Welcome to Gaia! ::

Gambino Labtech

20,775 Points
  • Their Undying Love 500
  • Zurg Mama 500
  • Herr Doktor 500
Welcome, one and all, to...

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Click the images above for this year's item grant!

05/04/24 - Party is on and all contests are open!
05/10/24 - You just saw the text! Join us in zOMG! for tonight's Dev Meat to celebrate! Check the time for your time zone here!
05/13/24 - Happy Birthday, Gino!
05/15/24 - Happy Johnny K Day! Play for exclusive prizes!
05/19/24 - Last day for contest submissions!
05/20/24 - Last day to party, thread closes at midnight!
05/21/24 - Winners announced, prizes distributed!

Future Updates:

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Gambino Labtech

20,775 Points
  • Their Undying Love 500
  • Zurg Mama 500
  • Herr Doktor 500
User Image

Welcome, one and all, to Gino's Hollywood Hullabaloo!
A celebration of Gino Gambino's 36th birthday!
(Brought to you by Gino's Harem 2: Electric Boogaloo and Citizens of Gaia)

You all know how it goes. Follow the ToS, stay on topic, and be kind to each other. After all, how do we change the world? One random act of kindness at a time. It's what Gino and Morgan Freeman would want.

We've got a few of those! Click the links to get to the posts!

To Enter: It's as simple as quoting me! Just do so in your post, indicate which contest you're entering, and be sure to include / link to your entry! But be sure to quote me, otherwise I may not see your entry!

Gino's Blockbuster Art Contest
Hot Off The Presses Fanfiction Contest
"I'm Your Biggest Fan!" Avatar Contest"
Aaaaaand... ACTION!" Scenic Avatar Contest

Dress Code
There's only two real rules here: Think Gambino. But also think HOLLYWOOD!

You can dress in Gambino colors, in an outfit inspired by one of the Gambinos, have a Gambino-family-related item on, or just something you'd throw on for a red carpet premiere or awards show! If you want to wear something Gambino related but don't have anything, just let me know and I'll see what I can dig up for you! gaia_gaiagold

For some helpful item suggestions, see below!

Newzpop Reporta Tyro Bong
Astrid Nacht
Gamori Grigori

Theme: Gino's Hollywood Hullabaloo

May 10, 2024


Astrid Nacht
    Lights... Camera... ACTION! It's time for Gino's Hollywood Hullabaloo, a celebration of our star's 36th birthday! Roll up in your red carpet best to celebrate all things glitz, glam, and Gino!

gaia_nitemareleft gaia_kittenstar gaia_nitemareright

Item Ideas

NPC/Gold Shop Items

Tip: There are a number of fantastic items in H&R Wesley and Barton Jewelers that will work for this theme! gaia_star

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Prize & Joy
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Go Fusion
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The Marketplace


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Gambino Labtech

20,775 Points
  • Their Undying Love 500
  • Zurg Mama 500
  • Herr Doktor 500
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Gino's Blockbuster Art Contest

As always during this time of year on Gaia -- and, let's be real, every other moment of every other day -- Gino Gambino is the unparalleled star of the show. Everybody knows his name, everybody knows his face, and -- as his father put it -- he is "History's Greatest Man."

So it makes perfect sense for him to star in a film. And it makes perfect sense for the studio to hire you to create the theatrical poster!

What is the film going to be about? Is it a simple biopic, or are we looking at the next Ron Bruise-esque action flick? Is Gino the leading man or is he the unfortunate recipient of the Mike Wazowski treatment?

Any type of visual artistry is accepted -- it just needs to be one cohesive, finished product (ie no inspiration boards or blueprints)!

First Place
User Image + User Image

Second Place
User Image + User Image 50k Plat

Third Place
User Image + User Image 25k Plat


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hi am lenny
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Contest opens May 4th and closes May 20th!

