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Quotable Nymph

9,400 Points
  • Peoplewatcher 100
  • Team Jacob 100
  • Millionaire 200
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Vespa "Queen Bee" Mandarinia
High Flying Navigator
Location: Mango Island // With: Marcel // Point in use: None // Mood: Cheery // Themes: 1 2 3 // OOC: First post

"I don't want the chilli!" Queen said as she buzzed around "I want sweet honey or jams!" she pouted a bit as the engineer tried to get her to east the chilli once more. "I'll find my own food!" she said as she flew out of the nearby door onto the deck. the 5'1 wasp woman flew out and toward the island. "I bet Marcel would give me something sweet!" she sad as she buzzed around and then flew off toward the town. On her way through the streets people looked at her and gasped. "What aint you never seen a bug woman before!" she she yelled shakign her fist at the person as her antennae twitched and she sniffed around. "What's that amazing smell!" she said as she flew off in the direction of the Mango trees that were grown on the island. As she arrived at the first tree she buzzed all around it looking for the biggest piece. Oh hohohohohohohoho!" she laughed as she found the biggest one and plucked it right form the tree. "I shall devour you now !" she said with a triumphant smile as she bit right into the food. biting through the peel and continued to munch on it till she was done. Mango juice dripped form her mouth and she flew to another tree and looked for another large Mango.

"Ahh whats that some large monster!" a lady said as she fell from a ladder after seeing Queen fly past her. "Oh no!" she said catching the lady and putting her down on the ground and the woman then proceeded to run back toward a house in the distance. "What no thanks i just saved you from getting a really bad bruise!" she said with a grumble as her thorax twitched a bit in annoyance "Oh well, back to the yummy fruit." Queen said as she happily picked four or five more fruit and flew back toward the town wiht them. Hovering over the town she closed her eyes and her antennae twitched and moves as she caught her captains scent, "There you are!" she said happily as she fly down toward him her Melon falling right in front of a group pirates. As she got closer to the ground she hovered next to Marcel, "Marcel-san i found these jsut growing on the trees so i took them they are sooooooo sweet!" she said biting into one then holding out her hand to give him the other one .

Canny Trickster

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Nakoa D. Momoa
"If there is something you need to do, then just shut up and do it!"

Nakoa chuckled lightly to himself as Beni made the motion of tapping sand out f her ears. Beni didn't speak with words, but he understood more than well enough from her actions and intent. Beni could be very animated with her mannerisms, like now, and he enjoyed this side of her. If one paid attention, they could learn so much about a person through their actions and mannerisms more than their own words. Beni though was purely expression, she didn't feel the need for words, so her expressions wee straight forward, something he appreciated. Such as seeing the joy on her face when she bought the soap dispenser, it was a small thing, painted wit wolf pups, but it appealed to her greatly and it showed.

Her reactions to his comments of hercombativ improvements earned a nice reaction, slightly embarrased but happy at the same time. Her motions of him being too fast was pushed aside with a wave of his hand. "Beni, you've been firing at me with both my restrained speed and my unhindered speed, no weight and no restraint, that's incredibly fast. Take some ride in your skill, you've more than earned it." He told her. She really had improved, but thinking on it, perhaps she would benefit from some of his other training methods, possibly taking on some of his own skills, vibrations wouldn't be much use to her, but full body movement control would surely be helpful.

However, before he could suggest anything or speak of something else, Beni was crashed into by someone else. He hadn't been paying attention, else he could have prevented it. Getting up, he helped beni to her feet and looked to the craser,seeing the girl with the odd speed from the docks, and her dog and the other girl from before. This was odd, if she had such speed before, then how did she crash like that? Carelessness? Maybe but he doubted it, so something else...a devil fruit maybe? Regardless, there wasn't much damage done, aside from beni's soap dispenser. He helped her pick up the pieces and soon they were seated again, though after a threat with her pistol to the girl who wanted to play with them. They weren't toys, and a definitive no.

