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Dedicated Lunatic

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ᕮ᙭ᙅᕮᖇᖘTᔕ ℱᖇ〇ᙢ THE ᗰᓮᔓᑌ ᙢᓰᔓᘮ ᘉᕮᙡᔕᖘᗩᑭᕮᖇ

Mira Bell - 500 →50,000,000
Saul Usopp - 500,000 →89,000,000
Anya "Lady of the Chill" Trafalgar - 1,000,000 →200,000,000
Benjamin "Sureshot" Flam - 23,000,000 →130,000,000
Casey "Thunder Goddess" DuVal - 38,000,000 →245,000,000
Kiriguya "Hydra" Ashui - 48,500,000 →217,000,000
Marc D. Havoc - 0 →50,000,000
Kenchi "Bouncing" Shanks - 0 →50,000,000
Beni Salaya - 50,000,000 →120,000,000
Naji "The Reaper" Kaen - 60,000,000 →150,000,000
Nakoa D. Momoa - 90,000,000 →180,000,000
Issara Bloodbath Kiwaro - 130,000,000 - 310,000,000
Same "Wandering Fish" Angler - 0 →175,000,000
"Pint-sized" Dorian - 0 →125,000,000
Aileous "Blindstrike" Sdieku - 41,740,000 →325,000,000
Jack and Ariel "The Gemini" Zorrah - 47,000,000 →146,000,000
Flora Willows - 50,000,000 →180,000,000
Petra, Experiment #G295 - 70,000,000 →164,000,000
Tristus "The Unbreakable" Fatum - 250,000 →15,000,000
Skyler K. Newman - 34,333,000 →120,000,000
Strawberry "Superstar" Cotton - 40,000,000 →130,000,000
Luka "Size-Shifter" Gentile - 46,000,000 →120,000,000
Shara "Tempest Fist" Fisher - 139,000,000 →211,000,000
Leon "Bladestorm" Magress - 200,000,000 →270,000,000
Gareth "The Whirlwind" - 100,000,000 →150,000,000




ARC #8

MAIN ARC (To take place in this Main Thread)
Cherry Feather Pirates, High Flying Pirates
Random Island - 90F

You've dealt the Pirates a hefty blow. Lucia has ended up in the hospital, critical condition. She is unlikely to see the battlefield again. You will soon arrive at a port to make repairs, and replenish your food supply, which has run out 2 days ago. All over your ship is sand, sand and more sand. It took some time getting that ship off of that sandy beach! The island you've landed at is famous for its mango-flavored delicacies. You've earned your rest for now.

SIDE-ARCS (to take place in the Side-Arc Thread)
Thunder Pirates' Route
Out at sea... - 70F

Your captain and your crew have fought valiantly out of the labyrinth. As Casey and Issac Bode fought, Jill and Kiriguya maintained the ship's course, navigating as safely and quickly as they could out of the waters, and Anya and Mira did well to protect the ship from any dangers. Saul reunited with Luffy's daughter, Merda, for a short moment, before engaging in a fight. He wasn't any match for a Marine of her caliber, so he could only throw tricks here and there. Just as the ship came by, Saul yelled for help. Anya threw him a ball of yarn, for which he started screaming his head off, until he remembered what Merda was. Saul jumped onboard as Merda was distracted, on their way out of the labyrinth. Casey and Issac were still stuck in combat when Issac and Casey both released surprise attacks, knocking them both out. Saul caught his captain in his arms as she was flung from the frenzy, bruises and burns all over her. He held onto her as the rest of the Marines tried to land on their ship, but Kiriguya and Anya dealt with them swiftly. With their combined efforts, they made it out of the maze, dealing the Marines a heavy blow before sailing on their way.
Casey is in a comatose state. You're left stranded at sea with no direction to go, and no land in sight. You've run out of food for the last two days. A visitor may appear before you (calling any Yonko or Shichibukai.)

Blind Duchess's Route
Thriller Bark

While making your getaway, your ship was damaged by the Marines. Though it's sailable for now, the damage is irrepairable. You will have to find a new ship to sail on if you want to continue your journey. You land at a mysterious island that's shrouded in nothing but violet fog and a gloomy feeling. Here lives a peculiar being. Beware, for you may lose some limbs...