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Gambino Labtech

20,775 Points
  • Their Undying Love 500
  • Zurg Mama 500
  • Herr Doktor 500
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"The Rumor Mill" Fanfiction Contest

Did you hear the latest thing about Gino Gambino? Can you believe it? Is there any truth to it? Regardless of how simple and honest or how wild and out of left field the rumor is, it's your job to write a compelling blurb for the Gaia News Weekly.

Recommended word count: 250 - 1,500 words!

First Place
User Image + User Image

Second Place
User Image + User Image + User Image 50k Plat

Third Place
User Image + User Image 25k Plat



"Gino Gambino's Shocking Secret Revealed: He Might Just Be A Regular Joe, Not A Titan!"

For years since his return, Gino basked in the glory of his supposed titan heritage, with rumors swirling about his incredible strength and abilities inherited from his father's bloodline. However, a recent investigation might have uncovered the real truth - Gino Gambino is no titan at all, but simply a regular human!

The revelation has sent shockwaves through the Gaia Online community, with many questioning the authenticity of Gino's past exploits and achievements. Gaians are left scratching their heads, wondering how they were so easily fooled by someone who turned out to be just like the rest of us.

In the wake of this shocking revelation, Gaia Online forums have exploded with speculation and commentary. Users are dissecting every pixel of Gino's avatar, searching for clues they may have missed, and debating the implications of his true identity.

One user, going by the username 'TitanTruther22,' claims to have predicted Gino's secret all along. "I've been saying it for years," they declared triumphantly in a post that quickly went viral. "There's no way someone could be that powerful and still have time for fishing minigames!"

Others, however, are less convinced. "This is just a smear campaign," insists another user known as 'GinoGroupie123.' "Gino is a hero to us all, titan or not. He's saved Gaia countless times, and that's all that matters."

Another Gaian, opting to stay incognito, had proposed to provide a statement in exchange for a 1k platinum coin; however, upon receiving the payment, the brown hair & blue eyed male swiftly dashed off in the direction of The Bifrost shop.

Meanwhile, Gino himself has remained silent on the matter, leading to wild speculation about his next move. Will he address the rumors head-on, or will he continue to let his actions speak louder than words? Despite the rumors, Gino Gambino remains a beloved figure on Gaia Online, with fans rallying behind him in this time of uncertainty. As the digital dust settles on this titan-sized scandal, one thing is clear – in a world where pixels reign supreme, sometimes the true heroes are the ones who embrace their humanity with a smile. As the Gaia Online community grapples with this bombshell, one thing is certain: the legend of Gino Gambino will endure, whether he's a titan, a human, or something else.

For more updates on Gino Gambino and all the latest Gaia Online gossip, stay tuned to Gaia News Weekly as we delve deeper into this saga and uncover the truth behind the pixels!

- A Super -

When an insider reported last month that a remake of A Scandal in Aekea was in the works, rumor and speculation quickly followed. What everybody wants to know is: who will play the quick-witted, sure-footed gumshoe, Jack Coscione? The leading man of the original film was played by none other than Johnny K. Gambino who also served as Scandal's executive producer. And who better to follow in his footsteps than his son, Gino, who was recently spotted in Aekea where filming is sure to take place? While he declined requests for comment, our insider has suggested that Gino must have green-lit the remake since the Gambinos retained the rights to A Scandal in Aekea and its short-lived line of mechanized merchandise.

The film, a sci-fi noir romp set in the fictional 'Old Aekea' where technology controls every aspect of human society, was widely panned by critics as a vanity flick with an inflated budget. However, it has attained cult status in recent years, and some of its most ardent fans are responsible for returning it briefly to theaters after the passing of Johnny Gambino. The Gaia Weekly News article that covered the screenings also got a quote from Gino who, while very young at the time of his father's one-time stint in cinema, recalled the first time he saw the film as an adult:

"I was surprised how serious the story was," Gino said. "Considering the hat my dad was wearing."

