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Canny Trickster

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Nakoa D. Momoa
"If there is something you need to do, then just shut up and do it!"

Nakoa watched Beni out f his peripherals as he walked with her, training himself even then to read her signs with his peripheral vision, so he wouldn't always have to look at her directly to talk to her like this. What she 'told' him through her signs, as he was learning her unique sign language, was that there was a grump of an old man, drunk and was said to be a scientist for the marines...or was, if he was reading that sign right...excommunicated, right that's what that sign meant. He had wondered a moment, a marine scientist on this island would be a very bad thing, but an ex one, well not so bad. So this scientist apparently could give beni her vision back with a new eye... Definitely worth more than just a shot in his book.

So they made their way to the local pub where this rumor supposedly was and on Nakoa's judgement, did not approach immediately. They didn't know how this man would react to people just asking for his services, and obviously they couldn't be the only one to hear the rumor, so patience and observation would help them here. So they took a seat in a booth and Nakoa ordered them some drinks and light food, nothing heavy... Inadvertently turning their little stake out of their intended target into a mini somewhat kinda not really private date ish sorta thing. Nakoa was happy with it and didn't say much, though lightly spoke with beni and teased her a bit. But he didn't let it go much farther, not now, they were here for a purpose after all. Still, it was nice, not as nice as their date on Mango island........ he banished that thought aside as that was with the old crew and decided to let this moment remain a good one.

Thankfully before he could sour the mood for himself with memories, more pirates came in and these one walked with a purpose up to the bar. Nakoa nodded to beni, this is what they were waiting for. Laying out the beli for their bill, Nakoa edged out to the end of the bench of their booth to be ready to get up if need be and watched closely. The man who had been drinking drank in excess and wanted to drown himself in it apparently, he noticed other things about the man, but as the group approached him and spat off at the mouth. The exchange wasn't violent but hostile as the pirates became threatening while the man reqused until it almost turned ugly. Then beni showed that even with one eye and not at her best, she was still the fastest gun on the open seas. He'd swear up and down when she did those quickdraws of hers, he only heard a single gunshot when in fact it had been multiple shots in rapid fire succession so fast it was damn near impossible to tell at first.

The rubber bullets shot at the pirates hands, disarming them and Nakoa rose, as she fired again at a man's crotch. Nakoa smired at that, but when they turned to charge at beni, despite knowing ben didn't need to help, he still did so. His face turned murderous and in the moment they registered him standing beside beni, the first was falling down clutching his abdomen, his world nothing but debillitating pain from the inside as he hit the ground. The other two didn't fair much better, the next going down with the same resistence at the first; None. The third was able to notice the first had gne down from a hit, but was only able to widen his eyes as he saw nakoa's fierce gaze mere inches from his own before his world too became incomprehensible from inside his own body. The three would writhe in pain that had no physical wounds to show, btu they'd remember it, the strikes he delivered meant to induce pain, not kill.

Turning back to beni, he smiled to her, walking over and holing a hand for her to take and guiding her across the room, unceremoniously stepping on the bodies of the writhing pirates and helping beni over or on and them over, which ever she preferred. walking her up to the bar, he stood near the man now and picked the mug up off the floor, setting it down and then followed by a few more beli to pay for a new drink for the man. "So it would seem you are the one to see about erm..." A glance to beni in slightly nervousness trying to pick his words without being hurtful. "Replacement parts... My name is Nakoa Mamoa and my partner here is Beni Salaya. And we'd like to talk to you about that, if you don't mind." He spoke, being polite and courteous, they were the asking party after all.

Location: Moon Island
Company: Beni



Kenchi Shanks wandering Pirate

"Nothing puts a Spring in your step"
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Location:-Star Island
Who I am with-Saul
Thoughts-Let this be my lucky day please.

Kenchi only remembered getting a few people knocked out of the ring the giant Saul being one of the them. After that everything was a blur aside from waking up on a boat with not price money to show. Looking around he could see he was with a few others from the previous island including Saul. Beni and Nokao were there as well though he continued to avoid extended conversation. Once the ship docked he found his next quick way to earn some money. This time though with a pie eating contest which he was not to found of. However given the rules just stated the winner was decided by who had the most plates with anything goes rules he quickly changed his mind.