Blue Crow Pirates
Impel Down #2 - 80F

You have been captured by the Defense Unit. You are on your way to Impel Down #2, which is close to the second Marine HQ. There is no escape. I repeat, there is no escape. Even if there is one, you can't make it out on your own.

Other Side Arcs

Marineford - Gale, Gozan, Admirals, and Vice Admirals
You will be discussing what happened with the 4 rookie pirates, and what is your next plan of action. Gale needs to be transferred to a new unit with his captain incapacitated.


If you'd like to do a side-arc for your Yonko, Marine, Revolutionary, etc, feel free to do so smile


Immortal Traceur
Grim Skies
Professor Javii
Akiko Kenichi
The x Final x Boss
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Tyler Ignis & Ashelyn Glacias

With: Their crew and too much sand.
Health: 100%, fed up with sand, starving.
Where: The S.S. Sandbarge (The Cherry feather ship)
((OOC: They wont always be posted together. It's just convenient for now.. ))
Food is always a gift...

Tyler slowly woke up with a yawn. He tried to stretch his arms, but found one of them held prisoner. Slowly looking around he saw his captor, his partner Ashe snuggling up next to him using his arm as a pillow. She was fast asleep, a soft smile on her face. Tyler felt his heart make a familiar leap as he leaned over, kissing her on the forehead gently. Ashe opened her eyes with a few blinks, scrunching her nose up as she tried to get her mind functioning again. After a moment she realized where they were and grinned. In a sudden motion she had lunged forward, sending them both tumbling off the bed onto the ground with a crash as she landed on top of Tyler.

Tyler groaned but grinned up at Ashe. Ashe just leaned down and kissed him briefly before leaning back and grinning. "Morning pup." Tyler just sighed and kissed her again. "Morning kitten." Ashe just sighed and went limp, laying on his chest with a sigh. "I hate mornings." She mumbled out into his chest. Tyler laughed. "I know." Tyler's stomach let out an angry growl and Ashe frowned. "We need food." She said, upset that her stupid partner had been giving her bigger portions of food when they were running out. Sure she was hungry at this point, but she was better off than her boyfriend who was seriously starting to feel the effects from what she could tell.

The two of them had managed to make the food last a pretty long time considering for the crew, but there was only so much they could do. "We're almost at an island I'm sure." Tyler said with a grin.

A little while later they were both up and ready, leaving their cabin with a yawn. They moved out onto the deck, looking to see who else was up. They glared at the sand, amazed it was still on the ship despite the weather they had gone through. Ashe froze in place, staring off into the distance.

"Ashe?" Tyler asked curiously, trying to see something but coming up short.

"Up!" Ashe said with a sudden excitement. She moved back a few steps as tyler knelt down. She dashed forward, stepping in his hands as he threw her up high into the air, smirking at the flip she did as she looked off into the distance. Her eyes widened as she leaned back in the air. "LANNNNNNDDDDDDD HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" She let out a bellowing shout, not worrying about her landing. A few seconds later sure enough she found herself landing safely in her boyfriend's arm as she giggled, throwing her arms around his neck in his grip, kissing him. "Where there's land there's food!" She said excitedly. Tyler just grinned still holding her, equally excited at the prospect of eating. Being the chefs on board, without food it was rather boring, the gnawing hunger aside.
...but tastes better when shared.

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Kenchi Shanks Musician for the Cherry Feather Pirates

"Nothing puts a Spring in your step"
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Location:-The Ship
Who I am with-Tyler and Ashelyn

Kenchi laid sprawled out in the crow's nest his eyes focused on the sky as his mind began to wander. It had been one week since they escaped the trap set by the marines and been able to escape. It had also been a week since the crew found out who he really was and to his surprise no seemed to care. For him the second he mentioned he was a Shanks people panicked and ran or attacked. But the Cherry Feather Crew seemed not to really care and continued to treat him like the newbie he was. A small smile spread across his face as he thought about something his Grandfather used to say. "By being a Shanks you were born under the unluckiest lucky star around." he thought smiling.

