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Bashful Genius

Sheldon 'Deadeye' Skelter

"I'm no hero..."

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Sheldon chuckled nervously upon Marcel's mention of sparring with him. The two always had crazily destructive matches when they sparred, but up until now Sheldon was sure Marcel had been holding back just a bit. Apparently he would find out soon enough. “Ah, I was just getting' after your goat-" he said to Big Bro as he watched Serabi enter from the corner of his eye "If you've seen it, then you know I believe it, Big Brother. Hopefully they won't open fire on us until after you've said your piece. Let me know if they don't seem interested in talking: I'd be delighted to kneecap a few of them. You know...to get their attention and what not.

The Sniper nodded to his Captain in affirmation, he was almost certain it would not come to that though because of everything that happen during the last encounter. Suddenly, the smell of red hot chili pepper wafted its' way across the galley and into Sheldon's nostrils. The excited grumbles from the other shipmates told him that Serabi had started to bring out the chili.

"Oustanding!" Sheldon cried out as he pulled his bowl across the table away from Marcel's. With actually tears in his eyes, Sheldon stared down into his bowl while gripping his spoon tightly "Sarabi, I've been waiting all week for this. Thank you so much!!!"

"...Just a gun with some principles."

Location: In the Galley of the Emerald Desire
With: Marcel Mihawk, Sarabi (the engineer), and crew
Health: 100%


Dedicated Lunatic

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฿℮ηї $αℓα⑂α

"Let me use you as target practice. No? Your body. No? Your head. Still no? ..." *shoots anyways*


Where: Cherry Feathers' ship deck
With: the entire crew

Beni was having a hard time getting out of bed after Issa left for the deck. She had assured Beni wasn't the one for her probably, and she understood that he wasn't her type. Still, it hurt to see a crush with someone else. Watching the two of them giggling in the kitchen like newlyweds. It made her nauseous, thinking about that kitchen, and those two in it. Who knew what antics they were up to. Beni told herself to stop thinking so much, and to just let it be.
She turned from one side to the other, looking at the stairs that led outside. What was her type anyways? Certainly not someone who was as quiet as she, but not too talkative. Perhaps a thoughtful, caring, confident man, not flirtatious, neither overbearing or a pushover, but supported her. The closest to that description was...Nakoa.
Oh, bollocks! Thought Beni, throwing the covers over herself. She wasn't desperate to have someone now, but the incident with Naomi got her thinking "what if"s. And now wasn't the time for that, especially on an adventure as grand as this one. She could deal with crushes, but actual love with anyone on board? Not likely. It would be like dating a friend whom you couldn't or wouldn't date because the friend was just that - a friend. They were like a family to her., and Nakoa wouldn't be more than a brother to her. The more she thought about him, the deeper shade of red her cheeks turned. Beni threw the blanket on the ground, distraught. There was Marc, but he was too flirty, and Naomi liked him, though she wouldn't admit it now. And then there was Naji. It felt like forever from the last time she had an actual conversation with him. He was busy training, improving his powers, and every day, his Room got bigger. Maybe he was thinking about that short Admiral, who had taken the life of his previous captain, with the most delightful and sickening smile as she did so. She blocked out the memory of her father's face, twisted in horror as his breath was literally squeezed out of him.
The girl slid down from the hamper, her feet landing heavily upon the wooden floor, the swaying of the ocean currents rocking the ship this way and that. Beni picked up the blanket, heaving it onto the hammock, watching it swing from the weight and the rocking. She scowled, giving the wall a deft kick after staring at the hammock, like it was supposed to tell her something.
Beni made her way up to the deck, stowing her twin pistols on her leg straps. Nakoa was near Issa and Naomi, Naji was off to the side, and Marc was leaning over the railing, crying for food. Ashe and Tyler weren't done with the meal, it seemed. She looked in the direction of the kitchen, thinking of entering their domain or not, and thought against it. She looked out toward the island they were approaching, taking out her scope lenses and using it as a telescope. Nothing weird on the docks, just two girls with a dog. And a massive gun. Okay, maybe slightly weird.
Beni ran down to the barracks, remembering her empty backpack for carrying supplies and some extra loaded cartridges, just in case something happened while in town. She came back up, standing next to Issa, her eyes sparkling, a sign that she was raring to go. There was a delicious smell in the air that reminded her of a sweet fruit she hadn't had in a long time.

