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Dapper Cat

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> > xxx Location: The Ship; Deck > Docksxxx Company: Crew > Marcxxx Health: 100%xxx < <

                                                  When Issa pulled her into a rib-cage squishing embrace, a huge wave of relief washed over her. She'd been stressing out over this for weeks, and now that she was finally able to make amends with her captain, it felt like the sun was shining brighter. Despite the fact she couldn't breathe, Naomi wrapped her arms around the woman in return. Tears ran down her face still, but a smile had replaced the frown that was there a moment ago.

                                                  "Had I known how you felt about Marc, I would've guarded my tongue, I'm sorry."

                                                  "Huh!?" Well... the smile couldn't really last that long... it was Naomi after all.

                                                  "I would never intentionally make any kind of move on your man, I do hope you can forgive me."

                                                  M-M-My man?! Naomi's eyes grew wide. She had it all wrong--- probably!

                                                  "Ah, I'm so happy that we're friends again, Mimi-chan~!" her captain proclaimed gleefully, grasping her into another body crushing hug.

                                                  "I-I-I-Issa-chan! I'm glad that we're friends again too but be quiet!" Naomi stuttered, glancing over in Marc's direction to see if he'd heard. He was starting at the two of them with a stupidly happy look on his face, which she returned with one of her usual 'what are you looking at Marc?' faces. It didn't seem like he'd heard what she had said, that was good.

                                                  She turned back to Issa, who didn't seem to be listening to what the kunoichi had just said. Rather, she had started giving out the pairings for who would be shopping partners today. Of course, Naomi really shouldn't have been surprised when she heard that she was going to be with the stupid swordsman today. Issa used the excuse that since he was still recovering, Naomi should keep a close eye on him. But the doctor knew she had ulterior motives for pairing them up. "But Issa-channn--"

                                                  A loud explosion sounded off nearby-- in the water close to the ship, causing a huge splash to erupt. Naomi flinched but somehow managed not to get soaked even though she had been standing fairly close to the railing. Opening an eye that had suddenly closed, she saw that Marc had come to her aid in a flash--- again. A blush appeared on her cheeks-- but only for a moment.

                                                  Another round of gunfire had her jumping out of her skin, where she proceeded to grab onto the swordsman's arm. It only took her a moment to realize two things: the gunfire had been Beni returning the favor... and she was holding onto Marc. Letting go in a hurry, Naomi sent glare in the small sniper's direction. Although, it wasn't as scary as it normally was, especially since her face was still as red as a beet from the second realization.

                                                  Normally she might've given Beni an earful for scaring her, but she seemed to remember that they had been attacked. Looking out onto the docks, she spotted the fleeting figures of two girls. They were lucky that she wouldn't be able to catch up with them, or they would suffer a legendary scolding from a certain kunoichi doctor.

                                                  With the immediate danger over, Naomi forced Marc to change clothes since he had gotten them as well as his bandages soaked. After taking a few minutes to re-bandage the dark-haired man, the pair reappeared on the deck. Now that the gangplank was down, they could all go ashore. He was lucky that she was under orders to take him with her, or she'd have left his sorry a** already-- maybe. Grabbing the dolt by the collar, she proceeded to drag him down the gangplank. "C-Come on stupid swordsman." she grumbled awkwardly, her face still a little red. "I need to buy more medical supplies... is there anything you need to buy?"

Grim Skies
born under a bad sign
Akiko Kenichi
Liiroy Jenkins

Dedicated Lunatic

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฿℮ηї $αℓα⑂α

"Let me use you as target practice. No? Your body. No? Your head. Still no? ..." *shoots anyways*


Where: Mango Island
With: Nakoa

Beni kept her trained eye on the two as they left. One had a peculiar ability, moving to pull the other girl out of the way just as she moved to shoot them. As if she had known that it was coming. Maybe they would meet again in town. She stowed her pistols back in their pouches as the strangers rounded the corner and disappeared.
She sighed with relief after looking down at their ship and realizing it hadn't been damaged. Then, she found it strange. Never had she reacted that fast before, nor did she know exactly where the perpetrators were. In her head, she walked through the steps that led up to firing her weapons. As soon as the explosion had hit, she knew which side it came from, scanning the horizon. Once her eye saw no threats in the distance, she moved to something that was closer, looking for anyone from the island with a smoking barrel, and she found the two.
Maybe the training with Nakoa really had paid off. Speaking of whom, the other party was now addressing her and inviting her to go shopping with him.
She nodded, neither excited nor disappointed by this, but nervousness. Looking over to Naji who would be staying to watch the ship, she said her goodbyes to their captain and followed Nakoa down to the docks. As soon as they entered the city, the mangoes were everywhere at once.

