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Wealthy Genius

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❜《 probable data terminal found __ » ( ◦accessing ) *↻ loading ⋯ loading ↻ access granted.


      JCA██   ██   ██   ██

      ░░░█ `◊◦ ID: The Gondrel Project
      ░░░█ `◊◦ Fɪʀsᴛ Wᴏʀʟᴅ Iɴᴄ.™


            〈Overview 〉

    This will be a private, Tier-1 interaction between TDA_VoyagerMajor and IC - Spark only (Private Invitation RP).

    Please post RPC Sheets Here, please.

    The posting order will be Voyager first, followed by Spark, and repeat until finished.

    No judges are present, however, if needed, on will be called.

    The setting will be on a secret island on Planet Naxore inside of a remote, jungle base.

    The base's only entrance is a very small (less then 20 yards in both length and width), which has a trapdoor underneath a small growing palm tree. The door leads the user into a very long corridor which travels underwater, all the way into the hatch underneath the actual jungled base.

    Inside this base, are hundreds of armed F2 Soldiers, medics, and other classified personnel; including both Spark and Voyager.

    More specifically, the interaction will take place inside of a medical bay, hangar B77, inside of a highly protected laboratory for testing.

    (( Please remember the above content is OOC information, unknown In-Character.

    〈Situation 〉

Jordan (Spark) Avila stands outside of a jungle location, awaiting his fellow ally and friend, to partake in a unique set of experiments.

The bright sun casting its warm glow that seeps through the mildly-thick jungle.

He is not alone, however, being safely guarded by sixteen hidden F2 Soldiers, rifles at the ready; along with other transports prepped.

Outside, the approximate temperature is about 87°F, slight breezes pass by as well.

The trees slowly sway in the calm winds as Jordan remains stationary.

                          JCA⋆` ( WARNING ❜ )
                            CRITICAL FAILURE ⋯ LOGGING YOU OUT

Wealthy Genius

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:: OPEN ::

Invisible Explorer

As we grow with our family we realize how much of an importance they all our in our lives. People who understand you, who accept, who care for you, and who will take a bullet for you. These are the people who we most desire in life other than our friends and their families along with that. Without these people by our side, where would we be? What will see? And who would we see? Only few could imagine what would happen but not all. It something depressing to see that someone who doesn't have friends or family to guide to the light of fame but guide by the dark in shame.

It was deep in space near a planet known as /Gaia/. Such a wondrous planets this was. They had all sorts of people, from intelligent people to arrogant people. The land was green nothing but green with a great amount of oak trees and fountains with bugs and such. It was quite dirty with a variety of flowers. It had looked like it needed some sort of cleaning but taking a guess the folks didn't care for their planet much. Little did anyone know an Overlord from The Dark Ages would be soon making his way there. But what would an Overlord being doing to come to a planet like Gaia?

Many of the crew members on the Royal Frigate, knew what was going to happen. Thanks to this Overlord's intel team, it was brought to his attention before hand that, his cousin had been enslaved by a man known as Gondrel. It was said that Voyager; Rear Overlord of The Dark Ages, was here to take the kill of this man and capture his body. Right when the Royal Frigate departed, Voyager made his way off the vessel and down towards Gaia's atmosphere within an escape pod near Gondrel's, locaton.

Once Voyager had successfully made his way towards her surface, he left the pod and made his kill on Gondrel, taking his body under the tractor beam and into a prison ward. Within the prison ward Gondrel, was placed in a beaker shut, that was designed to be used to crawl on four legs. It was only a matter of time before Voyager would begin his very own operation but having the thought that he should take this operation up with a friend, Voyager thought for a second and at that moment, Voyager knew that he would begin to make his way towards his Jordan Avila's planet; Nexore. It would only be a matter of time before Voyager has arrived.

Arriving near the solar system known as [Classified], Voyager, would then slowly arrive on planet, Nexore near a jungle. With Voyager, contacting Jordan beforehand, he was sure things would go as accounted and not contacted by the security before he had landed. This land seemed very rich. Hovering vehicles, green plants and homes of luxury of many kind. Of course this planet, Nexore, was heavily guarded, from unknown intruders. Voyager, was only seconds away from landing in the jungle he and the Frigate had come by.