"...You're not very fun, are you. Won't even let me get some practice in..." *keeps firing*

Grim Skies
[quote="Akiko Kenichi"][/quote="born under a bad sign"]
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Issara Kiwaro


❥Location: Crimson Orchid
❥Company: No one > Naomi
❥Outfit: Shorts and top over a bikini with this, this, and this

Her second encounter with the flying shichibukai had been a brief one, but it had given Issa the boost she had needed in order to make sure she got her crew out safely. It hadn't been easy, but, with everyone pooling their abilities and determination, they had crushed the marine ambush. The son of the legendary Mihawk Dracule was long gone by the time the ship was free, though the redhead hoped it wouldn't be the last time he dropped in on them. His brain seemed like a treasure trove needing to be picked, plus the two had yet to really go toe-to-toe. Sure, he'd kick her a**, but that didn't mean she didn't want to give it a shot and test her worth! Plus he was pretty cute.

In the week that followed, the captain had basically given up on ever trying to rid her precious ship of the seemingly never ending sand. But that was the least of her problems. The tension among her family had only increased in the week that led them to their next island. No matter how many times she had sought out the dear doctor, she had been ninja-ed, eluded each and every time. And on top of that crap salad, Ashe and Tyler had been getting quite comfortable with their budding romantic relationship. Which certainly wasn't a bad thing in itself and provided the good natured captain with countless opportunities to tease the hell out of them. However it had broken poor Beni's heart to see her crush happy with someone else, triggering Issa's mothering drive. And then the food supply began to dwindle. Putting her family first, she often skipped meals with flimsy excuses such as she was on a diet or she was more in the mood for a liquid lunch. Hopefully the next island would allow for some much needed resolutions.

The vampire's insomnia keeping her from rest most nights, the wee hours of that morning found her thoughtfully stroking Beni's short locks as the small teen had taken to snuggling up in her bed. Carefully disentangling herself from the sniper so as not to wake her, the barefooted captain padded up to the barely lit deck after a brief stop by the fridge. Perching on the railing of the bow, she nipped off the end of the blood bag she had snagged and took a sip of the cold fluid, watching the sun come up over the horizon and cast shimmers of color across the ocean. It didn't seem to take long for the others to rouse themselves for the start of another day, some already going about their various responsibilities. Finally the island came into view, making her blue eyes crinkle with a smile. It was going to be a good day, she could feel it.

A quiet voice addressed her suddenly, causing her to blink out of her thoughts as she looked over to see none other than Naomi. The smile instantly grew into a grin, excited that her friend was finally speaking to her again and that she would now have the opportunity to clear the air between them. "Of course, Mimi darling, I've been wanting to talk to you too," she replied, shifting around to face the other female with their conversation. The apology took her by surprise, however, as she had thoroughly planned to be the one apologizing, having never intended to hurt the doctor with her actions. "Ah, sweetheart! No need to cry, it's ok! I'm the one who should be apologizing to you," she immediately cooed at the sight of tears, pulling the ninja into a tight hug. "Had I known how you felt about Marc, I would've guarded my tongue, I'm sorry." Chuckling softly to ease the tension, she placed a chaste kiss on Naomi's head before pulling back to brush away the leftover tears. "I would never intentionally make any kind of move on your man, I do hope you can forgive me." Her beaming face was bright and, as always, genuine with her expression as she pulled the other female in for another bone crushing embrace. "Ah, I'm so happy that we're friends again, Mimi-chan~!"

A sudden faint aroma interrupted the reconciliation as it wafted into the vampire's hyper sensitive nostrils, making her eyes fly open wide in recognition and pause in squishing the doctor. Still holding Naomi tight, she sniffed at the air, head swiveling to follow the direction the scent was coming from. "Spicy," Issa murmured ecstatically, practically melting as the flavorful smell overpowered the fruity smell coming from the island they were docking at and made a loud growl emanate from her empty stomach. It was coming from a now familiar ship that was hovering off in the distance over the land, turning her grin mischievous as she caught sight of it. Finally releasing her affectionate hold on Naomi, she ruffled the light colored hair of her slumber buddy as it appeared next to her, renewed vigor in her movements.

