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Fashionable Shapeshifter

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Cale Anderson

Cale had to dogde around people to male it to class on time. Barely two periods and he was already exhausted. He made it before the bel rang and ignored the giggles and looks that he got and checked the board to see he was sitting next to Henry, it couldn't be the same Henry could it? And sure it was the same guy. Cale smiled and slid into the seat next to him. "Hey Henry. Nice to see you again." He said with a grin.

Luxury Starshine's Princess

Precious Blob

Henry Melmont

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      Henry glanced up when the much-talked-about blonde boy slid into the seat beside him. "Hi." He replied, looking away. He tapped his pencil against the desk rapidly, trying to figure out how to fulfill the mission that Abby had asked him to. How the hell did you ask another guy for their phone number? Would Cale get the wrong idea about it? He so didn't want that. People were creeped out by him enough, and that was without assuming that he was gay.

      Well, the best way to do it was probably to ask straight out, right? It was a favour, after all. For a girl he didn't really know, but a favour was a favour, no matter who it was for. And he said he would do it, and had gotten them so excited. It would be downright cruel to back out now. Not to mention he'd be an outright coward. But still, he really didn't want to do this.

      Ah, what the heck. "Hey." He muttered, looking back at the other boy again. He chewed on his lower lip, uncertain of what to do now, and hoping that this wouldn't be overheard by anyone who would take it the wrong way. "What's your phone number?" There. Done. He'd asked. Now the boy would either give it to him, stare at him like he'd suddenly sprouted horns, laugh at him, or curse him out. Or all of the above.

Fashionable Shapeshifter

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Cale Anderson

"Do you want the real number, or the fake number that I have to throw off stalkers? And which girl put you up to it?" Cale asked, still smiling.He waited to Henry to give him that surprised look. The one that always made him laugh and say he really didn't have a fake number and that it was a joke. Unless it turned out to be he really was asking for a girl, then he gives them the fake number. Which was just a random number he came up with.

Luxury Starshine's Princess

Precious Blob

Henry Melmont

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      A slow smile spread across Henry's face, even though he tried to fight it. A few chuckles may even have slipped out. He hadn't been expecting that response, but he had to admit, it was a good one. "Unless you want to be called obsessively by about 13 different girls and their friends, better give me the fake one." He replied, unable to help smiling at the other boy. "And trust me, girls tend to have a lot of friends, so you could wind up with girls calling your house every two minutes. But it's your call."

      It had been a while since he'd met someone who actually had a decent sense of humour. It was nice, refreshing. Perhaps sitting next to this guy wouldn't be so bad, despite the female attempts to get his number and the clustering. If the other boy had a sense of humour about it, then it wouldn't be complete torture. Which was always very nice. And this time, he wasn't the punch line of the joke. Not that he had been the punch line recently, not since they'd moved. Since he was more withdrawn now. He kept his mouth shut about the things he saw. The things he knew. The things he was afraid of.

      "And there's not really any point telling you who asked." He added, beginning to hit his pencil against the desk again. "You wouldn't know her, anyway. Unless you move faster than I thought, that is." He hoped the other boy wouldn't mind the jab back. It had been a while since he'd joked with anyone other than his brothers, and even they were away at college.

Fashionable Shapeshifter

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Cale Anderson

Cale smiled widely when Henry laughed, to Cale making people that didn't smile alot laugh was a good thing. Though right now he sure one of the guys sitting close was staring a bit at Henry for laughing. "I've had more than 13 and in less than a minute. So I know where your coming from. And I hate having people I don't try to act like my friend just because I look good. It's nice to find people that look past the skin, like you." He said and sribbled down some random number off the thop of his head and slid it over to him.

Luxury Starshine's Princess

Precious Blob

Henry Melmont

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      Henry accepted the paper, tucking it neatly into a notebook without looking at it. He'd give it to... Whatever her name had been, later. "You have a nice smile." He commented absently, without really thinking about it. Cheerful people could be annoying, but interesting at the same time. He glanced behind him when he felt eyes on him, and noticed one of his male classmates gawking at him as though he were an exhibit at a zoo or something. Oh, right. These people weren't used to him laughing. Or doling out compliments. So of course they wouldn't expect him to do that. When their eyes met, the other boy quickly looked away, looking embarrassed for being caught.