"...You're not very fun, are you. Won't even let me get some practice in..." *keeps firing*

Grim Skies
[quote="Akiko Kenichi"][/quote="born under a bad sign"]

Original Phantom

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Sasha "Professor" Vegapunk

" I can calculate everything!"

Sasha smiled widely. A devil fruit user! This girl may be acting naive and clueless, but she couldn't fool a scientist! She knew a Devil when she saw one! As she landed on an alley close to the docks she glanced at Justine. ''Hmhmhmhm....'' She said, adjusting her glasses, which flashed in the sunlight. So far this island had been a boring hiding place for her. No action, no fuss. Just her trying to create things and get by. But now....now she had finally found something interesting!

''Don't worry, in this alley, nobody can see us.''She said, retracting her flying machine's blades and placing it in her pocket. She was drooling like a little kid infront of a sweet store. ''Your devil fruit however, is one i haven't seen or heard off before! I...I...cannot helpt but be excited...oh, my heart is pumping...'' she said. Usually she was cool and calculating...but upon discovering something entirely new, she completely shifted into wierd science. ''You got to tell me everything about it! What is it called?! What does it do? How's salt?! What about phases of the moon!?'' She rambled, making no sense whatsoever. She walked closer to Justine, her hands groping the air. She expected Magnus to tackle her this time though, so she was ready.

" From my heart and from my hand
Why don't people understand
My intentions, Ooh, weird science ! "

Where: Mango island
With: Black haired Dame and a dog

{ OOC: .}

born under a bad sign
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« Cherry Feathers Swordsman »
[Location] On Delicious Mango Island! [Company] Naomi-chan! [Mood] Intrigued -- still very hungry
Scarlet & Sinner's Stake

Marc rubbed his rumbling stomach in a vain effort to soothe it as he and Naomi returned to the deck a few minutes later. It felt a lot better to be back in dry clothes and fresh bandages, but that did nothing to solve his hunger problem. He also failed in his futile attempt to convince Naomi to disrobe, too, on the grounds that is was "only fair" -- according to Marc logic. He'd tried many times before, and each and every time it only earned him a smack on the back of the head and an earful. This time had been no different.

But there'd always be next time!

He allowed Naomi to pull him along down the gangplank, happy to remain in the kunoichi's presence.

"Yes, Naomi-chan~!" He shouted gleefully. OK, he was perhaps a bit too happy, no doubt to her annoyance. But seeing her pout and blush only incited Marc further, and thus it was a vicious cycle between the two.

Naomi managed to stay focused for the time being, though, mentioning she needed to restock her medical supplies and asking if he needed anything.

"Food! I'll die if I don't eat!" He said urgently, nodding his head repeatedly to reinforce the fact that yes, he would indeed actually die if he didn't get any food. Technically true, after all. Suddenly he snapped his fingers as a flash of inspiration lit up his face. He swiveled around gracefully to walk backwards so he could give Naomi a suave look.

"I'll take you to the finest restaurant on the whole island! A beautiful girl like you deserves only the best, Naomi-chan..." he said with a dashing smile swept across his face, crimson eyes gazing deeply into hers for several seconds.

Until another realization hit him, and he searched frantically through his pockets until he managed to rustle up a few bills and a couple of coins. He looked from them to her sheepishly.

"Well, the finest restaurant under 6 beli. I think I left my wallet in my other pants... Hehehe..." He chuckled as he absently rubbed the back of his head. It looked like he'd have to pay the dependable doctor back later for this one, if she even decided to cover his check. Which she very well may not, given what he said next.

"If you weren't in such a rush to get me out of my pants, I--OOF!" Whatever additional perverted insinuations Marc was about to make got cut short as he backed up into a dockside stand stationed by a jolly, rotund man. And even if he hadn't run into the stand, Naomi probably would've knocked him right off the docks. The impact shook the stand enough to knock down a little placard sitting atop the stand surrounded by a number of assorted bright yellow-and-orange drinks. Thankfully he didn't spill more than a splash of them.

"Oops, sorry about that!" Marc said as he swung around, easily maintaining his balance.

"Not a problem, young man! Not a problem!" The large, jolly old man behind the counter said. "And what a pretty young lady! You young lovers look like you could use some honeymoon refreshments!"

Yep, clearly a sales pitch from an all too jolly old dude running some shady tourist trap stand right there on the docks. But then the drinks did look pretty fresh and delicious. Although Naomi might be a little more concerned with the fact that the man referred to the two of them as newlyweds, and Marc was not about to correct him. Instead the swordsman looked the drinks over appreciatively, clearly ready to waste what little money he had on one.

"Whoa, they look pretty good!"