"Alright, my lovelies! It's been a pretty rough few weeks, I'd say it's high time we cut loose! Let's see what fun this place has to offer." Her hands went to her hips as she addressed her crew loudly, granting them permission to do as they pleased for the duration of their stay. "We'll get some grub before worrying about supplies. And Dr. Mimi, you'd better keep your swordsman patient close to keep an eye on him," she continued with a teasing wink at the younger woman, pairing the two up for the day at least. With the remainder of her blood bag tucked away on her person for later, and allowances divvied up days prior, she leapt nimbly onto the dock as the anchor was dropped. Giving a cat-like stretch with a deep, cleansing breath, her gaze flickered up to the floating ship once more as her lungs were filled with the delicious spice. Was it simply a coincidence?

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born under a bad sign

Grim Skies

Akiko Kenichi

Kenchi Shanks Musician for the Cherry Feather Pirates

"Nothing puts a Spring in your step"
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Location:-New island
Who I am with-The crew

Kenchi watched carefully as the rest of the crew began to emerge and prepare themselves for the next island. Looking over toward Naomi he could see she held the same look she had since the previous battle. Though Kenchi's idea of trying to talk to her didn't work out the way he had planned she seemed to have come to her senses slightly. Beni on the hand kept her same annoyed look at Tyler and Ashe. Though he hadn't been with the crew long he figured it was best to not pry unless it was brought. He had wanted to use her sniping skills as a way to improve his movement. But he would have preferred a non-murderous intent behind her shots. Nakoa had been doing his best to keep the ship in tip top condition and removing as much sand as he could. Marc was his usual self chipper and upbeat acting as though he wasn't in any real pain. He hadn't seen Naji to much which he didn't find all that odd even after barely speaking to the male. His only real concern was their Captain Issa she was doing her best to talk to Naomi but she always seemed to avoid her. He was hoping the previous argument and battle with the marines hadn't caused doubt to form.

His thoughts seemed to be brushed away as he caught a glimpse of Naomi being caught in a loving and some what fatal hug by their captain. Kenchi fought back a laugh as he noticed the grip increasing on the hug before Naomi was finally set free. In that brief moment the crew almost seemed like it was back to normal. At least as normal as he had seen anyway. Issa instructed them to cut loose and have fun on this next island. That was an order Kenchi was more then willing to follow. However he did have a few bits of work to get done before he could truly relax. But for him the work was going to be more fun then a hassle so he wouldn't truly be disobeying the captain's orders. As she jumped down and began to stretch Kenchi followed right behind her landing with a few loud boings. "Say Captain I am going to be looking for a few new instruments. I am sure you guys must be getting tired of hearing the same songs on a flute.." he said laughing looking back at the crew. Anyway I was wondering if perhaps you might assist me in picking out the right tool for my trade. All I have ever really used is a Piano and the flute. Figure I may as well expand my musical expertise so we always have something new to hear." he said smiling.


"Better then good friends and Music."

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Grim Skies

((If I missed anybody or need to edit let me know))

ChikaDee's Bae

Sparkly Detective

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                                                                            "Bubbles...?" Justine's eyes went round in wonder as she watched her companion float helplessly around until the bubble burst and the frightened canine sought refuge behind the raven-haired girl. Justine pouted, having tried in vain to poke the bubble, only to see it burst before she managed to touch it. "Bubbles! That's absolutely brilliant!" Justine clapped her hands excitedly once more, jumping up and down in excitement. Oh, she has never seen such a brilliant invention! She wondered if the strange glasses-wearing girl could make more bubbles appear at will. Was it some sort of Devil-Fruit-powered contraption? What was it made of? The questions were limitless in Justine's mind at that moment. "Isn't it just fabulous, Magnus?" The canine responded with a worried bark, throwing glares of distrust in the direction of the small girl. He, too, had never seen something that could create bubbles, and he sure as all hell didn't want to end up in one again. "See? He says he's sorry!" The dog couldn't help but sweatdrop at his friend's childish chirp - as much as she claimed to be close enough to him to understand everything he 'said', it was somewhat hilarious, and very frustrating, to hear her mess up his meanings completely. He had long since started to think that she was doing it on purpose - and knowing Justine, that may well be likely.