"You know, people usually apologize when they bump into someone else." He told the girl as they fixed themselves up. Beni's soapdish would have to be repaired, he had a glue back on the ship that would work, waterproof and all, maybe pick up some ceramic glue to mix with it to make a better bond on the soap dish. But as Beni pointed to the chairs, he took a moment and sighed, nodding. "Would you two like to join us for lunch then?" He asked, pulling the chairs over before taking a seat himself.

Location: Mango Town
Company: Beni


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« Cherry Feathers Swordsman »
[Location] On Delicious Mango Island! [Company] Naomi-chan! [Mood] Feelin' pretty good!
Scarlet & Sinner's Stake

Marc's eyes lit up like fireworks as the old man handed him the drink. The swordsman had once again been completely oblivious to Naomi's frustrations.

"Thanks, Naomi-chan!" He said with a great big grin plastered across his face, the kind that always earned a face-palm from the doctor.

"Go on and try it, young man! I think you'll find that it gives you the kick you need to--"

"Does it have pineapple in it?" Marc said, looking down at the yellow-orange liquid curiously. He seemed to hold the cup as if weighing its value, which caused the old salesman to go into sales mode.

"No, but you're going to love it! It's mango juice mixed with--"


"N-no. There's no pineapple, but--"


"But! If you like pineapple, you'll love--"

"I really like pineapple."

"Yes... that's nice. But, you see, mangoes are our island's specialty! It's a tasty tropical fruit -- like pineapples! Succulent and juicy, and perfect for mixing--"

"So it tastes like pineapple!?" Marc said, suddenly way too excited.

"Yes, fine!" The old man threw up his hands, exasperated. Marc didn't seem to notice. He was too excited by the fact that the man said it tasted like his favorite fruit and he immediately took a big swig. The once-jolly old man shook his head softly. Marc pulled the drink from his lips with a satisfied sigh.

"Wow! That tastes really sweet! It's pretty good!" The swordsman proclaimed. "Doesn't really taste like pineapple though..."

The old man seemed to choke back his rage, gripping the edges of his stand hard enough to warp the wood. Marc turned excitedly to Naomi, totally unaware.

"Naomi-chan! You should try some!" He said, repeatedly jabbing the already half-empty mug at her with that same silly grin on his face again.


Bashful Genius

Sheldon 'Deadeye' Skelter

"I'm no hero..."

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Skelter blushed a bit as Sarabi teased him playfully in front of everyone. It was this type of behavior that initially caused Sheldon to avoid the Engineer, but he had since grown accustomed to it along with her excellent cooking. The High Flyers were a family, so personal boundaries on this ship were rather unheard of.

"I'm going ahead." Big Brother told him as he wolfed the last of his chili and rose. "Meet me there when you finish."

"Aye-Aye," Deadeye replied. "I'll have your six. Be careful out there, Big Bro." With that, Sheldon watched Marcel exit the Galley of the Emerald Desire and take take off from the ship toward Mango Island. He scraped together one last bite of food then carried his and Big Brother's dishes to the wash.

Deadeye planted a smooch on Sarabi's cheek then hurried off to his quarters to choose tools. He decided to bring Dexter and Sinister, but expected them not be needed. With the click of his belt and the snaps from his rucksack, Deadeye was ready to make way.

"Be back soon!" He called then tore off toward the deck. While in full sprint, he tied a black bandana over the bridge of his nose then put on the sunglasses. Upon reaching the deck, he leapt atop the railing then dropped off like a rock.

The Sniper rolled his body level and slowed the descent just enough for him to release the parachute hidden in the outermost part of his rucksack. It opened with a slight tug, then carried him down to Mango Town. The High Flyer touched down atop one of the larger buildings if the island town.

Here, he undid the bag straps and let it drop. There did not seem to be any time constraints on locating the targets, so Skelter laid across the roof's surface to catch his breath. In a moment, he would roll off of here and go looking for Big Bro and the Cherry Feather Pirates.

"...Just a gun with some principles."

