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Dedicated Lunatic

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d oxxxxxy o uxxxxxk n o wxxxxxw h a txxxxxc h a o sxxxxxi s ?
I t ' sxxxxxt h exxxxxs o u n dxxxxxo fxxxxxo r d e r

☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯
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Where: Moon Island

Somehow, they were able to calm down the adversary without much difficulty. As night fell, Bao invited the 3 ladies to his ship for some fun time. Sleeping. Aileous and Bao had spent most of the night talking, eventually pulling out some sake. Aileous, however, couldn't have too much, and at a certain point exceeded her usual tolerance amount, falling asleep talking to the man. When she woke to his yelling, her initial hungover reaction was to groan and mumble for whoever was talking to "shutdafukup," and when Bao tried to throw the blame onto her, she jabbed him in the leg, which he would be feeling soon in his waist.
Unaccustomed to having a hangover, she groaned again, a noise that hadn't left her throat since being thrown around by her childhood master. He thought it had been a good idea to start her training to spar with a kangaroo-seal. Sadly, he hadn't taken its strong skull into account. She was left with some broken bones for several weeks.
"I must apologize," remarked Aileous. "I can only take a certain amount before this happens," her hand waving at her head. She took a moment to try and stand. The dizzying got worse, so she sat back down tenderly.
"Food sounds lovely, as does water. Or maybe coffee to combat the alcohol," replied Aileous. She was not normally partial to coffee, opting for her relaxing herbal tea. But the coffee would have to do for now.
"A moment, Bao."
She reached up a hand for help. Once on her feet, the two ((maybe 4 if Same and Akatsuki rpers are still with us)) made their way to into town, her ears picking up on conversations here and there. She eventually heard the ringing of bells on a familiar jester's head. Smiling to herself, she wondered what the mischievous clown was up to today.
Eventually they were seated at a bar/cafe. Bao ordered several plates of meat, while Aileous got her coffee, fruit plate, and a bowl of soup.

Akiko Kenichi
Nami 1989

Bashful Genius

Taven D. Calliet

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So Taven never got introduce himself, but Captain Usopp did seem to notice him. The Half-Giant man spotted Taven and Felix in the crowd during his match. However, a lot happened between now and then so the introductions would come a day later. In the meantime: Taven had been making money fixing ships for the other Pirates he met on the Ferry on the way over from Moon Island. A fully charged battery, and his love for Beli allowed him to work all through the night with ease.

The masked cyborg sat on the dock enjoying a cold soda in celebration of another job well done. He counted the various forms of payment gathered in the large dufflebag to his side; More than enough to purchase new tools. Taven finished the beverage with a belch, then donned his bag to go. He hurried to the stalls and then to the contest site. There was a pie eating challenge and Taven knew Saul would be there. When he saw the man, he went over and took the chair next to him.

"Captain Usopp," Taven said with a smile while seating himself at the table. "I...Well my name is Taven sir, and I am your biggest fan. I couldn't help but notice that floating hunk of wood you traveled here on. Would you possibly be looking for a Shipwright for your crew? Whoever you've got now should be ashamed for letting a man of your status travel that way."

