Welcome to Gaia! ::

Eloquent Informer

37,875 Points
  • Winged 100
  • Balance Begets Creation 500
  • Waffles! 25
August 6th

Hello everyone!

How many of you got to catch the Mars rover landing yesterday? As a science fiction fan I was all over the news and event went to a local event in at the NASA research center. Go Curiosity!

The Olympics continues this week, I can't wait to watch more track and field races. Is anyone here still excited about the Olympics? biggrin

Welcome to ATA!

For zOMG we have a couple of server side fixes that should address why some of the previous fixes have not been reflected. We are also looking into having the server reset itself in a scheduled routine. Will keep you updated as more fixes are pushed live.

Tear of Fate
Question - Are we going to get anything new into the Mecha Neko soon, if we are can we get a little hint?

Mecha Neko's updates really depends on the sponsorships we get from sponsors or partners, and recently there haven't been any, but we are in discussion of a few and hopefully we'll get the go-ahead to release some later this year.

Narumi Misuhara
The Iron Magus
Hi, guys! Thanks as always for taking our questions. I have a couple regarding Gaia's favorite holiday, Halloween.

1. Were you aware that in a recent thread discussing the next halloween event, the word "robot" was mentioned 74 times in a mere 9 pages?
It seems that they are a quite a hot topic at the moment, and many of us would like to see them featured in a future plotline. Any comment?

The Iron Magus
2. Are there any plans to update or utilize Halloweentown in any way? Or is it doomed to forever remain a forgotten and purely decorative part of the world map?

Really enjoyed the Rejected Olympics, guys. Keep up the good work!

When we complete the primary towns we'll further consider what we plan to do with Halloween town. smile

Katyy Perryy
Hello! Good afternoon everyone!

I have a short zOMG related question today.
When the whole ring farm fiasco was solved, all players with a level
10 ring were given a ring grant. The people who abused the glitch
for ring farming were given "abuse", while the ones who didn't
were given "integrity". A friend & I were never given our integrity
rings, and we never abused the system. We had a whole set of lv 10
rings when they were granted. We've also PM'd with [ J K ] and spoke
with former zOMG Dev, Mavdoc.

If you could give us insight on what can be done, and if we will be
able to get our rings, that would be great. Thank you and have a
nice day.

Thanks for the question! Sorry if you didn't get a ring you were supposed to receive. I'll be happy to look into this matter and try and get everything sorted out for you. If you want to shoot me a pm with more details about the issue, that would be great! biggrin

Take care,

Zero Omega
Yeata Zi
Oh! Is the Community Spotlight a dead feature?

It's something that we can think about adding to the blog like the Featured Avatar, but currently (as far as I know), there are no plans for it to return to the homepage like it was.

Ridley Starsmore
Heylo, Gaia Admins!

So, after a year of the feature being operational, I was finally able to get level 4 in Alchemy!

stare ...I still can't believe it is as broken as it is after a year. A YEAR.

And you guys wonder why it cheeses folks off.

OK...on to the questions/suggestions:

1: Can you guys impliment a way to take the 'used up' items from alchemy, and push them into another feature, say, dumpster dive? That way more users might, use it? In both cases? And helps the issue of items being used up to the point you can't find them any more.

2: Hot button issue...banned/dead accounts and their inventory. The current policy, as I understand it, is that no account is touched, incase the issue is disputed. Which is fine, for accounts that are recent bannings or what have you. This blocks off any chance or items that are 'trapped' in these inventories or ever being used again, as well as the user names that some others may want.

I propose a change to the TOS. If an account is not unbanned in 3 years, or not logged into in 5 years, the account is changed to a user ID number, and the inventory used for another feature (IE dumpster dive or maybe a daily 'pay 1k and pull the handle' trinket game.). I mean, it is your site after all, I am assuming you can add a new rule, can't you? This solves the issue of many older items becoming extinct on the MP and exchange, and allows you to free up older items and names without issues.

3: I know you guys are reluctant to change alchemy. I KNOW THIS. But after seeing issues like a user trying to craft wings FIFTY ONE TIMES and failing, a year between level ups for the average user, no solution for the item shortage issue, unbalance distribution of the caches and cases from the DC, some of the formulas having very unreasonable crafting component costs, low level formulas taking high level components (Seriously? That's like building a car so you can build a bike out of it's parts.)...The short answer is Alchemy is really, REALLY broken, guys...and I see users in here every week, offering suggestions on how to fix it and make it fun and useable for ALL Gaians, what can be done to make the changes...I think I remember one guys saying he'd rewrite the coding involved.

And what has happened, while nice, is barely a drop in the bucket compared to the issues. The feature is starting to feel the same way zOMG felt when you guys started pulling devs from that (And look at the backlash THAT got you), and I know lots of users WANT to be involved in it! I wish I could find the one responsible for the feature and get them a red bull so they could WAKE UP.

Please, for the love of Pete and his talking mini lop rabbit, please put someone on that project that can fix this. Because it's not happening now.

That being said...

4: Thanks loads for the RO event, and big props to codemonkey. I sent him more monkeys as a thank you. (Did you know we have neither a holdable fritoes bag or a can of 'mt. dew' for our avvies? This would be a cool way to thank him, and WE HAVE NONE.) And now we can look forward to Back to School and the big bada boom for Gaia, HALLOWEEN!

Can we haz teaser? emotion_kirakira

And lastly...

5: This one is specifically to Lanky...My taco experiment WORKED. The nacho cheese powder is in the popcorn aisle at Wally World. Put it in a tupperware container that is flat and big enough for the taco shells to fit in. then a bit of oil in a frying pan, slightly warmed. Put the shells in the oil for a couple second on each side, then dip each side in the powder like you were breading chicken, let them cool a few minutes on a plate to set and BAM. Doritoes Taco at home. I even went one step beyond and took a little melted velvetta and a pan warmed gordita torilla, and wrapped that around the taco shell. It was like the gods of psuedo-mexican food set up camp in my mouth. And had parties.

Anyway, that's enough Shenanigans out of me, and Waffles is tired of them. I can sense it. Can't wait for the Ci update this week, and both the BLT and EI Chats on Friday! Or Thursday if BigL is bugging out of the office early again (Please don't. Every time he does, EIs take 45 minuts longer to update.)


Hey Ridley,

It worked?? No freakin' way. You might have to send samples our way smile

Thanks for the suggestions on both Alchemy and redistribution of the items. Our policy always has been not to remove items from banned/abandoned accounts for a variety of reasons, but it's possible that could change at some point. We'd just have to be really careful about how we do it, so some thought will have to go into it.

Very Strange
wouldnt it be cool if you guys made clothes to look like minecraft mods. that would be pretty awesome!

So you'd like chunky, square pigs for everyone?!?! Perhaps chickens.... or are they ducks?!?!

Hehehe, I tease! Thanks for the suggestion - I'll pass it along biggrin

- sisky

Uncle Kenny
Gaia has been around for so long so tell me this,
Why ahvent we gotten a good phone app.
It would be nice to have a real app that we can use.
I think that would increase gaia users.

There is already an app for iOS devices called Gaia on the Go. We're in the process of porting that app over to the Android platform now.

Zero Omega
Are you still going to have featured avitar?

Featured Avatar now takes place as a weekly installment within the Gaia Blog, just check out http://www.gaiaonline.com/blog.

Ren Orenji Doragon
Hello AtA! I hope everyone's surviving the weather. xP

Let's get straight to my questions, shall we?

  • A few of my videos on YouTube ( which contain recordings of zOMG! events, Dev Meats, playthroughs, and other silly things ) are being hit by Copyright notices. The first two from... "One or more music publishing rights collecting societies" and the third one from "Virtual Label LLC."
    Do these companies have valid claims? What should I do about it?

  • Glitched zOMG! Random Mini-Events! ( "Fly By" in Zen Garden and "Trophy Hunters" on Gold Beach ) Are we any closer to fixing them? o: Or have they been fixed and I just haven't been online to see? If they are fixed, may we have the mini-event loot added back? I've heard that there's an Alchemy formula that uses 3 Biomorphic Power-Cells! o~o

Yeah we're puzzled as to what part of the video is violating copyright, as everything in zOMG are designed in-house. Unfortunately when anyone complaints about copyright infringement, Youtube doesn't really have the time to investigate, instead they just shut the video down. We'll probably put one back up after we find out what's going on. We're suspecting that they're trolls. smile

I'll check on that and get back to you, since the engineer isn't here right now.
"Virtual Label LLC." did the same thing to one of my official Gaia YouTube accounts with the zOMG intro rolleyes

Unfortunately it's probably a case for lawyers to intervene. I think the only way we can legally "prove" that we own the rights to all of the content is by bringing it to court. Also, YouTube just assumes that the copyright claim is legitimate and have no easy recourse for us to counter-claim without getting a lawyer involved.

Corinth Maxwell
cat_stare Meh.......I'll watch the replay on YouTube, the Rejected Olympics were more fun, although they sorely lacked Archery & Fencing, and great to be here yet again. cat_xd

1. Can you (re-)release the "Gaia Framed Artwork" series in more item grants, or have them available to be crafted as Level 1 Alchemy items? Certain portraits, such as #07, are totally unavailable for purchase anywhere, and it'd be great if users had more opportunities to collect a complete set of these housing items. cat_3nodding

2. Any upcoming games that all of you are waiting for this month? As for this Gaian, I'm waiting for Darksiders II (as is clearly evident in my new signature image). cat_twisted

Hey Corinth,

You'll have to excuse my lack of Gaia historical knowledge, but where was that given out originally?

As for games, none really for me, although the Black Ops 2 commercial got me intrigued for the winter.

Luna Rousse
Hey, Admins!

What are some of the new capabilities with Towns v2? Teasers are appreciated!

I don't have too many new things to tell. Most of the secrets are out.

I spent today tweaking path finding, so your avatar can walk around trees, rocks and buildings. (like, I am told in Zomg!)

I spent last week working on loading houses into new towns, and implementing ways to place your house in towns. You'll be able to claim your own neighborhood and decides who lives there.

There are some new house styles coming...

Narumi Misuhara
Narumi Misuhara
When will we find out if sneaky Pete saved christmas 2k12 or not??

With Gaian's help he was able to save Christmas!

Weren't we supposed to get some sort of closing manga for that though? I believe some artist/dev made a snide remark that we would get that manga long after everyone forgot about the event, but I cant remember where.

*shrug*, There is no additional update for that event that I recall.

Uncle Kenny
Morbid Obesity
are you working on an Android app at all?

Yep, it's in the process. Stay tuned.

Zero Omega
A s t o r i a Edition
"Will you be changing how the Featured Avatars/Profile look now?
SO many people were excited to finally get that spot, but now, it's nothing special... or even something you'd want to have.

Will there be a gay male EI/MALE ONLY RIG?
We had a gay female EI RIG... and TOO many items are for females only... How about things that suit to males only?

emotion_bigheart "

Featured Avatars now take place within the Gaia Blog at http://www.gaiaonline.com/blog, we'll be experimenting with this to see how we can make it even more special for users who get featured.

Hi guys, thanks for taking the time to answer our questions.

I was wondering if there will be a Gaia Convention in Australia any time?

I live in Sydney and thought it would be awesome.

Thanks again ^_^

I am not sure, but I'd love to go if there is! I have to trek a couple Gaians up the Sydney Harbor Bridge - you could come with too! XD


Hello! I hope it's not too hot there with the AC turned off - sweatdrop

Might the devs consider a search by achievement title, so we can see who else is a [Whatever]?

Oh yeah. Monster Galaxy is still broken for some. Their neighbor list never loads, which means several other features of the game are unusable.


That's an interesting idea. It'd be a lower priority so probably not going to happen in the near future, but it's interesting.

Thanks for the update on MoGa - we know there are some weirdnesses with it for some folks and are trying to get them fixed.

Zero Omega
A Random Act of Terror
Sup, Devs and Admins.

Any chance we get a mod or two in the zOMG! forum?

Something we can look into.

Do you like tea or coffee?

Definitely coffee....mmmmm! I like the bolder blends - rich dark roasts!

- Sisky

Zero Omega
Zero Omega
Anyone have any fun activities coming up~ ?

Going down to Los Angeles for two Red Hot Chili Peppers concerts over the weekend, then on August 16th I preform some awesome improv at ComedySportz.

You should record it! Sounds like a good time =)

The Chili Peppers concert or my improv? xd

The first show I actually did was entirely recorded for anyone who may actually want to see it, we're (my classmates and I) are trying to figure out logistics for recording my second show which is more like Whose Line Is It Anyway?


I was wondering how much success Monster Galaxy was having on the site!

Did a lot of people switch over, and how many are playing?

And i heard that a new game is coming out soon. Any thing to say about that?

Hey Sith,

It's doing pretty decently. It's not setting traffic records or anything, but a pretty good number of people are playing (sorry I can't be more specific - we don't share user stats like that).

We do have another game in the works, and will be putting it out on Gaia as well as on other platforms. We're hoping that it'll be available for at least our first wave of beta users in the next few weeks or so.

Narumi Misuhara
Natsumi Kawahama
Are you guys going to fix the Achievement Grant Glitch for the Rejected Olympics. Quite a few people cannot seem to get their achievements because the event page has been disabled.

Achievement Glitch

Sure, I can go through those that posted and grant for those that didn't get before the page was taken down tomorrow.

Sailor Tin Nyanko
How are those Animated Eyes coming along?

...or has that been dropped?

Sorry we don't have any progress in that, it's too big of a challenge right now with the current system. We're still trying to add all the facial hair to the system right now.

Zero Omega
Lily Raijin
Hello Admin, I have a question. Are the Friend Chats really private? Or can mods get into them? Someone hacked into my chat room and both me and my husband were banned on our main accounts. I filed a ticket, but I am wondering if this is justifiable.

We do have the ability to see what's going on inside of Friends Chat if we have reason to believe something is going on (such as acts of cybering which aren't allowed anywhere, hacking, etc).

a random sperm cell
Do admins/devs like pie, or do they live a sad pieless life? Totally a serious question by the way.

Admins like pie. Devs like PI

It's ATA again.
So... my post was ignored last week, so I'm reposting it.
Can we please have more updates in Fishing!? For example, there can be a Candy Striper Gown made from five Candy Stripers and [insert item here]? eek

Hi iMuddy,

We don't have any big changes coming up for Fishing, unfortunately. Sorry!
Uncle Kenny
Uncle Kenny
I don't believe there are any Fishing item updates scheduled any time soon. That said, I am in the process of (and nearly finished with) some shiny new pages to show off Fishing stats and adding in a grant for the Angelic Rod Plus. Once these are finished up, I'll let everybody know.

Thank you.
Is it possible to say how many fish/junk or gold is needed to upgrade the Angelic Rod to Angelic Rod Plus?

Hmm, I don't think I have any room to add something like that on the current pages I'm working on. I do hope to get a chance to update the current stats pages though so if I do get that chance then that's definitely something I can look into potentially adding.

The Defaring Nobderwonkus
Question - Why did you make the new backwings so difficult to craft? No offense.

We released a lot of items that you can craft for the alchemy system, some easy, and some hard. Naturally we thought backwings would end up being the hardest to get, but we are constantly adjusting the system to allow for easier ways to gain levels in alchemy.

Uncle Kenny
Miss Jarbas Emanuel
When will Europe have access to Mecha Neko? It's not fair not to be able to go there and shop like in the States. I never choose to live in Europe, I was born here and don't have a chance to go to the States, it's not fair for me to not be able to have access. emotion_8c

Unfortunately, Mecha Neko is only available in the U.S. and likely won't me made available outside of it. There really isn't anything we're able to do about it though as we're restricted by license agreements with Funimation who only has the right to release content within the U.S.

Good evening, guys.

Let me cut to the chase here. What's the holdup on facial hair for guys? My site feedback link here offers up a few suggestions as to how facial hair on this site could work.

We have a ton of wigs and hair replacements, but not very many at all for facial hair. Why can't we have beards that can be equipped and unequipped like a wig can? That might be a lot more simple than having base changes to the avatar the way salon shop hairstyles are currently.

Hi Votremere,

We just have a lot of stuff that we want to get out to the site as well - nothing against facial hear, we swear smile
The solution for adding facial hair actually isn't too difficult, it's just a slight alteration to every user's account, the real problem is that there are so many users on Gaia today with more than 20 millions accounts spread out across hundreds of databases which makes the alteration very difficult. Back in the old days I could just make a change and in an hour we'd be done, but a system with so many users show many unexpected challenges. Since we made a lot of the facial hair styles, the creative team wanted a more consistent feel to the system with hairstyles and we're trying to make it work.

Zero Omega
Hey admins, I was just going to ask if you've ever considered having an account cancellation option? I know from my experience on Gaia for over 5 year (possibly more) that if your a member with mutiple accounts for rps and one gets closed it can be VERY frustrating to have it sitting about attached to an e-mail address unused for god knows how long. Right now I'm having such a problem that has me playing e-mail shuffle with your server and its very time consuming.

I know we currently don't have any "cancel account" option and am not sure if we ever thought of implementing one. However, you can get an account closed by filing a ticket at http://www.gaiaonline.com/help.

When will towns 2.0 be coming out also are you guys considering makeing it possible to use furniture?

What do you mean by use?

Right now, you can sit in the chairs, and the sinks, tvs, trampoline, toasters, treadmill and microwave are usable.

Question: Has Viximo and you guys fixed the problem with the friends not showing up in Monster Galaxy? I would seriously like to know, cause I still can't see my friends on my other two accounts.

Question 2: When will you guys make a new evolution for Bunnihilation?

Hi Stinky_Pickles,

That is a great username.

We're looking into the MoGa issues, although I don't have a timeframe on when it'll be fixed. Thanks for bringing it up.

As for Evolution schedule, we don't typically release that publicly.

Zero Omega
Any word yet on whats going to happen to the My little Pony forum? (Apparently you guys were talking over some problems.)
Also, who is best pony? (only kidding, maybe)

1. Nothing to report right now, when we have something we'll let the forum know.
2. What's a pony?

Uncle Kenny
Flint Valkor
Question: Is there a possibility that the featured avatar will go back to being on the main page instead of the Gaia Blog?

It makes no sense to be featured and yet be hidden from the public eye. That and the element of surprise is taken away with featuring a whole week worth of avatars in one blog entry.

There currently are no plans to alter the layout of the homepage. The featured avatar section was removed in order to place more importance upon the news and content for the site. We do understand the concern with the move but we hope that everyone will get used to the new format of the Featured Avatars over time.

Zabin King
Do you plan to ever take on another large project like zOMG?

Honestly, I'd never say never, but right now we don't have any plans to tackle anything that large. That was a multi-year, tons-of-manhours-spent-type project.

a random sperm cell
a random sperm cell
Do admins/devs like pie, or do they live a sad pieless life? Totally a serious question by the way.

I am sad to say but I live a pie-less life. I am finishing up my diet and fitness to lose the last bit of chub, so I have to avoid pie gonk

But...but..but... pie is so good gonk

Yes, yes it is - I agree! But I want to finish my diet and exercise and meet my goal more than I want pie. We all have to make tough choices at times!

Zero Omega
Zero Omega
Yeah I have a serious question right now.

Why does it take Gaias moderator team a complete MONTH to respond to issues regarding harassment and abuse? I've had this problem far more than once and it's a little ridiculous.
I've spoke to many other people that said they had the same problem with harassment and abuse from this site which hasn't been dealt with in a timely manner at all.
I just received a response from a mod TODAY with a problem I had back in early JULY.
Why is this allowed to happen and what exactly is the Gaia team going to do about it?
Banning peoples account name isn't a way to get them to stop harassment when all it does is fuel them to come back with another username and cause more disturbances in not only my thread, but everyone elses too.

This problem needs to be acted on NOW.

Sorry to hear about the problem you had with that, it's entirely possible that for some reason your report got lost within the ether that is our report stream. We've actually worked incredibly hard recently to ensure our most important queues are caught (or getting caught) up to date and that includes Abuse/Harassment.

