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Heart Master

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Sora was a bit put off when Roxas smacked his hand away, accident or not. He rubbed the back of his knuckles, wearing a frowning pout at the perceived rejection. See if he ever tried to provide comfort for his Other ever again! It a bit confusing when Roxas asked him to touch him again after all that.

"Why, so you can smack it off again?" he asked dryly. Nevertheless, Roxas seemed earnest about this for some reason. So Sora reached out again, except this time, he didn't put his whole hand on his other's shoulder. He touched him with only one finger, as if Roxas was a dangerous thing that would smack him away a second time if he showed too much comfort again.

((Bad Roxas! mrgreen ))
He hesitated at Sora's pout, wondering if a quick apology was necessary. It was just an accident though, and he was really more interested in finding out how to finally move his body again; standing there completely frozen was frustrating, to say the least. Still, Roxas almost winced at the sarcastic question. "Just come on, please?" He 'insisted', unwilling to admit that technically he was begging.

Roxas made an annoyed look at the 'touch', but it had worked and his arm was under his willpower once more. Reaching up, he grabbed Sora's hand instead of smacking it away, lacing their fingers together as he tested out to see if he could move his other limbs as well. "That's...weird. I can't move without a connection." It was a disturbing thought, but he was glad to have figured it out.


He looked around the infinite space, still holding onto his other's hand so that he could actually turn his head.

Sora!...Sora, wake up, you big dummie!

Heart Master

18,425 Points
  • Team Potion Master 250
  • Egg Hunt Master 250
  • Noble Shade 100
Sora still couldn't figure out what exactly it was that Roxas was trying to do, and he never got the chance to think on it. The second that his hand was seized by Roxas's, he gasped at the way his heart simply seemed to open up. This wasn't the first time that something like this had happened. Whenever he went into Drive with Donald or Goofy, he felt the connection between them strongly, and it was like his heart was an open door. They were able to share their power because Sora was open to them both.

This was a little different. Sora hasn't voluntarily opened up to Roxas, it just happened on its own with a mere touch. The feeling was euphoric in the first instant, and then very frightening. In Drive, he knew exactly what was going to happen to him, but right now, he had no idea what Roxas was doing to him. He barely knew his Other, and without that trust, he didn't want to be that vulnerable to him.

Wait! What's happening? What are you --

Sora found his voice silenced. The words were echoing in his head, and he felt trapped. He began to yell and fight the hold that Roxas had on him, attempting to free himself from what felt like an invasion.

In the next instant, he was awake and gasping in bed.
In an instant, Sora was gone and Roxas was thrust into darkness again. He gasped, and his limbs went frozen again, falling to his side uselessly like a ton of bricks. "No!" He was just starting to make progress! Then, the darkness began lifting, and a vision played out in front of him like it had done with the sand or with Axel's death; yet, this was merely Sora's perspective of the ouside world, what was happening right now.

Kairi stood besides Sora's bed. Her hands were on her hips, suggesting it had been her yelling for Sora to get up, but her face looked surprised and worried, probably from the violent way her friend had woken up. "Hey, Sora, are you okay?" She asked, immediately dropping her previous stance in order to sit on the edge of his bed, placing a hand on his chest, feeling his rapid breaths. "Nightmare? You were fine just a little while ago...It wasn't my shouting, was it?" She asked, looking guilty.

"No," Thought Roxas in reply, hearing Kairi's voice like a soft voice in the distance. " Was it me?" He guessed aloud, vaguely curious to whether his other would hear him.

Heart Master

18,425 Points
  • Team Potion Master 250
  • Egg Hunt Master 250
  • Noble Shade 100
Sora barely registered that Kairi was there. He was too busy patting his own body, making sure that all of his parts were there, and more importantly, HE was was there. Slowly, he began to realize that he was just fine, and he slumped with relief. That had been really scary.

"Huh?" He looked at Kairi, his expression filled with distress, and then he seemed to settle. "...No... it wasn't because of you. I... I had a dream. About Roxas." Sora fisted the sheets in his hands. The dream had felt so real. He could remember the way that Roxas's hand had felt in his, the way it made his whole body buzz as if it was about to be shaken apart.

"It was weird. It was so real."

Was it me?

Sora suddenly looked around the room, trying to identify the source of the voice that he just heard. "Did.. you hear that?"
Kairi raised an eyebrow, cuious to what exactly the boy was doing as he began to suddenly pat himself down. "Sora?" She asked hesitantly, sighing when Roxas' name was brought up. "I'd thought you had forgotten about him. You'd hadn't mentioned him until now." She lightly touched her chest, looking down at where her heart was. "I still have dreams about Namine too, like when I first met her, or sometimes of her memories." There seemed something different though; Kairi didn't mention anything about actually talking or touching her own other.