Hovering from the ground, the hanger bay doors opened and Voyager walked out with the crawling beaker behind him which he was guiding. He was accompanied by two Synthetic Androids at the most part. Who could tell perhaps the body might come to lift and attempt to preform an attack so the Androids were necessary. There was no intention to attack anyone besides the body if it attempted to attack. The goo of this man nearly killed Voyager ahead of time.

Making his way out the surface Nexore's jungle, Voyager, noticed the sun beaming passed trees . The HUD, was receiving information about this current location and its where about. Despite who or what was around these parts of the jungle, Voyager received noticed that Jordan Avila, was right in of him, stationary in the calm winds in front of the tall doors. "Greetings, Jordan Avila. Should we get started on this buffoon of an Emperor? I am eager to see what he is made of and what we can do with his remains after. Not to be pushy but shall we?" Voyager spoke under his mask, while looking towards Jordan, in a rather serious tone.

Wealthy Genius

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                                            ❜《 probable data terminal found __ » ( ◦accessing ) *↻ loading ⋯ loading ↻ access granted.

                                                Jordan AvilaCLASSIFIED ⋯ INFORMATION ⋯ DETECTED
                                                *↻ FURTHER ( AUTHORIZATION ) ゚NEEDED
                                                sim██   ██   ██   ██

                                                ░░░█: `◊◦ ID: Jordan_Avila
                                                ░░░█: `◊◦ Code: ************ - Project: G
                                                ░░░█: `◊◦ Fɪʀsᴛ Wᴏʀʟᴅ Iɴᴄ.™


                                              Small insects buzzed about; the Sun's rays peeking through the thick, greenery atop the tall, thin trees which cast shade over the base's entrance. A man wearing a prototype F2-Hazmat Suit was awaiting the presence of a dear friend, Voyager. Beside him stood a number of guards, not taking any chances, as it was only protocol. His arms were in arm, relaxed behind his back just above the dark colored belt in which wrapped around the waist of the pearl suit. A small UAV Drone hovered around, making its usual rounds about the base's exterior, its motion-cloak ability in effect; this would refract and bend light around the machine and reduce the bulge effect. A slight humming sound could be heard as an arrival was in motion.

                                              The craft landed, the grass underneath it moving around softly; the trees swaying gently in the wind as usual. Small leaves fell down as the force of the craft pushed them from their withering branches. Particles took flight in the beams of the Sun. The vessel came to a halt before letting down for the exit of a man. Following the man was an interesting piece of machinery that caught Jordan's eye; some sort of mobile containment unit, holding the experiment inside of a cylindrical contraption. The legs moved in harmony, obviously in sync with Voyager as he walked to Jordan and greeted him.

                                              "It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Voyager." He shook the man in the suit's hand, hearing his voice through the mask clearly. "Of course, we can get started right now, shall we? -- Excuse me."

                                              Jordan turned to face the door, his back now facing Voyager. He raised his right arm which was bent, his forearm with his hand flat. As he raised his hand, his soldiers uncloaked, their reflective, pearl armor, which resembles the color of Jordan's F2 Hazmat Suit, reflected the now low beams of light. The signal was clear; stand down, and break into Escort Formation. The men split into two rows before the door, making a clear walking path for Jordan and his guest, Voyager, to make their way through. Jordan turned back to his guest and spoke once more, the top portion of his protective gear still lowered. "Come, let us operate! -- Mr. Voyager." He led the way towards the door as it slid open, revealing a large scenery of massive hallways and corridors, along with male and females wearing medical equipment carrying around different tools and specimen.

                                              When followed, they would be fully escorted by the F2 Soldiers, fully clothed with rifles and other necessary gear. They would be led into a large, open room as the escorts backed off, locking the door behind them. In front of them lay a table with an abundant amount of tools and other scientist, ready to begin Operation: G. Once more, he turned to face Voyager and speaks. "What exactly do you have in mind?" Jordan looked at the containment unit and waved his left hand at the specimen known as Gondrel, smiling at the sight.