This is a response I was looking for.
What's the problem? Lack of staff or lack of motivation to stream through abuse reports? Either way, it's a problem I've had with many people and it's very VERY annoying when you kick people out of your thread for causing problems then all they do is quote you in every thread possible for hours on end because of it.
Then when the problem is FINALLY fixed by a ban to a username, they just come back with a different name and cause even more problems and the process starts over.
MY question is, what's being done about it and how is this going to be fixed in the future?
If it IS a lack of staff, how can people like me apply to help?

You have to remember that we only have so many moderators to the number of users we have on the site, especially during summertime when a lot of people are on break. That being said, we always want to try to find new mods who are willing to help out, you can apply here:

Why can't you name towns anymore? ._. Like, not make topics, but literally, PERMANENTLY rename the towns?Fix the bug, please?

I don't think there was ever way to rename the areas in towns, only the topics.

Slaaneshi Horror
I've noticed quite a few bugs with the achievements lately.
I for one am dealing with an alchemy achievement glitch that for all I can tell is pretty much being ignored.
I posted in the Bug Report thread for July 30th through August 5th, and after August 1st, the Developer in charge of the thread just stopped responding to people.
I've noticed other achievement problems too for other people.
But are achievements having issues?
And are they going to be fixed soon?
I keep getting told to just try to get to level 4 in alchemy.
But I shouldn't have to spend more gold to get Alchemy levels 2 and 3 achievements, which I already earned.

Hi SH,

Sorry to hear about that! I doubt we're ignoring you - it can just take some glitches longer to fix than others. Thanks for posting in the Bug Reports thread, and hopefully we'll get that fixed sooner rather than later.

Favorite olympic athelete?

Favorite new item?

Favorite old item?

What defines Ryan Lochte? Ryan Lochte.

Waffles of course


Zero Omega
Is it possible for someone to be unbanned due to their age?

I'm not sure exactly what you mean by this, do you mean account age, real age, etc? For example, if you were banned for being under 13 and are now over 13, we could review an unbanning for you.

Uncle Kenny
Ichido Aotsuki
Uncle Kenny
Ichido Aotsuki
Are you guys planning on doing anything about the Guilds? They're sorely in need of an update. The link in my signature should take you to a thread in the Spring Cleaning forum that details what the community wants done.

While we'd like to bring Guilds up to par with the Forums and other areas of the site, it currently is too large of a project for us to undertake. That said, we do hope to be able to make some small bug fixes/tweaks for Guilds but those are not planned out yet.

I understand the concern about the volume of the project, but it's only going to compound the problem the longer it waits. I don't think any of us expect it to happen overnight, but a gradual stream of modernizations would be much appreciated.

Yeah, that's definitely something that came up when we were deciding what to work on in the coming months. Unfortunately, it's just way too massive to dedicate anyone to currently. Due to the nature of Guilds and just how much has to be updated, we can't do it in incremental updates, it will have to be a complete and total update from the ground up that happens all at once. Right now, we just don't have the Devs or the time to make that happen.

danny _aka_strawberry
I have a question well more of a suggestion you guys should have an art shop where users can buy art from the trained professionals that make the monthly collectible art

Hi danny,

Thanks for the suggestion - the artists will like that one! smile

If you ever make it to Fanime or some of the other conventions we're at, you'll usually find some of our artists in the dealer hall.

how do one become a admin?

Some of our oldest moderators became Gaia admins, otherwise you'll need to be a developer.

I Found A Sexy 1
I don't usually go to these but I finally have a question worth asking

Does anyone on the art team watch/read One Piece?? I am dying with only one tribute item from a series that massive.

Me, L0cke, and many others are big One Piece fans. You're right though, we should start thinking about tribute items. It's pretty easy to dress up as Luffy or most of the cast though.

Hey Admins hope you're having a wonderful day ~ heart

anyway I was wondering if there is a glitch with the Mecha Neko shop because it won't let me access it but I live in Florida, I keep getting a "You must live in the USA" message even though I do indeed live in the U.S.

thanks for any help and have a wonderful day emotion_yatta

That's weird - wonder if it's misreading your IP or something. Thanks for the heads up.

oOo Vintage Sailboat oOo
My Question:
I really want to be able to change my name to "v i n t a g e". But since it is too similar to another persons username I cannot do so.
Why can't we have similar usernames if we make it different? It's very frustrating to not be able to use a username simply because it is too close to someone else's.

I am using spaces in that name. I do not feel it should be considered the same as just using "Vintage"

Is there any way that spaces could be enough to make a username usable?

Blame Gaia Instant-Messenger (the old chat we had on the website).

Black Death Goddess
Hopefully a staffer/admin will answer this but

I'd really like to see a Cherubic Queen of Solair Alchemy Formula and a EI/REI of Kentucky Derby and Royal Ascot hats.

Thanks for the suggestions! I'll pass them along to the team that creates items. I cannot, of course, guarantee they will be made, but you never know unless you try, right? biggrin


gum disease
o uo

I remember when you guys decorated each area of Gaia HQ differently according to a certain theme and we all voted on which one was the best. I think this was several years ago though.
Would you ever consider doing that again if possible? I thought that was pretty awesome.

Yup - quite possibly. We're actually moving to a new office pretty soon, so we'll have a chance to decorate it all over again. In fact, we've already painted some of the walls, and the word to describe them is "colorful." I said people will either have their senses assaulted and puke, or they'll think they're in a Gymboree or FAO Schwarz. I'm sure you'll see them in videos and whatnot once we move.

a random sperm cell
@Zero Omega
Wouldn't the solution to the whole banning and coming back with a vengeance problem simply to ban the entire ip address from accessing the site?

Well, that would be one solution, but a drastic one, and probably not the best because of all the people that could be on that IP. IP bans block all accounts on that IP, and such a solution could impact a lot of innocent Gaians who are not involved in any shenanigans.

Zero Omega
Banning an entire IP is not super effective nowadays, it's very easy to change an IP using proxies and banning entire IPs leave the very real possibility of unfairly banning innocent users.

Dual Moons
Q: I'm curious as to why we needed to move the "Featured Avatar" section into it's own thread? I mean, many people who got featured took screen shots of that section on the homepage and put it on their profile, though now it seems much more difficult to do that. Overall the new Update section on the homepage seems to provide the same service as it did before the update.

The big difference is that before, the homepage stayed relatively static (you didn't see a lot of updated content, part of which is our fault b/c when we built it, most of that was updated manually which takes a tremendous amount of work). Now you'll see our most up to date news every time you check out the homepage.

The Featured Avatar spot is something we're trying to keep going, so we're playing around with a few different ways to do so.

Harbinger of Pandamonium
This is Zero's Desk
User Image

User Image

will it ever be easier to submit items to crosstich soon?

Hi shiox69,

The submission process is probably going to stay pretty similar for awhile. Hopefully you still submit your ideas!

This transcript has been kidnapped by ninjas. Are you a Bad enough Gaian to rescue this transcript?

Eloquent Informer

37,875 Points
  • Winged 100
  • Balance Begets Creation 500
  • Waffles! 25
Hey Gaians, thanks for rescuing this transcript. Let's go for a burger... Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

August 6th, some more

Evening all!

lanzer- during an ATA in June you said you would look into an issue for iPad users. When in guilds, after a thread finishes loading, the names of all posters disappear. It's quite hard to know who is responding unless you quote that person or can recognize their avatar.

Any progress? I pmed you but never got a response,

Hi Kitty,

We're actually undertaking an effort to really clean up how Gaia looks on tablets in general - the site obviously wasn't designed with them in mind, so there's a lot of stuff around that can be improved. What you're pointing out is one of them.

Thanks for the patience!

m a n g o m e l l o n
Never been to an ATA before.
I feel special.

Question;; Could I "work for you" if I just sent in ideas for events and items and stuff like that. Except I won't physically work with you?
I've got great ideas.


And we'll never turn down a great idea - just post in SF or PM one of us.

Mistah Chow
Is there any ways to make gold efficiently w/o zOMG?

Why are most items so over priced, its ridiculous?!

How do you win the Featured avatar thingy?

Sure - ask around and a bunch of people will give you tips on how to earn Gold.

As for the overpricedness - that's a matter of perspective.

There's a thread here in GCD where we take nominations for the Featured Avatar, so check that out when you have a chance.

Kikis Romeo
When I go to my aquarium, I lag really bad.
It makes it impossible for me to even feed my fish.
I don't lag when playing Zomg or when I am in towns.
I'm on Firefox.
Also, if I go on Google Chrome, it works.
Do you know why it is lagging for me on Firefox?

Your best bet would be to upgrade the Flash plug-in for Firefox. You can also look for the "debugging" version of the flash plug-in, and if there are any problems you'll get error messages, as well as a resource monitoring feature.

Unfortunately Firefox does have some strange flash problems, and sometimes you need to un-install firefox, other times nothing would work. I can't quite tell what part of aquarium drives Firefox flash crazy.


I've been wondering, do you happen to know when meebo messenger will be back? For the iPod and other handheld devices?


Actually, if I'm understanding your question correctly, the messenger bar was never part of the iPhone app. But we are undertaking a project to make the site much more tablet and mobile-friendly, so that's the type of stuff we'll be looking at.

Ichido Aotsuki
Are you guys planning on doing anything about the Guilds? They're sorely in need of an update. The link in my signature should take you to a thread in the Spring Cleaning forum that details what the community wants done.

Yes. We're looking at making a very small update.

Our Dying Love
Hi AtA!
What's up?! : D

Uhm we've had glitches still at Papa Saw;
it won't let us in unless we talk to Gustav and complete the quest.
But those of us who HAVE already completed the quest ALSO can't get in.

Anyway to fix that?

I thought we fixed that, so it's strange that it's still happening. I've heard that many of our fixes didn't register because of a server error, so we're looking into it. Hope that will be something that will be fixed soon.

Death Dealer Kayako
Good evening

I asked this question last week, but didn't get answered. So I hope I get this question answered.

When you change the name of your username and change the classic profile to current profile, the old name remains the same. Is there a way for the username to change automatically once you change it or does it have a period of time for the change of name take affect?

Hi Death,

Can you do me a favor and PM this to me? I'll try to take a look at this in the next couple of days. Thanks.


Please please please can there be changes to the inventory arranger/organizer? A lot of excellent ideas have been brought up and I think considering all the zillion items on gaia we should be allowed to have more organization. Especially since this could appeal to the entire gaia population! I know not everyone would necessarily use it but perhaps if we could have some minor changes just to start off and see if people utilize them? emotion_kirakira

Hi Anastasia55,

We're not going to overhaul the whole thing, but we are looking at some smaller changes we could do (such as better sorting or making it easier to customize your order of items). I don't know yet exactly what we'll end up doing, but it's something we want to do sooner rather than later.

Toast Ninja
Do you have any plans to add features to or update the the Gaia App in the near future?

After the Android app catch up to the Gaia app for iOS we'll then add more feature to both.

Zero Omega
Lily Raijin
I have another question. If you get a warning, do you get banned afterwards?

Not always, sometimes when you get a warning it is just that, a warning. However, we may apply a ban after a warning once we do a full review of the situation that led to the warning.
Zero Omega
Lily Raijin
That was the first warning I had ever gotten, and I got permanently banned as well as my husband. ><; I filed a ticket, but what are the chances of the moderators actually taking everything into consideration? The TOS is not specific enough about what area we are allowed to do stuff and what areas we aren't. I thought Private chats were supposed to be private .______.;

Keep in mind that if it violates our Terms of Service, it is not acceptable anywhere on Gaia. PMs, private chats, guilds, etc. If we outlaw it in our rules, it's outlawed from the entire site.
Zero Omega
Lily Raijin
That includes Meebo Chats too right?

That is correct.

In the description in the Marketplace it says:

A magical letter containing special items available only for the month of January. Upon opening the letter, it reads: "Thank you for your support! Hope you enjoy these!" - February 2012

available only for the month of January when it's February letter???
Says the same for March, April, and May.

Hi jakeup,

Can you do me a favor and PM this to me as well? I'll try to take a look in the next couple of days.

Blaze Star Fire
Hi I love Gaia BTW good job!

I'm cures though is the av dress up is due for a re vamp? It's been the same lay out from pretty much the beginning. It would be cool if it was more like Tec Tec (or better) also an 'undo button would be grate, and something that would let you take a tec tec design some one made for you and directly apply it to your AV instead constantly switching back and forth.

No, never. ninja

It's almost coincidence that you asked for this today...

uhmm just saying why dont u had new items like anime items like bleach and naruto stuff?

Doing items that belong to another company requires us to have a licensing agreement in place - some places are interested in doing one with us, and some aren't. We're always looking for new ones that would be interesting for our users though.

Hi! I've heard that a GaiaOnline app for Android is being worked on at the moment, but really, what is the status on that? sweatdrop

It's at the beginning stages, most likely we'll release with basic features like checking announcements and PM, etc as a first version, while later versions will have more features.

why did you guys take off backyard monsters. those were one the the games why i come back to gaia. i wish you guys would bring back the VJ too. the cinimas anre boreing the VJ was better. in my opinion. Gaia Online is getting boreing and i know from experiance because ihave been on gaia for about 6 years. But definatly bring back the VJ and the SAME way please. crying

Hi DarkBeauty,

Backyard Monsters was made by another company, and they decided to take it down (from a number of sites, not just Gaia), so we didn't have any choice in the matter. But we're hoping to replace it with some new stuff soon.

As for VJ, it's unlikely it's going to come back.
Backyard Monsters is created by another gaming company ("KixEye" ) and that company decided to turn it off of Viximo websites.

VJ was heavily abused to violate the ToS. I doubt it's coming back.

Zero Omega
Harley Hearts Mr J
I've always wondered... Do you guys even look at the separate instances of reports, or do you just assume that the user was right? I've had a few reports sent out on my hiney, and the fact that Gaia staff ACTUALLY found me to be guilty was astounding [The usual story was that someone instigated a fight out of me, lost, and then reported me for trolling]. It's happened to a few other people I've talked to, as well. A LOT of people get reported for the smallest things, while no one does anything about the guy spewing racial slurs and profanity all over the message boards.

We train our mods to look at the entire context of a situation. So we do not take reports directly at face value, reports are just that, a means to alert us to a situation to investigate. If you felt that you received an unfair manner, try appealing it to the mod who warned you. Also, remember to report anyone you actually see violating the ToS.

Hi Guys, and Happy Monday once again! blaugh

First off, I'd like to say "Thanks!" in a big way for the Rejected Olympics! blaugh
Even though Barton wasn't able to make a last minute surge to win the Event, it was still a blast, and I'd like to congratulate everyone involved, you Gaia Staffers, and my fellow Gaians, for making it a huge amount of fun! blaugh

And now on to the nasty part of my business here at this week's ATA, and please excuse me if I get a bit harsh, but the issue I want to address has been driving me, and a lot of other Gaians absolutely nuts for years now.

The issue is the chronic, and often crippling lag that we constantly experience in zOMG!
I don't think it would be exaggerating a great deal to suggest that lag impacts game play in zOMG! as often as four out of every seven days, and I also don't think it would be stretching the truth much to say that the lag becomes game breaking far more often than anyone would reasonably accept.

And what makes it so aggravating is that this is not a new problem!
zOMG! Lag has been an issue for the entire time I've played the game, and all anyone would have to do is check briefly through the z!F to find THIS, nearly three year old Topic, that is still being recycled to this day, to know that it was going on before I ever got here.
A quick search on the word "lag" returned over 60 hits for the last month in the zOMG! Forums alone (not including the zOMG! Lag related Posts in the SF and Bug Forums), and we STILL have to deal with it on an infuriatingly regular basis.

Many of us have listened as the folks at Gaia have explained why zOMG! was put into Maintenance Mode....it just never generated the traffic or revenue that is required to justify continued dedication of existing, much less additional, resources, and while I appreciate that Gaia is a business, and needs to be financially viable in all of it's undertakings, I can't, for the life of me, understand why such an impactful issue as the lag in zOMG! was never adequately addressed, and is allowed to go on crippling the game.

It's not too hard to imagine how a first time user would react to zOMG! if he were to experience the lag storms that make it take as long as 60 to 120 seconds to simply move from one screen to the next. You yourselves must realise how competitive the on-line gaming industry is, and how many options are out there for potential players. People are simply not going to accept a game that doesn't work, when they can quite easily find some other game to play.
And I doubt the lag is only turning off new arrivals either. All you have to do is glance through the z!F to see how negatively it impacts the player experience, and quite likely, drives players away.

And what makes it so frustrating is that, unlike so many other factors, the solution for dealing with this game killing issue is entirely within your control, yet, despite repeated promises, you continue to allow it to go on! gonk

I wonder, has anyone from Gaia ever tried playing zOMG! on a three or four day old Server?

I accept that automation may not be an easy thing to achieve, but why can't the Servers be regularly cycled manually, until an automated solution is arrived at?
Establishing a regular cycling routine...Monday at 9AM, Wednesday at 4PM and again on Friday at 4PM, would ensure that the Servers never got to be more than a couple of days old, and people would be able to experience zOMG! to it's maximum potential, rather than being forced off because it had become unplayable.

I'm not saying that a lag-free zOMG! is the answer to all of the game's issues, but it is a hugely negative factor, and one I am sure has had a substantial impact on it's traffic and ability to generate revenue.

All I, and many other Gaians ask, is that the issue be acknowledged for the massively negative problem that it has been for years, and that you take the seemingly logical and simple step of making Server Cycling a routine part of someone's duties at Gaia.


I feel better now. wink

Hi WideEyed,

Excellent rant smile

We know that's an issue, and we're finally trying to automate the server cycling. Don't know if it's going to work the way we want it to, but we are looking into it to try to fix the problem. As for doing it manually, the simple answer is that everyone is working on a number of projects, so it's easy to forget or not have the time to do so. That's why we want to automate it if possible.

How long are you guys going to leave the forums in the conditions they're in?
There was an update to the forums that would apparently make them faster to load, but I've noticed that forums are now slower. Usually when I try to load other pages I can't load them at all. Are you aware of this issue? Are you guys working on fixing it?

We're actually seeing them load faster than before - what do you mean when you say they won't load other pages? Do you mean when you're trying to go between different pages within a particular thread, or going from the forums to somewhere else on the site?

Zero Omega
how do we get our avatars featured on the home page is it random or something else

We don't do featured avatars on the homepage anymore, that takes place in the blog. You can nominate yourself here:

Teddies Do NOT Hug Back
How often do you cycle servers in zOMG? & Can you let us know in chat like when you're gonna cycle servers? I know 'System' lets us know, but sometimes it's not on time or sometimes you guys don't even let us know that servers are already cycled when we're in the middle of an attunement run or Kam run. Thank you (:

Hi Teddies,

Right now there isn't really a set schedule, which is one of the reasons we're looking into automating it.

Arch Angel Neko
Hi guys! This is me again. smile I was wondering if you could put back the "mecha" easter bunny back into the main light again? I know there was bombing involved recently in durem and I would love too see the dark elves in contact with the easter bunny.

For zOMG, can you guys bring back up the integrity ring into the system. It's only been recently I went back to zOMG and I believe I haven't got my hand on hold of that item? I also wouldn't mind buying it with gcash. So can you guys make a way where "integrity ring" can be bought or quested in Gaia online's zOMG? Thank you.

Another request/quesiton: is it possible to play or can you make it possible for people like me who are apple users play booty grab and zOMG in ipad? Thanks so much!

Also, would you guys prefer tacos over pizza? I mean cmon pizza is way better right?

Hi Arch,

Perhaps - we don't reveal plot developments ahead of time smile

For the Integrity Ring, I don't really have an answer for you. It's possible, but I'm not aware of a plan to do so right now.

Unfortunately unless the iPad starts supporting Flash, we're not going to be able to support zOMG or Booty Grab in there.

And yes, pizza is WAY better!