Location: Star Island with Saul Usopp
Energy Levels: 100%


Desirable Smoker

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                                                Bao put his lit blunt out right on the edge of the table cloth as the waitress began to bring his food, completely oblivious to the horrified look she was giving him for what he was doing so casually, and began to hound down his portions of meat which also included Italian food, his absolute favorite. He was basically drooling on himself as he ate, completely unaware of Aileous and her lingering hangover. She was such a light weight, which was saying something because he wasn't much of a drinker himself. While he smoked literally all day with the highness not effecting him much, liqour was a whole different case. But then he met Aileous, and realized he might not the worst drinker after all. Munching on a piece of Garlic bread, Bao finally looked over to her swallowed. "So Ali, I forgot to mention this, but..." he stopped for a few seconds as he downed a glass of water and gave out a huge sigh of relief. He sat there for a few seconds staring at her as he picked his teeth with his pinky, with all the patience in the world. "....I have no idea how were going to get out of here" he finally spat out with a blank expression on his face, not that she could tell. It was all fine and dandy that they got over to the island just fine, but how were they suppose to escape back into the grand line? If he could have done it alone he would have, but he had been stuck on star island for months, and only came to moon because of the s**t he had stirred up yesterday. He looked away again as if lost in thought, and had she remarked in anyway to his last comment shed notice he wasn't paying attention. After a couple of seconds, his eyes lit up with curiosity. "Oi. That thing you did when we were fighting. The black thing that spread on your face like armor...that was Haki, wasn't it ?" he asked seriously, and by the tone of his voice you could tell that he had almost no idea of the subject he was talking about, also given the fact that he had mispronounced it . Which in turn would surprise most, since he wielded the color of the conquering in a fight almost naturally. In truth, Bao had no idea what Haki was or that what he used was actually Haki, he was just always made aware of the ability as a child. "I've fought people who've done that same thing. Could you teach me that ? Actually, as your captain, I order you to tech me that" the last part had the tone of sarcasm to it, something all his crew mates would have to get use too eventually.

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Eniroshi Yanishiro


Since the time Eniroshi had first left the island where he had lived his whole life things had been in a constant state of change. He knew nothing of the world outside of his home except from the passing stories of the rare trader or the slim details he had been able to pull from his grandafther. Things were so much bigger than he had expected. When he had reached the coast he had just simply sat there awestruck staring at how wide and open it was. The beauty of it was just something he could have never considered existed. Just this small step had shown him that this was the right thing to do. After the insistent angry yelling of the bag that they should get some place warm. Thus began their journey.

Since Eniroshi did not have much in the way of money he had to haggle his way aboard ships and most captains were not much for haggling with some stranger that they had never met before. However, Eniroshi slowly made his way from island to island experiencing new things and learning everything he could along the way. Every island gave him more and more validation that this was what he was meant to do. However, as he made his way Eniroshi grew increasingly lonely, and if it weren't for the company of his bag he would of went crazy from loneliness.

Eniroshi's latest ship he had gotten onto, though, had not gone as well as he had hoped. Most of the crew were good people, and Eniroshi had an awesome time talking with the cook. The old man had a long history with several pirate crews and the stories he told Eniroshi had his eyes shining. These were the kinds of things Eniroshi loved hearing about. The bonds that developed between crew members was something that fascinated Eniroshi, despite being told to have nothing to do with them by his bag. However, things took a turn for a worse when some member of the crew framed him for stealing some of their cargo. Despite Eniroshi pleading his innocence, along with the cook backing him up, he was still detained by the crew and put into a barrel with just his head sticking out of it to arrest him as best as they could.

Eniroshi's detainment by the crew lasted until the next island. Thinking that things would not go well for him if he stayed Eniroshi tried to wiggle his way out of the barrel, but found that he was firmly stuck inside of it. Just as he was giving up hope, though, Eniroshi saw the cook sneaking up to him. Eniroshi then foujjnd himself being picked up and then rolled down the plank that the crew had put between the ship and land. Eniroshi then started to get dizzy as he started spinning rapidly as he rolled down the street just off the dock. The dizziness started to throw off Eniroshi's center of balance and the barrel started to go side to side and stop going straight. Before he knew it Eniroshi found himself going through the window of a cafe.

As the barrel hit the ground inside of the cafe the barrel broke apart and left Eniroshi upside down with his legs over his head. After about a minute the dizziness finally went away and Eniroshi started to curiously look around wondering where he had ended up.



Dedicated Lunatic

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I t ' sxxxxxt h exxxxxs o u n dxxxxxo fxxxxxo r d e r

☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯
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Where: Moon Island
With: Bao and Eniroshi

