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if you're not S T A T i C H0RR0R or veggie sausages
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[align=left]→ [color=postingcolour][b]but i prefer[/b][/color] nickname
→ [color=gray][b]been around for[/b][/color] age
→ [color=postingcolour][b]but you add another year on[/b][/color] birthday
→ [color=gray][b]i really dig those[/b][/color] sexuality
→ [color=postingcolour][b]pull my strings[/b][/color] Username[/align]

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but i prefer Bee
been around for twenty-two
but you add another year on december twenty-fourth
i really dig those dicks
pull my strings S T A T i C H0RR0R

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but i prefer craig
been around for twenty-three
but you add another year on 28th of april
i really dig those females
pull my strings veggie sausages
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xxwнyxxxxcaη’t wεxxxx§ρεak aηøtнεr ℓaηguagε, xxxxøηεxxxxwε aℓℓxxxxagrεε øη?
xxxx wε’rε aℓway§ uηdεrмiηiηg
tiε мy нaηdℓεbar§ tø thε §tar§ §ø tнat i §tay ( øη track)
» i’ll kεερ мy нεℓmεt øη ju§t iη ca§ε мy нεad cavε§ iη- - - - !!

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So, this was London, this was her new life, this was her world now. And she’d never been more scared in her life. It would’ve been fine had she been on her own, it wouldn’t have mattered so much if she ran out of money and had to do desperate and dire things to support herself financially. It wouldn’t have mattered if she ran into someone in a dark alley one night and never made it home. But she wasn’t alone. This was Bryony Green and her son Malakai. It wasn’t just herself that she was looking out for, and it wasn’t for herself that she moved to London. Hell, she was just a kid from New York City, she’d spent her whole life there hardly ever leaving the state. Everything she could ever have wanted was there. But now that city haunted her, it held too many memories, too many painful memories and she couldn’t handle it any more, she’d just had to get out and at the time, London had seemed like a wonderful idea. But it wasn’t the same as it was depicted within the tourist brochures; in fact it was far from it. It was a place that had nice parts and not so nice parts, same as every other city. But she had to learn, it was all a big learning curve and she hadn’t planned this well. For nearly a month she’d been living in a hotel, living out of a suitcase. Already she was nearly out of money and unable to work due to being a single parent, she was starting to think about returning back to New York, maybe moving in with her mother again until she could get enough money to move somewhere different and give her son a good life.

And then chance fell into her lap.

Maybe she’d just been in the right place at the right time, maybe he’d just been in the right place at the right time. But she’d been in a coffee shop one day, Malakai was screaming his head off because he was hungry and Bryony had been short of twenty pence. Just as she was about to forget it, cancel her order and leave back to the hotel, a young man stepped in and lent her the twenty pence she was short of. The two then got to talking and something between them seemed to click. Straight away they got on; they could talk easily and freely and seemed to have a fair amount in common. They’d agreed to meet again for coffee the next day, and the next, and the next. After nearly two months Bryony didn’t turn up to one of their meetings and the young man went to seek her out at the hotel he knew she was staying at, only to find her in reception, checking out. ”I’m sorry, I was going to call when I got a chance. I can’t stay here anymore.” her big green eyes were full of sadness and helplessness. ”I’m just stuck. I can’t work because of Kai; I can’t keep paying for this room with no job. I need to go back home. I need to go back to my family until I can get enough to support us properly.” but she needn’t have bothered trying to explain. As soon as he’d worked out what was going on, the kind young man had taken it upon himself to insist that Bryony and her son move in with him, he worked from home most of the time, so she could get a job – he could help out with childcare and she wouldn’t be homeless. It was ideal...

Craig Moore was one of the kindest human beings Bryony had ever come across. A complete stranger had given her twenty pence once, they’d befriended each other and when she was in need, he extended a hand and took in not only her, but her son as well. She owed everything to the twenty-three year old male, and boy, didn’t she know it. As she lay in bed that morning, listening to the shallow breathing of her one year old son and trying to muster up the energy to get through to the bathroom and have a shower in peace while she had the chance, her mind wandered back to a few months ago. She would be in New York again if it wasn’t for Craig. She could never thank him enough. She’d gotten herself a part-time job at a local department store, it wasn’t bad pay, and she paid Craig rent, got Malakai’s necessities and had some left over to buy herself a new item of clothing every now and again. Plus she was getting together a nice set of savings now as well. Finally, she grabbed the baby monitor and headed into the bathroom, attempting to be quiet in an attempt to make sure not to wake Craig. Closing the bathroom door behind her, she placed the baby monitor on the windowsill as she turned the shower onto a stupidly hot temperature, exactly how she liked it, before stripping off and stepping under the stream of hot water and letting it cascade over her pale body. However it didn’t last long, she had to keep some hot water for Craig when he finally emerged from his pit. Turning off the stream of water, she stepped out of the shower and grabbed the bottle of cocoa butter moisturiser and rubbed it into her freshly washed skin. Ohh it smelt divine, a small smile came across her lips as she pushed her wet hair from her face and wrapped a towel around her slender body.

Padding back through to her bedroom she grabbed her hairdryer and made her way through to the lounge. She stared at her reflection in the mirror as she blasted her bright red locks, having just dyed her hair a couple of days ago, the colour was still wonderfully vibrant – as much as Bee loved her hair colour, she would be the first to admit that it was a total b***h to maintain. Once her hair was mostly dry and her natural waves hung loosely around her shoulders she unplugged the hairdryer and threw it back in the basket by the toilet. She then reached down to pull her pyjama’s back on quickly – a simple slightly too big marl grey round necked t-shirt and a pair of black cotton boxer shorts. Upon hanging the soaking wet towel over the radiator, she made her way back out of the bathroom and through to her own bedroom. Malakai was still asleep – amazingly. Not that she was complaining, the silence was beautiful. She was about to turn and sort herself out properly for the day when something made her change her mind.