Depressed Little Lucie
Zero Omega
Depressed Little Lucie
Hello Admin. What is the purpose of waiting 3 days to open a trading pass? I want to start exchanging but I have to wait 2 days. I never understood why we must wait 3 days. Oh and lastly I love you. emotion_awesome

We had a problem in the past with hackers abusing accounts because we didn't have a trade pass waiting period, we instituted this in hopes of slowing down and stopping some of this activity, which proved to actually be very helpful.

Why would anyone hack someone. Makes me worried I'll log in some day and all of my hard work will be gone. ;c Is it true some people can just hack from trades? And if so, why do people hack? I think it's a waste of time... I mean you end up getting banned no matter what account you put it on. What is the purpose of hacking? emo


These are great questions! Just so you know, most of the hackings on Gaia are the result of two main issues:
1) Sharing accounts with friends
2) Phishing

If you keep your password safe and to yourself, and don't enter it into fake login pages, scam text fields promising free items, etc. you should almost certainly be able to keep your account safe.

As for why people do this, there are probably numerous reasons. Some people like to cause others grief, some like to take items and give them away, etc. There are other people who try to sell these accounts off-site for real money, so they are trying to profit. Regardless of reason, there is usually an element of greed involved.

Anyway, rest assured that despite what you hear about hackings, they are mostly avoidable. And if you ever should need to file a hacking report (which of course we hope you won't have to do!) then there is a dedicated team to help recover your account and your items, gold, or Gaiai cash.

Be well biggrin
Zero Omega
The purpose of hacking is really to make the other person feel bad. However, the majority of our hack cases are a result of the user giving out their password or being tricked into giving out their password.

Just keep in mind that no admin/dev will ever ask for your password, the only time you should enter your password is when you're on http://www.gaiaonline.com. and don't share your password/accounts with friends.

What time zone does Gaia follow? It says it's Tuesday August 7 (10:03am) as of this post.

It says 6:03 pm on mine. Are you in Asia?

No, I'm from Canada, but the forum time is at 10:12 am now.

Well, either your time zone settings in your profile are wrong, or you are in the future.

If it is the first one, click on account at the top of the page.

If it is the second..... lottery numbers?

Zero Omega
Hey admins, hope this finds you well.. a couple of questions for you.

1. Can I have a hug from all of you?

2. When will the My little pony and Legend of Korra Hot topics be removed? Since Korra ’s season ended and My little pony’s season ended a while ago.

1. *hugs*

2. Debating on what we want to do with both forums as they are incredibly popular right now.

Hey admin-like-ppls XD
So....I just realized that it's been forever since I've gone into a guild...and I figure I'm not the only one. But due to the Rejected Olympics and the fact that Durem created a guild so the Duremites could stay together, I have been brought back to it.
Which leads me to my questions.
Are the guild forums going to be updated like the regular forums anytime soon? It has a few issues I had never noticed before because they hadn't been fixed on the other forums when I was using it.
And, Could we possibly have the option to chose a different background for the guild forum? I liked having a background that wasn't plain white during the Olympics...if possible the option to have the picture at the top with all the avis who had posted on that page like during the beach party would be awesome as well.
Thank you for your time.

Hi Ryukurai52,

We are planning on making some smaller improvements to Guilds, and are working on the list now. I don't know if those in particular will be on there, but we're at least going to try to make them more like the regular forums than they are now.

First time I've done ask the admin but I do have a question, Is there a limit to how much you can have in your inventory and storage locker?

Nope (at least none that we know of!)

Crazed Dog
Man, what up lanzer. Your name sounds like a fish, but that's not the point here.
Serious question 1) why do the 03 member get special treatment?
Serious question 2) is gaia in need of money or something?
Serious question 3) can I work for you guys?

P.s. I really like your hair. Where did you get it cut at???

What kind of special treatment do you want?

We just need food and water smile

Only if you can draw or program!

Any news on Monster Galaxy cat_4laugh ?

Hi Marytanna,

What type of news are you looking for?

question - can we update the REALLy REALLY REALLY old inventory ?

We're looking into it. It's closer on the to-do list than some of the other projects at the moment. Will let you know when we see any progress.

Mr Glimmer
Do any of you devs listen to Florence + The Machine? Sorry for the unrelated question, but they are my latest obsession. And shout out to the artist that made the FATM item, "Between Two Lungs".

Went to one of her shows when she was just playing at night clubs in San Francisco. That was before she's huge and famous.

Kaji of the Dark
I'm sure that this question may have already been answered, but what is the estimated time for Monster Galaxy to be fixed? I know that I'm not the only one unable to add friends or accept requests.

Also, what happened to Frontier Skies? I had fun playing that game. And I found myself thinking about earlier.

Lastly, you guys are just awesome.

Hi Kaji,

We're working on this right now, so hopefully it'll be fixed sooner rather than later.

Unfortunately Frontier Skies was being exploited really badly, so we had to take it down entirely. Sorry about that sad

But thanks!

Talia Rosalie
To all the admins:

Earlier I saw someone ask if it was possible to be friends with an admin. It made me curious... Is it possible?

On Gaia it is certainly possible. In real life we don't have that many friends....

Zero Omega
Something Royal
Why are meebo reports not going in the ticket history. Ive filed 2 reports one today one an another day for password phishing and I wont to become a gaia worker by the time im 20 will those count?

Those wouldn't count. The type of reports we require are forum reports as our moderators mainly work the forums.

Heralds of chaos was supposed to be be open by the 3rd. So ... what is it going to be pushed back to this time?

Yeah we got more polishing to do. It's a complex game so the UI need to be more intuitive.

Lanzer; Did you know that the security system of gaiaonline is flawed and someone could download the website via hacking tools? I have only been trying to alert the website of this issue for a year now and no one will take me seriously.

o rly?

Tell me moar...

All I know is that there are hacking tools out there that enable someone to download a website. I was messing around on some forums on a hacking website so I could mod my xbox and I saw a conversation between some people about how they were downloading websites and gaia was one of the one's mentioned. Apparently the username and password's are coded in an alphanumeric algorithm and if the user data is stored on the same system the website is someone could potentially download all the accounts created on gaia online. I was pissed off when I found this out, that mean's that our accounts are not as safe as we think they are. I think some action should be taken here. :/

Passwords are not available this way. I know this because we don't store passwords in a way that is useful like this.

It's easy to write a script in a few minutes that can walk through every user ID, ask the server for that user ID's profile (so their username, "about me", wishlist, friendlist, etc. is exposed), and repeat. The only data a user can get this way is the data that the profile owner makes publicly accessible. Also, we ban users that try this.

No reason to worry. We don't allow leaking of email addresses and passwords. Owning the email address that your Gaia account is attached to is just as important as protecting your Gaia password.

Why have something like Trial Pay? I know that several people said they hated the “new” Gaia Cash System, myself included. And now I have a valid reason to really dislike Trial Pay - I applied for and was approved for a Discover card (Lord, help me now hahaha) but didn't get the Gaia Cash. I know that I have to take it up with Trial Pa, and I did. They’re going on about something in June 2011, which is long before Gaia became affiliated with them. I know that they’re through Facebook, and therefore, I’m wondering how many people have the same problems I do, or have come across something similar. I will admit that I would try to earn FB credits for games that I played on FB a few years ago, as well as my roommate at the time – we just HAD to compete in Bejeweled and kick each others butts! But how many people are getting denied their Gaia Cash because of something that happened through Trial Pay long before Gaia became “affiliated” (or whatever the word you want to use, as I’m not quite sure affiliated is the right way to put it) with them? Did you even think of something like this? It’s really starting to become an issue for me. I do qualify for some, but what about roommates or siblings who live in the same home? This isn’t just about the Discover thing, it’s close to all offers I try on Trial Pay. Again, I know you don’t have anything to do with Trial Pay and all, but I just thought I’d bring it to the attention and maybe get some of my questions answered on the chance that it was not widely known.

I know there are the videos, but 9/10 times, I’ve used up my daily max, which was used up a few weeks before.

Hi Ramiele,

I of course have no idea what's actually going on between you and TrialPay, but if you already completed a particular offer through them (even before we started working with them), they're probably not going to let you complete it again. If you haven't already, definitely shoot them a note about your missing GCash.

I know that some people don't like TrialPay, but for reference, we've had WAY more successful completions through them the last few months than we did with the old system.

(feels ignored)
So I posted this a while ago and was ignored. This time I'm gonna quote the admin who I think should respond to it.

Hi sir monkey coder biggrin so a while ago I posted if this and this were possible before I ask people to start signing the petition, it would kinda be wasteful if I asked people and it got a whole bunch of signatures, but then I learned that it's not possible crying so I just wanted to know if it is.

I'm the flash Dev here, so not quite my area. There has been some talk about updating guilds, but I'm not sure of the features. I'm afraid the text on the clothing isn't practical. It has a lot of technical barriers to it.

lol sorry thought you did some of the coding on items and stuff XD *feels misleaded by name razz * by "technical barriers" what do you mean? also how about the mood bubble thing?

I do the FLASH coding. The other stuff you mentioned is in another language. I'd ask Uncle Kenny, if I were you.

Zero Omega
Jenny Sniper
This might seem like a bit of an odd question, but it's been bothering me for a while now, so I'm gonna ask it here.

A few days ago, I saw someone who had a flashing animation in their post style. I know there are no specific rules on what can and can't be allowed in posting styles, but I was wondering if something like this should be reported. The image wasn't large, but looking at it for more than a few seconds gave me a bit of a headache, and I think it would be really unfortunate if an epileptic user came across this person's posts, as they would likely induce a seizure.

So could I report someone for having a flashing image in their post style, or is that something that isn't considered an issue? And if I can, what would I report that as?

Correct, we do not allow images that might induce a seizure or have someone go into epileptic shock. If you see such an image, report it and we'll investigate.

Zero Omega
Admins I have another question regarding hot topics. When will adventure time and FMA topics be removed? I thought the sponsorships with them were done.

That's another thing we'll have to look into just due to the sheer popularity of the forums.

Hey Admins,

Quick question regarding the Alchemy system. Do you think it will/would ever be possible for the Revolutionary Dawn/Dusk items to ever be crafted into formulas? ( in specifically; Manslayer Duke of Lalune & Cherubic Queen of Solair ) The price for these two items have gotten ridiculously high, and the quality that is up for sale is very little. I would just think it would be nice if more people had a shot at trying to win them.

If not, do you think they might make an appearance in Gaia's Black Friday gaia cash sale?

Hi insta,

It's possible, although I don't think there any plans to do so at the moment. And as for the Black Friday sale (assuming we do one again), I unfortunately can't really talk about what will be in there right now smile

You Can Call Me Rawr
How old do I have to be to do some sort of work for you guise? emotion_kirakira

Except Moderating. Mods are pricks. >3>


You need to be at least 18 years of age to be an Admin.

( And, psssst.... just an FYI, all of the current Admin team started out as mods, so you might want to re-think your "Mods are pricks" strategy. Just saying... xd )

- Sisky

In all truth, we actually highly value our mod team and know them to be doing good work for this community biggrin

Are there any cats that I'm unaware of that would fit right there in the blank spot at my thigh?
If not, would it be possible to make one? cat_ninja


Since you're in such a lack of cat items, we'll need to release one right away! biggrin

I think it's time to add dog items to fill in the gaps smile

Wow, we've had a great reception at today's ATA. Thank you for joining us and sorry that we can't answer most of your questions.

Enjoy the rest of the Olympics and we'll see you next week!

Zero Omega
Hi guys, hope I'm not late! I was just wonering, what happened to the featured profile thingie on the front page? Why is it gone? I'd really like to see it come back (if only so that I can get that much more gold toward my ultimate goal). If you could please tell me what's up with that, I shall be a very happy Yoshi. Thanks!

We moved the Featured Avatar over to the Blog in order to make room for more communication on the home page. You can find the featured avatar section at http://www.gaiaonline.com/blog

Thanks to everyone for showing up tonight! And thanks for your patience if you didn't get your question answered - there are a lot more of you than there are us.

I may be able to answer a few more over the next couple of days, so I'll see if I can carve out some time to do so.

Have a great rest of the week!
how do you know whenthe final countdown in bid blast is!?

Eloquent Informer

37,875 Points
  • Winged 100
  • Balance Begets Creation 500
  • Waffles! 25
how do you know whenthe final countdown in bid blast is!?
You don't.


...seriously, though, if you view an auction's details you'll see the day it will end on. I haven't paid much attention to BidBlast and thus don't know for sure, but I'd imagine it's a consistent time of day...and I wouldn't be all that surprised if it ends when that day ends (as in midnight). A staff member might come along and correct me, though.

Eloquent Informer

37,875 Points
  • Winged 100
  • Balance Begets Creation 500
  • Waffles! 25
August 10th

Hi everyone,

Anyone around for the next hour? I know I'll be! I'm still pumped up from Kei$ha Friday, even though it's getting to be a little late in the office.

Anyone have good weekend plans?

Since I love bugging Lanzer about the facial hair system... What does Lanky think about facial hair? I have an epic goatee IRL. emotion_dowant

I usually have some sort of scruff going on. Basically shave once a week, but keep a goatee for a few weeks. It's red (I like to pretend I'm a Viking) but b/c I'm old now it has flecks of white in it too.

Zero Omega is the king of facial hair on our team though. He hasn't shaved his goatee in forever - it's gotta be hanging a full three inches or so off his chin now.

Mermaid Eater
Mermaid Eater
No real plans, im might be going to a BBQ though. smile

Oh and the new Bunny poses are amazing!
BBQs are never bad. Especially if they involve ribs and chicken.

And I'm glad you like them! smile

You should wear them Lanky, i mean you could use a simpler avatar. wink

I'm still under obligation to make my avatar as messy as humanly (or rather, avatarly) possible.
Mermaid Eater
Dawww, why?

It was a challenge thrown down by Denham. I think I passed, or won, or whatever qualifies as victory, but b/c I'm not 100% sure I've kept it cluttered as can be.

It's like the Gaian version of Hoarders. xd

Ha! Pretty much - and totally in public for everyone to see.

Mermaid Eater
Mermaid Eater
I challenge you to make an awesome vampire avatar.

So here's the worst-kept secret about me. Despite working (off and on) for this company for almost 3 years, I am still HORRIBLE at making cool-looking avatars. I actually kinda like just having totally random stuff on there. As long as it's not the buck-teeth. That item bothers me for some reason.

If you can't make advanced cool looking ones, then make simple ones! c:
Also i just got a steal on this Devin doll! <3

Nice! Even simple ones can elude me. Although my Gaians Gone Wild version was pretty classically basic.

Yeata Zi
Yeata Zi
..what's a Ke$ha friday?

Any why am I scared.


So I have a particular fondness for "This place about to blow", and to torture the team I started playing it on our communal TV on Friday mornings. It turned into a "thing" (well, at least for me), so now we have Ke$ha Friday in the office.

Let me see dem hands, let me, let me see dem hands.
That's hilarious.

Ke$ha is my guilty pleasure.

Yes! Me too.

It actually started at a previous job. I was always the first one in the office, and legitimately like that song. The guy who always came in after me didn't, so I would be sure to have it blasting when he walked in. That "tradition" followed me when I came back to Gaia.

Ridley Starsmore
Afternoon, Lanky! I can do a little dance!

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

You can share that with the cheer artist.

Anyway, I thought you should know, I was deliberately electrocuted today.

Part of my therapy for my hand. JUST LIKE BRUCE LEE.

I did have one question...about how long on average does it take to hear back on mod applications?

That makes you AWESOME. Can you then redirect the lightning like the Emperor did in Jedi?

We do applications in bulk, b/c we take new mods at certain intervals during the year. We do it that way instead of "as they come in" because we have a full training program in place, and it's way easier to put people through it at once instead of one at a time.

But ping Zero Omega with a PM about when they're going to look at them again. He's out of the office until Tuesday so I can't just ask him, but he would know.
Oh and the dance is awesome!

Ok guys - I have to get going.

Have a fantastic weekend, and hopefully we'll see you at ATA on Monday!

Eloquent Informer

37,875 Points
  • Winged 100
  • Balance Begets Creation 500
  • Waffles! 25
August 13th

Welcome to ATA everyone!

Hope everyone had fun at the Gaia Olympics, with the end of summer approaching, we're hard at work on other mini events and planning for the Halloween event.

How many of you got to watch the meteor shower this weekend? As an astronomy fan, I have to ask. smile

User Image

Hi everyone,

We just put up some tips and tricks to get the most out of ATA on our handy-dandy blog.

Check it out here.

Hi everyone! *waves and passes around a plate of fresh baked cookies*

Has this policy changed?

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Since last Monday, there have been third party banner ads at the bottom of the forum pages, as well as anywhere else that a 728x90 pixel banner ad could appear. I posted about it in last week's ATA, but did not receive a reply.

The problem I have with these ads - mostly flash based - is that they freeze my browser! This is the reason I started blocking them with my donor status to begin with.

Do I need to spend even more money to turn off these third party ads? I would be willing to do that, but I can't do the AutoCash option. And please don't suggest using ad blocker. I have no desire to download any additional software.

In case there's any doubt about whether these are third party ads or not, I compiled a small list of what I'm seeing: Nordstrom, AE, Citibank, Toyota, Devry University, Durex Condoms, American Express, Hanes Underwear, Zappos, etc., etc., including the ever popular free grant scams and Chinese counterfeit designer goods. rolleyes

Help! This only involves the 728x90 pixel banner ads. The other ads on the pages are the regular Gaia ads which I love.

Back to my question... has the policy on blocking third party ads via Gaia Cash purchases changed? confused

Hi beckygrendel,

Nope - our policy hasn't changed. We know about these rogue ads, and are trying to figure out why these are showing up. It isn't a system-wide issue since the other spots are working correctly, which at least one positive from it. Hopefully we'll figure it out soon, and appreciate your patience with them.

1. I hear beta testing is already underway for the new strategy game...How is it going so far?

Good! We've opened a private forum for the beta testers, and they're giving us really good feedback on the tutorial -- the game should be gradually released to the beta testers very soon.

Contest and Guild
Hey gaia how are u all doing on this monday night.

Well i have an idea for one of the big events or something for gaia.Well this is what i was thinking gaia can set of something like the mail in art.
When u do this set it up and let the users know that they need to give as much detail as they can pictures they can draw ideas in text next to the picture or what ever about how the event would work
then what u would do in the event and things like that then mail it in and let gaia look over it.
If u wanted to do something like this u can ask people send in ideas like 6 months before when ever the event is then u have time to pick what ever event u think would work for gaia.Then u also have a better idea of what the gaia users want.

Do any of the staff at gaia think this can or would work.


I'm doing ok on this Monday night - how are you doing? Well I hope!

Thanks for the fun suggestion about user-created event ideas. Not sure if it would be possible, but you never know! We are always happy to hear your ideas, so feel free to email your event ideas to us at usertalk@gaiaonline.com smile

Hi Contest and Guild,

It's a good idea, but there are a ton of factors that go into making an event (including how it ties into the site storyline). That makes it hard to take suggestions with any sense of actually using the ideas, b/c there's a bunch of stuff that we can't share with you guys yet (such as storyline) that you'd need to take into consideration. Basically, we don't want to have you guys send in suggestions that we'll likely be unable to use.

Narumi Misuhara
Odd Cinderella
Hi hi! I am going to try to make this simple and for everyone to answer:

arrow When is the next Sponsored Item Update? ninja

arrow Can we have NPC profiles update? Can some of the RIG NPCs have profiles too? ninja

arrow Can we have a back-to-school update? redface

arrow Any hints for Halloween Event?

arrow Airships. Can we have them back?

arrow Peyo, Rina, Kanoko and the Wing Scouts should do an event together. They're all practically the same ages, well, Wing Scouts are younger... ninja

1. *shrug*
2. *likes this suggestion*
3. smile
4. ninja
5. Not just yet smile
6. That might be too much cuteness for one event burning_eyes

Angry Lunchbox
Hey Admins!
Just what the heck is Towns 2, and are you working on a fix for the spazzy avatar bug in towns?

