhat Pirates, Umbrellas, YuGiOh and the Holiday Limiteds! + Chinese Zodiac!
December 3, 2008 - Western Zodiac set released! :33
December 2, 2008 - Cheese set released!
December 1, 2008 - SIX New Sets: Captain Planet, Chibi Monsters, Haruhi Suzumiya, Keys, The Legend of Zelda & The Wizard of Oz!
December 1, 2008 - Pagacha's Huge December Lightfest begins!
November 23, 2008 - Set Completion rewards now available to all users!
November 8, 2008 - aoc is back! I'm now known as Auntie Viral - Vira for short. Updates coming soon.
November 5, 2008 - Page 600 reached!
November 4, 2008 - We're almost to page 600, so the first 5 posters on page 600 will get 10 tokens each!
October 2, 2008 - Discount and contest over! Prizes given out and thread updated!
August 23, 2008 - From now until October 1st, buy 50 tokens or some and chop 50% off your entire purchase.
August 15, 2008 -Starting now the first person on every tenth page gets a free token!

August 7, 2008 - 500 pages reached! Prize given out to XxDemonic Ice QueenxX for being first on the page.
August 4, 2008 - Tektek contest removed, no entries submitted.
July 8, 2008 - Bumping contest and Tektek contest added, go have some fun!
June 24, 2008 - Shop dicount over.
June 11, 2008 - Shop activities with awesome prizes! Event post.
June 4, 2008 - Shop discount, check the event post for details.
May 27, 2008 - Winners updated. mistoftime wins last two slots. CONTEST ENDS!
May 25, 2008 - Thread updated: whitelist, winners, links, staff.
May 19, 2008 - Thread updated drastically. PM's to ID's sent out.
May 18, 2008 - Start of the Dice Contest.
May 17, 2008 - Staff's attempt to bring shop back from hiatus.
Mar 20, 2008 - Added the Dresses and MapleStory Monsters sets.
Mar 20, 2008 - Spring Animals Limiteds added.
Mar 11, 2008 - St Patty's Limiteds added.
Mar 3, 2008 - Valentine's Limiteds removed.
Mar 1, 2008 - LeapFrog event ends.
Feb 27, 2008 - LeapFrog event begins.
Feb 25, 2008 - Added the Carebears set.
Feb 6, 2008 - Added the Houshin Engi set.
Feb 5, 2008 - Added the Puppies set.
Feb 5, 2008 - Released the Mini Sig feature and account levels.
Feb 2, 2008 - Added the Account Portal to the site.
Feb 1, 2008 - Released the Valentine's Limiteds
Feb 1, 2008 - Site underwent maintenance for about 30 mins
Jan 31, 2008 - Added 3 new sets: Animal Kids, Avatar: The Last Airbender and Keyblades
Jan 30, 2008 - Added 2 more new sets: Bleach and Vegetables
Jan 29, 2008 - Added 2 new sets: Horsies and Nuts
Jan 25, 2008 - Pagacha officially opens! :33
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These are the shop's rules. By browsing or posting in this thread and/or buying from this shop, you are agreeing to these rules. Read and follow them, otherwise you will be asked to leave the shop.

Always follow Gaia's Terms of Service and the Minishop forum rules.

Do not spam, flame, beg or harass in this thread. Be polite or leave.

Do not post any images that stretch the screen. It's horribly irritating.

Do not take any of the graphics or images from this shop unless you have paid for it. You may not resell or redistribute items from this shop. Art theft is taken very seriously. You get no warnings, you're blacklisted and we will get moderators involved.

Do not alter the images in anyway. This means you may NOT remove watermarks, text, resize it, recolor it, crop it, or any other alteration. A good rule of thumb - just don't open it in an image editing program. Ever. This is a blacklisting offense.

Do not steal any code from the thread or the site. There are not words evil enough to convey just how miserable we will make you if you do.

Do not direct link to any of the images, unless you are given the code. Upload them to your own image host. It costs money for Vira to host her domain and she doesn't need you using up her bandwidth.

Do not post purely to advertise your (or any other) shop. Asking to become affiliates is great, but posts with just a banner or shop link are not.

No refunds will be given unless initiated by a Shop Manager. Do not ask for one, you won't get it. Double check the order before you hit 'Submit.'