”CRAIG WAKE UP IT’S MORNING NOW!” she squawked as she hotfooted it through to her friend’s bedroom. Throwing the bedroom door open she then proceeded to fling herself onto the sleeping young man and tickle him until he opened his eyes. Finally, she relented and simply sat cross legged on his bed, staring at him with a manic grin on her face until he looked at her properly and she was assured he was awake. ””Come on wake up!” she demanded, seeing his eyes flicker and close again, she decided to hit him around the head. She may have been twenty-two but age was just a number to Bee, she’d always be young at heart and would only be mature and responsible when she considered it to be necessary. Now, was not one of those times she deemed ‘necessary.’ Today was a good day, she could feel it already. It was a Friday, and Friday’s were her day off work, the only thing she really had to do, was head down to the supermarket and get a few bits of shopping. Apart from that, the world was her oyster and she could do pretty much whatever the hell she liked today. Admittedly that would probably just consist of coming back to the apartment and having a lazy day. Annoy Craig with her presence. Whatever, she’d just wing it. Same old Bee. Same old habits.

As she was about to start attacking Craig with a pillow – yes, she was determined to get him up now, an all too familiar cry started up in the next room. ”Nooooo. Please just one more hour.” she muttered, throwing her head back as she spoke to no one in particular and did a backwards roll off the bed. Of course Bee wasn’t the most graceful of people and this particular move went ever so wrong. She ended up going arse over tit and banging her head on the bedside table before landing in a twisted heap. ”Okay. Ow.” she muttered, pushing her hair out of her face and pulling it back once again and hoisting herself to her feet. ”Alright alright I’m coming chill your beans.” she muttered under her breath as she left the room. Although just before she disappeared from view she stopped and pointed a finger at Craig. ”And don’t think I’m done with you yet mister.” she warned, her lips curling into a small smile before she disappeared yet again. The next time she reappeared she had two cups of tea, setting them down on the bedside table closest to Craig; she tapped him lightly on the head again before disappearing for a moment. This time she reappeared with a baby, who was looking rather pleased with himself, on her hip. ”Rise and shine.” she whispered into Craig’s ear as she placed Kai on the pillow next to her best friend, positioning herself on the empty half of the bed she crossed her legs underneath her again and grabbed her tea as she watched her son proceed to smack Craig on the cheek, finding the stubble that was beginning the grace the young man’s face fascinating. A small smile played around Bee’s lips as she watched the two males in front of her. ”Go on fat’ead, get him to wake up.” she grinned, reaching forward and tickling her son in the ribs, only to receive a delighted squeal from the infant as he continued to smack Craig’s cheek. ‘Fat’ead’ had always been Bee’s nickname for her son. There was no particular reason; he didn’t even have a particularly fat head. In fact he was a beautiful little boy. He had a cute little button nose and an oddly perfect sculpted mouth. His eyes were the most captivating thing though; they were the mirror image of Bee’s. Big, curious green eyes that drunk in everything around him. Bee loved him to bits – more than she’d ever thought possible.
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              I don't blame you for being you
                  But you can't blame me for hating it
                      So say, what are you waiting for?
                          Kiss her, kiss her
                              I set my clocks early 'cause I know I'm always late


              before Bee and Kai came, life for craig was a quiet, simple affair. his two bed- roomed apartment was always clean, tidy and quiet. he could wake up at whatever time he wanted, roll out of bed, sing in the shower, walk around naked and work on his book for a few hours. then he'd sit and watch t.v for the rest of the night, order some food from a take out and go to sleep. now, his life was hectic and messy. his apartment was always littered with Kai's toys, diapers and clothes and full of the little boys giggles, crys or his mother voice. everyday, craig was awoken by Bee ordering him about, he rarely had a sleep in anymore, he couldn't sing in the shower or walk around naked and Bee had set down guidelines for the amount of time he was supposed to spend writing but he usually ended up distracted by Kai and then spending the afternoon playing with the little boy.

              before the pair had came, craig would have thought on this life with scorn. he would have thought that he would hate every second of it, feel trapped and suffocated. from a very young age, craig had been independent. he didn't need anyone else, just himself and his stories. he didn't need freinds; he created his own. he'd moved out of his parent's home at seventeen, they'd paid for his apartment and rent. his father owned some big buisness, so craig didn't need to work; he just sponged off his parents. his book was his own personal venture, he'd planned on taking at least a year to write it, but the year had turned into two and now here he was; seven years later with only half a book finished. but for some reason -- most probably bee and kai themselves -- he loved his life now. he looked on his old life with hatred, realising how lonely he'd been. he valued every second he spent with bee and kai, they brightened his life, inspired his book and made him happy.

              well, most of the time anyway. some of the time, like when bee insisted on waking him up by sitting on his bed, shouting at him and hitting him, craig missed his old life. The feeling only ever lasted a few seconds though, because when bee returns to the room with kai and/or cuppa' tea craig always remembered just how good his life was. today was no different, only this time craig found it harder to open his eyes and wake up. even when kai was sat on the pillow beside him, pulling at his facial hair, craig felt a reluctance to wake up. eventually, he heaved himself up and leaned against the headboard, patting the bed beside him for Bee to sit down. "it's my father's funeral next week." craig said the words randomly, not really thinking about them. he hadn't told bee his father had died yet. the death hadn't bothered him all that much, he had never been close to his father. it wasn't that they hated each other or anything, they just had different views. it was pretty cliche actually; his father wanted him to take over the buisness but craig had stuck by the belief that he could become a successfull writer. his father had backed down, eventually, but it had been obvious that the man still hoped craig would become director of the company right up untill his dying day. "i'm not sure if i want to go."