Path finding is on by default. You can turn it off by pressing the walk icon at the bottom of the screen.

hey everyone whats up? smile I can't wait for the next event. biggrin rofl by chance would you know what dates the halloween event and christmas events will start on? smile sweatdrop i want to ready for them

Hey PhAke,

We can't share the actual dates....but I would guess around Halloween and Xmas would be a safe time to assume smile
Narumi Misuhara
Dates are still too tentative to give out.

Any word on that Inventory Arranger update?

And hello everyone!

EDIT: lol I'm glowing. mrgreen

It's going to be a bit - some of what we originally wanted to do is going to take way too long, so we're looking at doing some smaller stuff first (maybe things like better sorting, etc.). Sorry I can't give you more concrete info than that.

Security: Have you ever considered changing the username into the email on the login page?

Games: Would you consider making minigames like Chess or Deuces? (also called 13?)
Card games being held by players vs players? We can bet gold on it etc?

Yep, we talked about it last week. We have to see where we can fit it in.

Ty for your response. 1. May I ask another question? Oops I already did.

2. Am I allowed to add you as a buddy on Gaia?

3. When you said: "Yep, we talked about it last week. We have to see where we can fit it in."
Were you referring to the username or the Minigames?

Ty for your hard work on Gaia.

3. Minigames

Evening, Lanzer and staff.

- zOMG!: Glitch Fix Update: Any good news? Also, since [ JK ] and swarf are business with other stuff and you’re still working on a way to have the servers automatically cycle themselves, can you authorized somebody else to cycle them? Players shouldn’t have to suffer through horrible lag because the servers haven’t been cycled in days.

- Alchemy: You mentioned last week that you liked the idea that I quoted and linked you to about the use of cash items in alchemy. Are you even considering it? If you are, when would the idea be implemented? In case you forgot…..
Maybe to make cash shop items instead of using up the already limited supply of EIs and such they should change the formulas to use special ingredients in constant supply from the cash shop, or sold only for GC from the Bifrost? That would keep GC Alchemy items from being free, and not take away from the dwindling supply of older CS items before they vanish from the site.

Original post can be found here.

- The Alchemized Version of Ania’s Wedding Gown: This is clearly a gold shop item. So, why are the majority of the components for it cash shop items? Like I said before, it’s cheaper to buy it straight from Edmund’s shop. Please, don’t try to tell me any different.

We try to cycle the server as often as we can manually, sorry that we couldn't do it as often as we wanted. We are still working on having the servers recycle automatically.

We had been busy working on the event as well as other features and bug fixes, unfortunately we don't simultaneously work on everything at once, as much as we wanted to. It'll take a bit of time until we update the alchemy system, and by then we'll get to announce what changes are up ahead.

There are a few alchemy items that definitely should be adjusted, thanks for pointing out one of them. We'll look into it when we get a chance.

Yeah so, I can never actually make it to these things so I may as well just say, I'm happy that the gaia blog has (re)started, and that the site is still running reasonably smoothly, just one thing...

QUESTION: How likely is it that more 1st-party games will be made for gaia?
(especially of the kind that grant stuff like tokens or inks or flowers etc that can be stored and used,
& that have chatrooms like cards and fishing etc...)

We are certainly trying to see where we can fit some new games on the schedule, but we'd like to do them.

This video reminded me of Gaiaonline's fetish with cats:

My 3 questions:

1) Can sweetheart ring be made in alchemy since it was a cash shop item?

2) Can zOMG! summons or pets be included in the new towns update and possible in other flash spaces?

3) Can gnome general instance be fixed since it freezes on easy and hard, but ok on normal?

Hi Scobre,

Wait, we have a fetish with cats? smile

1) Maybe. We'll create new formulas from time to time, but I'm not sure if this is on the list.

2) Another maybe. This isn't in our first-run plans, but we might be able to include that later (keep in mind this is speaking from a non-dev perspective, so I don't know if there are technical issues that would prevent us from doing so).

3) We have a number of fixes that are waiting to be released, although I'm not sure if that's one of them. Keep surfacing it in the forum so it catches our devs' eyes.

Eternal Rebellion
Hello Admins!

I have one quick question to ask about the shop, Crosstitch: Will you be accepting designs again in the future?


Are you working on the account issues?

On the isssue that a account was ban due to wring reasons.


I suspect you are trying to say you believe you were banned for what you feel is not a good reason. If you want to provide information about the issue, you can file a ticket and have the ban reviewed. While we cannot guarantee a ban will be reversed, we are happy to review the issue.


what is wrong with the redirect after posts now? it just leaves you on top of the page instead of taking you to the post...

Thanks for reporting! We're preparing a fix now.

will animated item be animated in place like rally etc...? if not, why?

No, and because it is using outdated code. I'm trying to fix it for towns 2.

isn't there a way to update those code? there are some animated item for car...so..

I have looked, but I can't find the 'update the code' button.

It is an older version of flash code. It is difficult to support.
lol update button XD good one =P

how long would it take to redo the code?

More time than I have right now.

I'm hoping we can get to hollywood and rally after the new towns. Right now, we just have to see.

I have this 1 question,

Are any new viximo games like resort world are going to come out? After bym closed down, I dont really have anything to do on gaia..... crying

Hi kanon1151,

We hope so! Viximo was just purchased by another company, so they're going through some changes right now and it's been hard to make much progress towards adding another game. But we're working on it.

Uncle Kenny
3. Are ideas/plans for this year's Halloween event already being thrown around? Is it too soon to ask for a spoiler?

Yep, plans are already cemented and work should begin shortly. Only spoilers I can offer are it's an event, stuff happens, you do things, and there might be rewards.

Hello admins,

Hows your development of the new game? I know it seems like you're putting in a lot of time into it. Will we get like more sneak peak videos of this game so we know what we are up for?

Edit 2:

Oh have you guys thought about making a complete rpg game on gaia instead of an mmorpg?

Hi Gyptoega,

It's coming along pretty well - just making tweaks before it goes out to Beta. I don't know about more videos, but hopefully the game itself will be out soon so we won't need preview videos smile

Neo Falcon
1st time posting all the way from england (its like 1:15 am here)

so i have no gaia related questions really, was wondering if the problem with buying tokens in prize and joy was fixed?

my main questions are:

arrow what did you think of london 2012?
arrow what movies outside of normal hollywood cinema do you watch (outside of eastern culture like, anime movies) like LGBT Related movies or european films.
arrow if you could do one thing on your all time wish list, what would it be and why? mine is attempting to get over my fears of heights, snakes & falling on ice lol

i hope you are having a good day!

I like London regardless of the year. I'm keep up a lot with British news and happenings via Radio 4. Since it is after 1am your time, please don't give away what happened on the Archers, My constant bedtime entertainment.

I have a fear of heights and snakes as well, which is why I was disturbed to find out about the Asian flying snake, last week.

i have but a single question so im making it big so u guys see

Gold shops update every month.

The Gaia shop to buy merchandise is hard to get to.
The real life merch shop that we used to use no longer works for us -- we had "business problems" with them. Please don't buy from them.

I hear the artists have a "Red Bubble" account. I think this is the URL:

Hi guys, I have just one question that's been rolling in my brain for awhile (and it's not really a glitch so...). Way back before the first major overhaul of the avatar system, the Jacked-up Shirt, which I am currently wearing for reference, used to "light up" using a certain combination of items. Meaning that the face of the pumpkin would take on a yellow glow around the eyes and mouth. I hesitate to call this a glitch and report it as such, because it was definitely a yellow light and not the infamous green goo.

Now, I've had this item for awhile and I just can't seem to replicate that look, even with the most recent updates to the system. I was wondering if that "pose" might be restored to the shirt?

That is an excellent question - I have no idea if that was what it was supposed to do, or whether that was a glitch in itself. Can you do me a favor and PM that me and I'll try to poke around and find out?
I can check, but the newer avatar system should not affect any glow effects on items. Though I definitely cannot confirm where there is an intended glow on the Jacked up shirt or not since the items is so old... I'll help doublecheck.
I hope you can stand another reply to this XD

I just looked and I couldn't find evidence of an intentional glow, but I discovered what was going on, and that it is still possible to replicate this.

It is actually a glitch that happens pretty commonly with black items. Our system doesn't like it when we use pure black pixels with certain other items, and it gets rid of them. All of the pixels in the jack o lantern's face are black, so when you equip the shirt with certain items it takes them away and you can see your avatar's skin beneath.

If you want to try it out yourself, try wearing the shirt with different capes -- specifically older ones-- they seem to cause the glitch a lot.

Not that I am promoting the use of glitches, mind you...

Grumpy Blue July
hello and good day i am asking how i can get my account back iiCHOBITSii she has been banned over 2 years im not asking for account back but i would like them item's back that i have paid real money for i have filled out to many ticket's to hear no respond so im asking please can i just get the item back i paid out of my pocket for.

Thanks for the post.

Unfortunately, when an account is banned for violating Gaia's Terms of Service, all items, gold, etc. that were in that account remain in the account. This is why we encourage people to follow the Terms of Service and not engage in activity that could jeopardize their account or items within that account.


Narumi Misuhara
I have serveral questions. I will separate them into different posts.

POST #1:

I never recieved my alchemy starter kit when I began alchemizing. Can I have mine now?

yes, just go to the alchemy page then click the "Learn More" link.

Blaze the Fire Dragon
Didn't get any kind of response last week, so I'll ask again.

Is there any reason for the Grunny Deep Sea Manipulators being soulbound? I just find it odd that an aquarium drop would be. My second question is about the Oni Set, might there be a chance of that ever being un-soulbound?

The Grunny Deep Sea Manipulators have been unsoulbound. The Oni Set however is meant to be soulbound. Sorry xd

any chance the lag issues with booty grab on firefox and now chrome will ever be fixed?

I hope so - is it happening across all your browsers? Being honest though there are other things we're trying to fix first though so I'm not sure when that'll happen.

I Play Foreplay
Is there a way to turn off post tipping?

You can disable the notifications you get from being tipped:
"Tip for forum post" checkbox.

What does it take to work at Gaia?

We generally like people who are creative, good working with others, obviously care about Gaia, and have a strong dose of awesomeness. I have no idea how I got hired, based on that last point.

Check out our Jobs site here for specific openings: http://corp.gaiaonline.com/careers

xXxEver rosexXx
Has the token buying issue in gold mountain been addressed yet?

We'll take a look at it, thanks for the reminder.

Could the winners of fishing trophies for last month see our trophies granted soon? emotion_c8

Yep smile

Archaic Lullabies
When will the outfits shop be updated?
Many scams/exploits have risen with the flaws in the average marketplace. This is creating much grief amongst Gaia.
The idea seemed very interesting to me at first, but it turned out to be not so great.

Edit - A feature where you can trade outfits should be available as well. Or put an outfit into a trade, and be able to still see the items in it.

Hi Archaic Lullabies,

Can you give me an idea of what type of scams you're seeing?

Casidhe Wetherington
Hey...I was wondering if there has been any progress on the issue in forums where editing a post takes you to the last post in the thread instead of the one you edited?

Thanks guys for attending our questions.

We are working on a fix now.

One Who is Not Loved
Hello, staff/developers/artists and everyone of Gaia! This is my first time posting a question in the AtA thread, so I'll keep it short and simple.

Can the layering on the Mutton Twins item please be changed back to the way it was before? For the past few days, the layering was changed so that most accessories and items now layer under the costume, instead of layering on top where it should be and looks better. Even right now, I cannot equip my Mutton Twins outfit without going bald, even when only using my default salon hair. Please, can it be changed back? It was much better the way it was before. It makes much more sense to be able to add things over the costume. I know I'm not the only person upset by the change in layering. If this could be fixed, I would be forever grateful!

Also, thanks to whichever artist made the Fluff n' Stuff item! I'd always wanted a pile of stuffed animals to play in, and now I have one!

The layering was changed because of a conflict between some other items. I will need to talk to the artist to see what exactly the problem was. I'm glad you like the Fluff n' Stuff item, it's super cute. smile

I'm sorry if you get this all the time.
But why aren't the zOMG! servers cycled more often? Or more regularly?

There are days when it is literally unplayable because of the massive lag spikes. It's causing negative publicity for the game.

Hi Shannon-Jeva,

Because we're not doing any more major work on zOMG, everyone working on it is assigned to something else. That means that doing the work to cycle the servers is lower down the priority list, although we try to do it as often as we can. We know this makes it really frustrating, so we're investigating some options on how to get the servers cycled automatically. In fact, finding out whether this is possible, and if so, what it would take, is one of our higher priorities right now.

Question about the gaia on the go app:

I asked last week:
Is it possible to send push notifications so i know when im quoted in forums and such; and will it be possible to add guilds to the app's so i can post there as well..?

Thank You~

I think we have plans to try and add some notifications to the app but I don't know how high priority that is.

Guilds is a bag of worms. I'm trying to find out if we can do some basic feature upgrades to guilds. Maybe after that, we can evaluate whether we can add guilds to any mobile apps.
That should not be hard to implement. After we're done with the Android version we'll add more features to the iPhone version.

Amaki Mikashi
It's not much or too urgent; but I'd like to know if you guys really do check out the petitions.

I've seen some things that I've liked; and I was wondering if you guys ever really do act up on those.

We really do. A bunch of features and items have been direct results from some petitions.

Where do you guys get your item ideas from??

Everyone comes up with ideas but there are a few people that work on it regularly. The original idea for Gaia came from Lanzer, L0cke, VO, CP, Ling, etc. Lanzer proposed guilds, marketplace, then I fleshes those ideas out. Search and Achievements were my idea, although they're not really original ideas; I just pushed to make them happen. I can't really take credit for ideas - usually someone suggests something and then we all work together to make it happen.

Gash Thrashum
Asking for a third time!
Third time's the charm, right? wink

Could you guys possibly look into adding separate poses for the "Bullet Belts" item in which you can either wear it strapped across the waist or across the chest, separately?



The layering of the back wings with, say, the hair in the item "Cherubic Queen of Solair" is such that the wings are almost completely hidden. Would it be possible to adjust them so that the wings always show up in front of the hair?

And will you guys consider making it so that you can use the older alchemy wings once you reach the next stage? Like, if I were to reach stage three, it would be nice to be able to use the other two stages given all the time, money and effort that went into crafting them.


What it should look like
User Image

What it looks like currently

User Image

Hi Gash,

Thanks for the suggestions! I can't really promise that we'll do any of them right now (although you should PM an artist or post in SF with the suggestions as well so others can see them).
There probably won't be new poses for the Bullet Belts item, but there might be new items in the future that will have such poses.

Your suggestion makes a lot of sense. I'll check with the art team to see if there might be any ways to have the wings appear in front of the hair and not cause problems with other items. Thanks!

Is the Crosstitch shop going to only have items that have been featured in contests, or will it eventually include items submitted by users at any time? I've missed all the contests for item creation on here. sad And I'd really like to create some stuff.

Also, I think an item based on the Mars rover would be awesome. Just throwing that out there. sweatdrop

Crosstitch will always be made of items submitted by users to contests. Don't worry if you've missed past item creation contests because we will have many more to come!

I'm not sure if you've already read this question but...

To the artists: are there any plans of releasing recolors of past MCs? (I know you're already doing recolors of a couple of REIs...so i thought why not MCs?)

Thank you in advance! And enjoy the rest of your week!

Sorry I don't know of any plans to recolor an MC.

Hey guys
I've seen you uploaded 3 zomg related videos in your Gaia youtube.
It shows 2 new rings and 1 new boss, are you going to update zOMG soon?

Hi King,

Honestly, I'm not sure what the story is with those. I'm not aware of any plans to release new animations in the short-term, so it's possible they were put there just as a neat thing to share (basically something we worked on but never released).

Hello Admin's, Will there every be more raffles for Mini Devilish Wings? Can we have atleast more of them put out because they are really nice. Banned Accounts is their a way we can put banned accounts items back into the system for like drawings and contest held by the admin?

Maybe - we like doing those types of raffles too.

Right now we're not planning on taking any items from banned accounts for a variety of reasons.

When will the Android app for gaia come out?

We don't really have a target date, but we estimate that we're about 33% of the way through it. So we're making progress!

Hoshina Utau120
Is there any chance of a tutu item coming out soon?

No plans so far, we're happy happy Tutu delivering items. smile

... eek What? happy happy...Lanz, were you smoking the bargain crack when you posted that? rofl

Shanra the Dragon Bard
Dark, is there anyway to fix the time stamps on the pages where we search for our posts? They all seem to default to the current date.

Hi! Can you be more specific. I tried the My Topics and My Posts pages and they show dates correctly. Exactly what page are you talking about? Can you give me a link?
Shanra the Dragon Bard
Greetings Lanzer!

My question from the last session was never answered, so I am going to try again.

Can you please do something about the dates in the My Posts pages?
They all seem to default to the current date, and make it hard to search for a particular post made on a given day.

Hi. Another person is reporting this. When I go to My Posts, the dates look correct. Can you be more specific about the issue? Is when you do a search within My Posts? Can you give me steps to reproduce?
Shanra the Dragon Bard
Yes I can. And so you know, I'm referring to when you click on View Posts under someone's avi, not when you click My Posts.

If you look at the timestamp on the entry for Nature's Wonders, you'll see it has today's date.
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

but if you were to click, read post, you would see that the post was actually made the day before:
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Excellent, thank you! I'll patch that soon as I can.

Angelic Poptart
I have a question smile will the Mecha Neko be open to Canadian users in the future?

Possibly - it all depends on our partners. For example, with Fullmetal Alchemist, we didn't have a choice - they only gave us permission to sell items to US users. But it's definitely possible that future partnerships that we put in Mecha Neko may not have that restriction.

Security: Have you ever considered changing the username into the email on the login page?

The login page accepts any of the 3 identifiers in the "username" field:
(1) username
(2) email address
(3) user id

It's too late for us to remove any of these three options as some usernames don't work from the login form and those users _need_ to login with either email or user id.

Jaw Massaging
Can there be a gaia mini game sort of like angry birds but instead of birds we use classic gaia characters?

That would definitely be fun! Not easy to pull off, but we are thinking of new games we could create.

Lanzer, what gave you the idea to create this website, how long did it take to get it up and who were our first members? Also what are some of the qualifications for hiring actual staff members? c:'

We wanted to make a community site that feels like an MMORPG, wanted to have a community where everyone are represented by more than just a thumbnail picture. That was 10 years ago of course. smile

Staff are typically artists or programmers who live near San Jose, California. Within each field there are specific requirements such as specific work experience, etc.

Can you cycle the zOMG servers? Now?

Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday?

Please teach more developers how to cycle them. This is really getting ridiculous.

How's the automated cycling going? "Looking into it" is pretty vague... can we have some details?

Please take off the "Open access until november" line off of the z!Forum page.

Hi Owlie,

Unfortunately I can't commit to doing it on a set schedule, b/c it's very likely we'd break that schedule. And I can't really give you details of what it'd take, other than it involves the creation of an API, which requires a good amount of work. I know that's all frustrating - but we trying to get this done.

Thanks for the reminder on the Forum page - can you please PM me to remind me about it?

Lady B0NER
Can you guys make a red panda item next?

I believe the Tama's Basket item has a red panda in it - at least I think it's a red panda! biggrin


arrow Is gaia planning to hold another contest where any one can come up with a new item design?
arrow Is Gaia planning on giving us hints on what the Halloween event is gonna be like?

Yup, those are our CrossStitch contests that we hold from time to time.

As for Halloween - probably not smile

Sad Dust Glories
I hope someone else hasn't already asked this, but when will the next installment of the loyalty manga be out?

It's being worked on as we speak - hopefully will be out very soon.

You Can Call Me Rawr
Hey Admins, I have a question about becoming a mod.

