At the moment, it's still untitled. The poem takes place after the end of The Return of the King, and it's just my interpretation of what Sam may have felt.
I'm not trying to start any debates about the nature of Samwise; I just took some creative liberty with the situation.

Let me know what you think? I'm always open to feedback. I'll explain it more if anyone doesn't understand.

"My footsteps are guided by the sky
And a vague desire to remember why
I have always chosen to softly comply .

Far in my bones, my roots are not ready to grow.
On nights with flecks of wind and the moon’s pastel glow,
Cotton just cannot replace the snow.

When I roam these paths so close to home
And I can breathe these stars alone,
I’d leave as a shadow, but not my own.

But you have glided through glass
Like a moth lost in a waxing past,
And still, I wait for this to pass.

All of these weary leather memories
That you carefully passed to me
Are just locked boxes with vanished keys.

Even this rope that burns like silk
Cannot lead me over and under hills
Because the endless light is beginning to wilt.

Together, we traveled through silver and gray;
Though we lost the sun, we were never astray.
Not all things have ended, but you are still far away."