Location: Mango Island
Weapons: Dexter and Sinister
Health: 100%


Tomo Dachi Love


Grim Skies

Original Phantom

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Sasha "Professor" Vegapunk

" I can calculate everything!"

Sasha found justine most intriquing. Not only because she had a devil fruit she had not seen before, but also cuz she was both at times overly happy and childish and other times serious. Sasha had a feeling why that was, but decided to keep it to herself for now. However, her thoughts derailed when her hat had been stolen by the girl, which she quickly snatched back. She liked the hat! Also it had things hidden in it, didn't want Justine to play with those.

Leaving that behind however, the two made it to a restaraunt, which fortunately they were able to find quickly. Unfortunately however, Justine wasted no time in slamming into people. Even more unfortunately, they were the pirates they had shot at. Even EVEN more unfortunately, the girl Justine had bumbed into pulled out her gun! ''H-hey wait!'' Sasha said, taking out her own cannon. ''nobody shoots anybody!'' She said, also placing her cannon back into it's holster which she kept on her back as Beni alsoput away her gun. She then bumped into something with her foot. A soap dispenser, and a broken one at that. Who carries a soap dispenser around. It must have been the girls but it fell from her hands and broke. ''I can fix this.'' She said, picking up the pieces.

''The White haired buff is right. Were Sorry, also sorry about the fact we shot at your ship. Justine here has butterfingers.'' She said, apologising for Justine, figuring she wasn't gonna anyways. What he suggested next catched her by complete surprise. ''A-a-a-are you inviting us to eat!?''

" From my heart and from my hand
Why don't people understand
My intentions, Ooh, weird science ! "

Where: Mango island
With: Justine, White Hired Buff and Trigger happy girl
What: being nice for once.

{ OOC: .}

born under a bad sign

ChikaDee's Bae

Sparkly Detective

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                                                                            Not even her skirt riding almost all the way up over her legs did not prevent Justine from being far too happy about running into her new pirate-buddies - and neither did the gun that the sniper girl was all too quick to point at her head. Justine stared into the barrel of the gun, tilting her head to the side as she processed the situation. Now, from one point of view, this was quite a dangerous scenario - with or without her powers, Justine was not entirely confident she had the capacity to dodge such a short-range attack. Then again, the girl did not seem like she had any intention of actually pressing the trigger - had it been in her intention to kill the raven-head, she could have splattered her head on the ground by that point. "No? Aww, that's too bad... But maybe I can show you mine next time! They're pretty too, you should teach me how to actually shoot them!" She jumped to her feet, quickly re-adjusting her skirts and grinning at the waiter that came running to help them. The poor man could only sigh and wave at the familiar face, suddenly all too informed about the situation. She may have not been around very long, but Justine's hyperactive nature was already infamous.

                                                                            "Huh?" Justine blinked at the white-haired male. "Did I forget to apologize? Oops!" She rubbed the back of her neck, though the grin on her face was barely apologetic. It wasn't the first time she had foregone etiquette in favor of her own amusement. Besides, if these people were really pirates, they should learn to deal with rudeness. A flicker of remorse did find itself on her face when she glanced at the broken pieces of what was supposed to be a cutesy soap dispenser by her feet. Justine stared at it for a few seconds, lips forming a thoughtful pout, before she was back on her feet. "Maaaagnus!" She called out authoritatively, bouncing over to the rail of the balcony. A loud bark from below announced the presence of the white canine. Magnus' tail wagged from side to side excitedly at the promise of an actual job he could do - the poor dog had been sitting around for far too long without being able to make himself truly useful, and it was driving him up a tree. "Get some lacquer and gold-powder from old man Balkan, okay?" Justine pulled out a small bag of coin from one of her hidden pockets and tossed it over the railing. Another bark was heard before Magnus jumped, caught the bag with his teeth and took off running in the direction of the potter's shop.