His attention was drawn toward deck of the ship and he could see Tyler and Ashelyn looking around mostly at the sand on ship. But it was Ashelyn who stopped staring at something causing him to try and see if he could spot it. As Ashelyn was tossed into the air by Tyler and yelled out that there was land nearby Kenchi stood up. Smiling he jumped up grabbing the mast and sliding down it landing near Tyler and Ashelyn. "Man good thing you could see that otherwise we might be drifting for another hour or so." he said laughing. Looking down at all the sand he shuttered slightly. Pulling out his flute he began to play a soft song letting the air carry his tune through the ship.


"Better then good friends and Music."

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Dedicated Lunatic

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฿℮ηї $αℓα⑂α

"Let me use you as target practice. No? Your body. No? Your head. Still no? ..." *shoots anyways*


With: the crew

Beni was currently curled up in Issara's bed, having been unable to sleep the last few days. The first day was fine, but when she saw how Ashe was being so clingy with Tyler, and he didn't mind it, she flared up. Mind you, the girl wasn't throwing one of her usual tantrums - she knew better now. But she couldn't just walk up to them, push Ashe away, and glomp Tyler. That'd be immature. This was some real competition, not just a flirt. She was tossing this way and that the last nights, being tortured by the image of the two of them all giddy and happy.
And then she saw them kissing in the kitchen. Just a peck. And that was it for Beni. She completely avoided the two of them the next few days, holed up in the crow's nest, furiously cleaning and polishing her rifle, glaring down at the two of them when she heard their voice. Beni looked from her rifle, to Ashe, then back to her rifle, and shook her head. She wasn't that crazy about him - just a teenage love interest. Still, ever since they met the two of them back on Boin Archepelago Island, she could tell they were inseparable. She just thought they were like siblings to each other. And it was only now that she realized they weren't that.
So when she woke up to the sound of Ashe screaming about land, it put her in an even bigger foul mood.

I hope I don't get put in the same shopping group as her. She thought.

"...You're not very fun, are you. Won't even let me get some practice in..." *keeps firing*

Grim Skies

Canny Trickster

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Nakoa D. Momoa
"If there is something you need to do, then just shut up and do it!"

Nakoa was up early this morning, like the rest, mostly because he went to bed early for the past week....very early. Since the big fight, it took considerable effort to get off that sand pit in the sea and on their way. His legs were still thumping like crazy from the sheer force of power and weight he had put on them. But how else was he going to get the ship out there? Still, if they hadn't been in such a rush to get out of there before possible reinforcements arrived, it might have been easier, though certainly more risky. Since then, he'd been working on the ships repairs, though once he learned of the dwindling food, he had removed his belt and hung it up, the extra weight only made him burn more calories, and he took his time with chores, burned less energy.

Today was like the others, nakoa wasn't down below, or on deck...in fact he wasn't even on board. The only sign of nakoa was a solitary rope up near the bow that was pulling and tugging every so often, until a drenched nakoa climed over the railing holding onto said rope. Taking a minute to get his breath, he caled and sighed. He'd been going under the ship to keep up with repairs and shucking crud off the hull of the ship. A time or two, he managed to catch a fish, which was eaten, but no such luck today.

The muscular man, shook the sea water from his body and hair, draining his ears just in time to hear a girl voice call out land ho! Looking u, he saw ashe falling down, being caught by tyler and smirked. Those two at it again. He was glad for them, but he saw how Beni was because of it. Poor girl, she really did have her heart set on costello. It was too bad that costello got off at the last port, leaving the crew. They were getting along,...before sadness overtook him, he got up and stretched, looking around before he got his things together. They'd be going ashore, went meant docking, and supplies. So he had to get things ready. Once he was fed and had supplies, he was reinforcing and optimizing the cargo hold. Let it be able to take harder hits and store more supplies to prevent this sort of thing....maybe he should make a drying and smoking area in the kitchen so they could preserve foods....yeah, he was adding that to his list of things to do. preserved foods lasted longer and packed well together, and made meals go farther when paired with fresh foods. He was happy to be getting to work so readily again and not have to worry about food. But not only that, he was gonna enjoy some R+R if the captain allowed.