      "Can your phone really take thirteen calls in less than a minute?" He asked, brushing off the starer and turning his mind back to their conversation. "I didn't think that was possible. Unless you're really fast at hanging up." He said thoughtfully, picturing this.

      He blushed slightly at the offhand compliment. He certainly didn't get those everyday, and it flustered him a little. "Yeah, well..." He mumbled, embarrassed. "It-It's not like I can help it. So there's nothing to be complimented about. And I'm hardly nice to you." There was a double meaning behind that, but Henry knew that without knowing about his abilities, Cale shouldn't be able to pick it up. But he'd worded it weird. That, he would probably pick up. And ask about. Shoot.

Fashionable Shapeshifter

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Cale Anderson

"Thanks. And yes it can. It's called, press green then red very quickly. So yes, I'm very good at hanging up quickly." Cale chuckled. Henry looked really cute when he smiled. But what did he mean by that? So far he had been pretty nice. "Well you don't have to be nice, just not fall head over heels whenever I smile or just look at you." He joked, a double meaning in his words, but not one that anyone had managed to pick up on yet.

Luxury Starshine's Princess

Precious Blob

Henry Melmont

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      "Well, I guess if you get a lot of annoying phone calls, that's a good talent to have." He commented, wondering where the teacher was. Not that he was expecting him to be there yet. This particular teacher was notorious for being late, and sometimes didn't show up at all. It was a miracle that he hadn't been fired by now. "I'll have to keep that trick in mind. If I ever need it. Though it's highly likely that I won't." He said.

      Unless I get found out and start getting harrassment calls again. He thought. Those had been bad. And threatening. And the main reason they'd moved. He'd managed to keep the harrassment and the phone calls a secret from his family for a surprisingly long time. Usually because he was the one who answered the phone. But he'd been out with a cold, and his mother had answered the phone. That was when she found out about it, and woke him up and demanded the whole story. Of course she and his brothers knew about his abilities. How could they not, living with him like they did? Escpecially since little kids didn't have a good grasp on what was normal and what was not. His mother had been outraged to learn that he was being bullyed, and when things got to a dangerous, phsyical extent, she announced that they were moving. And so here they were. And Henry was being much more careful this time.

      "Who'd fall for you?" He retorted to the teasing. "On second thought..." He added, glancing behind him to all the girls that were staring at Cale with googly eyes. "They would. But you don't have to worry about me doing so. That's impossible."

Fashionable Shapeshifter

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Cale Anderson

"It might, your pretty handsome when you smile." Cale said with a smile of his own. That was to see if he could get Henry blush. Of course his next words were stabbed through his heart like a knife. "Never say never, and impossiblity is an illusion." He said, a quote his dad often said to him. "But your right about the girls falling for me, it would be extermly hard for me to love any of them back." Cale added. Turning around as the teacher brust through the door and panting heavily, he probably ran all the way here.

Luxury Starshine's Princess

Precious Blob

Henry Melmont

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      Henry made a face at Cale's flattery. "Oh, please. There's no chance of that happening. It's a miracle that they even asked me for a favour at all. Usually I'm classified as dark and creepy, and therefore avoided like I've got the plague." He retorted, but was thankful for the gesture. At least this person seemed to like him. But that could potentially become dangerous. He didn't want anyone to get to close. He didn't want to have to dream about them.

      "Hmph, of course it's impossible. I could never love anyone, and it's highly unlikely that anyone would ever love me. I have far too many unresolved issues. Not to mention being pessimistic, moody, and typically unpleasant to be around." He explained, completely not noticing Cale's hurt. Of course, he hadn't meant to hurt feelings; he just had no idea that saying it was impossible for him to love Cale would hurt him. After all, it would never bother anyone else. Why should he think Cale any different?

