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Please don't kill me. D: 0.13836948391922 13.8% [ 185 ]
I'll be nice, I promise. 0.23186237845924 23.2% [ 310 ]
I'm back for now, we're all good right? 0.14210919970082 14.2% [ 190 ]
Wait... What are you doing with that knife? 0.48765893792072 48.8% [ 652 ]
Total Votes:[ 1337 ]

Hey guys. What's good?

Dapper Dabbler

One Sickk Puppy
I am starting to get annoyed.
My Earth Science teacher keeps calling me "young lady" and I hate it.
Do I dress like a lady? If you couldn't see my chest, do I look like a lady?
I hate it. It's so annoying. ForbnjfdbiusadfbjFBJNSFJSJBVKSD >:L

On a lighter note, I signed up for my school's GSA biggrin
Although I'm not sure if transkids are allowed.
Says nothing of bisexuals and transgenders.
They need to change it to LGBT Club.

My dad does that ALL THE TIME, it annoys me. Then again, he also says "Do this, it'll make a man out of you!" And my teachers call me "miss" sometimes, but I just try ignoring it. No worse than my legal name, anyway.

GSA means gay-straight alliance, but based on larger official GSA groups supporting transsexuals, I would say that it covers anyone GLBTQAIPO and any letters I left off of there. "Gay-straight alliance" is easier to say than "Lesbian-gay-straight-trans-pan-intersex alliance," but I do believe it covers anyone in the LGBT spectrum.
Started college a week ago, now male in public at all times, haven't heard a "she" from a stranger (or classmate/teacher) for a looong time now. Men's bathrooms at school/the mall/restaurants/businesses proving mostly uneventful, sometimes awkward (I walked out of the stalls and was used to turning immediately to use the sink/mirrors, but the last time I used the college bathroom I forgot that there are URINALS there and ran into three guys taking a piss.)

I've been self-consciously thinking I don't pass, but yesterday cinched it for me. I'm sure I pass now- I got a speeding ticket for the first time, gave the cop my ID with "F" and my girl-haircut on it...when I got the paperwork back he had filled out my personal info exactly as was given on my license, except he put "Sex: M"

This is a landmark yes indeed.

Also in my African American History class, someone mentioned I'm the "only middle-class white boy" in a room full of minorities. I'm not sure what to think of that but it was said with a friendly tone, so hey!

Dapper Dabbler

Hana Matataku
Started college a week ago, now male in public at all times, haven't heard a "she" from a stranger (or classmate/teacher) for a looong time now. Men's bathrooms at school/the mall/restaurants/businesses proving mostly uneventful, sometimes awkward (I walked out of the stalls and was used to turning immediately to use the sink/mirrors, but the last time I used the college bathroom I forgot that there are URINALS there and ran into three guys taking a piss.)

I've been self-consciously thinking I don't pass, but yesterday cinched it for me. I'm sure I pass now- I got a speeding ticket for the first time, gave the cop my ID with "F" and my girl-haircut on it...when I got the paperwork back he had filled out my personal info exactly as was given on my license, except he put "Sex: M"

This is a landmark yes indeed.

Also in my African American History class, someone mentioned I'm the "only middle-class white boy" in a room full of minorities. I'm not sure what to think of that but it was said with a friendly tone, so hey!

That sounds AWESOME. I hope it keeps going that well for you~
One Sickk Puppy
I am starting to get annoyed.
My Earth Science teacher keeps calling me "young lady" and I hate it.
Do I dress like a lady? If you couldn't see my chest, do I look like a lady?
I hate it. It's so annoying. ForbnjfdbiusadfbjFBJNSFJSJBVKSD >:L

On a lighter note, I signed up for my school's GSA biggrin
Although I'm not sure if transkids are allowed.
Says nothing of bisexuals and transgenders.
They need to change it to LGBT Club.

I wish we had something like that in my old school, but alas I've finished school now, and I'm getting older. sad
You have quite a manly jaw btw, and you look like a young boy in your pic.
I wish you luck.
One Sickk Puppy
I am starting to get annoyed.
My Earth Science teacher keeps calling me "young lady" and I hate it.
Do I dress like a lady? If you couldn't see my chest, do I look like a lady?
I hate it. It's so annoying. ForbnjfdbiusadfbjFBJNSFJSJBVKSD >:L

On a lighter note, I signed up for my school's GSA biggrin
Although I'm not sure if transkids are allowed.
Says nothing of bisexuals and transgenders.
They need to change it to LGBT Club.
Have you asked the teacher to not call you a young lady?