Scandal's sets and costumes drip with Gambino glamor, and the bizarre story twists flatter the hot-and-cold personality of its protagonist. Whoever is chosen to play the handsome hawkshaw has some patently large shoes to fill!

Watchout Gwee
Hello Gaians,

This is guest reporter Watchout Gwee here with the latest juicy news sussed out from the shadows of the derelict Gambino mansion. The ashes are many years cold, but the salacious tale of Gino Gambino’s unconventional upbringing is again sizzling hot news since Gambino’s adventure movie premier “Curse of the Indigo Jewel” is getting ready to land in theaters the week of his birthday.

The parties and photoshoots have taken a backseat to the more intriguing rumors of Gino making late night pilgrimages to the ruins of the Gambino mansion. Reports from a reliable source have the handsome Gambino standing at the edge of the ruins, almost in a trance, he can be heard talking to someone…and someone answers, but nobody is there aside from Gino, according to reports. Strange shimmering visions are also reported, they are different each time. On one instance the observer saw a missile coming from the sky towards a ghostly Gambino mansion, but Gino took no notice and continued to talk, another night the mansion materialized and appeared to be in flames, again Gino just stood there talking to the disembodied voice.

On the last occasion, I accompanied my source and witnessed this myself. I had my camera with me hoping to capture this phenomenon. Even though I snapped countless photos of aliens hovering over a still standing mansion, unfortunately after it was all over my photos only showed the ruins of the Gambino mansion and nothing else, not even Gino was in the photo, which leaves me wondering if maybe I’m having hallucinations.

Without photographic evidence it’s up to you, my dear reader, to come to your own conclusion as to what’s going on, is this a very sophisticated stunt to promote Gambino’s first movie or is he communing with the spirit of his dead father, Johnny K. Gambino, while the Gambino mansion goes through the several iterations of its destruction night after night. No doubt, once this is published the masses will converge upon the sight to try to witness this phenomena for themselves. Unfortunately since I approached the younger Gambino about this he’s stopped going to the mansion and it appears the strange goings on have ceased as well. As for Gambino’s take on what was going on, he acted as if he had no idea what I was talking about and professed to be sound asleep each and every night during that time frame.

Unsolved mystery or not, this just adds to the long and bizarre list of the younger Gambino’s life experiences. Only time will tell if this was a stunt to promote his movie or it merits further investigation.

Contest opens May 4th and closes May 20th!

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Gambino Labtech

20,775 Points
  • Their Undying Love 500
  • Zurg Mama 500
  • Herr Doktor 500
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"I'm Your Biggest Fan" Avatar Contest

What's a Hollywood... Gaiawood... premiere without the paparazzi? Oh, and wouldn't you know it, that last picture you caught of Gino is bound to make some headlines! Show us this photo of Gino -- whether it's beyond cool or super embarassing!

Please specifically depict Gino Gambino as the main subject of this avatar.
Avatar Builder use encouraged!

First Place
User Image + User Image + User Image

Second Place
User Image + User Image + User Image 50k Plat

Third Place
User Image + User Image 25k Plat


i pikachoose you

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"Aaaaand... ACTION!" Scenic Avatar Contest

Wow, Gino's starring in his first movie and you're getting a sneak peek! You're only able to see the opening shot, but it does a perfect job of showing off both the overall vibe of the film and our leading man! Show us the opening shot for Gino's first movie!

Be sure to include any Gino SDPlus doll.
Avatar Builder use encouraged!

First Place
User Image + User Image

Second Place
User Image + User Image + User Image 50k Plat

Third Place
User Image + User Image 25k Plat


Gino's set sail on another adventure yet again hunting for gold... will he be lucky and find more? Watch to find out!
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Watchout Gwee
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Contests open May 4th and close May 20th!

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Gambino Labtech

20,775 Points
  • Their Undying Love 500
  • Zurg Mama 500
  • Herr Doktor 500
User Image

Today will be a day of dice games, trivia, and exclusive prizes! Join us as we celebrate the big man himself on this, the day of his daughter's wedding birthday!