Taking a seat he could see his biggest issues was also his greatest asset. Sitting on the stage was none other then Saul causing a slight smile to spread across Kenchi's face. Taking a seat a few places down from the large man he offered him a friendly wave and smile. "Hey big man don't hold back on us now when I win this I want it to be fun. So go crazy and stuff yourself got it."he said offering a thumbs up. Saul was the only one he recognized so far and that was both good and bad. Great cause he knew swiping plates would be easy from the big man. Bad because he had no idea if anyone else had a devil fruit powers or not. If he was gonna win this money he just needed luck to be on his side...just this once at least.


"Better then good friends and Music."

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((If I need to edit let me know))

Desirable Smoker

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                                                Bao growled childishly as Aileous grabbed the kid and the bag and dashed out the diner. Awkwardly, he rose his hand to his head and literally pulled out the bullet that was lodged to his head as he ran behind Aileous, passing the knocked out bar owner outside of the street . He stopped momentarily, crouching down and placing the bullet on his lap. "Sorry mister. Your Lasagna was the bomb th-" interuoted by a yell of Aileous asking him what the hell he was doing, he rose to his feet and dashed behind his first mate, all the while laughing while blood leaked out the side of his head. After a few minutes the three of them found themselves hiding in an empty yet large garage. You could tell it was abandoned and not used for years, jt was perfect. Bao was pushing Aileous awag from him like a kid as she tried to patch up his injury, shaking his head and pouting. "I'll be fine. Humans heal up naturally over time, the white cells in my body are already accelerated and healing me up naturally" he grinned as he rose his hand and poked at the tiny hole which was already scabbing up. It started leaking blood again as he accidentally peeled it off. What the hell was up with his body ? He really was a monster.

                                                Bao looked over to Eniroshi, crossing his arms over his now bare chest as he cocked his head sideways. "You got me shot, you ruined my lasagna. And now people are looking for us because you broke a window" not true, they were obviously on the hunt for them because he ruined the dinner and punched that dude in the face. "Aileous. We need to get off this island already...im already bored as s**t" he whined to his first mate, poking the bag that was sitting next to Eniroshi.

                                                Outside of the factory, a pidgeon sat on the roof of a building not to far away. He had a tiny had on and a mic wrapped around his neck, and his dotted black eyes observed the factory with interest. "CAWK. FOUND THEM. FACTORY. AILEOUS AND BAO PIN POINTED. WILL STAND BY. CAWK" Although it sounded like he was yelling, the pidgeon was still pretty far for anyone to actually hear it. It perched itself quietly on the roof....and waited.

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Friendly Bud

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                                                    ⇰ THEY CALL ME von Krieger, Ginnette von Krieger
                                                  FARMER • FOOD • LAUGHS • ADVENTURE • FRIENDS

                                                  She was casually strolling down the road, a mini map in one hand and an apple in the other. Heading to a new comedy club, she heard that this one sometimes interacted with the audience. Ginnette smiled excitedly and did a little shake. She really was in the mood for a good laugh. Since her last outing consisted of being stuck on a ship without captain, and an extremely inexperienced crew. She wanted something to brighten her spirits. Gin stopped and glanced at the map again.

                                                  She took a bite out of the apple and looked around, she was trying to get a bearing for where she was on this island. There really isn’t much to go off of from this map She thought to herself, as she sighed and stuffed it into her pocket. She looked around and saw a taller building, ”Perfect, I can get my bearings from the top of that!” She pulled her pack off and pulled out some rope. She tied it to one of her arrows that she pulled out from the quiver. Nocking the arrow on her bow she lined up her shot, taking into account of the weight of the rope, she let go. The arrow soared through the air onto the top of the building.