"Well, it was just a dream, right?" The girl chippered up, giving Sora a happy smile. "I bet you probably just ate too much or something last night," she teased, before giving his covers a tug. "So are you up for hanging-out today or what-?" Kairi began, cut off by Sora's question. "Hear what?" Her hed cocked to the side a little.

Roxas stared from inside Sora at Kairi. That's right, he'd forgotten that he wasn't really the only one left in the real world. It gave him a glimer of hope, but it was one that was quickly vanquished when he realized that she was probably sill dormant inside the other girl, and would remain that way. Namine hadn't had much of a life outside her other, not like he had.

Giving a snort, Roxas rolled his eyes. So Sora really did think it was just a dream, huh? "It's Roxas, stupid," he reminded, since Sora seemed to have heard him earlier.

Heart Master

18,425 Points
  • Team Potion Master 250
  • Egg Hunt Master 250
  • Noble Shade 100
"You dream of Namine?" he asked wistfully. "I bet you they're really nice dreams." Namine seemed like a very nice girl. She wasn't anything like Roxas, who tried to skewer Sora with his keyblades the first time they met face-to-face. Then again, he supposed that girls just naturally got along better than guys.

He shivered when Kairi removed the blankets from his body. Sora's lean body stretched out on the mattress, a bit of his stomach showing from where his shirt had rolled up in his sleep. "Awwww Kairi, it's cold!" He covered his shoulders with his arms. "You could have least brought food or something to make waking up easier," he said cheekily. He didn't care if he ate too much, he was constantly hungry. Sora was a growing teenager, after all.

Sora tilted his head when he heard the voice again. His stomach twisted nervously when he realized that he wasn't dreaming it up. He didn't want to tell Kairi that he was hearing things, she might think that he was crazy or something. Roxas? How come I can hear you now? Are you trying to make me crazy??
Kairi only smiled, but it held a hint of sadness. It wasn't like she didn't have nightmares either...Suddenly laughing, Kairi tugged away more of the blanket teasingly. "What, me and Riku, your best friends, aren't enough to just get you out of bed anymore?" She teased, before reaching over to poke the bit of belly that was exposed. "And you eat enough food already without me bringing you some. Pretty soon and you're going to get fat, So-ra!"

Roxas scowled, feeling a poke on his stomach; there bodies were connected both ways, apparently. His hand twitched, wanting to smack away the invisible hand on touching him. "I don't know, maybe because we were talking earlier and our bodies...er, your body, adjusted to it?" He guessed, before continuing. "Maybe you're already crazy." But that would mean that Roxas really didn't exist, and he had given up on believing that awhile ago, so..."Or not. I don't really know."

Standing up off the bed, Kairi flashed Sora a smile. "Now come on, get up and put on some real clothes, hm? Riku's already outside. We'll wait for you," she threw his covers completely off his bed to discourage him from curling back under them again before leaving his room.

Heart Master

18,425 Points
  • Team Potion Master 250
  • Egg Hunt Master 250
  • Noble Shade 100
Well, how can we undo what happened then? This is really weird, I'm not used to talking to myself and I definitely don't want to start.

Sora's life was already complicated enough from his recent past as hero of the worlds, he didn't want to add to it by hearing voices in his head. He gave Kairi a wane smile, trying to hid the fact that he was struggling with this new issue of Roxas speaking to him from somewhere in his mind. "Yeah yeah, I'll catch up with you guys, just give me a second to get dressed."

When Kairi left, Sora touched the bare spot on his stomach that she had touched. Roxas may have disliked it, but Sora actually liked it. A lot. Any touch that came from Kairi was most definitely a good touch. He idly rubbed his skin, wondering if maybe he should go on a diet so that he didn't get fat in Kairi's eyes.

Well, he certainly wasn't going to get any thinner by lying in bed. And he most certainly wasn't going to gain more of Kairi's attentions by staying home. Sora rolled out of bed, eager to get dressed and follow the redhead to wherever it was that she went. Momentarily forgetting that he had Roxas to deal with. Such was the power of Kairi.~
Roxas was silent. He didn't reply to Sora's thoughts until after the boy had dressed.

"...You're not talking to yourself."

Sora was talking to him, Roxas, who was different from Sora...right? He had a quicker temper than Sora, and he obviously didn't feel the same way about Kairi as Sora did (based off how quick the other had jumped to action after she had left), and he had his own life, memories, and friends.

"Ugh, I don't know. I don't know anything about what's going on," he growled out of frustration. "At least you got the better part of the deal. You can move and you have your body." Sora was a somebody, which is what Roxas never really got to be. It just wasn't fair.

"And idiot, you're not fat, nor are you going to be, jeez. She was joking," Roxas grumbled, having read Sora's thoughts via watching his actions and feeling the tummy rub.

