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As she heard Zero mumbling about wishing Alisha was here, Lily looked down sadly. "I do too," she replied. She missed her friend and could only imagine what Zero was feeling. Zero apparently cared about her deeply. Lily thought of Arthur and wondered if she had those same feelings for him. She missed him, too. "I gotta go." Zero suddenly got up and left. He wasn't heading to the dorms though and although Lily didn't want to be left alone, she could see that Zero did. She sighed and set her chin on the table.

The girl from training came and sat across her, surprising Lily. She smiled as the girl asked about how she was after the class and introduced herself as Talia Rozenstone. Lily likewise introduced herself and then Bo. Talia took an immediate liking to Bo , which made her very happy. They continued to converse, mostly about Lily herself, which didn't matter since Lily was just glad to have someone around. She had fun talking about her father, brother, and everyone else that she hadn't realized she missed so much. When Talia asked about her mother though, Lily didn't know what to say. It was true she didn't know much since her family didn't speak about her that often, but Lily did remember a little bit about her mother. Mostly, she just remembered the last moments she spent with her mother. Mom...she gave herself away so that I could be safe/ It wasn't something she could just casually talk about. It was something she didn't even speak about with her own family.

Instead Lily tried to change the subject back over to Talia, who hadn't spoken about herself much at all. Lily was curious about the pretty girl who courteously asked about her well being. Sadly, Talia had to go but they made a promise to meet up for a drink and talk some more.

Once again, Lily was left at her table alone and she could feel the paranoid feeling of being watched seep into her. I don't want to go back to my own room. Zero wants to be left alone... She glanced around for someone, anyone to talk to. The she spotted him, sitting alone and with no make up. Lily raised a brow, debating with herself. He looks so much like him, and he's weird, but....not in a bad way I guess. He definitely makes me laugh. Lily sighed and got up, walked over, and then sat back down across from Riku.

Lily crossed her arms on the table and set her chin atop them. She narrowed her eyes at Riku who glanced away from his cards and toward her. "I still don't trust you but....just keep me company." She growled out, feeling a bit ashamed of her rudeness and desperation to not feel alone.

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Riku blinked at Lily surprised at her attempt to have company. Riku smiled at the girl, still shuffling his cards. "You don't have to trust me. I would never ask for that. But company, you shall have. Want me to read your fortune?" He asked. "You know, even in a simple deck of 54 cards, it can show you the past present and the future."

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Ice felt a light object fall in his lap. He glanced down at the card that Riku placed on his lap. It was a joker card that read 'Don't be a fool' which brought out a throbbing vein in Ice's forehead. "This guy and cards...". He even became more irritated when Riku had drawn a picture of himself holding up a peace sign. He understood Riku's silence though. He didn't want to have any connections at the moment, which was smart. Something Riku always was. He never was impatient. Never blew up in front of anyone. Kind and strong willed. Also, a clever thinker. He was everything Ice wasn't and wanted to be. Maybe that was why Ice agreed to be in Riku's group rather than anyone else's.

He watched from the corner of his eye as Talia made her way to Lily. He saw that look in Talia's eyes and he knew she was using her powers already. He knew it all too well. Of course, being his partner, he had seen her do it multiple times on targets. After Talia's face changed into a uncomfortable look, she left the cafeteria. Ice watched as Lily walked over to Riku. He shrugged his shoulders, knowing Riku would have everything under control. It was probably why he ended up being one of the generals like Razor was.

After some deep thought, he went ahead and went straight to the bar, hoping to have a little relaxation, that he knew would just end up with him in bed with someone.
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Lily grinned as Riku offered to read her fortune. She always liked cards. She played Go-Fish with her brother when she was a little girl, and later, she learned to play other card games such as Solitaire, Hearts, Poker, and her favorite - Black Jack. Riku slid all the cards face down across the table and instructed her to pick three and not to look at them. She chose one card from the very center, then one front the left and one from the right, keeping them face down on the table. Lily glanced up to Riku, intrigued. "Now what?"