                                                                            "Nope!" She answered cheerfully. To be honest, she didn't even know that thing was a gun before just now. It seemed, however, that the girl would not hand over the strange weapon with just words, and Justine was just about contemplating using her powers to acquire the curious object, when the other girl's growling stomach gave her an idea. "Tell you what," She grinned, a mischievous glimmer lighting in her eyes that made her look eerily like a lioness sneaking up on her prey. The innocent, child-like smile on her lips and the childish features of her face definitely did not match the look in her one visible eye. "I'll make you a deal. You can have this bag of baked goodies," She held out the bag she had only recently acquired from the bakery - so recently, in fact, that it was still warm on the bottom. "And I get five minutes with that cool contraption of yours. Do you accept my terms?" It was a little mean, she realized, to use someone's hunger for the acquisition of her own desires, and yet her desire to play with the new object was far too great. She loved her toys. And besides, she had already decided that the little girl would get fed, whether or not she agreed to Justine's terms - her answer simply determined in what manner the game would proceed. Justine had already thought fifteen moves in advance, as if the whole situation was simply a child's game. In a way, it was.

                                                                                        01 ★━━━━ MANGO ISLAND -- DOCK
                                                                                        02 ★━━━━ GIRL WITH GLASSES, MAGNUS
                                                                                        03 ★━━━━ LET'S SEE HOW THIS GAME PLAYS OUT.

Original Phantom

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Sasha "Professor" Vegapunk

" I can calculate everything!"

''yeah, Bubbles. '' Sasha said. One shoudl not underestimate the trapping capabilities of bubbles. Though to be honest the bombs were filled with a 9 to 1 mixture of soap and cement. Didn't make any sense? Well, there was other stuff there too, but we won't go into detail about the science of bubbles. However, this girl complimenting her invention made her smile with pride. ''Well, im a a genius.''

The dog still glared at her though. ''Riiight...'' She said as the girl said Magnus was sorry. glaring at her didn't count as an apology in her book. Then it was her turn to sweatdrop as She said she had never used a gun before. Now she had to wonder did she even know what a gun is! What kind of backwards place did she live in?! However, her offer catched her interest. Sure, she might accidently shoot herself....but food. It could be dangerous.... but food. It was a stupid idea....but food. ''Ok, but don't point the hole of the cannon at anything living!'' she said, taking the cannon from bag and handed it to Justine, And snatched the bag of baked goods. The smell made her go wild, and she started to munch them like someone who had not eaten in two days....which she hadn't.

" From my heart and from my hand
Why don't people understand
My intentions, Ooh, weird science ! "

Where: Mango island
With: Black haired Dame and a dog
What: Eatin'.

{ OOC: .}

born under a bad sign

ChikaDee's Bae

Sparkly Detective

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                                                                            "No promises!" Justine giggled as she handled the weapon with surprising ease for someone her size. It certainly helped that, despite her size, Justine was much, much stronger than she appeared, and to her, the gun's weight offered no hindrance. "But I can't aim, so it's not a problem anyhow!" That, and she lied about never handling a gun before - she simply didn't use her pistols for their intended purpose. Hey, they worked as blunt tools, too! It wasn't her fault that her Devil Fruit messed up with her aiming abilities - unless someone literally moved at the speed of light, she would forever aim at where they were going to be instead of where they actually are.

                                                                            The arrival of a ship distracted Justine from her 'toy' for just a moment. Her face lit up yet again with a smile. Oh, what a wondrous day it was indeed - first a very amusing person showed up with an odd contraption, and then a ship! It was exactly what Justine had been waiting for all this time - a way off the island, a way to continue her journey. Temporarily shifting her attention from the weapon in her hands, she pulled out the camera trapped to her belt and snapped a picture of the new ship, and then of the pig-tailed girl munching on sweet mango treats. Rory would like this one, Justine thought, a smile gracing her features that was far from the usual childish smiles she gave everyone. She reminded her of the boy - they both had the same air of naive brightness that Justine herself had long since lost. She would stick around this little 'genius', Justine decided, at least until the newly-come ship decided to depart. At that point, the raven-head would have no choice but to sneak on board, like she had so many times before with so many other ships, or risk being stranded on this island for yet another unknown stretch of time.

                                                                            "Okay, time to play!" Justine dropped the camera to its original place, giving the gun in her hand all the attention it undoubtedly deserved. Seeing the bright grin light up Justine features, Magnus barked a soft warning, knowing full well that such an expression could only mean trouble. Justine wasn't exactly known for being lucky - in fact, she had exceptional bad luck - and she, on her own, was bad enough. Her with a potentially destructive weapon? Yeah, that was a recipe for disaster right there. "Oh boo you!" Justine exclaimed, sticking her tongue out at the canine. "It's an adventure! It'll be fun!" She giggled happily as she twirled around, gun in hand, and pointed it at the first thing that came into her field of view - which just so happened to be the stretch of water not too far off from the newly-arrived ship. With a wide grin on her lips, she pressed the trigger, giggling the whole while.