                                                  She tugged on the rope to ensure that it was secure. Then she put her bow over her shoulder and the pack over the other and started to climb the building. Once at the top, she looked over at everything, apparently this town was a little busier than she thought. She looked around, and she spotted a commotion, people were sitting at a long table, but she needed a closer look to know why. Gin tied the rope onto the roof, and slid down into the street. Once she slid down to the ground, she skipped over to the gathering crowd, and slowly moved her way though the crowd. She could hear cheering and a voice over a speaker. ”Well, well, whale, what happened here? Hmm,, let’s investigate!” Ginnette chuckled to herself. Once she made it to the front she saw that the people sitting at the table were eating as much pie as they wanted.

                                                  Not realizing that it was a contest, she went right up to the table, it was up on a small stage. She noted the mass quantities of pies, and pieces of pie, that were everywhere. There was an older gentleman standing off to the side of the crowd, He was staggering, keeping to himself, drinking foamy apple juice. ”Excuse me sir, how does one get on the stage to eat the pie?” Ginnette asked as she stretched out her hand to shake his, secretly to enhance his curiosity to be like hers. The old man shook her hand, even as odd as it was to shake hands with a stranger, without introducing yourself.
                                                  ”Whatcha mean little lady, Whatcha’s name?” His curiosity was peaked, but he wasn’t explaining what she wanted to know. She began to get frustrated and in turn the old man started to get frustrated, he began to quickly down his drink. Quickly Ginnette let go of the old man’s hand and he slurred some gibberish, took a swing at her and tripped over his own feet. He wound up face down knocked out. ”Yikes,, that wasn’t helpful” She stepped away and quickly looked around, hoping that no one saw what just happened.

                                                  MOODCurious, but Confused
                                                  LOCATION Crowd around mini stage ↬ STARRRR Island
                                                  COMPANY Drunken Old man
                                                  OCC Let me know if I need to change something, or it’s off or anything.

                                                  ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯


                                                  Akiko Kenichi

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Eniroshi Yanishiro


So much happened so quickly Eniroshi though time had become a blur. The man whose table he had gone flying over and in turn had knocked his food onto himself had displayed an interest in both Eniroshi and Baggy. However, he was interrupted by a loud bang and as Eniroshi watched the bullet hit the man that was talking to him his mouth opened up in fascination as he saw that the bullet had hardly pierced the mans skin at all. This was something new he hadn't seen before and Eniroshi's curiosity was instantly peaked. He had so many questions that he wanted to ask the man. How did his skin stop the bullet? Did it hurt? Would it stop any projectile? As the man threw the owner of the diner out the window Eniroshi was about to ask a question when he was interrupted by the mans companion. She called the man Bao and obviously was none too pleased with the turn of events that had unfolded because of him.

As Eniroshi was about to speak he was interrupted by the girl who made him feel like a child again as she scolded him. He felt like he was back living with his grandfather all over again. As he was about to pout he was again interrupted as the woman literally dragged him out of the diner. He was tired and hungry and the scrap of food he had gotten in the diner had only made his hunger worse. If she would only give him a moment he could grab some of the food out of baggy. When they finally stopped Eniroshi looked around and finding himself in a empty looking building of some kind decided that he would rest and plopped himself on the ground. Only half listening to the man called Bao address the woman who was named Aileous Bao casually opened up baggy and then half of his torso disappeared inside of him. Eniroshi rummaged around inside of baggy, pushing several weapons out of the wa,y looking for some food he had left stockpiled inside of baggy. Grinning widely as he found some meat he had left over from his most recent meal Eniroshi pulled his body along with the leg of meat out of the bag and started to hungrily eat it not realizing how strange this would be to the other two in the building with him.

As Eniroshi munched away at the leg of meat his bag, who he had just been torso deep in moments earlier, grew a pair of legs and arms and then turned towards the man named Bao and glared at him saying "Poke me again and lose the finger youngin'. What do you want?"