Do not quote any posts from the first page. It stretches the posts and is extremely annoying.

These rules may be amended at anytime. It is your responsibility to stay current and follow them.
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Here you can find answers to some questions about the shop. Hopefully this post will clear anything up for you, but if you have a question that isn't answered here, post in the thread and a staff member will reply.

Q. Why can't I just choose the item I want to buy?
A. That's just not how this shop works. It's just like a vending machine - it's random. In the future there may be tokens that will increase your odds of getting certain types & rarities of items.

Q. So, I'm more likely to get some items over others?
A. Yes, the basic items have 3 rarities: common, uncommon and rare. Essentially you'll get commons 65% of the time, uncommons 25% of the time and rares 10% of the time. Each set will have items of all rarities, usually in ratio of 4:2:1, or as close to it as possible. Once an item has been discovered, you can tell its rarity by looking at the color of the item name. Green is common, blue is uncommon and purple is rare.

Q. Since it's random which item I get, could I get duplicates?
A. Yes, just like in real life, you can get duplicates. Each time you use a token, the item you receive is recorded. In the future there will be a 'Trading Post' option which will allow you to trade in the duplicate items you have received.

Q. What does it mean to have discovered an item? Do I get anything for it?
A. Discovering an item means you're the first person to ever receive that item from the machine. Now, on this page users will be able to see the picture of the item instead of the shadow, and you'll get permanent recognition as that item's discoverer.

Q. Why should I try to complete a full set?
A. Hopefully because it's fun! If you like collecting things and are up for the challenge - it won't be easy - try to complete full sets. You can claim your reward when you do complete a set at the Account Portal. It's a lot harder to complete a 39 item set than a 5 item set, and your reward will reflect it!

Q. What are these Choice Coupons?
A. Choice Coupons cannot be purchased, but recieved by completing sets and (eventually) in the trading post. There are three types: Common, Uncommon and Rare. With a Common Choice Coupon you may choose any unlimited common item. With an Uncommon Choice Coupon, you may choose any unlimited common or uncommon item. With a Rare Choice Coupon, you may choose any unlimited item. These cannot be redeemed yet, but sit tight - it's coming very soon!

Q. Why can't I change my passcode? What if I forget it?
A. You can't change it because the passcode given to you was generated randomly. It's really hard to guess, unlike most passcodes people pick out. Save the PM you get when you create an account, so that way you'll always have it. If you ever forget the passcode, post in the thread and a staff member will PM it to you when they get the chance.

Q. Why don't you have a[n] -insert your idea here- set?
A. My artists usually make whatever set ideas interest them. You're free to suggest set and item ideas in the thread. I'll try to keep track. Maybe an artist will see your idea and want to make it.

Q. Can I design a set?
A. You would have to apply to work for the shop as an Item Designer and be accepted first. Check out the 'Staff/Job Opportunities' post for more information.

Q. Crap! I forgot to save one of my items. Can you send it to me?
A. No, but you can look it up yourself! Head to the Account Portal and log in. There's an option there that will display every item you've received from the machine, and you can click the item's name to get the image.

Q. How do limited items work?
A. They're very much like unlimited items. They come in sets and some limited items are harder to find than others. Unlike the unlimited items, you will probably not be able to find one using a Standard token. You will probably want to purchase a Limited Basic or Plus token if you're interested in finding a limited item.

Q. What are the differences between the Limited Basic and Limited Plus tokens?
A. Well, the Basic is cheaper and the Plus is more expensive. A Limited Basic token does not guarantee you a limited item, it just increases your odds of getting one to about 50%. The other half of the time, you'll be getting the usual unlimited items. A Limited Plus token guarantees you a limited item.

Q. So it's impossible for me to find a limited item without buying a special Limited token?
A. No, it's not impossible. It's just really, really unlikely. But it does happen!

Q. What are those small things I see in people signatures with your items?
A. It sounds like you're talking about the Mini Sigs. You can generate a Mini Sig for any set in the shop, and as you get the items in the set from the machine, they'll automatically appear in your siggy! You do have to have a Collector level accout to use the Mini Sig feature.

Q. What are the differences between account levels?
A. For now, there are just 2 levels: Basic and Collector. Basic is the default, it's free and all new accouts are Basic. You have to pay to upgrade your account to the Collector level and it gets you access to the Mini Sig feature. There will be more account levels to come.