              craig sighed, put his cuppa' to his face and blew into the cup. the heat from the liquid carressed his face, smoothing it out and making him feel a little better. he took a sip, wincing a little as it burned his tongue and throat and set the cup down on the bedside table. beside him, kai cooed and giggled. almost absentmindedly, craig reached over, put his hands under the little boys, lifted him up and set him down on his lap. he used one arm to support the little boys body, while letting kai play with the fingers on his other hand. "so today's friday, that means your off work, yeah?" craig looked at bee, smiling a little, "plans for today?"

              i'll never take 20p for granted again, craig thought to himself, looking down at kai's happy face. 20p was all it took to change their lives. if i'd have bought that newspaper, like i usually did, then i wouldn't have had that 20p to give to bee. she would have left the cafe, went home, packed her bags and moved back to new york. something stopped me that day though, instead of buying the newspaper i felt like a cup of coffee. then i saw them, kai crying his little eyes out and bee looking as if she wanted to do the same. it was only natural that i gave her the money, and then things sort of blew up from there. i fell in love with them both pretty quickly. it's just too hard not to love them. i know she's still cut up about her past, deeply cut up, so i'll just have to be patient and wait.
              ooc; finished! kind of sucky mind. x'D
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xxwнyxxxxcaη’t wεxxxx§ρεak aηøtнεr ℓaηguagε, xxxxøηεxxxxwε aℓℓxxxxagrεε øη?
xxxx wε’rε aℓway§ uηdεrмiηiηg
tiε мy нaηdℓεbar§ tø thε §tar§ §ø tнat i §tay ( øη track)
» i’ll kεερ мy нεℓmεt øη ju§t iη ca§ε мy нεad cavε§ iη- - - - !!

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Bryony was happy in her own little world, ever so slightly oblivious as to what was going on around her. She’d always been a daydreamer and found herself easily distracted. She couldn’t seem to help herself, it was just a trait she’d always had. Much like her bossiness. Bee was thoroughly aware of how bossy she could be and that sometimes when she decided to order Craig about it was unappreciated. But she meant well, and if she got out of hand she would always apologise later. Bee had a good heart; she just got a bit carried away sometimes. She was only human after all. The red headed female hardly heard the shock news that her best friend’s father had died. Of course the two had always had their differences in their views. Craig’s father had always wanted him to carry on the family business after he was gone, however Craig himself had other ideas and aspirations for himself, which in Bee’s eyes, was perfectly fair enough. Craig was his own person; he was certainly old enough to decide what he wanted to do with his life. Yet she understood how overbearing parents could be, she’d seen it many a time, although she couldn’t admit to having experienced it herself. Bee’s mother had always been laid back and relaxed, their house had been a bit of a free for all with numerous different people coming and going. It had been a hive of activity considering Bryony had three other siblings as well as an overly sociable mother. For a moment, as she was still reeling after Craig’s little revelation, Bee simply continued to sip on her sugary tea, the mug clasped in her cool hands and her eyes fixed on the back wall, seeing nothing in particular. Ever so slowly, you could almost see the cogs working in her brain, a light frown creased her otherwise flawless features and her eyes came to focus upon the young man in the bed in front of her. ”Why would you not want to go?” she asked quietly. ”You never hated him.” she muttered, talking to herself more than to Craig. Then, after a second or two; ”Do you not even want to say goodbye?” she asked, her eyes boring into his, as if trying to figure out what was going on in his head.

It was bizarre, as she watched Craig lift Kai into his lap, as she observed the delighted little boy play with Craig’s fingers, how oblivious he was to the otherwise quite sombre situation. Offering her son a small smile and nod of encouragement when he looked over at her, she soon turned her attention back to Craig. ”I really don’t get you sometimes you know.” she muttered, tilting her head to one side slightly as if trying to see through him. To see through to all his thoughts and feelings. All his secrets and fears. A small smile graced her lips with a hint of sadness as she tucked her hair behind her ears. ”If you don’t want to go alone I could always come with you?” she offered with a small shrug before draining her mug of tea and placing it down on the bedside table. Tucking her feet under the blanket at the end of the bed she lay down on her front and absentmindedly played with her son’s toes as he squirmed in Craig’s grasp. She always enjoyed how their mornings started. It was simple, calming, a nice routine to have. All gathered in Craig’s bedroom having a chat, a play and a cup of tea. She had a good life here; she didn’t think it would be forever; in fact she was pretty certain of that. One day Craig was going to find himself a nice girlfriend and they’d want to settle down together – best friends had no place in that settlement apart from the occasional visit. Selfishly, she never wanted that day to come. The past few months, having befriended Craig and moved in with him, had been some of the best she’d ever had. It was an entirely new experience and she was enjoying every second of it. But in a way, she wanted Craig to be happy, she didn’t want him to be on his own for the rest of his life, surely he’d want his own family. And he was so brilliant with Kai; she could easily imagine him with children of his own. A grin had crept across her face as she’d lost herself in her thoughts once again.