Akiko Kenichi


born under a bad sign


ChikaDee's Bae

Sparkly Detective

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                                                                            The moment the girl took a step forward, however, Justine's smile shifted abruptly - not lessening a fraction, but somehow twisting into something more intimidating, more unstable than the usual bright, cheerful mask she wore. That same moment, however, her golden eye manifested that very familiar clockface, hidden beneath Justine bangs. A familiar feeling of suffocating heaviness surrounded the girl as the world around her stopped - and so did Magnus, already in motion to defend against the smaller female, and the science-oriented girl that caused Justine to user her powers in the first place. Justine moved swiftly, moving her body away from the hands that reached for her and walking behind the owner of those hands. For a brief moment, she considered simply snapping the girl's neck - but then she sighed and unfroze time instead, her eye going back to its original color and appearance. She took a deep breath as her heart beat resumed itself again.

                                                                            "You ask too many questions. Some things are better left unknown." Her voice was lower, colder and more apathetic than what she usually sounded like - it was, in fact, the way she normally spoke, even if most people assumed the opposite. And yet, despite her obvious annoyance with the fact that this girl was asking way too many questions, she couldn't help but find her mildly amusing. Had she been obsessing about anything but her powers, Justine would have laughed - but she didn't like her own Devil Fruit abilities, as they were the reason she was now hunted by the Marines. That, and the Fruit caused her terrible luck... though that could have been her nature as a D. Who knows, really?

                                                                            By the time the little inventor turned around to look at Justine, the raven-haired girl's face was back to the usual cheerful expression. "Let's go get food! This alleyway is dark and boring!" She didn't let the other girl chime in before she skipped out into the open sunlight, Magnus following suit - after one final weary look at the shorter girl. Once she was safely within earshot of other people - and thus out of the 'let's talk about things' area - Justine turned around, tilting her head to the side. "Are you coming, slowpoke?"

                                                                                        01 ★━━━━ MANGO ISLAND -- RANDOM ALLEYWAY
                                                                                        02 ★━━━━ GIRL WITH GLASSES, MAGNUS
                                                                                        03 ★━━━━ ...
                                                                                        ooc:: ugh, short post is short.

Original Phantom

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Sasha "Professor" Vegapunk

" I can calculate everything!"

It happened in an instant. It didn't happen fast, or super fast, or just so fast she didn't see it. It was Like the girl had shifted behind her in an instant. ''Eh?'' She said, Confused. What had just happened? Had she teleported? No wait, she would have seen her disapear then! this didn't fit at all with her abilities she used back in the docks, knowing in advance the bullets were gonna be fired. Further investigation was needed! She turned to face justine with a newly reneved smile. ''Hmhmhm...most interesting...Huff...puff.'' She said. then her lte hearing finally catched up to her, and she realized what She had answered to her. She flustered.

''That's completely wrong! it is a job of a girl of science to find out the solution to questions!'' She said, if this kept up she would never get anywhere. And Justine was already going out of the alleyway. ''Wait, hold on! We started off on the wrong foot.'' She said. motioning her to wait and come back for just a moment more. Considering the amount of secrecy, this girl could possibly be a wanted person, just like her. If she showed some of her vulnureablity to her, prehaps she would trust her enough to have faith in her in turn. She grabbed a rolled up piece of paper from her rucksack and showed it to Justine. ''Allow me to introduce myself properly!'' She said. The paper was her wanted poster. Sasha Vegapunk, 30,000,000 beli, Wanted alive. The last part being particulari interesting, usually Pirates were dead or alive. consdeirng justine was Monkey, She would definetly know about Sasha's Granpa. Heck, 90% of all people across the grand line knew!

" From my heart and from my hand
Why don't people understand
My intentions, Ooh, weird science ! "

Where: Mango island
With: Black haired Dame and a dog
What: being nice for once.

{ OOC: .}

born under a bad sign

ChikaDee's Bae

Sparkly Detective

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                                                                            The enthusiasm and determination with which the girl stated her mind took Justine aback for just a moment before she regained her composure. A soft smile graced her features briefly - there was something distinctly familiar about that determination, that passion for knowledge and truth. It was... nice, to see that there existed someone out there who believed in something enough to be this passionate about it. Goodness knew Justine had lost that passion long ago - if she ever had it to begin with. "Oh...?" She echoed, tilting her head to the side. "Then would you like to know when you die, too? It is a question."

                                                                            She could only blink when a piece of paper was thrust into her face. A wanted poster? Justine raised an eyebrow, skimming over the words on the yellowish paper before her eyes strayed to the shorter girl - Sasha - with an unreadable expression, watching her carefully. "Wanted alive, that's cool. She paused, recalling the stories of her father's adventures as told by her grandmother... Yeah, she recalled a man called Vegapunk somewhere in there - wasn't he a scientist of some sort? That would definitely explain Sasha's weird inventions.

