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I AM!!!! 0.32857142857143 32.9% [ 23 ]
I'm an active RPer in this thread, and i just want to click this button 0.67142857142857 67.1% [ 47 ]
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Dedicated Lunatic

Please let me know if I need to make any corrections to this list.
THUNDER PIRATES - standstill? unable to continue?
CHERRY FEATHERS - waiting on korinzu or Sonicalkeracs? Naz and Minx are out I think, so if either of you two or someone wants to post, go right ahead, otherwise the CFs are done this arc
BLIND DUCHESS - waiting on Liiroy_Jenkins (will pm you about next arc)
BLUE CROWS - who are you waiting on? let me know in OOC
Marines - just posted, waiting for Xymanore, ReneeMustang, or Akiko Kenichi
Revolutionaries - done
Black Jacks - done?

so it looks like it's mainly the Blind Duchess and Blue Crows. Cherry Feathers are on the fence atm

Immortal Traceur
Grim Skies
TomoDachi Love
Professor Javii
Akiko Kenichi
The x Final x Boss
Kiri sai

Bashful Genius

Sheldon 'Deadeye' Skelter

"I'm no hero..."

User Image

Deadeye was already back in position on the same building he perched on before. On his way back, he found a paperboy and gave him 50 beli to deliver a book of puzzles to the Cherry Feather's ship. It was marked for Beni and contained a bookmark made from a piece of Vivre Card.

He never got to hear what event it was that shaped her path, but without even trying she helped him to get back on track to figuring out who he was. All it took was a few seconds, and now he had his real name. He was one step closer to revelation because of her and was thus in her debt.

On the last blank page of the book, there was a letter he wrote to her in a cypher. Once decoded it read:

My darlin',

I'm thrilled ya took the time to read this. There was just so much left that I wanted to say with not nearly enough time to say it. I want ya to know that you helped me get something very important back. Now I'm in your debt. The bookmark is a piece of Vivre. With it, our hearts will stay connected across the sea. If you should ever need me: Dial the frequency contained in this letter. I will come.

Your Bullet

"Just a gun with principle..."

Location: Mango Island Town
Vitality: 95%
Feeling: Happy





User Image
xx─── ───────────── ── ────
xxxxxxxxI'm at/on/in a shipxxxxI'm feeling calm and playful. xxxxI'm with a white-haired male & a young female
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxI'm currently a cat

        • xx
                                              Gan's sharp eyes shifted away from Naji and back down to the girl who was in an apparent daze from seeing Gan "Nyuhuhu, this one is a little sensitive, hm?" He hummed before he quietly meowed while he unfurled himself and crawled up Beni's chest toward her head, gently tapping the top of her forehead with his paw "Hello? Anyone home? It's me~!" He exclaimed before he nuzzled up against her chin with the top of her head "Naji-kun, is she gonna be okay?" He'd ask in a rather low tone before giggling slightly as he removed himself from the top of her chest and begun circling Naji, instead. Curious if the man was going to become hostile "If your crew has any capabilities, I'm one hundred percent sure, if I get out of hand, it wouldn't take much to subdue an old cat like myself, hm?" He hummed before he stopped just about 5 feet away from Naji, sitting down as his tail swung left then right.

                                              it'smyooc ┋┋┋ not much i could do, since i have nothing to respond to lol.

  • Canny Trickster

    User Image
    Nakoa D. Momoa
    "If there is something you need to do, then just shut up and do it!"

    Nakoa started waling back toward the ship, thinking about what just happened. Seriously...what the hell was up with this day. Why was it that he was in such a mood and...he knew the reason why, but he was still dumbfounded by it. He was dong some serious thinking with a serious facial expression that just didn't match his face at all which normally had on a carefree smile. That man spoke to beni like that and he...didn't like it, not one bit. But f he felt like that forbeni then why.... He growled at himself, bashinghis own head into a wood post to try to set his might straight. But ven with a trail of blood down his face, the impact did little to correct anything as he was still being driven nuts over thoughts of beni and angry about that other sniper man.