But it was Craig’s voice that drew her back to reality. He’d changed the subject so rapidly it caught her off guard slightly. ”What?” she questioned, a look of confusion clouding her features as it took a moment to process what he was talking about. ”Oh, right yeah. I’m off today. Well, I dunno. I was just gonna get some bits of shopping in. I mean, I can take Kai out for the day or something if you were wanting to get on with some writing?” she asked, cocking an eyebrow in a questioning manner at her friend. She was aware how long Craig had been working on his book, and she was also aware that it was only half finished. He wanted to be successful, and she’d read his work, he easily had that talent and that capability. But now that she had moved in, she was probably holding him back slightly, if not a lot. The fact she was out at work most of the time and Craig looked after Kai for her was obviously not working in his favour. It was selfish of her, to prevent him from doing what he loved, as much as she appreciated his help...”Y’know I’ve been thinking actually.” she piped up all of a sudden. ”I might start looking into proper childcare for Kai, so that when I’m at work you can get some proper peace and quiet and get down to some writing, and that way you won’t be distracted every five minutes.” she grinned as she revealed her ‘master plan’. ”Whaddya think?” she asked, tickling Malakai under the chin as he chewed on Craig’s fingers, she couldn’t help but laugh at the sight.

Bee had never gone into what you would call ‘extensive’ detail about her past with Craig. It wasn’t something that she particularly liked to talk about. She’d simply told him the bare minimum when he had asked what had made her move to London. All he knew was that she was engaged fell pregnant, her fiancé was excited and they chose to keep the baby, only he got cold feet and packed up and left when she went out shopping one day. He’d obviously understood that she still found it difficult to talk about and had never brought it up again. In a way she wanted to tell him, he was her best friend after all – as weird as that was, saying that after only a few months, it was true. He knew her probably better than most people ever had or ever would. Her past was one of the few things she’d not delved into with him. She would one day, when she felt as though the time was right.

”Why, did you have any plans for the day?” she asked, raising her eyebrows at him as Kai crawled off of Craig and started pulling Bee’s hair.

(it wasn't sucky! mine wasn't exactly brilliant but things'll get better as the roleplay goes on ;D)
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              I don't blame you for being you
                  But you can't blame me for hating it
                      So say, what are you waiting for?
                          Kiss her, kiss her
                              I set my clocks early 'cause I know I'm always late


              craig was well aware that he'd been trying to change the topic and he was glad when it worked. since he'd been so independent throughout most of his life he was still finding it hard to be open about feelings and mushy things like that. in some ways he was opening up more, but when it came to his feelings he just didn't know what to say. "don't be silly; i love spending time with kai during the day. i do get some work done, and it'd be horrible trying to write for hours on end. it's better for me to do it in little sections." as kai crawled towards bee, he tugged at the sheets, leaving craig grabbing at them desperatly before they could slipp down and reveal his nakedness. craig blushed a little, well aware that bee had caught a little glimpse and stuggled desperatly to divert her attention. "well i was thinking, we could take kai to the park or something. have a little picnik." craig shrugged.

              Kai began to wriggle around in the sheets again, and craig pulled them further up his body. "i should probably get dressed..." he didn't say the exact words but it was an obvious hint that he wanted them to leave him while he got dressed. bee didn't move though, just sat and watched his discomfort with a small smile. suddenly, kai was underneath the sheets, on top of craigs legs. moving quickly, craig wrapped one of the sheets around his body, leaving the other with kai, distangled himself from the bed and stood up. the sheet was wrapped tightly around his legs and he began to hop towards the bathroom. he was well aware of how amusing he must have looked. a few more hops and craig lost his balance. he fell over in a heap, the sheets wrapped around the lower part of his legs, revealing the rest of his body.

              ooc; sorry, that really does fail. D': i've got a bit of writers block but i will make it up too you in another post~ i promise.
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xxwнyxxxxcaη’t wεxxxx§ρεak aηøtнεr ℓaηguagε, xxxxøηεxxxxwε aℓℓxxxxagrεε øη?
xxxx wε’rε aℓway§ uηdεrмiηiηg
tiε мy нaηdℓεbar§ tø thε §tar§ §ø tнat i §tay ( øη track)
» i’ll kεερ мy нεℓmεt øη ju§t iη ca§ε мy нεad cavε§ iη- - - - !!

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Bee only winced as her son decided to tug upon her hair, he’d always been one for the hair pulling and as much as loved her son she did wish he would grow out of that habit sooner rather than later. It was always her hair he made a beeline for, presumably because of the colour. ”Ow, honey. Seriously.” she muttered, reaching around to try and uncurl her son’s tight little fist, which had just grabbed a rather large clump of her hair in a rather painful manner. The boy had a vice-like grip and it took a lot of prising of little fingers to release most of her hair. The rest was done through ‘tickle-torture’. Rolling onto her back, she pulled her son with her who sat happily on her stomach as she tickled him in every place she could reach. A wide grin was present on her face as the small boy squirmed and squealed in delight whilst attempting to get away from her. Finally, she stopped and picked Kai up, pulling him towards her so their noses were touching. ”Now. What’ve we learnt today?” she asked, a smirk playing around her lips. ”We don’t pull mummy’s hair now, do we?” she giggled, throwing her son gently back onto the bed and letting him crawl freely.

Her green eyes averted back to look at Craig as his voice rang through the air. She was quite surprised by his response, she’d always felt bad about leaving Kai with Craig whilst she went off to work. Her son was hard work, sure he was generally good, but he was at that age where he liked to put everything in his mouth and climb into and onto things which could easily result in disaster. He took a lot of watching. He was an explorer. ”Are you sure? I mean, don’t feel like you have to. I’ve always planned on getting him proper childcare to give you some peace. You had all the peace in the world before we barged our way into your life.” she smiled apologetically at him. It was evident that she was still wary about invading Craig’s life – it was as though she were waiting for him to realise what a mistake he’d made and run off. But from what she knew of Craig, he didn’t seem like the type of person to do that sort of thing. He was far too nice, far too loving. Far too compassionate.