                                                                            She grinned, twirling around on her heels like a care-free child. She took a step forward, away from Sasha, before looking back over her shoulder. "They want me for mass murder." There was a twinge of sadness in her voice that did not match the smile on her face. Justine never denied her guilt in the incident that earned her a bounty for her head, but she would be the first to claim that it was not a willing slaughter. A simple mistake made by a child, a burst of power born from pure grief - those were the causes of the tragedy. No one seemed to much care for what she thought, however, and eventually Justine stopped trying to convince people.

                                                                            "Justine." The raven-haired girl named herself with a smile. Though she realized that it was probably common courtesy to show Sasha her own wanted poster now that she admitted to being wanted, the last thing Justine wanted was to reveal even more about herself. Sasha knowing about her Devil Fruit - even if she didn't know much - was already bad, and now she knew that Justine was a wanted woman, too. She didn't need to know she was a descendant of Monkey D. Luffy himself, and a D - whatever that even meant. "That's Magnus. He's my best friend." She made a motion in the general direction of the canine. "Say hello, Magnus!" The dog sighed - or something that looked a lot like a human sigh - before giving a bark towards the glasses-wearing female. At least she wasn't trying to capture Justine, he figured. He would leave her alone... as long as she didn't put him in a bubble again.

                                                                            "Come on, are you done with the questions? I wanna go play with the adorable pirates!" Justine complained, this time taking matters into her own hands and grasping Sasha's sleeve within her powerful grasp - careful to avoid skin contact, as always - and all but dragging her along back into the town.

                                                                                        01 ★━━━━ MANGO ISLAND -- RANDOM ALLEYWAY
                                                                                        02 ★━━━━ GIRL WITH GLASSES, MAGNUS
                                                                                        03 ★━━━━ I WANNA PLAY!
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Issara Kiwaro


❥Location: Mango Island
❥Company: Kenchi
❥Outfit: Shorts and top over a bikini with this, this, and this

Issa tossed a grin over at the musician that landed by her side as he addressed her, nodding enthusiastically at his request. "Watching you blow on an instrument is enjoyable, hun," she teased good naturedly with a playful wink. "But yeah, I'd love to help out! I could use an extra set of guitar strings as well, my current ones are getting worn out from the abuse my fingers have been dishing out." With the addition of the Shanks descendant, their little family was quickly and nicely rounding out.

The little tidbits of conversation coming from two interesting looking girls farther up on the dock were lost on the vampire as she was suddenly knocked down by two romping lovebirds. Laughing at the seemingly endless energy of the cooking couple, they each got affectionate parting scratches to the tops of their heads before they bounded off. She had just straightened up, about to call back to Beni to pair the young girl up with someone, when a sudden explosion had her eyes flashing crimson as she looked for the source. The shot that had been fired had harmlessly hit the water and so she quickly assessed the situation, eyes returning to their normal blue. No one was hurt, no ill intent seemed to have been behind the random shooting; it merely appeared that the dark haired girl on the dock had been experimenting with the weapon. But that didn't stop her dear little sniper from returning fire.

"It's ok, sweetheart, that shot wasn't meant for us," the redhead called up to Beni with a reassuring wave, her curiosity sparked as she had seen the unbelievable reaction of the gun toter before they scrammed. An interesting duo to be sure, she hoped to run into them again later. But first there was a certain someone who she was hoping would be gentleman enough to treat a girl to whatever it was that was smelling so delicious. In the meantime, she looped her arm through Kenchi's and directed their steps towards the town, looking around with avid interest. "So, cutie, what shall we do first? That candied mango looks tasty--ooh, so does that fried mango! Hmm, or maybe a mango smoothie...." Every shop they passed contained mainly mango based dishes, causing her to snicker as she listed off several. "Hmm, what do you think their favorite fruit is here?" she asked her companion with a grin, wondering if she could find some mango salsa somewhere to sate her need for spice.

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born under a bad sign

Grim Skies

Akiko Kenichi

Original Phantom

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Sasha "Professor" Vegapunk

" I can calculate everything!"

''When i die?'' Sasha asked, adjusting her glasses. However, this was not one of intrigue, but her trying to prevent Justine from looking at her eyes. ''...I should have already died.'' She revealed. But her being a coward just might end the lives of millions. Justine saying she was wanted for Mass murder Did catch her a bit off guard. Judging from the way she said it, it was not something she did on purpose. Sasha placed her hand on the taller girls shoulder. '' I'm sorry.'' She said. This was what seperated her and her grandpa. Sasha had morals.