You could always join and then, once you've gotten to know the people in the group, try suggesting the change, using yourself as an example :3

Dapper Fatcat

6,550 Points
  • Tooth Fairy 100
  • Gender Swap 100
One Sickk Puppy
I am starting to get annoyed.
My Earth Science teacher keeps calling me "young lady" and I hate it.
Do I dress like a lady? If you couldn't see my chest, do I look like a lady?
I hate it. It's so annoying. ForbnjfdbiusadfbjFBJNSFJSJBVKSD >:L

On a lighter note, I signed up for my school's GSA biggrin
Although I'm not sure if transkids are allowed.
Says nothing of bisexuals and transgenders.
They need to change it to LGBT Club.
Have you asked the teacher to not call you a young lady?

You could always join and then, once you've gotten to know the people in the group, try suggesting the change, using yourself as an example :3

Meh, it bothers me, but I'd be too afraid to tell him not to call me that. Once I come out, I hope he'd know not to use female pronouns. :/

I agree with what Song of the Century said, but why not just call it like... Queer Club or something > . <
The name Gay-straight alliance is kind of misleading. Makes it sound like only gay males and straight people can be in this club.

Dapper Fatcat

6,550 Points
  • Tooth Fairy 100
  • Gender Swap 100
One Sickk Puppy
I am starting to get annoyed.
My Earth Science teacher keeps calling me "young lady" and I hate it.
Do I dress like a lady? If you couldn't see my chest, do I look like a lady?
I hate it. It's so annoying. ForbnjfdbiusadfbjFBJNSFJSJBVKSD >:L

On a lighter note, I signed up for my school's GSA biggrin
Although I'm not sure if transkids are allowed.
Says nothing of bisexuals and transgenders.
They need to change it to LGBT Club.

I wish we had something like that in my old school, but alas I've finished school now, and I'm getting older. sad
You have quite a manly jaw btw, and you look like a young boy in your pic.
I wish you luck.

That's not cool that your school didn't have one :/
I would've petitioned for a GSA.
O . o I have a manly jaw? I think I look way feminine. Hopefully you're referring to the picture on my profile and not my signature, 'cause the sig pic ain't me xD

Dangerous Raider

Hana Matataku
Started college a week ago, now male in public at all times, haven't heard a "she" from a stranger (or classmate/teacher) for a looong time now. Men's bathrooms at school/the mall/restaurants/businesses proving mostly uneventful, sometimes awkward (I walked out of the stalls and was used to turning immediately to use the sink/mirrors, but the last time I used the college bathroom I forgot that there are URINALS there and ran into three guys taking a piss.)

I've been self-consciously thinking I don't pass, but yesterday cinched it for me. I'm sure I pass now- I got a speeding ticket for the first time, gave the cop my ID with "F" and my girl-haircut on it...when I got the paperwork back he had filled out my personal info exactly as was given on my license, except he put "Sex: M"

This is a landmark yes indeed.

Also in my African American History class, someone mentioned I'm the "only middle-class white boy" in a room full of minorities. I'm not sure what to think of that but it was said with a friendly tone, so hey!

minus the speeding ticket and African American class, this sounds like my college experience thus far. Its good to finally have professors calling me by my right name. *sigh* I have yet to come out to the chem department. I really need to though.
One Sickk Puppy
One Sickk Puppy
I am starting to get annoyed.
My Earth Science teacher keeps calling me "young lady" and I hate it.
Do I dress like a lady? If you couldn't see my chest, do I look like a lady?
I hate it. It's so annoying. ForbnjfdbiusadfbjFBJNSFJSJBVKSD >:L

On a lighter note, I signed up for my school's GSA biggrin
Although I'm not sure if transkids are allowed.
Says nothing of bisexuals and transgenders.
They need to change it to LGBT Club.

I wish we had something like that in my old school, but alas I've finished school now, and I'm getting older. sad
You have quite a manly jaw btw, and you look like a young boy in your pic.
I wish you luck.

That's not cool that your school didn't have one :/
I would've petitioned for a GSA.
O . o I have a manly jaw? I think I look way feminine. Hopefully you're referring to the picture on my profile and not my signature, 'cause the sig pic ain't me xD

Ah... oops.. my apologies. I don't watch Degrassi or any TV for that matter, so I didn't know. I still wish you luck, sorry if I made you feel worse.
So, since this thread seems dead... I feel the need to interject and open up a discussion. Though my question is mainly for my fellow transwomen, this can be applied equally to transmen as well...