Last AtA, I asked what I could do for Gaia, and Sisky said I could be a Mod when I'm 18. On the page to apply to be a mod, it says that you guys were thinking of letting younger people do it with their parent's signature. Have you done anything with that or are planning on it? c:


No, we cannot actually change the age for legal reasons. We'll edit the page where it says this so it is no longer confusing for people.

It's something we've thought about, but there are actually some complicated implications with having younger users be mods (due to content that might need to be removed, etc.). I don't think it's something we'll do in the near future, but it's possible we do so in the future.

Hello,im new here,i want know how i talk with a friend,because she invited me to play Gaia,and I dont know how find her. Can help me?

Step1. Go to "My Gaia"
Step2. Switch to "Friends" tab
Step3. Then you can see "Search for User" on the right above your friend list
Step4. Search for your friend's username, then you know what to do next

biggrin biggrin Enjoy!

Walrus Face
Heya, Admins! My question is about the (hopefully) upcoming Android app. I know you guys are working on one, and I was wondering how it was going!

Also wondering if maybe you guys could keep us up to date more about it, you know like small updates in a thread or on the dev announcements.

The app is harder to develop because there are so many different screen sizes and processor standards. We might be able to release one that has the basic functionality to check PM and announcements pretty soon, from that point on it'll be quick to add on the other features that the iPhone version has.

I have an account that I can no longer get into due to a a password issue. On top of it the the email address that is associateted with it is no longer a valid account. I am still trying to get into this account and tried to go through your recovery process.
I would love to get back into my old account and have my old cash items back. Who should I talk with to accomplish this.

Great question! You can file a ticket through our Help Center to get assistance. Just select "Contact Us" link on the Help Page and choose:
1) General Account Inquiry
2) Account Status
3) Can't Access External Email Linked To Gaia Account

Submit your ticket and provide the answers to the verification questions, and we should be able to reset the email on your account for you.

Hope this helps biggrin

Good Evening!

On the subject of the Rejected Olympics, I was wondering if it was possible to have more Team-based events on Gaia?

They're a great way of meeting new people, getting more involved in the community and just a friendly way of competing with others.

I don't mean all the time, because of all the effort required to put on an event like this, but maybe an event each Summer, or maybe part of the Christmas event could put us into teams and battle it out in some way?

Yup, we love cooperative events too. We won't do them all the time, but will when we can incorporate it smartly.

Little Gai
Hallo again Admin folks!~

When will the next manga update be?

Also, if it's not too much trouble, can you change the Bumper Page so it says "Coming Soon" rather than "Next week" since there appears to be struggles with keeping up with this deadline?

I feel so sad, waiting every day for the update, both when it was supposed to be out, and even long afterwards.

I wanna see what happens next! *whine*

We're working on it right now - it'll hopefully be back soon smile

what happens to a Gaian who was underage when they signed up, and is now of age to join Gaia?

You can send a support ticket and tell the Admins that you are old enough to use the account. They may require some form of age verification.

Meteor shower happened around 5am my time. Couldn't bring myself to wake up that early : (


5am is when the meteor shower peaked, but hours, or even days before and after the peak you'll still be able to see ample meteors. It'll just be one meteor every few minutes instead of one every minute or so. Good luck next time!

Sprinkles the Kitty
I have another question... do y'all admins actually earn gold up here, or use money... or what? c:

We'll do both. But admins play by the same rules as our users - we don't grant ourselves items except when we need to test something or have some other unusual circumstance.
We have to earn gold just like everybody else, though many of us would buy ourselves cash cards to earn gold too. smile

Hello Staff of bosses, I have a few ideas, seeing as how I want to be a dev in the future:

1. Possibility of 1 server of zOMG at a time, as to minimize lag and effort needed to monitor them.
2. This is a bit of a strech, but just hearing me out will be a huge help - possibly pm me on this. A Gaia cash and gold transfer system, such as being able to turn XYZ amount of Gaia Cash to X amount of Gaia Gold, howver, with some sort of limit to reduce money for the site. And have vice versa one time if you purchase a Gaia cash card (in laymans terms, you get 1 cash - to - gold transfer per Gaia cash card)
3. recently encountered a Meebo glitch where someone on my friends list woudn't pop up and vice versa. It resolved itself, but for the sake of the community.

Any time or effort sent into responding to these ideas (even saying they suck, LOL!) would be highly appreciated.

And this is a personal one: What basic degree would it take to become a develouper?

Hi Myraseth,

You can't go wrong with a CompSci degree.

The Meebo issue was likely on their side, so I'm glad to here they fixed it quickly.

The Cash-to-gold question is one that comes up from time to time, but long story short is that that type of system would have huge implications on how the site is run. It's very very unlikely we'd ever do that. Thanks for posting though!

II Pomy II
Oh my goodness...I'm late, I'm late! wahmbulance

Just wanted to ask if that is a giant Grunny in the office? (see image below)

Rejected Olympics Manga - page 2, slide 4

User Image

I want one!!!!! gonk

3nodding 3nodding very huge and cute

Wrath of Nattie
I also have questions about becoming a moderator, if you don't mind. emotion_kirakira :

Why must you have SO many reports filed in x amount of time? (I cannot remember exact numbers right now, please excuse me.)

The way I see it, you can't get THAT many reports without LOOKING for them and while I am perfectly willing to go search around for some rule breakers because that's kinda a reason why I wanna be a mod in the first place, I just don't understand why it's so many. I don't remember how many at this current moment but I remember reading it and my jaw dropping. emotion_0A0

Also, how old does your account have to be? I started Gaia in '05 but this account's join date is from '10. I can't remember if the mod app said anything about that. Most mods I've noticed have accounts from '03 or '04. Do you even hire members who haven't been members for that long?

I only ask because I've been interested in working for Gaia/being a mod for so many years. But after reading the requirements, I feel a bit discouraged. :c

Also, please pardon my being too lazy to find the information now. I haven't slept. ; n;

Thanks. emotion_yatta

I feel ya on the no sleep thing - I've been up since 2 am this morning and frankly I'm tired too! go us? eek

Ok, regarding the reports - we ask for that number because it shows a couple of things: One, that I person is active and engaged on the site, and two, because it shows us a basic glimpse into whether a person has a knack for understanding the ToS and identifying violations.

As for the account date, you should be fine - your account needs to be 6 months old or older. This is to make sure that you have been around Gaia to have a good feel for the site and the community.

So don't get discouraged! You'll get the report and post totals in time, and your account is old enough to apply. Now I suggest you get some rest smile


Doctor Costello Wormwood
Hey admins just wondering if the Thank you Gift Art was a real offer or just a accidental private message from the NPC. It's been 3 months and I still have no word from the dev team or the attached web address. gonk

This was legit - although do you mean you responded and never heard back? Can you please PM Siskataya with that info?


The Avatar Arenas.

We are not able to edit our avatar after we submit it. Not only that, but we also cannot edit the description.
I'm not sure if this is a bug or done for a purpose...?

I'd appreciate if someone could look into this issue! Thank you.

It's intentional. Whatever you submit is final and needs to be consistent during the voting period.
The inability to edit the avatar is by design, so it does require a submitter to be very sure about the entry before submitting. it's mainly because it wouldn't make sense to have, let's say, a terrific avatar be changed to something silly at the last minute and win first place. It just introduces a lot of other problems.

II Subtle Wings II

To Who It May Concern~

As you know that being a user of Gaia since 2006, Marketplace items have been a little riged and unfair to most users who would want item prices to be limited.

Here is one item that could be changed:

Oisin's Blessing -- 8,890,000 Gold

My own idea is less than 9 Mill and its affordable to those who want stylish eyes that make the 'Users' eyes more fashionable. The eye design could look similar to Oisin's Blessing but have a wide variety of color such as Red, Green, Teal, Blue, Silver/Grey, Black, Pink, Purple, Orange and Brown.

I hope you find this useful and easy. Please Private Message " II Sublte Wings II" For Questions!
Would love to answer you back! biggrin

Hi Subtle Wings,

The Marketplace prices are actually set by the supply and demand of the userbase - not through anything we do to "set" prices at a particular point.

Why is towns 2.0 so glitchy?

codemonkey just left for a much needed vacation :0

Towns 2.0 is beta and we know about a bunch of little small issues. We'll be continuing to refine it as we get closer to final release. It does help us if you can provide more detailed information about bugs though.

King Awesomolocity
Squee Nii
Is there a possibility that someone who's been previously temp-banned can still apply to be a mod?

Depends on why you were temp banned! If you want to pm me to discuss this further, I'd be happy to talk to you biggrin


And here I was, thinking a lot of Admins ignore most PMs. xD

Oh we don't ignore them, but often times we simply get so many we cannot possibly get to them all at once. They can pile up like leaves in the Fall! gonk

In the mirror I die
Hello. biggrin
My question is short:
Will those of us who submitted an article to the Gaia Blog for consideration recieve an e-mail saying yes, you made it or no, you didn't? Or do we have to just scan the Blog's updates hoping it will be our article eventually?

I think DJ Helsing and UncleKenny know about how the Blog works.

Shirochi Snowpaw
I asked this last ATA-

Can an option be added to the Marketplace that would make it easier to re-post an item?

If you post something in the MP and want to re-post it at a lower price an option should be added next to cancel that allows you to change the price, time, or buy only spot. Of course you would have to input your password for the changes to occur.

That's a great idea (basically a "Relist" option), although we have a bunch of other stuff we're working on so we probably won't get to it any time soon.

Hi guys,

Would you have any idea what would cause skins to change by saving an avatar? From a non-human to a human skin?

All i did was save my avatar. Is there perhaps work going on that would cause this?

It is a little upsetting, because of how long I have had that skin to lose it so suddenly.


Event skins were meant to last only during the event, so re-saving avatar after the event will revert back to normal. Though there are other exceptions depending on items available for changing screen. Which specific skin did you have?

Hello let me start by thanking the Gaia staff. I've had fond memories of Gaia for the last 7 years I've been a member, from middle school all up to my 3rd year in university.

Anyways, I don't know if this has been said already, though I'm sure it has. The REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY ... Old Inventory Arranger. Is there going to be an update soon? Is going to be worked on?

absolutely yes! 3nodding

Not to be a pest or anything... but is there a timeline? It's okay if there's not, just curiosity. I know things just take time and no one knows how long everything takes...

It's among the features we are working on currently and in next few months.

Thank you for joining us on this week's ATA! As usual, we'll be back next week at 5. We'll see you then!

Shadow Coon II
Howdy, admins! A pleasure to see you all, as always~ :3

A quick question: is there any way we could get the Search function updated so that we could search for things in specific forums (and their sub-forums)? It's a pain in the butt when you're trying to find an art shop offering certain services or a specific item when the terms you need to use in your search can crop up all over the place.

In any case: I hope you're all doing well and thank you for hosting another AtA~ 3nodding

Hi Shadow Coon,

It's a good suggestion, although probably not something we'll get to soon given the other stuff we're working on. We do have an idea for a whole revamp of Art Shops floating around, but we just don't have the time to get to it right now.


Thanks everyone for joining us today! As usual, please accept our apologies if we didn't get to your question.

See you next week!

any chance the lag issues with booty grab on firefox and now chrome will ever be fixed?

this has several post in the bug forums...and i've personally p/c'd carboncypher twice.

I use a Mac and Flash on a Mac does nothing but warm up your lap. Sadly BootyGrab has always run slow as molasses for me.

Friendly Gaian

9,140 Points
  • Friendly 100
  • Tycoon 200
  • Wall Street 200
can u add summer springs to gaia

Shirtless Smoker

6,650 Points
  • Generous 100
  • Risky Lifestyle 100
  • Friendly 100
awesome thread man thanks so much you have made life a little eaiser wink

nice job heart


Eloquent Informer

37,875 Points
  • Winged 100
  • Balance Begets Creation 500
  • Waffles! 25
August 17th

Hi everyone,

Happy Friday! It's a pretty weird day around the office - we're moving to a new one, so everything's all packed up and clean. The clean part is what's strangest smile

Any great plans for the weekend?

Mermaid Eater
Mermaid Eater
Just gonna be video gaming with my dad and his friend!

I'm guessing the offices are usually a mess, right Lanky? wink


Oh yeah - we're total slobs. Well, it's mainly Gaia-related stuff everywhere. Kikis, plushies, various things acquired over the years. Between that, scooter races, and our tendency to be kinda loud, safe to say we weren't our landlords' favorite clients smile

You should've been like, here's some free Gaia gold! wink
That'd shut up the landlord.

We tried that - shockingly it was less than effective

Would you say your new office is an upgrade, a downgrade, or more of the same?

Will there be windows? surprised

It's a little of both. Right now we're on the 5th floor of a building, which is nice b/c we have a view. Now we're moving to a one-story, so we won't have that. But the space is laid out better, and we can do a ton more to personalize it. We've already gone in and painted (we'll probably post a video of that later - as you'll see, I do absolutely nothing), and could put up a cool mural. So overall I think it's better.

Existential Existence
And so, the pack rats make a move...

Congrats on the new office

Just to show you how much stuff gets acquired, I filled 1 box with personal stuff (I didn't bring in most of my things b/c I knew we'd be moving eventually).

Lanzer has 15.

Sifen Yamishi
Any word on the PSA, lanky?

I inquired about this a while back in the Ask the Admin and Lanzer said he was working on it.

Good luck on the move! Why are you guys moving to a new office anyway?

With the blog, it gets a lot easier for us to do more communication, so we should be able to do more PSAs (and a bunch of other stuff) there.

Our lease simply expired. Our landlord is a big company, and we only take up one floor in the building. They're trying to get another huge company to come in and take up the whole building, which isn't us. But it works great b/c we're moving to a pretty cool building not very far away.
Sifen Yamishi
Sifen Yamishi
Have any suggestions been brought up on what sorts of PSAs should be done for the site?

Yup - we've gotten a few, ranging from serious to not so much.

So if I wanted to have an issue addressed in a PSA, my best bet would be to address it in a submission to the blog, right?

If so, is there a deadline for submission?

Yes, that's probably your best bet. And no deadline - it's an ongoing thing so we'll be taking content suggestions pretty much for the forseeable future.

sugar peachie
Are you moving out of San Jose? Or just out of that building?

Just out of the building. We're headed just a few blocks up the street, so it's not too far. But thankfully with a new landlord, since the last one didn't like us too much.

Existential Existence
Sorry about that! We lost our internet connection for a bit. It's fun to move!

(And if I suddenly disappear again, it's probably b/c of that).

An internet based company without the internet....that would be interesting to watch biggrin While you are gone/disconnected...users wreck havoc on all that you have worked on twisted mwahahaha..

Are there any plans for announcing your office move to the users? Even though you can have your mail collected/forwarded to you...some people might still use your old address to send stuff to you, like that Going Postal thing.

We would be powerless! Literally and figuratively smile

Going Postal actually goes to a PO Box we keep, so we're still good there. In fact, we're hoping to get more of that stuff soon, and will be putting out an announcement at some point letting folks know we're going to restart that for the blog.

sugar peachie
Does everyone get their own office in this new building?

Nope - which I think is a great thing. Every company is different of course, but many companies in this area (Silicon Valley) don't have offices at all. When I was at eBay, even Meg Whitman, our CEO didn't have her own office. She had a private conference room when she needed one, but most companies don't like the hierarchy that comes with offices - the message that "important" people get offices and everyone without one sucks. We're the same way.

sugar peachie
So who is moving Codemonkey's stuff since he is on vacation?

We're throwing it all out smile

(He packed up before he went).

Ok guys, I have to finish packing up in a couple minutes. Thanks for hanging out with me today, and have a great weekend!

Oh, and hopefully see you at ATA on Monday!

Eloquent Informer

37,875 Points
  • Winged 100
  • Balance Begets Creation 500
  • Waffles! 25
August 20th

Hello everyone!

Today is a big day for us at Gaia HQ, we have just moved to a new location and the new place is totally awesome! We'll be sharing some photos with you today.

The Android app is close to complete, we might release a beta version pretty soon, probably in a week or so.

Things are a little chaotic at the HQ today since internet haven't been properly setup, so please be patient as we might take a bit longer to read through everyone's messages.

Zero Omega
Ridley Starsmore
Good afternoon, Gaia staff!

Hope the move was good for you all, and we hope to see a video tour of the place really soon!

And now, a couple quick questions:

1. When is the next round of mod hiring? Curious bunnehs are curious.

2. So, alchemy is now a year old, and in a thread posted over the weekend, gaians were asked to give their opinion of Alchemy:

Link Here.

In the poll, over 150 people voted. Out of that, only 8 thought of Alchemy as a success. Less than six percent. VEGITA JR. got more votes than alchemy.

Can you guys PLEASE do something about alchemy? You keep saying you are hesitant to change it, but it's obviously still very much broken.

3. Is there a way you guys could do a redistribution of older MCs? Sort of like a police auction in the MP?

Seriously, the value of an angelic halo is akin to the value of a decent used car at this point. That's kinda redonkulous.

Anyway, that's enough from me today. Can't wait to see my article in the blog when someone gets around to moving it from the test forum.


1. Probably not anytime soon, we're still looking at how to improve the training program and make it easier and more efficient for everyone involved. That being said, we would like to try and get one ASAP.
Ridley Starsmore
#2) We've made big changes to Alchemy. The two biggest were changing Philosopher's Stone and making the recipes more accessible. Each time we wanted to give some time to see the effects and each time we've seen improvements in some key metrics - number of people on each level, the estimated completion price, etc. I don't think we're all satisfied so we'll be continuing to look at it. We're aware of the feedback.

#3) Bid Blast was partially intended to redistribute older items but it's shown to have a very low volume. Personally, I don't think Bid Blast is all that valuable to us and I'd rather do this through Admin mules on Marketplace. Redistributing older items is in our best interest as it reduces inflation and gets some of those rare items back into the mix. I'm glad to hear that you see some value in this too. I don't have an ETA but it is something we want to do more of.

Oh, we know you guys are aware of it...

Ok, when Aqariums was introduced, you guys were on that all the time making changes, and letting folks know what was being done.

It's been a year now for Alchemy, and while the changes made have been a good step in the right direction, it doesn't feel like anywhere near enough. I know you guys wanted alchemy to be more of an 'experienced user' feature, but all I'm seeing is a lot of users with bad tastes in their mouths. I know you guys can't be too happy about that.

And when changes are made, we don't seem to hear about it anywhere near as quickly as we did with the fishies.

I'm sorry you're unhappy with the pace. We do a lot of things here :]
#3) Bid Blast was partially intended to redistribute older items but it's shown to have a very low volume. Personally, I don't think Bid Blast is all that valuable to us and I'd rather do this through Admin mules on Marketplace. Redistributing older items is in our best interest as it reduces inflation and gets some of those rare items back into the mix. I'm glad to hear that you see some value in this too. I don't have an ETA but it is something we want to do more of.

Cursed Contrarian that I am, I just have to point out that if I was someone who owned an item that was incredibly rare and valuable, (which is sadly not the case) and it was suddenly made into the next Lucki Pants, I'd be seriously put out.

I don't know if it's at all possible, but I hope you'd consider consulting with those who currently own some of Gaia's Holy Grails before you turned them into Dixie Cups.

Just sayin.... stare

Oh yeah, we know :] It's tricky because of this. We can partially mitigate this by not releasing a bunch of the same item all at once - More like we would release a large quantity of a bunch of different items. Over time you might see the value go down. Hard to say.

Chibi Halo
Hey Gaians!

I saw a lot of posts from Friday asking for pictures of our new office so I took a few shots today with my handy-dandy iPhone.