Location: ship
Company: Cherry Feather Crew

Dapper Cat

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> > xxx Location: Airship above the islandxxx Company: Sheldonxxx Health: 100%xxx < <

                                                  After waking up from a brief nap, the dark-haired man strolled into the ship's galley casually, allowing a loud yawn to announce his presence. He'd asked to be woken up once they caught sight of the Cherry Feathers again, and sure enough his head technician Sarabi had done exactly that earlier this morning. Although they were unable to help them with their fight against the Salvaggi Unit, Marcel had been admittedly impressed with how well they had done. Lucia was now out of commission for the time being, but he'd heard news that that obnoxious ensign, Gale, had made it out with only minimal injuries. The hawk-man shuddered with disgust when he recalled his time on Skypiea; Gale had stalked him the entire time. Hearing that he was okay was a bit of a disappointment, but it mattered little.

                                                  His sharp yellow eyes settled on the figure of Sheldon, who was leaning over his precious guns as usual. A faint smirk appeared as he made his way over to the man, "We should be good to land on the island in about an hour. Sarabi said something about preparing lunch first." He shook his head at that comment. The woman in question, Sarabi, was a lot like the mother hen of the crew. She always made sure the men had enough food to eat-- which considering how much they ate.. was a full time job. Not only that, she made sure everyone's equipment was in tip-top shape. Poor weapon maintenance can mean your death in battle! Or so she says.

                                                  Taking a seat opposite of Sheldon, he rested his arms on the table and watched him clean his weapons. "You're meticulous as always, I see.." he observed, his eyes going from the two guns and finally resting on Sheldon's face. Marcel's eyes narrowed. "But you seem off today. Are you okay, brother?"


((psst the High Flyers will be in this thread for this arc Sonic <3 Also, Sarabi is just a random npc I made for the crew. ))
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« Cherry Feathers Swordsman »
[Location] Near Delicious Mango Island! [Company] The Crew [Mood] Need food...
Scarlet & Sinner's Stake

A loud yawn from a certain corner of the deck meant only one thing: a certain swordsman had awoken.

Marc sat up and looked around, blinking groggily as little streams of sand cascaded down his hair. He had taken to using a lump of sand in the corner as a pillow for the past few days, because he wasn't about to go cleaning up the ship himself and the stuff still seemed to be everywhere. He scratched the back of his head idly, pausing for a moment when his finger snagged on the bandage wrapped around his forehead. He kept forgetting about it and his myriad other injuries sustained in the battle a week ago.

Most of it was like a blur now.

He remembered Naomi-chan suddenly slipping down into the sands, and he had sprung into action. He grabbed her hand, struggling to pull her out, using every ounce of his inhuman leg strength to keep himself from getting pulled under with her. The Marines took this as an opportunity to attack him, and they practically threw everything they had at him. Fortunately for Marc, his insane endurance allowed him to weather the blows until he finally managed to pull Naomi out. Unfortunately for Marc, it still hurt. A lot!

He'd lost a lot of blood on those sands, but then that part never bothered him. He went on to fight for as long as he could stand with only one purpose in mind: Keep Naomi safe. His own body was her shield, and her shield got pretty dinged up. But oh well, he'd survived, and she was safe. That's all that mattered to him. He got to spend at least half of the last week in recovery mode. To Marc that meant lots of long naps and the opportunity to see Naomi whenever she treated him. Good deal!

The newcomers also more than pulled their weight, and they had been given Marc's gratitude and commendation directly to Issa-san. Ashe and Kenchi fought hard and well and without hesitation for their nakama.

Suddenly, Marc's stomach growled -- loudly -- and he let out a sigh as he draped himself over the railing dramatically.

"Need... foooood...."






Akiko Kenichi

Bashful Genius

Sheldon 'Deadeye' Skelter

"I'm no hero..."

