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Ruthless Firestarter

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                      Lacia narrowed her eyes as she squinted her eyes, her chin grabbed and pulled towards him causing her limp arms to barely shift as she was commanded by some unknown power to be still and only move as Aero pleased. Was it her own powers for him unlocking her memories, or was it something greater? Was it really love? However, when she looked into Aero's eyes looking back at her, the silver eyes reflected no color back. She only saw him gazing through her, looking at the power inside. His eyes were violating her like his words had violated her heart. The feeling of being used transcended into Lyn's heart as a wave of pure devastation, and those waves would soon clash onto her the minute he would press his lips on hers. It was going to be cold, unforgiving, and torturous. She always longed to feel love again since the days she lost her memories. She wondered if she even had somebody to love like that from so long ago. She wanted to discover that love again, but Aero.. Aero made it all wrong.

                      They never met naturally, and later he had revealed to her that they were childhood friends, but he had turned her in to his father when she displayed her powers. An event unspoken tore him from her, which he made sound so painful... but if she was turned in by him to the military and only sought for those same powers... she felt like a tool. Lacia believed that Aero maybe loved her, but for all the wrong reasons. It felt like she was being used as a weapon for the survival of the human race. She wasn't being admired for her person or who she was. She was being sought and captured back and forth for what she could do. It was unimaginably painful, and so when she confessed to him that he did so many things for her, she wanted to tell him that she felt like he was only doing what he believed would fuel her power. It was as if the memories he gave back to her would modify her into being hers, but she wasn't free to think as she pleased with these fragmented memories.

                      She felt the distance close to mere inches, centimeters, "n-no" she breathed out painfully, overcoming just a little of that paralysis to speak, "Love?" Lacia widened her eyes and heard the laughter of, "X-Xenos," but Aero wasn't looking at her as he turned his head to see the explosion and reacted naturally to the dislike of the interruption. "And what would you know about love, Aero?" Xenos asked as he fired a blast at Aero that caused Lacia to widen her eyes. Suddenly she felt freed of the paralysis and stood on her own two feet, looking around for Xenos in the area. She turned around wondering what he was doing, and why he... was here? In peacetime? There was no militia here, no power he could take down with his power. He was here in a personal moment, interrupting it... but somehow Lacia was... content with seeing him. She felt that the shot from his energy didn't endanger her, but freed her from the black sea that was about to engulf her heart. He came in and swept up that dark sea like a tornado. "You can't love what you manipulate."

                      Lacia's eyes shined a little with the realization that he knew her feelings towards Aero. What she was afraid to say out of the kindness of her heart was in the open, and to hear it coming from the 'enemy' of this planet... she felt amazed. She turned to hear the approach of Aero, turning and seeing him rip off his jacket violently and narrow his eyes angrily at Xenos, There was no comfort from him. He didn't look at her and say he would protect her or make sure she was okay. He looked at Xenos as if his plans were falling apart. Lacia wondered if that was the truth, or if she was clouded. Who loved her? Who was lying... but Aero, when speaking, only snapped at Xenos. "Pity you're not dead yet, let me fix that." Lacia looked over to him and looked at his hand. However, reality shocked the mind of Lyn inside when she saw that real energy full of black and blue color swirling above the palm of his hand. Lightening crackled and snapped on the outside of this energy ball, and she was shocked by the revealing truth that he too was "Gifted--" but then the energy was blasted, flying right past her as it struck Xenos and snapped against him, forcing him backwards beyond the capacity of the harness being able to hold him and caused him to land and tumble to a dead stop.

                      Lacia's eyes studied Xenos, seeing him rise again and bringing relief to her heart. O-Oh my god, she thought as she gripped her shirt and felt Aero walk past her. "I'm much harder to kill than you think, Aero. Even if you did kill me, ideas never die. Like the idea that Lacia here is only in your sights because you want her for your organization. By force if you have to." Zero's eyes widened and Lyn noticed this. Was this all a plot? Or... real? Having seen his power and having seen her name mouthed by his lips caused enough fear in her to send her to the darkest shadows of her mind, but Takashi... saved her from that darkness the moment he stepped in. "You want her because she holds a great power, isn't that right? You just want to use her as a weapon, you don't love her, you just want her to think that." Aero was now pissed, gritting his teeth at the words Lacia wished she could say. If she said this all herself.. would she have protected Xenos? "Tell her. Tell her everything!! You filthy coward. Tell her about forcing her to work for your organization, tell her how you planned to use her to destroy me, and tell her exactly why. You won't, will you? Because you're only interested in using her for your own twisted pleasures, you don't care if she's hurt, what happens to her." Takashi/Xenos laughed, "make her trust her, regain only the memories that help you out, then use her to destroy those you don't like. TELL HER YOU FILTH!! You won't, because you don't love her. But I do."

                      Lacia felt tears build up in her eyes and stepped back in a tremble, but only took a step back before running for Xenos and reaching out to him. She wanted to run to him, for whatever reason, but Aero passed her with much more inhumane agility and closed the gap between him and Xenos. "NO!!!" she screamed when Aero grabbed his arm. "LET HIM GO!" she said as he kicked his feet and lifted Xenos off the ground, but as Lacia screamed loud she watched Xenos fly into a building and crash. The building's frame shook like a vibration that rippled in the concrete of the dome that she could feel from standing far. She watched that pillar of concrete shake from Xeno's body having crashed into it, and started to tear up when it began to cave in. It was horrific to see from far away. The debris from the collapse sent a breeze all the way to the beach which she stood on the wet sand, feeling it lift up and over her feet as she saw Aero re-approach her. He seemed pleased to get rid of Xenos, but Lyn's tears fell down her cheeks when watching the destruction he caused behind him. That pillar crashed down like a part of her heart, no... her whole heart. It was disintegrating and falling apart at the mind rattling fear becoming reality. She couldn't even choke out his name from the sadness that swooped her. There was almost no need for Aero to use his powers to paralyze her again, but he did just in case. She stood, his paralysis giving the unwanted strength in her legs to stand as his cold fingers grabbed her chin.

                      "You're mine." She blankly glanced, her tears falling down her cheeks as she felt her chin being forced to look at him in an angle that could be seen as loving, but there was no love in her eyes. Her tear filled eyes closed when he drew near, as if preparing for the inevitable fate of misery that embraced her like the dust from the building's downfall had. The black sea returned to show its deadly waves as Lyn knew her time was short lived. A curse... indeed. "Never," she whispered in a cracked voice full of pain, but then he was pulled away. She opened her eyes to see him flipped backwards and kicked by Xenos, who was still alive. Lacia's heart lightened when she saw him still breathing, still standing, and took a stand in from of her. "H-How?! You're Gifted?!" Zero yelled as he stood up, frustrated, angry, showing a different side than he was used to showing. Lacia was bewildered as Lyn couldn't believe what was happening. Xenos came back for her... and was keeping her from what she never wanted. The kiss from a man who wanted to use her. "I will kill you where you stand, and I don't care who sees me do it!!" "You'll go through me to get to her, and I won't go down without a fight." Lacia was rattled when Zero showed such viciousness, the fight going into both characters and reality. Fiction and fantasy became one in a clash where Takashi ended up ducking and spinning to grab at Zero, suddenly pulsating a blast of energy that knocked him skyward, forming energy from the sky and striking him again, knocking him across the sky into a highrise building.

                      Lyn gazed carefully at what was happening to Takashi with his energy, and watched it unfold. That energy was, "C-Chroma?" her whisper entirely to quiet to be heard. Takashi looked to Hikaru with a faint smile on his face, glancing in the direction that Zero went. "I won't let him hurt you." Before she could reply, he had leaped skyward, high enough to clear a building and push off towards the direction Zero went. Lacia wiped the tears from her eyes and ran. She ran and ran to catch up with them and watched when Aero caused Xenos to fall like a meteor and crash with a large destructive landing. Xenos stood up quickly from the crater formed underneath the powerful landing, seeing Aero fall, causing him to kick away to avoid being landed on violently. The two Gifted fought like mad in close combat as Lacia kept running. She didn't want to just be protected, she wanted to be there. Be there for Xenos. Whatever he loved her for, whatever he felt didn't matter, because she wasn't chasing him just because he saved her and wanted to help. She chased him because she couldn't live without him. He was out of this world, but he was the only one in it who wanted to protect her, and showed her more kindness and heart than any other could.

                      Xenos yelled out as the rocks and dirt hit him in the face and eyes, Aero standing up and kneeing Xenos in the groin, then grabbing his hair and kicking him in the stomach, raising his foot up to slam it into the back of his head, slamming him into the ground. Lacia could barely see what was happening as she slowly closed the distance that it took for her to get to the two of them, but heard Xenos yell and caused her adrenaline to pump higher. He started screaming, but not because of Aero but because of his power. Without warning an enormously powerful burst of energy struck Aero which sent him skyward, powerful enough he slammed into the roof of the dome, causing him to fall. Lacia watched Aero fall with a powerful slam against the top of the dome, but turned to Xenos who was feeling entirely too overheated. Finally she made the scene but covered her face, squinting her eyes and looked at the crack between her arms as the energy filled wind whipped from Xenos and blasted in different directions. He was the tornado that came into her heart... but now he was being damaged by his own power?! Xenos floated from the ground as energy began to swirl around him like a hurricane, screaming as this energy shot out randomly. Zero finally landed nearby, coughing up blood and slowly, but carefully, standing back up. Lacia ignored Aero and saw Kaito approach when he wind calmed more.

                      "K-Kaito, what's happening!?" Takashi clenched his teeth to prevent himself from screaming, Kaito creating a barrier out of time energy to keep himself protected as he approached Takashi. "You're a cataclysm, Takashi, a danger to yourself and the rest of the world. You're a conduit for Chroma energy, you channel it through you, but you can't control it, that's why you're alone, because you feed off people's energies. The natural energies of the planet consume you and now you're unfiltered in your use of it, eventually you'll be unable to hold back and everything will be destroyed. Everything." The director wasn't able to get the noise of their conversation at all and knew it would be easy to crop out Kaito later. Takashi couldn't handle the pain anymore, he screamed out as the energy was coursing through his very veins. "H-How do I stop it!?" "Your energy will tear a hole in space-time going all the way back to The Source, and it'll unravel time at the core, destroying every single universe ever existing simultaneously. The only way to stop it is for you to die, I'm so sorry, Takashi. I truly am. This is the beginning of the end, this very moment in time and I have to end it now." Kaito reached out to touch Takashi's chest, energy glowing from his palm. Lacia was pushed back and skidded until her back his a building. She was glad to hear Serene stop Kaito, and looked as Kaito tackled her to the ground. "You have to let me do this. If I don't then everything ends, you will cease to exist! All of us will!" Serene struggled against him, looking to Hikaru with pleading eyes, as if hoping she could do something. Lacia/Hikaru looked at Serene that pleaded with her through her eyes and Kaito then also looked to Hikaru, "H-Hikaru. That's the difference..."

                      Kaito pushed onto his feet, looking to Hikaru as he approached, "this has happened before, four cataclysms that have happened because of Takashi. Each one destroying all of reality if not for space and time literally reversing the events to a point before it happened, trying to change the outcome. But you, you! You're the reason it took so long for this to happen!! There's something about you, Hikaru, something that is dissolving the energy he's channeling. I don't know how, or what you're doing, but it works. Maybe you're a natural destabilizer that keeps the energy from building. I bet you can dissipate the excess energy. Hikaru, please, you have to help him, if you don't then I have to destroy him." Lacia looked at him and narrowed her eyes, "Four times? W-Why did you keep this from us?! We could have avoided all this if you just let us know ahead of time? Couldn't you?" She gritted her teeth, hearing Xenos/Takashi scream in the background another time the echoed in her head. It rattled everything in her to where she looked at Kaito and slammed a hand on his chest, "I would never stand here and watch him die! Who do you think I am?!" She grabbed Kaito by his shirt, "I'm going to do everything I can to save him!" She let him go, and pushed him behind her to send herself forward towards Xenos, fighting against those powerful waves that pushed her back.

                      Takashi screamed again, Lyn looking at him and fighting those waves as she entered that hurricane energy around him. She could feel it trying to swirl her around him, but she reached forward quick enough to not be sucked up and sent flying out when she caught Xenos by the front of his shirt. Lacia's tears flying out of her eyes not because she was crying, but the intensity, air pressure and heat was overwhelming. "TAKASHI!" She screamed his name as she put her other hand on his shirt and pulled him close. She quickly wrapped her arms around him, under his arms and around his back into a tight hug. She held him there tightly as she was holding onto him, prepared to go where he would. "I won't let you die!" she called out to him as she closed her eyes. Nothing was happening! Nothing was changing! What was she? A destabilizer? I-I'm not doing anything for him! she panicked as he continued to cry in pain. Was... this the end? She moved her chin and buried her face in his chest, starting to cry. "N-No," she said as she too began to glow a golden aura. Here eye color turned golden as well as she opened them, looking at him, "Takashi!!!"

                      Suddenly the hurricane halted and the two floated in still time. The direction of the energy-like wind started to go in reverse surging back into Takashi but the glow showed the energy being transferred from him to Lyn. The noise started to die down, and she looked as Takashi was only conscious a while longer. Her golden eyes stared as they slowly floated back down to the foundation that was laid on the dome, and she set him down gently in the crater while Serene cried, checking up on her long time client and friend. Lyn looked down at him with a content smile and a wave of relief on her, but now she stood and faced Aero who finally healed himself from the rough damage done to his body when hitting the electromagnetic field that could have killed any human on immediate contact. She narrowed her eyes, I will protect you this time, she thought as Aero didn't waste time on words. Lacia and Aero both closed the gap with each other immediately, but the director was surprised for her to avoid picking up the weapon prop that was placed. It could have been used for her as a shield at least, but she pounced off the concrete and moved her right hand up. The concrete morphed from her Chroma energy and formed with the energy to duplicate the gun almost exactly the same. She stood on the top as it rose from the ground, Aero, running up the frame and circling to get behind her as this weapon was forged.

                      "I knew you would recognize this," he said, somehow having retrieved the prop version of her gun and swinging it at her, knocking her down. She skidded, but ran for her weapon which glowed with the Chroma she amplified inside and kicked the barrel, swinging it around to hit Aero in his side roughly and then put her hand on the trigger which required her to grab a bar and turn it. He skidded a short distance backwards, but had no reaction time as she clicked it three times, and three powerful blasts of Chroma accelerated with a vrooming noise until they all successfully hit him on contact. He blasted far past the crater with Xenos in it and Serene covering him with Kaito's aid of a barrier. Lacia ran, pouncing off that barrier that Kaito used to cover the three of them and flew in the air with her mechanism in hand, shooting a blast of Chroma out of her weapon to further her flight with force. She spun it around when she saw Aero crash through the window of a building and screamed as she swung it towards him, pulling the trigger as a light blue glow came out and coated the entire floor in ice. The ice filled with Chroma never stopped spreading in the building as it literally covered everything in rapid pace. Aero had no choice but to jump out the window from the other side of the building, but turned before he fell and blasted a shot of darkness at her. That same darkness that hit Xenos earlier ricocheted through the building after hitting her and sending her flying to land on a roof top that the building collapsed by falling over, taking four more with it.

                      Lacia cried out in pain but flew so far that it seemed she would pass the city, back to the beach and landed in the water. Her weapon filled with Chroma was somehow lighter than the large body of water as she laid on the top, soon Aero stepping on her chest and pinning her against it only seconds after the landing. She coughed the water as he laughed, but she looked up at him, "I... hate you," she said, then moving a hand to her right. She slammed a closed fist against the weapon before he could respond as he lost his footing when the weapon deconstructed itself into six parts. She fell backwards into the water having grabbed the smallest part and taking it underwater. She swam down as Aero was confused, tempted to just send lightening into the water, but he couldn't kill her. She turned around, aiming her weapon's trajectory up and then clicked the trigger. A white glow caused a massive tremor in the entire body of water before a whirlpool started to form. The Chroma energy mixed into the waves and ripped through the water to set it in motion. She floated freely, holding her breath and grabbing a second piece that came to her as she clicked that to connect back to the other. Same with the third and the fourth. Aero became sucked into the whirlpool, suffocating, but then was surprised when the whirlpool suddenly stopped and reversed so abruptly and sent him flying from the water.

                      As he fell to the sand, Lacia managed to retrieve all the pieces of her weapon and stood when the water formed a pillar. She stood on the top then charging at Aero with that large swirling body of water behind her back as she aimed to end it all. Aero narrowed his eyes at her approach as he used up a massive amount of darkness to cover the beach in a black aura. The water was sucked up from behind her into the sand, causing the sand to harden and form a pillar to shoot out and hit her. It did, but grabbed her and kept going higher until it pressed her back against the electromagnetic force field. She widened her eyes as the Chroma energy that powered this done surged into and out of Lacia with such deadly force that she went into immediate shock. Her blood curdling scream filled the entire dome as Tokyo, sitting above, suddenly went out of power. The dome overloaded with Chroma energy, a few panels form it's ceiling falling down and crashing into the fake world environment. Lacia was released after enough voltage and fell back to the ground, being caught by Aero and held in his arms until he descended to the ground. He let her go shortly after catching her, she was so hot it felt like fire and he cringed from not knowing she would be so untouchable. She landed back on the ground, the wet sand under and the water slowly rising back up. He came to her, hovering over her and paralyzed her for the last time, leaning down in her most weakened state and went in for the finish.

Dangerous Lunatic

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                              Fear, the kind of fear that shivered your spine and shook you to the core. Kaito felt that, when he saw that Takashi was beginning the cataclysm he knew, he knew that if he failed then the destruction of reality would rest on his shoulders, for as long as reality continued to exist. If it wasn't death that scared him, but the people he left behind, then it was leaving behind the hundreds of people across different universes that made him physically ill, terrified him, and made him regretful for all the things he hadn't done yet. If only he could stop this, pause time and take a breather, go elsewhere maybe somewhere nice: a beach, a space station, the age of the dinosaurs or the end of the world. Somewhere quiet, somewhere peaceful...somewhere beautiful. But this event was filled with the corrupt energy -- Chroma -- that any sort of time distortion ability was locked. A time locked event in itself, unable to be moved or held off on, paused or rewound. Chroma was on his small list of energies that had a debilitating affect on his abilities, which is why people who could manipulate it or had it follow them in their life made it near-impossible for him to see their past or their future. Takashi, Hikaru, Zero until a certain period in his past, and more. Energy, the energy of the cosmos was different, in another universe it didn't make a difference to him, but Chroma was much more complicated than the cosmic energy, this one was born of different circumstances, different properties. Kaito relied on his abilities almost like a crutch at times, given a precognitive foresight as he lived, but Chroma corrupted his power, it weakened his connection to Chronos, and it terrified him. He didn't know if he would succeed or fail, he couldn't see anything with all the Chroma energy surrounding Takashi and woven within the fabric of the planet's history. If he failed and everything was over...he would never know.

                              The moment Takashi started screaming, let out the pain from the energy beginning to tear him apart at the molecular level he started running, and Kaito was always a patient person. He had all the time in the multiverses, there wasn't a moment he wasted and a moment he couldn't rest. But when Takashi was displaying his cataclysmic power was when Kaito ran, feeling his heart pound in his chest. Most people had the weight of the world on their shoulders, right now Kaito felt the weight of a billion worlds across a billion universes on his shoulders, he could suffocate from the pressure on his shoulders and chest, he was scared. Kaito wasn't frightened easily, but today he was scared. He always took the stairs one step at a time, he always enjoyed the view and soaked in the details of the world around him, but he couldn't tell you how many stairs he jumped down, how many bricks in the wall, or how many steps he walked. No, he couldn't, because it was a blur, he practically glided across the floors and down the stairs, the only thing he took note of was the sound of his feet running across the cement sidewalks and into the street, the crunching of debris underneath him. Everything Kaito was known for was thrown out the window at this moment in time. Time. So fickle, so fleeting, just to have another minute of peace and freedom before he had to stop this event from destroying everything. Kaito often took a vacation, he sobered up quickly at the Spiral Hostess Club because in his inebriated state he disappeared in that exact moment in time and sobered up at his apartment for a few hours, returning to that exact second he'd left without a missed beat, sober and ready for whatever came his way. If things weren't going his way and he was frustrated he would disappear from the present (his future? his past?) and return after a breather. But not now, not with so much Chroma energy, not with the cataclysm threatening all of reality. He'd never felt so alone, so terrified, so lost.

                              Time itself could not be changed with all that was happening; he could not pause it, rewind it, jump into different points, but he could still use it offensively and defensively. Attack time energy was time energy taken from Chronos to use to protect or harm others, much like Chroma energy but wielded differently. Time stasis energy was used to manipulate the environment, freeze bullets and remove their kinetic energy, travel into different points in time or even teleport by manipulating the time-space continuum, taken from the time stream itself, not from the personification of the same entity. Time stasis energy was the ultimate power, if Kaito could control that for attacks then it would be the most powerful energy ever wielded, perhaps equal to the god power. The omnipresent power vs the omnipotent power, a fight that might even be too dangerous for the fabric of reality. Right now, Kaito would give anything to fight someone with the god power versus a cataclysmic force. That would be easier, less risk...perhaps. Seeing Takashi wielding the cataclysmic ability frightened him, and all he could was shield himself with time energy and hope his shield held against the Chroma energy. He didn't know how corruptive Chroma was to Chronos, since he hadn't had time to research into Chroma. Funny, all the time in the world and he could claim he'd not had time to research Chroma energy, but it made all his time traveling difficult, it was harder to use it for smaller things, he didn't even realize using it to sober up would be as difficult as it was. It used to be he would sleep at a safe point in time and return the moment he left, 8 hours of sleep in less than one full second, but now he actually went to bed, and it was terribly awfully lonely. At least traveling in time to sleep comfortably he could always make the excuse he wouldn't bring anyone with him, for safety purposes, but sleeping in a big bed by himself was...depressing. As much trouble as he had, though, he liked Valor. It was similar to the planet he was born on, but different enough to be interesting and unique. He hoped, then, that he could keep it around long enough to keep exploring the similarities and differences by stopping Takashi.

                              There he was, Takashi Kentaro - the cataclysm. Staring at him with those dark green eyes unblinking as he could see the pain Takashi was feeling, looking at Kaito with those pleading eyes filled with terror and fear. It would be okay, it would all be okay, Kaito knew he would soon end his suffering and end the chances of a cataclysmic event tearing reality apart. He wondered if he could really kill Takashi though, Kaito was a peaceful sort, he wasn't pacifistic but he wasn't violent. Killing another person wasn't wrong but it didn't feel right to do it to Takashi, this wasn't his fault, he didn't have a say in the matter or a choice. But right now, terrifyingly enough, neither did Kaito. "I'm so sorry, Takashi. I truly am." Over the roar of the energy swirling around the two of them, it would be impossible for anyone but Takashi to truly hear and understand how apologetic he really was, how regretful and remorseful he felt for what he had to do. Takashi was just as scared as Kaito, knowing that Kaito might kill him for something he had no control over. "N-No, please." Kaito put his hand on Takashi's chest and felt his heartbeat, time energy being used to drain him of his life force, mustering all the power he could to age him a hundred years in seconds, crumble him to dust, tear him apart from the inside and hopefully...hopefully...dissipate the excess Chroma energy. Being a conduit was dangerous, being an untrained conduit was apocalyptic. Even if Takashi survived the event, if it could be stopped...it would only happen again later. Until Takashi could control this power to the fullest extent he was a walking time bomb, just waiting to accumulate too much energy until it went out of control. He was too dangerous to live, but Kaito didn't want to kill him, to have Serene and Hikaru hate him for his choices. He didn't want to hate himself.

                              It was soft, almost a whisper compared to all the noise of the energy that sounded like a tornado right on top of them, but Kaito heard the voice of Serene screaming at him, tears in her eyes. He stopped himself from killing Takashi, turning to see her running at them with all her speed, knowing if she continued further that she would kill herself just trying to get close, the speed and power of the energy ripping her apart in a gruesome painful manner. Kaito could finish it, kill Takashi and let Serene die as well, or risk Takashi becoming too powerful to stop and everyone dying. It was a hard choice, it was why Chronos had told him he did not exist to socialize, to form attachments and care about other people. He couldn't, not with the things he had to do just to keep the time stream from being damaged, destabilized, and ripped apart. Forming attachments would make difficult decisions like the one he was faced with now. But what could an omnipresent entity know about friendship? How could a faceless entity tell him, a human being with emotions, feelings, and love to give, was not allowed to share his gifts and enjoyment of life with other people? Chronos was right though, the formless entity that sometimes plagued him was right: attachments would only cause problems. Serene and Takashi would die, but all of creation would survive. Or they would survive, only to die when reality was torn apart. There were risks with attachments, but ultimately Kaito knew that he couldn't live with himself if they died and he did what he needed. If he made the wrong choice at least he wouldn't be around long enough to regret it. He tackled her to the ground and held her there, forming a protective barrier over her, seeing that she'd gotten just close enough to have scratches along her face and arms, but she was okay.

                              Kaito pleaded with her, telling her that this was necessary and Takashi had to die, if he didn't everything else would. She wouldn't believe it, Kaito was cold and cruel to let Takashi die like that, but Kaito didn't want to do it anymore than Serene wanted him to. He cared about Takashi, he was friends with him, he would regret his decision every second of his life and carry that burden for as long as he existed. Serene turned her head to Hikaru, as if she had the answer to a question she wasn't even sure of what it was. Kaito noticed her looking in Hikaru's direction and wheels began to click, something started to make sense: it was Hikaru. Four times this had happened, four events in which Chronos and the time stream itself had to reverse the damage and bring this world back to an early point in history to change the events leading up to Takashi's cataclysm.

                              The first time happened early on, right during the beginning of Fallen Gears, but Hikaru Utaru wasn't a lead actress, she hadn't even been considered for it by that time. This was when there was a different director and financier of the movie as well, long before the current changes in the past led to the present they lived now. Takashi usually had breaks he could take, walk off set and discharge the energy naturally, but the first few weeks of the movie had forced him to work constantly, having little time to take a break as the director was known for being a perfectionist. The second time things changed enough that it didn't happen until the premiere of the movie, walking the red carpet to promote it. This was after the music video that Takashi and Vanille had recorded together happened, and will all his promoting of the biggest movie of his career he hadn't had time for a break. It happened in the theater during the initial premiere. The third time happened during the music video, a different director than the first two events and the financier of the movie being an entirely different person as well. Hikaru hadn't become the actress yet but she was in consideration when Zero had issues with the female lead at the time. It was Zero that had caused it, he'd delayed the movie so much by arguing with the female lead that Takashi had collected enough negative energy that it forced the cataclysm. Everything was different that time, Vanille and Takashi had recorded the music video sooner since Zero was causing problems, it gave him time away from set but the damage had been done. The fourth time this had happened it happened much sooner, the change in director and financier of the movie like in the third event, but the lack of Hikaru had forced Takashi to become the cataclysm in a similar way to the first event, and it was disastrous. But now was event number five, it wasn't possible to reverse the timeline to an earlier point, it was taking too much energy from the omnipresent entity and causing problems to the time stream to reverse and remove the previous events so quickly, one after the other. But Hikaru was now the lead actress after Zero forced the old one to quit, with things moving smoothly Vanille and Takashi's music video had been postponed until the movie's filming was complete, and in terms of chronological order Takashi's cataclysmic event had taken the longest to show itself. 2 months at the latest for the first four, but now it had been at least 4 months and it was only during a battle with Zero that had revealed the fifth event. Twice as long, and only during an emotionally negative period had it happened, so what changed? Kaito knew, it had to be Hikaru, the only real change in the variables of the five events.

                              "H-Hikaru. That's the difference..." He said to himself, staring to Hikaru. He pushed off of Serene and darted to her, explaining what was happening and what he had to do if she couldn't stop this. "Four times? W-Why did you keep this from us?! We could have avoided all this if you just let us know ahead of time? Couldn't you?" Kaito didn't know what to say, it was difficult to explain his actions in a way that was easy to understand, "I...I couldn't, I had to let events run their course, I can explain it later, but the one time I need all the time in the world I don't have it. You just have to trust me, and you have to save Takashi. I...I can't kill him." Takashi's screaming was loud, painful, he was in so much pain and suffering it broke Kaito's heart to hear it. Maybe at this point killing him would be merciful, but that was not something he could live with. She slammed her palm against his chest, shoving him forcefully, surprising him as he looked at her. "I would never stand here and watch him die! Who do you think I am?!" She grabbed Kaito by his shirt, the look in her eyes had made him feel like a puppy that had disappointed its owner, he looked saddened by her reaction, hoping she could understand he had difficult choices to make. "I'm sorry." Was all he managed to get out. "I'm going to do everything I can to save him!" "I sincerely hope that you do."

                              Takashi saw nothing, his eyes closed as the intense pain was paralyzing and terrifying, knowing his time was coming to an end. Then he heard it, like an angel in the darkness he heard his name being called by a woman he cared for so deeply and dare say he was falling for, falling in love with. Even with the crippling pain he opened his eyes to look at the beautiful woman that approached him, each defiant step a promise and swear she would save him. He felt her, her arms wrapping around him as she promised him she wouldn't let him die, and though he felt no changes in the energy he felt as though she would be true to her word. "T-Thank you, Hikaru." He got out, gritting his teeth as he felt his insides being torn apart, ripped to shreds by the energy flowing through him. "I...I lo -- ." He couldn't finish his sentence, the energy becoming so overwhelming it began to shoot forth from his fingertips and eyes, his entire body lit with the glow of the energy. She screamed his name and suddenly the flowing energy began to die down, he could feel the pain subsiding, the damage done to him repairing itself. The two floated still in time, the flowing energy reversing direction and entering into Hikaru where it was destabilized and dissipated harmlessly. Kaito watched in amazement as he gasped out in surprise and shock, unbelieving in the events as they transpired, unable to express the joy in what was happening. Then everything died down: the wind, the energy, the pain and suffering, and the damage done to him was repaired. He was weak, terribly weak, all the energy he had now gone and causing him such strain he passed out, staring into Hikaru's eyes with a weakened smile as the last thing he saw.

                              It was unbelievable, incredible, mesmerizing that Hikaru had done what he'd hoped she could do: save the multiverse. Kaito could have kissed her he was so happy, laughing giddily as he hollered out in triumph, "everybody lives!! Just this once, EVERYBODY LIVES!!!" Serene crawled towards Takashi quickly, sitting near him and putting his head in her lap, checking on him to make sure he was alright. Kaito hurried to the crater and skidded to a halt next to him as Zero returned, engaging with Hikaru in battle. Kaito was happy, gleeful, in fact Zero wasn't even a concern of his because now everyone was alive, at least for now the cataclysm was held off and Takashi could learn to get in control of his powers, go against everything Chronos had wanted just to make sure Kaito wouldn't have to kill an innocent human being. Serene glared to Kaito and pushed him away when he went to hug her out of happiness, angry and upset with him. "Y-You were going to kill him, I can never forgive you." Kaito fell backwards onto his a**, staring at Serene with hurt, pained eyes that filled with sadness and regret. In his duties as a protector of time he had betrayed Serene's trust and friendship, willing and able to kill her closest friend. She was angry with every right to be, but it hurt Kaito so much to see that kind of hatred in her eyes for him. "I...I'm so sorry, Serene. I had to, it was my orders to kill him." Serene looked so angry and hurt she was ready to cry, holding Takashi tightly. "You were going to kill him, you might as well have tried to kill me. When...when this is all over I never want to see you again. Do you understand me? Just for today...just for Hikaru-chan's sake, I want you around." Kaito stared at Serene, then gave a small understanding nod. "I understand." He said softly, almost without a voice to rely on. She didn't look at him, just holding Takashi as Kaito slowly walked out of the crater to check up on Hikaru's fight with Zero.