Dedicated Lunatic

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d oxxxxxy o uxxxxxk n o wxxxxxw h a txxxxxc h a o sxxxxxi s ?
I t ' sxxxxxt h exxxxxs o u n dxxxxxo fxxxxxo r d e r

☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯
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Where: Moon Island
With: Bao, Enishiro, and Baggy

"You say that..." Aileous, replied, looking a little worried. "But the log pose I have hasn't set yet." Her ears moved in the twitched in the direction of the log pose resting on her wrist. The needle had yet moved from its original spot. It had not yet been a day. Bao would have to wait for the entertainment. But he seemed to be faring well - he had distracted himself by poking the boy's animate bag, which surprisingly grew limbs and talked back to him. Aileous giggled. "If I didn't know any better, I would guess we'd found another to join our crew. What is your name, boy? I'm sure you already know ours, but just in case - We're the Black Hearts, newly formed crew under Captain Bao."
She gestured towards Bao, who was now pinching and pulling at the bag's supposed cheeks (or, where he thought they were, since the opening was its mouth), and then bowed at the boy. "My name, is Aileous. A pleasure to meet you." Her bat ears flicked in response, most likely catching his attention if he hadn't already noticed them.


Dedicated Lunatic

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฿℮ηї $αℓα⑂α

I shouldn't be alive...

Where: Star Island

Beni took Nakoa's hand, and the two walked across the floor, occasionally stepping on poor b*****d every once in a while, the bodies emitting painful groans as a result. One tried to get up and draw their gun, but Beni was too quick for them. Though she didn't have her sniper rifle with her, nor her eye, she could still shoot worth her life. Denos stared at them, aghast, shaken. He clenched his teeth and growled. "Have the Marines finally sent assassins to kill me? Go ahead, get on with it!" He grabbed Beni's pistol and pointed it at his forehead, only for Beni to pull the gun back and smack him over the head with it. The man yelped and grabbed his head from the pain, glaring through his tears. "I en't goin back! Tell 'em they can find someone else to build it! Kill me! I'll just hinder your success in destroying the world!" HE obviously wasn't paying attention to what Nakoa had said.
Beni stared at him with a worried look on her face. He thought they were here to take him back to the Marines,. Beni looked at Nakoa for support. They had to help him in some way before they replaced her eye and arm.

I don't want to continue...

Akiko Kenichi
Decimo - Vongola

Shirtless Businesswoman

19,125 Points
  • Citizen 200
  • Person of Interest 200
  • Dressed Up 200
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                                                  Illy was turning bad as there was more action to the restaurant than where she was. No, was coming to see what was going on there then her. Her silly tricks and movements to entertain were losing more and more people. It came to the point she stops as they were pirates here they rather see a fight than seeing a clown ... no, a jester plays around. She sighed and looked around as she recalled her shadow which brought back some good amount of bellies it took from people's pocket and loot. It was good but not as good as the fight yesterday on the other island. The bets there really brought in some bellies but it also brought a lot of trouble. She shook her head as bells jiggle off her head as she hopes down from the statue of the moon to see what going on.

                                                  As she came closer, it seemed to be a bigger coward alright as she could not see pass a few all men. She looked around before going to the side of the building and jumping up. As she jumped to get on the roof her shadow from under her gave her push up giving her a bit more umf in her jump. She landed with her bells jingling as she walked tiptoe across the roof and down a bit to where everyone was looking in. She bent down and looked upside down through a broken window to see what was going on.

                                                  There was a lot of stuff going on and some people on the ground and blood. Her eyes widen as she saw who was bleeding. It was the damn hot freak from yesterday. She not only saw him but the other funny ear lady too by him. Were they both together? What the hell did she miss yesterday after she made that run for it from that massive explosion on Star Island? It seems a lot as they did not appear to hate each other, but now there were few more people around, and from her angle, she could not see who. She slowly pulled her head back up as she sat on the roof crossing her arms thinking. This was not good for her for a number of reasons.

                                                                  Location: Moon Island, on a roof
                                                                  With: Boa, Aileous, two others and NPCs
                                                                  OOC : HERE



                                                                  Akiko Kenichi




Shirtless Businesswoman

19,125 Points
  • Citizen 200
  • Person of Interest 200
  • Dressed Up 200
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                                          Pa-ru watched as other came to enter the contest some she knew ... kind of? Others she never saw before. However, all were the same to her they ignored her and went to the giant. The giant who helped her yesterday? She can't be sure if he was helping or not as his mind was on fighting someone which she never found out what happen due to her treatments from the doctor. She even saw the red hair one who picked her up before the kitty man took her from him. They were all around the giant named Saul a pirate she knew well from the wanted poster.