Holding the cup to her lips, she sipped at the black coffee, and sighed, feeling the warmth wash over her, the caffeine rushing to her veins. The dizziness slowly melted away, and she took a bite of an orange slice, savoring the citrus at its ripeness before taking another sip of her coffee. As Bao gobbled his meat ravenously, Aileous shifted to her vegetable soup, lightly dashed with salt and pepper to enhance the favor of the vegetables. She took the bowl to her lips, smelled the fragrance, and slowly drank it. The aroma, though light in contrast to Bao's heavily seasoned meat, came through each vegetable's flavor. The chef was no rookie.
At this point, Bao interrupted her thoughts, her ears turning at the sound of his voice, listening to what he had to say. She put the bowl down just as Bao explained how he'd no clue the entrance that would take them back into the Grand Line. She bit her lip, wetting it as she thought.
"Hmm...well, I suppose we could ask nicely if someone could help us. Or maybe just abduct someone who knows. ...Bao?"
His face was turned to the side, his breathing slowed - he was daydreaming. Aileous shook her head - rather scatter-brained, this man, wasn't he? She picked up a blueberry and popped it into her mouth when he asked her another unrelated question.
"Well, that all depends on if you're going to listen or not," she replied, eating another orange slice nonchalantly, wiping her mouth with the corner of her napkin. She cleared her throat and continued when it sounded like he was ready. "Haki is using your spiritual energy to attack or defend. The thing you saw is known as Armament Haki, the physical manifestation of it. Used as a shield or to augment your body, Armament Haki can also be used to protect against Devil Fruit powers." She explained, every once in a while pausing to make sure he was listening.
"As for teaching you," she continued, downing the rest of her soup and completely ignoring his sarcasm (something he'd have to get used to). "I learned from a true master, and only recently could call upon it without breaking a sweat. Sadly, the master passed away, so until we find another specialist, I suppose we'll have to make do with each other." Finishing the rest of her fruit, she sat back, stomach content. Aileous picked up her coffee, thinking for a moment when her ears picked up a sound.
"I suppose there's something I could teach you now," she stated, putting her cup of coffee in its saucer. "There's another kind of Haki called Observational Haki. If you were to close your eyes, open your mind...maybe move your head back in 2 seconds," she moved her head back a little, just before a barrel came tumbling right between the two, shattering the glass from the window, bounced on their table, (maybe bumping Bao's meat out of his hands, hitting him, or even missing him), and spinning into 3 other tables. There were cries of surprise and shock, as well as exclamations of "my food!" Aileous picked up her cup of coffee again and took another sip, finishing her drink.
"If you were to open your mind, maybe even your ears, you'd be able to better anticipate the attacks of your opponents." She explained, putting the cup down, and calling over a waitress for the check.


Desirable Smoker

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                                                Bao stared at Aileous blankly as she explained to him what Haki was and how it was used, his eyes while looking glossy held a spark of interest. The way she was explaining it felt familair to him, like he had heard something like this before. Before he could ponder to much on his afterthought, Aileous mentioned she would teach him something right now, and his attention returned to her. What did she mean? As she explained about Observation Haki, she cut half way into it and mentioned he should duck his head back. Raising a brow confused, his neck impulsively arched backwards just as a barrel slammed through their window and rolled inbetween them, knocking Bao's food of his face as the stunned captain stared and watched the barrel bust the ******** open. As Aileous continued her explanation, a stunned Bao glanced at Aileous, as if mentally telling her 'I saw what you did there' speaking about her observation Haki, before he walked over to the kid who was now in some awkward position with crap all over and around him. A manager came running over screaming at the top of his lungs, looking very angry as he attempted to grab Eniroshi, until a blank looking Bao appeared at his side and pointed a pistol right to the side of his head. Everyone froze as the diner suddenly got really, really quiet, as Bao turned to look at the manager and smile. "I'm sure he didn't mean to smash into your window while in a barrel, dude. Back up a bit and just add it all to my bill" he waved the pistol a bit to usher the manager off, who looked stunned but cooperative as soon as the pirate mentioned adding the costs to the bill. As Black Heart watched him waddle off and the diner returning to get a bit louder, he turned and crouched down near Eniroshi and poked his forehead with the other end of his pistol, before placing it in the back of his shorts and putting his jacket over it to hide it from view. Pirates. "Oi, Barrel boy. There's a door over there you could have taken" he laughed, pointing at the exit to the side. "....And you owe me a plate of lasagna."