                                                                            With that done, Justine turned back to Sasha and the two new people. "Boo you!" She stuck her tongue out at Sasha, pouting childishly at her statement. "I do not have butter fingers! I just can't shoot things. It's a medical condition." She huffed, folding her hands over her chest. The white male offered them to eat, and Justine tilted her head to the side, silently observing the male with a slightly confused expression. She did not like the idea of eating with strangers - no matter how amusing they were, she didn't exactly trust them to not poison her food - but Sasha seemed to be ecstatic about the offer. Besides, it wouldn't be polite to decline the offer after she had all but run over the sniper girl... "Okay, if you're offering~" She giggled, hiding her concerns well enough as she skipped over to the now-set table.

                                                                                        01 ★━━━━ MANGO ISLAND (RESTAURANT)
                                                                                        02 ★━━━━ SASHA, MAGNUS, SNIPER GIRL [BENI], WHITE-HAIRED GUY [NAKOA]
                                                                                        03 ★━━━━ FOOD IS GOOD.

Dedicated Lunatic

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฿℮ηї $αℓα⑂α

"Let me use you as target practice. No? Your body. No? Your head. Still no? ..." *shoots anyways*


Where: Mango Island
With: Nakoa, Justine, and Sasha

Show each other's gun? Though Beni. Only if you're an ally. She shook her head, showing her displeasure in exchanging weapons with the girl.
Sasha took the bag from Beni, saying she could fix it. Then the other girl with the gold and red eye yelled downstairs for someone, and she was taken back to hear a bark in response. She looke d down to see the dog from the docks, whom she had called Magnus. They were helping her to fix the broken soap dispenser. Inviting them to a meal was the least she could do to show her thanks. She would also want to save a treat for Magnus later.
As the 4 sat at the table, she noted at how Sasha was not one for violence, a pacifier, even though she too drew her weapon, but in defense, protecting her friend. The other girl had heterochromia, a golden eye, and the other red, long onyx hair. And frills. Lots of it.
She gestured to Nakoa, wanting him to introduce themselves to their guests.
As Nakoa did so, the waiter came by, asking for their orders. Beni selected a mango soda with pasta with mango sauce and meatballs.
The waiter looked to the other three, waiting for their order.

"...You're not very fun, are you. Won't even let me get some practice in..." *keeps firing*

Grim Skies
[quote="Akiko Kenichi"][/quote="born under a bad sign"]

Canny Trickster

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Nakoa D. Momoa
"If there is something you need to do, then just shut up and do it!"

Nakoa watched as the two new girls, plus a dog, made a rather big scene around them as they got themselvs together, helped put the soap dispenser together and got settled at their table. Looking to beni, she made a gesture and he nodded, looking back to the two new females at their table. "Well, first things first. This is Beni Salaya and I am Nakoa D. Mamoa. We're both crew mates for the Crimson Orchid, the ship you kinda shot at earlier. She's a gunner, while I'm the carpenter. Don't take any offense that beni hasn't spoken to either of you, she really isn't a fan of talking to anyone really." He spoke, explaining enough about them to get the gist out there, and that beni doesn't talk so they wouldn't pester her about it.

When the Waiter came by he looked to the waiter after beni pointed to what she wanted from the menu, ordering, and he took a glance at the menu before looking up. "I'll start with a mango Mojito for drink, for food, I'll try two things. The beef burger mango slaw and the seafood burger with mango sauce, large on both. Thank you." He spoke with a smile. A proper island to relax on called for a proper drink, so a Mojito was required. Looking to the other two for their orders, and then back to beni, smiling at her.

Location: Mango Town
Company: Beni, Justine, and sasha


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Issara Kiwaro


❥Location: Mango Island
❥Company: Kenchi
❥Outfit: Shorts and top over a bikini with this, this, and this

The redheaded captain didn't miss the faint blush that spread on her young musician's cheeks at her light-hearted comments. For a split second, she was reminded of the adverse effect such small things had had on her friendship with Naomi. It dimmed her mood ever so slightly, but she reminded herself that it had resulted due to suppressed feelings toward one specific person. And now that she knew the problem, she could fix it while also playing matchmaker of course. So she instantly brightened back to normal, a mere waver in her good mood, as a grin wrinkled her nose cutely and she gave Kenchi's cheek a fond pinch. He had been an excellent addition to the crew, providing his talents for their entertainment and gradually settling in to being one of the family as well. And his devil fruit was certainly unique, on top of all of that!