                                                                      sim⋆` ( WARNING ❜ )
                                                                        CRITICAL FAILURE ⋯ LOGGING YOU OUT

Invisible Explorer

Within a matter of seconds from being greeted by Jordan, he came out to be even nice in person. Voyager, had smiled under his mask as he nodded his head. Minutes later Voyager, came to noticed a group of units being uncloaked and standing down from their own positions. It was understandable that the units were cloaked with their weapons ready to fire all due for protecting Jordan, from any type of harm ever. The beaker containing Gondrel, was pouncing up and down, in a rather slow motion but why? It only showed that beaker was alive and active. "Of course."

It was an eager moment to see what this Emperor was made out of, not only that but to see who or what he works for. It could be assumed that this Emperor of an empire but not only that someone with wealth and money that could be either scorched or taken from him people. It could only be imagined at the time being who he worked for and where his empire was, if he had one at least. But that also wasn't the case either, Voyagers main objective was to decapitate this man and send him somewhere far, far enough where no one could find his remains but that was also the problem where?

As much as Voyager didn't want to see this body once he was done with it, he still hadn't figured where he would place it. Perhaps placing this body somewhere in an alternative or parallel universe would be the case or even sending him back in time for that matter. Voyager, had rubbed his mask where his chin would be using his free hand. Looking towards the back of Jordan Avilia, Voyager analyzed the tall doors that opened his front of him and the units fell in an escort formation. "Let us." Voyager, his comrades and the beaker followed behind Jordan as his guided them. The beaker was right behind, Voyager while the two Synthetic's walked on the side’s inches away from the other units.

Taking this experience into consideration, Voyager watched as the holographic screens projecting what seemed to be map(s) of different sectors in this base. Continue to follow Jordan, the hallways continued to emerge a projection of holographic screens, only to keep in mind where they were at in the base. Soon arriving towards the medical or what seemed of it. Different types of medical assistants had some sort of operating tools in their hands, ready to operate. Once Voyager and the beaker entered the chambers of the glass room, the Synthetics halted at the sliding doors to watch and send the feed back to the communication station on the frigate.

"I was thinking we decapitate him body and send him to a parallel universe or an alternative universe. On top of gather his origins and whereabouts, just to see if he possesses an empire and allies at that. So to break it all down, I want everything inside of him removed, once that is finished, gather as much information we can on him then we will be able to isolate his remains. Does that sound good, Jordan?"

Wealthy Genius

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                                            ❜《 probable data terminal found __ » ( ◦accessing ) *↻ loading ⋯ loading ↻ access granted.

                                                Jordan AvilaCLASSIFIED ⋯ INFORMATION ⋯ DETECTED
                                                *↻ FURTHER ( AUTHORIZATION ) ゚NEEDED
                                                sim██   ██   ██   ██

                                                ░░░█: `◊◦ ID: Jordan_Avila
                                                ░░░█: `◊◦ Code: ************ - Project: G
                                                ░░░█: `◊◦ Fɪʀsᴛ Wᴏʀʟᴅ Iɴᴄ.™


                                              "Well, although I run an advanced organization, we haven't yet successfully perfected our time traveling system, or the sending one into another universe." He took a small breath and smiled again. "But, I can assure out we can find out what this.... thing, is." He turned towards the table with the holograms hovering aimlessly over them, mapping out locations inside of the base and other qwerty statistics that help out around the medical bays. He reached out his right hand, and touched a certain, blue, square hologram with a genetics picture on it, as well as paragraphs of typing.

                                              Jordan swiped his hand off the screen to the right, the small screen following as it seemed to have dissipated, closing the program and reverting the table back to what it was; a medical table full of accessories. Piece by piece, following the holograms disappearance, Jordan's mask slowly morphed and shaped upwards from his neck; successfully covering his face with a protective masking cover. He turned to his friend, Voyager, just as the mask completed morphing. "Place the beaker on the table and let's get right to it!" He said with a bright smile, the voice of Jordan echoing inside of the cover.

                                                                      sim⋆` ( WARNING ❜ )
                                                                        CRITICAL FAILURE ⋯ LOGGING YOU OUT

Invisible Explorer

Awaiting for his response in return from Jordan, Voyager had high hopes that this suggestion would come into play. Just think what could happen to his remains that never were into the depths of now. To top it off no one could have possible find these remains as it is since Voyager, would have made sure to place them in a hidden spot that no one could ever find out. But of course this would all depend on what if Jordan and his assistance can make this come true. Though what would be the outcome of this does come to play?