Do you ever find yourself looking at people who are biologically, the gender you want to be, and hating them? I don't mean your fellow TG people (otherwise we'd all be stuck in a constant loop of hating each other, lol), I mean... normal men and women.

I just... sometimes, when I'm in a public space or at college, I look at a lot of these women and I wonder; do they even realize how lucky they are to have the body that they have, and the organs that they have? Have they ever even given it any thought? Can they begin to imagine how many transwomen would kill to have what they have?

Do you ever have moments where you're sick of being you?
Nope. If I really envy/admire them that much, I just want to touch them. Although I think this is just my personality; my sister noted this, too, she said she gets jealous and wants the object of her jealousy to drop dead for being 'better' than her.
When I'm jealous, I smile real big and am like "man, I REALLY want that!
...-in a jar! or my bed!"

Then again I'm not intend on being a man, identifying as androgyne, so I only get jealous of flat, nicely-toned chests or cute jawlines on guys. I don't think hating other people/myself is very healthy so I'm glad I've thus far avoided it.

Dapper Dabbler

So, since this thread seems dead... I feel the need to interject and open up a discussion. Though my question is mainly for my fellow transwomen, this can be applied equally to transmen as well...

Do you ever find yourself looking at people who are biologically, the gender you want to be, and hating them? I don't mean your fellow TG people (otherwise we'd all be stuck in a constant loop of hating each other, lol), I mean... normal men and women.

I just... sometimes, when I'm in a public space or at college, I look at a lot of these women and I wonder; do they even realize how lucky they are to have the body that they have, and the organs that they have? Have they ever even given it any thought? Can they begin to imagine how many transwomen would kill to have what they have?

Do you ever have moments where you're sick of being you?

Not really hate. The envy and jealousy may bring more negative feelings, but I realize it's not the person's fault or anything. When I really do think about it, it's either "I'm gonna be like that one day" or "Why can't I be like that? -emo-."

Sometimes I just can't fathom the idea that people don't know that they're lucky to have the right bodies, and sometimes it depresses me. Sometimes I'm envious of even that; not only do they not feel discontent, and don't give thought to their sex, but they don't even think about thinking of that, y'know? Of course there will be some, but I feel as though the majority aren't aware of the discomfort we feel.

But yeah, sometimes I'm sick of being me. Selfish as it seems, I would much rather be cisgendered than be this well-educated about trans people.

The negative feelings, of all these situations, are more intense when I think of a person that I like, or the person whom that person likes. 'Course, I'm a hormonal teenager, so that's probably not unusual at all, lol.
So, since this thread seems dead... I feel the need to interject and open up a discussion. Though my question is mainly for my fellow transwomen, this can be applied equally to transmen as well...

Do you ever find yourself looking at people who are biologically, the gender you want to be, and hating them? I don't mean your fellow TG people (otherwise we'd all be stuck in a constant loop of hating each other, lol), I mean... normal men and women.

I just... sometimes, when I'm in a public space or at college, I look at a lot of these women and I wonder; do they even realize how lucky they are to have the body that they have, and the organs that they have? Have they ever even given it any thought? Can they begin to imagine how many transwomen would kill to have what they have?

Do you ever have moments where you're sick of being you?

Nope. Occasionally envy or admiration, but never hate. I may be rare in that I'm pretty okay with most of my body. I mean, I wish my shoulders were broader, or that I was a foot taller... But no hard feelings towards it.


so my hair is way more important to me than it should be, and i'm getting it from ~shoulder length to short tomorrow.

Was wondering if anyone could give some suggestions for styles that would make me look more masculine (or androgynous) that would look good. Or, since i have a few ideas, just tell me if i could pull any off/which one would be best. Sorry to bug y'all it's just kind of a big deal to me :/

I was thinking about a fauxhawk or fauxhawk-type deal but not sure whether it'd just make me look like a lesbian ._.
Or something like
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Don't know whether i'd pass/look ok with something a bit longer...
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Any suggestions? Do any of you have experiences to share about getting your hair from long to short? THANK YOU SO MUCH I WILL BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU AID BEFORE LIKE 8 30 AM EST.

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