      The teacher raced through the door, knocking over a stack of papers in the process and gasping like a winded donkey. He always made a fool of himself. The class giggled at his ridiculous appearance. His toupee was sliding half-off his head, and his fat stomach was hanging out from under his shirt. Poor guy must be having a bad day. Probably got chewed out by his wife again. They were having marital problems, according to his dreams. Though most of those problems would likely go away if he would just fix his gambling problem.

      "Hm? Why's that?" He asked absently, watching as the teacher got himself organized for the class. "A lot of them are cute, and pretty nice, once you get to know them." Of course, he didn't know any of them personally. But with his powers, he often got too much information about people. It was sad, since he wasn't a nosy person by nature, and would really rather mind his own business.

Fashionable Shapeshifter

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Cale Anderson

"Never say never." Cale repeated, geting hurt by those harsh words. Keeping the fact that he was gay was definitely the best option. He kept the hurt from his face however. So he decided to turn the conersation away from love. "So why is the teacher later than the students and whats with that look on his face?" He asked him. "And how would the guy on the fringes know what the girls acted like?"

Luxury Starshine's Princess

Precious Blob

Henry Melmont

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      Henry sighed in exasperation. Cale just didn't get it. Not that he expected him to. To expect that, he would have to reveal much more information than he was comfortable with. And likely a lot of things that the other boy wanted to hear. Ah, well. Optimists and pessimists weren't really meant to get along. They were on far too opposite ends of the spectrum. They could probably cohabitate alright, so long as they didn't try to talk to each other too much and get into pointless arguments. If they were going to argue, they should have a good point behind it.

      "This teacher is always late. He has various personal problems, apparently. Who knows what they are specificly. He'll probably sort them out soon. Maybe." He replied with a shrug, uncomfortable with the turn in the conversation. Of course he knew what was going on. But they were things that he shouldn't know. So he just told Cale what everyone else knew from the rumours that were flying around. It was best not to give out too much information. Too risky.

      Cale's next question was no better than the first one. Did the guy have a knack for asking questions that made others the most uncomfortable? It was a good thing he was used to questions like this, and had an answer ready. He'd never like lying, though. It just felt diry. "It's always the ones on the fringes that learn the most. We have nothing better to do than observe, after all." He said, not looking at the other boy and instead opening up his notebook to copy down the notes that the frazzled teacher had begun to write on the board. "Isn't that usually how it works?"

Fashionable Shapeshifter

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Cale Anderson

Cale tured up to the front with a smypathic look. "Poor guy, some times it's the people that least deserve something that get the wrost lot in life." He sighed, including himself in that, he really didn't like crowds and crowed he often was. And he nodded to the answer of his second question. "Makes sense. I'd rather be on the fringe than be in the middle." He sighed again.

Luxury Starshine's Princess

Precious Blob

Henry Melmont

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      Why Cale would be sympathetic to someone he didn't even know was beyond Henry. That ability was far beyond him. He had very little sympathy for even the people he did know. It seemed to him that most people had a tendancy to dig their own graves. If they brought it upon themselves, than he had no need to offer them sympathy. They should just fix whatever problem they were having. Like if the Science Teacher would just fix his gambling problem, then a lot of his wife's grievances with him would disappear, and they'd be a much happier couple. But he refused to change his ways, so there was really nothing to be done.

      "Well, if you don't want to be in the middle, can I make a suggestion?" Henry asked, giving up on listening to the lecture. The teacher didn't seem to notice that he was giving the same lecture as yesterday. He supposed it wasn't a big deal, though. Three fourths of the class hadn't noticed, either. That was a good way to gauge who was paying attention and who wasn't. "Shave your head so that you have a mohawk, grow out the remaining hair until it's three feet long, then dye it your choice of a fluorescent colour and gel it into spikes. Then start dressing weirdly. You'll be a social outcast in no time."

Fashionable Shapeshifter

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Cale Anderson

Cale gave him a look. "Your crazy, I may not want to be in the middle but I happen to like my hair the way it is. And my clothes, I'd rather just avoid people." He deadpanned. He hadn't turned back to Henry and was watching the man up front make a fool of himself, it was almost to painful to watch. Almost. It took his mind of his own pain at Henry's eariler harsh words.

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