After getting a response from Jordan, he noticed his face mask materializing over his face as a holographic hovering over himself and Jordan. Numerous paragraphs were in motion but couldn't have been mapped out what they were, which would explain why he didn't have any intentions to find out what they were or what they meant but on the other hand he was sure they were something useful to him. "That is reasonable. I do want to find out what this buffoon of. His silvery like goo or blood attempted to kill me. So that help me a lot" Voyager looked at Jordan, using a kind set of tone.

Once the holographic screen disappeared before his eyes, Voyager nodded his head as he was requested to place the beaker on top of the table to examine it. Since this beaker was so light in weight, Voyager placed his LCR along his jetpack and picked the beaker to place it upon the table. Speaking in a serious concerned voice, Voyager opened his vocals once more saying, "I suggest we not let this thing out of the beaker. Who knows what it could do."

Wealthy Genius

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                                            ❜《 probable data terminal found __ » ( ◦accessing ) *↻ loading ⋯ loading ↻ access granted.

                                                Jordan AvilaCLASSIFIED ⋯ INFORMATION ⋯ DETECTED
                                                *↻ FURTHER ( AUTHORIZATION ) ゚NEEDED
                                                sim██   ██   ██   ██

                                                ░░░█: `◊◦ ID: Jordan_Avila
                                                ░░░█: `◊◦ Code: ************ - Project: G
                                                ░░░█: `◊◦ Fɪʀsᴛ Wᴏʀʟᴅ Iɴᴄ.™


                                              "Very well--" said Jordan under his mask, "We will take heavy precaution from hereon out."

                                              Before he went to see the actual beaker up close, Jordan walked up the small pair of two steps, going to a large wall full of staff, employers, and many electronic devices. he extended his hand out, secured inside of the thick gloves, and swiped just above a sensor, another hologram popping up instantly. He pressed a small, green button, it, turning red after pressed. the panel, similar to the one above the table, dissipated. What he had just done, is activate the jamming radars outside of the planet. Orbiting the planet, are a series of well-hidden satellites located on small asteroids that were specifically placed. These satellites are cloaked with a number of defenses. This, would block any enemy locators from tracking them and their location, as well as preventing the reverse-hacking; which is the tracking of this signal. Complementing the blockage, this also sustained any other contact between another part of the body or another being if separated.

                                              It only took a few seconds before the screen emitted a green light, signalling that everything was up-and-running. He turned towards Voyager and began walking towards the table, a small cube in hand. "Right now, we are in a Class-7 Quarantine. Nothing leaves this room until testing is over. Nobody enters this room until testing is over." The medal doors that appeared closed was the sight of another 'thud'. It was another door that slid in front of the first.

                                              He placed the cube on the table beside the beaker. After placing it on the glass framed table, he stepped back a bit, already knowing what was about to happen. The metallic square morphed and transformed a bit, sliding its adjacent pieces until completely looking different visually. It stood now about two feet tall, having a neck and resembling a microscope with an extra, clear square hanging off the side. The top portion with the actual seeing eye rotated and shifted over top of the beaker, twisting and examining what it was made up of. While the scope handled the top, the square, clear screen handles the middle portion, projecting live feed of the broken down molecules of the specimen.

                                              "It'll only take a moment."

                                                                      sim⋆` ( WARNING ❜ )
                                                                        CRITICAL FAILURE ⋯ LOGGING YOU OUT

Invisible Explorer

Once Voyager, placed the beaker upon the table he would return back to his rightful place. "Please do and if anything does happen... are sure I will assist with any cause of this. I understand everything else." Voyager nodded his head towards Jordan who has a cube in his hand and after realizing everything had now be shut down and secured. It was understandable to know why they all so closed inside of this current medical bay. What would be the outcome of this body? Only to look upon from inside of the beaker to watch the silvery goo snaps at Voyager, as it moved around. This didn't bother Voyager, one bit all he really was waiting for was to see if this silvery goo would act up and attempt to escape but doubts were high for that expectation.