                                                                            The impact of the projectile against the azure water was bigger than Justine expected, as was the backlash from the weapon itself. Not expecting the sudden force,the girl stumbled backwards and fell, landing on her behind with a soft thud. The large, loud splash created by her target practice - if you could call it that - sent water flying in all directions, some of it ending up on the new ship, while a substantial amount soaked Justine's skirts and hair. None of the above seemed to have any negative effects on the girl herself, however, as she proceeded to sit there - wet skirt and all - and laugh like a happy toddler that finally got attention from her parents, her happy laughter ringing around the dock.

                                                                            Unbeknownst to her, however, the sudden movement and the water that followed messed up the arrangement of Justine's hair, to the point where the previously hidden half of her face was now exposed - odd golden eye and all. Justine seemed oblivious to that fact, too absorbed in the entertaining little event that just transpired.

                                                                                        01 ★━━━━ MANGO ISLAND -- DOCK
                                                                                        02 ★━━━━ GIRL WITH GLASSES, MAGNUS, PIRATE SHIP PEOPLE
                                                                                        03 ★━━━━ WHAT FUN! I NEED TO GET ONE OF THESE CANON THINGIES~

Original Phantom

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Sasha "Professor" Vegapunk

" I can calculate everything!"

Food. Food was awesome. Especially after starving. Sasha was completely focused on devouring whatever this Mango tasting conditory was. Right now she didn't care, she was so hungry. A Camera shutter sound brought her out of daze. Did the girl take her picture. She didn't know what a gun was, but knew a camera. Suspicious. ''Hey, i don't like to be photographed! I'm a-AH!'' She shouted but was interupted.

For her Cannon went off in Justine's hands, Sending the raven haired girl falling into the dock. But while Getting wood slammed into your back was bad, a worse thing was that he almost shot a ship! And a pirate ship nonetheless! Oh no, they were gonna be pissed! And not only that, the sound startled her so much she accidently dropped her food into the dock! Damn, she had only half eaten them! ''YOu bloody idiot!'' She said, Only for water to splash on her as well.

This was going to be another one of THESE days.

''You could have seriously hurt someone! Would THAT be fun?'' She said, yanking the gun From Justine's hands without Mercy, Scolding her from laughing. Sure she liked to blow up mean people with her cannon, but not for no reason! '' Note to self. Create an idiot safety for inventions.'' She said, Before Helping justine back on her feet. ''now let's get out of here before those pirates kick our behinds. '' She finished, grabbing her hat and squeezing the water out of it.

" From my heart and from my hand
Why don't people understand
My intentions, Ooh, weird science ! "

Where: Mango island
With: Black haired Dame and a dog
What: Angry

{ OOC: .}

born under a bad sign
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Tyler Ignis & Ashelyn Glacias

With: Their crew and too much sand.
Health: 100%, fed up with sand, starving.
Where: New Island
((OOC: All around the redheaded girl, the fox chased the kitty. The fox thought it was all in fun till BAM goes the kitty. ))
Food is always a gift...

Tyler yawned as Ashe was practically bouncing next to him, excited to finally be on an island where she could run free for once. Plus food. Everyone needed food and she wanted to cook some more, turns out Tyler was a good teacher for her. They both paid attention as their captained addressed them, taking the leash off them for the island.

Ashe grinned, and before her sleepy partner knew what was happening, she had snatched up the sword off his back. She jumped back a bit, grinning. "You know the rules."

Tyler frowned, reaching for it. "Give it back!" He pouted, failing to grab it from her quick grip. "Nuh uh! Play by the rules." She tossed his sword high into the air, before jumping and shifting in a snowleopard in the air. She grabbed the sword sheath in her teeth, before landing, leaning down on her front paws and waving her tail playfully.

Tyler glared at her, but still had a small smirk on his face. Ever since Ashe found out Tyler was pretty terrible at controlling his devil fruit power she was determined to help him. She was pretty much a master at her, just short of reaching the next step, so she figured as the only other zoan on board she could help him a little. So she made the rule, when she was a snow leopard, he had to be a kitsune, with only one tail to start on basic control.