She quirked an eyebrow at his title of 'miss' and allowance of her picking the eatery, a mischievous smirk pulling at her lips. "Shush, none of this 'miss' stuff, mister! Just plain 'hot piece of a**' is perfectly fine--whoa!" Her teasing sentence was cut off by a surprised exclamation as she was swept up into his arms, her own automatically wrapping around his neck. In the next instant, the pair was airborne, courtesy of his springing step. The vampiress laughed gleefully as the wind rushed past them, always loving the thrill of flying. As he set her down, she pressed a light kiss of appreciation to his cheek. "Thanks for the lift, hun!" she joked with a wink, chuckling at his quip concerning her rather special dietary needs. "Don't worry, I prefer my musicians young and full blooded, so you're safe." The person manning the smoothie stand wasn't quite sure what to make of the curious young couple that had appeared out of midair. Nevertheless, a sale had been made, so they merely smiled professionally and gave them their cool drinks.

It had been a while since she'd last felt it, and her perception was much stronger now thanks to Nakoa's training, but she suddenly recognized a nearby vibration. It was one that she'd been hoping she would run into at some point while on the island. Taking the smoothie and under the guise of sipping it, she peeked up through her lashes over her companion's shoulder. Sure enough, the handsome shichibukai himself stood off at a distance, a curious looking bee woman with him. Swallowing with a hum of delight, she stirred her drink with the straw. "Thanks for the frozen treat, sweetie! Next one's on me. Now, how about we find you a music shop?" It seemed that Marcel had followed them, so she figured he would approach when he deemed appropriate.

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Akiko Kenichi

Tomo Dachi Love

Kenchi Shanks Musician for the Cherry Feather Pirates

"Nothing puts a Spring in your step"
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Location:-New island
Who I am with-The crew

Kenchi smiled as it seemed Issa was enjoying his lack luster jokes and even making a few of her own. As Issa spoke of grabbing the next frozen treat and wanting to head to the music shop Kenchi gave his captain a soft smile.. Paying the owner for the smoothies he turned back to Issa and locked his arm with hers. "To the music shop then Miss Hot Piece of a**." he said laughing some. Kenchi allowed Issa to lead the way if only so the girl could enjoy the sights. At least that was what he kept telling himself. The truth was he had no actual idea on how he wanted to start the conversation he had run over in his head. Everytime he was about to say something he would shut his mouth and blush slightly. He had all but given up on trying to speak with Issa until he noticed a large piano in a shop. Surrounding it were a few other assorted instruments and a bright smile was soon plastered on Kenchi's face.

"I do believe I have found the music shop Issa." he said directing her toward the store. As he entered the store Kenchi found his eyes wandering between violins. guitars, the large piano and a few other instruments. Casually he looked around picking up a few different instruments but not really feeling a vibe off of any of them. As he looked he would occasionally try and speak to Issa once more. "So Issa what exactly made a girl like you want to be a pirate? Not that you aren't good at it I just couldn't see someone like you as one. Not to say you're to pretty to be one but you are pretty I'm not saying you're..oh never mind." he said sighing some. Finally he picked up a violin and began to play feeling something different with this instrument. As he played he let his body take over and instantly felt his anxiousness leave him as music filled the store. Before he knew it he was back beside Issa the expression on his face rather serious. "Now then Issa what I was trying to ask is what motivates you and the crew. As it stands I don't actually know anything about you guys. You all have a feeling of being close but I don't know what you have gone through. Hell I don't even know the aspirations of anyone or why they set sail." he said. As he spoke he kept his eyes close knowing that if he left his zone he would go silent. "So I was hoping you would help fill in the blanks for me? I suppose I could ask the crew but it would take to long. That and I doubt everyone would want to hear a song just for me to ask a simple question." he said laughing some.