Exclusive, One-Day-Only Prizes:
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Gambino Labtech

20,775 Points
  • Their Undying Love 500
  • Zurg Mama 500
  • Herr Doktor 500
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Y'all know the drill. Something something work, something something bills, something something adulthood -- Daily Challenges!

Daily Challenges are exactly that -- at 8am PST each day I will be posting a challenge to the thread; It may be trivia, it may be to locate a specific screenshot, it may be a fashion contest. You won't know until the day of and by 7pm PST I will announce the winner(s) and they will be granted one of the fabulous prizes below.

Please note that, for Limitless Challenges, participants are asked to refrain from using side accounts to enter more than once. Only one entry per person! Thank you!

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Gambino Labtech

20,775 Points
  • Their Undying Love 500
  • Zurg Mama 500
  • Herr Doktor 500
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(art by nrutnrut)

On their way to downtown Durem for the big Gaiawood debut, friends and strangers alike see a poster. It's a delightful surprise, and they can't stop talking about it with the other partygoers. What was the poster for, you may ask? Why, it's the premiere of your biopic!

During the party a screening is held which shows a number of upcoming movie trailers -- including your biopic's. The trailer begins...

And what does it look like? What does it communicate about your OC / avatar / you? What does the Narrator say?

Using your medium of choice, show or tell us about the trailer! Would it be a drama or would it lean more towards comedy? Would there be singing and dancing? Would it be entirely truthful?

Quote me with your contribution and I'll add it to this post! There may be a special prize in it for you too...

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Gambino Labtech

20,775 Points
  • Their Undying Love 500
  • Zurg Mama 500
  • Herr Doktor 500
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Newzpop Reporta Tyro Bong
I've said it before and I'll say it again; I could not have done this without Newzy. 10/10, five stars, a dang force of nature the way she compels me to get things done. We love and respect Newzy in this household.

For hosting the Dev Meat and letting us all party together!

Melissa and the whole Gaia User Events team
For just being y'all. Gosh, I love this place, and I so appreciate how much the Gaia team is so open to supporting the community. Thank you for the announcement and the grant and the Gino and and and --

[NPC] Gino
For stopping by to celebrate with us once more! Rest up while you can, Gino, you've more than earned it. heart

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Gambino Labtech

20,775 Points
  • Their Undying Love 500
  • Zurg Mama 500
  • Herr Doktor 500
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Killing it again with the adorable banner!

Gino's 36th birthday celebration -- and our fifth year celebrating -- was easily a celebration to remember!

This year's grant was the absolutely stunning Gino's Hollywood Spotlight (and paw version)!

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gaia_gaiagold gaia_gaiagold gaia_gaiagold gaia_gaiagold gaia_gaiagold

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Remember when Gino stopped by on page 15? And then hung out with us again?

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i'm so sorry like i'm SO sorry but remember when ---- !!!!! baby me would have been PUMPED

Gino held a number of interesting conversations this year! Transcripts to follow! heart

gaia_gaiagold gaia_gaiagold gaia_gaiagold gaia_gaiagold gaia_gaiagold

Click here to see some of our best dressed guests!

Click here to see all of the entries for Runway 05/14/24 theme "Gino's Hollywood Hullabaloo"

gaia_gaiagold gaia_gaiagold gaia_gaiagold gaia_gaiagold gaia_gaiagold

Check our our First-Place Contest Winners!

Art Contest - hi am lenny!
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Fanfic Contest - -A Super-!


When an insider reported last month that a remake of A Scandal in Aekea was in the works, rumor and speculation quickly followed. What everybody wants to know is: who will play the quick-witted, sure-footed gumshoe, Jack Coscione? The leading man of the original film was played by none other than Johnny K. Gambino who also served as Scandal's executive producer. And who better to follow in his footsteps than his son, Gino, who was recently spotted in Aekea where filming is sure to take place? While he declined requests for comment, our insider has suggested that Gino must have green-lit the remake since the Gambinos retained the rights to A Scandal in Aekea and its short-lived line of mechanized merchandise.