Heart Master

18,425 Points
  • Team Potion Master 250
  • Egg Hunt Master 250
  • Noble Shade 100
Sora paused in the middle of washing his face when he heard Roxas's voice in his head. So much for enjoying a day with Kairi and Riku, this Roxas problem was definitely going to get in the way. H-hey! You're reading my mind! Some of what I think is personal, you know. His thoughts about Kairi were definitely personal, as well as his views about his own body. The last thing he needed was for Roxas to make comments in the back of his head while he was angsting over his looks.

I think that this is happening because you didn't stay in the darkness. I don't know what we can do about the body thing, it's not like we've got spare, unused bodies just lying around. Can't you do that thing that you did before? When you appeared outside of my body to talk to Namine?

That had been a long time ago. The first and only time that Roxas walked out of Sora's body, Sora had been startled out of his mind. It was extremely disconcerting to think that there was another person living inside of him.
Roxas made an indignant snort. "Oh please, like your body actions don't make it clear enough. I don't need your thoughts," he scoffed. "You're like reading an open book." Or at least it seemed this way to Roxas. It could have been different with someone who wasn't, you know, technically apart of Sora.

He was then quiet for a moment, face deep in thought. He'd gone outside Sora? Well, he did remember seeing Namine again breifly..."I don't know how I did it, sorry," he sighed. "I could try at it, I guess, but even then, I don't know how long it would last." He was only out for a minute at best and even then, he practically stood only a foot or so in front of Sora, if even that much. "Besides, then I'd be like a ghost." Which he couldn't determine was better or worse than this.

"Hey, Sora, come on already!" Kairi's voice sounded outside from Sora's window, a grumbling that sounded familiarly like Riku following it.

"Hey, listen, I'll try to be quiet, I guess." Roxas sighed from inside Sora's heart. It would be easier said then done, but they could talk later. It wasn't like Roxas wanted other people to think Sora was crazy either.

Heart Master

18,425 Points
  • Team Potion Master 250
  • Egg Hunt Master 250
  • Noble Shade 100
I would appreciate it, answered Sora. Hey, I promise that when I'm done with Riku and Kairi, I'll help you to find a way to make things better. Sora didn't think that it was possible for Roxas to exist without him, but he would at least do his best to make his Other more comfortable. It was obvious that Roxas was miserable, and Sora couldn't help but feel very sorry for him.

When Sora heard Kairi's voice calling to him, he hurriedly threw on some clean clothes and then dashed out of the house to see her. The sun was bright, and Destiny Islands was as beautiful as ever. Sora felt exhilarated to be out there again, among what was familiar and loved, and he smiled brightly at Kairi. "I'm coming!" he called out to her. Sora jumped over the front porch steps and came to a stop beside her.

It was odd how quickly he could forget Roxas when his Other went silent. Sora was so eager to just live, that all of the things that bothered him tended to float away to the back of his mind until something popped up to remind him that it was ever there. "You have plans for today?" he asked Kairi.
"Well~," Kairi crossed her arms, looking over at Riku. "We were thinking about getting icecream and then exploring that old island that we used to play on...Do you remember it?" She asked brightly, eyes turning back to Sora as the redhead smiled. "We haven't been there in so long together, but I'm sure it's still gotta be there!" Riku nodded in agreement. "Who knows, maybe our old wooden sword will still be there. I bet it'd be fairer fight between us now....maybe," he teased, Kairi nudging him in the side with her elbow, wearing a playfully dissapointed look. "Jeez, you two still can't play nice, huh?" She huffed.

Roxas watched the group of friends nogstalgically; they reminded him so much of Hayner, Ollette, and Pence. The area where his heart would have been felt heavy for a moment, then angry as he got the sudden feeling of having been cheated. How come he was the one denied these friends, this life?

Riku looked up at the picture perfect, blue sky. "It's nice weather now, but it said it might rain a little in the afternoon, so we should get going if we want to make it out there and back with plenty oftime to spare," he commented. "Maybe we should save the icecream for afterwards." Kairi nodded in agreement. "Sound good to you, Sora?"

Heart Master

18,425 Points
  • Team Potion Master 250
  • Egg Hunt Master 250
  • Noble Shade 100
Sora was having trouble following the conversation at first. There was an inexplicable heaviness in his chest, and he had the sense that he was missing something profoundly. He placed a hand briefly over his heart, trying to settle the uneasiness that was there. Then he suddenly felt very angry, and he couldn't say why. He tried to reign in his emotions so that he didn't treat his friends badly.

"You think you can beat me? Then bring it," he said flippantly to Riku. Just a bit on edge because of the building feelings inside. "I wonder if the island looks the same as it did before, I can't wait to check it out." That island had so many memories, both good and bad. Their childhood was there, but it was also a battleground, once upon a time. It was the place where they came together, and where they had went their separate ways when the broken worlds began to mend and become whole again. Sora was glad that they had come to see it again.

"This is a great idea, let's do it," he said eagerly, forgetting the boiling feelings inside for the moment. Sora led the way to the docks, where their old rowboats were to this day.

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