    Sighing, he got back to the ship, where he saw Beni with a cat? No...she was fainted, and the cat was talking... This was extremely odd. He looked to Naji, but figured this a zoan fruit user and went to naji's side, picking her up and taking her to a stretch of canvas on a rigging line he pulled down and jerryrigged into a makeshift hammock, setting her into it. Completely forgetting about the blood on his face as he tooc care of beni before anything else.

    Location: Mango Town port - ship
    Company: Bani, naji and others



    ((if sasha is still with us, she can just jump in right?))

    Dedicated Lunatic

    User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
    ᕮ᙭ᙅᕮᖇᖘTᔕ ℱᖇ〇ᙢ THE ᗰᓮᔓᑌ ᙢᓰᔓᘮ ᘉᕮᙡᔕᖘᗩᑭᕮᖇ



    Grim Skies is currently busy, and has requested his characters be removed. You can find a list of his characters here

    Gleaxi has disappeared again, so please work around his characters.
    Casey of the Thunder Pirates
    Naji of the Cherry Feathers
    Skyler of the Blind Duchess
    Flora of the Blind Duchess
    James, YONKO
    Alex, Marines
    Emory, Marines
    Gael, Marines

    Mad_Hatted_Minx has requested some of her characters also be put on hold, as she's building up her corporate life (congrats or boo? XD). Not on hold is Issara, Jack, Benji, and Loki. Here are her characters she wishes to put on hold:
    Ariel of the Blind Duchess
    Petra of the Blind Duchess
    Merda, Marines
    Tristan, Marines

    Professor Javii's name has been changed to RicanSlam.

    People I don't know if they'll be continuing with us:
    Immortal Traceur
    Kiri sai
    [. Ryota .]


    ARC #9

    MAIN ARC (To take place in this Main Thread)
    Cherry Feather Pirates
    Butsu Island - Marsh, HUMID

    You've arrived at an island that has a small stream entrance to the center of the island, which is a lake surrounded by marsh land. Off to the side of the island is a large metal factory that's polluting the water there. At the center of the lake is a small village. You may want to visit for information, but that's not all you'll be getting.
    Villagers will tell you of rumors of the marshland - that people who go in never come back out.

    Blue Crow Pirates
    Impel Down

    The escape plan is on. Be wary of anyone you meet.

    Blind Duchess's Route
    Thriller Bark

    You're getting ready to escape. Now is a good time as any. Just as you have Dr. Zozo's trust, and her defenses are weak, it's time to strike. (Liiroy_Jenkins, would you like to post first?)

    SIDE-ARCS (to take place in the Side-Arc Thread)
    Thunder Pirates' Route
    Karakuri Island

    Though Casey has wakened from her coma, she still needs her rest. Kiriguya is acting captain. You've landed at a very snowy island, as far as the eye can see. It's hard to tell what you'll meet here.
    A mad scientist is here creating cyborgs using parts of faulty PXs (Pacifista), robots and whatnot from Vegapunk's time. (He's also a member of Black Jacks, but your characters don't even know what Black Jacks are yet.)

    Revolutionaries and Black Jacks
    Revolutionaries, your double-agent inside Black Jacks have informed you that a Revolutionary ally will be assassinated today. Adam, Alice, Icho, Keirae, and Enishi, you have been assigned the role of bodyguards. At no cost must he die.

    Other Side Arcs

    Kurouki and Kyper
    Somewhere on a remote island, the two of you are about to enter an all-out fight. Kyper has realized Kurouki's plans, and plans to stop her.


    If you'd like to do a side-arc for your Yonko, Marine, Revolutionary, etc, feel free to do so smile


    Immortal Traceur
    Grim Skies
    Professor Javii
    Akiko Kenichi
    The x Final x Boss
    Decimo - Vongola
    Kiri sai
    TomoDachi Love

    Dedicated Lunatic

    User Image
    ฿℮ηї $αℓα⑂α

    "Let me use you as target practice. No? Your body. No? Your head. Still no? ..." *shoots anyways*