Tyler frowned but shifted into a kitsune, with only one tail behind him as a little fireball floated around him. At one tail, he was smaller than the large snow leopard, but that didn't sotp him from leaping and trying to get the sword. Ashe was gone in a flash as she leapt off the boat, Tyler right behind her.

For a minute the flaming fox chased snow leopard as she ran in circles around Issa. The two animals zig zagged around her, Ashe using her superior agility to keep Tyler off guard and trip him up. She jumped as Tyler lunged, knocking both of them and Issa to the ground in a large heap. Ashe licked Issa's cheek in apology for dragging her into her game before she dashed off, snatching up Tyler's sword in her mouth again and running off into the island, Tyler running right behind after nudging Issa in apology.
...but tastes better when shared.

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Dedicated Lunatic

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฿℮ηї $αℓα⑂α

"Let me use you as target practice. No? Your body. No? Your head. Still no? ..." *shoots anyways*


Where: Mango Island
With: The crew ondeck

Beni was doing her best not ot look at Ashe and Tyler, and even more difficult it was to keep her hands off her pistols and the triggers. She pulled at Issa's arm, wondering who her shopping buddy was for today.
"Issa~~~"," she whined, ready to be on her way. Suddenly a loud explosion rocked the ship from side to side. Doing her best to steady her balance, she made her way to the side of the ship, pulling out her pistols. She looked over the edge to see the girls and the dog, with one of their hands on a fat firing weapon of some sort. Without waiting for questions and answers, she fired two warning shots near where Justine and Sasha's feet were.

"...You're not very fun, are you. Won't even let me get some practice in..." *keeps firing*

Grim Skies
[quote="Akiko Kenichi"][/quote="born under a bad sign"]

ChikaDee's Bae

Sparkly Detective

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                                                                            "It's not very nice to insult people." Justine pouted like a child that had been denied candy for bad behavior. Despite this, she still reached for the girl's hand, making sure to avoid skin contact. She did not like the flashes she got from people as a result of her powers acting out on their own - it was invasive for one, and gave her headaches for two. Besides, she wasn't in the business of forming close emotional connections with people at this point, and one could not help but form a bond with someone whose past they had just witnessed. It was best to keep away from that, if at all possible.

                                                                            "Of course it would!" Justine answered with a smile. "It means I get to play with them and---" Justine paused, eyes widening ever-so-slightly slightly as a clockface manifested in her golden eye, the clockhands moving forward as they revealed the incoming shots moments before they actually sounded. Acting on instinct in response to the warning, Justine grabbed the smaller girl by the hand and nimbly jumped back, pulling the other along with her. Her feet had barely touched the ground when the fired bullets lodged themselves in their destination - far too close to the girls' original position for Justine's liking, but just far enough from their current location to be of no concern. Magnus growled and barked at the unseen assailant, moving swiftly to stand before Justine in an attempt to protect his dear friend from any further danger - but what could he do, really? The canine's forte was close combat and agility, he was less than useless in a long-ranged assault. Placing a gentle hand on the dog's head, Justine rubbed circles in his fur to soothe him, while her eyes turned to the ship. The clockface disappeared, for now - it would do little good to show off her powers now, she reasoned.

                                                                            Her eyes made brief contact with the woman who had just fired on her, bright orbs flickering to seriousness for a brief moment. It was a chess game in Justine's head - assess the new opponent, see what they would do. Just for a moment, the girl's lips twitched upwards in a genuinely amused half-smile. She liked these people already. The girl with the gun - Justine assumed she was the sniper or something of the like, judging by the weapons in her hands and the proficiency with which she fired just close enough to frighten, but not enough to wound - had shot without asking questions, and that took courage. That, or she was just plain stupid, shooting at someone who could, potentially, be dangerous. Not that Justine could honestly blame anyone for the latter - she didn't exactly look intimidating. She didn't consider herself to be intimidating, either, but she knew quite a few people - mostly Marines - that didn't seem to agree with her.

                                                                            The moment passed and Justine turned to the glasses-wearing girl with her usual childish smile still in place. "Aww, you dropped your food!" She pouted, placing a finger to her lips as if in deep thought. Then she smiled again. "I know! How about we get you more goodies? I still have some cash left over, if you want." Now, she wasn't going to mention that she obtained said cash from stealing from the very pirates whose ship she hid away on - those were but details, entirely irrelevant to the case. What was relevant, however, was the fact that Justine was acting like the entire situation with the ship's sniper did not happen at all.