''So, you're wanted for Mass murder and i'm wanted for preventing one. Hehe, were a wierd team up.'' Sasha said before turning to Magnus. ''Hello to you too Magnus! Good doggie!'' She said, petting the dog. Once again however, Justine caught her offguard. She wanted to go back to the pirates?! Se couldn't take on an entire crew of pirates. She had to think fast. Luckily, that was her speciality. '' Ok ok, we will go...'' She said before graabbing her flying machine. ''But first...'' She said and activated it, floating out from the alley. ''Lunch! I know a good place!'' She said, flying onwards. Prehaps this all would work out for the best after all!

" From my heart and from my hand
Why don't people understand
My intentions, Ooh, weird science ! "

Where: Mango island
With: Black haired Dame and a dog
What: being nice for once.

{ OOC: .}

born under a bad sign

Dapper Cat

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> > xxx Location: Mango Islandxxx Company: The Stupid Swordsman Marcxxx Health: 100%xxx < <

                                                  "Food! I'll die if I don't eat!" came Marc's all too predictable reply, followed by a nodding of his head that was so vigorous that Naomi couldn't help but face palm out of annoyance. Surely whatever kind of brain he had in that noggin of his was smacking up against the front of his skull. Like she, or either of their cooks would actually let them a single crew member die from starvation.

                                                  Still, they had been pretty low on food lately. When you're stomach was growling for sustenance, it was rather hard to argue with it. "Fine, we can eat first then go shopping," she replied, following behind him as his long stride carried him ahead of her.

                                                  It wasn't a second later that the stupid swordsman whirled around to face her, simultaneously walking backwards. Marc had this charming look on his face that, for a split second, made her heart beat twice, but at the same time, made her want to smack him. This look was followed by:

                                                  "I'll take you to the finest restaurant on the whole island! A beautiful girl like you deserves only the best, Naomi-chan..." he said, holding her gaze in his. The kunoichi's face turned beet red again. Normally when he said things like that, she knew he was just being Marc. Just being the guy that just liked to flirt. But after what he'd said to her when they were alone during his recovery and the way he was speaking now... Well, it was just different. It seemed genuine. The typically vocal Naomi stared at him, speechless.

                                                  She was shaken slightly from her daze when he started to rummage through his pockets for what she could only assume was his wallet. It wasn't that big of a deal though, she'd brought plenty of extra beli with her just in case she'd found something neat to buy. Having to help pay for lunch instead wouldn't be a problem.

                                                  "Don't worry about it Marc-kun, I'll buy lunch today. I owe you for helping me so much---"

                                                  Any thoughts Naomi might've had for a NORMAL moment with Marc was completely ruined by what that idiot said before she could finish her sentence. Were boys stupid? Did they ALWAYS have to ruin everything?

                                                  "If you weren't in such a rush to get me out of my pants, I--OOF!"

                                                  This. Freaking. Idiot. Gone was the blushing, gone were the butterflies in her stomach, all in the blink of an eye. She was glad he'd walked into the stand, she hoped it hurt. Still, she would've rather pushed him off the docks instead. Maybe the water would've cooled off that stupid horn dog!

                                                  "Maybe instead of navigating with your pants, you should use that thing you call a brain!" Naomi quietly hissed at Marc while the shopkeeper's back was turned to produce more of the brightly colored drinks.

                                                  The scent they gave off was lovely, it was sweet like a flower. While Marc proceeded to apologize for his blunder, the doctor took a moment to look at the drink closer. The others had said something about smelling "mangoes" earlier. Naomi's country wasn't tropical, nor did it have many types of fruits. She couldn't recall when the last time was-- if ever, that she'd had a mango. Just as she was about to ask the shopkeeper for a taste-test, Naomi entered a part of their conversation that she wasn't prepared for.

                                                  "And what a pretty young lady! You young lovers look like you could use some honeymoon refreshments!"

                                                  Coming back up on this roller coaster of emotion, suddenly all of the blushing and irritation mixed together, making a very flustered kunoichi. "W-We're NOT on a honeymoon!" Naomi blurted out suddenly. She shot a look over at Marc, who wasn't even bothering to help correct the man's mistake. Was he that distracted by the stupid drinks or did he actually think they... were... NO, NO, NO!

                                                  "Hahaha, I'm sorry young lady! I guess you're boyfriend hasn't popped the question yet, huh?" the man laughed, his customer service smile remaining on his face despite the girl's sudden outburst.

                                                  Naomi's face had gotten so red at this point, it had was now the same color as her fiery hair, or maybe it would be better to say it matched her temper?

                                                  "Look ojii-san, you've got it all wrong! He's just-- Ugh... never mind," she slapped a 100 beli coin on the man's counter, her eyes narrowing as she looked up at the jolly man. Arguing with this man would just be a waste of her time. "One drink please."