    Issara didn't blink an eye when Gan wanted to join the crew. Well, not join exactly. He just wanted a ride to the next island - Butsu Island. And it wasn't like she could say no - Beni had practically glued herself onto his cat form. When he transformed into his human form, however, Beni was so embarrassed to be acting like that in front of such an attractive man, she took her entire pebble collection she had hidden away, never to be used again, and flung it at him. Certainly not a good first impression for a teenage girl. At least she was all out of pebbles for the moment. Then there was also Sasha. They had met earlier that day for lunch, and after Issara how skilled she was with her tools, they took her along for the ride.
    There was something else different on the ship besides the two new additions. Nakoa was off his game every since they left the island. It was strange to see him like that - he was usually into his training and so focused, but now she found hitting him with her rubber pellets a little to easy. This troubled Beni. Did it have to do with the soap dispenser? Or did he have the hots for Sasha? Or was he feeling intimidated by Sheldon? That seemed unlikely. Nothing ever intimidated him. She stopped sweeping the hallway, leaning the broom against the wall. She barely noticed she had started making random piles of dust here and there and not even bothering to sweep them into a trashcan.
    Her thoughts drifted towards the puzzle book, and the little slip of paper with his handwriting on it. It was written in code, and Beni looked for clues anywhere she could in the book it came with, and within a day, cracked the letter. She blushed so hard that day even she was having a hard time focusing on their training session. The girl was reminded of his smooth face, his smile, the way he carried himself, and the guns at his sides. He was her ideal sniper - her model. She took out the letter from her pocket, reading each sentence multiple times, slowly and carefully, imagining his voice as she did so.
    Beni was startled out of dreamland by Nakoa tapping her shoulder, and she hastily shoved the note back into her pocket, squealing as she did so. Her lip quivered with nervousness, and the blush was so obvious to Nakoa, she blushed even further with embarrassment. Beni looked at her training partner, waiting for him to say something, and she realized he looked...concerned? He'd always looked so excited and happy-go-lucky to get on with training and honing his skills, but now he looked distracted, even. Nakoa was gesturing out to the deck, wanting to get on with the morning routine, and Beni meekly nodded her head. It wasn't until he turned his back to her when she realized that he might like her. She turned two shades redder from earlier, and lengthened the distance between them, walking more slowly. Beni started shuffling her feet, seemingly stunned by her finding. Her daydreams took her away from the sea, to a scene where Sheldon and Nakoa were fighting over her, and it seemed completely implausible. It wasn't like she had the hots for Sheldon...okay, she did, but only in a celebratory way. And yet, the imaginary scene made her a little happy.

    "...You're not very fun, are you. Won't even let me get some practice in..." *keeps firing*

    Grim Skies
    Akiko Kenichi

    Dapper Cat

    User ImageUser Image

    > > xxx Location: Impel Down #2; Secret Level 4.5xxx Company: Anyone who is nearbyxxx Health: 59%xxx < <

                                                    Two days... huh?

                                                    Gareth sighed, looking up at the ceiling from where he lay. From what he could remember, he and Asami had been liberated from their cell by a young blonde man. He couldn't recall the boy's name now, but could at least recognize him if he entered the room. The details of what happened after their liberation was mostly fuzzy, but the sniper at least knew they were in some secret place between levels 4 and 5. When they'd arrived, Gareth and Asami had been immediately taken into the make-shift infirmary to tend to their wounds.

                                                    True to her stubborn nature, Asami had been up and out of bed within a matter of hours. Her older companion on the other hand, hadn't gotten up once. Between the broken leg and busted face, Gareth wasn't in much shape to move. Even if he could, there was also the matter of his state of mind. That doctor Callaghan had really thrown him for a loop. His thoughts became a sea of uncertainty, confusion, anger, and fear. When he wasn't unconscious from the physical pain, he was wracking his brain for the answers that seemed to elude him. Who was he really? Ever since he woke up that day on a pirate ship, he'd only known that his name was Gareth and that he was a pirate. For a long time he hadn't questioned it, whether it be out of convenience or lack of interest in the time, whose to say. But as the years went by, he started to wonder. And after all that happened in that short amount of time in the interrogation room, maybe it was time he tried to find out the truth. What a terrifying idea...

                                                    Sometimes Asami would come sit next to him when she thought he was asleep, a fact that he planned to keep to himself. She'd probably get mad at him if she knew. Can always count on that one to act as tough as nails, no matter what the situation... Despite his injured face, the corners of his mouth lifted very slightly, attempting to smile. At least she was doing okay, that's all that mattered.