                              The beach had become a black aura, the dark Chroma energy coating it with its power, coming from Zero as he attempted to gain the upper hand on Hikaru. He saw a pillar rise from the beach and raise Hikaru to the top of the dome, the electromagnetic energy surging through her veins and causing a scream to rival the screams from Takashi as he was being ripped apart by the energy. Kaito stood there in such shock at what was happening that it took Serene's hurtful, angry yet calm voice that pulled him from his stupor. "If you have any kind of heart, Kaito, you'll go save her." Kaito looked back, but Serene had already turned her head back to Takashi, comforting him as he groaned softly, slowly regaining consciousness. Kaito swallowed hard, it wasn't his duty to fight for them, to protect them, or to intervene in what was happening. Without warning Kaito was no longer in the dome underneath Tokyo, but floating in the middle of the galaxy illuminated by stars, energy floating all around him.

                              "Y̸oú h̛a҉ve f̷ai̵l̛ed̷,͜ ̕K̸aito͘.̸ ̷Th̡e mo͢rta̧l ͏kno̸w̵n͡ ąs͜ ͢T̷aka̛s̕hi w̢a͜s̶ ͡t͟o d̀i̛e̸, ̕t͏h̴iş doe̸s not ͢st̷o̸p̢ ͏t͞hé e͢vent҉, i̷t ͜onl̶y͏ ͜post҉po͜ńes ̷i͠t͞.̸" The voice came from all around him, no shadow or energy to stare at, only knowing that it was surrounding and, though calm, very angry. "I couldn't do it, Takashi did not deserve to die, he was innocent in all of this and it was not my place to take his life. Hikaru, though, she can dispel the energy, keep him from causing another event until he gains control." The galaxy rumbled, the stars around him slowly starting to dim. It was not occurring in any actual universe, stars in space were not dying or dimming, this was simply a visual representation of Chronos' anger, but it was kept calm. "Ánd if͠ s͞h́e̕ ͟ca̶nnót̕? ̡If t̢hi͡s femàl͠e͠ ca̛nn͡o͏t k̴e̷e͠p̸ ̕Ta̛ka͏sh͏i'̀s҉ ͝po̵we͝ŗ ̶under͠ c̛o̧ntr̷ol?" Takashi was in danger of having another event, next time might not be stoppable, it might be the end of everything. "Y̴o͘u̢ ̧have̶ ͜f҉ailèd, you ̡a̶ŕe to be ex̨p͘e͝lle҉d ̷f̴ŗom̢ ́t͞h̨ę ͏u͠ni͟vér̵se ̀of̵ ̨w̴hi̕ch ͘y͘o̡u ̧tra̢v̢e͏l̴ed̷ ̶a͝nd̀ ̡yo͞ur ͢p͜ower̷ ҉t́a̡ke̛n f͢r̕om ͘you. ͘In͘ ̸th̕e͡ ̢o͟n̸l͢y ͏gr͏a̛ti͞t͜u̴de҉ ̷fo͜r̡ y͜our͏ ̨éf̧f̡o̡rts ̶y̨o͡u ͘w͞i̷l̵l ̧be i̧n̢ser͟t̀ed ̴into ̨à ͢timel̡ine of ̴whic͠h y̢oų can l҉ive ͡th́è r̷ȩst ͝of͠ ̧yo͟u͞r͝ li̸f̶e i̶n͘ ̢peac͏e͠.̧" Kaito felt his heart stop, he could feel the accumulation of sadness and depression swelling within him, he had betrayed Serene's trust by trying to kill Takashi, and in trying to make everything better by letting everyone survive, had made it worse for himself. Was this to be his punishment, to become dead to his friends and given a powerless, meaningless existence in another universe? Was Chronos' anger so great that he couldn't even be given another shot to make things right? He gripped his fist tightly, holding back and frustration and emotion than threatened to burst out of him. Chronos' shapeless form appeared before him, becoming vaguely humanoid as a hand outstretched and pressed a frozen palm against his chest. He felt his body becoming colder, clenching his teeth as he could feel his very energy being stripped from him.

                              Was this it then? Was this the end of everything that made him who he was? Kaito was to be stripped of his power and become normal on a planet in a universe he didn't know, surrounded by people he could never explore the histories of. He would never again experience the events of history that shaped the universes that he traveled to, instead relying other people to tell him what events had and hadn't happened. His greatest pleasures in life were going to be taken from him, and all the friends and wonderful people he'd meet were reduced to a handful in the span of a single lifetime. He knew now that it wasn't leaving people he loved behind, never to experience them again that he feared most, it was losing everything that he feared. "NO!!" It was in that sudden moment that Chronos had been pushed back, Kaito's energy glowing brightly around him, backed by the time stream itself, essentially the very energy of which Chronos was born. Kaito gasped, inhaling deeply as he looked towards the white energy that flowed around him like a snake made of ribbon. "I'm not done yet, I have too much to do on Valor before I can leave it behind, I won't become some powerless being stripped of all the pleasures of life, some puppet living a meaningless existence with nothing to look forward but my own end. I've postponed the cataclysm and ensured everyone gets to survive, I've done more than what was necessary because I made sure, I made sure, that everyone survived. Takashi will learn to control his conduit abilities, Serene will learn to trust me again, and I will make sure that Zero does not kill Hikaru, because I won't let you take my power away from me!!" Kaito stared to Chronos, two glowing yellow orbs forming as eyes with which to stare back at Kaito with. The dimming stars suddenly began to shine brighter than ever, the time stream backing up Kaito's decision to continue with his life on Valor. The eyes on Chronos, the glowing yellow orbs suddenly narrowed as the entity stared to Kaito, and after what seemed like an eternity of silence it finally spoke.

                              "Very̡ ̡w̢e̸lĺ, ̀y͢o̕ur power͟ r̵em̕ains an̵d̵ ̨y͟our missi͠on̕ ̶c҉ǫn̶t̶in̡u͢e͟s, yoư ͞wi͝ll en̴s͢u̸ŕe t̵hat T̡a͏k͟a̡sh́i͡ ̶can͡ co͢nt̷ro̸l̷ hi̛s ̛c̷o̕n͜d̵u̵it ab͏ilit͠i҉e͞s ̡be̵f͡o͢re͡ he ͘destr͜o͞y̨s ̴Ţh͟e̸ Sou̶rc̕e,̵ i̴f́ h̀e͡ ҉c͘a̶n͢n̕ot̢ y͜ou͡ ͞will kil̶l hi͏m̡ ̶to̕ ͢p̕r͘e̵vent͘ ţh̀e̸ cataclysm.͡ T҉h͜er̛e ẃi͢ll be ̡n͢o n̶ext t͟ime͜,͞ ev̴en̴ w͠ith Th͢è ̧S҉o̶u͝r͟ce͜ its͏elf̡ ̴s̨ùppor͢t̡in̡g͝ ̨you̕r ̴de̢c̡ision͝ y̴oúr p̴owe̴rs a̛re stil͝l mine that ͝have̸ b̨een ̨g̴ifte͠d t̀o͞ ͡y͘o͘u." Kaito smiled softly as the eyes on Chronos vanished, the humanoid form disappearing as well. As Kaito was pulled from the created pocket universe and returned to Valor, he replied to Chronos triumphantly: "you're right, there will be no next time, but I won't let Takashi or anyone else fail because of me. I look forward to seeing you soon." He chuckled, the time entity unamused by him. Suddenly Kaito was returned to the exact moment in time he left, turning to Serene even with her back turned to him. "I'm not a puppet, Serene, but I've been acting like one. My destiny is mine to control and for letting myself become dragged around and almost allowing myself to kill Takashi I am so sorry, and I don't have hope that you'll forgive me, but as long as I'm still alive and able no one will die on my watch." He turned to face Zero as he caught Hikaru and dropped her, then going for the kiss he wanted from her. "I won't let Zero have Hikaru." She looked back as Kaito ran forward to fight with Zero, to prevent him from getting what he wanted. Time energy suddenly shot out from the sand and struck Zero in the chest throwing him backwards and causing him to land with a hard thud on the cement.

                              Kaito skidded to a stop and outstretched his right arm to his side, white time energy swirling around his arm as Zero slowly stood up. "You're done for, Zero, you're not taking Hikaru and I'll be damn sure this is the last time you try. Surrender now and I won't kill you." It was his only warning, Zero snarled in anger as he realized he would now have to destroy Kaito to get to Hikaru, all these people becoming a pest to him. "Takashi! If you can hear me you have to help Hikaru! I can feel her life force slipping away." In the crater Takashi blinked open his eyes, carefully sitting up but terribly weak from everything that had happened. "W-What?" Takashi said, Serene helping him stand up. "Your conduit power, use it to collect the energy necessary to breathe life back into her! If you don't she'll die, I'll take care of Zero." Takashi was helped out of the crater by Serene, Takashi shaking his head wildly. "I can't! What if I do that again, what if I destroy everything?!" "You have to trust me, Takashi, take only what you need to get back on your feet and give nearly all of it to Hikaru. I know you can do it!" Takashi saw Hikaru on the beach, she didn't move, he didn't know if she was even breathing. His heart was breaking slowly, watching her be in such a state, then he nodded, knowing he had to try. Kaito engaged with Zero to keep him busy, Takashi started to carefully collecting enough energy that he could start floating off the ground, using the energy of the people around him to start fueling what could get him to the top of the dome. He was terrified of making a mistake, but knowing that Hikaru was in trouble and he was the only one that could help her gave him the strength to do what was necessary. As he reached the top of the dome he pressed his hand against it and felt the immense energy begin to flow within him. Takashi screamed, he could feel the overwhelming energy flowing into him and revitalizing his entire body, making him feel the best he'd ever felt before.

                              Kaito ended up sending Zero through a nearby building and followed after him, the two fighting in the collapsing skyscraper from within, using his speed and agility to keep Zero at a distance, using his skills in fighting to overpower him. Kaito held three rules during a fight, they saved his life numerous times: his first rule was to never turn your back to an opponent, there was never a situation in which you had to for one person. Fighting a group was different, but the rules were only modified to ensure no single person saw his back for more than a split-second. The second rule was don't waste time being flashy, excessively spent energy was energy that could have been used to weaken an opponent. Flash and pizzazz was only to show off when your life wasn't in danger. His last rule was combo everything, chain attacks together and never let your opponent catch their breath if it could be helped. If life were like a fighting game Kaito would be the guy who pissed off his opponents with crazy air combos and corner combos. Zero could feel Kaito's power as time energy appeared before him, hitting him mercilessly giving Kaito time to close the gap and knock him through the nearest wall, chasing after him with incredible speed. Zero was getting tired of these idiots trying to keep him from what he wanted: Hikaru. He began to fight with all his might, pushing through the time energy and hitting Kaito hard enough it stunned him, then hitting him rapidly and punching him out of the building. Zero jumped from the window to the adjacent rooftop as the skyscraper collapsed in the fake city, kicking up dirt and debris. Kaito landed with a hard thud on the rooftop, Zero landing on top of his with a dark energy sword stabbing through his shoulder. "How would you market your own death? The greatest failure ever known, or too much talk and not enough power?" Zero grinned, his wet and sweat-coated hair clinging to his forehead, his entire appearance a mess from all the abuse. Kaito gritted his teeth, then smiled through the pain, "I'd call it...why you don't mess with a time lord." Time energy burst from Kaito's hands and swirled into a spiral, striking Zero and sending him skyward, the energy sword dissipating and letting Kaito stand up. He panted lightly as he covered his wound with his hand, time energy working to heal the damage.

                              Takashi pushed off the dome with enough energy that he hadn't passed the threshold, knowing he would be okay for the moment, before his conduit powers began another activation of the cataclysm. As long as he hurried to Hikaru and gave her the energy she needed to stay alive and revitalize herself, he wouldn't collect too much energy. Landing with a thud, Takashi rushed over to Hikaru's side and slid onto his knees, raising her head with his hand. "Hikaru, I'm here. It's going to be okay, I'm going to save you. I'm...I'm always going to be around to save your life. I couldn't let anyone hurt you." What was he doing? Was he insane? Takashi knew he needed to give her the energy before it became too much for him, but all he could see when he looked into her weakened eyes was a woman he was falling in love with, and he was unable to stop himself from confessing all of it. "I'm in love with you, I...I'm in love with you, Hikaru. I've had a crush on you for so long but to see you...actually see you protect me, care about me, I can't hold back anymore. I'm going to give you my energy, I'm going to make sure you survive. I...Hikaru I...I need you around, I feel such a strong connection to you. I...I'm so sorry but I can't..." He started to lean in close to Hikaru, looking down at her with soft eyes, full of love and amazement at the person who had nearly given her life for him. "I can't stop myself, I want this, p-please don't...hate me for this." He leaned in closer to her lips, "I need to give you my energy..." Their lips were close, he could almost feel them, the warmth, the softness of her, he put a hand to the side of her head as he closed his eyes. "I want...to kiss you...and I hope that's okay." It wasn't to give her the energy, in fact he was sure he could just transfer it through her chest or hands from his hands, but he wanted this, he needed this, to show her he meant everything he said. Words could lie, but actions and emotions held more power, and were harder to fake. Takashi's lips gently touched Hikaru's as he consciously transferred his energy into her, inhaling softly as he could feel himself growing weaker until finally he'd given her nearly all the Chroma energy he held.

                              Takashi pulled away from Hikaru's lips, looking at her with a soft smile, seeing Kaito kicking Zero into a building, slamming his fist into his face and pushing him into the building. "I have enough energy I can help Kaito, stay here, I'll be back." He pushed away from Hikaru and ran off with the limited energy he had remaining, running until he saw Zero flying from the building, tumbling to a stop. Kaito rushed at him then skidded to a stop, sliding next to Takashi. "This needs to end, he can't be allowed to bring harm to anyone else. If you think you can do it, follow my lead." Takashi nodded, the two Gifted turning to Zero who stood up with a struggle, gritting his teeth, bleeding from his mouth. He exhaled angrily, blood flying from his mouth. "You can't kill me!! I have power you two clowns could never imagine!! I'm invincible, when I'm done with you both I'll take that b***h for myself!!" Angry and weak, Zero growled as Kaito began pulling time attack energy from the surrounding area, allowing Takashi to siphon some to aid his power. "No more. NO MORE! This is over, Zero!! You're outnumbered and outmatched!" "Last chance, Zero, give up or we will kill you." He was serious, there was never a moment an innocent person's life needed to be taken, it was why he couldn't kill Takashi. But Zero wasn't innocent, he was a menace and would continue to harass them, try to kill them or shake the foundations of their life until he got what he wanted. This had to end, and Kaito was willing to kill him to do it. Takashi was with Kaito, he would kill Zero because he wouldn't allow him to take Hikaru, he wouldn't let him do with her what he wanted.

                              "You can't kill me! Go ahead and try because I know I won't die. There's nothing you can do to hurt me, you understand?! Everyone you love is dead already, because I'm going to make it happen!!" Zero yelled out as he stumbled forward, then charged at the two Gifted, Takashi and Kaito building up their energy to take him down once and for all, working together to send the time energy at him as it spiraled into a point and bore through Zero's chest, causing him to stop as blood began pouring from the wound. The energy began to cocoon around him, wrapping him from head to his neck as Zero began to scream from the overwhelming power that wasn't just suffocating his body, but filling his every vein with it. "I...I was promised eternal life. He...He told me I couldn't die." "Whoever he was he lied, and I'm not just going to kill you...I'm going to end you. You'll cease to exist from this point forward, whatever remains of you will be a wretched past. If I could erase you from existence I'd make sure no one remembered who you are, unfortunately that's out of my power. But who you are from this moment in time until the end of time will be just a horrible memory. You won't even have a body for the world to absorb." Kaito's eyes began to glow a bright yellow as he accessed the multiple futures for Zero and cut them off from the present and past. With his futures removed they dissolved into nothingness, ensuring everything that Zero could be was gone. There was no revival for Zero, no way for him to return without the power of time causing it. Zero screamed as he felt the overwhelming suffering of his future being gone, a pain that was beyond comprehension. Kaito wasn't cruel, however, as Zero was suffering he darted forward and leaped into the air, time energy forming into a thin blade that he used to cut Zero through the chest, instantly ending his life. Time energy dissolved his body and all his futures, ensuring he was killed.

                              Kaito landed in a crouch then stood up, the time blade dissolving as Takashi turned to the beach, smiling until he realized, sadly, that Hikaru was no longer there. He ran to the beach where Kaito and Serene caught up to him, Takashi turning to the two, "she must've left the dome, I gotta go find her." Without another word Takashi ran off, Kaito dissolving the time energy from his body which weakened him, but left him with enough energy to be back to normal. Serene looked to Kaito with anger in her eyes, which slowly softened as she grabbed his hand. "I don't know what you told me earlier, what that meant, but I know what you did, and what you did was protect Hikaru and, eventually, do the right thing for Takashi. I don't know if I can completely forgive you for trying to kill Takashi, my only real friend in the world, but I think we can still be friends, Kaito...chan." She smiled softly and kissed his cheek, taking off after Takashi to help him find Hikaru. Kaito smiled as he watched her run off, hearing a voice meant only for him.

                              "M͠aķe nò ̨mis͞t̷a͟ke,͞ ̴K҉a̷i͏to͘ ͘Ko͝jìma̕, you͜ ma̶y hàve ͘p͝ro̴ved̶ ͠ỳou͢r͝ ̕ac͏ti͟ons̵ ̀wo̵r̢thy̷ of t͢h͡e͘ se͘co͞n̛d́ ch̵a҉n͜će͜ ͝yòu'҉v́e b̕e̷en͡ ͟gi͟v̛e̕n,̀ ͏b̀u͘t ev͟er҉y͡thi͞ng ýo͟u've̴ d҉on̵e̸ ̨o̢n̨l̶y͘ ̕proves tḩa̵t͡ ̕yǫu a͠re ͢allowing͢ y͢o͞urs͢elf t͘o̡ fal͞l̨ ͞iņto atta̴c̴h͢ḿe͝nt͢s̷ t͘h̨a͡t a.̢.̶.t̶ime ͏lord̛ aş ͡you͘'́ve̕ c̵aĺled̨ ̧y͡ourse̵l̨f͜.͞.̨.̶c͢anno̧t ̵h̛a̶v̵e. T͡her̸e͞ ̸w͠i̸ll b̧e d͢i̕f͘fi͠c̶u͢l̶t ͡c̴hoice̵s to͝ ͏m̕ake ̵i̷n ̡you̷r e̢xis̛te̛nće,̨ ͡ǫne̡s͞ ̶t͝h̴a͟t çan̛not ̵b͝ecome e͡asi̷er͝ ͡wit͟h t̕he̡ ͡a̢t̴t̡ac̛h̡m̨en͏ts͞. I̛t̡ seèms, ͝h̵owev̡e͏r,͝ t͜h͠a̧t I ̨wa͜s ͡wr͘o͏n̶g ̀to ͢d̡oub̷t ͜yoùr a͞uda͞cit̢y͏ ̕i̶n̵ ̛yo̧u͟r̢ d͘e͝t̨er͡m͞i͢n͡ation to ̕make ̴t̶h͟ings rig͜h̡t. ̷B͠u͜t͞ ̛k͠n̕o̶w̷ ̵t͠hi͡s̸: ͝if̡ ̨yóu èvèr c̨h͞al҉le̴n͠ge ̀m̨e again ͠y͘ou҉ ̧wi͝l̢l͟ be͢ ͏destr҉oyed͡ for͜ ̧y̴ou̧r̛ ͢i͏ńs͜o̢l̡ęnce̴ ̨a͢nd̢ ͘ȩndange͟r҉m͟e̛nt͏ ̸i̴n the ͘time s҉tr̴ea̛m̶ ̢t̷hat ͢yo̡u͞ a͟re͟ ̀swo͏r̡n̸ ̴t̷o̡ ͟p̨r͜o͜t̴e͠c̵t̛. The̴ ͜at́t̴ach҉m̛e̵nt̸s͠ that͘ y̢o͠u̕ ma̛k͞ȩ wi͢ll͞ all ͘s͞uf̕fer̴ ͘for͜ ̷your̷ ҉fail͟u͡r̶è ͞if ̕y̕oú ̡c̡ann̶ot ha̕n͢ḑle ́t̕he̡s̕e re͜l͝ati̕ons̡hip͞s an̶d̀ yo̕ur ̨d́utieś si̶m͟ulta̴ne͢o̕u͞sl̵y.͝ T͢a̕kash͏i͘ ͘K͢e͠nt͝aro̕ is̀ ͞sti͢l͢l͘ ͜a ̴m͝o̶r҉t͜a̸l̀ ͝tha҉t͜ ȩnd͘an͘ger͠s ̴Th̢e S̀ource.̷ ҉If͟ you͘ fa͜i͡l͘ ̴tó co͟n͢t̷rol̴ ̢hįm th͢en̨ ͟ýo̷ù w҉ill h͠áv͝e ͠t͢o k̷i͞l҉l hi̧m, ̵an͟d͘ as y҉ơur̛ att͜ach҉m̷e͝nt͠ t̛o t҉heśe̢ ͞m̶o͞r̷t҉a͠lś gr͞o̕w ͜so͟ ͡w̸i͠ll ͘t͟he͟ ̶ha̡rd̢sh͏i͘p̴s͘ th̴a͟t͝ w̢i͜ll͢ c͜o̢me̸ ̴from̛ ̷the po̢ss͞ib̸i̢l̨i͏ty ̛th͝at h͏i̶s ͘d͡ea͞th͘ i̵s͠ th̸é ̷ónly way͝ ̢to ͟pre͝v̨ent͏ t͠h̡e ͢c̕ata͞cl͠ysm.̷ ̛What yo͠u ̡do͏ is͟ ͝yo̴ur dec̶is͘ío̕n, ̶t͝hi͝s̴ is̷ your ̴li͞f̡e,͢ but ̶t̴he͢ ̨mơment́ y͘ou͞ f̧a̡iĺ ͜to p̷r͞o̢t͡ect́ T͞hè ͘Sou͜r̨ce͡ ̶i̴s ͟whe̕n͘ t҉he͜re̸ w̕i̡l̵l̢ be͞ ņo͞ ̷c̶h̡o͠i͜ce ̧b̀ut͢ ̵giv̀e̴ ͠y͞o̧ùr ҉po̧w̵e̢r̕ t͘o̷ a͞n͏othèr w̵ho̸ ͡cąn d̨o̵ w̶hąt you ̕c̷anno͝t͏. ͝Yo͠u͠ ́will̸ ̷n̕o͟t́ ̨hear͡ ̨f̢r̸om ̢m͜e aga͟i̢n u͘nl͡e̶ss͢ y̷ou͢ have͟ ̛fai̷l̨ed i͡n̵ ̷your ̶du͏t͟i̷eś.̶ ͜I͡t̡ ͡see͡m̵s̀ t͢h̵at̛ ͝ti͝m̴e ̨fa͝vo̧r͝s ̸yo͏u, K͡aito̕, ͟and f͟o͟r̶ th̴a҉t̸ yo͘u ̴sh͟o͘uld ̴bę gr͝at͡ef͜u̷l ͟th́a̧t̴ I ám ̷n͏o̴t̴ ̀Th̵ę Sour̀cę, ́or̷ ̛yóu ̶w̷o̸u͝ld̢ ͜c̢ea͟se to͞ ͘e̛x̷ist.̡ Farew͘ell̨."

                              Kaito smiled brightly, knowing he Chronos was no longer something of a handler to him, he was free to make his own decisions and go where he wanted. There would be rules, and if there were problems in which time itself was threatened he would be informed, but it seems that Chronos would no longer contact him, leaving that pleasure to the other time-based Gifted that exist through the multiverses. For once, Kaito felt free from everything that had suffocated him, and knew without that pressure around his neck he could make better choices that ensured, with all of his power, he'd never have to kill a friend of his again. Running off to catch Serene and Takashi, he met up with them outside, looking to her, "did he find her?" Serene shook her head, sighing, "he's still looking but...I think she's gone, Kaito, and I don't know where or why she went." Kaito was still blocked by Chroma energy, an apparent weakness of his time powers, so he couldn't locate her timeline and track her, but that didn't mean he wouldn't try. "She'll turn up, after everything that happened I'm not surprised she would need some time to herself. I'm starving, what say the three of us go get something to eat?" Serene looked to him with a soft smile, then nodded, "alright, I'll see if I can catch up with him. I'll text you when I do, we'll meet up." Kaito smiled and nodded, letting her head off. Kaito took off to find a place they could eat, glad that this whole mess was finally over, but knew he would have to find a way to help Takashi control his powers, or risk another cataclysm event. Chronos was right though, next time might be even harder for him to do what was necessary, so he hoped he could find another way to stop it like before. Still, he'd done the right thing and for that he was proud of himself, smiling brightly as he walked away.

BIoodbane's Fav

Ruthless Firestarter

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                            ___Hikaru felt an immense pain she'd never encountered before. With the hard, wet sand having held her against the top of the electromagnetic force field that sucked her dry of Chroma as it electrocuted her had sent her into shock and then into something like a coma. It burnt her to a crisp and left her falling like the dry leaves of fall... Cracked... Dead. Zero caught her quickly in his hands, holding what really belonged to him, or would soon enough, but dropped her because she was intensely hot from the burns he'd caused. She really did look dead when he dropped her, having her land with a hard thud that could have killed almost anyone. However the softened bed of water and sand kept her from landing on hard concrete or, more dangerously, the bottom of the dome. She laid on her back, and soon Zero was seen standing over her and leaning down for his kiss. He didn't care for Hikaru, and only wanted to get this over with fast so he could go back. Then he was knocked off his feet again. Another few goddamn inches from her face and somehow the simplest action in the world was the hardest to achieve.

                            He landed back on the concrete with a hard thud as he cursed every word he knew in his head until hearing Kaito, "You're done for, Zero, you're not taking Hikaru and I'll be damn sure this is the last time you try. Surrender now and I won't kill you." Zero cracked his neck, rolling it and snarling before he replied, "Are you ******** joking? You sorry piece of s**t. I can't tell you how relieving it is to show my true colors, sparking his hand in black and blue energy, "I should have taken that kiss from day one. Just grabbed her and made her mine if I knew things would have ended up this way. Now I realize that the day I took this power, I was only trying to look like a good guy. I don't need my image, when I have darkness to black it out." Zero stood up as Kaito and him both took defensive stances, hearing Kaito call out to Takashi about helping Hikaru. Zero's face lit up with a slight red on his face from a anger that boiled as hot as fire. "Takashi! If you can hear me you have to help Hikaru! I can feel her life force slipping away. Your conduit power, use it to collect the energy necessary to breathe life back into her! If you don't she'll die, I'll take care of Zero."

                            Zero laughed loudly and growled darkly before spitting out to the side, cracking his fingers as he clenched them in fists and snapped, "He almost destroyed the world, everything, with that power. You beg him to use it again? Maybe I'll get damn lucky and he'll absorb all the Chroma in this dome and start a second Cataclysm. Maybe he'll kill himself before I can even get to him." Kaito didn't waste time coming up to Zero and slipping through small rips in time that allowed him some unseen agility to catch Zero off guard and kick at him. However, Zero dodged most of these, only being struck twice roughly before grabbing Kaito and clenching his shirt, throwing him over his head with the dark Chroma eating away at his clothing and attempts to reach his skin. Those flames were put out quickly when Kaito stopped in midair, landing against a near structure, pushing off of it and sending Zero through a nearby building. In the time that Zero was able to catch himself from being blown away too far, he skidded against the rocks and grabbed at the concrete, lighting himself in the dark black and blue energy that allowed him to grab the bed of concrete and lift it up, throwing Kaito and all the debris and bricks of fallen buildings so he could jump into the air and pounce off each rock until he came close and engaged with Kaito.

                            He spread out both hands to engulf the area in his destructive dark Chroma and warped the concrete bedding to slice at Kaito in all different directions. Seeing Kaito struggle by splicing time to avoid the many projectiles was a sight to see, but Kaito eventually gained the upperhand of all those projectiles aiming for him when he came close to Zero, not only engaging him in a close fight but also distracting Zero with combat so when he dodged, the dark Chroma covered rocks would hit Zero. After a few motions of going through getting hit with the projectiles aimed to hit Kaito but hitting him instead, Zero felt the merciless and ongoing hits that hit him each time over and over. He was knocked through another wall, then chased with incredible speed. When hit rapidly and sent out the building, Zero jumped from the window to a rooftop as the skyscraper collapsed in the fake city. Kaito landed roughly on the rooftop, Zero seizing his moment and forging a sword with his dark Chroma. He stabbed Kaito in the shoulder, "God that's great. Have you ever popped bubble wrap? I get the same feeling when I get to be the one holding the blade that cracks and breaks your bones!"

                            The darkness sewn into Zero's mind was overwhelming as he smiled, pressing the blade in deeper to try and dig the blade to come out the other side of Kaito's shoulder. Seeing Kaito grit his teeth brought a disheveled smile to Zero's face as he finally heard to final pop of the shoulder blade, then feeling the blade hit the concrete and screech against it just the same as he heard Kaito's gasp of pain. The crimson pool under his shoulder lit Zero's eyes up in the same shade, feeling too excited at the sight of winning with his power. "This just feels so right. Tell me, how would you market your own death? The greatest failure ever known, or too much talk and not enough power?" He grinned, looked at Kaito and then feeling his cockiness die down when he was able to muster a response rather than a plea, "I'd call it...why you don't mess with a time lord." Just then, Kaito sent a burst of time energy from his hands to Zero, sending him skyward.

                            Hikaru laid on the ground with stillness from having experienced so much pain. Eventually in the moment proceeding Kaito's successful interference of Zero obtaining a kiss, Lyn opened her eyes and felt the water move her hair. It came up halfway on her body as she still laid on the land, but her blue wig's hair entangled with the sand and water. He knew about my curse. She closed her eyes after seeing the sun change to be clouded by gray from up above. The director pooling in the gray clouds to mask the sun for the setting of filming the fight with Zero and Kaito. It seemed instead of cropping Kaito out, he would be a partner of Xenos. With her eyes closed, Lyn felt the tears pool in her eyes and fall down, the cold tears blending well with the black water around her. I can't believe this. Somebody knows me, knows my secret... knows my past. She felt like crying more, but only silence engulfed the girl as she contemplated any wrongdoings she had done. I... I just wanted to be happy again. I don't want to be Lynnette with others. Lynnette... died a long time ago, she thought. However, she knew better than to say that was the truth. The fact remained when she disliked hearing her alias, "Hikaru," she reopened her eyes sadly. "I'm here. It's going to be okay, I'm going to save you. I'm...I'm always going to be around to save your life. I couldn't let anyone hurt you."

                            Lyn looked up, feeling an overwhelming sadness when seeing him hold her and say the only name he knew her by, but somehow... feeling utterly happy to be held in his arms. She hadn't been cradled, held, hugged or anything for so long it almost seemed like a dream. She was still intensely hot, even from laying in the black water... Was it hurting him? She gazed up at him, ignoring the pain and the numbness as she stared at his sunset colored hues weakly. She was pleading to him for comfort from the deepest parts of her heart, while outwardly she was unable to show anything short or care, concern, and content. "I'm in love with you, I...I'm in love with you, Hikaru." Lyn felt her heart stop when she heard that. Coming from Takashi? Now? She widened her eyes only slightly with disbelief as she carefully studied those eyes that were looking back at her. The director noticing the moment and pulling his attention back to the two. "I've had a crush on you for so long but to see you...actually see you protect me, care about me, I can't hold back anymore. I'm going to give you my energy, I'm going to make sure you survive. I...Hikaru I...I need you around, I feel such a strong connection to you. I...I'm so sorry but I can't..." Lyn was confused on why he was apologizing. "T-Takashi," she choked out in the weakened, softest whisper she had ever mustered in her life. She saw him leaning close, and she felt her body heat up to the look he had for her in them. The red painted her cheeks fast as she felt herself having trouble breathing. D-Don't look at me with those eyes... she thought when he leaned towards her more.