Interesting Genius

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Riku flipped the cards over. "The three of hearts. It seems like your love like is a little confusing. It shows that you aren't sure who to love. Who's the lucky guy? hehe..." Riku laughed. Next, he flipped over the middle card. "The seven of spades. Ah, some bad news. It seems like there is something you shouldn't take. Not sure what that would be. You see, fortune telling can be very vague. There are endless limitations on what things can mean. For example, it doesn't have to be an object. It could be advice or any opportunity given to you. Also, there might be a few obstacles in the way in the near future." Riku sighed. "Well...there is truth in cards afterall," Riku thought. He flipped the next card. The Jack of Clubs. "Ah, so who's the secret admirer?" Riku chuckled. "Whoever he is will be lucky." Riku placed his hands keeping the three cards in the middle of his palms. Then, he clapped his hands and the cards were gone. But, Riku winked. He closed clapped again and when he opened his hands, there was a Ten of Hearts. "Ten of Hearts. It means good luck." Rike slid the card to her. "You should keep it."

Riku closed his eyes and smiled at Lily. It was a fun game and hopefully, the good luck card he had picked for her worked. It was all in the cards and how much luck you really had. There was something psychic in everyone. What mattered was how much people exercised them. "So. What do you think?"

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Lily listened as Riku flipped each of the card. First was the three of hearts. Trouble in love. Lily frowned, thinking of Arthur. Do I love him? she wondered, but pushed the thought away and listened to the next card. Seven of spades. She didn't quite understand what he meant by "There's something you shouldn't take." Riku further explained that it could mean many things but all she really understood was she needed to be cautious about something. She sighed and listened again to the last card. The Jack of Clubs. A secret admirer. Again she thought of Arthur and his unusual confession. She turned a bit red. "Well, if it's him, it's not much of a secret anymore," she muttered.

Riku took her three chosen cards and clapped. The cards disappeared and Lily stared at his empty hands. He clapped again and a single card reappeared in his hand. 'The ten of Hearts. It means good luck." Riku slipped it toward her and she took it, holding it up confusedly. "You should keep it." he said. "So what do you think?" he asked.

To be honest, it was all a bit annoying to her. Complicated. Lily frowned. "I think the future is going to have unexpected surprises, regardless of hw much you try to avoid them. As far as my love life...well at the moment it's non-existant...I think." She blushed, staring at the card in her hand.

Lily finally smiled to Riku. "I believe in making my own luck, but- " she slipped her wallet out of her pocket and slipped the ten of Hearts behind her ID. "- I won't say no to a helping hand. Thank you." After putting her wallet back up she pointed to the rest of the face down cards. "You know, it's more fun to play with cards than to read them. Especially if there's stakes." She grinned at Riku. "Do you want to play a game?"

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Riku chuckled. "Actually, I'm very bad at card games and whenever I do win, people think I cheat so I stay away from card games." He stopped laughing when Lily pouted and sighed. "Hm...how about this. Tomorrow I will play whatever game you want." Riku stood up. It's started to get dark. Will you be headed for your room? Or d you have an engagement with that admirer of yours?" Riku couldn't help but laugh again. "I have nothing else better to do, so I may go back and sleep +
early for the night. Early to bed and early to rise...hm...what comes next after that?" Riku tapped on his chin a few times. "Get's the worm...rise...rise...what rhymes with rise? Oh well." Riku stood up and then hit his fist on the palm of his other hand. "Pie! I think I want pie. Be right back." Riku ran to the lunchlady and came back with a piece of mystery pecan pie with whipped cream on top. He was quiet during the remainder of dinner stuffing his face with 4 slices of pie. "Oh pie...I shall marry you someday."
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Lily was a bit disappointed when he shot down her card game challenge, but he promised to rain check until tomorrow. She smiled. "Alright, I'll keep you to your promise." Riku got up, presumably to go to bed but somehow he managed to randomly mumble his way into getting dessert instead. He hurried off through the line and came back with some very delicious looking pie. She smiled as he took the first bite. Riku relished the taste. She'd never seen such a happy child-like face. He shovelled the rest into his mouth and was done in no time flat. Lily just stared, silently laughing at the guy in front of her devoured the four slices of pie. "Oh pie...I shall marry you some day." He sadly shoved the last spoonful into his mouth and made a face of both joy and agony, it made Lily laugh aloud.