                                                  "My wife and I used to fight like that when we were young, don't worry, you'll get past it." the man smirked, handing Marc a glass of yellow-orange liquid. Naomi gave the man an exasperated look, held her tongue, and thanked him for the drink.

                                                  Now that Marc had his stupid drink, Naomi groaned, feeling a headache coming on. Maybe instead of going out to eat or shopping for supplies, she'd just jump off the docks instead? At least then she would die of drowning rather than embarrassment.

Grim Skies

Dapper Cat

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> > xxx Location: Emerald Desire > Townxxx Company: Sheldon, Sarabi > No onexxx Health: 100%xxx < <

                                                  Marcel merely smirked, nodding in agreement when his sniper offered to help persuade the Cherry Feathers to behave should their conversation go awry. "I wouldn't expect anything less, brother." The hawkman's shoulders shook as he let out a hearty laugh. He couldn't ask for a more reliable sniper than Sheldon. Had he not had a superior sense of hearing and sight on that fateful day, Sheldon surely would've ended his life without him knowing.

                                                  "Thanks," he said to Sarabi before shoving a spoonful of her delicious chili into his expectant mouth. She'd made it just the way he liked it: spicy. His tongue burned like fire, but it was so good. While he enjoyed the meal, Sarabi was leaning over to talk to Sheldon.

                                                  "No problem Shelly, at least you know how to properly show your thanks! Unlike a certain captain I know." The young engineer huffed, sticking her nose up in the air. Yes, she seemed mad but she was really just poking fun at Marcel. She knew that the man appreciated her, he just wasn't the most vocal person around. Their captain was a man of actions, not words.

                                                  Speaking of Marcel, he'd wolfed down that chili like there was no tomorrow. The empty bowl was set down on the table with a dull clank, and the man rose from his seat with a contented sigh. Now that his stomach was nice and full, he was ready to go and meet the Cherry Feathers. Pausing to ruffle Sarabi's hair-- who protested loudly before hastily trying to fix it -- the captain looked at Sheldon who was still eating.

                                                  "Meet me in town when you finish here, I'm going ahead." Marcel informed him, then made his way towards the deck. Stepping into the warm sunshine, he walked over to the railing to look out at the island beneath him. His sharp eyes immediately settled on the small figures of the Cherry Feathers below. It seemed they were pairing up and heading into town.

                                                  He'd need to meet up Kiwaro without alarming her crew. Surely the sight of a shichibukai would be enough to set the entire town into a tizzy. The High Flyers weren't here to cause trouble, at least, they didn't plan on it. All Marcel wanted to do was learn more about the crew that interested him so much. If his hunch was correct, they would make a name for themselves in the New World.

                                                  Sprouting large feathered wings from his back, he leapt from the railing. He allowed several seconds of straight falling before finally unfurling his wings, where they caught air. Now he could safely drift to the ground below, only having to flap his wings once or twice to prevent himself from falling too fast. Once his feet touched the docks, his wings disappeared. It wouldn't do him any good to have people getting freaked out over his devil fruit powers.

                                                  Yellow hawk-like eyes zeroed in on Issara Kiwaro in no time, although there was a red-headed male with her now. He hadn't met this man at Skypiea, so he must be a new addition to the Cherry Feathers. Which meant he was more likely to be alarmed by Marcel's presence than one of those who had seen him before. Deciding it was best to follow from afar for a little while, the hawkman kept his distance and trailed after the two of them.

Akiko Kenichi

Canny Trickster

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Nakoa D. Momoa
"If there is something you need to do, then just shut up and do it!"

Nakoa looked and smiled softly as she nodded. That was all he needed, she didn't talk as much as some of the others so he got used to and appreciated her quiet nature, and the times when she did decide to speak, he listened. Soon as she was ready they were off. Walking down the docks and into town, they drew a bit of attention, mainly nakoa, a large muscled man wearing only a loose fitting pair of blue trousers with a silvery metal belt. no shoes, tattoo and white hair. Still though, no one made any fuss directly as they moved in through town, and once in, they could see the wealth of mangoes that island possessed and seemed to be famous for even.

They walked around town for a bit, Nakoa got them something light to snack on, of course it was mango something, but it was delicious none the less. They walked around for a bit, looking in at some of the shps near the docks before they settled to a restaraunt, it wasn't the largst or the most expensive, but it was quaint and peaceful, had plenty of customers and the employee's were generally in a good mood. Though once they made their orders, he sat with Beni at a table outside on the second floor porch. "To think, a week ago we were in sand hell, then drifting for a week at sea with barely any food, and now getting to stop at a place like this and just take it easy for a bit, and better yet, everything just seems so relaxed and easy going here. Best of all when you've got good company to share it with." He spoke as he stretched his arms out wide, before relaxing back into his chair.