                                                                            Playing around with pirates was generally a very bad idea, but Justine never fit into the 'general' category. She was bored - her heart felt empty, as it had been for a very long while now. She wanted to be entertained, for it was only when she was otherwise occupied that the sorrowful voices of her inner thoughts left her alone. She didn't want to be bored. She didn't want to be lost. She wanted to play the game, win or lose.

                                                                                        01 ★━━━━ MANGO ISLAND -- DOCK
                                                                                        02 ★━━━━ GIRL WITH GLASSES, MAGNUS, PIRATE SHIP PEOPLE
                                                                                        03 ★━━━━ WELL THEN, LET'S START THE CHESS GAME!
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« Cherry Feathers Swordsman »
[Location] Near Delicious Mango Island! [Company] The Crew [Mood] Intrigued -- still very hungry
Scarlet & Sinner's Stake

The sight of Naomi approaching Issara broke Marc from his hunger pangs. Still hanging over the railing lazily, he watched the exchange with keen interest reflected in his crimson eyes. He could not hear what they said, but body language spoke volumes in this case. Especially Naomi's. He seized any chance he got to admire her body language, after all.

But it was not a lecherous gaze he cast on them, but one of admiration and tender fondness. His lips cracked in a thin smile. It looked like things would be just fine between the two, and that made Marc very happy.

Soon Issa announced their plans for the day, and Marc's stomach grumbled in response as he caught the most wonderful smell of sweet and spicy foods in the air that made his mouth water. And that is pretty much all he had the energy to do, wait for the ship to dock as he hung over the railing, drooling.

At least until the sudden crack of gunfire peeled through the air.


The huge splash created by the gunshot receded, revealing Marc utterly drenched in sea water, crouched on the railing of the ship directly in front of Naomi to shield her from any harm coming from the same direction -- the island. His hands clutched the hilts of his swords, and his crimson eyes bore his steady, unyielding gaze directly across the water to the girl with heterochromia and her new friend. Although he reacted instinctively to a potential threat, there was no hatred in his crimson eyes. There was only intense focus that could be felt even without skills in Observation Haki.

Marc wondered if it had been some kind of a warning shot, but the two girls did not exactly look like the typical guards wary of pirates. Beni responded in kind with warning shots of her own. Marc was thankful the sniper was so dependable. He never liked fighting snipers himself. It required way too much moving around dodging bullets and chasing after them, and not enough back-and-forth. His eyebrow twitched with curiosity as he watched the raven-haired girl pull the other one away, reacting far too quickly for it to be mere coincidence. But then she seemed to go on and act as if nothing happened at all. Probably a lot like Marc would, honestly.


"Maybe that's their way of saying 'Hello' here," Marc wondered aloud, as it quickly became apparent the pair on the docks did not look like they were out for a fight. At least not just two against a whole pirate crew. He hadn't even noticed the approach of the flying ship yet, keeping his eyes fixed on the odd pair on the docks -- in part because the closer their ship drifted and the better look he got, he realized the raven-haired girl that caught his attention was a serious cutie.






Akiko Kenichi


born under a bad sign


Canny Trickster

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Nakoa D. Momoa
"If there is something you need to do, then just shut up and do it!"

Nakoa was glad to hear that they'd have time for rest and food. He was ready for a vacation. Though as it was brought up, shopping and such, he wondered a moment, and looking to the others as they were paired up....his eyes fell to Beni. The two often trained together, he using her marksman skills to outrun to work on his speed and movement, while she got to practice on a high seed moving target. But how much did they really associate beyond that and the normal? Perhaps it was time to change that. He was about to say something when a sudden blast caught his attention, followed a moment after by a great big splash and sudden water on them.

Nakoa had moved at the sound of the canon fire what it seemed like, his own sense of vibration having caught it first before others, as he moved to look to the source. Seeing the girls, he gritted his teeth, but beni was the first to react, firing off shots at their feet but... her movements and the vibrations she put off.... she had reacted faster than the bullets had been shot...no, not faster, but before. Narrowing his eyes, he wondered about them, but as they seemed to go their way, he sighed. Marc made a comment and he shook his head. "Doubt it. But I guess we'll find out....be prepared though." He stated a loud.