                                                    Gareth lifted his head slightly, arching his neck just enough to see over the end of the cot. As he expected, Asami was no longer there. Knowing her, she'd probably gone to find something to eat or to see if the others had finally made their way down to the secret level. From what she'd told him, only the two of them had arrived. Were they supposed to escape without the rest of the crew?

                                                    "Anyone there?" he asked aloud.



    User Image
    Two days have passed after the fight with Srawberry-chan. The fight was a short one and the chief warden regretted it. If he hadn't been playing around so much, he would have captured her. She was considered a lucky one on his checklist. And to make matters worse, prisoners within each level of impel down have turned up missing. Someone was testing his patience.

    Back in his office, Dolo has been monitoring the surveillance den den mushi with tired eyes. He was a little depressed that all the breakouts happened within two days. "Why am I so careless? Shouldn't I be searching for the escapees? I mean, I do have all guards on alert... I also have clones of myself on each level. Hmmm." Dolo began rubbing his eyes, slightly wiping away his tears. He began wondering about the guard that accompanied him days before. "I wonder where you are darling.~" Dolo was quite fond of the guard because she showed great fighting spirit when attempting to capture Strawyberry-chan. If she were to show up again, he'd promote her to vice warden status.

    Just then, a guard knocked on the warden's office door and came in quickly. "Sir! We've discovered the identities of the escapees. Here, take a look." The guard handed Dolo a small stack of wanted pictures. "Eh? Is that so?" The warden straightened up his act and couldn't believe how oblivious he was. The blue crow pirates were the ones that escaped their cells. He was so caught up in his feelings, he didn't see the big picture. "Were you..... crying, sir?" The guard asked, noticing all the crumbled up tissue boxes scattered all throughout the office. "Why, yes. I was~." Dolo got up from his chair and materialized a cigarette between his lips. "Crying tears of joy lad! Be a good boy and let the other guards know that the blue crows are lurking around in my prison. Up the security, do whatever is necessary to catch the escapees. We've got a show to run~." He said while lighting his cigarette. The guard saluted to the warden then went on his way. "Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea that Strawberry-chan escaped. This could be interesting.~" After receiving the news from the warden, all the guards within impel down searched for the escapees and acted rather savagely towards the inmates. A battle was coming and everyone was going crazy.

    Location: Chief Warden's office
    Company: guard (NPC)
    Thoughts: "this could be fun~"




    User Image
    xx─── ───────────── ── ────
    xxxxxxxxI'm at/on/in the deckxxxxI'm feeling calm. xxxxI'm with nobody in particular
    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxI'm currently a cat

        • xx
                                              Gan stretched his feline body out as he laid on the railings of the maindeck. It had been not too long since he jumped aboard the ship, no longer than two days anyway. Gan had managed to slide his way through the captain's mind and convinced her to keep him on the ship. Gan hadn't really spoken to the other crew members, he had tried to be a neat and tidy houseguest and was mildly successful with that specific endeavour, he cleaned up after his mess and even tried to help with the dishes after dinner. It hadn't taken too long for Gan to figure it out but this pirate crew weren't a bunch of barbaric sods like the ones he had met in the past, they seemed like rather oddly behaved folk with a very dangerous side to them. While Gan was not afraid of any of them individually, he feared that they might all gang up on him at some stage if they begun seeing him as a nuisance, which was why Gan was sort of keeping his distance. Gan shivered slightly toward the thought of having a barrage of pebbles flying his way again but then chuckled towards the reaction he had gotten on the young female "God, whoever knew rocks could be so scary.." He mumbled under his breath as his eyes begun tracing away from the mast of the ship down towards the pair who made their way onto the deck. If Gan recalled their names, Nakoa and Beni. Gan stifled a quiet chuckle as his tail begun swaying left then right as he watched the two "They're looking awfully nervous." He uttered mainly to himself as rolled onto his back while his eyes continued watching the two upside down.

                                              By Gan's observation from the past two days, the two seemed to interact in a similar fashion to a couple, a younger couple at that, they were up around the same time everyday and it looked like they were sparring and/or training partners too. Gan smiled slightly as he closed his eyes for moment before they opened again as he looked around the rest of the ship "Geez, I feel old.." He mumbled to himself as he thought back to the rest of the crew. They were all seemingly younger than they were, none of them seemed aged past 25 and they had gotten this far already, Gan was pretty envious. To see such young blood become so passionate about adventure, he could see himself from less than 10 years ago doing the same thing. While Gan wasn't very old, he sometimes felt that way. Unusual, considering the fact that he acted a whole lot younger than some of these young folk.