                            "I can't stop myself, I want this, p-please don't...hate me for this... I need to give you my energy..." Their lips were close, and she was going through the shocking realization that Takashi intended to kiss her. Wait! she called out to him in her mind, but her body was almost accepting. It was as if different parts of herself were in conflicted for what she wanted, needed, and had. The warmth between their lips lingered with such intensity that Lyn whimpered slightly, and barely reacted to his hand on her cheek with anything but a small blush on her cheeks. Her heart raced with both fear and some excitement, and she felt the tears falls from her eyes when he mustered a final response, "I want...to kiss you...and I hope that's okay." Lyn then felt his soft lips touch hers, and her eyes widened as something clicked inside. With the kiss being held for some time, she could feel the gentleness of it. Her mind was working overtime in trying to divide reality from fantasy. She pleaded on one side of herself that it was all just some crazy dream, but the other side was concerned for her emotions for Takashi... and how deeply she cared for him. With almost no time to think about it and almost immediately after the kiss, Lyn's breathing was trembling. She felt the fabrics of her cover up start to unravel as a powerful heat built in the depths of her heart. She blushed a heavy red shade when feeling their lips graze, and the curse was coming undone. Now Lyn, after many years of being at bay and alone.. felt the water come back into her heart.

                            "Taka...shi..." she barely mustered in between her breathing as they kissed, the director queuing the sunlight to beam down on the two through the gray clouds. Lyn's heart showed Takashi's calm sea rush to her shores, and as dry, heated and exhausted as she used to be, she touched the water in her heart, feeling so much affection and pleasure from the feel of it. The feel of him on her skin. It was amazing. When Takashi pulled away from her lips, Lyn released a disappointed gasp, having the Chroma energy returned and surging inside of her that energized her at the same time his kiss had unraveled the very aftermath she never thought she would face. "I have enough energy I can help Kaito, stay here, I'll be back." Lyn looked at Takashi, seeing his heroism, but immediately when he was gone she didn't know what to do with herself. For the moment they were kissing, she was entirely and utterly in the palm of his hand. She felt him hold her so closely, she could have cried from him letting go. She did build tears when he left to fight Zero, because she already felt herself starving. This hunger, this feeling of unending want and desire began to slowly overwhelm Lyn, and she knew what she had to do. Entwined in a love that has no foretold fate. Your heart controlled by a string I state. Nothing now shall set you free. Your heart that was yours now belongs to me. The witches words echoed in her head. She had to leave this place. Now. The kiss you have given is now your greatest despair. What you do from this point on will lead you no where. You are one sided fully with or without heart. This truth will engulf you and tear you apart.

                            As Zero had been sent skyward he regathered some strength. He reached the top of the dome, deciding to cover himself in his Dark Chroma. When doing so and touching his feet against a panel that formed the sky of the dome, the Dark Chroma and the Chroma powered the dome set off and compounded in a reaction that propelled Zero down towards Kaito at such incredible force that he was able to not only slam Kaito into the next level of the building but go through each floor all the way back to the first. When slamming Kaito down to the first, he then realized the building was also starting to cave in. Kaito was able to sheild himself as did Zero, but both of them only lasted until the concrete stopped falling. Kaito, camoflagued in dust and debris, lurked in the smoke that came from the collapse of the building while healing his wound. When the time was right and he was able to get a clear view of Zero's back, he went forward with a powerful kick to the back. Zero slammed into a nearby building, tired of having been thrown into at least several now, and skidded out to tumble to a stop. He saw the approach of Takashi and Kaito sliding to his side. "Oh he's alive.You know, an interesting thought struck me. You've probably kissed her haven't you?" he asked Takashi and then cocked his head to the side. "It would be a shame if you died and she became desperate for a way to bring you back. Don't you see? There's a way around everything. Heed my warning. Unless you join us, Takashi, Hikaru will be hunted every minutes of every hour."

                            "This needs to end, he can't be allowed to bring harm to anyone else. If you think you can do it, follow my lead." Takashi nodded, the two Gifted turning to Zero who stood up with a struggle, gritting his teeth, bleeding from his mouth. He exhaled angrily, blood flying from his mouth. "I've given you a warning and you've failed to listen! You pitiful souls don't even know that kind of power you're up against! You can't kill me!! I have power you two clowns could never imagine!! I'm invincible, when I'm done with you both I'll take that b***h for myself!!" Angry and weak, Zero growled as Kaito began pulling time attack energy from the surrounding area, allowing Takashi to siphon some to aid his power. "No more. NO MORE! This is over, Zero!! You're outnumbered and outmatched!" "Last chance, Zero, give up or we will kill you." He looked at the two that were pulling energy from the area and both standing against him. For a slight moment, he hesitated, but then he laughed, "You can't kill me! Go ahead and try because I know I won't die. There's nothing you can do to hurt me, you understand?! Everyone you love is dead already, because I'm going to make it happen!!" Zero yelled out as he stumbled forward, then charged at the two Gifted, Takashi and Kaito building up their energy to take him down once and for all, working together to send the time energy at him as it spiraled into a point and bore through Zero's chest, causing him to stop as blood began pouring from the wound. The energy began to cocoon around him, wrapping him from head to his neck as Zero began to scream from the overwhelming power that wasn't just suffocating his body, but filling his every vein with it. "I...I was promised eternal life. He...He told me I couldn't die."

                            "Whoever he was he lied, and I'm not just going to kill you...I'm going to end you. You'll cease to exist from this point forward, whatever remains of you will be a wretched past. If I could erase you from existence I'd make sure no one remembered who you are, unfortunately that's out of my power. But who you are from this moment in time until the end of time will be just a horrible memory. You won't even have a body for the world to absorb." Kaito's eyes began to glow a bright yellow as he accessed the multiple futures for Zero and cut them off from the present and past. With his futures removed they dissolved into nothingness, ensuring everything that Zero could be was gone. There was no revival for Zero, no way for him to return without the power of time causing it. Zero screamed as he felt the overwhelming suffering of his future being gone, a pain that was beyond comprehension. Kaito wasn't cruel, however, as Zero was suffering he darted forward and leaped into the air, time energy forming into a thin blade that he used to cut Zero through the chest, instantly ending his life. Time energy dissolved his body and all his futures, ensuring he was killed.

                            Elsewhere... The blue haired male sat as his desk looking at the overall projection of the dome's images and seeing the fight unravel. When Zero disappeared, Vance quietly studied all of it before shutting the projection off. Alice stood in the corner, overseeing the events that had taken place on the projection and watched him stand. "We've successfully identified and located the battery. Zero could not obtain the device. What do we do?" Alice asked carefully, Takashi being the battery and Lyn being referred to as the device. Vance placed both hands on the desk before speaking, "I say... we wait. A main part of the plan was to get Lynnette to fall in love with Zero both mutually and spell influenced. However, he deserved to die by not heeding my warnings. I should have gone and taken care of the problem myself. But... if I had I wouldn't have found the battery. Now that we have both in the inventory, we wait." "But why wait?" Alice as as she stepped forward. "They are both--" "very deadly together," Vance looked at her through the eyes of his mask with a sharp snarl in his throat. "If they train together, we could have a few issues... But I know Lynnette will not cooperate." "How do you know?" "Secrets. It's not something I've learned from that defiant child," he scowled slightly, then pulling up the projection of Kaito, "..but... this man could be a problem."

                            Vance scowled at the projection and stood up slowly, "What is a time lord doing around a battery? He looks like a simple young man," "looks can be deceiving," he grinned to her immediate reply. "That's right," Vance spoke up as he turned around. He approached her, holding the device in his hand that showed the projection, "But this is no disguise." It displayed Kaito and his time splicing powers. "Your next mission is simple. The Sea Witch's curse is active. Find the siren. Report to me once you have. Then, if you can, kidnap her." "...who is the siren?" Alice asked with confusion. Vance replied, "I knew this day would come... but I was never told about the siren. All I know is that she is crucial to our success in obtaining Lynnette. If I recall correctly, she will be in Japan and will have a predestined encounter with Lyn. Make sure that this female does not engage with Lyn, and bring her to me."

                            Meanwhile... [x]

                            Under the moonlight on the shores of a beach, the white of the moonlight reflected over the waves with a glimmer. Every lover in their homes that could see the ocean never stared too long as they would turn to their lover, their warmth, their children or their bed. Whether a person solely loved themselves, their families, or lover, there was no greater curiosity on what love was when a thought was formed. In the darkness of the ocean, the moonlight reflecting even on the deepest levels of the ocean floor, a glimmer of light shined brightly and spoke, "It's so cold." This voice was soft and innocent in the short sentence it spoke. It was as if the cold was really something to be avoided, or was unwelcome. However, the voice sounded more lonely. More wondering of a higher temperature than the one it knew. And shortly after the voice was emitted, the white glow at the bottom of the ocean floor sparked thousands of bubbles to rise. The white light wrapped viciously at the bottom of the ocean floor, air somehow coming from the parts of the ocean which air should have never touched. Those strips of white light coiled around each other until they formed a feminine figure, She glowed a violet aura that resonated with the color of the life in the sea as well as the moonlight causing her to be seen in a purplish tint.

                            She opened her eyes carefully to reveal dark purple eyes... However, when she peered upward in her birth, the moonlight tinted her eyes to a lighter shade of violet, as if it was layering here eyes with the creamed color of the light it held for itself. She pulled her hands up to her chest and felt the area above her chest. My heart is beating, she closed her eyes as she could hear her heart beats matched the waves of the water as she slowly rose to the surface of the ocean. She floated upward, the bubbles disappearing as she was dressed in a white dress. Seaweed caught onto her as she continued her journey upward, keeping her eyes closed and listening to the sound of her heartbeat. She curled up feeling her hair begin to extend from being short to much longer, the same color as her eyes. It's getting colder, she thought as she started to worry about reaching the surface. It will not be cold, long said a mysterious voice. She looked around the water, seeing she was just yards away from the surface. What is my purpose? she looked around as a hand formed of water reached down to her from the surface she had yet to break. You will define love, the voice told her. She took the hand, and rose to the surface of the water for a moment standing. She looked at the moon, nodding her head slowly as if in a trance, but when she turned and walked along the ocean's surface, she eventually came closer to the shore, seeping back into the water before she was pushed and thrown by the waves. She crawled onto the shore, exhausted and tired, slowly closing her eyes as she tried to regain her breathe, finding it difficult from all the water she'd just took in, almost choking on it.

                            sdkfjgnd ⇢☆ ★ ☆ ★)▒███ -::- 「in the.WORLD;︾ of the LONELY★!!I`M THE F L O W E R BORN IN THE SEA
                            ♛ ▰ ▱ ▰ ▱ 〈i n 0 h e r e 0 w e 0 ╒ a c e 0 o u r ╒ e a r s --00
                            W__ELCOMEto the p.lace of⊱ birth❞ bySLEEP

                                                    BIRTH BY SLEEP IN THE MOONLIT SEA
                                                    BIRTH BY SLEEP IN THE MOONLIT SEA
                                                    BIRTH BY SLEEP IN THE MOONLIT SEA


Dangerous Lunatic

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                              It all came to a close, though the risk of the cataclysm never went away saving Takashi's life gave him the opportunity to control what he was now aware of, and now they could focus on it. Kaito had been a puppet on a string for so long, perhaps one of the few that knew he was being guided, but defying Chronos in the way he did had cut away his strings and proven to the givers of his power he knew what he was doing. He wasn't just seeking to protect the time stream but every good person that lived on the planet. Kaito wasn't going to let Takashi die, he couldn't, it wasn't in his nature to kill someone for a problem they couldn't control. He wanted to seek a solution and he found one in Hikaru, who had taken away the energy that fueled almost certain demise and evaporated it harmlessly. Kaito was so happy, so ecstatic that he shouted out to the fake sky above that everybody got to live. Then with him and Serene at odds that killed his joy, but he understood the consequences of his actions and respected what she wanted, even if she was angry and clouded by hatred. His discussion with Chronos, however, had rejuvenated his resolve and his drive, returning him to Valor a changed man with his own destiny to forge. He made his promise to Serene that no one would die on his watch, and that he was wrong to let another entity, even one as powerful as Chronos, control who he could be. It was never done maliciously, but Chronos had no understanding of humanity, of emotions or relationships, Kaito had lived so long surrounded by people and was human that relationships were tied into everything he did. Chronos could never get that, and with The Source backing his decision Chronos admitted defeat and would leave him alone...until the next time-damning event.

                              Kaito wasn't used to playing hero, not directly anyway, anything he did was usually behind-the-scenes, he didn't get into fights often even though he certain knew how to, but coming back and being cut off from Chronos' puppetry, forging his own path in protecting the source of his abilities made him want to protect Hikaru by fighting Zero. It almost thrilled him to think that he could stop Zero directly, instead of relying others guided by him to do it. "Are you ******** joking? You sorry piece of s**t. I can't tell you how relieving it is to show my true colors," sparking his hand in black and blue energy, Zero continued, "I should have taken that kiss from day one. Just grabbed her and made her mine if I knew things would have ended up this way. Now I realize that the day I took this power, I was only trying to look like a good guy. I don't need my image, when I have darkness to black it out." Kaito smiled, even with Zero as angry and evil as he seemed, Kaito simply smiled. It felt good to be himself again. Zero stood up as Kaito and him both took defensive stances, hearing Kaito call out to Takashi about helping Hikaru. Zero's face lit up with a slight red from an anger that boiled as hot as fire. He laughed loudly and growled darkly before spitting out to the side, cracking his fingers as he clenched them in fists and snapped, "he almost destroyed the world, everything, with that power. You beg him to use it again? Maybe I'll get damn lucky and he'll absorb all the Chroma in this dome and start a second Cataclysm. Maybe he'll kill himself before I can even get to him." "If that happens then you'll die too." Kaito replied, smiling gently, just a simple matter-of-fact statement, not meant to throw it back into his face like he was an idiot, but merely pointing out that Takashi's cataclysm was an end to all life, not just his own.

                              The fight was on, Kaito's time abilities giving him insane agility and keeping Zero on his toes. Takashi was busy absorbing the energy of the dome and going to give that energy to Hikaru. He was enamored by her, someone who risked their life for him had to be worth all the affection he wanted to give. He couldn't stop himself as he looked down into her eyes, slowly and carefully kissing her with all the love he'd held for her these last several months. The crush that blossomed into love was now told to Hikaru in a kiss on the lips, the soft warmth of their skin touching had sent shivers down Takashi's spine, and hearing her softly whisper his name between their kiss had brought his heart to beat faster. When he was done giving her the energy, feeling weaker than ever but a stronger resolve to save her with Kaito's help, he announced he would go help the time lord, smiling down to Hikaru with such affection, even though it pained him to leave her after such a loving kiss.

                              "Oh he's alive. You know, an interesting thought struck me. You've probably kissed her haven't you?" Zero asked Takashi and then cocked his head to the side, "it would be a shame if you died and she became desperate for a way to bring you back. Don't you see? There's a way around everything. Heed my warning. Unless you join us, Takashi, Hikaru will be hunted every minutes of every hour." Takashi was angry, but Kaito remained cool, which was probably the only reason Takashi didn't rush onward to try and kill Zero, which would have only ended with his own death. "I've given you a warning and you've failed to listen! You pitiful souls don't even know that kind of power you're up against! You can't kill me!! I have power you two clowns could never imagine!! I'm invincible, when I'm done with you both I'll take that b***h for myself!!"

                              Time flowed through everything, even people with Chroma energy, as an unseen and often unfelt energy that created the past, present, and future for every single thing in every single universe. Some claimed time was the most powerful energy ever known, though on Valor Chroma energy was the source of life, the creation of the world itself, perhaps there was no stronger energy, Time and Chroma equal powers. If true, that would explain how the Chroma limitations could be overcome, and when Kaito began to pull energy from the world around him, the energy that was creating the history of their actions in a viewable form for those with the power to do so, he was given a blessing from The Source itself - the single point in the beginning of all from which time sprung from - to use as much power as it took to kill Zero and overcome the Chroma limitation. The glowing yellow eyes were the proof that his powers were being enhanced by The Source, seeing every possible future for Zero and destroying them in a single moment. Zero could escape now and forge a new future, but to die now meant he was beyond saving, Kaito wouldn't allow him to leave. He was too dangerous to let live and too much trouble to save, and Kaito had given him repeated warnings, only proving he was against killing when it wasn't necessary. But his continued actions, words, and threats, only proved that Zero wouldn't cooperate for reforming even with all of Kaito's efforts. Takashi began siphoning time energy to help aid Kaito, the two simultaneously cocooning Zero in that destructive power and Kaito delivering the final blow. With Zero gone, his body dissolved within the time stream, it was finally over.

                              Takashi was worried when he noticed Hikaru missing, the group heading back to the surface of Tokyo to try and locate her. Serene and Kaito made up and were friends again, despite whatever rocky relationship they would have from here on out, and she went after Takashi to help locate Hikaru. Kaito, in the meantime, was tasked with locating a place to eat they could join up at later, since they were all getting to be very hungry. He watched Serene walk away and smiled to himself, all of his promises being forged as he said they were. Serene might not trust him right now, but it was a start, and he made sure Zero couldn't hurt Hikaru anymore. Kaito was happier than ever, he was making good on his promises and had gotten Chronos to let him do his own thing by now, his duties and mission no less necessary or important, but he could decide how to do it using his best judgment. The feeling of being free made up for the loneliness he felt, and he was glad that, at least for now, he could focus on forming real relationships. Perhaps he could stay in Valor longer than he usually did other worlds, maybe he could actually form a romantic relationship for a change. That would be nice, he'd enjoy sharing his bed with another person.

                              The thoughts of what he could do filled his mind as he started walking towards the beach, knowing he would have some time before Takashi and Serene returned, though not seeing their true futures made him a little irritated, since he was still left in the dark for most of what was going to happen. But, that was all part of a new world and new challenges. Instead of letting it get to him he would wait for Serene to text him, in the meantime he would take a stroll along the beach. The clear crisp night had tickled his nose with the cool chill of the wind blowing across him, the billions of stars in the sky, most of which couldn't be seen due to the light pollution of the city, illuminated the sky and brightened the world around him. Kaito could point to a star system and pick out a planet, in a moment he could be there, watching and observing, the immeasurable power of knowledge and exploration an ability he wouldn't give up for the entirety of the universes. But he stayed on Valor, this was where he was building relationships, and few planets were inhabited by life, most of which he'd have a difficult time integrating in, let alone just learning the language. But perhaps he would explore those alien races some other day, it wasn't like they were going anywhere, and they were so far away it would take light years for them to show up on Valor. He laughed, almost a giggle, as he wondered if it was worth exploring the point of the planet's future when aliens and humans met. "Heheh, wouldn't that be a sight to see?" He said as he walked along the beach, noticing an amusement park built on a pier over the ocean. His eyes lit up with exploring it, feeling the emotions and happiness it gave people. Perhaps even seeing the joy it brought people. If he was going to wait for Takashi, Serene, and Hikaru, he would enjoy himself in the meantime.

                              It wasn't the destination, but the journey, so while others might have been excited enough to teleport to close the distance, Kaito walked towards the pier casually as the sand shifted underneath his shoes. He smiled, looking up to the wooden pier, finally teleporting onto it to let his eyes explore the various closed stands, games, and rides that littered the enormous pier. Kaito held a unique ability, though all of his abilities were unique, this one specifically unique as it allowed him to view the past while walking the present. Called a "time bleed", or "bleeding effect", this allowed him to view the past of an area from the present, doing both simultaneously. In this case it allowed him to see what had happened at the pier earlier in the day, while still in the present in which it was closed for the evening. While in a time bleed, no changes could be made, he couldn't interact with anyone, and though he would have part of his senses tuned to the present, it was nothing more than him walking around what equaled a spiritual world. The people were like ghosts, having already lived that moment he watched, the stands or rides stationary in the present which is how he would interact with them, but moving in the past. Sadly, that meant while in a time bleed he was unable to ride anything, enjoy the food, but he could see the wonderment and happiness on the people's faces. For now, that was good enough, and it only strengthened his desire to come back to the amusement park when it was opened tomorrow morning, to experience what he was watching unfold.

                              A time bleed was something Kaito did when he wanted his present to continue on without interruption, either because he didn't want to interrupt the flow of what was going on presently, or didn't want to become involved with an event in the past as he traveled the different points in time. Feeling as though he was content with seeing how happy the pier made the people who got to experience it earlier in the day, Kaito let the bleeding effect disappear, viewing the present exclusively, and let himself become drawn to the enormous Ferris Wheel. A time bleed, however, while a specific type of vision for him to use, could also be expanded to allow others to experience it with him. When investigating events, it was necessary for companions to see what he could, so they might spot something he didn't. This was rarely used, however, simply because whenever he was tasked to stop a time-damning event, he was often doing it alone.

                              As he approached the massive Ferris Wheel, he touched the metal foundation and wrapped his time energy around it to begin powering it up, letting it spin with the lights blinking and illuminating the pier. As it rotated around the axis he hopped into one of the cars and let it take him to the top of the wheel, removing the energy to let the wheel die so he could sit and enjoy the view of the ocean for miles around. Kaito sighed contently, happily, the beautiful horizon glimmering from the light of the stars reflecting off the ocean. However, for as happy as he was he also felt a little saddened, he had no one to share this with, his entire life he'd been alone, unable to travel to different alternate universes with people, only within their own world's timeline they were born into. But for now he wouldn't dwell on that, he was used to it, and would remain used to it for a long time to come, admiring what he was given the gift of seeing with his own eyes. All the years and decades of exploration, seeing what others could only imagine within their wildest dreams, and all the people he'd ever met would last him for the end of time, cherished and remembered.

                              Without warning he noticed a shining of light coming from the ocean floor, it didn't seem to be entirely natural with thousands of bubbles rising from the bottom of the ocean. He found it intriguing, and he curiously watched the event unfold, a woman rising from the water. She made her way to the shore and Kaito was surprised by what had just occurred, something that seemed to happen more and more lately. "She came from the ocean?" He wondered, standing on the seat and leaning over the wheel to get a better look at things. Deciding to investigate, and to ensure she was alright, he leaped off the Ferris Wheel, landing on the pier with a hard thud, then jumped off the pier onto the beach, the force of his landing causing the sand to spread out to form a small crater. It made him chuckle lightly as the sand parted in a way to make it look like he'd just landed harder than he did, a cute little effect he found interesting. The little things really did make him happy, but with no time to really admire the sand crater, he hurried off to the mysterious woman, a strikingly gorgeous woman at that. Violet eyes and similarly colored hair, a clinging white dress soaked with the water of the ocean, which left little to the imagination. He was gentlemanly, not wanting to stare at her figure as beautiful and captivating as it was, instead keeping his eyes on her face, kneeling down next to her.

                              "Ah...hello, are you alright?" He asked her, noticing she was having a hard time breathing. Kaito rested on his knees and pulled her into his lap to give her a little bit of an aid in her breathing. When she had regained her breath he felt as though she was okay to talk with. "My name's Kaito, Kaito Kojima, do you have a name?" Was she shipwrecked, floating in the ocean until now? Or something more mysterious, unnatural? He couldn't read her past before this moment, which effectively gave her a blank history which he was unable to see, wondering if she had some kind of Chroma interference within her timeline, which would explain why he couldn't read her future either. Unless, of course, her future and his future were intertwined, a weakness in his power that made him unable to see his own future. He mentally sighed, something he should have known to be difficult, as nothing ever came too easy. Surprisingly, she managed to reply and was unable to come up with her own name, which Kaito took to mean she had no memories of what had happened...or she had no memories before this. He did consider the wild possibility the ocean literally created her in the light and bubbles, and normally he would be crazy for thinking that, but it wouldn't be the strangest thing he'd ever seen happen.

                              "That's a shame, one can't walk through life without a name. How about a temporary one, until you can remember yours?" He smiled politely, gently, looking down to her with his soft green eyes and his snow white hair blowing gently in the ocean breeze. He thought about it for a moment, figuring that since they were in Tokyo that a Japanese-based name would be the most appropriate. It did take him a moment to string together some translated words into a name that wasn't just for the fun of it, but meant something as well. After about a half-minute, he finally spoke, "Umiko. It means "child of the sea", and that seems very appropriate right now. Are you alright to stand? Can you walk? Here, let me help you." Kaito carefully stood up and helped her onto her feet, her weakness in her legs causing her to stumble into him, Kaito catching her in a hug, which made him laugh gently, "there you go, I've got you. Do you know anything about yourself?"

                              Kaito wasn't sure who she was, where she'd come from, or what she was doing here any more than she did, but at least he was lucky enough to find her, he wondered if she'd have been okay without his intervening. He wondered if this was part of forging his own destiny, if his desire to see the Ferris Wheel had given him the perfect vantage point to find Umiko, or if he was still being nudged in the right directions from Chronos. Though he knew Chronos wasn't around, those strings were gone and he could feel that to be true. Kaito could only, perhaps for the first time in a long time, chalk this up to coincidence. A wonderful coincidence at that. "You must be starving, if you want to come with me I can get you out of those wet clothes and we can get you something to eat. Does that sound alright with you?" He wanted to make sure she was willingly wanting to follow him and trusted him enough to help her before doing anything that might make her uncomfortable. Kaito smiled politely, cheerful and happy, he was a pleasant guy and it would be hard to be distrusting of such a person. He hoped she would see it that way before he would take her towards the nearest clothing store to get her something to wear, and then take her somewhere to eat. How weird it was that this woman simply popped into his life, he was rarely surprised by anything. That was until Valor became his next destination, with Chroma being a terrible interference to his time abilities he was finding himself surprised a lot more lately.

BIoodbane's Fav

Ruthless Firestarter

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                            ___The violet haired female laid with her back on the beach, raising herself slightly to attempt to elevate herself and cough out the water still in her lungs. She was terribly cold from having been in the water for so long and then coming to the surface. She closed her eyes as she coughed more, this hurts. Ugh.. I can't stop the shivering... This feels so awful. Somehow she only felt warmer when the water rushed back onto the shore and touched her skin. Only then did she feel her body naturally connect to the temperature of the sea and wish to stay in it. However, whatever that voice was wanted her to adapt, adjust, and continue her journey on land. Without much thought given to it other than having it be the sole purpose of her existence, she laid and tried to fight the cold and adjust. Suddenly she heard something. A patting sound and the sound of other life. She turned her eyes to find the source of the noise, wondering if it was the holder of the voice, but instead she found another person. A man. She looked at him with some curiosity, aside from her troubled expression in attempts to breathe clearly. His hair was white, like the light of the moon and immediately caught her attention. His eyes were a vivid green like the seaweed and algae. Was he the voice? Or was he just another person? She felt her heart leap to her throat at the thought of this man having something to do with her existence.

                            Could it be him? she asked herself as she was eager to know just who this man was. He knelt down beside her, addressing her and asking if she was alright. She continued to cough, but then felt a small sadness. If he was wondering if she was alright, chances were he did not know what had happened to her. Maybe he wasn't the person she thought he was, but she stayed intrigued by him more and more. She felt his hands pull her onto his lap where she was elevated to breathe a little better. The rest of the water escaping her lungs as she calmed her rapid breathing, putting a hand over her heart to feel it beat slower as she calmed. She opened her eyes however, looking into the vivid seagreen hues that belonged to this gentleman as he introduced himself, "My name's Kaito, Kaito Kojima, do you have a name?" She gazed at him carefully, but was unsure of how to reply. She thought for a moment, and shockingly what... is my name? She pursed her lips slightly as she gazed back at the ocean and looked for a clue. Something out there had to be able to give her a small hint on helping her recall her identity, if she even had one. After focusing on the sea and knowing positively she could not recall or think of a name given to her, she looked at him, speaking her first words to him, "...I..." she said quietly, blushing a little when she heard her voice for the first time and sounding so... different. His voice had so much more confidence and power in it, but was gentle and kind... Hers seemed to be very fragile, gentle, and hard to hear for the time being. "...I do not have one." She wondered just what he would say to somebody who didn't have a name.

                            "That's a shame, one can't walk through life without a name. How about a temporary one, until you can remember yours?" The ocean breeze lifted their hair as they looked at each other carefully, her eyes never disconnecting with his until she had to blink every now and then. This was her first encounter with another person. She was studying him carefully, but was taken back in surprise by the offer of a temporary one until she could somehow remember her own. Maybe she did have one, locked away somewhere... but she looked at the white haired man as he was silently thinking of something for her. "Umiko. It means 'child of the sea', and that seems very appropriate right now." She took a moment to repeat the name to herself in her head, smiling gently with glistening hues as she complimented the name, "it sounds beautiful. I... really like it," she said. It was a very nice name, and it was the first thing she had ever received from another person. "Thank you, Kaito Kojima," she said by recalling his name fully as he gave it. "Can you stand? Can you walk? Let me help you." Umiko looked up at Kaito and then back down to her legs, seeing him carefully stand and help her up with a hand.

                            She grabbed onto his hand with much reliance on his strength to keep her on her feet, but then as she tried to stand on her own she struggled. She stumbled into him in the direction she was moving when he had caught her in a hug and laughed. Somehow, Umiko's eyes widened at the sound of his laughter and looked up at him. The red boiled in her cheeks when she noticed how happy he was, and wondered why he was here. Was it fate? A coincidence? Destiny? "There you go, I've got you. Do you know anything about yourself?" He spoke out to her as he helped her stay up on her feet. When she was able to get her own footing, she finally released her hold of him and spoke up, "No... I don't. I.. woke up and I saw the moon..." she blushed a little, then holding her arm and turning to view the ocean again. She wasn't sure what he would think of the story, but she decided not to dwell on it any further.

                            "You must be starving, come with me, I can get you out of those wet clothes and we can get you something to eat. Does that sound alright with you?" She looked back to him and took a moment, then nodding her head and smiling softly as she held her arms crossed against her chest. She shivered rather roughly and then exhaled with some exhaustion, "It sounds... wonderful. She glanced back over at him as he walked with her, holding her cold arms close and taking small glances from him to the surrounding area as she asked, "...How... did you find me? I mean... what were you doing at the beach at this hour? It's so late."


                            She paced down the city streets lit with dim lights on the downtown Tokyo streets. She pressed her fingers against her lips harshly as she felt the warmth of his still on her. It was entirely too hot, and she was melting from the memory fresh in her head. O-Oh my god... He... H-He kissed me. What... w-what... what do I do?! She was so shaken up by the feeling of love pouring into her heart that she collapsed on her knees by an alleyway and crawled into a nearby shadow to hide from the lights and sights of others. It was the steady but heavy beat of her heart that kept her on her knees for the time that she hid in the darkness. She was so shaken by how much she wanted to turn around and find Takashi, hold him close and be near him knowing that their love could be mutual. Right? Mutual.. no. Wait... maybe... I-I don't know... she cursed herself as tears pooled in her eyes, feeling the hot blush engulf her face as she cried cold tears and shivered, I-I feel like... I-I don't know my heart anymore!

                            She was suddenly struck with the sadness of having her curse activated that she wasn't sure how to handle the aftermath. She avoided this for so long. Every man that looked her way, she always looked the other way. She never paid a shred of attention to the possibilities of romance and everything else... but when she was near Takashi she felt energy from him... naturally. She felt calm, revitalized and energized. He was a calm energy and a warmth that she liked to be around. She never expected for him to have such powers, or for somebody like her to save him. When she hugged him and tried to save him in the torment of his powers tearing him apart, she was fully prepared to die by his side. If she couldn't save him, she would at least make sure he wasn't alone... but she did save him. In return and in later events, he saved her. Then... he kissed her. She only wanted him to wait because she wanted more time to prepare her heart. There was so many more words to speak, things to cheek, feelings to discuss... but he showed them. He showed them in such an undeniably powerful way... that Hikaru knew the only way to give that kind of love back was to put herself through the most heart tormenting torture of all. To love him from a distance and come back when she was ready for any kind of consequence.