Giving off a light chuckle, the Overlord of The Dark Ages, came across a wicked thought. Perhaps after this experiment this body would soon be launched into the Recondites sun. But why Recondite? Reason being Voyager could at least say that the body would be exterminated within his home solar system instead of making his way to planet Gaia, to cherish the memories of this man’s death. It was only smart to do so, well to Voyager at least. On top of this think about how many people would want this buffoon of a Emperors body. Just think about it, tons and he knew they would pay millions of credits at that but one thing Voyager didn't have to worry about were credits at all. I guess you could say Voyager is a bit of an a*****e when needed, hence this current situation.

Giving his full and close attention to the cube on the table next to the beaker that was formerly within Jordan's palm, Voyager watched as it formed into a microscope, something that seemed of value. A long neck like camera had formed within seconds while he watched. "I have all the time in the world. Literally, take all the time you need." giving off another chuckled Voyager watched as the goo attempted to snap at the camera. Now the only thing that crossed his mind was what this Emperor was made of? Goo, doesn't just move on its own unless it had been provided with a mind of its own but then again how would he function with something like this? Questions needed to be asked and answered.

"Hmmm, from that looks of this piece of s**t, he seems a little snappy and has mind of his own.... I am questioning how that buffoon, somehow managed to surpass such goo within his very own body. But as I can see you are working on that, though it was just a thought.

Wealthy Genius

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                                            ❜《 probable data terminal found __ » ( ◦accessing ) *↻ loading ⋯ loading ↻ access granted.

                                                Jordan AvilaCLASSIFIED ⋯ INFORMATION ⋯ DETECTED
                                                *↻ FURTHER ( AUTHORIZATION ) ゚NEEDED
                                                sim██   ██   ██   ██

                                                ░░░█: `◊◦ ID: Jordan_Avila
                                                ░░░█: `◊◦ Code: ************ - Project: G
                                                ░░░█: `◊◦ Fɪʀsᴛ Wᴏʀʟᴅ Iɴᴄ.™


                                              The device finally beeped, signaling that the scan was complete. A small red light flickered beside the other green one -- a bad sign. Jordan quickly paced to the scanner, and peered on the small touch screen to see the feedback. He stood back up and turned to Voyager, having an odd expression. "The scanners couldn't indicate the substance at all. It seems to be self-dependent, explaining why he caused so much trouble for you to get him." He spun around quickly, detaching the screen from the scanner, swiping with his pointer finger, and making it appear on a 3D projection between the two. "This man... Gan...green, -- Gondrel, whatever, is made of a quite unique substance, something that could be figured out if given the right time. Now, although we don't know what it entirely is so far, what we do know, is that the incendiary rounds that penetrated him practically killed him. This, means that this... 'thing', is weak when exposed to a specific temperature -- preferably on the hotter side."

                                              "So, if you are willing to wait for feedback, I suggest we have a way of communication before you leave. Live video chat can work. What I'm asking is for you to leave a small amount of this for me to study on while you keep the rest. Now, the risk of having any part of this 'thing' is dangerously high. I think that people will search for him, and when they do, it will lead them here. I ask that you do not, under any circumstances, let anyone outside of TDA, excluding me, get their hands on this specimen." He swipes the screen once more, showing a projection of the specimen constantly moving about. "It's still alive, however, which makes the danger more great. So, if it's okay with you, may I keep a small piece for testing? If you decline, I understand completely. But if you accept, I will send you video logs with live footage of the specimen and I, keeping you updated."

                                                                      sim⋆` ( WARNING ❜ )
                                                                        CRITICAL FAILURE ⋯ LOGGING YOU OUT

Invisible Explorer

Voyager, watched the experience with Gondrels body was taking effect. It was something that he would take into consideration at that and a learning experience. The moment thinking about sending him into the sun was still in effect but what also stood in his mind were the people he was with and why they were there. Were they his allies? And what were they doing there? As Voyager did remember the womans name was Aethra who was being held back [Classified] as she insisted on sacrificing herself and the boys’ name, he had no clue of. Aethra, was in his interest and right when he would return home he would begin to ask questions from his intel team and his superiors. Would she be his target? Yes she would but a target that will give him information that he will need for the future. He kept this in the back of his head until that time had come.