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Current shop events will be listed here. Check in periodically to see what's new!

There are currently no events!

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Here you can find contests to enter and win Pagacha goodies!

There are currently no contests!
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Here you can see some of the new, special features added to Pagacha. Some may require you to upgrade your account level in order to access them.

List of Your Turns - This is a service open to all Pagacha users. Just go to the Account Portal and log in. You can pull up every item you've received from your turns and get any images you may not have saved.

Mini Sigs- This is a service open to users with Collector or Premium level accounts. Once you've upgraded your account, head to the Account Portal and log in. Follow the instructions there to generate the code for your very own Mini Sigs. As you get items in the set from the machine, they will fill in those grey squares automatically! Here's an example:

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The Trading Post - This is a service open to users with Trader or Premium level accounts. Just go to the Account Portal and log in. Follow the instructions, and you will have a chance to trade with The Ascetic Monk for the items he currently has. You must trade for equal rarities, and you are limited to 1 trade every 2 minutes. Here's what he has available right now:

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This is where you'll find out all you need to know about account levels.

BASIC: This is the default account level. Every Pagacha account is basic when it's first created. It is free.

COLLECTOR: Having a Collector account level allows you to use the Mini Sig feature. It also allows you everything in the Basic account. It costs 1,000g to upgrade from Basic to Collector.

TRADER: Having a Trader account level allows you to use the Trading Post feature. It also allows you everything in the Basic account. It costs 25,000g to upgrade from Basic to Trader.

GOLD: Having a Gold account level allows you to use the Mini Sig & Trading Post features. It also allows you everything in the Basic account. It costs 26,000g to upgrade from Basic to Gold.

PREMIUM: Having a Premium account level allows you to use the Mini Sig & Trading Post features. It also allows you everything in the Basic account. As a Premium account holder, you may come across random events while using your tokens that may turn out to be quite profitable. Premium account holders automatically gain access to any features released in the future as well (this benefit may be temporary - so don't rely on it always being here!). It costs 50,000g to upgrade from Basic to Premium. It costs 49,000g to upgrade from Collector to Premium. It costs 25,000g to upgrade from Trader to Premium. It costs 24,000 to upgrade from Gold to Premium.

To upgrade your account, head to the 'How to Order' post and copy the order form, following all the usual ordering rules.
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The items that are only around in the Pagacha machine for a limited time will be available here. There are different types of limited items. Some you will have to buy a special token to get. Others are just super rare, so you just have to hope you get one while it's around!

In order to get one of these limited items, you'll probably want to increase your odds by purchasing a Limited Basic token for 200 gold or a Limited Plus token for 500 gold. It's random, so if there are more than 1 Limited sets available, you'll get items from all the sets.
You can read about each Limited token type in the FAQ.

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These sets and items can be found in the Pagacha machine in limitless amounts - the machine never runs out of these items. Until an item is discovered, not much is known about it. Once someone discovers an item, you'll be able to see what it looks like, it's name and you'll also see who was the lucky person who discovered it!

To save on bandwidth, only 15 sets will be displayed in the shop. To see the full list of sets go to the complete item list. Sets *not* displayed here are: Animal Kids, Alice in Wonderland, Animorphs, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Barnyard, Bathroom Amenities, Bleach, Captain Planet, Carebears, Cheese, Chibi Monsters, Chinese Zodiac, Death Note, Dresses, Duckies, Evolving Items, Fruits, Horsies, Houshin Engi, Keyblades, Keys, Kingdom Hearts, MapleStory Monsters, Mario Star Spirits, Nuts, Princess, Puppies, Ragnarok Online, Soul Eater, Space Exploration, Street Signs, Sushi, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, The Wizard of Oz, Totoro, Umbrellas, Vegetables, Western Zodiac and YuGiOh. Please check out the site to see these other wonderful items!

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To get one of these unlimited items, just purchase a Standard token and head over to the machine. Standard tokens are 100 gold each.

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Here you'll find all the information you'll need to place an order. Please make sure you read this entire post before ordering!