A mural painted on the wall of the snack room. Across from the main entrance.
User Image

On the other side of the snack area some chalkboard paint and look already some masterpieces!
User Image

A look down the side of the Gaia Online team with social all the way at the end. Look you can see Lanzer's head hard at wok on the left there.
User Image

Another side with programmers hard at work coding games.
User Image

A view from milkbun's desk razz at the lunch area
User Image

And of course, it wouldn't be Gaia if we didn't already have a wall of cats drawn on chalkboard.
User Image

Some other more professional photos taken by a coworker
User Image

Those look awesome and your photos are pretty good there. Is Gaia actually on Instagram? I just looked up Gaiaonlone on there and it seems someone's reserved the name with no photos posted yet. Makes you wonder who went and snagged the name if you guys aren't on Instagram yet.

Not that I know of, that was my personal Instagram.

Zero Omega
I hope you guys enjoy the new place and eventually get everything set up. From the picture of what I saw of the mural, it looks really nice.

1) How is the status on mod applications going?

2) It seems like zOMG! bots are back again, but people are using mule accounts, so if accounts get banned, they just make a new one. Is there any way for mods to find the main accounts for these bots?

3) Is there any way to remove or hide some sub-forum topics after they are done being used in guilds?

1. We've been getting a bunch of apps which is encouraging, we've just been busy with some other projects so we haven't had a chance to get through them just yet. We definitely will when we can.

ooooo pics. can't wait to see them!

and, did anyone forget to go to the new office? like, did someone by accident end up back at the old office today?

also, hi everyone. biggrin

Hi Scully!

I can only speak for my team, but nobody forgot to go to the new office today. We did have one person who couldn't find it, and kept walking around the neighborhood, up and down the street. You know who you are - poor lost team person. xd

:O was it zero? it had to be zero. oh and sisky will you guys be doing a scooter race to break in the new place? and biglanky already told me i have to be a good girl to get an invite to hq.... next time... ninja

As amazing as this sounds, it wasn't Zero. I know, I know... it's all too shocking! And no, no scooter races in the office. I think they don't want us to tear up the new carpet. Maybe we could have one in the alley behind the building though... ninja

And why do you have to "be a good girl" to visit? eek

Zero Omega
I was wondering if you have better air conditioning in the new building? I see a fan plugged in.

That mural is really pretty!

The air conditioning is still on! That's an improvement!
[that post was made 13 minutes after the A/C would have auto-shut off in the old building.]
The fans were to dry the shampooed carpet in that spot. Air-conditioning is working pretty good right now.

Mashed Potato Jones
Hello everyone, I'm back to lurk about in the Ask the Admin...as usual. I do actually have a bit of a thought...imagineered it while dredging through the doldrums at work...

What are the thoughts of holding a contest where the users create the story for the next big EI? I would think it would be interesting to see what Gaia Centric ideas some of the users could come up with and would love to then see how the artists interpret that into an awesome EI...what are your thoughts?

Hey MPJ,

That's a pretty cool idea. No idea if we can make it happen since the artists have a super-secret awesome way of deciding these things, but I can mention it. Drop me a PM with the idea?


Evening, folks.

zOMG! Glitch Fix Update: What's the word?

Sorry we were pretty tied up with the office move, but we are moving forward with updating the server and setting up auto server reboot. Hope to have more update next week

Zero Omega
jean-luke picard
hey what can i do to become an admin weather a player mod or a normal mod i would like to know

You can find information about becoming a mod here:

Shadow Coon II
Good evening, admins! Did any of you get a chance to check out The Bourne Legacy yet? It was rather nifty~ 3nodding

As for my Gaia-related question this evening: is there any way we can get an option in the Marketplace that allows us to search for items, but not display results for items we already own? I know there are very limited situations in which this would be useful, but it's an option all the same! ninja

Thank you kindly for taking the time to host another AtA! whee

Interesting, not sure how many people would want this though? It would be technically difficult to filter them out. It would be a bit easier to just show an icon next to items you own or something like that. I'll keep an ear out to see if anyone wants this.

I had a thought recently that might help quiet the people who want a bank feature. Maybe Meredith could start selling Mythrill Coins in a Gold Shop-style interface? The only catch would be making them buyable for their sellback price instead of their store price. Then, people who want to "deposit", say, a hundred thousand gold could just buy this item from Meredith and stick it in their Storage trunk or something. When they want to "withdraw" the gold they sell the Mythrill Coin from inventory.

The Mythrill Coins have only been available as RIG prizes thus far, but I figure if there's already a wide range of items with a common theme that exist solely to have a given sellback value, why bother inventing another? Does this idea sound workable? And if not, can you explain where it goes wrong so the folks who want a bank can try to tweak it to make it workable if they want?

Hey Platonix,

I'm admittedly not totally up to speed on the reasons for wanting a bank, so do you mind telling me what this would accomplish? Is it just a way to take gold out of your account (in this case trading it for coins) for clutter reasons? Or are they looking to collect interest on it? Any info is helpful.


Uncle Kenny
Hey Staff! Please have a safe move. Count all fingers, toes and limbs. You don't want to lose those!

Question, what's this "Rebuild Volunteer items" I've been hearing about? Something about helping Edmund's shop?

Rebuild Volunteer? I don't know what you could possibly be talking about. If I did have some vague notion of what you meant though, I'd think that it may be some sort of small event that you can help out in. I'd also guess that there was some kind of issue with it and to look for more about it in a timeframe similar to 24 hours.

Chibi Halo
Thank you for giving us Quick Replies for the guilds Gaia. While Quick Reply is a feature I myself don't use I appreciate every update you give to those of us who own guilds. That said, I'd like to ask how difficult it would be to implement tipping and possibly thread subscriptions to guilds. The way a guild looks isn't really important to most people but being able to tip people in guilds and possibly subscribe to a thread like a role-play or a long running discussion about a game, band, movie, or TV show when you're in several guilds is something a lot of people who go to guilds have said they'd really like to see happen some day. So with the current coding for guilds is tipping and thread subscriptions something that can be added to guilds?

We're looking into it, but so far it looks like a huge project. We might be able to make forums and guilds use much of the same code but it will likely be a long time before that is done.
Tipping is one of the features we are considering for guilds. I think we're done with this round of fixes but we'll take another look soon. We ran into some problems where we needed to do some major code changes to support some of the things we wanted but we may be able to just hack it in.

good evening gaia admin, developers, artist, and everyone eles on the gaia team. smile I wanted to report a recent problem i have been haveing with the Gaia cash tree for the past few days. My problem is for some odd reason it isant granting me gaia cash for all the videos i have been watching like it was anymore. sad also once in a while i'll get the tempurpedic thing and no matter what i do it dont grant me any cash for going to the site like it tells me to do or anything.I have also reportedthis bug/problem in the (bug and technical support forum). Thanks you guys a ton for your time in reading this report on the cash tree. I really hope the cash tree starts working properly again soon. Hope you all have a great day and keep up the awsome work. mrgreen emotion_hug

We can double check it. Unfortunately we don't have full control over the technical side for offers. We depend on third parties to make callbacks to us and we don't have a good way of verifying them. If the issue happens a lot we have to go to the providers and harass them to fix it.

Uncle Kenny
When is the new game Heralds of Chaos coming out??

Open Beta should be starting up soon. Keep your eyes open for more on it in the coming weeks.

Zero Omega
ll tehLeETwOlf
What did the dev mean by Gaia items are only licensed by gaia not owned by any individual? if you buy gaia cash and buy items from the shop you dont own them?

If you buy Gaia Cash and purchase an item from the Cash Shop, you purchase a license to use that item on your account. So long as you continue to abide by the Terms of Service then you can continue to use the item.

Itami Nai
Do you guys ever intend to just start selling gold? It would save a lot of time to cut out the middle man and just buy the gold versus buying the cash shop items.

It's unlikely that we'll start selling gold. Selling items instead of gold actually help control inflation, otherwise prices in the marketplace will skyrocket :O

Magnificent Moonbeam
Hello, Lanzer and everyone. I'm glad to hear that the move went well. Though there's only one question from me.

When it comes to a RIG, besides by majority, how do you guys go to compromise to see which theme for the month seems sufficient as well if you guys should use older RIG NPCs or make newer ones?

That's all I have for now, I know it isn't something frequent, I had no other questions to ask. sweatdrop

Hey MM,

It's a lot of group work to come up with it. People suggest themes, and we see which ones we like and lend themselves well to different parts of the CI (storyline, NPCs, etc.). It's basically your standard creative process - except our artists are more awesome than you'll typically find so all their ideas rule smile

Zero Omega
Dear Admin,

My brother made an account through facebook but we can't log in to it. We put in his username and his fb password, but we still can't.

Please help, thank you.

Unfortunately we were not able to update Facebook Connect with the ability to log into Gaia. If your brother files a ticket at http://www.gaiaonline.com/help we can assist him in getting his account back.

Uncle Kenny
when will rally be removed

also can we have back frontier skies

or maybe a downloadable version of it

i loved that game

I wouldn't expect Frontier Skies to come back any time soon as there were serious issues with the gameplay that some nefarious individuals decided to exploit. We are looking at possibly bringing the hunting aspect of the game back though but I don't have any further details on that currently.

Zero Omega
You Can Call Me Rawr
Last Time on AtA, I asked if you would ever put a policy in place where people under 18 could become Mods, and it was answered by Sisky saying that no, it would never be possible. However, someone else replied and said possibly. I'm so confused... gonk

Also, I signed up for Heralds of Chaos beta. When will I know if I'll be allowed to beta test?

Our official response on this is no, as always anything can change, but for the time being we cannot allow it.

Contest and Guild
One of my questions for this week is.I would like to know where the devs are on the updates to guilds and being able to delete old forums or where they are when it comes to updating forums over all.

I know this is most likely never going to happen but i think it is a good idea.Why not try doing something like what maple story did they made there own tv show granted it is short but has gaia ever thought of trying something like this.

Deleting forums is also an idea we kicked around. We're probably done with this round of changes to guilds, but we'll take another look at some point.
Hey C&G,

We released a couple of fixes/tweaks to Guilds earlier today (they're in the Dev Notices). If you don't see them yet, you should very soon.

Making our own TV show would be really cool, but I don't think it's going to happen anytime soon. They are extremely expensive smile

Zero Omega
Why is there a 2% marketplace fee? Why are we paying taxes on pixels?

The 2% fee was introduced to help reduce inflation by adding in a gold sink when purchasing items from the MP.

Katniss Everdeen -HG-
I have a question...
Why doesnt the button in 'Prize and joy' work to buy tokens, niether of the buttons work...
Will this be fixed soon? It hasent been working for a while... sweatdrop

It's scheduled to be fixed in the next big patch. Maybe 2-3 days...

Chief Sakura
These pictures are really cool. may i ask if you did the paintings or Gaia or did you have someone do it for you? Either way who ever did it is a really good artiest

A whole bunch of us spent 3 days painting the whole office last week, it was a lot of fun! We should have a video to share, showing the painting process next week. Internet is too slow to upload to Youtube right now >o<

Zero Omega

I feel like some of the areas in the forums are chaotic and not being moderated daily. I know mods are backed up with many reports, but the threads that don't belong stick out like a sore thumb and have been there for days. I have seen off topic threads in parts of the forum where you have to stay on topic.

Will you guys do something about it?

Our moderators actually work super hard to try to clean out reported content as soon as possible, along with our dedicated Forum Assistant team to back them up. However, keep in mind that there are a lot of reports and users to our mods and sometimes it may take a while to see anything done. In the meantime, you can help us by reporting or pitching in your self nomination to become a moderator.

Are there any plans for a way to organize subscribed threads in the near future?

I don't think we're going to add this feature. I suggest using your browser bookmarks for organization if you have a big load of threads to track.

That is highly inefficient - and this idea is fairly popular among Gaians, especially role players.
Is there any particular reason as to why it's not being considered?

It's just a large task if it were done right. You're kind of making the point for me when you say using bookmarks would be inefficient. We'd have to make something that worked better than browser bookmarks which is already pretty refined.
This is true.

The point could also be made that things like Bid Blast and similar such things, were big tasks that weren't entirely needed or asked for, while the point could be made that organizing subscribed threads is needed and desired. zOMG was a huge task, and I've heard that you were considering dropping it due to lack of activity from users.

I'm pretty sure Subscribed Thread Organization would be used by everyone, and well worth the effort. Similar to the outfit organizer, if you would. In my case, I had sorta thought about it in passing, but until I actually had it, I didn't realize how much easier it would make my life. They may not realize they wanted it or needed it - but once they have it, I'm pretty sure it would be hard to go back.

I'm seriously not trying to sound like an a** here. ^^; But it seems repeatedly that you guys are just trying to make things bigger and better, without paying as much attention to improving the things that made Gaia, well, Gaia.

But, that's just how I feel - I've been here quite awhile, my first account being back in 2006. Not the longest anyone has ever been here and certainly not as long as you, the developers, but I've at least been able to watch the changes. And I know you guys are putting love, sweat and tears into the endeavor that is Gaia. Please do understand that. ^^;

I just want to say that I didn't think Bid Blast was a good project from the very beginning :] We make good and bad decisions. I'd like to think that since the beginning of 2012 we've focused primarily on the things that make Gaia what it is and not just another website. I think we have a solid team right now. I won't forget about organizing subscribed threads. If we see an opportunity where it becomes more practical we'll take another look.

Fruity Explosion
Dear, Admin(s)

I been having a bit problems w/ the avatar dress-up like when I put some skin items,
Like it gives me green spots.
And about rally
Remember when there was the store walking dead event.
Any chance you are doing that again?

Green spots are associated with certain items, so try removing some items and see which one causes the green dot. Once you found out, just let us know and we'll fix it as soon as we can.

We will have more partner anime items at Mecha Neko but not with a TV show like walking dead in the coming few months.

Uncle Kenny
Semi-Sweet Ignorance
Why did you guys skip a week of featured avatars, and are you thinking about going back to the old way any time soon, the majority of people, from what I've seen, really dislike the new setup.

There were issues with the blog notices not appearing correctly and with the move looming over everyone last week it was probably just forgotten. As for switching it back, I don't believe there are any plans for that currently. The new homepage's design is made to bring the news and content directly to the forefront upon log in and the featured avatar was not a piece that fell under that umbrella in the form it was in.
Zero Omega
That was an accident on timing due to a vacation and then trying to catch up on everything during that week. We'll make sure it isn't missed again. As for the old way, probably not anytime soon.

Zero Omega
Zero Omega
Okay, so the number one cause of people losing items when hacked is that the hacker gives the items as a gift to another user that they have probably hacked? Is it possible that you guys might be able to make some type of gift-giving system where the user can take back gifts within 5 days of giving the gift? Also the person who got the gift could not sell/gift the item away until after the 5 days. It would probably save a bunch of peoples items.

Unfortunately a system like that might be super complicated due to what could happen to an item in five days, for example, I've dealt with a hack case where I saw an item be bought and sold at least 20 times within a day, an automated system would have to reverse all those transactions, and then if the person used the gold they got from selling that item, it would have to reverse additional transactions.

Instead, while being hacked is a really sucky thing, we have made improvements to ensure that hack reports are dealt with in an incredibly timely manner so that users get their items back ASAP.

But is it possible to have the hacker not be able to sell, gift, or even equip it until after the 5 days? That way the user has time to change their password, take back the items, and act like the hack never happened.
(The reason why I'm asking is because I was hacked crying )
And is there a way that a user could like have the report number like sent via PM or something? (I lost mine...>_> wink

It's something I have no idea would actually be possible or not, that's all dev work that I'm unfamiliar with. xd

As for the report ID, not sure on that, however if you PM a mod they can check the status of your report.

When will you update the inventroy arranger?? heart

We're going to try to make some small improvements in the near future (easier to sort, that kinda thing), but any widescale changes probably won't happen for quite some time. It's just a massive project and more than we can commit to right now.

OMG Maureen Cox
I was thinking for next earth day, since we really didn't do anything this year, maybe we could do something with the paper in towns?

I know you can make things in Ruby's Rack, but maybe we could earn gold? I dunno...just a random idea 3nodding

We love random ideas smile Definitely remind us next year about your idea as we get closer.

Good evening Gaia staff.

There is one BIG thing that I must ask of you.

Can you PLEASE not take anything out of the cash shop until you or paypal fixes whatever is going on? I can only get gaia cash through a credit card and for the past week I keep getting an error saying that my request could not be processed at that time.

I love the cash shop and I love Gaia, but I will be really, really upset if I'll miss my chance at buying a few items because Paypal isn't working for whatever reason.

I was about to report this as a bug, but in that forum it says not to post/report gaia cash bugs.

I really want to support Gaia, and I know that the cash shop is one of your main revenues, so I try to buy from it when I can, but right now I can't so you're missing out on my money.

For some reason, it occasionally happens that a person is unable to use the new paypal payment flow for purchasing Gaia cash. This usually resolves itself in time, but in the interim, we have a solution that should allow you to continue to purchase your Gaia cash!
If you want to still purchase Gaia cash using credit card or PayPal, take the following steps:
1) Go to the collectibles page at: http://www.gaiaonline.com/collectibles
2) Click on the "Get One!" button to enter into the payment processing flow. This will redirect you to the "get Gaia Stuff" page.
3) At this new page, you'll see two tabs - one that says "Monthly Collectible" and one that says "Gaia Cash". Click on the "Gaia Cash" tab.
4) Select the amount of Gaia cash you wish to buy from the drop-down menu and then click the "Add User" button.
5) If the order looks correct, click the "Continue to Checkout" button and you will be redirected to the "Select Payment Method" page. From here, you select the payment method you wish to use and then click the "submit" button. Follow the steps indicated and provide the correct information, and your payment should go through properly.

If you have any other questions or issues regarding billing matters, please don't hesitate to contact us through our Help Center and let us know so we can help you out.

Nice place =O

I was wondering if the shop to buy real life items (gaia shop) will ever come back. Also is there anyway I could get the Masquerade song from 2011 Halloween event. I love the song <3

That's unlikely since we've been trying to get our merchandise back for years now. We should have other stuff at our Red Bubble store and we'll have more info on that later.
Hey Sinyuki,

Probably not, unfortunately. Our artists sell stuff at cons and other in-person events, but the store itself took a ton of work. That's why we hired someone to run it for us - who promptly ran off with our stuff and our money (true story).

No idea on the song, actually. PM Narumi Misuhara - he might know.

Zero Omega
Zero Omega
that looks like a super cool building.
I'm surprised that gaia has that exclaim

I actually have a question about warnings and temporary bans. I was 14 day banned for making a thread asking the hypothetical question "CB, would you take sexual pleasure by yours truly, or 10mil?" The reason was for "sexually explicit material." Sure, it's a stupid immature thread, but I didn't describe anything in detail, I really don't understand how that could be justified. I even had to PM a moderator, starzXnight, just to figure out what the ban was for. I didn't receive a PM as to why I was banned, only the e-mail that said "sexually explicit material."

So it was just a 14 day ban, so it's kind of like "whatever, the ban was lifted, it's over." But if I've been 14 day banned, doesn't that make my punishments more harsh? Since a 14 day ban is on my "record," do I have less "chances?" And can that ban be reviewed and somehow lifted? I mean I guess I don't even know if Gaia keeps records on warnings and temporary bans of a user.

Sorry if this is totally not the place to ask exclaim I suppose I should PM a moderator about this. There don't seem to be guidelines as to what sort of questions should be asked though. I'd appreciate a response. Thank you.

To answer your question in a general sense, if we find that a temporary banned that was placed was unfair, we have a way to make note to allow for that ban not to affect any decisions regarding your account in the future. So let's say that you posted content that got you a 3-day ban, but afterward (during an appeal) we found that you shouldn't have received the 3-day ban, we can make a note to ensure that the 3-day ban is essentially "wiped" from your record.

And of course, that applies for a 14-day ban as well, right? Who would be the best to contact to go about reviewing the temporary ban? How do I go about requesting an appeal?

Correct, that would apply for a 14-day as well.

You can file an appeal at http://www.gaiaonline.com/help

This transcript will be right back, after these messages from our sponsors. Our many, many sponsors.

Eloquent Informer

37,875 Points
  • Winged 100
  • Balance Begets Creation 500
  • Waffles! 25
This transcript is back immediately. Another triumph for AdBlock.