                                          She wanted the contest to start so she can be ordered to do something. Wanted? No, she did not want anything she was waiting. She had no orders given to her but to wait. That was boring. No, she did not get bored. It was not unease either or anything like that she waited for something.. anything. She was alone, and the person who was ordering her yesterday was killed and replace with the kitty girl who was not around. She only came here because someone told her to sign up. In truth, the person asked everyone to sign up, but she took it as an order instead of staying in bed and resting.

                                          Pa-ru eyes stare blankly at and around her as she waited for something.

                                                          Location: Star Island- Eating Contest?
                                                          With: NPCS pirates, Saul, Red head, others
                                                          OOC : HERE



                                                          Akiko Kenichi



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Axel "Ashes" Nico
Location-Moon Island
Who I am with-Aileous, two men and a talking bag
Thoughts-Curse my excitement at new knowledge

I'm going to burn my name into the history books

Axel followed behind carefully trying not to draw attention to himself fearing his sparks might draw Aileous's attention. As the small group came to stop he followed behind getting close enough faintly make out what was being said. It seemed the black haired male had been shot. While the man with the bag had been the main cause of the incident at that bar. From what he could tell Aileous was talking to the man with the bag about something but he couldn't make out what that was. His attention was to drawn on the bag suddenly obtaining limbs and spoke.

With in a matter of moments a small bolt of lighting landed in front of the group and excited Axel emerging from it. Darting past everyone he quickly began to zap from one part of the bag to another. Looking it up and down lifting and dropping the limbs poking the sides body before stopping in front of the bag. "Oh man this is soooo amazing I wonder what kind of Devil Fruit this thing ate." asked aloud. "Then again how would an inanimate object "eat" one. I could have sworn I saw something like this in one of the journals." he said reaching into his own back.

As he tossed out multiple small books he finally found one and with a few zaps found the page he was looking for. Turning his attention back toward the blue haired male and the bag he gave them a curious look. "Are you a former member of the marines by chance? If you are then please tell me what other advances you have made with Devil Fruits." he said. His eyes finally drifted back toward Aileous and the other male a nervous smile spreading across his face. "Oops I uhhh come in peace and mean you no harm." he said rubbing the back of his head slowly. "So much for being quite and not getting noticed." he thought to himself

From the ashes shall grow new fruits of knowledge

((Woot semi bleh post If I need to edit let me know))



Rican Slam


Bashful Genius

Taven D. Calliet

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Taven got the job; it was a really good day now! The cyborg's brain was already hard at
work designing the new Ship for the Thunder Giants to call home. He was elated to hear that his Savior was in need of a vessel worthy of his greatness. Taven was just about to ask what kind of flag The Captain wanted him to draw, when Felix showed up at the tables.

The cyborg lifted his mask to smile at his friend from Moon Island. The two parted ways while expecting to meet again in the presence of Captain Usopp. T.C listened to them talk as the pies were being placed in front of them.

It was when Kenichi joined them at the table, that Taven put his mask back on. This lad was a Devil Fruit User, and there were no rules to this contest. Taven planned to win the prize money no matter what and use it to help pay for the new ship.

Location: Star Island with Saul Usopp, Felix, Kenichi, and others
Energy Levels: 100%



Canny Trickster

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Nakoa D. Momoa
"If there is something you need to do, then just shut up and do it!"

Nakoa watched on as the man started having a silent fit before it became quite verbal and expressed just what he was feeling at the moment with words and action. Normally nakoa would have just knocked the man out and dragged him away elsewhere to have a calmer, more private conversation. However a few things that the man said, and one thing he did, clued nakoa in on a few things that were, well as a certain shadow warrior in a now complete fictional series he enjoyed would say, Troublesome. He didn't react as the man grabbed beni's gun still within her only hand she had left and tried to prompt her to shoot him there, but resisted a grin when beni smacked him over the head with said gun. Looking to beni, he caught her gaze and nodded, understanding her intent. Again, something they shared, able to understand what she wanted to communicate with eye contact alone, through intent.