As Kai crawled around the covers easily slipped, and Craig slept naked. Bee pretended to have not seen anything and even managed to keep the smirk off her face. She continued on as though she were totally oblivious. ”I’m up for a picnic.” she grinned. ”That’s actually a really good idea! I haven’t had one in forever. And the weather’s good.” she nodded, glancing out the gap in the curtains. ”Picnic it is.” she agreed. Craig didn’t live in central London, but he lived near an underground station and was only a few stops away from central London. Bee liked where they lived, it was busy, but not too busy and they had a few shops near them, and a park. It was pretty ideal actually.

Bryony knew exactly what Craig had meant when he’d mentioned getting dressed, but she decided to tease him and play dumb. Instead of moving, she remained exactly where she was and simply smiled at him. It was a cheeky, knowing smile – so he knew she was messing with him. She was finding the whole thing rather amusing actually. She hadn’t noticed Kai disappear beneath the sheets until Craig pulled some funky moves and wriggled out of bed, wrapping himself in the duvet. She couldn’t help but giggle at the sight of him hopping in the direction of the bathroom. He looked so awkward. And then he just toppled over into an ungraceful heap. Well, that was it, Bee couldn’t control herself, her laugh was light as air but hearty nonetheless. It filled the entire room and brightened her eyes more so than they were already. ”Oh bloody hell.” she giggled, pushing her hair from her face and getting to her feet. ”Are you alright love?” she asked, pulling the sheet over his exposed body and fetching his dressing gown for him. Just as threw it at him there was a heavy thump followed by a second of silence, and then a wail. ”Oh blimey. You’ve got him copying you already.” she grinned, nudging Craig in the ribs with her toes as she made her way over to the heap of baby on the wooden floor. Picking him up she kissed his head gently and cuddled him close to her. ”Hey, hey, shh. Look, you’ve made a dent in the floor! You know it’s not cool to be a copycat right? You don’t wanna copy Craig. He’s silly.” she muttered, kissing her son’s head again as he continued to cry. ”Ohh little man. Been in the wars already and you’ve been up for twenty minutes. C’mon.” she muttered making her way towards the door and turning to look at Craig. ”I’ll get him sorted, me sorted and the picnic sorted. You better be ready by the time I am otherwise you’re the bigger girl.” she teased, pulling the door by behind her as she left the room.


Around an hour and a half later, Bee was pretty much ready, she was just putting on a bit of mascara and some lipgloss and she’d be done. The picnic was put together and on the kitchen table. Kai was playing on the floor of the lounge and Bee was sat on the sofa, one eye on her son and one eye on the mirror. A small bruise was already starting to come up on Kai’s head from where he’d fallen earlier. Throwing everything into her handbag, she hung Kai’s changing bag over the back of the pram, picked him up and began the wrestle of putting him in his pram. She simply ignored his cries of protest and wandered out of the lounge. ”Craaaaaaaaaaaig.” she called. ”Don’t prove to me you really are the bigger girl!” she demanded, knocking on his bedroom door and waiting.
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              I don't blame you for being you
                  But you can't blame me for hating it
                      So say, what are you waiting for?
                          Kiss her, kiss her
                              I set my clocks early 'cause I know I'm always late


              when Bee left the room craig, who was still recovering from his indecent flashing incident and worring about kai, pulled on the dressing gown and stood up. he tied it tightly and stood in the middle of his room for a few minutes, mulling over the words that popped into his head out of knowhere. then, covering the space in only a few steps, he walked over to the door that led to his study and opened it. the room greeted him with it's familar scent - books and worn leather - and craig breathed it in deeply, feeling comforted by it. the room was lined with books, from floor to ceiling and was empty of furniture except from a small sofa, a table with a lamp on it and his desk. the desk was littered with papers, and in the centre stood an old fashioned type writer. craig strode over to the desk and sat down in the leather chair, then he checked the ink in the type writer, place a new sheet of paper in it and began to type. his fingers moved swiftly and effortlessly over the keys, his eyes watched the words in his head come to life. craig began to smile, feeling excited and exihlarated by what he was writing.

              after an hour of solid typing, craig sat back in his chair a huge grin still plastered on his face. beside the typewriter sat a new pile of paper, laid out neatly. feeling completley satisfied and a little worn out mentally, craig left his study and walked to the bathroom, grabbing his outfit on his way through his bedroom. He showered quickly, somehow managing to drop the soap and then not be able to find it afterwards. as he was dressing, craig realised that his stubble was getting perhaps a little too out of control so he got out his shaving gear. half way through one sweep with the razor blade, craig adjusted his feet a little. it was then that he found the missing soap; his right foot landed on it at an odd angle and he slipped over. his hand jerked oddly and cut open his cheek and he smacked his head on the basin counter. the blow knocked him out for a few minutes and when he eventually woke up again, bleeding and bruised, craig cursed his foul luck.