As the young Overlord was watching on the holographic display screen, he noticed a badge on the buffoon's corpse clothing that had stated: Military Police Department. According to that badge Voyager had a lit up light bulb, he knew exactly where this buffoon came from and with him working for the Military Police Department, it made them a target....a primary one at that. Now Voyagers job was set, he knew what needed to be done. As soon as Jordan, had begin to speak and Voyager's ears were open right after the holographic screen disappeared, "I had noticed that the rounds had did so. Since it will take some time to understand what this substance is, I will give you a sample piece to study but the rest of it will be will be gone. Once you are done with your operation here you can either send it back or destroy it. It is up to you. I do not plan to let anyone else get a hold of this buffoon. From all that I know he is part of the Military Police Department according to his badge and they might want his body back, to make interesting, I know exactly who they are!"

Walking towards the beaker Voyager kept his eyes the goo and the badge at that, he was aware that this goo would attempt to try and attack him. "Take account that I will need this badge and the body. We don't know what this goo will do so be on your high horses." as Voyager spoke those words, he stretched out his right hand, lifting the top of the lid and with his left hand he reached from what he wanted at the most part; the body. The goo had been completely distracted and as soon as Voyager pulled body out he placed the lid back on the beaker and placed the body over his shoulder. "A video log would be good. As long as I am updated that is all that matters to me. As I said before, either send him back to me or destroy it."

Wealthy Genius

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                                            ❜《 probable data terminal found __ » ( ◦accessing ) *↻ loading ⋯ loading ↻ access granted.

                                                Jordan AvilaCLASSIFIED ⋯ INFORMATION ⋯ DETECTED
                                                *↻ FURTHER ( AUTHORIZATION ) ゚NEEDED
                                                sim██   ██   ██   ██

                                                ░░░█: `◊◦ ID: Jordan_Avila
                                                ░░░█: `◊◦ Code: ************ - Project: G
                                                ░░░█: `◊◦ Fɪʀsᴛ Wᴏʀʟᴅ Iɴᴄ.™


                                              He turned his attention toward Voyager after hearing upon the agreement. "Of course, I will continue my studies with this. Remember, this stays between us, though. Nobody shall know that this ever happened -- excluding TDA, of course. You may have the majority of the goo, as I will only need a small portion." Jordan turned back to the monitors, swiping his finger. After motioning on the board, the machine stopped analyzing the specimen, and began emitting a blue-green colored laser beam towards the object. This laser was of very high temperatures, knowing that high temperatures would render the specimen defenseless based on the previous analysis. The beam cut off about half an inch off of the top of the cylinder after pouring it out. Quickly, Jordan resealed the rest of the specimen within the beaker, while carefully placing the sample piece in a separate vile.

                                              "It has been a pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Voyager. I look forward to meeting you again -- aside from the video logs."

                                                                      sim⋆` ( WARNING ❜ )
                                                                        CRITICAL FAILURE ⋯ LOGGING YOU OUT

Invisible Explorer

It was all done now. All that was needed was for Voyager to take his leave, while Jordan, kept his sample piece to study for the time being. "It was a pleasure doing business with you as well, Jordan. I am sure we will see one another in the near future. I thank you for your help and I will be taking my leave now. Take good care of the specimen." with those words coming from Voyager he nodded his head, giving Jordan a thumbs up with a smile under his mask at that. It was now soon to go home and finish business. He had knew that the specific person was waiting for him to get there and he wasn't talking about his spouse either.

Placing his back towards Jordan and the beaker, Voyager began to escort himself out of the medical bay with his two Synthetic soldiers behind along with the corpse on his shoulder. He watched as the holographic screens emitted which gave off his location where he currently was. Approaching the large doors and drones in formation he had encountered before hand, Voyager halted and let the doors open and walked out right after to return to the frigate of his.

Arriving through the hatch door and onto the ship the door closed and began to ascend towards the atmosphere of planet [Classified] and would make his way back home once reaching [Classified] through hyperspace. A message was sent to his home planet Zengulan stating: "Tell Apex it is time." and sat down in his commander chair on the bridge awaiting to come back to his rightful home; Recondite; Zengulan. What was going to happen? That would be ready for a different time and should not be told in this recent story here.

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