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Eniroshi Yanishiro


Eniroshi couldn't believe what had just happened. He had gone barreling through a window for the first time in his life, and in a barrel at that! However, instead of feeling fear or being shaken by such an event like any normal person would be Eniroshi couldn't help but grin stupidly after having gone through that entire ordeal. He didn't care, like any normal person would, that he had just caused damage to someones business or that he could of gotten seriously injured. Instead he was thrilled by the entire experience. if it wouldn't make the manager of the shop angry and most likely lead to him getting re-apprehended by the crew who had mistaken him for being a thief. If not for those things he would immediately hop into a barrel for the same experience.

As Eniroshi started to take in his surroundings he found that he had some food on his face from one of the tables that he had bounced off of and everyone seemed to be staring at him. When the manager, who had been yelling angrily at him even though Eniroshi hadn't really been paying attention to him, suddenly got quiet Eniroshi looked to see why and found that one of the men was threatening him. Eniroshi's eyes lit up when he saw that man. From his confident aura and just the way he looked Eniroshi would guess that the man was a pirate. The fact he was threatening the manager only reinforced that fact. Eniroshi then watched as the pirates attention turned to him.

He groaned lightly as he was tapped by the mans pistol. At the mention of food Eniroshi remembered just how hungry he was. He grabbed the bit of lasagna on his face and hungrily ate it. Eniroshi then grinned stupidly saying "Yeah there is a door, but what fun is there rolling a barrel through a door? Plus I didn't have much control over where the barrel was headed." Eniroshi then hopped to his feet and then grabbed what was left of the lasagna on the broken plate on the floor and hungrily ate it. Eniroshi then groaned as he heard the familiar sounds of Baggy getting upset. When he saw that a large board was stuck in his mouth Eniroshi burst out laughing saying "You don't eat boards Baggy." as he tossed the board to the side. Baggy then glared at him saying "What in the hell do you think you were doing?! Why didn't you try better to explain to them that you didn't steal anything!? We got stuck in that barrel and could of died! Your grandfather would haunt me from the grave if he knew I let that happen" Eniroshi couldn't help but grin and rub the back of his head as his tongue stuck slightly out of his mouth saying "That's so much work. I gave it a try and they didn't believe me"



Canny Trickster

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Nakoa D. Momoa
"If there is something you need to do, then just shut up and do it!"

Nakoa well...wasn't all that pleased with how the day prior had turned out. The fight had gone on sure, but it got skewed as everything they seem to do lately does. Sighing, he shook his head and decided to try and focus on something more productive. The next day wasn't his forte, an eating contet better suited someone else, not him so today he took to beni's side. Apparently she had heard rumor of a man that could create artificial mechanical limbs that could completely replaced damaged or missing ones, and he could guess with certainty beni's interest. This had Nakoa all smiles as it was progress, she was willing to move on and make herself useful for herself again. So now he was tagging along beside the silent beni to track down this rumor.

"So run it by me again, the details of the rumor and anything else you picked up beni." He spoke, signing with his hands as he spoke. Although he culd understand beni jus fine through eyes and gestures, getting her into the habit of signing would be helpful to any future crew they have that wasn't so well versed in beni speak, if they were willing to learn to sign. Plus Signing would be an effective visual communication method to maintain silence if they could get an entire crew to learn it. But for right now, it was a work in progress and they were making up their own sign language as they went pretty much, none of the standardized sorts used by the world at large, it was their language now.