August 20th, some more

Congratulations on the new digs!
How long do you think it will be before it begins to feel "homey"
Will you all be adding your unique "personal touches" to the new office?

You'll always find the following around my desk: guns, cars, and aastronomy stuff. smile

Zero Omega
umm i have a question why do so many people try to hack othere accounts cuz its odd cuz my email got hacket 5 times this month and i keep changing my password so no one knows my gaia passowrd can youguys fix the hackers problem

A majority of our hackings occur because a user gives out their password or logs into a fake log-in page, we try to do everything we can to ensure our users don't get hacked, but ultimately it's up to our users to practice good account security practices. If you were hacked, file a Hack Report at http://www.gaiaonline.com/hacking.

Why does watching most videos only give you 3 or 4 Gaia Cash at a time? SocialVibe is having sone issues, too.

Also, why all the third-party offers that are rumored to have malware?

And while we're at it, why isn't the Gold Shop updated more?

Hi Starchan,

I'm not quite sure what you're referring to. The videos pay out a certain amount, as determined by the companies that provide the videos. If one is actually giving you less than it says it will, you should contact that company to find out what's up.

As for malware, we work with TrialPay, which is one of the most reputable companies in the business. We haven't gotten many malware complaints lately.

The Gold Shop is typically updated once a month - a lot more than we used to.

xXxEver rosexXx
When are you going to fix the token buying issue?
Its VERY annoying.

The fix has already been created and we are waiting for the fix to be tested before we can change the servers.

Uncle Kenny
Reiko Iwamaru
Uncle Kenny
Reiko Iwamaru
Hello Gaia Moderators! ^ ^

Just wanted to say, congrats on the move in!
The pictures are awesome. smile Again, congrats! You guys are awesome. smile

Oh, and question...
Are you planning on making any more big game projects, like zOMG! ?

We don't have any plans for large projects like zOMG! currently. That said, we are in the final stages of bringing a somewhat, decently sized game, Heralds of Chaos, to Gaia so that should definitely be fun.

:O Heralds of Chaos!

Oh my goodness that sounds so awesome even though it's just the title of it! *Has a spasmodic fan girl squeal* XD
I am so looking forward to it when it comes out! ^ ^ Of course zOMG! is fun too, but I bet Heralds of Chaos will be better! biggrin

You can find the first shots of art and trailer right here if you'd like to get a sneak peek at what's to come.

Hello! Are you ever going to host a gaiacon @ Winnipeg, Canada?

Thanks for the suggestion! You should pm DJ Helsing and let him know that you are interested in a convention in Winnipeg. biggrin


II BlazeoftheCookies II
Good evening mods, I hope your days have been well. I have asked this question twice in the past 2 AtA's and getting a little sad.

Will we ever be able to get Soul Eater themed items? I know a lot of people like the anime, and I would be happy if it happened. So, your thoughts on that idea?

Hi Blaze,

That can only happen if we have a partnership with Soul Eater, since they own those rights. We're always looking to add more partners, but I have no idea if it'll ever happen.

Zero Omega
ll tehLeETwOlf
how long of a period do you have before gaia diregaurds behing hacked?
IE if you wait 6 months to report it, does gaia disregard it?

We recommend all Gaia users who are hacked submit their report within 30 days of the incident occurring. After the fact it gets really difficult to try to help out, we will always do everything we can to assist anyone who was hacked, but if it's been something as far as six months out, we can't make any guarantees.

Hey Gaia Staff, congrats on the big move, place looks great!!

I really only have one question, one that was Addressed by you before Lanzer, but figure it's been a few months since I last asked.

Will there be any plans on updating rallies, (i.e adding new cars, new areas, new games)
or integrating streets into towns much like Hollywood.

Personally I've been hoping for an Akira Bike in rallies for the past 5 years, STILL HOPING.

But any luck this may happen?

Hi Boltohn,

Good news and bad news. It's not too likely we'll do too much with Rally itself in the near future. However, we definitely want to incorporate it into Towns at some point. Basically, we see Towns as including pretty much most of our Flash spaces in one spot. Now, that's a long-term picture so it won't happen for awhile. But that's where we want to go.

Serene Rainstorm
Good evening Admins. Hope you are enjoying the new place!

-I want to know, did anyone tune in for Shark Week last week? emotion_omnomnom

-Have you ever thought about updating the puzzles? It would be nice if we got new puzzles using the art from the RIGs, recent MCs and EI's. 3nodding

Hi Serene,

Yeah, we do want to update the puzzles. We have a ton of great art to use there - we just have to make it so that it works with the puzzles.

Strictly Satisfied
2) Why do you have to wait a week to sell items you got from the Cash Shop?
This only applies to items bought with frozen GCash. Frozen GCash only happens the first time you use a PayPal account... and it reduces the amount of money Gaia loses to fraud.

Zero Omega
Angry Rainbow Mess

1. Its getting close to halloween. Any hints as to any awesome parts of the event?

2. Lots of glitching with zOMG. Is someone or someones working on getting the quests working moe efficent? (Otami Questline HINT HINT.)

3. A MAJOR discussion atm: Devs working on a new MMORPG? zOMG still needs alot of work, yet they take time away from it?

4. People are wondering exaclty how long does it take to review the average "un-ban" ticket?

5. Why doesnt Gaia Staff work on answering MOST (If not all) the DECENT Questions during ATA? Its like saying free ice cream too a group of people but only handing it to random individuals. People do put alot of thought into their question(s)

6. Is there an IF & WHEN Durem and Aekea aregoing to be put into zOMG?

7. Finally, is zOMG EVER going to get a third server? People do want it, and Gaia claims they try to increase player happiness. Besides, Alot of Gaians do PAY for items. Thus hoping that gaia can listen to more players hoping for Good aditions.

P.S. Please ignore my spelling/gramatical errors, Im not the best in my English class sweatdrop

4. There really is no way to establish an "average" just due to the fact that the time it takes to handle an appeal take has a wide range, some we can handle in five minutes, some take weeks of information gathering from our logs, waiting for users to get back to us with information, etc. If you have an outstanding ticket that you want a status update on, then feel free to PM me.

5. We try to get to as many questions as possible, but sometimes the people who are equipped to handle some questions are busy answering others. For example, I can answer questions relating to hacks, scams, bans, etc, but I wouldn't answer a question relating to an update to inventory arranger, item releases, etc, because that isn't my area.

Uncle Kenny
You Can Call Me Rawr
Hey game developers or something? Anyone who works on Heralds of Chaos?

When will I know if I've been accepted into the beta? When will open beta start? How much gold is expected for an experienced player to make in an hour?

And I love you guys. It looks amazing. emotion_kirakira Keep up the good work--developers and everyone at Gaia. emotion_yatta

As a Gaia member you are automatically part of the Beta. More details on what to do/how to play/what you'll earn, etc will be released in the coming weeks.

I was wondering if the rigs, cases,caches are opened,the itemtem chosen or is already scheduled?
And have a time of the day to get better things?

Hi Prisioneiro,

Nope and nope. The items aren't pre-chosen, and there's no "Better" time to get one. You have the same odds every time.

Uncle Kenny
Hi Uncle Kenny, I had a question specifically for you. I was wondering when the staff might get around to talking about those changes in the AMC forum. Its getting bad in there again and I was hoping to know if the staff had already discussed or would be discussing the changes suggested in the Sticky there son.

Sorry! Things have gotten pretty hectic and my involvement with forum related things decreased significantly. That said, I'll go ahead and poke our current Admin team and see if we can get the ball rolling on some of the changes.

Zero Omega
I have never been part of an ATA so if I do something wrong sweatdrop Sorry in advance. Lol

My one question though, is I know a lot of my friends have been getting hacked on here and mostly through meebo. Is there any way we can limit the hackers links they send out? Like have a red note next to any link that shows up or a pop up, with some of the most common hacker link red flags? I was just curious, thank you and have a nice evening ^u^

That would probably be work required on Meebo's end, and right now I'm sure they've been busy working things out with Google regarding their latest purchase. My best advice in these situations is to have your friends screenshot anyone asking them for passwords/giving them suspicious links and report it, if they have been hacked, have them file a hack report at http://www.gaiaonline.com/hacking

Ryoka Saphron
Hey Admins~

I asked this 3 times last week, but got no reply.
So here it is again!

I have a question that's been bugging me since the end of June.
How are those people picked for the Wii Giveaway Contests?
I've logged on everyday mostly all day since these contests started, and all I see are mules getting picked. Like this past month, I looked at the profiles of some of the winners, and it says that they haven't logged on since the end of June, when it was the July contest.
Please explain. =/

Thanks for the question!

The winners are completely picked at random using a computer program - seriously! It takes the userids of potential winners and randomly picks one. Now, if you feel there are issues with some of the winners, please feel free to pm me with the names you would like me look into, and I'll be happy to investigate the matter.

Hope this helps! biggrin

will you ever have the return of that mouth from 05/06?
this one:

User Image

No idea - we can pass the idea along and see if it could be brought back. Can't guarantee it though, still, cannot hurt to ask! biggrin


Nano Alpha
I was actually curious but.. Who unlocked the Dev Alerts? xD

I'm fairly confident it was a mod that was doing their regular MODly duties in one browser tab, clicked on the "1 Dev Alert" message in the bubble into a new browser tab, then unlocked the DevAlert topic in tab instead of the topic in their MOD forum.

Uncle Kenny
Teh Little Devil
I've asked this before: What's gonna happen to the bugs/flowers/trash if you get rid of the old Towns?

Bugs, Flowers, and Trash will all be part of the new Towns as well.

Purple-eyed Dreamer

I'm really into guild matters which seem neglected, unfortunately. I would be grateful if you let us know when we will be able to tip posts in guilds or subscribe to particular guild threads. And, if not soon, please let us know why it is so hard to implement the same solutions to guilds as we have in the forums since we have already got spoilers and quick replies. Is it possible to simply copy the forums code into the guilds?

Thanks in advance and don't feel offended, I'm complaining now but I have a lot of fun here, at Gaia. But I'd really like the guilds to be noticed and treated on he same level as the forums are.

Hi purple-eyed,

No worries at all - it's a fair question. The short answer is probably not. And I get why that's frustrating, b/c it seems to the outside world that it should be simple to do. But Guilds runs on a completely different system than forums. To do the conversion work that would be required to bring them in line with each other would knock a dev out of commission for months. That's a huge commitment to make when we're trying to take care of a lot of different things on the site. I'm not saying it'll never happen. And I really wish it was a simple fix - we do want Guilds to rule. It's just a ton of work.

Sweet Crys
hi, not sure if this was asked.
item creation
Do you usually got to the petition thread to see what gaian's are looking for on the site?
or do you just kinda come up with your own stuff by yourself?

A little of both.

Zero Omega
Shadow Coon II
I know I already asked a question, but: Is there any way any of you admins could give Reapersun a high-five for me for all of the awesome work she's done? I would be quite grateful. >w<

Sisky has done that! She says "Thanks! <3"

faerie misao

While in the profiles on the lists of items in the
wishlist and worn boxes the sparkles are offset
from the items, making it impossible to see the
names of items that do not possess sparkles.

Is there any way you could fix that
without me having to turn them off?

That's definitely something that we can add to the bug list. Hopefully it'll be fixed soon.

emi desu
I've been wondering about this for awhile. I see a lot of people complaining about their accounts being hacked, but is there such a this as a "true" hacking on Gaia? Or are these people just falling for scams and thinking they were hacked? emotion_eyebrow

Interesting question! Most of the account hackings on Gaia are actually successful phishing attempts. The majority of compromised accounts occur because people either accidentally or intentionally share their password. This is why, like broken records, we always tell people never to share their passwords! biggrin

Zero Omega
There have not been any /true/ hacking cases for quite a while (a year and a half+), they are very, very, very rare (I've only seen two or three in my nearly six years of modding) and when they are we fix them very fast, within hours, or even minutes. However, I believe nowadays we've shut down pretty much anyway for a "true" hacking situation to happen.

Are you guys going to make another "Spring Cleaning" Event like last time. With the cookies and we suggest ideas?

I don't know - leaning towards no. The idea behind it was great. But I think it also set up a lot of bad expectations, b/c a lot of the stuff suggested were things that we couldn't do for one reason or another. If we do it again, I think it'll be a little tweaked to make it more clear what we can and can't actually do.

Lady Satyri
Is there ANY WAY we can get a tower defense game up here as a way to earn gold, but nothing too drastic? I believe people would enjoy a tower defense game biggrin

Hi Lady Satyri,

That would be fun, but we don't have one in the works ready to go. Now, if we can find a partner that can provide a good game our users would like, that could be something different.

I am still inquiring about an adult forum!

While this is in interesting idea, it is not likely to happen anytime soon or even in the near future smile

- Sisky

Lilsis Charmer
Lilsis Charmer
Question part: The MP warning "The price is a lot higher/lower than the store/... price" is in the most inconspicuous font size/face/colour ever. Can you please change that?

The "why should you" part: It takes 5 minutes, even if you have the file/database entry/style sheet portion multiple times across multiple servers, it takes almost no time at all to change.

Please change it. Red. Bold. Bigger. Smaller. ANYTHING to make it STAND OUT. Changing it will for a fact stop many people from regretting having mispriced their items and sold them for the wrong price.

Thank you~

Ps. This is the second time I post this, I posted this in the last ATA without a response. Anyone agreeing with my request can keep posting this in the future ATAs til it gets an answer. (Tho I hope it will get an answer in this ATA!)

Ok, we can do this. I could have sworn it used to have a red background or something.

thank you! that would really be great. And thank you for the answer, I was really waiting for it~ and no, it really doesn't stand out at all sad

see: User Image

I think it used to be red but people complained and we scaled it back. Nowadays I'd rather just make it super obvious to prevent those mistakes though. I know it happens a lot.

hello, and first off thanks for reading my post.
i was wondering, this is mainly for guild managers like me. do you have any plan to make it to where only cirutan ranks (vice captain and up) can take a withdraw out of the funds and buy some for lets say a prize in a contest or something. because my guild has already bought a chat space, and the rest of the gold sits there like a bump on a log. so like i said do you have any plans to allow withdraws from vice captains and up from guilds

There are security issues that doesn't allow guild fund to be transferred straight to the captains, but we should have more ways to use gold funds down the road also.

I really can't wait for you guys to fix buying tokens. I've read many threads full of people having this problems over the last few weeks but no solution has been offered. It'd be great to be able to buy tokens sometime soon so could you you please at least take a look at it?

carbonphyber fixed this and it is now in our patch cycle. ETA: Thursday or next Monday. QA needs to test the patch before it can go out.

Hey Admin! Congrats on the move.
I am just wondering a few things:

1. Why is it that buying additional outfit slots is so expensive? /random thought
2. Will the new Canadian Target stores (opening next year following renovations of bought out Zellers) carry Gaia Cash Cards?
3. When will the next site hosted event be? (For example, the Gaia Anniversary Ball has become user run instead of admin run so we miss out on that now every year).

Hi Korrye,

1) Because we're greedy smile And also because we want people only using what they need b/c it does take computing power to save all of them.

2) I actually don't know about Target, but Wal-Mart in Canada is going to be carrying new cards near checkout soon. Yay!

3) It quite possibly could've been today but tech problems made us push it back to something that may or may not resemble tomorrow.

Crazed Dog
yo, hey lanzer.
omg.i got an idea.
you guys could like send notification to our phone like you can do to facebook.

Actually, we really want to do this. We're hoping to add it sometime "sooner rather than later."

Zero Omega
Monoxide Filth
Also if i may add, you should do office tours biggrin So some of us who live close by can come tour one of the greatest places on earth!

I'm sure if you PM one of us with some information we might be able to set up a date. We've had people stop by the office before if they've contacted us and set it up. No guarantees, of course.

dear random dev, tell me a story!
I wanna know one of the crazy things you guys did in the old building with those 3 other companies you shared the HQ with. heart

Two of us sat in the office fountain before we moved out, there were many disapproving looks from passer-by's smile

hey, i know im about 3 hours late, but i really want to know if there is a way to unfriend people.... a really close friend of mine and i got into a fight, and now we dont talk anymore....i dont want anymore memories, thats why....

You might want to wait a few days and think it over. If this was a good friend, perhaps the fight can be talked out and the issue resolved.

That said, you can remove people from your friendslist by going to http://www.gaiaonline.com/friends and finding the name of of the account you want to remove. Check the check box next to his/her name then scroll down and click the "remove" button. This will "un-friend" that person.

Hope this helps biggrin

Zero Omega
K i n g X u m o t - XVI
Is it just me or does the Psychology forum have no moderator because every time I check it doesn't have any listed.

Possible that we might have mods busy in other forums, I'll see if we can get some support in that forum. As far as I remember it's pretty low traffic/doesn't get a lot of reports, so someone may just come back occasionally to help out.

Strictly Satisfied
Any particular idea why the coding can't be the same for the guilds and is there anyway that it someday could be?

Bad decisions we've made in the past make it expensive (in both time and money) to add all of the newer Forum features to guilds. We're still looking into how we might be able to add those features.

Even though there might not be Anime Conventions where I'm at. I was wondering would Gaia just do a thing like travel to all places cause we are all lovers of Gaia, whether meeting at an Anime Con or somewhere else.

Oh and here's my actual question: Do you guys think that you'll ever visit North Carolina? I've been wanting to meet you guys!

Hi Aya,

We unfortunately can't be everywhere we'd like to visit, but we will send stuff to small cons (PM DJ Helsing). I don't think NC is on the list for this year, but maybe there will be one in the future.

Izual Bloodsky
I have been wanting to get into alchemy for some time now. Alchemy seems to be almost impossible though unless I have more gold then I could possibly ever want.

Is Alchemy mats ever going to have higher drop rates?

We don't really know ourselves what changes we'll make in the future, so it's hard to say. But we're not against doing so if we think it's the right move to make.

Could you guys please please please consider bringing back the old Gaia Cinema?
I'm a gaian from '07, and I remember the good old days, hanging out with a bunch of my friends, watching House on Haunted Hill, and tomato-ing everything and everyone!
I know you have to worry about copyright infringement, and whatnot, but if it is even remotely possible to bring it back, PLEASE DO!!!
(think of the children!!!)

Ha - we'll definitely keep the children in mind smile

Unfortunately I don't think it'll be coming back anytime soon. Lots and lots of issues with them. But I do miss being able to tag people with tomatoes.

Hello thar Admins, Long time user, First time ATA poster. I am posting a question/suggestion about my experiences with Zomg and Alchemy.So I have been Zomg a lot more recently,and I have to say I feel my experience with it a little dull.And there not as much users, and if they are there, they all gather at Basken lake, and or Deadman shadows for thous lucky enough to have bloodstone gems, but thats not my issue. What I have noticed thou is that, not many people care about the roaming world bosses/events,because of the no so swell gold rate..in my opinion anyway.But I recently remembered they wean thous thing 1st came out, upon beating them there was a rare chance of a unique recipe component, but shorty after they removed them because there was no recipes or items to craft with them at the time,to my understanding.My question is, I'm wondering if in the future to encourage users to go do events/world bosses,that on completion of these, that they have a chance to drop corresponding alchemy components,and or a slight increase in gold.In exchange for a more random encounter rate. Well this is my question weather its answered or not, I felt like I wanted to bring up. Thanks for listing, wanted to bring some love to Zomg.

Thanks for your feedback. We are focused on fixing bugs right now but I do know that there are aspects such as item grants that should not be too hard to fix.

Not sure if this has been asked because I haven't read through the thread, but I know you were said on exploring ways where you can have zOMG servers automatically recycled. Any news on that?

Oh and maybe there could be a cycle soon? emotion_kirakira

No real update, other than we're pretty sure we know what we'd need to do. The problem is that actually doing it won't be too easy, so we need to figure out that part. I'm hoping we can make it happen, though.