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His own rare smile spread across his face as Sniper Skelter nodded humbly to Marcel’s compliment. He finished his work on Dexter and Sinister before his expression became a bit more serious.“It’s nothing major;” he said to his mentor “I’m just running without much sleep today. About a couple nights worth-but I still won’t miss out there. Plus, I smelled some of Sarabi’s awesome chili earlier which put death at the bottom of my list for a while. Thank you for asking, brother.”

The Sniper’s eyes traveled to meet those of Marcel's. He put the twins away and then returned his elbows to the hardwood across from Marcel and asked “How do you want to do this thing? The World Government will pay a pretty penny for each of them; but the Intel we have about that island makes it seem like a place for a romantic chat.

He gave his last smile of the day to the Captain upon the conclusion of his statement. Up until now, Sheldon had not asked about his personal interest in Bloodbath Kiwaro because A) he did not need to and B) It had become a bit clearer after their run in last week. However, it took a bit of effort to corner the Cherry Feathers under these conditions, and the Sniper wanted to know if they were prey or prospects.

"...Just a gun with some principles."

Location: In the Galley of the Emerald Desire
With: Marcel Mihawk
Health: 100%


ChikaDee's Bae

Sparkly Detective

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                                                                            The weather in town was absolutely flawless, the temperature was warm, the people were nice, and everything seemed to be going so well. After having traveled as a hide-away on a ship for several weeks, Justine was finally free to stretch her limbs and, perhaps most importantly, she could finally eat to her heart's content. Sure, ships were fun, but when you are not one quite legally, it was hard to get by. Having Magnus around certainly helped - the sneaky little canine had quite a way with stealing food from unsuspecting pirates. Still, there was only so much a girl could withstand - and having to share food with a dog was just about crossing the line. She had been ecstatic when the ship she was hiding on finally docked on an island, but that excitement didn't last very long.

                                                                            Justine was bored. Well, more like she was getting sick of only eating mango-based products, which seemed to be everything that the island had in stock. Mango drinks, mango pastries, mango-flavored meat - it sounded delicious at first, but after about two weeks of everything tasting and smelling like mangoes, Justine was beginning to wish she'd never have to see another mango ever again in her life. How hard was it for them to get some fish or something? They were right on the ocean! And not one of those orange mango-fish, either - who knew that was even a thing!? Needless to say, the girl was restless, and even the fluffy fur of her four-legged companion did not seem to soothe her anxiety. She wished a ship would come by already, so she could sneak on again and go somewhere else. There was only so much space in her album for pictures of mangoes.

                                                                            "Okay, Magnus, time to walk around some more!" Justine jumped to her feet, dusting off her skirts and making sure her bangs fell securely over her left eye in order to hide the difference in color. She couldn't afford being discovered now, seeing as she had no way off the island, and no way to avoid persecutors for very long. It didn't seem like anyone suspected her to be a pirate, and everyone she'd met so far bought the story that she was just a traveler in search of beautiful sights. Well, in a way, that was what she was - it was hard to call yourself a pirate when you didn't have a crew, or a ship. "Maybe they'll have some dog treats that aren't mango-flavored!" The dog gave a doubtful bark, knowing full well that such a thing was unlikely. Justine had been repeating that same phrase for two weeks now - each day with no reward. Still, Magnus wasn't complaining - he was just glad that Justine looked a little happier these days. When they had just met, she was so upset... It was better this way.

                                                                            "Hello, little lady. You seem bright and chipper this morning, as always." An elderly woman greeted the raven-head as she entered the local cafe, the ringing of the bell announcing her arrival. Though Justine had only been around two weeks, the woman had already decided to treat her like one of her children - which was perhaps why Justine chose this place to visit first thing every morning.

                                                                            "Good morning!" The girl answered brightly, skipping over to the display counter and surveying the goodies. Inwardly, she cringed at the choice - mango this, mango that, mango everything! - but she didn't want to hurt the kind woman's feelings, so she smiled and ordered a couple of pastries and a few dog-friendly snacks for Magnus. Sitting down at the docks with Magnus lying next to her with his head on her lap, she peered out into the blue water, stretching out for miles and miles, as wide as the eye could see. "Let's hope something exciting happens today..." She said, rubbing Magnus' head softly in a circular patterns.