                            She closed her eyes, crying softly as she came to the resolve that this was what she wanted to do, but then heard the approach of a figure. She recognized the voice calling out her alias, and wiped away the tears. He could just pass the alleyway. She could go home after he passed, crawl into her bed and text him. She would changed her living arrangements, grab her necessities and leave to another one of her locations to go into hiding and figure things out... but each step that he took put a painful tremor in her heart that rippled with the guilt of just knowing he was looking for her. She tore off the blue wig that belonged to Lacia, her long pink locks were somewhat drenched in water as she turned around and stood up, looking at the alley's entrance that he had just walked past. "Wait," she spoke up as she reached for him and grabbed him by the back of his shirt. She pulled him close and spoke, "Takashi..."

                            Feeling suddenly feverish and with nobody around this area, she wrapped her hands around Takashi from behind and put her hands on his chest, holding him close and moving herself closer to him from behind. She pressed her forehead against him and nuzzled into his back, breathing in his scent and feeling so much more at peace when he was close. His scent started to intoxicate her like and caused her to entirely lose focus. With nobody out in their area, unknowing Serene was looking for him but was still far away, she dragged him with a few steps backwards with her until he was turned to face her. She pressed up against him with his back to the wall, gripping the front of his shirt tightly as her hair fell loosely on her shoulders and in the front of her torn up dress that Lacia wore for the movie. Her left shoulder strap came loose on her shoulder as she pressed up against him and moved up to his neck, lightly kissing it and simultaneously wrapping her fragile arms around his neck.

                            She didn't know what was drawing her to wanting to be so close to him so suddenly, but she didn't just want to be with him. She needed to be with him... for this time. If.. I'm going to force myself away... I just want to have him here... Just one time. One night.. a-and then... I can do my best. I-I'll take the time it takes to make sure he's happy-- I-- that I-I'm happy. The both of us. R-Right... her mind warped by love and the curse's effect was mixed so strongly she was trying to draw the line between how she felt and what she was forced to feeling. They were so tied together it was almost impossible to tell the difference, but there had to be. The way Takashi spoke to her earlier, she had to reply with something. "T-Takashi," she said as she stopped and nuzzled herself into his shoulder, holding him close, "I-I..." she swallowed, "I really care about you. I... I think... that I... might be... in love with you too." She back up so she could look down at his shirt, pulling back so he could get a better view of her clearly embarrassed but complicated expression, "But... I... I'm going away. I-I might be gone... for a l-long time.. but... I want you to know... that I will come back to you."

                            She closed her eyes, resting her forehead on him as she heard the approach and the call of somebody looking for him. Hikaru pulled back and allowed a single tear to fall. She had no time... She couldn't have him for the night like she wanted. She couldn't keep him from this life of friends and success. She certainly didn't need to... even if she wanted to be selfish for just once. She stood on her tip toes to engage their lips in a deep kiss. She inhaled him softly, kissing him deeply but gently as she wanted to as the blush on her face was entirely too hot. She felt like she might pass out, but she couldn't help but draw near him. She moved a hand to the front of his chest, pulling energy between the two of them for a moment that when she finally pulled back from that kiss, he would be temporarily paralyzed by her. She turned to the shadows quickly, making her way to one of her fake alias' alternate homes and staying there for the night.

                            sdkfjgnd ⇢☆ ★ ☆ ★)▒███ -::- 「in the.WORLD;︾ of the LONELY★!!I`M THE F L O W E R BORN IN THE SEA
                            ♛ ▰ ▱ ▰ ▱ 〈i n 0 h e r e 0 w e 0 ╒ a c e 0 o u r ╒ e a r s --00
                            W__ELCOMEto the p.lace of⊱ birth❞ bySLEEP

                                                    BIRTH BY SLEEP IN THE MOONLIT SEA
                                                    BIRTH BY SLEEP IN THE MOONLIT SEA
                                                    BIRTH BY SLEEP IN THE MOONLIT SEA


Dangerous Lunatic

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                              It was such a beautiful night, there was hardly a cloud in the sky and the moon was full, illuminating the pier, the beach, and the calm waves of the ocean. He walked the beach with joy in his heart over the events of the day, the battle they'd won, and the promises he'd kept. The Ferris Wheel would raise him above the ocean and give him a view few would appreciate, and without obstruction from the ground. The sudden change in the surroundings had caught his attention, the woman floating onto the beach had sprung him into action, hurrying to her side to make sure the girl he'd spotted was alright, and that no harm would come to her. When he reached her side she was having trouble breathing and he brought her onto his lap to help make that easier for her. Introducing himself, he asked if she had a name as well, which took a while for her to reply to. When she finally replied, he felt a little bit of sadness. "...I..." she said quietly, blushing a little as he looked down at her with a gentle smile. Her voice was fragile, gentle, and hard to hear as she spoke softly. "...I do not have one." The sadness was from her not knowing her name, one couldn't walk through life without one, so he decided he would come up with something for her, at least until she could recall her real name. She smiled to the idea of Umiko, liking it. "It sounds beautiful. I... really like it," she said in her soft voice, "thank you, Kaito Kojima." He smiled. "You are very welcome." He replied, asking if she was alright to stand and walk, helping her to do so. He laughed when she stumbled and he caught her, wrapping her in his arms to keep her up. This was nice, that feeling of being relied on, he would make sure to keep her safe until her memories returned, this was his new mission, her safety and helping her regain what she'd lost, or at least uncover who she was.

                              She held herself up now, Kaito releasing her from the hug, asking if she knew anything about herself. "No... I don't. I.. woke up and I saw the moon..." she blushed a little, then holding her arm and turning to view the ocean again. He nodded, "so bright and big tonight, I suppose it would be hard to miss." He then continued on asking if she was hungry and would be willing to go with him, he told her he could get her out of those clothes into something dry and better fitting than a simple white dress. "It sounds... wonderful. She glanced back over at him as they started walking together, Umiko holding her cold arms close and taking small glances from him to the surrounding area as she asked, "...How... did you find me? I mean... what were you doing at the beach at this hour? It's so late." Kaito looked over to her to see she was cold and he wasn't surprised by that. "A good question, one I'll answer momentarily. Give me a moment would you? Don't be alarmed, I'm what you'd call Gifted." He smiled as he stepped in front of her then a few steps backward, using manipulating of space-time to teleport himself back to his apartment. In a moment he rummaged through his closet and returned to Umiko, moving at normal speed as to not scare her with his ability over time, simply teleporting to as not overwhelm her with too much. "There we are, a simple teleport back to my apartment for a nice coat." He draped the brown fluffy jacket over her shoulders, caring little for it getting wet, as he put an arm around her and walked with her.

                              "As for your question, I was taking a stroll, my friends and I were going to meet up for something to eat later and I had time, so the beach was appealing. Finding you was a matter of being in the right place at the right time." He looked to her with a gentle smile, leading her back into the city where he could find a 24-hour department store where they sold clothes. He led her inside and towards the clothing rack, taking his time with her to pick out clothes that would fit and be something she was comfortable with wearing. "Next time I have a beautiful young woman emerge from the ocean, I think I'll have a plan for it. A "woman of the ocean survival kit", if you will, with clothes in it so the first thing we do isn't have to shop for clothes." He teased lightly, looking at her with a soft laugh. Kaito made sure she had enough clothes for a few days, going through the woman's clothing area to pick out some stuff and put in their hand basket, pulling the tags off the clothes she would be wearing out of the store and leading her towards the cash registers. "You look lovely, Umiko." He stated, matter-of-factly, paying for the clothes and receiving a text from Serene. With the clothes bagged, he held the plastic bag and glanced at his phone, texting Serene back. "Looks like things didn't go so well for my friend Takashi, my other friend Serene is taking him home and then she's heading home herself." He looked over to Umiko, shrugging with a small smile, "well then, that leaves us free. Let's grab the food I promised and come up with the next plan of attack, shall we?" Leaving the department store, Kaito took Umiko with him to find a place to eat.


                              Takashi was running all over the place trying to catch her, get some hint of a trail, or something. He was being led by something, an invisible force perhaps, or something that maybe was giving him the right path. Either way, whether or not he was going the right way, he would keep moving. He needed to find her, make sure she was okay, make sure that what he did - kiss her - was okay as well. He felt like an idiot, he didn't ask her for permission he just did it. But it felt right, like it had been something they'd both wanted for so long. Or was that only what he wanted to think? Either way, he wasn't about to give up searching for her. "Wait," she spoke up as she reached for him and grabbed him by the back of his shirt. She pulled him close and spoke, "Takashi..." He paused, having ran by an alley and finding himself held onto by Hikaru. His heart skipped a beat, in fact his entire body shivered with delight, nervous by what would happen next. "Hikaru." He whispered in reply.

                              Surprised and feeling warm from the contact, he felt her wrap her arms around him and resting her hands on his chest, a beautiful feeling he never wanted to end. He felt her nuzzle into his back, then pulled backwards and turned to face her, the most beautiful woman in the world with pink hair standing in front of him. He wanted to say something, say a lot of things, but he was speechless seeing her gorgeous face staring at him. She was pressing her body against him, his knees going weak but still he managed to keep himself standing, his back to the wall. "H...Hikaru." Twice now he'd whispered her name, it was all he could muster. Her left shoulder strap came loose as he looked down at her, a blush on his face from the bare skin of her shoulder. Her lips moved to his neck and kissed it softly, causing his blush to intensify and his body shiver in delight. Her arms wrapped around his neck as he exhaled slowly, carefully, afraid he would be lightheaded and pass out.

                              "T-Takashi," she said as she nuzzled herself into his shoulder, holding him close, his arms slowly wrapping around her to keep her just as close, unable to let her go, or unwilling. "I-I..." she swallowed, him looking down to her curiously, blushing lightly from everything that was occurring, "I really care about you. I... I think... that I... might be... in love with you too." His heart skipped a beat, he didn't know how to reply to that. She backed up a little bit so he could get a clear view of her obviously embarrassed expression. He blinked, a little confused by what she said next, "but... I... I'm going away. I-I might be gone... for a l-long time.. but... I want you to know... that I will come back to you." She closed her eyes and rested her forehead against him, "n-no, you don't have to. We can...work on whatever we need to. Please don't." He didn't like the idea of losing her, but before he could say anything more she stood on the tip of her toes and kissed him deeply. He felt like he was melting, his heart racing, his face gone supernova, a heat unlike any other. He had an incredible feeling, unable to really describe how the kiss made him feel, suddenly feeling her hand touch his chest and he knew, in this moment clearer than any other, he had to have her. In any way he could, in all ways she would let him, as long as she didn't leave. Then he felt weak, he felt his energy being drained and finally he was paralyzed. The kiss had ended and he could only hopelessly watch as she disappeared to the shadows and was long gone when the paralysis wore off. Serene arrived not too terribly long after Hikaru had gone.

                              The paralysis wore off and he stumbled into Serene, then moved back and looked at her, "s-she's gone. Take me home, I'm suddenly feeling as though I'd rather be alone." He sighed, turning away from Serene who, instead of saying a word, hugged him gently and nodded. Pulling away, she led Takashi back to her vehicle and texted Kaito.

                              Takashi was stood up,
                              heading back to his place
                              no dinner tonight, sorry.
                              Maybe tomorrow. xoxo

                              A real shame to hear,
                              I was hoping for a
                              better resolution. Let
                              me know about
                              tomorrow. Sleep well.

                              Serene smiled softly to the text she'd replied back, it wasn't the most affectionate thing in the world but it only went to prove she couldn't hate Kaito, she cared deeply for him and after she'd calmed down she realized that, no he hadn't done the right thing initially, but really pulled through in the end. She'd talk with him about it later, but for now she wasn't angry or upset anymore, and she knew they could still easily be friends. Pocketing her phone, leading Takashi home and then going back to her place once he was safely in the confines of his apartment. She decided to call it an early night, just like Takashi, and went to bed.

                              Kaito and Umiko had, after leaving the department store, gone to find someplace to eat. Kaito was in the mood for a salad and it was surprisingly difficult to find a place that served a salad this late at night, so he took her to the grocery store and decided to pick them up something from the deli. "I hope this doesn't come off as creepy but, it seems you don't know of a place you can go and with it being so late I wouldn't feel right leaving you alone. I have a large apartment and a guest room you can stay in, if you're okay with the idea we can head back to my place, eat, and you're welcome to use the shower or whatever else you might need." He had to make sure she was comfortable around him, Kaito was friendly enough but he wasn't about to do anything she didn't like, "the guest room has a nice bed, I've never actually had it slept on before, I don't usually have guests so you get the luxury of being my first!" He chuckled lightly, but he realized how incredibly sad that sounded. Then again, he was rarely home anyway, but she didn't know that.

                              Umiko seemed alright with the idea of staying with him, so he grabbed the food from the deli and led her back to his apartment. He shut the door behind them and turned on the lights. As expected from a place he rarely stayed in there wasn't much there, a large television on the wall and a couch in front of it, a couple end tables and lamps but no pictures or decorations. The rest of the apartment wasn't any more decorated either, just the necessities. Even his bedroom was bare, just an alarm clock radio sitting on a nightstand, a bed with simple sheets, closet with some clothes, and his pocket watch next to the alarm clock. Guest room had a large bed, nightstand with alarm clock, and a lamp, while the bathroom just had the necessities in it for showering, some extra towels in the hallway closet. "Truth be told, Umiko, I'm a traveler, I actually rarely stay here so it's not as nicely decorated as it could be." He told her honestly, though without the added details of "time traveler" thrown in there, not mentioning that when he traveled it was often other universes or time periods. He never spent much money on an apartment he lived in, simply because he never knew when he would be moving on. Though, with the changes in his life now, maybe he would go shopping for stuff to furnish the place and make it look less bare, after all, he might leave Valor but he could come back before anyone ever knew he was gone.

                              "Bathroom is down the hall, towels in the closet, you're welcome to take a shower, don't mind the manly body wash but I have citrus shampoo and condition. So that's nice." Kaito set the extra clothes from the plastic bag on the kitchen counter, looking to Umiko, "my home is your home, even if it isn't much." Regardless of what she decided to do, Kaito was awfully hungry so he decided to take his salad and sit on the couch, turning on some simple cartoons to watch while he ate.

                              After everything was said and done, them taking their shower (at separate times), and dinner, it had gotten to be pretty late and time for bed. Kaito showed her to the bedroom and put her extra clothes away in the empty closet. "If you need anything just let me know, my door is always unlocked. Goodnight, Umiko." He smiled happily as he went to his bedroom to remove his shirt and put on his pajama pants, climbing into bed and pulling off his socks to lay down and drift away into dream land. Tomorrow would be an interesting day, and he couldn't wait to experience it.

BIoodbane's Fav

Ruthless Firestarter

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                      The angel sat on the edge of her bed, firm from being untouched as she did not rest one bit the night of her reincarnation. Who was that man? she asked quietly to herself as she recalled the blue haired figure that appeared in a moment of her dissolve and pieced her back together. With him hovering in her space of afterlife, grabbing the lighter parts of her, she felt something being pressed into her body as he clicked her back like a broken doll. Somehow it was an element that she couldn't describe until it was revealed later to be darkness. During his process of having put her back together, she knew it was cold. It felt as if she was being forced to return to being whole again instead of being 'reborn' as he would describe afterwards. She clasped her hands in a tight fist as she sat on the edge of her bed, just thinking about the event freshly in her head as she then slowly opened her hands. I wonder... she asked herself as she looked at the charm in her hands holding two of her still pure feathers inside, did I do it right... Defiance? She only gazed softly at the bottle and felt some comfort in seeing her reflection in the glass. She was alive, a gift she found to be greater than anything she could hope. Maybe in this life, she would have another chance.

                      Months passed and turned into a year, Nill taking in the slow realization that every time the door was shut, she never went outside. She would lay in bed, whisper to herself, "...Maybe tomorrow." She only believed what Vance had said.. that maybe the world had transformed after her death because of what happened in Solica. Yet, she still had a ray of hope high in her heart. She yearned to go outside and see the world again, to see it new. One night, after many back to back nights of his disappearance that left her alone in the dark, she clutched his sleeve, entirely desperate as she looked up at him with tears in her eyes. She could no longer hold in the yearning and desire to see the outside world. "Please, take me with you," she pleaded as she grabbed his sleeve and slowly slipped from holding it to holding his glove-covered hand when she sat on her knees on the ground. "I... I-I want to see the sky again. I want to feel to w-wind a-and.. I... I-I want to go outside. Please I need this. I-It's the only thing I will e-ever want! Please, Vance... Take me with you." She wiped her tears with her free hand after begging him to do so, but then he turned to her and knelt down in front of her. "No." The two lettered word sent tremors and a shockwave of agony to rush over Nill. Every muscle instantly tightened as she took a sharp inhale, and then she got up and sped away from him to her room. She unclenched everything behind the sound-proof door once shut and broke down.

                      Nill had never been one to tend to violence, but even if she wanted to break something there was nothing in her room to break. A window would have kept her sane.. but all she saw were white walls and halls. Vance and a few others were her only rainbow of colors, despite their vividness they were all dark and dulled souls. She slammed her back against the door, slammed herself onto her bed shortly after and tried to tear at her sheets. She quickly grew tired of trying and stained them instead. As she laid in what was nothing short of a bed full of tears and moving around like mad, her charm fell loose from the confines of her pillow case. She grabbed it, knowing she couldn't make her own wishes, and recalled her thoughts on Defiance. She had ended up here for him, Instead of going crazy, losing soul and hope... the charm kept her sane. She never cried about the outside again, and never said a word to Vance with plea in her tone. Instead, she would lay in bed and think until she fell asleep, then wake up to think again. All she thought about was Defiance. She recalled the only few memories she had, and by blocking out the darkness that Vance tried to continually weave into her heart... the idea, the person, and the actions of her hero Defiance became her personal reasoning for her defiance against Vance by showing how emotionally tormented she was. He loved to taint the angel, but she took away the fun when she showed no response.

                      Later as time passed and Noah returned... those feelings surfaced and she cried for the first time in a long time. Noah being there was nothing more than a tormenting treasure. It was purely agonizing for her to be inches from him but completely unable to have him. It was hard for the days he was there. When Vance kissed her, she was scared Noah would think that she loved him. Somehow, he saw through it all. He gave her so many memories and filled her reborn heart with joy... that when the time of desperation came and he was in danger, Nill gave her life for him. After seeing the outside with Noah, receiving so much kindness... she had no regrets, even to not be set free. She loved him so much and wanted to tell him when she was about to be filled with complete darkness, but she knew it was too late. He was one of her first thoughts in this new life, and then was the very last. But... he came back and saved her. With a wish so desiring, Nill was reborn by his love. She was not stitched together by the cold fabrics of darkness.When reborn by Noah's wish, she was stitched together with a light they both shared. She was no longer a victim of darkness, but she had fallen harder than ever in love in the same soft fell swoop of when she descended back into his arms.

                      She felt excited and happy having been free for some time... but the lingering depression still followed. After their double date with Daxter and Ember, only short moments after their reunion, they were all pushed back into the reality that they temporarily turned away from. Nill was feeling that same shred of terror she did in the arcade. Every time she thought she was happy, at peace, and relaxed... something had to happen. Something always had to happen. She stood when Kunik stuttered in the questioning of her wings. "Y-You have wings." she pointed out to Nill that caused her to swallow hard. She tilted her chin slightly up. The exit was right there. She could make it, right? Embrace the cold because the warmth was too hot. What would they think of her then? She's always been on the run. Would they hate Noah? Would she be forbidden to see him? Would they reject her? Noah stepped in and grabbed the necklace, standing in front of the frightened angel to put the necklace back on her as she saw the glimmer of that turquoise necklace started to come close... Then it was pulled away. Nill shot her eyes up and saw Kunik, "Why would you want to hide those?" She said, turning to Noah with a sudden angry expression, huffing loudly, "what, are you ashamed of Nill's wings?!" Nill widened her eyes and was stunned to hear someone saying that. Someone who was not Gifted.

                      "W-What? Of course not! I find her wings beautiful, but there are...some people not so receptive to them." She was so shocked by Kunik's change of behavior that she didn't know what to think when Kunik pushed Noah away from her and approached her with such a wide grin, gently starting to touch Nill's wings. Nill instantly blushed immensely. She whimpered a little soft and closed her eyes gently when Kunik pet her wings and she felt a purr crawl around her throat for a moment. Her wings had never been groomed or pet so softly unless she felt arms wrap her in a hug, but even then she couldn't help but react when Kunik pet and complimented, "Nill, they're so beautiful. You're like a living angel. I'm so jealous, I wish I had these beautiful things on my back." Nill blushed brightly when she was complimented as an angel.. and she was touched. Kunik then handed the necklace back to her but kept a firm grip on Nill when she did, "Don't hide them, at least not in this home, they're so gorgeous. Oh my goodness! I have the best idea for a new outfit, just for you! No wonder you're so beautiful, Nill, you're an angel!" Still being caught so off guard, Nill joined the rest of them for dinner with her wings still out. Luckily she didn't draw to much attention from them, and continued to eat while Noah asked Kunik about her job.

                      "What's there to tell? I'm a fashion designer, I design fashion." The silents gestures were exchanged and Noah was thrown some food from Kunik, "don't throw your food at me." He said sternly, looking to Nill, "this is what I put up with. She's like a child." Kunik laughed, looking at Nill, "so how is life with Mister-Grumpy-Serious-Pants?" Nill smiled a little nervously, "M-Mister... Grumpy-S-Serious-Pants?" "I'm not always serious." "Ever since we were kids you were incredibly serious." Noah stabbed at his food with his fork and slipped it into his mouth, shaking his head, "okay fine, so I can be quite serious, I admit that. You're also difficult. "What's there to tell?" Really? Perhaps the clients you work with, models you work with, shows you put on. There's plenty to tell. Is it too much to ask for a straight answer?" Noah looked at Nill, smiling softly, "sorry, honey." He said in a low tone, Kunik sighed. "I hate it. I mean it's so rewarding but the people I work with are professional jerks. There are like one or two models that are down-to-earth and actually kind of nice. The rest are too good for a rookie designer's designs. It's so frustrating! "Who designed this?!" they would say, like it came out of the back of a children's comic book. I wanna punch them in their botox-injected lips." Noah started laughing uncontrollably.

                      Nill sat peacefully, enjoying the rest of the banter that continued from then onward. What did later catch her off guard was the talk of Kunik saying Nill would be a perfect model. She only smiled shyly. Would I ever be able to pull off something like that? she wondered quietly to herself as she was just curious. Kunik did gasp afterwards, where she asked Noah and herself to go to a show she would have in Tokyo. "Well," he said looking back to Kunik, "there's a lot of stuff that's going on for us lately, but if we'll try to make it, that sound good to you, Nill?" He asked, looking over to his angel with a smile. Nill smiled with a light pink blush on her cheeks and nodded, accepting the invitation and if they could make it, to definitely go. It sounded like fun. After the talk and promise of trying to make the show, Nil enjoyed the food and desserts thoroughly. Noah complimented the desserts while Nill smiled and enjoyed her treat, a joyful, small hum escaping her lips while Noah talked about his plans for Nill. She widened her eyes as it was revealed what they would do and blushed at the mention of the penguins, remembering her outburst of excitement to see them earlier.

                      "so romantic! I know you'll love it, Nill," she said, looking over to the angel with a smile. "It's really beautiful. So you won't be home tonight then, Noah?" She asked, looking over to him. "We will, but it'll be later tonight." He replied. Nill blushed and looked down at her empty plate, the butterflies rising in her stomach as Noah and her were about to spend more time.. together. They would be alone... in his home village. After Kunik declared she would be fine with the dishes, Nill then looked over to Noah who took her hand gently into his and spoke softly to her about going to enjoy the sunset. He took her to the front door and then kissed her cheeks softly while they dressed in warm layers. She smiled, but it slowly faded when she saw the same outfit underneath all his layers. It was his Defiance outfit. Her beloved hero... but this time she wasn't sure how to feel about seeing it. It made her... sad. She walked outside with Noah and looked out to the blue skies above, the orange sun lowering in the sky slowly. Nill's teal eyes looked on the sky with only a small sorrow in her heart as the joy outweighed that sadness. She knew she could never be truly alone with Noah with things as they were now. It was all bad timing for what she wanted, but there were matters that she could not control. She would be patient, and eventually... her time would come.

                      Noah led the two of them to Pana's cabin where Nill had shuffled to hide her wings in her warm clothes. "Noatak and Nill, what a pleasure! Do you want to come in?" He asked, smiling to Nill who looked absolutely adorable in her warm clothes. "No, thank you, actually I was going to take Nill up north to see the sunset, Kunik tells me you have a campsite there?" Pana nodded, smiling, "as if you had to ask, the campsite is yours to use it as you wish. Here," Pana left the two standing in the doorway for a moment as he left to retrieve something, then returned with a key, "for one of the snowmobiles. It'll get you there in a short time and won't scare away the animals, very quiet. Just remember to turn off the propane tank so it doesn't leak out. All this talk of keeping the old ways and I use propane to heat a tent. Although in my defense I rarely use the heat." Noah chuckled, "father complained a lot of the cold during the hunting trips, I imagine he financed the idea." Pana nodded, "correct! Last time your father was here he brought it with him and made me set it up. To be completely honest once the tank runs dry I doubt I'll refill it. But anyway, you two love birds go! Feel free to use the hunting equipment, or there's another chest next to it filled with...ah I don't want to spoil it. I know you and Nill will get close to the penguins with it though." He grinned, leaning in close to Noah and whispering something into his ear. "I'm glad it's not penguin suits." Pana laughed, "no, but that gives me an idea!" Waving them off, Noah grabbed Nill by a mitten-wearing hand, pulling her along and smiling back to her as they went to the vehicle storage garage.

                      The two were eventually make it to the snow mobile, She sat quietly behind him, a bright smile on her face when she sat and wrapped her arms around him tightly. She laid her head against his back and was reminded of the time he took her on her first ride outside on a motorcycle, and how big of an impact that made in her life. How happy... Noah made her. The bright blue skies gave way to a burnt orange that covered above them, bouncing off the snow crystals that gave the land around them a sparkling effect. It was utterly beautiful and gorgeous to look at the entire trip up to the campsite. Nill took in all of the world's beauty as much as she could while they traveled fast. In the distance was Pana's campsite, a decent-sized tent connected to a heating system powered by the propane tank. Next to the heating system were two small chests laid side by side. Slowing down the snowmobile behind the tent Noah turned off the vehicle and stepped off of it, turning on the heat by opening the panel to be granted access to the thermostat and then opening the valve for the propane tank. Nill watched Noah carefully as he then turned to her. He took a hold of her hand, where she smiled from having him reach for her hand. It was such a loving gesture in all the small ways.

                      She was then taken to a cliff where they could see several penguins in the distance. Nill's eyes widened as an immediate blush of dark red engulfed her face. She looked at them, loud as they were when they talked to one another in their small flock, and watched them waddle around. Noah looked over to Nill with a smile. "Pana says they're friendly. Would you like to get up close to meet them? Come!" He led her back to the tent and smiled as he got into one of the chests, opening it up to discover a bucket and dozens of tiny fish that Pana used to feed them with, getting close. She watched him remove his gloves and take one of the buckets, Nill blinking her eyes. What's he going to do with those, I wonder... "Let's go feed some penguins!" Nill was surprised to hear that, and suddenly a cheesy smile on her closed lips emerged with a happy blink. "Y-Yes." Noah then led her to the coastline and approached the group. He grabbed a fish from the bucket and began approaching the penguins, careful not to alarm them. The penguins took notice and turned to look at him, slowly approaching when they realized he had food. Nill squealed at how they waddled so cautiously to him. It was too adorable to watch. "Honey, watch!" He said to her as half a dozen penguins started to surround him, jumping to try and get the fish he was holding. Noah laughed as one penguin jumped a little higher and grabbed the fish from his hands, waddling away quickly. "Your turn!" He told her.

                      Nill blinked her eyes and looked at the bucket he held, taking a fish in her hand and then holding it a little high while taking a few steps away from Noah to have space to feed the penguins. When they all waddled towards her, she blushed and spoke up, "T-They walk so... cute. N-Noah I might n-not be able to handle it...!" She held the fish a little high, one penguin in particular rubbing its belly against her leg and nuzzling it with its head in order to win food with love and affection. This worked as Nill bent forward and gave it the fish as compared to the ones that yelled. Somehow they must have caught on quickly to this routine of Nill giving them food in exchange for affection, because they all gathered around her legs and started to nuzzle her and bump into her with their bellies in exchange for more fish she had. She blushed, trying to feed them carefully as they seemed to really enjoy it. She was able to pet some of them, and a small baby penguin who had not received any fish ended up being picked up by Nill towards the end to get its treat. That penguin squawked loud which originally startled Nill, but she didn't drop it, holding it close instead where it too nuzzled her a little. She looked at Noah while petting them all, smiling brightly and telling him how excited she was and how cute they all were.

                      By the end of her little treat of visiting and feeding the penguins, the two made it back to the campsite and placed the empty bucket in the chest. She followed Noah tent and sat down to face the transparent front. She looked at the outside with such anticipation for such an amazing sunset as Noah spoke up while coming closer. "Did you have fun with the penguins, angel?" Nill nodded her head and kept her steady gaze on the outside when she responded, "I-It... It was so much fun. I... am so glad I got to see them. They were so cute." She saw Noah's hand shift and point to the sunset as it began to illuminate a brilliant blue color with green running in ripples across the sky. She was surprised to feel his hand graze her cheek gently to turn and look at him, where her teal eyes shifted from beautiful scenery to the most beautiful eyes she had ever looked into. She recognized that green aura from the sky having traces in his brilliant green irises as she was pulled close, his eyes closing eventually as his lips graced hers and grazed hers with a kiss. She closed her eyes. She knew that under all his layers he was wearing the Defiance uniform... but she understood right then that he never stopped wearing his heart on his sleeve for her. He wasn't disguised into being something that he wasn't right at this moment. He was being himself around her, and that was all she could ever want. "I love you." He nuzzled her cheek shortly after.

                      Nill was being able to look at the most beautiful light show in the world, and then sharing the kiss with Noah was... something she turned her attention back to. She tore her eyes away from looking at the beautiful light show as she spoke, "Noah..." She was careful in saying his name, treating it like a fragile treasure but this time when saying it... she showed some nervousness. She slowly overcame that when she thought back and looked at what necklace still remained on his neck. The tent was warm enough she slowly slipped out of her coat, her mittens coming off as she revealed her white wings to him. "I... I know I don't say much." Nill blinked a little. She wasn't as silent as Ember most days, but lately she had been more quiet because these people were so new to her. "...And that may have been because I was getting to know your family... but I... wanted to let you know that I love your family. They are so kind. They... accepted me." She smiled with a blush to Noah and continued to come closer to him as she slowly pressed a palm flat against his chest on top of his coat. "And.. your village is beautiful. Everything about you... is exactly as I dreamed it would be... but so much more. I... never thought... I would be the one by your side. I always thought I may end up alone romantically, because I didn't have time in such a dangerous world for something so careful like love. But.. when I saw you for the first time that night so many years ago... you were my first love."