That incident from earlier was still on his mind, but it wasn't an immediate threat or concern, so he pushed it out of his mind for the time being, on the others side of that coin though, Beni's reaction had been unnervingly fast, it was obvious she had been training, her improvement from before was more than noticeable. "You've gotten even stronger Beni. Guess all that time shooting at me is starting to pay off." He told her, complimenting on her improvement. He was happy that he could have helped her to improve, as a martial artist, there wasn't much he could do besides be a moving target for her, so he was happy he was at least able to help her improve.

Location: Mango Town
Company: Beni


ChikaDee's Bae

Sparkly Detective

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                                                                            Justine stayed silent for a moment, her smile dropping into a serious expression as she gazed down on the shorter girl with something akin to compassion in her eyes. Then she smiled again - warmer and more honestly than before - and stole Sasha's hat with a quick movement of her hand. "Everything happens for a reason, you know." Placing the hat on her own head, Justine looked up at the sky, an unanswered question in her features aimed at someone who could never again provide any answers at all. "You are alive, that means you are still needed. So you live on and try to make up for the crap you've done." She turned back to the shorter girl and grinned. "Am I right or am I right?"

                                                                            As a small hand found its way to her shoulder and an apology registered in her head, Justine realized that perhaps she was a little too rough on the kid. Sasha didn't look like a bad person, she was just out to do science - and in her defense, Justine had to admit that her Devil Fruit powers were pretty weird. It took her a very, very long while to figure out what they were all about for herself, and she was still nowhere near complete mastery over it.

                                                                            "That we are!" She answered much more cheerfully than anyone else in her situation probably would. Magnus replied with a loud, composed bark, but when Sasha went to pet him he whined in appreciation. He really was a sucker for getting his ears scratched. "Alright then!" Justine pointed a finger to the sky, assuming a determined pose. "Next on the agenda - lunch!" And there she was again, barreling after her new teapot-manipulating friend like a bat out of hell, with Magnus following close behind. She all but dragged Sasha into a nearby restaurant, flashing a bright smile to the man at the entrance, who could only laugh softly at the hyperactive girl that had become so familiar to them all in the past couple of weeks. Her happiness was contagious - it was hard for people to resist the honest innocent joy she seemed to exude. Magnus sat politely outside the building, knowing full well that he wasn't allowed inside. Still, the position he assumed, beneath the balcony of the second floor, allowed him to look out for Justine should anything happen - which he doubted.

                                                                            Justine was so deeply absorbed in her desire to find a table and seat herself and her friend down as quickly as possible, that she completely ignore where she was actually going - or who was in front of her. The fact that she, on instinct, was travelling up the stairs and out to the balcony - she had been to this place before, and this was always the best location to watch people hurry about their every day lives from above. Only the worried bark from below warned her of the upcoming obstacle, but it was already too late, and the next thing she knew Justine had knocked someone over and fell down together with them.

                                                                            "Owwwiiiieeeeee." She whined softly as she rubbed her head, quite sure that her hair was now in complete disarray from the fall. When she finally looked up to face the person she ran over, she blinked in surprise, then grinned from ear to ear. "Heeeey, you're that girl that tried to ruin my shoes!" There was no accusation in her voice. In fact, she seemed almost elated at the unexpected reunion. She hadn't been expecting to run into them so soon. "Can I play with your guns too? They look cool!"

                                                                                        01 ★━━━━ MANGO ISLAND
                                                                                        02 ★━━━━ SASHA, MAGNUS, SNIPER GIRL [BENI], WHITE-HAIRED GUY [NAKOA]
                                                                                        03 ★━━━━ MORE TOYS!

Dedicated Lunatic

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฿℮ηї $αℓα⑂α

"Let me use you as target practice. No? Your body. No? Your head. Still no? ..." *shoots anyways*