Location: Moon Island
Company: Beni



Desirable Smoker

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                                                Bao watched the boy eat the food off himself and it gave him an eerie dejavu feeling, a sense of familiarity. When he answered that the door was just no fun, the captain smirked and let out a howl. "Hahaha! I like you. What's your name?" before he had the chance to answer, he kid started to have a conversation with...what the hell was that? A bag?? Bao glared at it with shiny eyes in awe, his curiosity getting the best of him. "Holy s**t! Did that bag just ta-" before he could finish his sentence, a loud gun shot went off as the owner of the dinner, who had disappeared for a moment, returned and shot Bao in the head with the gun shaking in his hand. The whole dinner screamed in terror as Bao's limp body slid a few feet away from where he had been, as the owner began exclaiming nervously that he did what had to be done, and he wanted all the pirates to leave his place immediately. While everyone panicked and ran through the place screaming about someone dying, a loud groan would be heard from the corner of the dinner as Bao slowly rose to his feet, much to the horror of the owner. Everyone froze in place, some murmering something about a zombie, as Bao finally turned and looked at the owner. You could see on the side of his head where the bullet had hit, blood leaking through the injury, but the bullet itself was still sticking more then halfway out of it. It hadn't penetrated all the way. "....YOU SHOT ME?! HOW COULD YOU" He snarled comically, as if he hadn't been the one to threaten him with his own pistol just a few minutes ago. Before he could get the chance to answer, the pirate had already closed the gap between the two, and as his fist met with the mans face, the owner was sent hurling through the same window Eniroshi had came through. Bao stood there angrily for a moment, before reaching for his head and slowly removing the bullet lodged in it. Wincing slightly, he turned to look at Eniroshi who still sat on the same floor. They were all probably wondering how he had survived a shot to the head like that, but as a modifying human, his physical body was much more tougher and durable then a normal persons after performing modifications to himself. He was the definition of a superhuman. While everyone glared at Bao like a zombie, the captain who was still leaking through the head crouched down to look at Eniroshi, his expression softening as he glanced over to the bag. "....Did that bag just talk???" he asked stupidly, as if that was more weirder then what had just happened.

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Pesky Seeker

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Felix"Trick Shot"Chance
Freelance Doctor
Freelance Sniper

The mask is: ON
Current height: 6'2"

                                                                      "You really think he'll be here?"

                                                                      "I... Well, I think so. From what I remember, this is the kind of thing he wouldn't miss."

                                                                      Luka hummed uninterestedly in response, putting an end to the conversation. The previous day had been rather anti-climatic as far as they were concerned: Luka had continued treating injured competitors, and Felix lost track of both Taven and Saul in the crowds until the event was over. But now they were headed for another--if not sillier--competition, where Luka suspected there would be a few people in need of medical attention, and Felix suspected his uncle would be. A pie-eating contest.

                                                                      Felix hopped up and down a little to try and see over the heads of the crowd, even as they wove their way closer and closer to the front, trying to catch a glimpse of the half-giant pirate he was hoping to see. And he wasn't disappointed, his face lighting up as he finally spotted his enormous uncle seated at one of the tables. Luka waved him off when he turned back to the doctor in excitement, and he dashed ahead to wriggle his way out through the front of the crowd.

                                                                      Momentary surprise fell through to another grin when Felix noticed Taven had found his way to Saul as well, and he paused for a moment behind Saul's seat to wait for a lull in conversation before butting in.

                                                                      "Um, Mr. Usopp? How're you doing?" he asked, practically bouncing with excitement as he waited to see whether or not Saul would recognize him on sight.

With every mistake,
We must surely be learning
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Location Star Island (Pie-eating Contest)
With Saul, Taven
Status Healthy (100%) / Healthy (100%)
Mood Resting annoyed face / Excited



Shirtless Businesswoman

19,125 Points
  • Citizen 200
  • Person of Interest 200
  • Dressed Up 200
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                                                  Illy lucky did not see anyone or anything that looked like the freak from the other island. Yeah, She needed to stay away from them that was for sure as not only she made a bit of money off of the freaks she rips off the whole island. She nods to herself of how great of a job she did getting off that island before someone wants their berries back. She can easily make a bit more here and get a ship and crew and set sail out of here before any more trouble came her way. Not that she could not handle it, but she knew when.. to run. She held her head a bit as she did not want to end up like her damn father and be running from danger but come on! She knew that was above her level at the moment.

                                                  She let out a yawn as she pulled her cape off as she has a bowl out front of her. She started to juggle and blow fire from her mouth and other circus-like acts in front of the Moon building. Doing this, so she starts to get pirates and other people who lived in this hell hole of an island to come up and watch her if not make remarks about how good or bad she was. As she was working the people her shadow was sliding around pickpocketing people when they were not looking. True, she did already have a lot of money but when stop? There alway more room for more berries as people tend to listen to you more when you have those beautiful gold bits in your pocket.