                      She closed in, slowly pressing him on his back as she leaned into him. "You gave hope to my life. You defined the path on what I could take. You... it was all about you for so many years. I... never regretted dedicating anything towards you because I unconditionally believed in you and everything you did. You can be... anything you want to be. Just know that I can't leave you. You are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me, and I love you with all of my heart. I always have." She leaned in, kissing him gently but holding her kiss longer than any he had given her so far. "Noah," she whispered breathlessly as she continued to kiss him, only pulling back a short moment to add, "that night... when I first saw you... the fire of your explosion was the first kind of light in my night sky I ever saw." She obviously was comparing it to the light show they were having now, "and I am so happy you took me with you." Tears slowly built in her eyes as she continued to kiss him. "I'm so happy I have you. I am... the luckiest girl in the world." She pressed against him, her heart filling with deep passion for him. "Noah... I can't picture a day in my life without you. You are the most important person in the world to me." She kissed him deeply this time as he pulled back into the kiss and spoke up once their lips parted, "No matter what happens, I love you with all of my heart. You're my soulmate, Nill, I couldn't live without you." Nill's eyes watered a little more, snuggling close into him as she felt so happy.

                      Something changed shortly after the kiss with Noah. He became frozen and his breathing slowed noticeably. She wondered what was going through his head, and while looking at him she asked, "Noah... are you okay?" He didn't reply, and after a short while he suddenly shot up as he unzipped the tent and stood up, looking back at Nill, "we have to go. Now." Nill was startled by his actions, the look in his eyes showing great amounts of anticipation and something else. She felt her heart sink fast when their time was gone. It was so short... but he needed to do something. He was urgent, and he was serious. "I'll explain everything later, I'm sorry we just can't stay here right now." He moved quickly to shut off the heat and propane tank, then calmly, but in a hurry, walked towards the snowmobile and started it back up, immediately taking off for the village with Nill's arms around his waist again. She held onto him tightly as she wondered what in the world was going on. She didn't know, but tears slowly built in her eyes when they were being pushed to such urgency. She hated feeling so powerless while Noah was so upset with what was taking place. He was being pushed around like a toy for the sake of being somebody else's play thing for the past month. It was torture for the both of them... Noah's worry and Nill's caring nature were heightened more than they ever had been for an event that hit Noah so close to home, which in turn affected her.

                      "YOU LEAVE MY SISTER ALONE!!" Nill was shaken by his yelling, the tears falling down her frozen cheeks. She held him tightly and carefully as she wondered just what was going to occur. Things were happening earlier than they both anticipated... but something had to be done. The snowmobile skidded to a stop, "stay here!" She watched him run into the house, Nill widening her eyes when Kunik was heard screaming at him. Nill kept a glazed look on the door, anticipating something. It didn't seem like anything was wrong at the moment... but she held herself on the vehicle as she was told to stay. She was obedient, the cold wind whipping the hood right off of her head and causing her hair to fly out. She watched as she spotted Defiance at the door, throwing out his tonfa and guiding it with his telekinetic ability. Noah grabbed the other tonfa and darted from the house past Nill, Kunik grabbing her boots and stepping outside to the cold darkness, approaching Nill. "What's going on!?" "GET INSIDE, BOTH OF YOU!!" Noah yelled out as he ran through the village and leaped onto the roof of a cabin, jumping over it, using telekinesis to enhance his jump. Nill widened her eyes as she looked at Kunik and kept a steady gaze on her, "Nill do you know what's going on?!" Kunik was now worried. She grabbed Kunik's hand and quickly led her back inside the cabin so the both of them would do as Noah said. Kunik had no hesitation following Nill as she spoke, "Somebody... is after Noah. And... they're here." The two women turned to hear the noise of a loud thud hitting the ground in front of the cabin.

                      Noah approaching him and putting his foot on the man's neck, holding one tonfa out and extending a cable which latched onto his chest. "Last chance." "I'd rather you kill me." The man replied, laughing. "Fine." Noah pressed a button on the tonfa which sent out an electrical current into his body, the man clenching his teeth together to prevent himself from screaming out in pain. Nill widened her eyes, looking at Kunik who was utterly shocked by what Noah was doing, and how merciless he was being. Nill grabbed onto Kunik's arm to hold her back from going outside and causing anything to happen to herself, should she intervene. "You're going to serve as a warning to anyone else who tries to mess with my family. If it's your, or Vance, or anyone else, they'll know I am not to be messed with." "I-Is this...what Defiance does now? Kills? H...How the mighty...have...have fallen." The man laughed, then the electricity stopped. Noah kicked him in the chest, then stepped back, reeling back the cable into the tonfa and sliding them into the holsters on the back of his waist, grabbing the man by the front of his outfit and holding him up to the light. While holding the man up, Nill noticed blood pouring onto the ground that belonged to, "N-Noah." Kunik didn't catch on as fast as she was too engulfed into the scene of the fight to say anything.

                      The man smiled, looking down at Noah, "my name is Cyril Mercer, like you I'm Gifted. Unlike you...I don't have any weaknesses." He grabbed a knife and stabbed it into his arm, forcing Noah to let him go. He landed with a hard thud and disappeared in a teleport, appearing behind Noah and stabbing the same knife into his back. Noah yelled out in pain. "You'll bleed, it'll hurt, but you'll live. I didn't stab you anywhere lethal. I want you alive for tomorrow where the real fun begins." Cyril stepped back from Noah and disappeared in a teleport, this time he wouldn't be coming back. Noah inhaled sharply, his attacker was right: this really hurt. "N-Nill." He said softly, falling over. Nill widened her eyes with tears and raced with Kunik, if not fasted to grab at Noah. "Nill!! Help me get Noah inside! Oh god he's bleeding, there's some gauze in the bathroom cabinet!" Nill didn't run for the gauze just yet as she stripped her coat off and grabbed Noah, moving him to the cabin and flashing her white wings. Her wings began to glow a pure white as did the rest over her body. There were two ways to wake him up. There was the long way, or the short way where she could suffer only a little pain... "Nill what's going on?! Who was that?! Why is Noah dressed like this?!" Kunik seemed panicked. "Don't worry," Nill spoke out with a shaky tone as her teal-turquoise eyes began to emit a white aura along with the rest of her.

                      "Noah is... a hero. That man... was trying to hurt him by using his family against him. I'll make sure.. Noah wakes up again." Nill activated her pain tolerance, her body being coated with a powerful aura as she leaned to Noah and closed her eyes, focusing on his pain. Suddenly his wounds began to slowly disappear on the activation of this power, Nill embracing for impact on what would be more dangerous. The wound started to appear on Nill instead, she gritted her teeth as she made sure to strip herself of the dress and down to leggings and a tank top in order to spare the lovely dress Kunik had gotten for Nill to wear from being coated in blood. The pain for Noah began to fade, but Nill's eyes filled with tears as the pain was being taken. Then suddenly the after effect of the Pain Tolerance power kicked in where his pain was doubled for her. She screamed for a short moment, holding it in as her wings cringed and she activated more of her healing power, starting to fight off the pain that was intruding on her body. She felt his pain doubling as a consequence of trying to get rid of his pain faster and get him to wake. What would have taken her hours to accomplish in healing was done in a matter of five minutes with the Pain Tolerance. Kunik, worried for Nill and what was going on, shouted her name in concern. Nill, however, felt the tears falling from her eyes and landing on the hardwood floor as she mouthed she was okay. She looked at Noah who was completely healed, and finally after enduring enough pain on her own, she was starting to feel the healing effects taking place for her. They took off the top of his disguise, Nill, still healing herself as she helped Kunik start to undo them so they could wipe off the blood.

Dangerous Lunatic

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                              Fear, terror, the feeling of helplessness. Noah had never experienced such panic before or experienced being at the other end of that psychological breakdown, to believe that someone might've had his sister and was creeping up on her in an empty house where she had no ability to protect herself against the true horrors that awaited. He knew what Vance had done to Ember, a fellow Gifted, what would he do or be able to do against a non-powered human? What monstrosities could he inflict upon his sister? Noah had never experienced this kind of pure unadulterated fear before, because for the first time in his life he was vulnerable. If this were Nill in his sister's position he'd have torn apart the tundra to cross it to return to her, and were anything to happen to her he would tear the world apart to find the person or people responsible. To think that just an hour ago he and Nill were feeding the penguins, laughing, smiling, enjoying their time together and exchanging the words that summed up how much they loved each other. To think an hour before that he had just finished making up with his sister for a childhood of torment, and had dinner with a woman he never thought he'd get along with. Now he was getting the call that his sister might be on the verge of an attack, carried out to get to him because of his dual-life as Defiance, a dual-life that was now costing his loved ones to get caught in the crossfire. For Noah and his loved ones to live, Defiance had to die. It worked better when Noah and Defiance were two different people, but now Vance knew who he was, his parents, his family, his background, his history. No more separation, his secret was out and it was on the brink of disaster. It took more time to return to the village than it did for his mystery caller to get to Kunik, and in that time he wondered if she was already dead.

                              There was nothing in his mind except getting to Kunik, not even paying attention to how he was scaring Nill with his actions and loud words. His sister was important to him, now more than ever because his eldest sister was finally someone he could love and receive love in return, instead of sharing blood and a name, they should share a friendship between them. He wasn't going to lose what he'd wanted to happen for so long, not by a man too cowardly to show himself. He'd left the snowmobile running as he darted into the house to be greeted by a t-shirt and underwear wearing Kunik, yelling at him and dropping the bowl of popcorn in surprise. He realized he was being set up, made to look like a fool but getting back at his cowardly caller by locating him with his radar sense, engaging him in battle for a brief moment before his attacker in green hair was seen as clear as day. Cyril Mercer, a man employed by Vance to do the dirty work. Unexpectedly good, he'd taken down Defiance non-lethally and left him to bleed until Kunik and Nill had gotten him inside, Cyril taking the opportunity to vanish. Once inside, Noah's unconscious state was short-lived as Nill used her power to take on his wounds so that he may heal. When his wounds were gone and the two women were wiping off the blood, Noah opened his eyes and sat up.

                              It had taken a few minutes for Noah to recover from the shock of what had just happened, needing time to process it. While he was focused on the details of his encounter, Kunik was still going through the motions of asking questions he'd outright ignored. Finally, as Noah snapped back to the real world he approached Nill and grabbed her shoulders, leaning in to kiss her lovingly, then turning to Kunik. "I'm called Defiance, a protector of the Gifted and a saboteur to the DOGS before they went under, I've spent nearly five years working to take them down and ensure the future of Gifted like Nill and myself. Initially my powers were internalized, nothing important to note, but I've been granted telekinetic abilities that now sets me apart. I've been the number one most wanted by the DOGS for several years and now my dual-identity as the dark protector of the Gifted has been found out by the same Vance that now runs the planet." Over the course of the next hour, Noah went on to explain his role as Defiance and what he'd done, what it meant for him, and how he'd done it without explaining his radar sense or mentioning people like Theodore. He mentioned Nill's servitude to Vance and his rescue of her, his recruitment of people like Daxter and Ember, and their plan to destroy Vance though not mentioning how they intended to do so. In the next hour Kunik was more than caught up to who Defiance was, what he did, and why he did it. In case the attacker, Cyril had managed to plant a bug he'd not detected yet, Noah left out details or had become vague when mentioning certain aspects of his life, preventing anyone from getting something damning that could ruin future goals or his secrets that give him the edge, such as the radar sense only Nill knew about. When Noah had finished explaining, and Kunik had gotten all her questions out, she finally sat in silence with the realization that her brother was the one called Defiance. Admittedly she didn't know much about him, but knew that every now and then he would be on the news as being a terrorist to the DOGS. She didn't care, at least until she found out Noah was really him, and Defiance was working for the betterment of the Gifted race. When the shock of everything wore off, Kunik couldn't help but smile.

                              "So you're some kind of comic book vigilante come to life, is what you're telling me?" She said with a bit of a smile, looking at his costume up and down. "Show me the mask." Surprisingly, she was taking it well after the initial explanation. Noah grabbed the mask and slipped it on over his face, standing head-to-toe in the costume of Nill's hero, the full suited figure as intimidating as ever. "Now that Vance knows who Defiance is, and the DOGS are gone, there's no point to Defiance any longer. It was a way to hide myself, do all my activities in secret, but the most powerful enemy I'd ever faced knows my secret, my friends, who I'm dating, and just as important who my family is. He knows where I live and who I am. I will never stop being Defiance, this is part of who I am, but Defiance...he's dead now." Noah pulled off the mask and tossed it over to Nill, sighing heavily, "I've made powerful enemies as Defiance, Vance could very well tell every single one of them who I am, where to find the people I love, to prevent this from escalating I'm done being Defiance, at least in name and costume. Hopefully, his disappearance will keep the Kesuk family distanced from him." It wasn't easy to decide that Defiance had to go, but the more "Defiance" ruined things for Vance, the more he felt Vance might find these enemies he'd made and spill the secrets, ensuring the next move against Defiance was against his family...again. "I think..." Kunik said softly as she smiled to Nill and approached her, taking the mask then approaching Noah, "that's silly, don't you think, Nill?" She slipped the mask back over her brother, looking at Nill and giving her a thumbs up. "Even if Defiance is gone, Vance could still tell the world who he really is. Way I see it, from what you're telling me about what he's doing, the world needs a little bit of Defiance." She laughed, "thanks, now I'm being the comic book one. Point is, gone or not, the threat against the family still stands, and if this Defiance character is really as big of a deal as you've been telling me, then your Gifted friends will want to follow Defiance more than some guy claiming to be him."

                              Kunik approached Nill and put an arm around her shoulder, smiling and squeezing her friend in a one-arm hug, "after all, you make Defiance sound really cool, way cooler than my dorky younger brother." She looked at Nill, letting her get the last word in before announcing it was time for bed. Noah was going to protest about bed time, but Kunik punched him in the arm, which at one point would have made him flinch, but now just caused him to give her a look. Kunik grinned, "wow, you weren't kidding about the Defiance stuff, Mr. Badass." With that, she pushed the two lovebirds towards the stairs and told them to go to bed. Noah was hesitant, but after the day they'd had it was a good idea. He took care of the snowmobile and returning the keys to Pana, then returned to the Kesuk home and got ready for bed, taking off the Defiance outfit and crawling into bed with Nill. He held her tightly in his arms from behind, kissing her neck softly as he wished her a goodnight and slept soundly with Nill all night long.

                              The next morning came quickly, Kunik was busy making breakfast by time Noah had gotten out of bed, giving a quick call to Theodore to find out how things were going back home and to inform him of what had happened the previous night. Theodore mentioned he was in the process of sending the four pains in the asses to an experimentation lab based on a couple clues he'd found that might help with their Vance take down, and would inform him of the result after it had happened. Heading to breakfast and making short work of that, Noah decided he would be better off spending the day assisting in getting the village ready for the festival, dressing in his Defiance outfit underneath his regular clothes, then putting on his winter gear to keep from freezing. Kunik smiled to Nill and grabbed her hand, "that means it's just you and me today, girl! We're gonna have so much fun until the festival tonight!" Kunik seemed genuinely excited to hang out with Nill for the day, Noah giving Nill a quick kiss on the lips and going off to find Pana, helping to set up the festival.

                              The day would go by quickly for the village, Noah had spent the day getting things set up while Kunik would spend the entire day with Nill, likely the first time Noah and Nill hadn't seen each over for many hours like this. Kunik made sure Nill and her had fun, though, hopefully easing whatever loneliness she felt, and Noah was so busy he didn't have time to miss her, though Nill was always on his mind. By the end of the day as the sun lowered in the sky, casting a brilliant orange above them, the Festival of the Spirits was underway. Noah reunited with Nill and Kunik when they arrived to the village, embracing Nill tightly and telling her how much he'd missed having her around, but hoped she'd had fun anyway. Kunik assured Noah that he kept her busy and that the festival looked amazing. Though still daylight out, the village center was decorated with numerous non-electric lights and torches placed strategically throughout the center. In the middle was a large wooden carving of a man, and there was a large food banquet nearby that they would eat after giving thanks to the spirits. The festival was simple enough, the lights represented the spirits and the man was the people in the village which they would burn to signify that they were not more important than the spirits, singing and dancing to give thanks to the spirits of hunting and good fortune, then finally eat the food prepared for them throughout the day. It was not showy, or flashy, it was simple and respectful. The festival itself didn't last long, only an hour at most, the leaders of the village dancing and singing in their native tongue to appease the spirits. Finally, when the first song to appeal to the good nature of the spirits was completed, Pana led the entire village into dancing, including Nill.

                              "Dance with me," Noah said softly, breathlessly, as he grabbed Nill's hand and pulled her close to him, putting an arm around her waist and beginning to dance with her. Everyone found a partner, this was to signify that the village shared a bond that extended to the spirits themselves. After a short while the villagers would start dancing with other people, showing the bond was not exclusive to one person. Noah kissed Nill's cheek and smiled, "don't worry, even though I won't be dancing with you, my heart will still be here." He tapped once on her chest, still smiling, showing her his heart would still be tied with hers. In the next half hour the village danced together and switched partners often, Kunik eventually finding her way to dancing with Nill, a big grin on her face. "Isn't this so much fun?! I admit I've had bigger and more extravagant parties for my own fashion events, but nothing beats a classic spirit festival." She sighed contently as the dancing started to die down, Pana gathering everyone's attention.

                              "As we show the spirits our village is bonded through love and unity, that we are respectful to our relationship to them as we are with one another, it comes time to prove to them we are no more important than they are. This year we have had the pleasure of one of our own return for the festival, Noatak Kesuk, where he will light aflame the symbol of man's arrogance and self-importance. Noatak, will you do the honors?" Noah was a little surprised Pana would single him out for this, but made his way past the villagers to the center stage where the large wooden villager waited, Pana grabbing and handing him a torch. "Spirits of the land, we humbly offer ourselves to your mercy and whims as we do each hunt, displaying the symbol of our hubris and burn it clean for another year. With this we say to you that we wish for one more bountiful year, and that in return we continue to respect and honor you as we hope is satisfactory to you. Noatak, if you please." Noah held the torch and touched it to the statue's foot, the wooden figure quickly engulfed in flames, the beautiful orange-red flames warping and twisting into a blue-green flame, the figure coated in a special varnish that would help it burn brighter and more powerfully.

                              In a surprising and shocking display, the figure was suddenly coated in a layer of ice that snuffed out the flames, the villagers gasping. It was immediately apparent to Noah that it had nothing to do with the spirits, and had everything to do with "ladies and gentlemen," people. The villagers started to separate as a man wearing a t-shirt underneath an unbuttoned collar shirt and jeans began walking towards the statue, then stopped when he was 20 feet from Noah, Pana, and the village elders. "Especially the ladies," he said with a smirk, looking around to the villagers who looked like they were bundled up quite nicely, while he was dressed for a much warmer climate. "My name is Gabriel Adams, and though I will be unavailable for the next, aaaah...let's say hour...I will be glad to give out my phone number to any desiring lovelies." Without warning Cyril appeared next to him, staring to Noah with a smile, then looking around to the villagers who had all exclaimed surprise. "Shut your mouth, Gabriel, you're not here to make a love connection." From the crowd emerged a third man, also dressed casually despite the chilly temperatures, with a sword attached to the belt of his pants, keeping a hand on the hilt. Cyril and the other two began approaching the center stage while Noah kept quiet.

                              "Villagers of this quaint little...establishment," Cyril chuckled in annoyance, looking around, "my name is Cyril Mercer, this perverted loser next to me is Gabriel Adams, and this lovely silent samurai is Xain Hasekura, and we three are here for one reason and one reason alone: to murder your precious Noatak." The village suddenly murmured and exclaimed surprise as everyone started looking to one another, then turned to Noah, looking at him, including the three men here to kill him. "You see, he holds a secret you television-less ******** may or may not know, but the fact remains his secrets have cost him a great deal, you see, it may just result with the death of the Kesuk parents." Noah jumped forward, shedding his coat and revealing the Defiance outfit, minus the mask, underneath of it, slamming Cyril down onto the ground with a powerful burst of telekinesis as he landed on top of him, Xain unsheathing his sword and putting the blade to the back of the crouched Noah's neck, Gabriel acting a moment later with a sword made of ice at the front of his throat. Cyril was on his back, Noah crouched on top of him, looking down at him. "I demand my parents to be returned unharmed. In return I'll play Vance's demented little game." Cyril smiled, the tip of a knife pressing against his stomach. Kunik held Nill's hand tightly as she realized that for all the amazing things that Noah made Defiance sound like, three seemingly powerful or at the very least influential Gifted may be a big challenge. "Tell your village your big secret." Cyril told him, as Noah looked up, Xain pulling his sword back and Gabriel following suit. Noah stood up and backed away from Cyril who stood up.

                              "I, Noatak Kesuk, am also known as Defiance," some people have heard of him, because a few people showed surprise and gasped audibly. "I have hunted the DOGS for nearly five years, destroying their operations and ensuring the Gifted were safe for just a while longer. I worked alongside the Gifted to hide them, relocate them, and become their most trusted ally in their survival, becoming the DOGS number one most wanted. I've killed their men, ruined their facilities, stole their technology, and dedicated myself to corrupting their plans. And I, like the people I swore to protect, am Gifted as well. I've been recruited like-minded individuals to kill and overthrow the new world leader, Vance, for the horrible crimes I know he can commit, for the damage he plans to do against our planet's energy, and because he plans to keep the peace by control. If I know anything, it's that everyone deserves to escape their cage." Noah looked to Nill with a soft smile, knowing that the next few minutes would be crucial. The village was silent for a minute, then suddenly Pana began to clap loudly, the others following suit until finally everyone was yelling and hollering in approval of Noah's speech. Noah smiled, "were you hoping they would turn on me? Hate me? Exile me? Vance must not have known that when I was a child the DOGS came and attacked my village, burning our homes and killing some of our people. We don't like them very much around here. Not to mention, my people believe we should be living alongside the spirits and caring for the energy of the planet, not abusing it like Vance is doing for all the wrong reasons. Spirituality is kind of a big deal around here, checkmate." This seemed to piss off Cyril, as this wasn't going how he wanted it to go at all.

                              "Tell me where my parents are and I might let you crawl out of here on broken legs." Noah was demanding, commanding, dark and intimidating, Cyril looking to Gabriel and Xain, then snarling. "We don't have your parents, never did." "Gabriel, shut your mouth!" "It was just a ruse to get you here, get your village to turn on you, then kill you when you were busy being universally hated by the people you love." Noah blinked, "You don't have my parents?" "No," said Xain, eerily unemotional and monotone, "as Gabriel has said, it was merely to demoralize you for your defeat." Cyril couldn't believe this, ruining their ammunition against Noah like that. He roared in anger. "Your parents are very much alive, we had never even gone to them." Gabriel laughed, "you know, you could have saved yourself this entire mess by just, hell, calling them or something. Hindsight." The thought to call his likely kidnapped and tortured parents never actually occurred, though he had to admit even if it had he doubt he would have tried for a variety of reasons. Regardless, if Vance didn't have his parents and this was only to lure him to the village for something that wasn't going their way, then that meant he didn't need to hold back when fighting them, beginning to close the distance by walking towards them.

                              "Before you attempt to attack, you may wish to hear us out." Noah stopped walking, suddenly surprised by Xain's words as Gabriel quickly raised a hand to shoot out a blue ice beam towards Cyril's feet, freezing him to the ground and raising it above his head, freezing him solid from head-to-toe. "Look, the guy's a b***h, and Vance is a terrifying p***k, but I'm no bad guy and neither is Xain. The only reason we went along with this is because, again, Vance is terrifying." "Once I was sure your parents were not being used as bait was when I agreed to assist in your demise." Noah glanced between the two Gifted, "then why would you go against the plan now? The village may not hate me, and you may not have my parents, but you're still three-to-one." Noah asked, mostly curiosity, unable to figure out their game. "Are you kidding? Cyril is nuts! He killed a squirrel because it was staring at him. Just threw a knife right at its ********' face. I don't wanna be the next squirrel!" Xain looked over to Gabriel, sheathing his sword, "Indeed that Vance is a powerful individual, but I would rather die honorably than live in cowardice, fighting for the wrong reasons on the wrong side. The moment you said you were gathering other Gifted to fight Vance was when I knew I had to offer myself to your cause." "I'm not into that honor crap, but the selection of women is slim on Vance's team, I mean he's got some real dogs on his side, woof." Xain glanced to Gabriel, then over to Noah, "what my associate is attempting to say is that the company Vance keeps is rather terrifying for him." Gabriel nodded. An interesting turn of events, he expected a fight and instead made two new allies.

                              Xain began running unexpectedly, unsheathing his sword as he ran towards Kunik and Nill. Without warning, the icicle that Gabriel created broke apart and Cyril teleported from it, appearing in front of Nill and Kunik, stabbing at the two women in an attempt to slaughter them both in front of Noah. Xain's sword blocked the tip of the knife and with swing pushed Cyril backwards. "You traitorous b*****d, Vance will know about this!!" Xain leaped forward and clashed the knife to his sword, swinging it precisely and swiftly to attack Cyril with, Noah rushing at the two combatants to help Xain engage with Cyril. A duck, spin, slice through the neck and stab in the chest later, Xain backed away as he dropped the sword, blood oozing from his neck and chest. Xain fell down as Cyril teleported to Gabriel to take out the other traitor, Gabriel letting out a shocked yelp at Xain's sudden death, "no! Xain!!" The knife plunged into Gabriel's shoulder, Cyril staring angrily into Gabriel's eyes. "You're next." Pulling out the knife, Noah acted quickly enough to close the gap and slam the tonfa upwards to knock the knife out of Cyril's hands, slamming the tonfa in his neck which knocked him backwards. To keep him in place, Noah telekinetically grabbed Cyril by the neck, Gabriel freezing his shoulder wound to prevent it from bleeding out, slowing the blood flow.

                              Noah kept a tight telekinetic hold on Cyril as he attempted to teleport out of it, getting closer and closer to breaking that grip. "Everyone back away!" Noah urged everyone, looking over to Nill who was still being held by Kunik, who seemed to be shaking at the sight of seeing someone killed and their lives threatened just a moment ago. Noah gripped Cyril's neck tightly, resisting the urge to kill him. Gabriel approached Xain and crouched down beside him, "ah d-damn it, Xain, you and me, man, you were gonna be my wingman and we were going to cruise for some chicks." Gabriel didn't sound like it, but he was torn up over Xain's death.

                              "Are you going to kill me then, Defiance? You think I won't be free of your power? I'll try to kill your girlfriend and your sister again, this time I'll do it just as easily as I killed Xain. Hell, he was even a Gifted, and they wouldn't last a second." Cyril laughed, he was still being held tightly but wasn't having trouble breathing, as much as Noah wanted to choke him blue. "Tell me something, how do you hope to kill Vance? He's stronger than you and your team, has more people than your team, and ultimately is better prepared because he's one step ahead of you. It's over, with me on Vance's side I'm practically invincible, so let me go and let's just -- ." Xain's sword entered Cyril's back and came out his chest, twisted and then pulled out. He gasped for air, Noah dropping Cyril onto the ground. "That was for my friend, you ********] Gabriel told Cyril as he held the sword like a baseball back and reared back, "and this is for that goddamn cute squirrel you sick ********] Cyril vanished before Gabriel could swing the sword to chop his head off. Wherever Cyril went, he went to recover or die, but it didn't matter because as long as he was still alive he would fight his hardest to return to Vance. It was over, at least for now.

                              Gabriel dropped the sword as Noah approached him, putting a hand on his shoulder. "It'll be alright, Gabriel." Gabriel inhaled sharply, then exhaled in a half-sob, "no, no it won't." He grabbed the sword and sheathed it in the sheath on Xain's belt, then struggled but managed to pick up his body. "Because I have to go back to Vance. In the end, Xain might've had the bravery, honor, and power to back it all up, but I'm just a coward who hopes he isn't betting on the wrong team." Gabriel looked to Noah with a half-hearted smirk, "you don't have to go back to Vance. Come back with Nill and I, you'll be welcome in the team and a useful ally, we can promise you protection from Vance." Gabriel laughed, "Xain couldn't even protect himself from Cyril, and Xain was an amazing swordsman, what makes you think if Vance wants me dead he won't find a way? Nah, Vance is the guy who destroyed the DOGS and took over the world, you're just a guy known to be a pain in the a** for the group that's gone now. I'm a whore like that, Noatak, I pick the team more likely to win, not the one with the balls that think they can." Gabriel started walking away, Noah calling out to him, "I hope we don't meet again, Gabriel, because I would hate to see you siding with Vance after all this and for us to have to fight." "Yeah I know," Gabriel replied, "you'll just end up kicking my a**."

                              Pana ended up speaking up and gathering everyone's attention. "It is in these moments we reveal who we truly are, we have heard our son's confessions and stood strong with him, proving that we value the bond over differences in ourselves, and Noatak has allowed an enemy to walk away after a tragic turn of events. Though our wooden symbol stands, the proof we are good people deserving of our rewards is clearer than ever. The statue stands as a testament to our audacity and strength in times of challenge, and it is in our actions that we prove to the spirits that we do not take our family's bonds in vain, and that even an enemy can be temporarily seen as an ally. Though the loss of a great warrior has been suffered here today, remember that the spirit of the fallen will return to the planet, rewarded for his heroism in his final moments. Spirits of the land, hear us cry to you that we accept our humble place in the world, and hope you accept us for who we are. A tragic, flawed, but ultimately beautiful race of people." Coincidental, or spiritual intervention, but as the sun finally finished setting the brilliant aurora shined across the sky as what sounded like dozens of wolves began howling in the distance.

                              Noah approached Nill after everything had finally settled down and held her tightly, looking into her eyes with his bright green emeralds, "are you alright my love? I'm so sorry for all of this, everything, I never should have brought you here, he could have killed you, I could have lost you." He continued holding her tightly, then looked over to Kunik, who immediately recognized the invitation and joined the two in on a hug, Noah shifting slightly to include her and hold her. "Are you alright, Kunik?" He asked, Kunik nodding, "y-yeah, just a little shaken up, that's all. T...The festival was beautiful, Noah, it must've taken so much effort to make all that food." Noah smiled softly, "I suppose you could say it took us all day to do it." A small, if not terrible, joke at the effort they put into the banquet. Kunik laughed softly, wiping away a tear as she clung exclusively to Nill. "N-Nill, will you walk me home?" Noah nodded to Nill, "go on, hun, I'll come back with you shortly I'll bring us all something to eat." Noah let Nill and Kunik head back to the cabin, making good on his mention of bringing them back some food. The festival didn't last long after they dispersed, the events of what happened had done the trick for both the spirits and the villagers, and Noah returned back home with plenty of food for the trio to eat in the morning, the rest of the banquet split amongst who wanted it in the village.

                              Noah now knew his parents were alive, Cyril's fate was unknown and it looked as though newly met Gabriel would be returning to Vance, though unlikely he would survive the return if Cyril made it back as well, it was certain that one of them would return later. Noah knew that after the terrible day they had they could finally have a little bit of time to recuperate and perhaps have a bit of guilt-free fun over the next few days, and that's what Noah intended to do. It would take a while but finally Theodore would come up with some important news for Noah and Nill, something that needed to be investigated.

                              "Noah, we have a situation."
                              "What's that, Theodore?"
                              "A little movie called Fallen Gears. Recent leaked footage shows the two lead actors fighting in what is either the best special effects ever made, or is two Gifted fighting. One of which...was using Chroma. Takashi Kentaro and Zero Caluxium, the former using Chroma, the latter using...dark power."
                              "A third unidentified white-haired male is seen in the footage fighting against Zero Caluxium, the female lead Hikaru Utaru, also engages him in the footage. The unidentified male appears to be using some kind of energy, but it's not any type of Chroma energy I've ever seen before. Hikaru Utaru seems to be using Chroma but it's unconfirmed, it's hard to say, the footage itself is not very good, but I know for a fact Takashi Kentaro is using Chroma, Zero Caluxium is using Vance's dark energy, and the unidentified male is using an unknown energy."
                              "One confirmed Chroma-user, one possible, one Vance minion, one unknown energy. Nill and I will return to Los Angels immediately, let the others know the situation and that we're heading to Neo-Tokyo immediately upon our return. We need to find Kentaro, Utaru, and the unknown as soon as we can. Noah out."