              ten minutes later he stood behind his closed door, fully dressed but no longer bleeding, listening to Bee knock and shout at him. "i'm ready it's just...promise you wont laugh?" craig's face was a mess, his right eye was beginning to turn black, his cheekbone was covered in a giant purple bruise and there was a gash across his cheek. he didn't open the door until Bee promised, and then he didn't leave the safety of the bedroom. "please, lets not talk about it. basically; i slipped on some soap while shaving and hit my head off the counter. it doesn't hurt, it's just ugly as hell." he gave Bee a grin and shrugged as if to say, no biggie. then before she could say anything else he put one hand over her mouth, wrapped the other around her waist and picked her up. he ran down the hall with her, to where kai sat waiting in his pram. then craig realised Bee and squatted down in front of kai. "look, mines worse than yours." craig pointed to his bruise and the little boy reached out with stubby fingers and punched the bruise. it wasn't a strong punch, but it sure as hell hurt craig. he resisted the urge to swear and stood up, his eyes watering. "let's just go to the park before something else happens to me."


              the sun shone down brightly on them as they entered the park. craig was carrying the hamper full of the picnik stuff, Bee was pushing Kai in his pram and the little boy was cooeing and giggling. they chose a spot to sit on in the grass, laid out the blanket and unpacked the hamper. then craig unstrapped kai from his pram and set him on the blanket. kai made instantly for the food, so craig sat behind him, his legs on either side of him and his hands holding him back while bee organized everything. while he watched Bee work, craig began to wonder if it always felt so good to be a father; normally they all seemed stressed out and complained. it had made craig hate the thought of having kids, but now that kai and bee were in his life he couldn't wait to have his own children. with who, he had no idea yet. secretly, inside he knew that the only person he wanted to have kids with was Bee, but it would never happen. she didn't see him like that. simple as. he'd just have to be happy with what he got. they ate the food slowly, enjoying the sun and each other's company. then when they were finished they headed over to the children's play area so Kai could have a little run about.
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xxwнyxxxxcaη’t wεxxxx§ρεak aηøtнεr ℓaηguagε, xxxxøηεxxxxwε aℓℓxxxxagrεε øη?
xxxx wε’rε aℓway§ uηdεrмiηiηg
tiε мy нaηdℓεbar§ tø thε §tar§ §ø tнat i §tay ( øη track)
» i’ll kεερ мy нεℓmεt øη ju§t iη ca§ε мy нεad cavε§ iη- - - - !!

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There was a hell of a lot of noise coming from the bathroom, and Bryony couldn’t help but feel a sense of concern, she knocked on the bathroom door at one point but got no response. She assumed Craig was old enough to look after himself. He was a big boy – in more than one respect judging from earlier shenanigans...No. Shut up brain. Where had that come from? Shaking her head at herself, she smiled and continued to get ready for the day. She had on a minimal amount of makeup – as much as she loved makeup, she hardly had any time to play around with it anymore and try out different looks, she hardly had any time for herself, being a mum was extremely time consuming. Though she missed being selfish sometimes she wouldn’t give up her life now for anything. She left her hair falling around her shoulders. Her outfit was pretty simplistic as well. She had on a pair of black skinny jeans, a black crop top with a bleached image of London on the front, and over the top of that she had a sleeveless crop, whitewash denim jacket. Underneath her crop top she wore a black tank top to cover the small section of her stomach that would’ve been on show had she just worn the crop top. Grabbing her sunglasses, she popped them on her head before placing Kai in his pushchair. With that, she made her way down the hall to Craig’s room.

She was slightly confused when he made her promise not to laugh. Of course, when he opened the door, she couldn’t help herself and a light giggle escaped her lips. ”I swear to God I have never met anyone as clumsy as you.” she giggled, reaching out to inspect her friend’s face. ”You know. You’d look pretty good if the shower hadn’t beaten you up.” she snorted. As he explained what had happened she couldn’t stop herself from laughing. ”Oh Craig, I do love you.” she laughed, not thinking twice about the words she had just said. Of course she loved him, he was her best friend. She tensed as he picked her up and took her by surprise. Bee was a measly five foot and didn’t really weigh a lot. When she was placed back onto solid ground, she collapsed onto the sofa and pulled her shoes on. A pair of purple suede high heels which made her stand at around five foot four. She never wore flat shoes. Ever. ”Okay. Ready?” she asked, watching as Kai punched Craig’s bruise. ”Oh!” she reached out to stop her son but was too late and winced as she saw Craig in pain. ”Sorry.” she muttered to Craig, grabbing her handbag and throwing it over her shoulder and leaving the apartment.


It was a gorgeous day and Bee sincerely hoped that the good weather was here to stay. She let Craig choose where to sit and let him deal with Kai whilst she unpacked the food and laid it all out nicely. She enjoyed simple things like this, when she was younger, she’d only ever been happy when she was out getting drunk or high with her friends or at a gig or out shopping. Something like this would have entertained her, but probably would have turned into a drunken event. But her life was completely different now; she’d been through that stage of her life and was now on a completely new journey. A new, exciting journey. Plus, she wasn’t on her own anymore, she had Craig now, of course things wouldn’t stay like this forever, as much as she’d like them to. So she’d simply enjoy them whilst they lasted. Bee was good at doing that. It did worry her sometimes though, when Craig found someone else and Bee moved out, who was going to be a father figure for Kai? Bee was good at being ‘mum’ but being ‘dad’ was something completely different. In her mind, her son needed a male figure in his life. But she guessed she’d just cross that bridge when it came to it. Surely she wouldn’t be on her own forever, even if she did have a kid.