As his song finished he made his way toward the counter and quickly paid for his new instrument. He made sure to leave a little extra and informed the owner he would be paying for her guitar strings as well. Turning back toward Issa the nervousness was back causing him to rub the back of his head. "So ummm yeah do you think you could maybe help me out?" he asked. "It dawned on me earlier with the explosion near the ship everyone went into combat mode. Except me I ducked and it shows the difference between me and everyone else." he said shaking some. "So if you are up to it we could talk over a meal. I,,.i..if would rather walk and talk though that is fine. I mean don't want people thinking it is date." he said laughing slightly. Quickly he stopped and blushed a bright red before giving his captain a nervous look. "N..not that I wouldn't I mean you are pretty like I said..bu..but I am going to stop talking now." he said covering his mouth. Behind him Kenchi could hear the owner of the shop laughing at the sight he was seeing from the man who just spoke with ease to now a bumbling fool.


"Better then good friends and Music."

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Original Phantom

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Sasha "Professor" Vegapunk

" I can calculate everything!"

Sasha was a bt overwhelmed by the invitation. No boy had ever invited her to eat. She quickly shook her head though, it wasn't like that, he was just being friendly. She noticed Justine call for Magnus, who quickly arrived to it's owner. ''I don't think they allow dogs indoors in a restaraunt.'' Sasha pointed out. It was just common sense.

Regardless, Sasha grabbed the remains of the Soap dispenser and turned her back to the others. After about 30 seconds of sounds that could only be described as ''science sounds'', Sasha turned around again. ''Ta-dah!'' She said, showing that the soap dispenser was good as new, as she handed it back to Beni. Sasha smiled proudly. She was an inventor, fixing something like this was child's play for her.

She sat with the others and decided to order friend shrimps with mango dip. Sheesh, you know the eating habits of an island will give you no suprises when the whole island is named after them. ''Right. I'm Sasha Vegapunk.'' she introduced herself.

" From my heart and from my hand
Why don't people understand
My intentions, Ooh, weird science ! "

Where: Mango island
With: Justine, White Hired Buff and Trigger happy girl
What: being nice for once.

{ OOC: .}

born under a bad sign

Dedicated Lunatic

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"Already? And hardly even introduced..."

Time stopped for everyone. The world sparkled gold, and he appeared beside the young sniper and her companion, dining with two new friends. That number would now dwindle to one. He pat Justine on the shoulder once, and she and any and all memories of her disappeared, replaced by a gold coin on the table. Her dish would disappear, too.

On the other side of Paradise, the Pirate God jumped between Petra, Dorian, and Artemis, the atmosphere around him sparkling gold. He snapped his fingers, and Artemis, too disappeared. Any and all conscious knowing of the boy was now extinguished.

"Goodness..." He sighed, snapping his fingers, and disappearing, leaving a gold coin on the ground.

Back up at his throne, he welcomed the two to the banquet, and he with is other guests, continued to watch the entertainment before them.

"Justine, and Artemis, welcome. Enjoy your stay."

[born under a bad sign AND Bae-KhunKhun have been removed from the thread]

Immortal Traceur
Grim Skies
TomoDachi Love
Professor Javii
Vas Mortis
born under a bad sign
Akiko Kenichi
The x Final x Boss

Dedicated Lunatic

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฿℮ηї $αℓα⑂α

"Let me use you as target practice. No? Your body. No? Your head. Still no? ..." *shoots anyways*


Where: Mango Island
With: Nakoa and Sasha

Beni watched with gleaming eyes as Sasha set to fix the soap dispenser, her hands working at a quality she'd never seen before. The detail and attention she put into it was mesmerizing. Once she finished, Sasha handed the soap dispenser back to Beni, who took it into her careful hands, admiring the handiwork, and the gold cracks of her now irreplaceable dispenser.
She put down the object in her lap, took her plate and handed it to Sasha, grateful for her, and a token of her friendship as she gave her food to the young scientist. Turning to Nakoa once Sasha had taken the plate, she gestured at her head, leaning it to one side, then giving a thumbs up. 'She may be weird, but I approve,' is what she meant.