The film, a sci-fi noir romp set in the fictional 'Old Aekea' where technology controls every aspect of human society, was widely panned by critics as a vanity flick with an inflated budget. However, it has attained cult status in recent years, and some of its most ardent fans are responsible for returning it briefly to theaters after the passing of Johnny Gambino. The Gaia Weekly News article that covered the screenings also got a quote from Gino who, while very young at the time of his father's one-time stint in cinema, recalled the first time he saw the film as an adult:

"I was surprised how serious the story was," Gino said. "Considering the hat my dad was wearing."

Scandal's sets and costumes drip with Gambino glamor, and the bizarre story twists flatter the hot-and-cold personality of its protagonist. Whoever is chosen to play the handsome hawkshaw has some patently large shoes to fill!

Avatar Contest - tuzii!
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Scenic Avatar Contest - Watchout Gwee!
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Friendly Visitor

26,675 Points
  • The Sweetest 250
  • Galactic Domination 200
  • The Edgiest 250
Astrid Nacht

Hi Hi Astrid! gaia_zurg

Can't believe in a couple of months it'll be another Gino birthday! surprised

You wanted to have another dev meet theme like last year, right?

* Attempts to quote summon Mav* ninja
Newzpop Reporta Tyro Bong
Astrid Nacht

Hi Hi Astrid! gaia_zurg

Can't believe in a couple of months it'll be another Gino birthday! surprised

You wanted to have another dev meet theme like last year, right?

* Attempts to quote summon Mav* ninja

We could setup a Friday for that! biggrin OMG, I love Astrid's animated signature. emotion_kirakira

Gambino Labtech

20,775 Points
  • Their Undying Love 500
  • Zurg Mama 500
  • Herr Doktor 500
Newzpop Reporta Tyro Bong
Astrid Nacht

Hi Hi Astrid! gaia_zurg

Can't believe in a couple of months it'll be another Gino birthday! surprised

You wanted to have another dev meet theme like last year, right?

* Attempts to quote summon Mav* ninja

We could setup a Friday for that! biggrin OMG, I love Astrid's animated signature. emotion_kirakira

Thank you! heart

Sorry I've been so afk, life on this side of the screen has been a little hectic lmao. Could I request the 10th of May for the dev meet? It'll be the closest one to his actual birthday!

Thank you again so much for doing all of this, you two -- Gino's birthdays wouldn't be half the blast they are without you!

also post designs are in progress i promise
Astrid Nacht
Newzpop Reporta Tyro Bong
Astrid Nacht

Hi Hi Astrid! gaia_zurg

Can't believe in a couple of months it'll be another Gino birthday! surprised

You wanted to have another dev meet theme like last year, right?

* Attempts to quote summon Mav* ninja

We could setup a Friday for that! biggrin OMG, I love Astrid's animated signature. emotion_kirakira

Thank you! heart

Sorry I've been so afk, life on this side of the screen has been a little hectic lmao. Could I request the 10th of May for the dev meet? It'll be the closest one to his actual birthday!

Thank you again so much for doing all of this, you two -- Gino's birthdays wouldn't be half the blast they are without you!

also post designs are in progress i promise

Okay, I've got this reserved for May 10th! biggrin Just let me know if you have any exact specifics for theme or dress for the Meat by this date. 3nodding

Friendly Visitor

26,675 Points
  • The Sweetest 250
  • Galactic Domination 200
  • The Edgiest 250
Astrid Nacht
Okay, I've got this reserved for May 10th! biggrin Just let me know if you have any exact specifics for theme or dress for the Meat by this date. 3nodding

Hey Mav! emotion_kirakira

I spoke with Astrid today, and I'll be helping with a item ideas list for the theme. I'll quote you both here when it's ready exclaim

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