But this was no time to be thinking ahead, just watching Kai and Craig play together was enough for now. She couldn’t wait til her son could walk properly – he was learning, he was nearly there, and talk properly, or even at all. Kai still hadn’t said anything yet. Those times were still to come. When they’d finished their picnic, Craig mentioned heading over to the play park for Kai. Bee considered it a good idea and packed the picnic away, placing the hamper in the pushchair before picking up Kai. Handing the little boy to Craig she took the pushchair and made her way towards the play park, where a million other kids and their parents were also enjoying the sunshine.

Craig really was incredibly good with Kai, he didn’t ignore him, and he didn’t get angry at him – unless completely necessary and even then it was Bee that did the real disciplining. He was like a playmate, but with facial hair. Bee laughed at the thought and settled herself on the bench, just taking five minutes whilst she let Craig take Kai. As the two came back over to her a little while later, another woman approached them. ”Bee!” she called, causing the young woman to turn her head and spot a blonde woman coming towards them holding another young boy in her arms. ”Hey Nat.” she smiled at the woman. Natalie was one of the other mum’s that Bee knew quite well from the playgroup that Kai attended once a week. Just as the two were about to get into a proper little mother’s meeting, Nat seemed to notice Craig. ”Oh, hey. You must be Kai’s father. I’m Natalie.” she smiled warmly, holding her hand out to the young man. Bee pursed her lips and glanced at Craig before turning back to Natalie. ”Actually Nat this is Craig. He’s my best friend. And my roommate. And, not Kai’s father.” she smiled slightly. Natalie’s face dropped as she realised her mistake. ”Oh god, I’m sorry!” she muttered, pushing her hair from her face. ”My mistake.” she tried to shake it off but was clearly embarrassed. After a moment or two’s silence the woman spoke again. ”Hey, um, I was wondering, would it be okay if Kai came and stayed at mine tonight? Give Sam a bit of company?” she asked. ”Plus it gives you a night off.” she added. It took a while, but eventually Bee agreed and handed over her son and his things to Natalie. ”Any problems give me a call and I’ll come and get him straight away.” she assured the woman before giving her son a kiss and saying goodbye.


”So. An evening free. I’m not quite sure what to do with myself. Any ideas?” she asked, a light laugh to her voice. In the back of her mind she was concerned, she hadn’t been away from her son...ever. Since he was born he’d always been there, and though she trusted Nat he was still only just about a year old. Although it would be wonderful to have an evening to herself again, she’d probably be sat worrying all evening anyway.
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              I don't blame you for being you
                  But you can't blame me for hating it
                      So say, what are you waiting for?
                          Kiss her, kiss her
                              I set my clocks early 'cause I know I'm always late


              craig sighed, "don't tell me your going to sit here all night and worry about kai. he'll be fine Bee." he understood her worry though. for the past few months he'd been - unconsciously - on hyperalert for kai. it was only now the boy was gone that he realised how he'd always been listening out for the little boys cries. everynight him and bee had sat watching t.v, being as quiet as possible. now the apartment was empty and they could be as loud as they wanted and it wouldn't wake a soul. with a sigh, craig turned to bee who was sat on the sofa beside him. "ah come on, let's get drunk." craig heaved himself up off the sofa and walked into the kitchen.

              he returned a few minutes later with a selection of bottles in his arms, two glasses and a bottle opener in his mouth. he set the lot on the table and sat back down next to bee again. craig looked at the bottles for a few seconds then reached forward and grabbed the vodka. he poured himself a good measure and drank deeply. craig used to be a big drinker, his night's wouldn't be complete without getting drunk. it was only now that he realised he'd drank from loneliness and ever since bee and kai had been in his life he'd never felt the need to drink.

              an hour or so later and most of the bottles on the table were open. some were quite empty, other barely touched. craig felt just slightly drunk. beside him, bee seemed to be likewise. craig burped and then giggled to himself. craig started to say; "well, i'm going to go throw up and fall asleep on the bathroom floor now." but it came out as; "wvelli'mgoingtog-gothrowupandfallasleeponthebathroomfloornow." he patted bee on the thigh, nodded to her once and went to stand up. the world span and he ended up falling back down across her lap on his back. as he gazed up at her face, craig was hit by a sudden realisation; he loved bee quite a lot more than he'd ever though before. the thought was almost enough to sober him completley. he was still pretty drunk though, because otherwise why would he have leaned up across the distance and put his face to bee's, pressing his lips against hers ever so softly? and she was obviously more drunk than he was because she kissed him back a little more forcefully, then they both disolved into kissing and touching, neither knowing who's body belonged to who anymore.
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xxwнyxxxxcaη’t wεxxxx§ρεak aηøtнεr ℓaηguagε, xxxxøηεxxxxwε aℓℓxxxxagrεε øη?
xxxx wε’rε aℓway§ uηdεrмiηiηg
tiε мy нaηdℓεbar§ tø thε §tar§ §ø tнat i §tay ( øη track)
» i’ll kεερ мy нεℓmεt øη ju§t iη ca§ε мy нεad cavε§ iη- - - - !!

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Bee could tell that her constant worrying was beginning to bug Craig, and as much as she tried to hide it, she knew well enough that Craig knew her too well, he’d pick up on the fact that she was worrying whether she tried to hide it or not. It was odd, how much she was missing her son, even though she’d normally have him in bed by now, but just knowing that his presence was absent from the flat didn’t feel right. It didn’t feel natural, she’d had to actively stop herself from phoning Natalie three times already and it was only ten o’clock. She was far more on edge than she was normally, Bee just couldn’t relax, she kept shifting in her seat and playing with her hair – a sure sign that she was on edge. Eventually, Craig couldn’t seem to take it anymore and suggested that they get drunk. Bee was up for that, she simply watched as Craig wandered through to the kitchen, she listened to the sound of clinking glasses and bottles and was about to get up and offer a hand when her best friend reappeared, armfuls of alcohol in tow. A small smile came across her lips as he settled himself down next to her on the sofa again. ”You know how to take my mind off things don’t you.” she smiled at him, giving him a half hug as she surveyed the bottles in front of her. ”Blimey, this takes me back a few years.” she laughed lightly, reaching out for her old friend Sambuca. She happily knocked back a couple of shots, them barely touching the back of her throat as the liquor warmed her body.