                                                                                        01 ★━━━━ WEIRD MANGO ISLAND -- DOCK
                                                                                        02 ★━━━━ MAGNUS
                                                                                        03 ★━━━━ I AM SICK OF THESE MANGOES OH MY GOD!

Original Phantom

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Sasha "Professor" Vegapunk

" I can calculate everything!"

''Gosh darn it!'' a girl with glasses and light brown clothes and a hat said as she gazed towards the sky. Or what was in the sky. That being some kind of a Mechanical mole. It was flying super fast towards the clouds, and was soon going to disapear from sight all together. ''It was suppoused to burrow, not fly!'' She shouted and sighed. She reached out into her pocket and pulled out a dial. she clicked on the narrow end on it. ''Memo for myself. Model number 23 unsuccesful. Will Alter designs for burrowing device later on.'' She said and started to gather her things.

She had been hiding in this island for 2 days now. There wasn't many marines in here, so it was ideal hideout. Also the food had been good...that is if she could really afford it, but her pockets were pretty bare off Beli right now. And for some reason her invention, the automatic hammer, did not appeal to anyone. Her stomach rumbling didn't make things easier. She hadn't eaten anything in a day! Well She had eaten one sugar cube, but that hardly could be counted on.

Then she spotted something as she made for the docks. A girl with a dog was sitting on the dock, strecthing and gazing into the open sea. But that's not what caught her attention. ''food....'' She said, hiding quickly behind a barrel only 2 meters away from Justine. And it wasn't exactly hiding either, she could be clearly seen, her head staring at Justine's food like a hungry dog. Even more so than the dog present.

" From my heart and from my hand
Why don't people understand
My intentions, Ooh, weird science ! "

Where: Mango island
With: Black haired Dame and a dog
What: Stare.....

{ OOC: .}

born under a bad sign

ChikaDee's Bae

Sparkly Detective

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                                                                            Entrapped by the vast expanse of the blue sky and even bluer sea, Justine was lost to the world. In her mind, she could vividly recall the same blue sea and sky, but thousands of miles away, when she and Rory sat out on the docks like she was doing now, and talked of absolutely nothing for hours and hours on end. It was a happy reminiscence, but like all others it ended all too soon with the realization that those days were gone, and she was all alone again. Wrapping her hands around herself to calm the cold feeling in her chest, she couldn't help the sigh that escaped her lips.

                                                                            "Magnus...?" Justine inquired as she finally noted the absence of a fuzzy head upon her lap. The canine, it seemed, did not take nicely to a group of barrels, growling and barking at them. Wait, now that she actually looked at them, there was obviously a head poking out among the barrels - a female head, attached, it seemed, to a body dressed in a large skirt with a number of odd objects strapped on to her.

                                                                            Magnus growled once more, and this time he leaped forward, tackling the stranger with all the force his small body had in it. He lacked his usual weapon at the moment - as Justine presumed it would look odd to have a knife-wielding canine walking around - so tackling was the worst he could do. Not that he wouldn't think to use his teeth and claws the moment he thought there was any threat at all to his beloved human friend. As things were, however, Magnus landed on his feet and growled again.