Looing back to the man, he sighed as he drank down the mug he had ust purchased of it's contents, before looking to the man. The things Nakoa caught onto were worrisome. He might not be the smartest, but he was a carpenter, an engineer, a builder in his own right. The man was apparently worth sending assassin's after so either for his skill set or knowledge, he was valuable to someone, assassins that wouldn't kill him outright, or capture him more likely. He was willing to let himself be killed, to safeguard what he knew or to remove his skill set from the world from the memories. Didn't want to go back to memories where apparently he would be forced to use his skills and or knowledge only he possessed to build something that could destroy the world, as he put it. Given what they already knew of the man prior, he could create artificial limbs to replace lost ones, something that worked with the body, put together with these new facts, it was quite worrisome.

So, without worry, he defaulted to his usual answer, which had him grabbing the man's head, and slamming him face first into the counter top, knocking him out in the process. The man slumped unconscious, but nakoa grabbed him up by his shirt, tossing him over his shoulder like a sack of flour and looked to beni, motioning for the door where he started to walk. Grabbing a glass of water, he walked out of the tavern to a deserted alley, where he sat the man down, and them dumped the water onto his face to wake him. "Now that you're a bit more sober, mind telling me why marine assassin's would be after you?" He asked, his tone leaving no room for negoatiation.

Location: Moon Island
Company: Beni



Desirable Smoker

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                                                Bao glared admirably at Eniroshi as he stuck literally half of himself waist deep into the talking bag, before coming out of it rather casually and with food in hand. While Aileous was introducing herself to the boy, Bao was already at the bag, poking at it with his fingers as in uttered a threat at him before growing small limbs. The captain was completely amazed with stars replacing his eyes, now it could grow limbs and walk around too ??? It was like something right out of a cartoon! By the time Aileous got around to introducing the Bao as the Captain, the two would turn to see Bao too was now waist-deep in the talking bag ... Although by the way he was flailing, it almost looked like the bag was eating him. After a few grunts and placing both hands in the bags 'mouth', Bao pulled himself out of it with a confused look on his face. "....Hmph. There's no end in there. How deep does your stomachache go " he laughed at the bag, finally looking over to Eniroshi and waving a hand."Oi. 'Black Heart' Bao is what they call me. Welcome to the crew "
                                                The captain spoke rather nonchalantly as if Aileous and himself had already made the decision for the kid, instead of just asking him straight out. Before he could get another word in, he instinctively rose his left leg and lashed it out behind him as it phased right through the body of a dark haired male who seemed to pop up out of nowhere, and was now examining Eniroshi&s bag like it was his homework or something. Wait. Did his kick just phase through this dudes body? Bao glared at Nico as he stood a few feet away from him, wondering how he had appeared out of nowhere like that. For his impulses to kick in naturally like that, this guy must have gotten his back at a super close distance without uttering a single sound . But how ? AND WHY HAD HIS LEG JUST GONE THROUGH HIM LIKE THAT? The guy blabbed on to Eniroshi, bombarding him with questions before finally noticing Bao and Aileous. The captain allowed the guy a few moments of nervous silence before he crouched down near him too, so the two of them would just be inches away from the speaking bag. With a serious expression on his face , Bao would glare at Nico before turning away. Pouting. ".....It's my bag. Back off "he whispered childishly, as if to avoid anyone else hearing him.

                                                User Image

Brilliant Raider

12,775 Points
  • Invisibility 100
  • Brandisher 100
  • Survivor 150
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Albia T. Ross
(Unofficial) Cherry Feather Cartographer

A sniper was in position, rifle trained on the trio as they walked out of the bar. He had taken his position a few buildings down to take out the target if he bolted. A large, shirtless man, a white haired girl with a gun, and the target. He lined up his shot, aiming to complete his mission as he closed one eye to shut out the world around him. He lined it up slowly, taking a deep breath to relax and steady his aim and slowly began to depress the trigger- until it caught on something.
He blinked, looking down at the thing wedged between his sniper rifle's trigger and the firing mechanism. A stick of some kind of... candy? He blinked, shaking his head and tilting it as he pulled the candy out from behind the trigger.
"What in the...."

tap. tap.