                                              it'smyooc ┋┋┋

  • Prophet

    User Image
    EX-JAILER --- Blue Crow Pirate's Quartermaster/Chronicler --- "This is only step one, there is still more to do."

    It didn't take long for Mugen's little group to reach the secret level. The man he saved was unable to walk so he carried him the entire way while leading the girl as well. Mugen was happy that they cooperated because all he wanted to do was help. And help them he did. The task was small but the outcome of it will surely bring freedom to others. He believed that they all had a chance.

    Once they got to the secret level, Mugen tended to their injuries and made sure that the two were alright, especially the man. His injuries were brutal but in time, he'd recover. Mugen said very little throughout the entire process because there was nothing much to be said. To him, actions spoke louder than words and his actions now could possibly shape out the future of this prison. He realized that. After the two settled in, he left them together and went back to watching his surveillance den den mushi for the next two days.

    Mugen took note that the guards were on high alert, meaning they've discovered that the inmates are missing from their cells or someone is causing trouble for the chief warden. Good. This gives him some time to plan things out further. He had two allies now and once they were fine from their injuries, he'd discuss some things with them. Mugen decided to take a break from his observation to check up on the two.

    It was awfully quiet on this level but he believed there was nothing wrong with that. He began walking towards the lounge area to make himself a cup of tea. As he gathered the ingredients, Mugen noticed that the girl sat with her head down, most likely resting. He smiled at the sight and decided to make three cups of green tea. Several minutes later, Mugen finished making the tea and left one cup beside the sleeping girl. "Hopefully the tea is still hot when you wake up." He said to himself. Afterwards, he walked back to the table and grabbed a tray for the two last cups.

    It was time to check up on the man. Mugen held the tray firmly and walked slowly to avoid spilling the tea. All out of the sudden, he heard a voice faintly echo out. "I guess he's awake." He said as he headed towards the last room down the hallway, which is where the man was located at. When Mugen entered the room, he was glad to see that the man was alive and well. He walked over to the table beside the man and set the tray down on it. Mugen turned to him and helped sit the man up gently. "I made some tea. Would you like a cup?" He asked while grabbing both cups and handing one to the man. If there was tension in the room, hopefully the tea would ease it away.

    Location: Lvl 4.5 (secret level)
    Company: Asami & Gareth
    Profile: here
    OOC: ~


    Canny Trickster

    User Image
    Nakoa D. Momoa
    "If there is something you need to do, then just shut up and do it!"

    Nakoa was...still a bit put off by recent events. Ever since getting back onto the ship, he was more stoic and pensive, his mind was always in a state of flux as his thoughts were centered on Beni and that other man. He kept himself stable for the most part, but during their training, his own inattention was getting him hit by beni's pellets that much more often now. Not to mention the day before Beni's own focus was elsewhere, obvious by how red her face kept getting. Nakoa was dreading all of this, but...he wasn't about to lose either.

    He went down below deck to get her for their next training session, though when he found her, he saw her reading a note...no doubt the note she got from that man. Groaning inernally, he tapped her on her shoulder, though her reaction spoke she was truly immersed in her reading of the note. He sighed, his eyes downcast slightly as he looked to her his eyes filled with emotions he hadn't really ever had to experience before. His eyes caught hers and for a moment...there seemed to be some kind of understanding of one another, but beni looked away before he could read more into it himself. Again with an internal sigh, he turned and walked up the stepps, beni following slowly behind him.

    What was he to do... Not only did the girl he like have an attraction for another man, that other man was a sniper just like her and had her admiration as well. This was bugging him so much he could feel a hole burning through his skull and through his prized headband. Why did his life suddenly have to get complicated. Turning, he looked back to beni and thought a moment. "Hey ugh...beni...how about on the next island, we go out again...just the two of us again yeah?" He asked, deciding all of the complicated stuff wasn't him and to just do things as he usually does it...but even then, there was that strong nervous and conflicted undertone in his voice.