                                                                            Justine could only watch and wonder why there was a girl hiding behind barrels. For a moment, a flash of panic overtook her, her mind immediately choosing the worst possible variant as the explanation to the situation - that she's been spotted, that this girl was a Marine and that she was now trapped on this island with no means to get off or to avoid detection. It took her a moment to properly comprehend how ridiculous that notion was. She really hoped, for the sake of her pride among other things, that the Marines would send more than just one small child to face her... Though Justine really had no right to say anything, seeing as she looked at least a couple years younger than she actually was. As the threat of capture passed, Justine let out a breath, passing a hand over her bangs to make sure her eye wasn't visible, and smiled brightly at the (probably) younger girl. "Hello there!" She chirped, clapping her hands together happily, like a child that just got a new toy. Magnus, however, continued to growl angrily, showing his teeth in an attempt at intimidation. Justine frowned. "Hold!" She ordered the canine, and he obliged - albeit reluctantly - and retreated to sit behind Justine, from where he continued to shoot glares at the girl. Justine sighed. "Oh, never mind him, Magnus is just grumpy that he hasn't gotten any real meat lately." She approached the girl, offering a hand - covered by her sleeves, so as it avoid skin contact - to help her up. The sight of the strange objects that the stranger carried with her lit a curious fire in Justine's eyes. "Ooh, it looks so pretty!" She said, pointing to what appeared to be a canon of some kind - the raven-head couldn't really tell. Her home village was a very conservative place, where they valued old ideals above all else and thought technology to be redundant. "Can I hold it, pretty please?" She didn't really care what it was, as long as it looked cool - for all she knew, it was anything from a rocket launcher to an overly large toaster. But it was new and exciting, and Justine was such a sucker for anything at all interesting - especially after being bored on this island for such a long while.

                                                                                        01 ★━━━━ MANGO ISLAND -- DOCK
                                                                                        02 ★━━━━ GIRL WITH GLASSES, MAGNUS
                                                                                        03 ★━━━━ OH MY, OH MY, WHAT AN INTERESTING CONTRAPTION!

Dapper Cat

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> > xxx Location: Crimson Orchid; Deckxxx Company: Issaraxxx Health: 100%xxx < <

                                                  The past week had given Naomi a lot of time to think.

                                                  She had been truly grateful to Marc for all that he had done back in the desert. Not only had he pulled her out of the quick sand, but he went on to protect her from the marine's attacks. It seemed like he was always doing that; putting himself at risk for her sake. Naomi had made a point to be nicer to him than usual while he spent most of the week recovering in the infirmary. Of course, that didn't mean she kissed his booboos or anything mushy like that... although she had brushed his bangs off of his face while he was a sleep.

                                                  At some point during his recovery, Marc and Naomi were having one of their usual exchanges. Marc had complained about his injuries and flirtatiously suggested that her attention was all he needed to feel better. Irritated, Naomi had flung a roll of gauze at him and promptly informed him that if he had listened to her in the first place when she had said not to follow her, then he wouldn't be in this situation. The kunoichi asked him "why did you follow me anyway?" She was expecting him to say that Issa had ordered him to, but his answer threw her off guard entirely. "I want to go where you go." he had replied very plainly. Naomi had stared at him before her face turned beet red. She'd gotten mad at him for "trying to embarrass" her and stormed out of the room.

                                                  Naomi had tried very hard not to think about what had happened in the infirmary, which was harder said than done. It had made her heart skip a beat, no matter how much she'd like to deny it. When she wasn't trying to pretend that that hadn't happened, she was worrying about Issa.

                                                  She had yet to apologize for her rude outburst towards the captain. Issa wasn't trying to make her jealous and hadn't deserved the treatment Naomi was giving her. After much internal struggle, the doctor finally decided that she was ready to make amends. Today, before the crew would disembark to buy supplies and explore the island, she would seek out Issa.

                                                  Making her way on deck, she found the Captain sipping on a blood bag near the bow of the ship. "Issa-chan..." Naomi greeted her meekly, stopping a few feet away from the other female. This was the first time Naomi had spoken to her in days; the ninja had been avoiding her out of guilt. "I need to talk to you," she grumbled, awkwardly looking down at her feet instead of meeting Issa's gaze.

                                                  "I'm just... I mean--" she frowned, stumbling over her tongue as she tried to find the right words to say. Come on, stupid girl! she thought to herself. Crossing her arms over her chest sheepishly, "I'm sorry that I've been avoiding you." Naomi took a deep breath, trying to remain calm, albeit not very well. "I was just so a-angry, and Marc was being obnoxious-- You didn't do anything wrong--" Naomi groaned; this wasn't coming out the way she had wanted.

                                                  Why is this so hard!? She suddenly felt tears streaming down her cheeks, but she didn't care. "I'm sorry, okay?" Naomi mumbled, reaching up to wipe away the tears that were starting to blur her vision.