You: Copy and paste the order form and fill it out with your information.
You: Send a trade for the total amount to The Ascetic Monk with the page number in the trade title.
Staff: Look over the order and reply so you know it's been noted.
Staff: Confirm the trade.
You: Complete the trade.
Staff: Add tokens (or whatever the order was for) to your account.
Staff: PM/Post to let you know your order has been filled.
You: Try your luck on the machine :33

Trades must be completed before your order will be filled. It may take a day or two from the time you complete the trade to when a staff member fills your order. Be patient, we have not forgotten you. If you need to cancel a order/trade for any reason, post in the thread so we're aware. You may not cancel your order once the trade has been completed.

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Please use this form when posting your order. Orders not posted using the form will be ignored.

Use this for Token orders (new or existing customers):

[align=left][u][color=red][size=14]O R D E R ![/size][/color][/u][size=9]
[b]Gaian Username:[/b]
[b]Pagacha Username:[/b] - if you are a new customer, type NEW here -
[b]Number of Standard tokens @ 100g each: [/b]
[b]TOTAL:[/b] -

[b]Contact Method:[/b] - Post or PM? -

Use this for Account Level changes:
(Made sure you refer to the Account Level post to determine the cost!)

[align=left][u][color=red][size=14]O R D E R ![/size][/color][/u][size=9]
[b]Gaian Username:[/b]
[b]Pagacha Username:[/b]
[b]Desired Account Level:[/b] - Collector, Trader, Gold or Premium
[b]TOTAL:[/b] -

[b]Contact Method:[/b] - Post or PM? -

You can combine both orders in 1 post if you want to order tokens and upgrade your account.

Once you've posted your order form, send the trade for the amount listed next to TOTAL. We must PM new account openers their passcodes, but users with existing accounts can choose to have us post in the thread when we complete their orders, rather than PM them. It's your choice :33
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This is updated in real-time, so once a staff member adds tokens to your account, this image will reflect it. Only the top ten spenders will show up here.

To see everyone who has purchased from the shop, check out the full customer list.

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To claim your reward for a set you've completed, visit the Account Portal.

Rewards are given out based on the number of rares a set contains: the more, the bigger the reward. Here's the breakdown:

1 rare = 20 Standard Tokens + 1 Rare Choice Coupon
2 rares = 30 Standard Tokens + 2 Rare Choice Coupons
3 rares = 40 Standard Tokens + 3 Rare Choice Coupons
4 rares = 50 Standard Tokens + 4 Rare Choice Coupons

And so on, I think the pattern is evident.

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The usual white/grey/back lists. Pretty self-explanatory.

White List:

seikueon - Made the sets: Limited Spring Animals, Limited Valentines 2008, Sushi

Naeyru - Made the sets: Bleach, The Legend of Zelda

.hidden melody. - Made the sets: Avatar The Last Airbender

shikami2 - Made the sets: Animal Kids

kirachan9 - Made the sets: Carebears, Keyblades, Vegetables

extell - Made the sets: Puppies

Abyss.Of.Finality - Made the sets: Horsies, Houshin Engi, Nuts

Remi-chan - Made the sets: Alice in Wonderland, Kingdom Hearts, Ragnarok Online

d e r i n e - - - Made the sets: Dresses

Nomeh - Made the sets: Barnyard

Saporion - Made the sets: Bathroom Amenities, Totoro, Space Exploration

TLB - Made the sets: Princess, Duckies

xlightwingx - Made the sets: MapleStory Monsters

Stalker Knife - Made the sets: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Mario Star Spirits, 2003 Monthly Collectibles

Desdemona Winchcombe - Made the sets: Animorphs, Death Note, Soul Eater, YuGiOh

Leonal - Made the sets: Butterflies, Evolving Items

romesilk - Made the sets: Keys, Captian Planet, Holiday Limiteds 08

epicZILLA - Made the sets: Chibi Monsters, Holiday Limiteds 08

- You Took My Car - - Made the sets: Cheese, Desserts

Not Zilon - Made the sets: Chinese Zodica, Western Zodiac, FFXI Summons

hisako` - Made the sets: One Piece: Strawhat Pirates

KitKatruler1994 - Made the sets: The Wizard of Oz

ShortGreen - Made the sets: Umbrellas

The Winged Disaster - Hired two bumpers to bump the thread and has been sticking around to chat and bump. <3

Grey List:

Noodle bknb - PM'd the mule with a way to make gold.