BIoodbane's Fav

Ruthless Firestarter

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                      While in her sleep, she could envision a golden blaze in her dreams. It was enchanting to watch, until the shadows of bodies rose up. It wasn't zombies... but people she knew. They were all still in the process of dying by her gentle flame. How come they are crying? asked a younger voice. Her eyes peered down to a younger version of herself looking back at her with the spring green irises. Why do they cry? This is my love. Ember herself looked up and could see that this was her heart. Few people she treasured, knew, or even remotely cared about were melting in standing position. Some melted as far up as their waists, and would start crawling. They didn't move. Ember gazed at the fire and furrowed her brows. What kind of nightmare is this? The younger girl started crying and wiping away her tears as she hiccuped, I burnt them. I burnt them all with my love. Her eyes widened.

                      Mars struggled in the ground as tears filled his eyes. He scratched and dug his nails into the ground while trying to escape the puddle of fire he was melting into. His torso tossed over the dirt filled with his sweat and blood made Ember turn away from her younger self to witness the black hair boy struggle. You... he said in an angry tone filled with tears in his throat and passion. I should have never trusted you! He shouted at Ember, making her freeze in place as she watched him hate her. She walked up to him anyway, feeling his gravitational power push her against the dirt hard and try to crush her. Ember crawled to him, reaching a hand out for him to take. Mars!!! She shouted but suddenly felt his hand slap hers away roughly. Don't ******** touch me Ember! She looked at him, her eyes filled to the brim with grief. My best friend betrayed me to my own family. My whole family, school, everything... hated me! But you? You knew me and still left me to die! I ******** hate you! His eyes sunk as his hand lost the energy of hatred fueled anger and dropped dead to the ground. Ember could feel the weight of his gravitational power give out, but not the weight in her heart.

                      She stood back up and walked over to her younger self, grabbing her by the shoulders and shaking her, Stop! You don't have to do this anymore! The younger version of herself looked back up to her with tears falling from both eyes. Ember wanted to wipe away those tears, but her younger self rose her hands and shielded her face from being touched. Don't touch me! You'll burn too! I know it! She swallowed her breath as her younger self was in turmoil, but a pair of hands were seen patting down on the young girl. Ember widened her eyes when the blaze of the fires came over to the two and revealed Zack hugging the girl from behind. Young Ember's cheeks were flushed, her runny nose and tears evident as she struggled. It's okay, he said as he held on her shoulders. Ember stepped back as she looked at the young version of herself form into her nineteen year old self. She hugged Zack intimately and clung to him tightly as she started crying into his sleeve. I love you, she told him over and over while he was her support. However, Ember watching this scene unfold between her past self and the death-filled surroundings seemed too surreal. It was as if Zack found her in a moment of torment, and was recovering her from it all. A guilt sank into her as she watched Zack kiss her former self softly. Tears built up in her own eyes as she squinted them shut.

                      The kiss that her former nineteen year old self sealed a fate of turmoil and regret when she pulled back from Zack who was starting to burn. Ember watched Zack stare at her younger version is utter shock as his boy starting to glow with Chroma energy. She screamed, W-What's going on? Zack?! She was scared as she tried to reach out and touch Zack, to try and heal him, but was sent back in a blaze of her own fire mixed with Chroma energy. Zack cried from one eye while the other glowed with the same color of the Chroma energy. I'm sorry. He rose a hand up to Ember, as if being controlled like a puppet on strings. The young version of herself stared at Zack, horrified of what the DOGS had turned him into and Ember started to sob. NOOO! she screamed at the top of her lungs when the Chroma energy fused with her fires to cause more destruction. Zack looked like he wanted to hold Ember and keep her safe, but the mechanics inside of his that was the generator of his power dissolved his ambitions and kept him working against his will. The young nineteen year old version of Ember sparked a black and orange fire from her hands, standing up and looking at Zack from a distance with tears marring her face. Ember stood back in shock. No. Not this again. No... Ember kept her hands over her ears as she couldn't block out the sound of her younger self crying when she launched herself into the air. She cried harder than she ever had when seeing her younger version cry the same, stabbing Zack in the heart and continuing to tear him apart. The DOGS had modified a safe-switch in Zack to act this way. He was going to kill her against her will. She had to protect herself. But it was wrong! He was still human! She took his life away. Ember watched her nineteen year old self transform into who she was currently, seeing a black figure walk up to her and kick the orange flames to the side. Ember narrowed her eyes, falling to her knees in grief. Who--

                      Then she woke up.

                      Ember was knocked out for a short period of time after a recent explosion that occurred near her. She winced her eyes open as her blurry vision revealed Lucia waved a hand in front of her face. Her voice slowly making it's way to being heard. "Ember! EMBER! Come on! Get up! We HAVE to get moving! I am NOT carrying you! Come on!" Ember groaned as she stood up. Salem and Daxter were possibly located on the other side of the building since they infiltrated the experimentation facility from all different angles. The past month had been complete hell for Ember as they went day by day trying to figure out Vance's game. The voices came back to Ember, but she suppressed them as much as she could. She was growing entirely worn out of Lucia and Salem's temporary partnership. It took EVERYTHING inside Ember to hold herself back from killing either of them... But she cared more about the elimination of Vance more than anything. After her fight with Lucia in the forest, she figured things might have been smoother... but it seemed Lucia pulled a blank card more than once with Ember, not showing which side she was on... and that bothered Ember extremely. She may have been more dangerous than that double edged sister of hers.

                      Ember narrowed her eyes at some of the scientists in the room, seeing them run for the door. She quickly sent metal needles to pin them to the wall before they could escape while Lucia tried to get to their computers and data. Ember approached the scientists, these humans that seemed to be fearful for their lives... but then the unimaginable occurred. One of the scientists who got a hold of a knife in his pocket stabbed himself in the head. Ember widened her eyes in shock, seeing the dead man's dead weight cause him to break free of being held up from the needles. She saw the woman scream and start to bash her head against the wall, attempting to either free herself or kill herself. "What the ********] Lucia asked out loud until the lady did something that caused her to die. She stood up from the computers, "What did you do?!" "What do you mean what did I do?! They're killing themselves! I did nothing!" Ember quickly rushed to the last one and grabbed his jaw. "You!" she growled at him and held his jaw tightly in her hand, "Tell me how to access the database, and what you're doing with this old experimentation facility!" The older man grunted and revealed to Ember that he had a fake took. He pressed it out and in between his teeth with his tongue, then crushed it by chomping down on it. She stared, shocked and confused as the man suddenly seized up and began to foam at the mouth. His eyes rolled to the back of his head, and then... "He's dead." Ember dropped the body to the ground. "...Why would they kill themselves?"

                      "Apparently it's a secret they want to take to their graves. So be it. But I need your help," Lucia said pointing to the computer. "It won't unlock. Nothing is working. It's not even asking for a pass code. There's no server under any of the desks, and I can't find any wires to tap. It's higher technology. I don't even know where to begin." Ember gave her the 'really' look and lifted her hands. "What the hell do you think I can do? I barely know what a computer is!" Lucia gritted her teeth, coming close to Ember and pushing their foreheads together in a fit, "Are you stupid? God, Defiance proves a more valuable ally right now than you, and he's not even here to do anything!" "What you see is what you get, now back off," Ember said, headbutting Lucia away and then crossing her arms. Lucia sat back down, trying to hack the computer while Ember waited. "I'll be right back..." Ember said to Lucia as she decided to exit the lab. "Fine." Ember shut the door behind her and sealed the bottom of the door to the floor with her flames to make sure nobody got in or out. The distrust between Ember and Lucia was evident.

                      She turned and walked down the hall, multiple bodies along the outstretched halls but all having indicated self harm. "... Eerie..." she said out loud as she continued. The blood puddled under each body as she continued. Is this really what true leadership looks like? Disgusting.. She was angry that the world had been blinded into liking the Gifted or at least accepting of them. It was mind manipulation and hypnotism at its finest. Ember felt that once Vance was out of the picture, those people who were tricked into accepting the Gifted would hate them even more once they realized the control that was consuming their individualism. There's something going on that I'm not seeing. You are always blind to the inevitable truth, but in time you will see. Shut up. You're a bigger liar than I am. Aren't you curious as to what is going on? The world is reshaping its existence. See for yourself that the world you used to know is now fulfilling a new purpose. And what purpose is that? The voice was silent, causing Ember to hesitate before opening a main double door. However, she strided through, widening her eyes slowly at the realization of what was going on.

                      A large generator was actively running in the middle of the large room. Ember quickly ran to the bars, clutching the metal bars in her hand and crushing them as she growled. "Vance.. You b*****d. Chroma?!" However, before more could be looked at or anything else could be discovered, the entire room started to go off with sound of an alarm and the lights turned red. She peered at a holographic projector that rose up from behind the generator and showed a five second countdown. Ember widened her eyes and shielded herself quickly, This is the truth. Ember braced for a powerful impact, as she prayed that everyone else made it out or was taking cover. Ember felt a powerful rumbling in the ground, a tremor so shocking from the generator's self destruction that the whole base caused an earthquake as some of its structure fell apart. A white light engulfed the entire room as Ember closed her eyes and tried to keep herself on the ground, but the explosion reacted as layers of Chroma energy caused a chain reaction explosion to not only blast Ember against the wall behind her, but sent her through several others. The whole building starting to crumble, and Ember finally stopped flying through the walls when she passed the exterior wall and landed on her side outdoors. Lucia managed to make it out, Ember sitting up and looking for signs of Daxter while she struggled and held some external injuries. "Salem!" Lucia called on the communicator, "If you're in there, you need to get out now! The place is going to explode again!"

Dangerous Lunatic

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                              You don't get to be where one is without destroying a few lives, starting some fires and leaving the remnants to burn to ash. That was Daxter, he wasn't just a literal fire starter but a literal one as well, leaving lives to burn to the ground with no care or concern for the consequences of how they ended up. Problem was, those that survived ended up returning in some form or another as a spirit, or ghost, a literal blight on his life to return the favor he'd given to them so generously. By now, he'd taken care of most of those blights, hunted them down like wild animals and left them in a sorrier mess than they were before they showed up to wreak hell on his life. Only one remained by now, and in a change of pace he decided to show compassion for his actions in the past, because the one person he'd harmed that wasn't on his side used to be something of a friend for him. A friend in every twisted definition of the word. Dexter Anderson wasn't just some psychopathic nutjob now, a demented shell of his former self, but a product of every sick decision Dax made in his younger days. Imagine his surprise when that demented shell wanted to meet with him, just a few months after showing up at his trailer park and being told the best thing he could do was disappear and never come back. Dax was more than happy to oblige, leave his former friend to rot in his own created hellhole in a life he made for himself surrounded by cheap whores and powerful drugs. Dax took the blame, even if Ember thought Dexter had every opportunity to better himself and didn't, Dax knew it was his years of torture that turned Dexter into who he was now. When Ember heard Dexter wanted to talk with him she wasn't into the idea, but Dax knew he had to, after all, what was the worst the little p***k could do? So Dax decided to go, he made a day to meet with him at a sandwich shop with large windows, Dexter in all his mangy-haired glory stabbing into french fries as Dax entered and took a seat.

                              "Well lookie who finally decided to show up, and here I thought you'd leave me hanging." Dexter smiled as Dax took a seat across from him, glancing out the window to the surrounding buildings. Dax was already going through scenarios in his head to what this might be, the kind of setup it was, whether or not it was wide-open spaces by a big window as part of a plan to get that rifle bullet through his head before he could blink. Dax didn't look pleased, or happy, but he was there and that meant enough. "The strong silent type now? Or are you worried there's going to be a bullet through your skull? C'mon dipshit, I'm a better person than that, I just wanted to talk, and that's what we'll do. So let's talk. Let's talk about you, in fact! The great big powerful Daxter McLain, man oh man, what a boner I got when you walked back into my life." Dexter smiled as he grabbed his paper soda cup and drank from the straw poking through the lid, acting a lot more calm than he did the first time they met up. "Speaking of Daxter, why Daxter anyway? You take my life and then take my name? What kinda ******** up bullshit is that?" The problem with the calm was, even if he wasn't scared, he was loud, causing the other patrons to stare at them as he talked as though they were the only two people in the restaurant. "I thought you died in the fire, my parents too, when I woke up from the flames I was different, not better, but different. Daxter was just my way of signifying that change, and thinking you died because of me start a path to redemption. Took a lot longer than I thought though." He replied simply, none of that craziness he was known for, because now the craziness was just fun, not necessary. He'd displayed seriousness to Ember a few times, been the type of person who could be taken seriously when the situation called for it. The situation, now, called for it.

                              Dexter smirked, slamming the fork down into the table while eyeing Dax, "ain't that ********' sweet. You lowlife s**t, decide to just tack on my name to yours and think that can absolve you of your wrongdoings. I'm surprised your b***h mom was so forgiving." Daxter reached behind his back and unsheathed the hilt that held the collapsible sword, putting it on the table. "Two people are off-limits in my life for you to badmouth. Ember and my mom, next time this sword is extended through your neck. Clear?" Serious Daxter was not afraid to threaten Dexter, and show him that the more things changed the more they stayed the same. Dexter just smirked to his former tormenter, "oh, sorry, didn't know you were plowing the b***h that showed up at my trailer. Should've known, she looks easy. But enough on that, I just wanted you know that I feel for you, I do! In fact, it must be hard to walk with your head so far up your own v****a like that. Trust me, it's hard for my bitches to walk with my d**k up theirs, so I get it." Dax was not enjoying this, and was ready to suppress the guilty conscience and take him down. "What's the point of the meeting here, Dexter? What did you want to talk to me about?" He asked, gripping onto the hilt. Dexter shook his head with a soft sigh, "Do you want to know how I got to be this way?" Dax leaned back in the chair and figured he didn't have a choice, so he nodded.

                              "When I escaped the house and you were gone you know what I felt? ********' relief, I didn't think I'd ever have to see you again, s**t you could've been dead for all I cared about but you were gone. I could reclaim my life, go back to how I used to be before you showed up, but then I realized I didn't know how to act. You were such a large part of my life that the way you treated me was all I knew. I tried to be different, to forget, but I realized the more you were gone the more angrier I was. You made me into you. I was angry, I had to get it out, but nothing I did worked until I became the kind of bully you were. Sex, drugs, becoming a depraved s**t stain on the underwear of the world like you were was all I knew. Everything you did to me I had to do to someone else, let it out, like all those years of your torture collected inside me. But then you came back and I became that p***y little ******** again, scared and afraid of you. You ruined me, Daxter, and I hate you so much. I hate you so much I wanted to kill you. By the way I knew all about Exitium, they came knocking on my door knowing our history together but I turned them down, because I didn't want you to come after me. I wanted you off my property and out of my life, but when you left I couldn't stop thinking about you. I have been obsessed, consumed by you since you came to visit me, and do you know what I did?"

                              Dax leaned forward, looking at Dexter, "what?" He asked simply, waiting for the response of a lifetime. Imagine his surprise when Dexter raised his hand and let out a bolt of black-tinted electricity from his hand, hitting Dax hard enough to knock him over and tumble him backwards, the customers of the shop gasping in surprise. "I found someone who could let me do to you what you did to me." Daxter hissed, grabbing the shoulder with a black burn mark that emitted smoke from the wound. "Vance?!" Daxter asked with a groan as he stood up, still holding onto the hilt of the sword which extended into the full-length blade. "Is that who gave you the power?! You sell yourself to be his little b***h just for the chance to kill me?" He ducked towards the sales counter as Dexter started tossing out dark-infused electricity, causing burn marks to appear where the bolts landed. "So maybe he found me, point is I'm not doing this for the chance to kill you, I'm doing this for the fact I'm going to kill you! Big difference buddy! But hey, now you know how I feel, being weak and powerless to stop the abuse. I hate you, I hate everything you are, once you're dead I can finally rest a little!" He shot out a continuous stream of electricity towards the sales counter, boring through the wood and shooting it near Dax, who leaped out from behind the counter and let out a powerful white-hot flame beam near Dexter's head, who stumbled from the intensity. "Do you ******** your mom's mouth with that kind of inaccuracy?! You p***y." Dexter turned to see Dax rushing at him, tackling him to the ground and sitting on his stomach, stabbing the sword through his chest. "Screw guilt, screw redemption, I'm going to kill you and rid the world of the sniveling coward of a human being you are, for good." Dexter put his hand on Dax's face, "you missed my heart you shithead, but I won't miss your ********' face. I'm not afraid of you anymore!! You might've ******** up my early years, but I'll ******** up the rest of my life without you!"

                              Daxter teleported in a cloud of smoke as the lightning shot from Dexter's hand into the ceiling, the powerful burst of electricity crashing through the roof into the sky. Daxter appeared next to his opponent and grabbed the sword still sticking out of his chest, disappearing again when Dexter tried to shoot him with another electrical burst. "I hate you, I ******** hate you!! But now you'll be begging me to stop, now you'll be praying the torture ends. I've become you, and in the end aren't we all just Dax's waiting to be released because the world is nothing but s**t and we're done lying to ourselves?" Every time Daxter appeared in his cloud of smoke Dexter tried to hit him with electricity, even if Dexter was bleeding from a chest wound caused by Dax's sword. "The ******** are you, crazy?" Dax was so busy dodging the attacks he didn't have a moment to sit still and just shake his head at the absurdity of the situation. Dexter stopped firing bolts of dark electricity, Dax stopped teleporting, the two of them staring to one another both ready for the other to make a move. "The world sucks, there's nothing good about it, we are all just horrible people waiting for the right triggers to release us from the idea that we can keep pretending to be decent human beings. Fact is, we suck, and so does everything else."

                              Daxter was a terrible human being inside and out, fact was there wasn't a thing he wouldn't do for the right or wrong reasons, destroying lives and causing suffering. He enjoyed what he did, he didn't lie about it or make excuses about why, but he hardly saw himself as a cause of it. He took advantage of what was already there to make a path for himself, move ahead in life, and though he'd seen the worst of people in his time he'd also seen some of the best. Ember was a big part of that, but she could be just as bad as he was, but she loved him more than anything else in the world, and he saw that. He loved her too, cared about her, only three people in the entire world had that luxury, one of them was dead and the other was one-half of the team that did their best to turn him into something good. There wasn't a thing he wouldn't do for her and he had nothing but fun around her. But it wasn't just Ember either, there was Nill who was a shining beacon of sunshine and hope. It was tiring, all that positivity, but she was a good person who, despite her rough times, always held out for the best. Noah, too, despite mooching off him for months had let the group stay at his home and given them money, and had done his best to make a better life for the Gifted by risking his own by fighting the DOGS. Melody had completely forgiven her own horrible son for his actions in the past, she loved him and treated him like a human being and hadn't given up on him, even when he had. There were good people in the world, pure people who Daxter knew weren't like him, and that was all that mattered. They weren't like him no matter how hard anyone else would try to get them to be, and that was enough to show him that the world wasn't a terrible place. Daxter could never convince Dexter otherwise, and maybe it was too late for him, but despite Daxter oftentimes being the proof that the world could suck, there were people who would undo what he did. Maybe, just maybe, Daxter could be like them if he tried hard enough.

                              "Fact is people like you and me are the dregs of society. We're terrible people, you sell drugs and ruin lives, I end them without caring or giving a second thought. In recent years I've become a much better person, but for as self-aware as I am with my own problems I don't want to be someone else. And you? Well I think you're the same way, self-aware but don't care to fix it. I can be happy with myself despite my problems, because now I know there really are good people in the world. People who make you feel things you didn't know you could, people who make you smile even when you don't want to. Am I the same person I was a year ago? No. Am I a better person than I was a year ago? Somewhat. I used to be a sociopath, humans were just playthings to me, but now I am a human, and I love my girlfriend and my mom. I've been a sociopath, a psychopath, a hyperactive nut with too much time on his hands, and finally, someone who has accepted who he is and has found a conscience. Is the world a terrible, dark place? No, because there are people who won't let it. You're wrong, just because people like us are common doesn't mean the good people out there are drowned out by our actions. Ember, Nill, Noah, Salem, Lucia, Theodore, and my mom are all people who have shown me the good in people. I've become so ******** up that I didn't realize it until lately, until I embraced all my flaws and my strengths and just sorted it all out."

                              Dexter stood there, staring blankly at Daxter until finally he started laughing, "man, you really do live in some ******** up fantasy world now. I don't see people as good, I see them all like you, just needing the strength and power to ruin the lives of others. People like Vance grant that power, and I'll use it too, proving that I'm no better than you. But at least I don't sugarcoat it!!" Dexter thrust forward his hands and shot out a powerful burst of electricity towards Dax, who teleported behind Dexter and thrust the sword through his stomach, turning to put his hand on his back. "You're wrong." As Daxter prepared to let out a beam of fire through his torso, Dexter disappeared in a flash of electricity. Daxter growled as he realized the fight was over, collapsing the blade into the hilt of his sword and leaving quickly. Dexter was back and he had a grudge, something told Dax he wouldn't stop until one of them was dead, either.

                              Ember found out about their little tumble in the sandwich shop, he told her everything and soon he let it go, deciding it wasn't worth worrying about until he showed back up later on. It figured that Daxter's childhood mistake would come back to haunt him in the past, but he had bigger things to worry about than some emasculated man trying to reclaim the power he lost a long time ago as a boy. Did Daxter feel bad over everything that happened? Yes. But he was done trying to make amends, if Dexter was something he'd helped create, then he was something he would help destroy. But, again, he had bigger things to worry about like the explosion in the experimentation facility that had occurred a few moments ago. "I told you not to stop for tacos on the way here! " Daxter told Salem, "fart joke? You're mature." Daxter just laughed as they burst through the room and made short work of the scientists with their powers and weapons. Leaving one alive, they were surprised when he put a handgun in his mouth and fired. "That's a hell of a protocol they're following, loyal to whatever cause they're part of." "If you see any kool-aid around, don't drink it." "They're not a cult, you idiot." Daxter grabbed a piece of paper one of the scientists had been holding, pointing to a logo that looked incredibly satanic. "Fine, so these guys are part of a cult. Doesn't mean the whole organization is. Anyway -- ." A sudden explosion rocked the facility, causing Salem to tackle Daxter and shield him in a dark energy barrier, protecting them from the massive crumbling of the building around them. "While you're down there..." Salem looked up at Daxter with a scowl, realizing his tackle was a little low and his head was near Daxter's groin. "You're so ********' funny, Daxter." Ember and Lucia had a hard time getting along, but for the most part it seemed that Daxter was more than willing to work with Salem, even though he had killed his mother. Maybe Daxter understood people did what they did for different reasons, none of it personal, or perhaps he was just playing the waiting game until the day he'd finally get him back for what he'd done. Either way, Daxter didn't seem bothered by Salem being around, and that was intentional.

                              "Salem!" Lucia called on the communicator, "If you're in there, you need to get out now! The place is going to explode again!" Salem released the barrier and the too stood up, their part of the facility still mostly standing, but another explosion would bring it down on their heads. Daxter and Salem, without saying a word, glanced at one another and then took off down the halls. Skidding around a corner, Daxter stopped and turned to Salem, stopping him as well, "so, quick question." "Really, now of all times!?" "Did we forget we can fly?" Salem stared at Daxter incredulously, then fired a powerful beam of energy through the ceiling until it created a hole in the roof of the complex, the two of them flying out as the last explosion engulfed the building, leaving the two safely above it as the complex crumbled underneath of them. "You're an idiot and a goofball, but a damn genius too." "You're a hardass and a b*****d, but a definite b*****d too." Salem shook his head and spotted Lucia standing outside the blast radius, heading to her. Daxter hovered with his flames until he saw Ember, then fell onto the ground next to her, immediately hugging her tightly. "I'm so thankful you're alive, I really didn't want to start dating again. By the way, keep an eye on Salem he was," Daxter pulled away from Ember, pressing his fingers indicating how close Salem was, "this close from blowing me." He smirked, obviously joking, "seriously though, his head was in my lap after he tackled me to shield me from the explosion. Full service rescue, my favorite kind of service. You okay baby?" He asked, putting a hand on her cheek.

                              "You alright Lucia?" Salem asked softly as he approached her, checking her over to make sure she wasn't hurt. He sighed with a smile to see she was fine, Daxter and Ember joining them shortly afterwards. "Well that was a bust, all that work for not a damn thing. So, who's hungry?" He wrapped an arm around Ember's shoulders, holding her tightly. "The real question is, what the hell do we do next? Let's regroup with Theodore and find out what our next step is." Salem started walking away, Daxter shaking his head, "always so serious. C'mon baby, let's go follow our fearless leader." Daxter grabbed Ember's arm and started walking with her.

BIoodbane's Fav

Ruthless Firestarter

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                      Get up. You're not finished yet. You have a legacy to fulfill, right? You know, your father's death? Ember shot her eyes open and looked around. Daxter! she thought out loud as she tried to find him. It wasn't until moments later that Salem and Daxter flew out from the top of the building. She looked up, seeing Daxter descend her way. She watched him fall next to her and then wrap her tightly in his arms, she gasped slightly and felt a small flame ignite between their chests from her surprise. "I'm so thankful you're alive, I really didn't want to start dating again." Ember looked over his shoulder from being hugged and got over her embarrassment rather quickly by rolling her eyes slightly. "By the way, keep an eye on Salem he was," Daxter pulled away from Ember, h-he did what? she thought seriously as he pressed his fingers indicating how close Salem was, "this close from blowing me." He smirked, obviously joking, "seriously though, his head was in my lap after he tackled me to shield me from the explosion. Full service rescue, my favorite kind of service. You okay baby?" He asked, putting a hand on her cheek.

                      Ember pursed her lips slightly and gazed down at her leg that started to heal. "Yes, I-I'm fine." She wasn't sure if they had gotten any intel on what the explosion was from. Had they even gathered any information? She wasn't sure, but she grabbed Daxter's hand off her cheek and held it tightly in her own for a moment before they were both pulled to stand. You're scared to tell him what you saw? You know what you saw. You're guilty if you keep it to yourself. Ember swallowed hard. Of course there was more to the story than just seeing an active Chroma generator. When she looked down over the bars... the evidence was hard to ignore. But... she didn't want to discuss it. It's just a memory now. He knows it's pushing me over the edge. Now that I received his message, I'll make sure to deal with it properly. You think you can handle this on your own? My... You sure are blind. Ember snarled internally while she kept a level head in front of the others.

                      Lucia was a little shaken up about the explosion as she was worried for Salem. Screw Daxter after the mental trauma he caused her in earlier months, she just needed to know Salem was okay. She was fidgety with her communicator, crossing her fingers mentally while she kept a determined mask. When she saw what Ember did and the two were flying from the top of the building, Lucia looked as Salem came towards her. The building shook again, causing Lucia when she approached Salem simultaneously to trip, which she covered up easily with catching her feet but gripping his shirt tightly. She glared up into his eyes, as if tempered and angry with him because of his delay in getting out of the building and almost being crushed, but then he spoke, "You alright Lucia?" Lucia kept her angry glare on him while a shade of red took over on her cheeks, pushing him away from her slightly as she crossed her arms, "Yeah. I'm alright. Can you be a bit faster next time?"

                      Lucia looked back as Daxter was heard approaching and he spoke up, "Well that was a bust, all that work for not a damn thing. So, who's hungry?" He wrapped an arm around Ember's shoulders, holding her tightly. Ember looked up at Daxter and gave a small smile, one that faded quickly as she was continuing to space out. "You're always hungry? What the hell, we ate at least half an hour ago." "The real question is, what the hell do we do next? Let's regroup with Theodore and find out what our next step is." Lucia crossed her arms, "And tell him that this whole investigation of the facility was a damn bust. I couldn't hack anything. There was nothing to hack. Just a bunch of screens. Then Ember left me for god knows why. I'm starting to get tired of all this running around. There's barely any progress," "Can you stop bitching and start walking?" Ember spoke up as Daxter already started to walk with her. Daxter shaking his head, "always so serious. C'mon baby, let's go follow our fearless leader." Daxter grabbed Ember's arm. Ember nodded back to Daxter, trying to appear happier on the outside but she was bugged. Things were not adding up.

                      They eventually made it back to the mansion, however, Ember decided to sit this one out. She didn't want to be stuck in a room with two former enemies who put them through hell and talk about what happened at the base. She found it all to be too aggravating. In turn when they made it to the room and Ember excused herself, she looked at Daxter and kissed his cheek. "You go in. I've got a bit of a headache going on right now and I'm gonna head out to get some medicine." She felt so half-hearted in everything she was doing because she was so drained from the demons in her head. She quickly turned away and made her way out the door. Lucia looked back at Daxter and scoffed, "She's skipping out? Well, whatever. Come on," she motioned Daxter as the three of them gathered in the room. Lucia stared down at Theodore who turned around on his chair slowly to look at them. "Don't do that," she glared slightly as Theodore was pulling off the look of being a boss. Theodore laughed, knowing Lucia wasn't on edge about it, and that he anger was just a way of how she handled others. "What did you guys find out?" Theodore asked. Salem explained his end with Daxter on their findings and Lucia spoke, "Ember and I broke in on the other end of the facility. We found ourselves in a room with other scientists until some explosions occurred. Some of the scientists were dead, and while Ember was knocked out momentarily, I tried to wake her up. Other scientists arrived into the room to see the cause of commotion and she woke up, finally, then catching them. But... they killed themselves."

                      Lucia crossed her arms and recalled what she saw, "I don't know whether or not it was due to Ember's appearance or keeping a secret, but they were doing everything they could to kill themselves when they realized they were being tied down to make sure they didn't say a word about anything to us." She looked at Theodore, ignoring any angry comments that may have stirred up Daxter on the other side of the room with Salem between them. "I tried to access their computers... but they had no servers. The last three experimentation labs didn't have servers either... But our investigations were never allotted a long amount of time to search for one. I think everything is being transmitted wirelessly, but I can't find anything. Vance has to be controlling the data stream with his powers, because his security is so tight that I can't even find them anymore." She rolled her eyes as Theodore spoke up, "What about Ember? Did she see anything?" Lucia looked down at Theodore as she leaned her back against the wall and exhaled, "I don't know. She didn't mention anything." Lucia looked over her shoulder to the door and scoffed, "Heh... and she says I'm too sketchy." "What?" one of the voices in the room heard her remark. "You guys realize that she's really ******** quiet, right? I heard about the voices in her head. I was one of them for a while when Vance permitted me to do so. Maybe he's talking to her, and if he is, maybe she's working with him or something."

                      She looked over at Salem who spoke, "I know Ember is kind of a b***h, but I highly doubt she's betraying all of us. Ember hates Vance more than any of us, after what we all did to her." "It doesn't matter. He could be bribing her or maybe she would use his trust to get closer to him." "Then we should try to get her to tell us who--" "Good luck. Getting Ember to talk is tough enough. Unless somebody got it out of her," she motioned towards Daxter. She uncrossed her arms and picked herself up off the wall to walk over to the front of Daxter. "You're the only one who has been close to her the entire time, despite the three week break you had. Tell me, has she ever mentioned these voices before?" Daxter looked back down at her and replied, "Well she mentioned how whenever you were in her head her sex drive went from 'I'm going to ******** Daxter all week' to," he started to slowly lower his hand from eye level making a farting noise, "'as dry as the desert.' So there's that." Salem gave an odd look at Daxter as he continued, "The only voices in her head that I know about are the ones you cocksuckers put there, let's not forget who HAS been working for Vance before. But hey, people change, just two months ago I would've killed you." Lucia scoffed for a moment until he created a flame by her and then smirked, "Now I just like to ******** with you."