    Location: Cherry Feather Ship - Deck
    Company: Beni, the cat... and others.



    Dapper Cat

    User ImageUser Image

    > > xxx Location: Cherry Feather Ship - Deckxxx Company: Beni, Nakoa and Ganxxx Health: 100%xxx < <

                                                    The sound of footsteps overhead echoed throughout the ship, informing a certain kunoichi doctor that the others had started to wake up at last. She'd been awake for a few hours already, going through the medicine cabinets in the infirmary to make sure she had a full stock of everything they needed. Not that she really needed to check; the last island had been the calmest stop yet. Everyone was refreshed, supplies were stocked, and the crew even got to meet a shichibukai. The rumors had been correct in saying that they were scarier in person. While Naomi hadn't interacted with them much, a few of the others had spoken to them at length. In fact, ever since then, Issa, Beni and Nakoa were all acting a little differently.

                                                    Along the way, they'd picked up a few passengers. One had become part of their crew, a young girl named Sasha who seemed really good with gadgets and gizmos. Although she hadn't spoken to her much as of now, Naomi thought that she seemed like a good person. Issa-chan wouldn't have let her join if she wasn't. The other, the strangest of the two, was a man-cat. Still not completely accustomed to devil fruit users and their many powers, Naomi was both intrigued and wary of Gan. It just wasn't normal for a human being to turn into an animal!

                                                    Once she was done with organizing, cleaning up, and otherwise preparing for the day, it was time for her to join the others on deck. As she opened the door leading outside, the first thing she noticed was an almost putrid smell in the air. Her nose crinkled in disgust at the scent most foul. It seemed to be coming from the nearby island, the one that was covered in smog. Naji had mentioned the other day that it was called Butsu Island and that the entire thing was one huge swamp. To even get to the center of the island, they'd have to travel through the bog.

                                                    After the initial shock was over, the red-headed kunoichi took note of those who were up and about. She waved at Nakoa and Beni; both looked nervous and seemed caught up with each other. It wasn't normal for their first mate to be anything other than calm, Naomi couldn't help but wonder what had happened between them two days ago. There was definitely a tension in the air around those two.

                                                    "-just the two of us again yeah?"

                                                    Thin eyebrows lifted curiously as she walked by, making a point to look away as if she hadn't heard that last part. So that's what the nervousness was about. "M-Morning!" she blurted out awkwardly as she passed by, trying to seem casual but failing at it miserably. Before they could say anything to her, the doctor was already several feet away.

                                                    She found the man-cat in his feline form, sprawled out comfortably along the railing. Yup, she was definitely not used to this. Was she supposed to treat him like an actual cat, or like a man trapped inside a cat's body? Naomi hesitantly approached the curious creature, choosing to rest her arms on the railing a few feet away from him. "So..." her voice trailed off, hinting at just how awkward she was at small talk. To be honest, she wasn't exactly sure what to say to him. What does one say to a cat-man? "Do you like being a man-cat?"

    Hell Devils Tears
    Akiko Kenichi
    Kiri Sai
    Decimo - Vongola

    (( Wow this post is just... boring.. I'm sorry xD Decimo, if it helps any, Naomi doesn't know much about devil fruits/users, so feel free to have fun with that. She thinks they're all magicians or something hahaha ))

    User Image
    xx─── ───────────── ── ────
    xxxxxxxxI'm at/on/in the deckxxxxI'm feeling amused and playful. xxxxI'm with Naomi
    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxI'm currently a cat - human