"...You're not very fun, are you. Won't even let me get some practice in..." *keeps firing*

Grim Skies
Akiko Kenichi

Dapper Cat

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> > xxx Location: Mango Islandxxx Company: Stupid Swordsmanxxx Health: 100%xxx < <

                                                  They had just about escaped the merchant's stand without any further embarrassment at Naomi's expense when the stupid swordsman opened his mouth.

                                                  "Does it have pineapple in it?" He asked with his usual amount of happy-go-luckiness. One would think that a question as simple as that could easily be answered and then they could be on their not so merry way. For most that was true. But... Naomi knew better.

                                                  "No, but you're going to love it! It's mango juice mixed with--"

                                                  That poor shop keeper didn't stand a chance.


                                                  Naomi's scowl grew deeper.

                                                  "N-no. There's no pineapple, but--"


                                                  "But! If you like pineapple, you'll love--"

                                                  "Marc-kun." Naomi growled, clenching her fists tightly at her sides.

                                                  "I really like pineapple."

                                                  "Yes... that's nice. But, you see, mangoes are our island's specialty! It's a tasty tropical fruit -- like pineapples! Succulent and juicy, and perfect for mixing--"

                                                  Clearly the shopkeep was starting to lose his patience with the young swordsman, who was perhaps too eager about pineapples.

                                                  "So it tastes like pineapple!?"

                                                  A loud smack could be heard as the kunoichi's palm connected with her own forehead. That irritation induced action left her with a nice red mark on her pale skin and a dull stinging sensation on her hand. It was times like this that made her wonder why she liked him. Sure he was sweet, caring and had placed himself in harms way several times for her sake... But he was also loud, childish, and a complete dunderhead. If it wasn't for his unnatural physical abilities and endurance, she was sure he would've died a long time ago for his recklessness.

                                                  Ugh... I think I have headache. Naomi groaned internally, pinching the bridge of her nose betwixt her thumb and index finger with growing aggravation. She chose to ignore Marc's sudden exclamation of joy once he took a swig from the tall tourist's glass. While she hadn't heard what the dark-haired male had said to the once jovial shop keeper, the sound of exasperation that followed was a pretty good indication that of what it might have been.

                                                  In the next moment, Marc was at her side, thrusting the brightly-colored drink in her hands with a typical grin on his face. Deep blue eyes flickered down at the liquid and then up at the peppy swordsman. His entire face was lit up with excitement, and an earnest look that urged her to try the lovely smelling refreshment. Naomi narrowed her eyes at him haughtily despite sudden warmth in her heart. Slim fingers traced the sides of the smooth glass, the red-headed girl taking note of the faint smudges left behind by Marc's lips.

                                                  No, no, no, no, it doesn't mean anything. she shook her head wildly, forcing the unnecessary feelings down before they even had a chance to rise. As if to prove a point, she raised the glass to her lips an instant and took a swig that might have put Marc's to shame. She was so determined for it to not mean anything, that she didn't seem to notice the strange aftertaste. "It is pretty good," she commented, handing the drink back to the swordsman before pressing forward purposefully.

                                                  She didn't bother to check to see if he was following, rather, she knew he would. As the pair walked down the street, Naomi's gaze curiously shifted from one side of the street to the other. Islands with marketplaces were definitely the most interesting. Her home had little shops and things, but they mostly sold items that could be hunted or gathered. The shinobi weren't primitive by any means but they definitely weren't advanced. Every once in a while they would get lucky and get some new merchandise from a trading merchant that dared sail out that far. So yeah, shopping had definitely become one of her favorite things since leaving home. There was always something new to see.