He felt the finger tapping his shoulder and turned, a bit off his guard- one rarely finds candy wedged in their rifle after all- and saw the blue haired woman in the short skirt who waved at him.
"Hello! I couldn't help noticing that you're aiming a rifle in the general direction of somebody very important to me."
He looked down at the rifle, then looked at the girl, then shook his head.
"Now see-"
"Now I'm sure you're just doing your job, but I take exception to that... soooooooo I'mma kick you off this roof now."
The marine sniper grinned, set down his rifle, and pulled out a knife. The blade switched out and he took up a combat stance, readying himself in to a strong, close combat pose. He scoffed and adjusted his cap as he spit on to the roof next to him.
"I don't mean to brag girlie, but that's a bad idea... I was top of my class in close quarters combat."
"Oh really?! that's super interesting!"


At street level, as Nakoa and Beni turned in to the alley with the unconscious man in tow, a pile of barrels, boards, and other wooden things suddenly exploded from the force of a body hitting it from about three and a half stories up. The unconscious marine groaned audibly as he started to pull himself up and out of the debris and the dust, only for his still spinning head to decide that doing anything but that would be a much better idea. Albia was leaning forward with her arms folded behind her back, and she smiled brightly to the duo below before jumping down. She landed with a light flip near the pile, dusted off, and made her way in to the alley while whistling nonchalantly and innocently. Walking over to Beni, she smiled and held up a cardboard box full of frosting covered cookie sticks.
She also pulled the Marine sniper rifle from behind her back, smiling as she held it out.
"Probably not as good as yours, but I bet you could scrap it for spare parts or something, I dunno. Hey Nakoa, is it just me or is this place experiencing a lot more Marine activity then we'd like all of the sudden?"

Location ; Moon Island
Company ; Nakoa, Beni, and a guy
Status ;dropping in
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Eniroshi Yanishiro


Everyone seemed to look at Eniroshi and Baggy as if they had five heads and were breathing fire with how interesting they seemed to be to them. The lady, Aileous, seemed to be the most reserved out of the two of them, but had her own uniqueness to her. Instead of normal human ears she had something that resembled bat ears. If Eniroshi hadn't been eating he would of climbed up onto the womans back and thoroughly inspected the ears and probably bit one gently to see if they were real. However, Eniroshi was currently thoroughly enjoying the large piece of beef in his hands. She seemed to be quite kind and her mention of becoming a member of their crew somewhat interested Eniroshi, but he also knew that baggy would give him a good talking to if he didn't outright yell at him. He groaned at the thought of getting into another shouting match with him, but maybe it was worth it with the possible outcome.

Just as he was finishing his beef a man appeared in a bright flash in front of them and started talking and rattling off questions to both himself and baggy. In response Eniroshi just grinned saying "Both mine and Baggy's past is none of yer business." Baggy was a bit more blunt as he said "What in the hell do you think you're doin just appearin' in front of us like that!?" Eniroshi then groaned as he watched as the man named Bao forced himself waist deep into baggy. Baggy didn't like people he didn't know searching around inside of him with their hands let alone with half their body like Bao was doing. Eniroshi knew that this would upset him and he would ask Eniroshi to do something he rather wouldn't. The captain didn't seem to know the man who had appeared and again did something he knew would piss baggy off, calling him his. Baggy was quite preferential with who he spoke to and was very clear to whom he belonged to. Eniroshi was of the same feeling with Baggy. Baggy was his only family he had left and someone claiming that Baggy was his pissed him off.

Before Baggy could even say anything Eniroshi had reached into him and pulled a large shoulder mounted cannon out of him and angrily said "Baggy is mine not yours." Eniroshi then fired knowing the cannon had enough power to take out the entire wall behind Bao, but not thinking straight at the moment.


Akiko Kenichi

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