        • xx
                                              Gan kept his eyes on the mast for a little while longer until he heard another voice on the deck. Gan's eyes traced down to Naomi, one of the ever-so-slightly elder members of the pirate crew. She had approached him and judging by her body language, she was seemingly unsure about the decision. Gan giggled lightly as he rolled back onto his belly and looked toward Naomi while she begun speaking, she stopped not too far from him, she was just about arms reach from him. Gan continued to stayed quiet, curious as to how Naomi would approach this situation. He blinked a couple of times while she spoke, he noticeably small smile formed at the top of his feline lips. Gan slowly got up to his feet while giggling lightly as he begun approaching Naomi in a rather majestic stride, closing the gap between the two as he crossed over her arms, his tail gently brushing against her cheek before he sat down "Well, good morning to you too, Naomi. What an odd question to start the morning, however." He spoke as he turned his head to face her, his eyes beginning to explore the physical features that this female presented. Slightly shorter than he was, not too endowed to the extent where one could call her petite, Gan's eyes soon arrived back up to meet Naomis' "A man-cat? Nyuhu, I personally prefer it. It makes everything so much more easier. Does this form make you feel uncomfortable? If so..." He paused mid-sentence as his body begun to transform back into its human form. Gan now sat onto the railing with his arms and legs crossed, the most unusual and probably the most disturbing fact that was present, was Gan was totally in the nude and seemingly shameless about it despite his junk hanging out in the open. Gan's hand slowly reached down to Naomi's chin as begun to slightly smirk before two of his fingers stroked beneath her chin ever so gently "- You can always opt to see me in this form, Naomi-chan." His voice had become a whole lot more deeper and smoother, his tail waved left to right behind his back while his cat ears twitched, these three motions were displaying Gan's playful attitude was coming out to play. Gan had no intention on beginning to flirt with her, his intentions were more pointing to how and what kind of reaction would he receive from Naomi. Personal space was not in Gan's dictionary.

                                              it'smyooc ┋┋┋ hahaha, it's okay. I can work with it! I actually sorta remember your character when I was last in this roleplay as Hanbei! My brain doesn't work like it used to : (

  • Dedicated Lunatic

    User Image
    ฿℮ηї $αℓα⑂α

    "Let me use you as target practice. No? Your body. No? Your head. Still no? ..." *shoots anyways*


    Where: deck of the ship
    With: Nakoa

    Beni nearly jumped at the sound of his voice, her heartbeat quickening its thumping against her chest. She squeaked again, and covered her mouth, surprised the sound came out. She had to stop doing that - when did the habit even start? Turning her attention back to Nakoa, she realized that he was asking her to accompany him to town. Was he asking that the two of them hang out? Alone? Again? The girl had to take a moment to process this. Did he want to spend time with her? Is that what this was? Was this a date?
    A DATE??????
    Beni's head poofed red as a lobster as a cloud of smoke rose from her head. She numbly nodded, unable to form words or even her usual hand gestures.
    Speaking of which, Nakoa was supposed to teach her hand-to-hand comabt this morning, in case it ever came down to her not having her guns. Which meant Nakoa's body was going to be extremely close to her own.
    As they made it to the deck, Beni was shaking furiously, so nervous was she that she couldn't think straight. Nakoa reminded her to take a few deep breaths to calm herself. She did just that, and it seemed to do the trick. The girl focused on the task at hand, taking her stance Nakoa had taught her, ready to spar.

    "...You're not very fun, are you. Won't even let me get some practice in..." *keeps firing*

    Grim Skies
    Akiko Kenichi

    Canny Trickster

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    Nakoa D. Momoa
    "If there is something you need to do, then just shut up and do it!"

    Nakoa was waiting for a response from beni, though it seemed to take her time to process what he was asking...though she seemed to realize what it was when her face sudden;y turned a shade of red that reminded him of the seafood special their cook made for them a while back, like steamed crab or lobster. He smiled slightly, his tensions easin a bit as she nodded yes, though now...he was still nervous, but because he was acknowledging and asking beni out...he hoped he didn't screw this up. But beni was trembling, her own nerves playing havoc with her head and he moved closer, grabbing her shoulders. "Beni, relax. It's okay, just breath, deeply and slowly." He told her, giving her some space so she could do just that.

    Once she seemed to have herself under control, it was time to start with training. Beni took up the stance he taught her, ready to begin the instruction. He smiled, eased to see his training was sticking. Taking a breath himself, he'd start slow and easy, she had superior eyesight as a marksman and quick reflexes to react to enemy gunfire, so that'd serve her well, so now he just had to translate that to hand to hand with some basic skills. He approached quickly, faster than he would if he was training a straight novice, but he had faith in beni. He aimed a few shadow strikes, merely glances if the did hit to force her to evade or block. He wasn't focused on her attacking back right now, just to evade and block would be enough.

    Location: Cherry Feather Ship - Deck
    Company: Beni, Naomi, Naji, Cat



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