                                                  The joy of seeing something new was enough to temporarily soothe her anger, and the kunoichi clasped her hands behind her back leisurely as they strolled along the path. "I wonder what kind of things this town sells~" she cooed, mostly to herself. The young woman had been wanting to buy some new clothes, but her style was well, rather hard to find. One didn't see a lot of shops that sold short kimonos or shinobi's tabi on the Grand Line.

                                                  Ahead of them, she spotted what appeared to be the town's bar. While it was a little early for the drinking crowd; rowdy voices could be heard from inside. Not only that, but the smell of food wafted from the entrance, lingering in the air around the establishment. Naomi didn't need to turn around to know what Marc's reaction would be. With how much he'd been griping earlier about how hungry he was, there was no doubt in her mind that he would bolt into the building at the chance to fill his bottomless stomach.

Grim Skies
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Tyler Ignis & Ashelyn Glacias

With: Chefs and patrons
Health: 100%, Busy.
Where: Some bar
((OOC: They wont always be posted together. It's just convenient for now.. ))
Food is always a gift...

Tyler pushed himself as hard as he could, trying to keep up with Ashe. She was really fast, and judging by the way she was dancing as she ran, she wasn't even trying that hard. A streak of blue flame was dashing through the trees, following a spotted blur that was just in front of him always. Suddenly the blur stopped and turned back human. Tyler's eyes widened as Ashe slowed down from her sprint as human. He tried to stop, skidding along the ground but couldn't get a good grip. As he was about to slam past her, her hand shot out, grabbing his scruff and holding him back, finishing off his stop. After a moment he turned back to human, panting. "You're too fast." He said, his collar still in her grip.

She just grinned, dropping his collar and draping her arm over his shoulder. "But that smell..." She said, sniffing the air. Tyler smelled from himself, his eyes widening.

"That smells amazing." He said in awe. Soon the pair was making their way through the crowd, towards the source of the smell. They found themselves in a bar and made their way towards the back. They both watched the chefs cook, amazed that such a simple bar had so obviously talented chefs.

"Hey! Blondie!" He called out. Tyler's eyes widened in surprise.

"You're Tyler, right?" He asked.

Ashe crouched down slightly, her muscles all tensing as she prepared to dash out of there, dragging Tyler behind her in a flash. Why did that guy know Tyler?

"Yeah..." Tyler confirmed hesitantly, also nervous.

The man stared at him for a moment, before bursting out laughing. "I knew it! My brother never shuts up about you. Said a blond kid about your height just showed up at his restaurant one day, and started working there. Said business had never been better. We're busy, feel like joining in? Our second chef called in sick."

Tyler's eyes widened. It wasn't the first time he had been recognized as the roaming chef. He glanced at Ashe before shrugging. "Sure." He rolled up his sleeves and went over to wash his hands. He just watched for a few minutes, listening to instructions for the recipes and what they needed done. Before long Tyler was whistling to himself, his tail flicking behind him happily as the fox ears appeared on his head. Ashe just leaned on the counter, squeeling internally about how cute Tyler looked when cooking. She noticed him moving between a cutting board with vegetables and a pot of stew and shrugged, tying her hair up before washing her hands.

When Tyler turned back around, Ashe was already expertly chopping up the vegetables for him, leaving them in neat piles for both chefs. He grinned. "You fit in quite well."

Ashe shrugged. "I have some practice, and besides, I've spent enough time watching chefs to know my way around a kitchen. Besides, I have a great teacher." She said, bumping hips with him as she continued to cut.

Soon the pair were pretty much running the kitchen. Tyler was managing multiple stations while Ashe was a blur with a knife, preparing everything he needed as he needed it, leaving the details to him as the passed ingredients back and forth expertly, occasionally tossing them through the air. The show began to attract the attention of some of the patrons, as they crowded over the bar to see the odd pair of chefs who had taken over the kitchen, leaving an amused and relieved head chef off to the side, preparing the house specials.

...but tastes better when shared.

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