                                                                  Location: Moon Island
                                                                  With: NPCs
                                                                  OOC : HERE




Dedicated Lunatic

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d oxxxxxy o uxxxxxk n o wxxxxxw h a txxxxxc h a o sxxxxxi s ?
I t ' sxxxxxt h exxxxxs o u n dxxxxxo fxxxxxo r d e r

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Where: Moon Island
With: Bao, Baggy, Eniroshi

Aileous wanted to step in before Bao used his Room to transport next to the owner and put a gun to his head, but it was too late. A small waitress scurried over to Aileous, who gave her the money for the food, and was about to thank her when Bao boldly declared to put the damages on his bill. Aileous sighed, dropping a few more coins into the watress's hand.
"We don't really have the money for all the damages, but I hope this will make up for some," she said, smiling. The waitress muttered something about asking the manager, and scurried off. Aileous turned her attention back to the two who were now talking. The boy addressed someone else in the room, and Aileous soon realized that he wasn't talking to someone, but something. Her ears picked up on its echo location, determining that he was holding a conversation with a bag.
At that moment, someone shot at Bao, and Aileous jumped at the sound, too astounded by the presence of a talking bag to have noticed the sound of the man pulling the trigger too late. Thankfully, Bao had his tough skin to stop the bullet from fully penetrating his skin. Seemed like Aileous wasn't the only one who had undergone a body improvement surgery.
"Wait Bao don't--" Her new captain transported yet again, and punched the owner. Aileous sighed.
"Now they'll expect us to pay for everything. Young man," she addressed Eniroshi. "Take your inanimate friend there. Bao! Let's go!" She cried, taking the boy by his hand and fleeing the scene of the crime, unknowing to her that they were being watched very carefully.


Dedicated Lunatic

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฿℮ηї $αℓα⑂α

"Let me use you as target practice. No? Your body. No? Your head. Still no? ..." *shoots anyways*


Where: Star Island
With: Nakoa

THough she didn't tell him directly, Beni felt at ease with Nakoa at her side. So when he picked up on the pattern of her signing and started to sign back, she was absolutely overjoyed. Hiding underneath her hood, holding her breath forever, she could only point in the direction fo where they were to go.
Even now, after a few minutes of interacting with Nakoa through sign language, it made her even more shy, doing her best to keep her heartbeat at a normal rate, and praying that Nakoa wouldn't notice.
Beni raised her hands and replied. 'Old man down at a bar. Grumpy. Drunk. Rumored as an excommunicated scientist of the Marines.'


"Denos, haven't you had enough already? It's not even past non yet," commented the bartender, pouring his customer another drink, eyeing the old man. It was now his 4th one, and his face was getting slightly pink. He waved a hand in the air.
"Doesn't matter if it's night or day," he replied, his voice horase, a result of all those years of smoking. The bartender shook his head, and left the man to his drink. THe old man scoffed and picked up his drink with a shaking hand, covered in bruises and scars not yet healed. No backbone in this generation, he thought, downing half the mug. His eyes followed the drops on the side fall down to the counter, curving to the mug's bottom when it reached the end. The door opened, its bell ringing to notify the bartender of more customers. He turned his head slightly to see a man and a cloaked figure sit down at the booth, order a couple drinks and food.
He looked back down into the bottom of his mug, his thoughts trailing back to several months ago. Denos couldn't even begin to fathom what had happened, and what had led him here. What the World Government was planning, and what the Marines were doing to carry out their plan. He gritted his teeth, and downed the last of his beer, slamming the mug against the counter. There was no doubt a bounty was on his head now, so laying low at the island ruled by the Pirate God was a good choice - with no Marines snooping around, it made things eaiser. But that meant having to dodge the others who were after his head for the reward.
Like the gorup that just stepped in. The man at the bar looked through his shaggy hair to see who they were. Not worth his time, they looked like.
"Another, old chap," he requested, pushing the mug to the other side of the counter, at whithc the bartender looked at him pitifully.
"I think you should go home, Denos," he replied scroning the man and his drunken habits. THe man glared back, making a sour face as two pirates sat on either side of him as the bartender yet again poured him a drink.
"Yo pops!" yelled a pirate, slamming an arm onto his shoulder. Denos took one look at the pirate, half-scoffed, half-laughed, and scooped up the full mug to drink it, only to have the pirate push it out of his hands. The mug crashed onto the floor, now a puddle forming. "Oi, listen when someone's talkin to ya, eh? I hear a nice rumor in town bout someone who can grant the best techy limbs the world can offa!" The pirate pulled up his other sleeve to reveal a stump on his shoulder. "Think ye know anyone who could help?"
The old man stared at him, then slowly shook his head at the pirate. "The likes of you? With that shitty attitude? Don't think so."
The pirates and his friends pulled out their swords. "Ya better watch urs, ya dung-eatin hobo! Just askin a question!"
"Can't help you shitfaces." He replied, this time staring straight forward.
"Then take some lickin!"
Beni stood up from the booth and fired at their hands, her pistols at the ready, guns smoking as the pirates went down, clutching at their hands.
"Oi, oi! Who's this chick?!" Yelled the pirates' friend, holding his quivering hand in the other.
"Iono, but that b***h better pay---"
Beni fired another rubber bullet right between his legs, where it really hurt. THe pirate whimpered and caved, holding his precious treasure.
The other 3 pirates ran at Beni. "You damned bi---!!!"