It seemed that Bryony had lost her knack for holding her alcohol. She couldn’t keep up with the same pace she could do when she was younger. Maybe she was just out of practice, or perhaps she was just getting a bit older. Whatever it was, she was already feeling pretty giddy. However, that didn’t stop her from knocking back another can of beer, followed by a couple more shots. Bee never learnt that she couldn’t hold spirits particularly well. It took a moment for her to realise that Craig was talking to her. ”Whut?” she slurred, looking over at him with bleary, unfocused eyes. The next thing she knew, Craig was on his feet, though not for long. It was hilarious, seeing him fall backwards onto the sofa, although he missed slightly and ended up sprawled across Bee’s lap. She couldn’t control her fits of laughter as she doubled over, her hair falling across not only her face, but Craig’s, considering he was still placed in her lap. She knew she really should stop drinking, but Bee had never been one to listen to her own body, she had always pushed herself past her limits, not only in terms of drinking but in terms of other, everyday things as well.

She hadn’t noticed that Craig had been staring up at her for a while as she was still giggling to herself about – well, she didn’t even really know what she was laughing at anymore. Her lips tasted like liquorice thanks to the copious amounts of Sambuca that she’d consumed, as she thought about it she knocked back another shot, wincing as it burned slightly. And then everything seemed to happen at once. She went to look down at Craig to check he was okay and hadn’t actually passed out on her lap like she’d suspected, when suddenly his lips were pressed against hers. It caught her completely off guard for a moment or two before her instincts took over. The shot glass she had been clutching fell from her hand – forgotten – as she kissed him back, applying more pressure than he had. She moved so that he was sitting up, sitting close to her, his body close to hers. Her heart was racing and she could hear her blood rushing in her ears as she slid her tongue into Craig’s mouth. Her hand cupped his cheek whilst the other entwined their fingers. She wasn’t sure whose idea it had been to head through to Craig’s bedroom, but the next thing she knew, that’s where they were – half naked. It was bizarre, something in the back of her mind was telling her to stop, to walk away, but she was pushing that voice out, ignoring it completely. She wanted this, she wanted him. His touch made her tingle and sent shivers through her body – whether that was chemistry between them or just the effect of the alcohol she didn’t know, and she didn’t care. She just wanted this, them. Right now. ******** the consequences.


It had been five o’clock in the morning when Bryony had opened her eyes and instantly wished she hadn’t. She wished she hadn’t regained consciousness and she wished her eyelids didn’t weigh a tonne. She also wished she didn’t have to get up and have a wee, but that was necessary otherwise she might just explode, and that wouldn’t have been pretty. Oh god, she felt sick. Slowly, she eased herself into a sitting position and felt a breeze engulf her body. Looking down, she was met with the sight of her bare skin, and...an unfamiliar, yet familiar room. Slowly, hesitantly, she turned her head and looked at the sleeping body next to her. Oh. Good. God. If she hadn’t felt sick before she certainly did now. Not because she was repulsed by the fact that she’d slept with Craig, of course not, he was an attractive young man, but, he was her best friend. She lived with him. She wasn’t a stupid teenager any more. She wasn’t supposed to make these sorts of mistakes. Although why was it so wrong? Neither of them were in a relationship. They were both, mature, heterosexual adults. So why did she up and leave? Or rather, crawl to the bathroom and hurl her guts up. That was beautiful it really was.

Perhaps she’d fallen asleep in the bathroom, or maybe she really had just been being sick forever, that’s sure what it felt like. But by the time she eventually managed to get to her feet and flush the toilet and clean her teeth, the sun was up and had been for some time. Starting up the shower, she stepped under the hot stream of water. Her head was pounding and she was sure as hell paying for her actions the night before. For some bizarre reason, as she stood in the shower, she felt that oh-so familiar feeling that everybody knows so well. Why was she crying? This was stupid. So stupid. But how was she meant to act now? Would Craig even remember what had happened? Maybe not, he had been pretty wrecked last night; at least she thought they were. Well...she had been at least. Whatever, she’d just have to get on with it, just pretend it never happened. Don’t mention it unless he does. Just play it cool, water off her back. Yeah, that’d be the best option.


The painkillers effect had been cancelled out by the bright summers sun that had beamed down upon Bryony as she made her way across town to Natalie’s to collect Malakai. Her friend could tell by the pulled back hair, tracksuit bottoms, flip-flops, tank top, lack of makeup and oversized sunglasses that Bee had had a good night. ”You even make a hangover look good Bee.” the woman laughed as she handed over Kai and his things to his mother. ”Cheers Nat, I’ll see you on Monday yeah?” Bee’s voice was barely above a whisper as she left the apartment and headed back across town. Back home.

It was easy enough, put Kai in his high chair and sort out his breakfast, force some toast down her own throat, followed by what would probably be considered to be an overdose of painkillers and pint after pint of water. She even started to make some toast and put a glass of water out for Craig when she heard movement in the rest of the apartment. Her throat was dry again suddenly as she realised he was awake. This situation was ridiculous; she’d just act normal...act. Normal.

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