                      Lucia gritted her teeth when Daxter created the flame, her fears settling in until Salem finally came between the two of them, "Alright calm the ******** down, Dax." Daxter replied, "Trust me, I'm calm. It's the only thing that's letting your girlfriend continue to talk s**t about my girlfriend. She's no traitor. Me, on the other hand, well for the right price I'd probably sell Lucia to sex slavers and you? You'd make good target practice for some rich guy's 'most dangerous game' rendition." Daxter then smiled mischievously at Salem and put a hand on his shoulder, "Seriously, I'd betray you all in a heartbeat, I'm the real one to watch out for." He laughed as he headed for the door. "I'm going to talk to my girlfriend now, kiss her on the mouth like an adult, then do my own investigative work."

                      Salem stepped and turned to see him leave and responded, "I can't tell if he's joking or serious." "That smug b*****d," Lucia said with a growl. "Noah always says to assume everything he says is serious until he says it otherwise. For the record though, before we start throwing out wild accusations, maybe we should really consider what's being said. Ember hates Vance more than any of us, she barely wants to work with Lucia for the good of the world, what makes you think she'd work with Vance just to get close to him? Anyway, I have the next location, check it out, intel says it's been abandoned for weeks though, but should be in tact with minimal security, hopefully you guys will find something and have more time to explore it."


                      Ember walked out from the front of the mansion and hopped onto a motorcycle. She went full speed ahead to started making her way to the city. She knew where to go to get some good medicine. Although she knew it wouldn't make the pain go away. Ember had tried to find the way to breaking her massive amount of alcohol tolerance, the same was said for antibiotics. She would have to get some crazy anesthetic to not feel anything. That would be nice. To what? Not feel anything? You don't already. Oh wait, I was talking about emotions. Shut up, she replied and pulled the handle back, going even faster. However, as she traveled on the interstate towards the city, two motorcycles came up from behind. While Ember paid no attention to the two coming up from behind her, she heard the rev of their engines start to ... growl? She took a look behind her and saw the beast-like start to approach her from behind. Their shadows emitted like fire out of their exhaust pipes and a blue glow emitted from the headlights that shined her way, ignoring the daylight as they sparked with blue flames inside. That b*****d... Those flames resembling Vance.

                      The two workers, both armored figures without giving away any specification of gender, were surrounding Ember on both sides as they started to push at her side to side. Ember growled, "What the ******** are you doing?!" As she drew a metal blade to slice them away. Her blade didn't withstand the pressure of the wind with their rate of travel, but the two figures both pulled out a gun, shooting the blade out of her hands and then aimed for her. She leaned back, the bullet only inches from her neck and missing the other rider to her right. Alright, you wanna play? I'll play. Their engines seemed to be modified to resembling some alien-like creature that resembled the old DOGS logo but had a futuristic twist to its design, making it a seemingly deadlier force to deal with. Ember gripped onto her steel motorcycle and started to manipulate it as well. Another bullet was fired, but suddenly a shard of metal shot up from her right hand to protect her from the shot. Then multiple bullets clinked against the moving steel coming from her bike to protect her.

                      She kept pushing forward but when they came in closer range to fight her in combat, she stopped caring about her escape. She released the throttle and watched her bike click, shift, and turn underneath her as it reshaped itself into a new ride. It resembled a dragonic beast on all fours, but then clicked its two front legs together and back legs to shift into tires. She watched the metal reshape into sharp pyramids of steel, steep enough where she quickly swerved to the right and pierced the engine of the rider to her right. She pushed them to the edge with her bike, the head of the dragon glaring at the rider and successfully pushing them to break the rails and fall off the steep cliff to plunge to their death. The blue flames of the remaining ride shot quickly at Ember, piercing the exterior of her ride and causing the steel to melt. His flames are overwhelming she thought to herself as she felt some pain. Her eyes glowing silver and her orange flames emitting from the mouth of her motorcycle's dragon.

                      I'm so sick of being weak and unable. Then release your power. Ember's eyes glowed brighter as her orange flames flickered a blue and mixed. The head of her dragon roared with the flames sending large blasts to the other rider. She leaned towards the rider, dodging all of her attacks and looked at the road to set her bike headed straight. She jumped from her bike to the others, standing on the front of their motorcycle and avoiding a slash to her lower lips as she kicked their helmet, her hand going into the protective shield above their eyes. She grabbed hold of their face inside and lit the entire armor in her flames. The voice of the victim inside screamed in agony as she burned them in their own armor, watching their skin seep out as it melted from the small divisions of metal on them. She tossed them off their bike and saw them dissolve in her orange and blue flame, then jumping back onto her bike as the other became unstable and spun out of control.

                      She reshaped her ride back to normal with dents visible in some areas and grunted, kicking off and headed to a spot that her conscience would lead her to. She continued to travel for another twenty minutes before she got off her parked motorcycle and walked in the same park Daxter and her had talked in. It was the last place they saw each other before they were separated for a gruesome and torturous three weeks. Griffin Park. She walked to the bridge as she saw no one there, then crossing her arms and leaning her head against the edge. "You came," said the voice of "YOU!" she spun around and drew a shard to touch the chin of Vance. He stood, the blade not touching him in the slightest as an amused chuckle was heard. "I'd be careful if I were you." "You better run for your life," she stepped forward, the blade going into his shadow covered throat but... there was no struggle. The blade slipped in so easily. "How--" "I'm afraid I could not meet you in person. I have important matters that require my presence. Consider it a pleasure for me to be here in this form," he said, stepping closer to her and the blade piercing through this shadow-fabricated figure. Ember grunted, drawing her blade away from him by slashing it downward as it should have cut him in half, then making it disappear. "I'm going to find you," she said, stepping closer and looking up into his eyes.

                      "You filled me to the brim with hatred. I'll make sure your dying words are begging me for mercy." "Such hateful words. You're being consumed by that hatred, Ember." Ember glared at him carefully, every inch of her repelling him even if he was inches away. "Do you know who I am?" Ember spit at the figure, "A waste of life." "I'm the giver of life. You've done nothing since the death of your father but cause destruction and grief for others, haven't you? I know you Ember. Things you don't want other people to know. I know back in Solica you were afraid of hearing people call you a monster. I know you lost your father to the DOGS Corps and swore to bring them down. I also know you killed Zack." Ember was about ready to claw out his throat but was paralyzed when one of her darkest.. no... probably the darkest secret she had... was spoken. She was silenced, in horror, and just... shocked. "I know it, Ember." Ember looked as he leaned forward, the glimmer of silver eyes in the darkness of the mask revealed, "but do they know?" Ember swallowed hard, suddenly feeling herself being consumed by fear for a moment before she replied, "I will never forgive you..." Ember said as she balled up her fists, her cheeks flushed with anger as tears slowly built up in her eyes.

                      "Does Daxter know? How would he feel if he knew just what happened to --" "STOP!" Ember said as she lunged for the figure. Vance solidified the shadow to being able to be knocked down, Ember slightly surprised but strangling what could not be killed. "STOP RUINING MY LIFE AND DIE ALREADY!" she growled in anger, her blue flames finally emerging and taking the shadow that was Vance. He laughed whole-heartily under her hands as he slowly disintegrated. "I love you Ember. I'm so glad to see your drive! Until we meet again!" he laughed, disappearing in a smoke as Ember sat on the ground from his figure disappearing from under her. She sat on the wood of the bridge as the tears fell off the tip of her nose. I... am... probably being consumed by that hatred.

Dangerous Lunatic

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                              With Dexter back in his life and granted powers thanks to Vance, that meant he would have to be more cautious than ever. The guy would become a serious pain in his a** and the sooner he was dealt with the better off he would be. Daxter didn't let it bother him though, everyone chose their own fate and Dexter could have easily let things go after Daxter showed up to his place to apologize, but things were rarely that easy, but fortunately that meant that Daxter no longer felt like he owed him anything, he'd done what he needed and wanted, now it was up to Dexter to chose what he was going to do with all that. Unfortunately he chose to pursue him, try to kill him, and now that meant Daxter would have to take him down. It was a lot easier now that he felt absolved of the guilt he felt towards ruining his life, even though he knew that he'd caused him to warp into this twisted psychopath, at least Daxter had been able to snap himself out of it and work on becoming a better person, and if Dexter wouldn't do the same thing then he had to do what was necessary to protect himself and Ember.

                              Truth be told, Daxter forget all about his old buddy by the time they were sent on the mission from Theodore to check out the experimentation facility, and escaping with Salem had been so thrilling and fun that the last thing on his mind was the problem he was facing. He had landed near Ember and was making sure she was alright, happy to hear she was. He and Ember approached Salem and Lucia after they'd settled down from the escape, Daxter announcing it was a bust and that he was hungry. "You're always hungry? What the hell, we ate at least half an hour ago." "Real men real appetites, not like Mr. Salad over there." Salem had ignored the comment and spoken up about talking to Theodore, Ember and Lucia having a quick bicker before Salem led them back to the mansion, the quartet returning to Theodore to find out what was next. Daxter was surprised when Ember had no interest in being in on the meeting, then again it wasn't terribly surprising, Lucia and her didn't get along and truth be told he was tired of their bickering. If they were going to work together they could act like it, and at least Daxter was able to tolerate Salem, at least until the inevitable betrayal. "Feel better, baby." Daxter told her, Lucia telling Daxter to come along, following after her and Salem into the War Room, where Theodore was pulling off being their boss fairly easily. It amused Theodore and they began talking about the details of the mission.

                              After several minutes of discussion about what was happening and what wasn't happening with these missions, Lucia finally spoke up about a different topic, one that Daxter wasn't happy about hearing. "You guys realize that she's really ******** quiet, right? I heard about the voices in her head. I was one of them for a while when Vance permitted me to do so. Maybe he's talking to her, and if he is, maybe she's working with him or something." Daxter stared at her with his arms crossed, he was eerily quiet but now he was staring at her while she spoke to the others, silently seething at what she was saying out loud. "I know Ember is kind of a b***h, but I highly doubt she's betraying all of us. Ember hates Vance more than any of us, after what we all did to her." Strangely he was on Ember's side, which made Daxter ease up a little bit, release the tension from Lucia's wild accusations. "It doesn't matter. He could be bribing her or maybe she would use his trust to get closer to him." And back to being tense. "Then we should try to get her to tell us who--" "Good luck. Getting Ember to talk is tough enough. Unless somebody got it out of her," Lucia said, finally acknowledging Daxter as she approached his front, looking up at him. He was angry at her for even hinting that Ember was capable of betraying them, when he knew he was the real monster here.

                              "You're the only one who has been close to her the entire time, despite the three week break you had. Tell me, has she ever mentioned these voices before?" Daxter looked back down at her, replying bitterly, "well she mentioned how whenever you were in her head her sex drive went from 'I'm going to ******** Daxter all week' to," he started to slowly lower his hand from eye level making a farting noise, "'as dry as the desert.' So there's that." Salem nearly glared at him for that one, but Daxter was being antagonistic and doing a good job doing so. "The only voices in her head that I know about are the ones you cocksuckers put there, let's not forget who HAS been working for Vance before. But hey, people change, just two months ago I would've killed you." Lucia scoffed, Daxter more than happy to take advantage of her fears by creating a flame just a foot in front of her, smirking, "now I just like to ******** with you." Apparently it was alright for them to talk s**t about Ember, but the moment Lucia was being ******** with Salem came in like some white knight.

                              "Alright calm the ******** down, Dax." Salem said as he got between them, Daxter smirking like he was thinking twisted, but happy, thoughts. Maybe he was. Daxter replied, "Trust me, I'm calm. It's the only thing that's letting your girlfriend continue to talk s**t about my girlfriend. She's no traitor. Me, on the other hand, well for the right price I'd probably sell Lucia to sex slavers and you? You'd make good target practice for some rich guy's 'most dangerous game' rendition." Daxter then let that smile become mischievous as he put a hand on Salem's shoulder, "seriously, I'd betray you all in a heartbeat, I'm the real one to watch out for." He laughed as he headed for the door. "I'm going to talk to my girlfriend now, kiss her on the mouth like an adult, then do my own investigative work." Daxter wasn't joking, Salem and Lucia would be easy to sell out without a second thought if it meant ensuring some kind of future or giving him and Ember advantage of a situation. Salem wasn't sure if he was serious or not, but he was deadly serious about it, even if he made a joke. "Noah always says to assume everything he says is serious until he says it otherwise. For the record though, before we start throwing out wild accusations, maybe we should really consider what's being said. Ember hates Vance more than any of us, she barely wants to work with Lucia for the good of the world, what makes you think she'd work with Vance just to get close to him? Anyway, I have the next location, check it out, intel says it's been abandoned for weeks though, but should be in tact with minimal security, hopefully you guys will find something and have more time to explore it."

                              Daxter went to go find Ember but only found she'd left already, taking a motorcycle into the city without saying a word, she probably had left during their meeting and Daxter decided maybe he should go after her. He wasn't going to start trouble by telling Ember what Lucia thought, but she wasn't exactly wrong that something was bothering her, he had to know what. Daxter walked outside into the driveway and, being that the world no longer hated Gifted, meant he could use his flame abilities to coat himself in a blazing fire and use that as propulsion to take to the skies. Like a meteor falling from orbit, Daxter streaked across the sky in a blazing light, heading towards the city. He created a thin pocket of air using his smoke and fire power, allowing him to cling fire to his clothes and skin without burning either, pushing the fire behind him through his feet and hands like a human jet plane. It had taken him a lot of time to master the mechanics of the flight for precision and tight maneuvers, but in the time since the Gifted had become liked, he'd had a lot of practice flying around the city. There were several scorch marks on buildings where he'd struck them, but eventually he learned to fly between the tall buildings and even ground level without touching anything. He wouldn't say he'd mastered flying with fire, but it sure was a fairly amazing ability he didn't think he'd ever get to safely practice. The orange-red flames burned brightly, changing into a brilliant white hue that slowly colorized in a beautiful blue, letting the blue flames propel him through the city as he went to search for Ember.

                              Eventually he landed on top of an apartment complex, overlooking the busy Los Angels streets as the cars drove by in the dozens every few seconds. "If it isn't my best friend, Mr. Bitchface." Called a voice accompanied by a lightning strike, Dexter arriving with a smile as he approached Daxter, stopping just out of arm's length from him. "Glad you're here, I was hoping to see a huge p***y today. Enjoying your whoring with Vance, Dexter?" Dexter scoffed, laughing, "says the little b***h that apologized like a ********, thinking it would make things better. And I'm not going by Dexter anymore, it doesn't convey the sense of self-importance and danger. I prefer Raz." Daxter scoffed, "you're going by Raz? That...That's not even a name! Sounds like you just made something up on the spot. You're an idiot. Yeah now I'm afraid." Daxter laughed as Raz scowled, "I LIKE Raz, it either means Razor or Razputin, with a 'Z'. And that guy was awesome. You shut your whore mouth I'm sick of your s**t!" Dexter, or Raz, never had much of a childhood, stolen away by Daxter and his cruelty, this little nicknaming thing was more than just a simple rebranding of himself now that he had powers, it was the part of him that tried to reclaim something stolen from him. Dexter was nothing more than a terrified child exaggerating his entire adult life because all he knew was pain, anger, and hatred. In some ways, Daxter felt bad for Raz, but on the other hand this was the way he decided he wanted to go. Maybe talk it out, fight, hate one another, perhaps Daxter could have led Raz into finding peace with himself, after all, Daxter had never had much of a childhood either, but that was a self-inflicted decision, instead of one forced on him.

                              "Whatever, Raz, what do you want? Settling our fight from before?" Raz snarled, pissed at Daxter, perhaps in some ways he was still trying to impress him, coming up with a "cool" nickname and becoming more powerful to not only make Daxter scared of him, but be impressed. Though they were both mid-20s adults with a long history behind them, in some ways the two of them were still teenagers again when they were together. The only difference is, while Dexter was still afraid of his former friend, and trying to impress him to get him to like him legitimately out of some fear or stockholm syndrome, Daxter had eased up considerably and was no longer out to hurt Dexter for any other reason than his own self-preservation, to protect himself and Ember. Raz had smiled, then shot out a bolt of lightning that narrowly missed Daxter, his former friend laughing, "c'mon b***h, catch me if you can!" Still laughing, Raz took off running and jumped off the side of the 4 story apartment complex, Daxter following him quickly as he tossed out powerful tightly packed beams of fire to hit him with. Landing in the alleyway, Raz kicked a dumpster at Daxter and ran off, Daxter pulling out his sword and extending the blade, coating it in fire and slicing the dumpster in half. [********] He cursed, chasing after him.

                              They ran into the street where Raz had used his lightning to fire underneath a parked car which caused it to fly a few feet into the air, a lightning burst from his hands propelling it at Daxter, who ran at his opponent with all his speed and slid underneath the car heading for his chest. Catching his footing and standing up while still moving forward, Raz continued running as he ran into another alleyway and turned the corner. Daxter turned the same corner and felt a baseball bat slam into his chest, breaking apart as he fell down. Raz seemed to have had the bat waiting against the wall, grabbing a steel pipe that was leaning against the wall. Daxter jumped to his feet and wondered where the hell Dexter was leading him, refusing to call him Raz. "You're out of your league." Daxter said simply, grabbing the pipe as Raz swung it, ripping it out of his hands and tossing it aside. "I'm better than you," he said darkly, "always was, always will." Raz fired a combined lightning bolt at Daxter who raised his sword and enhanced his flames to counteract it, blocking it as the powerful burst forced him to skid backwards. "I don't care that you're Mister Los Angels Cocksucking Champion, someone needs a hobby, I do care that you have a purdy girlfriend and I promise I'm gonna ******** that b***h until I'm done." Bad choice of words, Raz ran off some more while Daxter continued chasing him.

                              They ran for what seemed like miles, tossing out their respective elemental powers at one another, Daxter finally fed up with this and vanishing in a puff of smoke, appearing in midair and tackling Dexter to the ground, tumbling and then throwing him into a tree. Daxter stood up, realizing that he had just 'thrown Dex into a tree,' which meant they were in a park. Griffin Park, the park where he'd told Ember he didn't know if he loved her, and then regretted the following three weeks where Vance had her. Terrible memories, he hated the thought she might've died without knowing the truth, the fear of what he couldn't say. He saw in the park the people going about their day, children playing, adults throwing frisbees and playing football, and enjoying their time before the sun set.

                              Raz stood up and backed up into a tree, looking towards the bridge where Ember was talking to a shadowy figure. "You know something, Daxter? I can't wait for your life to fall apart in the same way you made mine. There are secrets, buddy, between you and your girl. I bet you've got a few of your own you'd never want to tell. But secrets kill, they'll fester, so enjoy the ******** b***h you have for as long as you have her, cause you'll end up just like me, Dax buddy, dead inside and all alone. After all, I'm just like you, and you're only postponing your depressing end." Disappearing in a flash of lightning, Daxter got closer to Ember and Shadow-Vance, finally picking up on what they were saying. " -- I also know you killed Zack." Ember killed Zack? Her first boyfriend, more or less the first person she had loved, according to her? What did that mean for Daxter, would she try that on him? Impossible, they were in love, two twisted individuals that made them see the good that was within themselves. They were connected, there would be no way that Ember would take his life like she'd taken Zack's. "I will never forgive you..." Ember replied as he was lost in thought, listening to their conversation continue. "Does Daxter know? How would he feel if he knew just what happened to --" "STOP!"

                              Ember lunged for Shadow-Vance, knocked down, Ember trying to strangle the solidified figure. "STOP RUINING MY LIFE AND DIE ALREADY!" She growled in anger, her blue flames finally emerging and taking down the shadow figure. Vance laughed whole-heartily under her hands as he slowly disintegrated. "I love you Ember. I'm so glad to see your drive! Until we meet again!" He laughed in amusement, disappearing in a smoke as Ember sat on the ground from his figure disappearing from under her. She sat on the wood of the bridge as the tears fell off the tip of her nose. Daxter watched from afar as she was silently crying, gripping onto the tree he was hiding behind. 'What will become of us? How long can we hold up against what's trying to destroy us? What happens when we reach our breaking point? Will she try to kill me? Will I lose what makes me...decent?' Daxter rounded the tree and walked up behind Ember as she continued to sit on the bridge and let the tears fall.

                              "What is better?" Daxter asked as he approached her carefully, staying a few feet away from her as he spoke, "to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" Philosophical words coming from him, but words that were true nonetheless. Good people born that way never overcame such disadvantages to be the way they were, while evil people like Daxter had to work all their life just to become worth the effort he was putting forth. "We all do terrible things, Ember, I don't have any room to judge because of my life. You killed Zack, your first boyfriend, maybe you had a good reason or maybe you were just tired of seeing his stupid-looking face." He came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder. "At best I take jobs that lets me kill terrible people for money. At worst I take jobs that lets me kill nobody important for money. I have more innocent blood on my hands than I do evil blood. I killed an Elite DOGS soldier just because I liked his sword, when I found out he had a Gifted sister I killed her too, just because I could. That's the entire reason the DOGS found me and I found you. Point is, sometimes the terrible s**t we do leads to some not-so-terrible results. If I hadn't killed them, joined the DOGS, fallen for Sapphire and broke her heart, I might not have found you." He kissed her cheek softly, then continued, "I don't care that you killed Zack, I only care if you have a history of killing ex-boyfriends and if I should worry. But, I love you, so before you think about whether or not I'm better off dead, remember I am a fantastic lover and I think you'd miss me." He squeezed her softly in a hug, sighing gently.

                              "Zack and Noah were close friends, if I remember right, which means he'll need to know and he'll need to know why. Unless you think we can steal his credit card and fall off the face of the planet." He stood up and pulled Ember up with him, then turned her around to face him, smiling. "You're the only person in the world, except for my mom, who ever gets to see the serious adult Daxter, that's because I only love two people in my life, you and my mom. Everyone else gets immature joking Daxter or angry unhappy Daxter." Daxter grabbed her chin carefully, wiping away the tears with his other hand, "being a serious adult is a lot of work, so don't take this lightly. Right now I'm having a hard time not trying to make fun of the little kid that just got hit in the face with a frisbee. Seriously, I held back a really good laugh because you are important to me, and making sure you understand that is more important than having a good laugh at someone else's expense." Daxter's eyes quickly went from Ember to something happening behind them, then back to Ember just as quickly, "As difficult as it might be to believe that I can love someone other than myself, I love you, Ember. Whatever you did and why doesn't change that. So cheer up, your boyfriend is kind of awesome." He smiled and kissed her quickly, wrapping his arms around her and holding her tightly. He suddenly chuckled lightly, "sorry," he whispered, "that same kid just got hit in the face with a football."

                              He pulled back from her and grabbed her hand, "do you want to do something fun? Not sex, unless you want to, but I mean something else. You and me, out on a date, what do you think? Screw Vance, screw Dexter or Raz or whatever that idiot is calling himself, screw Salem and Lucia, you and me, baby, on a date." He smirked to her, showing her he didn't care what she did or why, that whatever her reasons were weren't nearly as important as him being in love with her, which trumped the bad things she'd done. She could accept him for all he was and did, why couldn't he do the same for her? He loved her, and he made sure she knew it.

BIoodbane's Fav

Ruthless Firestarter

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                      "Ember," he called out to her as he touched her shoulder. "Yeah dad?" she asked looking up over her shoulder with curios eyes and settling down the flames that once engulfed her hands. "What are you doing?" he asked, taking his hand back from her shoulder. The eleven year-old girl grinned and spoke, "I'm practicing some hand eye coordination. I'm going to be a great hunter, just like you!" she said while clenching her fist and bouncing up and down once. She seemed hyped while her father looked at the several animals she had used as target practiced lie dead with horrific burns that put a hole through them. Their bodies all sprawled out from being killed on the spot. "You're certainly making a mark... But you should practice on something a little less bloody honey," he said and patted her head. "Dad," Ember turned to him seriously with her hands on her hips, "I can't do that. Animals are more intelligent than a piece of cardboard! I want to be a good hunter like you, and I'll never be one unless I practice the real thing!" "That's not true, Ember," he said as he crouched down on one knee and moved the hair in front of her face behind her ear. "I only hunt as good as I do because I want to provide for our family. I love you and Ellinor with all my heart, so when I do my hunting, I only do well by doing it for you. Don't waste your time on target practice. Your power is in here," he said and tapped the area above her heart lightly. "That's weird, dad. You practiced. I know it." He smirked slightly and ruffled her hair before standing up. "It's in our blood. Dragons are natural hunters. You'll get good over time, but don't waste time on the ones who won't count later."

                      Ember rolled her head back and caught a glimpse of the blue sky before releasing a loud groan, rolling her eyes into the back of her head and then speaking, "Well when do they start to count?!" Her father laughed lightly, crossing his arms and adjusting his belt to grab the container with fresh water. "They only count in the times you're doing it for the ones you love." Ember crossed her arms, "I'm doing it so I can hunt for the family too." "Ember... Don't be so pushy. Have you ever heard of the food chain? Killing all these small animals will damage that chain. Everything has a purpose.. but you shouldn't be wasting them for your target practice." Ember huffed, stomping her foot and pouting to where he father gave her a stern look. She gave him one back, and after several seconds the two of them burst into laughter. She ran right up into his arms and hugged him tight, "Okay dad! I can't win!" Her father smiled and twirled his little girl around for a moment before setting her back down on her feet. "I love you honey. Don't worry about becoming a good hunter like your old man right now. You're young. You need to be spending time with your mom and I at home. We love you, and we would do anything for you. So come on," he said and picked her up for her to sit over his shoulders. Ember was surprised at how high she was as compared to the ground, but giggled and laughed as she held onto her father's hands holding her in place, not letting go. "So dad, do you always think about mom and me when you do stuff? What about yourself?"

                      Her father kept walking a steady pace, "When did you get so inquisitive?" "What's that word mean?" He laughed loudly, Ember blushing slightly from being belittled and huffed again. "Come on! Tell me!" "It's nothing, Ember. But... Yes. Your mom and you are always on my mind. I would be a mess without you." "What about you?" "What about me?" "Don't you ever worry about you or what you want?" "Our family is all I ever want. I would do anything for you two, even die for you." Ember blinked in utter surprise and looked down at her dad, bending down to look at his red eyes. "...Really?" Her father blinked up, his eyes turning silver to make Ember smile bright for a moment which he knew would happen as he gave her a small headbutt and said, "Yes. I love you, and I would do anything to protect you."--- So why couldn't I protect you? she thought as she cried on the bridge. She covered her ears, shielded her heart. It was the greatest sin she'd ever committed. She was so young she didn't blame herself for the death of her father, her mother had convinced her that she was innocent and that the DOGS Corps were the ones to take his life away... but when she believed that she loved Zack and would have done just about anything to protect him... how come she couldn't do it?

                      She tried to shape her morals after her father's while taking revenge for him. Every DOGS Corps member held a piece of information to get her closer to the king. His empire was made of numbers, and the more she could decrease those numbers, the better her chances of survival and assisting the remaining Gifted while she sought her revenge. She wasn't trying to waste time killing all the ground DOGS members that would roam the streets as security, and they weren't practice. She was doing what her father told her to do.. to do it out of love. For as long as she could remember since that time, protecting her loved ones was something to never be taken lightly. She'd admitted to herself in the time she befriended Mars that it was too short or soon to say she loved him, but she always felt guilty for letting her friend down. Then there was Zack. He was there to rescue her from Haine when she needed somebody the most. He was the person to take her back to the comfort of her home and sacrifice a good life for himself by turning her in to make sure she was free, because he believed she was the only one who could end the madness in the world. She knew from the moment she tripped over Noah's cane and stumbled onto him that he was different, but she was never sure how.

                      While she was bad at relationships in general, she believed to be in love with Zack. As their relationship became more quiet... years passed and Zack became disconnected from Noah and the others, leaving Ember to try and talk to him and get him to fight the Wolfpack with her... something happened. Something changed Zack and she went against the belief her father had taught her and shared so whole-heartily. She, like her father, was doing everything to protect the ones she loved. She wanted to be like her father and even go as far as dying for the ones she loved... but when Zack went out of control.. she ended his life. After such an event, the only thing that kept Ember's mind off of it was refocusing her attention to trying to get herself wasted. She could never find a Gifted to erase the pain of the memory, and it was too much for her to bear that she went against her own moral code... and didn't die to protect someone she loved. Part of the reason she used to justify saving herself was that she was still seeking revenge for her father... but now that she'd sullied his greatest teaching to her, the moral she carried for the love of her family, she couldn't forgive herself. Now, sitting on the bridge and crying tremendously in her heart and soul, she felt guilt. It was the fear of committing that crime once that she may commit it again, to protect herself.

                      She felt the tears falling from her red cheeks on her hands that were balled into fists against the wood of the bridge. Somebody might see her, hear her or approach her. She didn't care. If she ignored them long enough, they would leave her alone. If she was showing no interest and a lack of care for others invading her personal space, then she could be alone. But even in the wallowing sadness that she felt consuming her, she still wished for -- "What is better?" Daxter asked as he approached her carefully, staying a few feet away from her as he spoke, "to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" Daxter. Ember blinked a few more tears out of her eyes as she looked down at her hands and replied, "The nature of a dragon isn't evil... It's what we do that makes us evil... And I just..." "We all do terrible things, Ember, I don't have any room to judge because of my life. You killed Zack," The words caused Ember to shudder even more as the settling feeling of him knowing began to settle in. "...your first boyfriend, maybe you had a good reason or maybe you were just tired of seeing his stupid-looking face." He came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder. Ember was slightly frozen while wrapped in the warmth of his embrace from behind her, and squinted her eyes more as the tears fell out onto his arm holding her waist. "At best I take jobs that lets me kill terrible people for money. At worst I take jobs that lets me kill nobody important for money. I have more innocent blood on my hands than I do evil blood. I killed an Elite DOGS soldier just because I liked his sword, when I found out he had a Gifted sister I killed her too, just because I could. That's the entire reason the DOGS found me and I found you. Point is, sometimes the terrible s**t we do leads to some not-so-terrible results. If I hadn't killed them, joined the DOGS, fallen for Sapphire and broke her heart, I might not have found you." I killed an innocent man... and broke every moral code I have, even if it was just once. If I hadn't done so... would I be here with Daxter? She knew that it wouldn't happen.

                      He kissed her cheek softly, causing her to feel suddenly ignited with more emotion as he then continued, "I don't care that you killed Zack, I only care if you have a history of killing ex-boyfriends and if I should worry. But, I love you, so before you think about whether or not I'm better off dead, remember I am a fantastic lover and I think you'd miss me." He squeezed her softly in a hug, sighing gently. But that's just it. I don't know what I'm capable of. I know you're amazing and I would miss you... but what if protecting myself transcends moral standards. What if I give into my draconic instincts to survive and then think everyone is out to get me? I don't want to feel so blind anymore. I just want to be happy. So desperately. I just want to be happy. She held onto his arm while sobbing more, unable to feel herself calming for that moment. "I would miss you... but what if I wasn't myself anymore?" She peered her eyes open and hugged his arms that were around her waist, feeling slightly nausea and sad. "I... was going to die for you after everything I went through in the three weeks we were gone. I really do love you... but I'm still..." she stopped herself, not knowing what she would have said next. She just loved Daxter so much, it was hard to imagine hurting him to protect herself. She felt protection from him on her behalf... even if just a little... something she never felt with anybody else.