Where: 2nd floor of restaurant, on porch
With: Sasha, Justine, and Nakoa

The two of them walked around, eventually finding something to eat. Beni offered to pay her share, but Nakoa had already taken care of it before she could get her wallet out. That was awfully nice of him to do so. The young sniper couldn't think of why other than to treat her like a little kid. Or was this a date? She munched away at the mango-flavored candy, occasionally glancing at Nakoa as they passed by some shops. Right now, the priority was finding a place to eat. She made a note of all the shops she wanted to check after they finished their lunch. Off in the distance she could see rows and rows of trees dotted by yellow all over the island.
Nakoa seemed to realize she had been glancing by at some of the shops that caught her eye, so the next one they passed, and she was staring intently on its items, he suggested she go in. She flitted through the shelves, eyes wandering through the products, until she found a soap dispenser that had cute wolf-pups painted around it. She couldn't put it down even after paying for it, one hand holding the candy, the other onto the dispenser. It was only until they were seated at the restaurant and had to look at the menu did she put it down.
To agree with Nakoa's comment on the sand, she tilted her head to one side and started hitting her hand against her head, as if she still had sand in her ears.
Good company, he said. Beni didn't know how she was such. She hardly had any words for anyone, and mostly just stayed away from drama as much as possible. Naomi was a handufl, and Tyler...well, he may have been cute, but that sly leopard (or whichever cat she was) made him so much more unattractive. If anyone needed someone to talk to, and just vent to, she was there to listen, keeping her opinions to herself, unless her facial expressions gave her away.
And then Nakoa complimented on her reaction of the false alarm, yet impending attack from earlier. She blushed, as she always did with any comment. But she was also beaming as well. Hearing that delighted her. She motioned that Nakoa was still to fast for her, and the only thing that had improved was her ears. Her ears, being able to catch the precise sound coming from a certain point, and exactly how far away it was - was still a long ways off for her.
Before she could continue, her body was falling to the ground along with another body, knocking the table over as well.
"Madams, are you alright?" Rushed over a waiter.
Beni cracked open an eyelid, a throbbing in her skull from hitting the back of her head against the railing of the porch, which knocked her out for a few seconds, her eyes spinning round and round. She rubbed the little bump on her head, opening her eyes to see who had run into her at such a pace, and who but the girl with the dog from the docks, right in front of her, lying between her legs. Needless to say she was displeased yet slightly surprised to bump into the girl so quickly, but another look at the table told her that she was more than just displeased.
The cute soap dispenser lay beside her, broken in several pieces, and her heart dropped into her stomach. She turned back to Justine, who was now eyeing the guns strapped to her thighs, her skirt hiked up from the fall, barely covering her bottom.
Beni drew one pistol and pointed it at Justine's head. One, to see how she would react and if she could sense that there was no killing intent behind it, and, therefore, would find no reason to dodge. Two, to tell the girl that these pistols were off-limits.
She withdrew her pistol, putting it back in its holster, as the waiter set the table again. They had attracted some attention to themselves, but seeing as they had already ordered, it would be rude to leave without eating the chef's dishes.
She asked the waiter for a dustpan and a paperbag. As soon as she got the two, she started to clean up the broken soap dispenser. It looked like it hadn't splintered into tiny pieces, giving her some hope of repairing it by way of Kintsugi. Perhaps they could find some lacquer with powdered silver or gold. Hopefully it wouldn't be too expensive. They would have to make a visit to the potter. She put the bag on the table, and looked to Nakoa, pointing at the two chairs next to them, wondering if it was alright if Sasha and Justine sat with them. Since they were already there, it wouldn't hurt to eat a meal together. They seemed innocent enough, so she had no fear of them. Not to mention, Nakoa was there. He knew how to fight better than she did - after all, he was her mentor and training partner.

"...You're not very fun, are you. Won't even let me get some practice in..." *keeps firing*

Grim Skies
Akiko Kenichi
born under a bad sign
Kenchi Shanks Musician for the Cherry Feather Pirates

"Nothing puts a Spring in your step"
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Location:-New island
Who I am with-The crew

Kenchi felt a slight blush spread on his cheeks at Issa's comment about enjoying him blowing on an instrument. It seemed he would have to be careful with his wording around her unless he wanted to get a laugh. Still she had agreed to helping him out which in his book counted as a successful mission so far. Before he had a chance to ask Issa where she wanted to go a loud splash and gun shot took him away from his thoughts. He held a slightly panicked look on his face as he ducked ever so slightly. Looking up toward the crew he could see everyone was prepared to fight but here he was ducking. As Issa re-assured the crew the shot hadn't been ment for them he stood up letting out an annoyed sigh. Everyone else went to fight and he ducked so far his pirate life had been fighting off Marines once. Followed by ducking like a coward hopefully he would get better with a bit more time.

Issa wrapped herself around his arm and quickly began to leading them toward the Mango treats. Another slight blush spread across his face as she called him cutie and asked where it was they should go first. "Well Miss Issa I believe in an instance like this you are the one who decides where we eat. After all you are helping me out in picking out a new insturment. So it is only fair I treat you to a few treats here and there." he said smiling. "I just hope you don't "bouncing" from place to place though." he said. As he picked her up and produced springs on the bottom of his feet. Carefully he bounced over toward the shop with the smoothies and set her down. "Tell me Issa your not going to make me pay extra for your special toppings are you." he said gesturing toward the blood bag. "I won't mind of course just don't drain my expenses to much." he said laughing. Carefully he rubbed the back his head before ordering two smoothies for them. "Don't worry that was my last one I promise." he said


"Better then good friends and Music."

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Grim Skies

((If I missed anybody or need to edit let me know))

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