"I think you're the one that has problems in love, Riku. If you could marry your pie, you would. Then be committed for murder when you finally couldn't control yourself and ate your poor pie-wife!" She laughed some more. When she finally finished, she was exhausted. "I think I'll leave you to your fantasies of a sweet love. It's time for this poor girl to get to sleep." She stood, a bit unsteadily. Bo, climbed onto her shoulder and rubbed his cheek onto hers. Maybe it's because of the training but I feel so sore and tired. "She nodded to Riku and smiled. "See you tomorrow. Good night."


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Distraught and in turmoil remained the young Alisha as she kept to herself and headed straight to her dorm. There was a few familiar figures on the way, they had not noticed her but she noticed them; none of them was Lily nor Zero. She sighed, and when she got to her dorm she walked in to find that Zero was not back yet, 'good' she thought to herself as she wanted some privacy to scan over the file that they had given her, to complete a task that seemed impossible given the way she felt about him. She walked into her dorm room, closed the door and locked it, closed the shades and quickly went to her desk to open up her binder which contained the folder with her supposed target.

'Name- Zero Archrider, Male, Power- Shadow Manipulation w/ minimal control, City- Avondale' She looked at that information for a moment until it struck her that the city he was from was the same city that she was from, coincidentally. 'Priority target, this target has been disrupting tasks and eliminating our contacts, eliminate on site' it read, but she continued to read it further. 'Collateral damage caused by this target remains unknown, but extensive' it read, Alisha had to read this over a few times before she finally understood what it was saying; the government has marked Zero as a murderer. At this point, she could no longer read the information that it had contained and she closed the folder, stuffed it shut in her binder and left it on her desk; Ali wanted this day to be over, and all of the things that had happened reversed.

She waited for Zero to arrive back into the dorm, but remained behind her dorm door with it shut tight, sealed away but not locked now. She waited patiently for his arrival as she knew he would know that she was back, and most likely come walking through her door but it didn't matter at this point. She needed to talk to him, away somewhere far, somewhere safe, somewhere alone.

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When Zero looked up, the moon was already out of his view. He check the time on the music room's wall reading 2:00. He placed the violin down and yawned. "Guess I better get back to sleep. Lily's probably there sleeping already." Zero walked to his dorm, the halls quieter than usual. THe shadows around him were darker and more sinister than usual. But, he ignored it and walked on. When he reached the dorm, he opened the door expecting to see Lily on the couch, but nothing. "Maybe she went to the bar...hm...a drink doesn't sound too bad..." Zero turned around and noticed Alisha's door closed. "Was that door closed before?" Zero snapped his fingers. "Must be Lily then." Zero walked to the couch and pulled up the cover revealing new sheets, blankets, and pillows. He took a few of them and walked into the room. It beginning to be a habit not to knock. He had the sheets and pillows in the way and couldn't see when he was going. "Uhm...if you're awake...here's some sheets..." Zero kept walking finally tripping on the blanket that was hanging in front of him and fell onto a pair of breasts. "Ow..." he said, his mouth still muffled. He looked up and his eyes went wide open. "Alisha.....you're....you're okay?" Zero give her a hug while straddling her. "I guess I was just being paranoid."

He let go of her and smiled happily with a slight pink face, but that soon disappeared when he saw hers. "What's the matter?" Zero asked moving into a sitting position beside her. "You look a little pale." He took a strand of her hair and moved it behind her ear where he could see her face better. Then he cupped her cheeks and turned her face to him. "Ya gonna tell me? Or do I have to take you on a midnight ride. Hm...you've never been on a ride with me have you? Well, it makes things a lot better. What do you say?" Zero stood up and held a hand out. "Shall we?"

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"It's alright...a power like yours has potential to be great. Do you know anyone in this school," the Headmaster asked. Eevee shook her head. "I see..."

"I... I hope people in this school like me..." Eevee bowed her hair, her long pink hair falling over her face. "Thank you, Headmaster." The Headmaster gave her a folder with her schedule, room number, school book rules, and other tidbits she needed to know. She exited the room, first taking out her room number. "Hm?" The girl walked on until she found a room reading A2. "I guess my roommate should be asleep by now." She opened the door slowly with the key that was included with the folder. The room was dim. There was only one door opened and that was hers. Empty and he things were already brought there. "Wow! That's amazing!" She hopped on the bed and bounced a couple of times to check the mattress. "It's better than the one I have at home!" Finally finished playing, she laid down. "Riku...I have to pretend I don't know you. How will I carry out your every bidding." THe girl pouted. "Riku...tell me what to do already!!!"