With that over though, he turned his attention back to ebni, looking to her, he approached her after he retrieved his weighted belt, pulling it back on and augmenting it's weight back to his standard weight, feeling back to normal. "Hey beni. Feeling like heading into town with me for food and supplies then?" He asked.

Location: ship
Company: Cherry Feather Crew

Grim Skies





Akiko Kenichi


born under a bad sign


Original Phantom

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Sasha "Professor" Vegapunk

" I can calculate everything!"

Sasha grunted. Insults? Hardly. Scolding? Extreamly. Even Justine's puppy dog eyes did not help. Then however, something caught her eye. ''Umm Girl? Your golden eye has a clock in IIIIIIIT!'' She said, but was interupted near the end, As Justine suddenly grabbed her hand and jumped out of the way of bullets! the problem was that she had jumped way before the bullets had even been shot! The yank had been so sudden Sasha lost her footing and fell on her butt to the deck. However, this did allow her a moment to put 2 and 2 together.

''You!'' She said to Justine, pointing at her golden eye. ''You're a Devil fruit user!'' She said, It made perfect sense. People don't have golden eyes! However, that was neither here or there. ''Sure, follow me!'' She said, grabbing something from her rucksack. it looked like a Metal teapot with handles, but when she raised it up, two rotating blades came out and she took from the ground, flying out from the docks about 5 meters above the ground. It wouldn't be that hard to keep up with her, as she fle about running speed. Well, not Sasha's running speed, she was a nerd. Thus they made their getaway from peaplo shooting at them.

" From my heart and from my hand
Why don't people understand
My intentions, Ooh, weird science ! "

Where: Mango island
With: Black haired Dame and a dog
What: escape!

{ OOC: Short Post i know .}

born under a bad sign

ChikaDee's Bae

Sparkly Detective

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                                                                            "H-Huh?" Justine panicked internally at the sudden accusation, her cheerful, childish personality slipping for a moment. Her hand shot up into the practiced gesture of adjusting her bangs to fall over her left eye. She had been careless today, it seemed, as she allowed her own delight and the promise of alleviation to her boredom had made her throw caution to the wind. She was not sure how much those on the ship had seen, but Justine was going to make sure she never made the same mistake again. "I don't know what you are talking about." And there was the childish way of ignoring the issue that Justine seemed to have become so very accustomed to. She owed this girl no explanation - if anything, she should be thanking her! Okay, maybe not really, since there was no actual threat, but... Ah, whatever, Justine wanted praise anyways. Even if she did just deny the whole thing happening - her mind didn't have to make sense as long as it worked. And work it did indeed.

                                                                            "Awww.... But I wanted to play with them!" Justine pouted, then briefly turned and shot a mischievous smile up at the ship's crew, waving a hand in temporary farewell. Oh, she was going to see them again - if all went according to plan, she would be getting off this island on their ship, preferably without their knowledge, but it wouldn't be the first time she had to play the captive either. 'I'll see you later!' she mouthed at the strangers before turning on her heels towards her shorter companion.

                                                                            The bespectacled girl was full of wonder, it seemed - and Justine was thoroughly pleased with how she didn't cease to amaze her. "'Tis a teapot!" Justine observed, eyes wide in wonder. "But it flies! Are you seeing this, Magnus?" She pointed a finger to the strange contraption, turning her head to look at the canine. If dogs could facepalm, that would undoubtedly had been the expression on Magnus' face, but, being a dog, he settled for the next best thing - lying down on the dock and hiding his nose under his paws. Justine was crazy, he was sure, and while he had known that for a very long while now, he still couldn't get used to it. Oh, he loved her, that was for sure, but despite all of her intelligent in battle and in chess, Justine's eccentric nature threw him for a real loop sometimes. In his reigned stance, Magnus missed the slight upward curl of Justine's lips - a fond smile directed to her one most loyal friend. The one friend that actually managed to live through the 'bad luck' she seemed to inflict on those around her.

                                                                            Humming softly to herself, Justine took off half-skipping after the girl and her strange flying teapot. Magnus followed suit, throwing one last worried glance towards the ship and the people on it. It was certainly a strange day they were having... Justine was loving it.

                                                                                        01 ★━━━━ MANGO ISLAND -- DOCK
                                                                                        02 ★━━━━ GIRL WITH GLASSES, MAGNUS, PIRATE SHIP PEOPLE
                                                                                        03 ★━━━━ I WILL BE BACK TO PLAY WITH YOU~
                                                                                        Grim Skies

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