"...You're not very fun, are you. Won't even let me get some practice in..." *keeps firing*


Dedicated Lunatic

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Where: Star Island
With: Felix, Luka, and Taven

Saul turned at the sound of "Captain", anxious to see who had so eagerly called him by his title.. He looked down to see the man sitting next to him, and remembered the familiar face from the day before - maybe he had been in the ring at one point. He was a little flustered to have a fan already, and he blushed, grinning at the compliment. Then the man mentioned the ship they came on, and his smile fell a little, a sad look in his eyes. Saul cleared his throat and nodded, trying to keep his composure. "Yes, well...lots of things happened and I don't have a shipwright at the moment, nor do I have a ship to call my own-dazun. That's just an old dingy thing we took to get here-dazun. Speaking of which, I'll need a flag too-dazun!" He beamed at Taven. "I can't decline an offer I can't refuse! Welcome, Mr..." He offered his hand to Taven, and once shook and names were exchanged, Saul clapped Taven hard on the back, and bellowed with laughter. "I'll introduce you to the crew later-dazun! Now about that flag..."
Before he could ask Taven if he was blessed with the gift of an artist, two more people approached him, and Saul could hardly believe his luck. He hadn't realized his fame had spread so quickly. "Oh...oh, it's you-dazun! Thanks for yesterday, kid, pointing out the doctor ya did like that-dazun. It was your friend there, I believe, right-dazun? He was a miracle worker-dazun!" Saul laughed merrily again, then something came to his realization. He looked at Felix, his head tilted slightly inwards towards his shoulder, an eyebrow raised. "By the way...ye called me uncle yesterday-dazun. Am I really yer uncle-dazun?"

Decimo - Vongola
Akiko Kenichi
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Axel "Ashes" Nico
Location-Moon Island
Who I am with-Bar goers
Thoughts-Well this might be kind of fun

I'm going to burn my name into the history books

Alex stepped off the boat and looked around at what would be his current place of residence. At least until he had exhausted all possible leads and then he would be off to his next "home". So far his search into Devil Fruits had proven all but worthless but he had a good feeling about this place. Moon Island surely it would at least give him a slight clue in what he wanted to know. He was quickly pulled out of his thoughts by the sudden sound of his stomach growling. It had been a few days since he last ate mostly due to a lack of funds. However now that he was on an actual island he could get a job and pay for food.

Slowly he made his way through the small town stopping to notice an odd looking streat performer. The performer was very interesting however his attention didn't stay long on her as a man was quickly thrown out of a broken window. It was rather odd for a building to have a broken window but to each his own. It wasn't until three people began to leave did he finally understand what had happened. Alex watched as the three took off a smile on his face. One of the people fleeing was a young woman who although seemed different had a very familiar face. "Well it looks like I might have found someone who can help me with my quest. Slowly he began to walk behind the three only having to zap once and a while to keep up.

From the ashes shall grow new fruits of knowledge

((Woot woot first post in idk how long is up If I need to edit let me know))



Rican Slam


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