I love Ebu - PM'd the mule with a way to make gold.

ninjax115 - PM'd the mule complaining about a late order.

Reiko1281 - PM'd the mule with a way to make gold.

Black List:

pimpbig1234 - PM'd customers claiming to be the shop's co-owner and could give discounts. Do not trust this user.
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Pagacha has a *lot* of staff. They are a fantastic group of people and I would have never managed to get the shop this far without their constant help. Treat them as the authorities when the shop owner is not around, they know just about everything there is to know about the shop!

Shop Owner:

Auntie Viral (Vira)

Gaian Since: June '04
Favorite Forums: Minishops, Pricing, Assistance & Suggestions, Textiles & Crafts
Has Created: The shop! Handles the coding and maintenance of the site and thread, and general head honcho stuff. :3

Shop Helpers:

Stalker Knife (Knife, Tori)

Gaian Since: November '06
Favorite Forums: R&C and GD
Has Created: Accounts! Helps fill orders, approve trades, and update the thread.

Varlot (Varlot)

Gaian Since: January '07
Favorite Forums: GCP and Minishops
Has Created: Accounts! Helps fill orders, approve trades, and update the thread.

Omnalu (Omnalu)

Gaian Since: September '05
Favorite Forums: Minishops and Petitions
Has Created: Accounts! Helps fill orders, approve trades, and update the thread.

Black_Rose10 (Rose)

Gaian Since: June '05
Favorite Forums: Minishops
Has Created: Accounts! Helps fill orders, approve trades, and update the thread.

Shop Artist:

vChrome (Puppen, Star)

Gaian Since: May '06
Favorite Forums: Pricing, Assistance & Suggestions
Has Created: The artwork on the site and in this thread.

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Currently hiring for Item Designer position. If you are interested in applying for said position, you can visit the hiring thread, here.

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These are Pagacha's affiliates, please visit them!
If you'd like to become one, please post the link to your shop, and add one of the link buttons above to your thread.
I only accept link buttons that are 88 x 31 pixels in size.

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If you wish to visit the thread's new location, please click here.

This post is my attempt to thank everybody and everything that has made this shop possible. I will try to do my best not to miss anyone!

[-] My fabulous staff, without them this shop would sell stick people as items and I would be pulling out my hair trying to run it. <3

[-] The loyal regulars, who have been around since the interest thread.

[-] dot5, for being an excellent host for my domain

[-] typOasis, for the font Kudasai, which is used in the shop logo on this thread and on the site.

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This post is mainly for hired Item Designers. Remember, you must first be accepted as a staff member to make/claim/submit sets! To apply, go to here!

All images MUST be saved in a .png file format and I would prefer you use a white background. When making your items, keep each item 175 x 175 pixels. Smaller is fine, but that's the maximum. Remember that a set has to have at least 5 items in it. More is fine, but no less. I don't allow sets to be recolored versions of the same lineart. Each item's lineart *must* be unique. Tiny changes from one item to another are not acceptable either, you should probably be drawing each lineart from scratch when you start a new item. You may decide to have certain items be common, uncommon or rare, or you may leave it up to me. You should name your set and each of the items in it. If you can't decide, I don't mind helping!

Users will get commons 65% of the time, uncommons 25% of the time and rares 10% of the time. Your items should reflect this ratio as best you can. For example, ifyou have an item set with 5 items, you should have 3 commons, 1 uncommon and 1 rare. For a 7 item set, you should have 4 commons, 2 uncommons and 1 rare. Generally speaking, you should have twice as many commons as uncommons, and twice as many uncommons as rares. I know this sounds like some horrid algebra problem, so if this confuses you, just ask and I'll try to clear things up!

Completed / Claimed Item Sets

These item sets have either already been made or claimed by another ID working for the shop. There are a lot of IDs now, and we've already had some sort of confusion over item sets, so it's definitely a requirement to approve your sets with me (Auntie Viral) before you start!

I'm not the best about updating this list, so if I've given you permission to do a set and it's been a few days and it's still not on here, just give me a poke when you see me online. Reminders help a lot, this list has gotten far to large for me to keep track of it all in my head. ^_^;;

The list has been moved to the recruitment thread. Feel free to check it out!

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