                      "Zack and Noah were close friends, if I remember right, which means he'll need to know and he'll need to know why. Unless you think we can steal his credit card and fall off the face of the planet." He stood up and pulled Ember up with him, then turned her around to face him, smiling. She looked up at Daxter, trying her best to hold in the rest of her tears as he talked about telling Noah or disappearing. She would rather have nobody now... not even Daxter who was conscious enough to believe that it would be healthy to tell Noah. It was difficult, and she couldn't imagine hurting Noah. What if he called her a monster? What... would happen then? "You're the only person in the world, except for my mom, who ever gets to see the serious adult Daxter, that's because I only love two people in my life, you and my mom. Everyone else gets immature joking Daxter or angry unhappy Daxter." Daxter grabbed her chin carefully, wiping away the tears with his other hand, "being a serious adult is a lot of work, so don't take this lightly. Right now I'm having a hard time not trying to make fun of the little kid that just got hit in the face with a frisbee. Seriously, I held back a really good laugh because you are important to me, and making sure you understand that is more important than having a good laugh at someone else's expense." Daxter's eyes quickly went from Ember to something happening behind them, then back to Ember just as quickly, "As difficult as it might be to believe that I can love someone other than myself, I love you, Ember. Whatever you did and why doesn't change that. So cheer up, your boyfriend is kind of awesome." Ember was really lucky to see this side of Daxter. He put his childish behavior aside in times that called for a serious environment, almost knowing exactly what to say to her to make her feel better.

                      She didn't want to think about Zack and telling Noah about the incident. It ate her away so much maybe it would tear her apart... but Daxter was stitching it all back together and making it easier for her. She didn't feel alone because of him, but she certainly felt he was crediting himself a little much. Wasn't she supposed to be the one to tell him he was a great boyfriend? Then again, it took her a long time to say things that were on her mind or how she felt about something. Daxter, the man who invited her on a blind trip to Alaska which she took just to give a hand to a friend from the past, turned into her lover after fighting her demons with her in a way he couldn't see. Daxter was far more important than she gave him credit for. When he smiled and kissed her quickly she did blush lightly. She closed her eyes for that moment, even with an exhausted sigh from her crying, and when he was wrapping his arms around her and holding her tightly she felt more secure. After seeing Vance, she never expected to calm so easily. It still wasn't easy, but Daxter knew how long to stay on a subject and why. He suddenly chuckled lightly, "sorry," he whispered, "that same kid just got hit in the face with a football." She gave a hopeless smile.

                      He pulled back from her and grabbed her hand, "do you want to do something fun? Not sex, unless you want to, but I mean something else. You and me, out on a date, what do you think? Screw Vance, screw Dexter or Raz or whatever that idiot is calling himself, screw Salem and Lucia, you and me, baby, on a date." Ember grabbed his hand back and nodded her head, unable to speak for the moment. She wanted to enjoy the date, enjoy his love and be enveloped into it. She never got to indulge in it since the day Vance took over the world. Sex included, the date being something to look forward to, and much more... she wanted to have fun with him. Could she have the guilty luxury of forgetting the world, if not just for a little while... just so she could have him to herself? She needed a break from all this trauma. With the voice momentarily gone, she wanted to do anything and everything she could to fill the void with Daxter. "Please," she said, gripping his hand back. She would do anything and everything he wanted to do, leaving herself into somebody else's hands voluntarily for the very first time.

Dangerous Lunatic

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                              He wasn't trying to kill him, just catch him; Dexter had led Daxter all around the city and he wasn't sure why or where they were going, but he was going to catch him and beat his face in until he swallowed teeth. The fighting was short and only served to rile Daxter up a little more until they finally made their way to a park, Griffin Park, the same park that Daxter wasn't a huge fan of. To his surprise Dexter hadn't continued up the fight, only exclaiming excitement at the thought that, soon enough, his life would come crashing down around him and Dexter couldn't wait to watch it happen. Unbeknownst to him, the entire reason for the chase was so Daxter could arrive in time to hear Shadow-Vance tell Ember that he knew she was the reason Zack was dead, and the reason was her. Daxter wasn't sure what to think as they tumbled on the ground and he was suddenly gone, what that meant for everything, but then Daxter realized that he didn't care. Zack was a nobody to him, he was dead which meant he was inconsequential, but dead ex-boyfriend or not, he meant something to Ember, even if that something was just a few lousy dates and an attachment. After all, Sapphire meant something to him, so he couldn't judge her for feeling anything at all for Zack. He just didn't know why Zack meant anything to her, but he also hadn't been involved in her life too often at that point. Regardless of reasons, he knew she was crying and upset and that was his job for help make better.

                              Daxter approached Ember and held her tightly, talking to her about things they've done leading to the life they had now. He also went into talking about how he didn't care that she killed Zack, and as long as he wasn't going to be next on the list, her reasons for doing so didn't matter either. He loved her, cared for her, still carried around a pocket watch because it came from her, and she still wore the anatomically correct heart around her neck he'd picked out for her. He explained what he felt and thought, then she finally had something to say. "I would miss you... but what if I wasn't myself anymore?" She sounded so terribly sad, unhappy, he could only keep talking and hope it reached her, made her understood that there were worst things to do than kill someone who may or may not have been innocent. But, again, he hadn't known why or why it affected her so much, all he could do is speculate. "I... was going to die for you after everything I went through in the three weeks we were gone. I really do love you... but I'm still..." "Everything will be fine." He replied simply, talking about having to tell Noah or just fall off the face of the planet. He had pulled her up to look at her and wipe away her tears, smiling as gently as he could manage, continuing to talk and reassure her. He didn't know if she felt a lot better, but a little better was all he needed her to feel, just so she didn't seem so alone.

                              By the end of the discussion Daxter turned the tables and moved on from the topic, instead thinking they could have a date night, just the two of them and forget about the people in their lives and the world they lived in. She agreed, Daxter grabbing her hand and the two of them taking off for a wonderful date night. He'd stolen one of Noah's credit cards a while back ago, he hadn't used it yet because he hadn't needed to, but now he was going to spend some of Noah's money for a nice dinner. That was their first stop, an expensive meaty dinner at a nice restaurant, which killed about an hour of their time just eating and letting Daxter yak away about various topics. At first it was about Dexter and his return, his stupid nickname and how he'd led him to the park, but just as quickly as everything else Daxter went on to talk about different topics, one of which was Fallen Gears this sci-fi romance movie based after a very terrible manga that was going to be in theaters in a few months. He brought it up because apparently he'd read the manga, he mentioned he was interested in seeing the movie when it was released, and then moved on to the topic of writing. He went on to talk about that, for the last month when he and Ember weren't spending time together and he wasn't trying to learn how to fly with his fire ability, which he mentioned to her as being [******** awesome," he was writing a book. The surprising thing about Daxter was that he was a talented writer, having been in the process of writing a fantasy book about dragons, phoenixes kingdoms, princesses, wars, and other mythical beasts. He went on to explain the plot of the story, three kingdoms all vying for this magical, golden phoenix heart which held incredible power. He seemed passionate about his book, describing how he was already finished with the sixth chapter, already nearly 100 pages, planning to finish at around 500 pages and the bulk of his plot already written.

                              With dinner finished and Daxter having exhausted their topics for discussion for dinner, he paid the bill using Noah's credit card and led her towards the outskirts of town on top of a large grassy hill, the sun beginning to set for the evening igniting the clouds and turning them a brilliant orange hue. Daxter wasn't content with just watching the darkness settle in from behind the clouds, instead he decided to dazzle her with his talents. "Watch." He told her before kissing her softly, backing away from her, igniting his body with fire and rocketing into the sky. By igniting his power in a blazing trail behind him he was able to leave a momentary flame in the sky to produce a message, he could use smoke to keep it lingering longer, but it didn't look as wonderful as a message written out of fire. It was simple, just meant to be impressive, writing the phrase EMBER I LOVE YOU in big burning bright letters, the black backdrop of the clouds as the sun fell behind Valor causing the writing to stand out. As Daxter landed on the ground, the fire from his skin dissipating, rain suddenly began to fall which fizzled out the sky writing and caused Daxter to run up to Ember, "it's raining! I'm going to melt!" He told her in panic, though clearly joking. He grabbed her hand and took off running as the rain fell harder. They made it back into the city soaked, the rain showing no signs of letting up. Taking shelter in an alleyway with an awning to allow them to dry off. He laughed as he pulled the wet clingy clothes from his body and turned to Ember, pushing her back against the wall and pressing their wet bodies together. "Seeing you all wet makes me really...really...excited." He told her breathlessly, kissing her deeply with his hands holding her waist.

                              The rain fell for the rest of the night, eventually forcing Daxter and Ember to return home by calling a taxi cab so they wouldn't be forced to keep walking in the rain. To the surprise of the lovers, as soon as Daxter and her walked through the door Noah was there to grab the credit card out of Daxter's hand. "I've been looking for that." He said simply, laughing gently, "please try not to get the floors wet." "Welcome back, I see you waste no time with putting the stick back up your butt." Noah turned his back on the pair and walked off, but not before replying, "I've missed you both, admittedly, and the stick is comfortable where it is, Daxter. Meeting in 10 minutes, War Room." Turning the corner, Daxter looked to Ember with a shrug and led her back to the bedroom, where he wasted no time in tackling her onto the bed, kissing her passionately while helping her out of her wet clingy clothes. "It's hard to contain myself when I see you so wet, I think we need to take our relationship to the next stage," he said kissing her ear and nibbling on it playfully, "we need to start showering together." The thought alone made him moan softly as he pulled away, turning away from her when he stood up, "whoops, I told you it excited me!" He coughed and pulled off his shirt, throwing it at her with a mischievous laugh, unbuttoning his pants and teasingly shaking his hips so they fell off. He grinned as he turned to look at her, removing the rest of his clothes and changing into dry, clean clothes. He was determined to help her change as well, as part of the fun.

                              15 minutes later in the War Room, late as ever, Daxter and Ember arrived to see the rest of the group waiting. "So when did you and Nill get back?" Daxter asked curiously. "An hour ago, Theodore, the floor is yours." Theodore pressed play on the computer, showing a scene from a city where several Gifted were fighting. "Takashi Kentaro, Zero Caluxium, Hikaru Utaru, and Kaito Kojima." Theodore said, pointing out each of the Gifted as they appeared on screen, which caused Salem to speak up, "the first two are actors, Hikaru Utaru is a model turned actress, so who's the last guy?" He asked, looking to Lucia, "don't look at me like that." Theodore smirked, "good question. It took a lot of digging, but the fourth person is an advertising agent from Golden Sun Advertising, the agency that is promoting the movie Fallen Gears, what we're looking at is leaked footage of the final fight scene of the movie. What you don't see is special effects, every imaging software Noah has determines nothing in the movie is anything but real. No splicing, editing, photoshopping, computer generated effects, or anything else. It's entirely real, which means we are seeing four Gifted fighting one man, Zero Caluxium. Takashi Kentaro is displaying Chroma energy, Zero Caluxium is showing off dark energy -- " "-- from Vance, if it weren't obvious. The female is displaying energy as well, while the fourth participant, Kaito Kojima, is displaying the first instance of unknown energy. Neither Theodore nor I can determine what it is, if it's Chroma it's not any kind we've seen before." Theodore looked over to the others, nodding, "correct. This is footage I was able to obtain just yesterday, the time stamp on the footage means it happened within the last couple of days, this is recent."

                              Daxter looked over to the others, then to Noah, "I'm going to take a wild baby-punching accusation and imagine we're going to find these people? And kill 'em? Please say kill 'em, my kill 'em count is low for the week." Noah shook his head, "close. Clearly Vance has taken an interest in the group if his lackey, Zero Caluxium, is fighting the other three, and if we have three energy users running wild, we need to find them. Takashi Kentaro will be at the first screening of Fallen Gears, Hikaru Utaru has disappeared since the fight took place, Zero Caluxium is none of our concern, and Kaito Kojima is a variable, but we may be able to find all three of our potential allies by meeting Takashi Kentaro. We're going to Neo-Tokyo, I was only able to get four tickets to the premier screening due to the private nature of the function and packed seating, so unfortunately we all can't go. Those who remain behind will be continuing Theodore's work on the laboratories for information gathering." Salem crossed his arms, then frowned, "I'll remain behind." Noah blinked in surprise, "actually, I was hoping you would come with, your DOGS Corps and Wolfpack training involved linguistics, you know Japanese don't you?" "That's true but I don't want to go." "If Salem isn't going to go, neither will I. We'll just stay behind." Lucia spoke up, causing Daxter to smirk, "awesome. Ember and I will go then." "Very well, we leave immediately. Daxter, Ember, pack enough clothes for a week long trip. Nill and I are already set." Daxter nodded, leaving the War Room quickly with Ember to pack for their trip to Japan.

                              "Salem," Noah asked quickly, looking to him, "why aren't you going? Not that I don't like Daxter and Ember, but I don't believe any of us know Japanese fluently, I know enough to get by but it's hardly native." Salem bit his lip then exhaled, "I've had an encounter with Kaito Kojima before, several, in fact. They were nothing antagonistic but he's been...prophetic. Predicting events in my life that have happened and claiming he's known me before. I don't know who he is, but he knows me, and I don't like it." Noah raised an eyebrow curiously, letting Salem finish, "it's like...we knew each other in another life or something. I get this strange feeling from him, i-it just makes me uneasy." "Understood, I'll inquire about you two if I get to meet him. Theodore has some work for you two while we're gone, then, but it won't take up much of your days. Otherwise, enjoy the time away from us." Noah looked over to Nill with a smile and led her out of the War Room.

                              Over the course of the next hour, the four travelers Noah, Nill, Ember, and Daxter packed up and boarded the plane that would take them to Neo Tokyo. Like before, this flight was via private jet, unlike before this one was being stored at the Los Angels International Airport where they had to travel to. Noah heading to Neo-Tokyo seemed to be making the news, as his purchase of the tickets to see Fallen Gears was a big deal, as the son of the wealthy Kesuk parents were helping to finance the film itself. A little fact that Noah hadn't known until he'd seen it on the news, curious over why they'd help finance a movie project, but that meant that Noah's previously thought to be "kidnapped" parents were in Tokyo. "I don't get it, why are they in Neo-Tokyo helping finance a movie? Huh." Noah contemplated the situation in which they'd be financing a movie, but finding no reason other than they were interested in the project. The studio behind the movie wasn't anything special, just your average movie studio, and he wondered if Zero Caluxium being Vance's minion was some kind of clue or just a random happenstance. This wasn't just a trip to recruit Takashi Kentaro, Hikaru Utaru, and Kaito Kojima to their cause, but to also figure out what reasons his parents were funding a studio to finance a science fiction romance movie, and what role Vance might be playing in all this.

                              The group arrived to Neo-Tokyo airport several hours later, immediately being taken to an expensive and high class hotel by way of limousine. Noah and Nill had their own room, and Ember and Daxter were given their own. The enormous top floor rooms had their own balcony hot tubs, mini fridge, room service on Noah (which meant Daxter was likely to go crazy with ordering), and every channel in Neo-Tokyo on the television. With the time zone difference that meant it was still morning in Neo-Tokyo, and they had an entire day ahead of them. Though Daxter was already thinking of the fun possibilities, the shopping, the sight-seeing, Noah was focused on the work ahead of them. Dressing up for the day, Noah looked at himself in the mirror and smirked, "let's get to work."

BIoodbane's Fav

Ruthless Firestarter

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                      Daxter... she closed her eyes after gripping back his hand. Once he turned to lead her to a place to eat, she stared at his back and kept her gaze fixated on him. She was anticipating the voice in the back of her mind to start trying to ruin the moment like it always had. She was expecting some kind of dark thought to pop up and try to invade her mind... but nothing was going on. She believed to be fragile now more than usual, and found it ultimately surprising that there was no demon in her head trying to corrupt her. After the explosion at the base and what she saw, the two cyclists that directed her here, and her talk with Vance... she was already on the edge with getting enough action in for the day. It was the emotional trauma that was going to take a lot of time to heal from. Now that Daxter knew... she wasn't sure how to feel. It was like he'd seen the most ugliest side of her, and she suddenly felt tarnished in reputation and moral in a way she cared more than any other area of her life. But he still held her hand, and tightly at that. That was enough to get Ember to believe that she wasn't alone.

                      Once they made it to the restaurant and started talking, she listened to him talk about many different things. She never got to sit there and listen to Daxter for long periods of time, but she was fairly surprised by what they talked about. He had a of things going on. He was reading manga still, something she saw once and thought it was mostly make believe and didn't care much for it. He also talked about a movie based off a bad manga series, causing her to chuckle that if the book was terrible that they somehow believed a movie would do better. She was genuinely surprised that he knew how to fly with fire power. She had the wings of a dragon, but never used them unless absolutely necessary. Drawing out her wings caused her God Power to unfold, but Daxter was already using his flames to fly. She was proud that he was so excited about it, seeing how she'd only taken flight three times. She wanted to fly longer and greater distances, explaining to him that she never could because she needed to learn to control her God Power. After that he finally moved to the subject of a book, something Ember was ENTIRELY shocked by. A book?! she exclaimed to herself, wondering where he found the time to work on something like that.

                      His story line was intriguing, and Ember smiled at the thought of Daxter's book being published under his name. A name no longer hunted in this world-- at the moment... She drew back, thinking about it and then thinking about how Daxter had acquired all these hobbies and likes. She couldn't come up with anything about her. She never read manga. She couldn't write or even know how to fully operate a computer. She would just... kill the DOGS. Take revenge. Practice fighting. Kill again. Hunt. Those were her definitions... but had she been talking to Nill or Noah, she would tell them how she spent her time with Daxter. Daxter became the hobby she invested into, and the person she spent almost all her time with. In just a few short months, he'd become the closest person to her, and the most important figure in her life. She recalled in her mind the time she thought he was dead, thinking about it now was so much more painful than it was back then since they'd gotten so much closer and stronger. If it happened at anytime, Ember would have been sad no matter what, but to see him sitting across from her like this now and enjoying their time together... She couldn't lose him. If she did, she would lose part of herself with him. Maybe... all of her with him.

                      With dinner finished and Daxter having exhausted their topics for discussion for dinner, he paid the bill and then led her towards the outskirts of town on top of a large grassy hill, the sun beginning to set for the evening igniting the clouds and turning them a brilliant orange hue. She sat on the hill with him, smiling gently as she looked at the sky with the fire-filled colors. She looked at them and crossed her legs, leaning forward as she continued to gaze at the beautiful sky. I wish I had the power to manipulate time. She glanced over at Daxter who spoke up, "Watch." He leaned in and kissed her softly, catching her off guard as a blush lit up slightly on her face. It didn't happen often, but Daxter knew just how to make Ember forget about the rest of the world accidentally with such... passionate yet small gestures. He ignited his body with fire and rocketed into the sky, leaving a blazing trail behind him he was able to leave a momentary flame in the sky to produce a message. She widened her eyes to not only see him fly, but too see his message scattered in flames across the sky that read: EMBER I LOVE YOU in big burning bright letters, the black backdrop of the clouds as the sun fell behind Valor causing the writing to stand out. She stared at the letters for as long as they could be seen, taking in the impact of seeing such a thing in the sky.

                      As Daxter landed on the ground, the fire from his skin dissipating, rain suddenly began to fall which fizzled out the sky writing and caused Daxter to run up to Ember, "it's raining! I'm going to melt!" She widened her eyes and grinned at him. He grabbed her hand and took off running as the rain fell harder. They ran back to the city and came across an awning in an alleyway which they stood under to keep out of the rain. Ember pulled her wet shirt off her clothes as well, thinking about using her powers to keep her long but finding the thought to be thrown off to the side as soon as she felt Daxter pressing her back against the wall. He pressed their wet bodies together, making Ember look up at him cautiously but her heart fluttering like mad. What was it that happened to her when she was pushed against a wall by him? She felt overpowered by him taking a stance like that against her, but she felt the attraction of him heighten like mad when he took her in the palm of his hand like that, It reminded her of the kiss he took from their time at the arcade... A kiss that triggered their relationship to a whole other level. "Seeing you all wet makes me really...really...excited." He told her breathlessly, making her shudder slightly as it was said only inches from her own lips. "D-Dax--" she said just as breathless as he held her waist and pushed his lips against her own in a deep kiss. Ember didn't tend to show her emotions and be straightforward, but she did move her hands up to cling onto his wet shirt and kissed him back. The world dissolved in the noise of the rain around them as Daxter and Ember shared a moment of time together.

                      Ember and Daxter eventually made it home, Ember finding it amusing for Daxter to have the card snatched from his hand back into Noah's, "I've been looking for that." He said simply, laughing gently, "please try not to get the floors wet." "Welcome back, I see you waste no time with putting the stick back up your butt." Noah turned his back on the pair and walked off, but not before replying, "I've missed you both, admittedly, and the stick is comfortable where it is, Daxter. Meeting in 10 minutes, War Room." Turning the corner, Daxter looked to Ember with a shrug and led her back to the bedroom. She was ready to get out of the wet clothes that clung tighty around her skin and start drying off by changing into some new clothes. I can change now, take a shower later a-- but Daxter suddenly jumped her and pressed her against the bed, starting to kiss her passionately. Ember widened her eyes in surprise, but not nearly as surprised by the kiss as she was when his hand started to rise gently on her stomach and trail to helping take her shirt off. Ember flinched nervously, something she could usually hold back and control... "W-What are you doing? Da-Daxter!" she said while her eyes looked at him but she struggled to stare at him without her focus driving elsewhere. His warm hand on her made a powerful sensation rise of mixed temperatures. "It's hard to contain myself when I see you so wet, I think we need to take our relationship to the next stage," he said kissing her ear and nibbling on it playfully, "we need to start showering together."

                      "...W-What?" she asked as she looked down at him. Was he serious-- but then suddenly she heard a noise escape his lips, him turning away and saying with a cough, "whoops, I told you it excited me!" She could hardly believe that he was nervous about it, but it was something to think about. Taking a shower with somebody else almost seemed really personal. Though they'd had.. well.. She felt her brain slightly melt at such a suggestion that caused her whole face to light up, but then felt his shirt land on her as he had made a mischievous laugh. He started unbuttoning his pants and teasingly shaking his hips so they fell off. She rolled her eyes and turned away as she paid attention to her own buttons on the front of her black thin jacket above a crimson colored tank top. She started to unzip, not seeing Daxter looking her way as she finished taking off the jacket. She widened her eyes once he was finished getting dressed and felt him crawl up behind her, ready to assist her as part of the fun. She'd already gotten flustered twice, so she turned around and covered his eyes. "I-I don't want you to look at me right now. Hush. Y-You... should keep your eyes closed..." she spoke up, watching him keep them shut as she pulled her hand back.

                      He found a loophole, still helping her but promising to keep his eyes closed which she felt defeated the purpose of keeping them closed if he had to feel what he was doing, so she gave up and changed quickly. After she was done dressing she turned to Daxter, following him quietly to the War Room and thinking about Noah on the way there. He head pounded with anxiety. Hopefully god would have mercy on her guilty soul when she did decide to clean her hands of the dark guilt of Zack's blood on her hands. She'd washed her hand so many times that night there were still scratches on her hands embedded deep in her skin that would never heal or come undone from being scrubbed so much. She took a shallow breath as she heard Daxter ask, "So when did you and Nill get back?" Nill poked her head up and rushed to Ember, hugging her around the waist quietly which caused Ember to jump in surprise. "An hour ago, Theodore, the floor is yours." A quick answer... she thought as she pet Nill and listened to Theodore break down the situation. It started with names she wasn't familiar with of course. Theodore spoke, pointing out each of the Gifted as they appeared on screen, which caused Salem to speak up, "the first two are actors, Hikaru Utaru is a model turned actress, so who's the last guy?" He asked, looking to Lucia, "don't look at me like that."

                      Lucia gave a cheeky grin and punched his arm gently. Theodore smirked, "good question. It took a lot of digging, but the fourth person is an advertising agent from Golden Sun Advertising, the agency that is promoting the movie Fallen Gears, what we're looking at is leaked footage of the final fight scene of the movie. What you don't see is special effects, every imaging software Noah has determines nothing in the movie is anything but real. No splicing, editing, photoshopping, computer generated effects, or anything else. It's entirely real, which means we are seeing four Gifted fighting one man, Zero Caluxium. Takashi Kentaro is displaying Chroma energy, Zero Caluxium is showing off dark energy -- " C-Chroma users? "-- from Vance, if it weren't obvious. The female is displaying energy as well, while the fourth participant, Kaito Kojima, is displaying the first instance of unknown energy. Neither Theodore nor I can determine what it is, if it's Chroma it's not any kind we've seen before." Theodore looked over to the others, nodding, "correct. This is footage I was able to obtain just yesterday, the time stamp on the footage means it happened within the last couple of days, this is recent."

                      Daxter looked over to the others, then to Noah, "I'm going to take a wild baby-punching accusation and imagine we're going to find these people? And kill 'em? Please say kill 'em, my kill 'em count is low for the week." Ember felt her heart drop to the floor. She couldn't fight these people if she had to. Which caused her to perk her head up when Noah shook his head, "close. Clearly Vance has taken an interest in the group if his lackey, Zero Caluxium, is fighting the other three, and if we have three energy users running wild, we need to find them. Takashi Kentaro will be at the first screening of Fallen Gears, Hikaru Utaru has disappeared since the fight took place, Zero Caluxium is none of our concern, and Kaito Kojima is a variable, but we may be able to find all three of our potential allies by meeting Takashi Kentaro. We're going to Neo-Tokyo, I was only able to get four tickets to the premier screening due to the private nature of the function and packed seating, so unfortunately we all can't go. Those who remain behind will be continuing Theodore's work on the laboratories for information gathering." Salem crossed his arms, then frowned, "I'll remain behind." Ember thanked god as Noah seemed to be eager to get him to go for the good of the mission, "actually, I was hoping you would come with, your DOGS Corps and Wolfpack training involved linguistics, you know Japanese don't you?" "That's true but I don't want to go." "If Salem isn't going to go, neither will I. We'll just stay behind." Lucia spoke up, causing Daxter to smirk, "awesome. Ember and I will go then." Lucia rolled her eyes at Daxter's response, not really caring to hear him say it. However, she did smile genuinely when thinking of Ember finally out of the picture in her current position of operation. "Very well, we leave immediately. Daxter, Ember, pack enough clothes for a week long trip. Nill and I are already set." Daxter nodded, leaving the War Room quickly with Ember to pack for their trip to Japan.

                      She followed Daxter, sighing gently and taking her time walking to the room by rubbing her forehead. She got to the suitcases and excused herself to the restroom to gather her belongings, but as she stood in front of the mirror and decided to brush her hair, she held her bright red-orange hair on the side, her green irises looking down. A chroma user. Takashi Kentaro. I can't look at him and not think of Zack. It's hard when you bring your past so close to your future. Will you also fall for Taka-- No. And I'm not going to fight him either. I'll just stay away from him. It's to nostalgic I may just throw up if he even sounds remotely close. I wonder if Noah will find out just by how you act around the young man. Although you would be upsetting two boys and an angel at that. My, my... you are a dragon. Destroying things around you that you can't be conscious of. That's what I'm here for. To forewarn you. If you're trying to get one my good side you can shut it. There's nothing you can say or do to alter my state of mind. I am fine. Daxter is here for me. I'm happy. How happy is your kind of happy, Ember? She was done brushing her hair as she walked out of the bathroom, seeing Daxter packing his suitcase and folding his clothes.

                      She quickly got between him and his suitcase in the blink of an eye, seeing him blink a little in surprise as she grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him against her, locking their lips immediately. She traced his lip as she grazed against it, pressing into him firmly and inhaling his scent as she did so. She kept the tight grip against his shirt, giving him no time to wrap his own arms around her as she tilted forward and then put a foot between his legs. He would stumble for a brief moment, but as skilled as he was, he turned to let her take him down. She laid on him, getting on her knees to better elevate herself as she continued to kiss him, "I love you," she told Daxter. She traced her right hand after letting go of his collar down to his chest, then back up to his neck and up into his hair, weaving her fingers to his hairline and a little higher. She exhaled with a small shiver as she recalled the blazing fires spelling out his name, causing her to emit a gasp that also sparked another ember across their lips. "I love you," she repeated again, kissing him deeply as she kept him from packing, only for a bit longer before she would have to eventually pull away and pack her own things.. but with the way he held her and how gentle he was... she wanted to kiss him. Over and over.

                      Nill stood in the room with the company of those remaining and looked to Salem who had his arms crossed. Having known him for only a short time before reuniting with Noah, she was familiar with his aggression and the danger of knowledge he held. By saying he didn't want to go also surprised her... since he seemed up to the task with everything else. "Salem," Noah asked quickly, looking to him, "why aren't you going? Not that I don't like Daxter and Ember, but I don't believe any of us know Japanese fluently, I know enough to get by but it's hardly native." Salem bit his lip then exhaled, "I've had an encounter with Kaito Kojima before, several, in fact. They were nothing antagonistic but he's been...prophetic. Predicting events in my life that have happened and claiming he's known me before. I don't know who he is, but he knows me, and I don't like it." Noah raised an eyebrow curiously, letting Salem finish, "it's like...we knew each other in another life or something. I get this strange feeling from him, i-it just makes me uneasy." A man who predicted the future for somebody... What would he have to have done to get involved with Salem? And... I wonder... if he could read the past... "Understood, I'll inquire about you two if I get to meet him. Theodore has some work for you two while we're gone, then, but it won't take up much of your days. Otherwise, enjoy the time away from us." Noah looked over to Nill with a smile and led her out of the War Room. She followed and hung onto his arm, quickly pecking his cheek and giggling slightly before she released an exhausted sigh, "I... am so happy..."

                      Over the course of the next hour, the four travelers Noah, Nill, Ember, and Daxter packed up and boarded the plane that would take them to Neo Tokyo. Ember fell asleep on Daxter's shoulder, trusting that if anything went wrong like their last air flight, he would protect her. She laid on his chest comfortably and smiled contently until she fell asleep, showing more compassion for him since their date. It was a revived feeling of feeling the spark of their relationship that finally pulled her away from the seriousness of her chasing Vance. It was an overwhelming feeling, and she just wanted to submerge herself in it. Nill was wide awake, tickling Noah on the flight and then getting whiny and teary-eyed when he would try to tickle back. She ended up sneezing once, causing her to fluster so much that she stopped the tickle fight entirely and decided to grab her notepad, scribbling some drawings down even though the flight wasn't stable enough for her to draw very well. While in the flight Noah looked at some news articles announcing his arrival to the screening as well as information about his parents financing the movie. "I don't get it, why are they in Neo-Tokyo helping finance a movie? Huh." "Maybe they're here for more than one thing. K-Kunik said she was doing a show in Neo-Tokyo, right?" she asked to make sure she was correct.

                      Hours later and a few short naps, the group finally arrived to Neo-Tokyo airport and immediately took a ride to an expensive and high class hotel by way of limousine. Noah and Nill had their own room, and Ember and Daxter were given their own. Nill went to explore all the kinds of exciting aspects of their hotel room, then getting dressed in a simple outfit. Noah always dressed so well, but Nill didn't want to abuse his wealth for herself. She wore her normal clothes, looking at him as he fixed himself in the mirror. "Let's get to work," he smiled at the mirror, Nill peeking from the door and then hopping behind him. Her wings fluttered behind her as she released a soft "ooooh" sound while looking him over. She stood behind him, her face beet red as she wrapped her small hands around to the front of him and blushed looking at him from over and behind his shoulder, only her eyes showing the nervous blinking in which she was infatuated with him. "You l-look so handsome. D-Do we have to get to work now?" she said, blushing even more than she had just a few seconds ago and took her steps back, "A-Ah! I should wear one of t-those dresses Kunik gave me, or maybe even see what Ember is wearing!"

                      Ember was in her room with Daxter, getting dressed and pulling her hair up in a ponytail. He seemed to be pretty absorbed in what he would be able to do in Japan, Ember feeling like even though they were on business it would be nice to let loose and have time to joke around and go on some fun adventures. She'd never been able to think about having fun, but since the date all she wanted to do just for a few days was get lost in the world with Dax. It was selfish after her encounter with Vance to be thinking like this... but she was happier now than she was trying to find Vance. She needed time to get herself back together from such a devastating discussion, and Daxter was worth all that time.

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