Dapper Cat

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> > xxx Location: Emerald Desire; Galleyxxx Company: Sheldonxxx Health: 100%xxx < <

                                                  The Lord of the Skies listened to his sniper speak with keen interest. He'd noticed a slight change in Sheldon's behavior lately; a lack of sleep could definitely cause that. Marcel himself was very grouchy when woken up from a nap, like father like son, he supposed. He felt like there was more going on than just sleep deprivation, but he knew that his companion would let him know if something was really wrong. Following along with the man's change in conversation, Marcel took in a deep breath through the nose. The intoxicating smell of Sarabi's famous chili caused him to salivate slightly. "She makes the best chili," the man smirked; Sarabi's cooking was something the crew always look forward to.

                                                  Always the straight-shooter-- no pun intended -- Sheldon got right down to business. It was true that the government would pay well for the Cherry Feathers, and as a Shichibukai, it was partly his job to take wanted pirates in. Then again, he wasn't under any orders to detain them, so he had no intention of doing so. "Romantic chat, is it?" Marcel let off a deep chuckle, he hadn't thought of "Bloodbath" Kiwaro that way. Although, she was beautiful. "I'll make you eat those words the next time we spar, brother." He grinned, his sharp eyes flashing with excitement. If there was anything he liked to do, it was fight. Marcel spent a lot of time sparring with his crew mates, it sated his boredom and provided training for his nakama.

                                                  "You could say I've taken an interest in this particular crew," Marcel explained, drumming his fingers on the wooden tabletop. "They have potential, brother. I've seen it." He closed his eyes briefly, recalling the events of Skypiea. His crew hadn't been there for that time, but they had seen the young pirate's work together to inflict critical damage to Captain Lucia and that obnoxious ensign of hers. "They will be a force to be reckoned with later on; destiny shines upon them." The hawk-man was a firm believer in fate and events that linked people together. He thought that his first meeting with the Cherry Feathers was a sign that their destinies were linked. "I'd like to speak with them," he stated simply.

                                                  Just around that time, a short woman with wild blonde hair came into the galley. In her hands she held a steaming pot of chili. "Alright boys, come and get it!" Sarabi yelled and in response, the crew members in the room all rushed to their feet to grab a bowl. Food went by quick in this crew. Pleased that guys were happy with her food, the young engineer made two bowls and brought them to Sheldon and Marcel's table. "There 'ya go boys, enjoy!"


Original Phantom

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Sasha "Professor" Vegapunk

" I can calculate everything!"

That was not the reaction she had expected. Questions, yes. Threats, maybe. Running, unlikely. Joy....ok not that. However, being immeaditly tackled by a dog was not one of them. Thus, que the unexpected. ''Aaah!'' Sasha gasped as Magnus tackled her into the dock. ''Get off you mutt! You're crushing my ribs!'' She said, Slamming something into Magnus. in 5 seconds, Magnus was surounded inside a bubble (yes, a bubble) and floated off of her. it Popped sometime later.

Sasha got up, adjusting her hat and putting her glasses correctly again. She then gazed at Justine. ''What's the big idea!? All i wanted was some food! Your dog almost broke my only glasses!'' she said, angered. She decided to calm herself down a bit. It was all most likely an misunderstanding. She was just not very good at conversing with people. ''What?'' She asked in confusion when she said pretty. What looked pretty?! Her? Sheesh, nobody has ever said that to her!

Oh she meant her cannon. Wait, pretty?! It was just a Hand cannon with a blue power adjuster. (determines how much power is in the shot, helps with firing in angles.) And then she wanted to hold it! ''What, No! You would blow yourself up! Have you ever even held a gun before?!'' She said, hiding her cannon behind her back. Her stomach rumbled again. Sheesh, hunger was making her crouchy.

" From my heart and from my hand
Why don't people understand
My intentions, Ooh, weird science ! "

Where: Mango island
With: Black haired Dame and a dog
What: Stare.....

{ OOC: .}

born under a bad sign

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