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A sense of self satisfaction overwhelmed her body when Zero walked in to discover it was just her, and not Lily or someone else. She let herself be drawn into the hug that he had come to give her, it felt good, very good actually and she slowly threw her arms around him but in a very weak manner. He was in control essentially, but even he noticed that something was wrong with her, which something was indeed. Alisha looked at him as he sat next to her and offered to take her on a ride away from the school, 'perfect' she thought to herself.

"We need to talk, but first we need to get away from her, somewhere where we can be alone" she replied to him as she stood up and walked over to her desk, grabbed the binder and held it tight to her chest. Alisha turned around to look at him, he was still staring right at her and her him. "Please, lets go" she said in her still numb voice, still in disbelief that she was looking straight at the man that she was suppose to kill, yet the same one that she felt for.
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After she left Riku, Lily walked toward the dorms. So sleepy... She finally made it to the door and opened it, not bothering to turn on the light. She was alone. Zero must not be back yet. The tired girl closed the door and left it unlocked for him, not knowing if he was carrying a key. She threw herself onto the couch, let her shoes fall on the floor, and curled up with Bo. Lily was in a deep sleep in seconds.

Little did she know, the dorm she had walked into was not Zero's and Alisha's, but her own.

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Alisha had reached Zero's hands and he helped her up. Quietly, they snuck out of the dorm rooms, avoiding some guards and chaperons using his shadow ability. He grabbed her waist when he saw a perfect line in the shadows. They both melted into the darkness and appeared in the parking lot where there were more guards they had to avoid. One almost caught them, and Zero had to push Alisha down and lay on top of her. He didn't ant to say it outloud, but he was getting turned on by the position. When the guard passed her found his bike. When she sat down, he placed a helmet over her head and called the shadows around him to block the noise. Then, using the same bridge technique, they drove off into the night in Zero's favorite place.

They reached a clearing in the middle of the woods where Zero was constantly skipping class to. He hopped off and helped Alisha get off the bike again. They both sat down under a dying tree, with only a few branches of life. "So...you went off somewhere and you come back with a face like that. What's the matter?" Zero dug in his satchel on his bike and found a bottle of whiskey. He took a sip and handed the bottle to her. "Take whatever you want out on me."


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Being melted and surrounded with such darkness Zero controlled felt very eerie to Alisha whom had the opposing power of his, but at least she felt safe with him, for right now. She went along with him towards the bike, him as her guide avoiding guards and other on duty personnel whom were making sure that kids like them did not sneak out. Soon though they would be off on the bike with the shadows muffling their noise, away from the school and away from people. They took refuge in a clearing that Zero seemed to be familiar with, at least it was safe for now.

She took the whiskey bottle that he had offered him, Ali needed a drink and she needed one fast. She took a decently sized gulp from the bottle, probably more than she should have had but she did not care. She looked back up towards Zero, her face still pale from being riddled with the danger they were in, something Zero seemed so oblivious to as was the other kids. "Zero, we're not safe here, your not safe here" she struggled to say, but her speech came up short as she had not the words to come up with what to say next. So instead, she found a small spot where the moon light came down towards the ground, and placed her binder there to open up the folder she had concealed inside with all the information about Zero, everything about him and her mission assigned. "Zero, this is not me. What they are trying to do to me, is not me. It's the government, they want me to kill you but i can't, and now i'm not safe because i'm a traitor if they find out i told you this, and they will kill my family, and my father, and me".

A tear slowly started to glide down her pale face as she watched Zero move over towards the folder to look at the information, too taking in the information that they had about him. She watched, but when he would turn back towards her, she would fall forwards onto his body in a small embrace, and break out into a small cry. "We're not safe, they want to kill us. There are others on campus too, with these folders, but the only one i know of is Ice, that's what they told me" she said, as she buried her face into his chest, and her embrace became a little tighter around him. She wept softly, yet sincere as Zero was one she cared about, one to her worth becoming a traitor for, "Please don't hurt me" her muffled voice cracked through his clothing as she wept.

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