Thanks for joining us today! As always, we appreciate your understanding if we didn't get to your question - there are many more of you than there are of us.

Have a great rest of the week, and hope to see you guys here again next Monday!

Fiery Punk

25,850 Points
  • Dragon Uprising 75
  • Survivor 150
  • 1 Win 50
@w@ jus wondering wat are sumways u can get banned from gaia O.o i want to stay informed so i dont get banned since i luv this game too much ^ - ^

Eloquent Informer

37,875 Points
  • Winged 100
  • Balance Begets Creation 500
  • Waffles! 25
Yuna Matsushiro
@w@ jus wondering wat are sumways u can get banned from gaia O.o i want to stay informed so i dont get banned since i luv this game too much ^ - ^
Pretty much every way of getting banned from Gaia involves breaking one of the rules set forth in the Terms of Service. So just give that a close read.

Eloquent Informer

37,875 Points
  • Winged 100
  • Balance Begets Creation 500
  • Waffles! 25
August 27th

Hello everyone!

Summer's coming to an end, so how many of you are going back to school? How many are *happy* to be going back? smile

Welcome to ATA everyone!

Couple of issues that came up last week. I've submitted patches on these and expect release later this week:

1) Marketplace warnings have been improved - now a more obvious red color. Also fixed some bugs with item descriptions not correctly linking to stores.

2) Fixed post dates on post history

Additionally, carbonphyber fixed token buying!

Zero Omega
Crystal Sparda
*POOF* I'm back in the AtA, askin' mah questions!
*pokes BigLanky* Why haven't you accepted my friend request yet? ;3; I WUBZ YEW! emotion_bigheart
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Playful joking aside, I just dodged the hurricane!
It missed Tampa, so it missed me as well!
Who in the admin have come close to (or actually experienced!) a natural disaster?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Would it be possible to create a new forum to place Hot Topics that aren't hot anymore, but are still worth discussing?
Example: The Legend of Korra forum got moved to the Hot Topics Burial Ground Archive
and it would be nice to still discuss the series without having to make 100 threads in the Entertainment forum.
The series is still active (getting the 2nd half of the first season released in 2013!)
and it still has another season ahead of it, so it would be nice to actually keep the forum for discussion.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
*pokes Zero Omega* *points to the mod apps*
User Image /jk emotion_bigheart
Also, what sparked this sexy avatar change? ;]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
OH OH OH OH OH! When should we expect to see awesome pictures of your awesome new building?! emotion_kirakira
I bet that moving helped you guys clean your desks and make things look super tidy! /unrealistic expectations
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Psst... to the artist/developer person who worked on the new witch hats in CrosStitch, they unequip wigs. :[
Can this be fixed please? Hats that unequip wigs are a huge pain. T^T </3

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Now excusez-moi while I go play peek-a-boo with my adorable green wing macaw. whee

Hot Topics: We sometimes make temporary sub-forums out of the popular Hot Topics that die out, it's something we can think about doing if we find a forum ridiculously spammed with repeat threads about the same subject.

Mod Apps: No ETA right now! But ASAP.

Avatar Change: Something the mods put together, so I decided to run with it because why not.
Ridley Starsmore
Crystal Sparda

Playful joking aside, I just dodged the hurricane!
It missed Tampa, so it missed me as well!
Who in the admin have come close to (or actually experienced!) a natural disaster?

Well, I grew up on the Gulf Coast, so I spent many times in my youth running from or dodging hurricanes! Then later, when I lived in Canada for a while, it was so cold and snowing so hard once that we got trapped inside my friend's basement apartment for a couple of days! eek

You a Florida kid too?

-is originally from a little place called Sarasota.-

Nah, Texas smile
I'm from Puerto Rico, so I've lived through many hurricanes, unfortunately, including some major ones. The worst one in most recent memory was Georges in 1998, we were without water and power for months! Even though the island tends to get grazed by storms every year, it usually manages to avoid really bad storms thankfully. I definitely understand the anxiety folks must be feeling in the Southeastern coast of the US right now though!

Zero Omega
Squee Nii
Would it ever be possible for someone who did break the rules to be given a second chance and have the sentence lessened? If they did do something wrong, but without the intention of being malicious, and are genuinely remorseful? Depending upon the circumstances, is there even the remotest possibility of forgiveness?

Entirely possible depending on circumstances. I owe you a response to a PM you sent me regarding a case of yours, actually think I saw you in my inbox coming up.

Ridley Starsmore
Ridley Starsmore
Happy Monday, Gaia Staff!

Bunneh here, and once again, I am attempting to keep up while having a cold. Shame on me. I should be resting, eating chicken soup and watching a movie.

Yet here I am, on my sickbed, talking to you fine folks.

I should get a cookie. emotion_donotwant

Anyway, on to some simple questions!

1. When can we expect some new formulas for alchemy? Some new ones that don't bankrupt you in fails or need a lot of parts. And not just level ones, eh? Some of us just want to get to level ten, yo. Without destroying all the past cash shop releases in the process.

2. When can we expect some new Achievements? As you can see, I love getting those little points! But some new basic/commons might be nice!

3. Can cards and slots get an update? These games are fun, but a graphic update, and maybe some new gameplay features, might be nice...focusing on the onsite games we already have is a treat for us too, you know. whee

I actually have far deeper questions than these (Why is the current management team trying hard to become a gaming company instead of making what they were known for better, why do we only see the same 5-7 peeps at AtAs from the staff [love you guys but everyone should play along, yo.], did you know checking Gaia on a kindle is hard if you have a crazy password?)

But then Lanzer skips those.

So here is one for him as a gimmee.


Are they in Ohio?

Are they being held by a second rate online real product store that makes sales and doesn't send the profits to the proper locations? emotion_awesome


User Image

And who do I have to kneecap to get one?

love, Bunneh

PS. I noticed something missing in the pics last week...why does your office not have a sundae bar? If they can swing one at the Sizzler, surely one could fit in the break room...

Hi Ridley,

I'll take the management question smile

Basically, we're trying to maximize our chances at doing well as a company. Like an investment, we're diversifying our portfolio. We obviously love Gaia a ton, but focusing solely on it means that if it doesn't do well, we're in trouble. By pursuing multiple product paths, we're giving ourselves a better chance to succeed, which is good for all our products.

And while I'm at it, I know that it seems like an automatic bad thing to have people working on something that's not Gaia. But as I mentioned in my Journal entry awhile back, the downside of having a lot of people working on it is that.....you have a lot of people working on it. That's a lot of salary and other expenses. That means we need to make more off of Gaia in order to make it financially viable, which puts pressure on us to make decisions based on money. Trust me, we wish we didn't put ourselves in that position with some decisions in the past. But now, because we're not as big, we don't have that same financial pressure and it's easier to get back to doing things that make users happy, such as better events, more consistent manga, etc. even if they don't directly make money. Don't get me wrong - like any business Gaia needs to make a certain amount to stay around. But we're in a much more comfortable spot now than we used to be.

n n

A legit answer! Cool.

Ok, I get that diversification is key to the company's survival, but the biggest complaint I am seeing in the site, and I'm sure you have heard it, is the viewed "Put it out and leave it" philosophy that a lot of folks feel happens with new ideas you put on the table.

The big problem I'm seeing is the site has had a history of some features 'going south' after release. Such as with zOMG (And I get the reasons for choosing to cut back on support. Hard to monetize, lack of staff resources, what have you.)

The whole state of affairs with the game left a bad taste in a lot of folks mouths and they are seeing a lot of the same pattern with other features. (MoGa, Alchemy, the games we already have in place)

I think we can agree that while bringing in the new is vital, a lot of what we already have can be awesome if properly maintained as well. I cite the great job codemonkey is doing in towns 2 so far as a step in the right direction.

I get why that reputation has developed, as we some features haven't been kept up with. However, I'd dispute the "you guys just throw stuff out and abandon it" sentiment I see sometimes. zOMG was worked on for approximately 4 years - I know that hasn't turned out the way anyone really wanted it to, but we put a ton of effort into it. Moga has had several years of updates and content additions. These are long times in internet time. Some stuff didn't get that much attention after launch, but honestly, I think the real problem is that we don't remove content as it starts to age, b/c we've generally adopted a "it's better to let people use a feature that's aging than to take it away" philosophy. But that line of thinking lends itself to the philosophy that we just let things die on the vine. So while I agree that we don't maintain everything the ideal way we should, we also get hammered more on this point than we probably should (in my biased opinion).
Uncle Kenny
Ridley Starsmore
2. When can we expect some new Achievements? As you can see, I love getting those little points! But some new basic/commons might be nice!

3. Can cards and slots get an update? These games are fun, but a graphic update, and maybe some new gameplay features, might be nice...focusing on the onsite games we already have is a treat for us too, you know. whee

2. Soon? There are some planned for Halloween but I'm not involved in talks outside of the events so dunno what to expect elsewhere.

3. We're actually looking at what we can do both with existing games and new games in terms of updating, creating, polishing, etc. There are some pretty big jumps we'll have to make in some cases but we are definitely going over all the possibilities and opportunities.
We are actively working on new achievements right now. We have around six that should be going to QA in the next couple of weeks. Then hopefully more after that :]. oxydizer (new dev) is doing the work.

Hello Lanzer and Co.
School is going okay so far, 4th week right now.

1) Herald of Chaos beta testing is coming, how do you feel most people would view it?

2) zOMG! Auto-Cycle Program, how is it going?

3)Why is Zero 90% naked? o3o

edit: lol had errors on editing this post o3o

1) I think most people are really going to like it, especially if you play strategy games.

2) No real progress update, unfortunately. The key people involved have been on vacation so we've been a bit stuck sad

3) This disturbs us all.

Evening, all.

zOMG! Glitch Fix Update: Any good news?

Sorry Swarf is on Vacation this week and the last so the work on the server is still in progress. Will let you know as soon as we get another update.

Zero Omega
school... what is this... i don't even...

anyway, hi everyone! how is the new office going? and did anyone get lost, yet? *shifty eyes*

also, can we have more sdplus dolls? more staff like swarf and a marshall that includes the obby pose? i know, i know. i asked this before but duuuuuude. do you know what you are seeing here?

and the brony king, is his new desk all decked out in pony? surely it is by now. and with how you all's desks are set up, do you ever end up having a staring contest randomly?

Zero Omega
Zero Omega
wow. it looks so... bland. dang brony king. @_@

It's amazing.

my foot. xd so have you broken in the office with a nerf battle yet?

Somewhaaaaaaaat. Carbon keeps throwing darts at me.

DJ Helsing
Gaia convention.
Y u no come to Oklahoma?
The BOK center in Tulsa or the Cain's Ballroom seems great.

Unfortunately we were unable to head to any conventions in oklahoma this year.

Each year we go through a huge list of conventions and decide which we will attend based upon a number of different factors including but not limited to the number of attendees at the convention, the number of users in that region of the US, if there are other conventions near by, and how much it would cost us to go.

Even though we can't attend every convention we always are down to help support local conventions which we dont attend with free prizes and goodies to hand out.

So if you know of a convention that we arn't attending ask them to pm me on Gaia a request for support and I'll be sure to send over support.

Zero Omega
Hey staff, I hope this finds you well. I have a few questions for you

1. Can we get some items based off the Rune factory video game series?
2. Can we have a favorite pony sticky, as well as an art sub-forum and Oc sub -forum in the my little pony forum?

2. entirely possible, we'll check into it.

how goes the android app?

It's pretty much done, so we'll be submitting it to the Google Play store this week and hopefully it'll be approved soon!

what is the purpose of the "?_gaia_t_=" in URLs, anyway? it serves no purpose but to lengthen URLs...
same with "&mygntcid=" again i ask, why?

Top Secret.
I could tell you, but then I would have to ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ you.
It's for collecting statistics lol

o.o i see. XD
so you're collecting statistics on every post now? cause the port redirect has it now. D:

Post redirect? Usually that _gaia_t_ is used to keep track of where someone comes from - so like from an announcement, what's hot on the home page, etc. I'm not super familiar with all the places we track though. It's nothing unusual or evil. Just used to look at the effectiveness of various CTAs.

Edit: Yeah I saw it on the post redirect. I'm not sure why, sorry!

Blooming Shadow
Been there baby second week. I get to work on Macs for to classes biggrin , but I got to ride the cramped city bus home =_=.

I've got 2 questions.

1._ Hows that auto server cycle coming along?
2._ Hows Towns 2 coming along?
3._ DAT Loyalty Manga heart
4._ How is our lovely Gaia staff this evening?

2._ Hows Towns 2 coming along?

Just great. I've been fixing a lot of little things people have been complaining about. I'm laying the groundwork for the houses as well.

DJ Helsing
Cain The Cannibal
Hey you guys, just a few questions I've kept in mind for specifically this time:

1. Any thinking about new games coming along? More the mini-games, things that earn tickets. I would love another option for earning Bachelor's credits and tickets.

2. Are there any plans for bettering the Bid Blasts? Every time they get close to ending they get bumped back up to 30 seconds, it's kind of annoying.

3. Recently my local Targets, 7-Elevens, etc. haven't been carrying GC Cards. Is this just a local problem, or are you guys pulling them out ...?

Thank you.

Regarding question 3 unfortunately thats out of our control.BUTwith that being said we are currently activly working on a solution to help get cash card alternatives to more stores and more regions. It may take a but we are working on this problem.

I'm old, I graduated college last year. rofl

1.Will zOMG! receive any minor updates this year not including glitch fixes?

2.Since zOMG! hasn’t been in beta for awhile, can the beta be removed from logo in game?

3.Why are the moga game and the premium sparkles at odd locations on the gaia pages? Moga is below its usually spot on game page and premium sparkles are all of the place in shop and profile pages.

Hey Scobre,

1) Yes - we have several that are very close to completion, last I checked.

2) Perhaps smile

3) That's weird. I'm not seeing the same things, at least with Moga. Maybe we decided to shake things up? smile (That's a way of saying, I don't know).

Uncle Kenny
Veras Gunn
I've been a user on Gaia since 2004 and have been... well, a bit a**l-retentive about off-forum topics since I've been on Gaia. I've undoubtedly filed thousands of reports, and even was a moderator for a few months before I resigned. During all of this time I've had little problem with the report system with one glaring exception: Captchas.

The captcha system currently set in place for the reports are heinous. They're difficult to decipher, and often end up making me type in the illegible characters into the bar several times before I'm able to get a report through. It hasn't been changed in I'd like to say like six years, while the captchas for posts have changed several times and become far easier to use.

tl;dr and question:
Report captchas suck right now. Will they ever change to the captcha system we have with posts, and if so when perhaps might that happen?

Note: I made a topic on this same subject in the site feed back forum, found here, and got several replies that agreed with me, some which came from site assistants and moderators.

We have been talking about making it so that the captchas default to the Flash-based solution first and if the user can't support Flash, to resort to the current recaptcha setup. This will take some time to do though and most of us are currently busy with other projects. It is something we want to do though.

My Orange Juice
Is DMS becoming public anytime soon?

We don't have a time frame, but we are looking at how we can make this be available more often.

rogue blood angel
wahmbulance Hey admins! Over Here! Look at this post here!! wahmbulance

Okay, I've got two questions and since you guys are very busy I'll make it short! (if possible)

Q#1: Me and a Friend on Gaia want to know if it's possible to make emotes such as→User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image and put them into the Emote Bar at the top of posts! And we wanna know if we can help!!

Q#2: How does the emote making process work on Gaia online? Can you guys give me a quick Explanation? (point form works fine)

Please and thank you! User Image

We probably won't (or shouldn') use your intellectual property but I just chatted with some of the artists and they said we might be able to do an emote update before too long.

Happy _Tropical_Flower
Hello, Admins and Devs!

I have two questions.

1. When I bought the item, Soft Black Underwear, two appeared in my inventory at the same time. I do not remember if I bought two of them by mistake or not, but my question is, is there a possible glitch that if you buy one item from an npc’s store, you get two at the same time? I am not sure if that happened to me, but I just want to make sure it did not happen to me is all. sad

2. Also, when I was lurking on the Rejected Olympics forum, somebody posted a link in their post and I clicked on it. When I clicked on the link, I think the link took me to another page of the Rejected Olympics forum and I got an achievement from the link that I think was the “Medalist” achievement. I am wondering if the link I clicked on was a possible “cheat” link to the achievement I received. I do not know if it was or not, but I just want to make sure that it was not is all.

Thank you so much for all of your help!


1) Are you sure you don't just have a thing for buying multiple underwear? smile

2) That I'm not sure about. I don't think that you can cheat link to the Achievement, but I would never underestimate our hackers smile . Either way, I wouldn't worry about it too much.

Zero Omega
How Do I become a Forum Assitant?

Forum Assistants are selected by our staff team based on what you do as a community member.

Zero Omega
I have another question for you admins. Can we get another mod in the Entertainment forum? Right now I notice there’s only one and there seems to be a big problem in there right now with offsite adveritisng threads .

It's something we can look into, we'll check the reports within the forum and see what kind of help we can get.

Thanks to Panagrammic for paying attention to the zOMG servers! heart

Any chance of a recycled Halloween event for zOMG this year? The hunting ghosties event being repeated would be so awesome on so many levels. emotion_awesome

Wondering if you guys have seen my Suggestions for zOMG's Maintenance Mode thread.

Hi Owlie,

We'd like to do a recycled Halloween event, but I don't know for sure that we can. We'll definitely try though - Easter was cool.
We'll look into possibly adding the older Halloween event back, hopefully it won't be too much work. Thank you for organizing the suggestion thread!

Anyways, hope everyone is doing well.

I just wanted to say thanks for eliminating the pancakes from the formula's. That helps a lot. whee

Yay! It helps me a lot too. Look, I loved being able to help out for a few weeks, but granting pancakes en masse was crazy business! eek

gimme a sitrep on that trading card game, nao!

Started testing this weekend with a few brave SCAS members. Testing went well, but they found some issues that we are fixing now. Will probably do one more round on the test server and then start rolling it out to production.

My last year in college is coming up! Then hopefully there will be jobs for us to get! And if not.... Gaia better hire me.... in case you need another communication worker or the like... or just a connection to Denmark! cool
It's going to be nice to get a "routine" again instead of slacking for months!! But the exams.... emotion_puke

That aside... I wonder if you guys have made a concept on how our new homes in Towns 2 will look like? And if you have decided or even discussed if we should be able to enter the buildings there? Guys... just imagine how awesome it would be to hang out at the Gambino mansion.... or enter Durem Depot just like you can enter stores in Virtual Hollywood! It would be amazing! x]
Also, show us some screenies of what you've come up with for Towns 2!

I'm still waiting on the art, so I'm afraid you will have to as well. Everything is not decided yet, but instead of walking forever to find your friends' houses, you'll be able to take our new state of the art transport system. This is, of course, unless we decide to use a hot air balloon or rowboat instead.

Can you eloborate on this transport system? x] Also, is there a chance that you can look into the walking in Towns 2? Usually in the virtual hangouts you walk in a straight line when you click a spot, but in Towns 2, your avatar walks all over the place.. not sure if it's glitchy or if you implemented a new walking thing there ^^; it's like the avatar avoids invisible obstacles..

When you enter towns, the path finding feature is on by default. There is a temporary icon to disable it at the bottom of the screen. The kinks are still being worked out. I think sometimes you may want it on, and sometimes not. It is most impressive in the docks area, to walk around the tables.

We haven't made the final decision on what mode of transport we will use. It is likely we will use different modes in different towns. A boat would be ideal for Gambino, for example.

This is a two part question.

1: What ever happened to the "OMG" feature that used to be on the settings tab ages ago for OMG owners? I believe it was /account/settings/OMG or /account/manage/OMG

2: Well, With gaiaonline getting up there in the years, It seems that nobody knows how it was established and what kind of changes have happened over the years or anything about the history of Gaiaonline other than it used to be called Go-Gaia.
Are there any plans to add something such as "History of gaiaonline" with details of stuff such as how in 2004 they used to have a feature called "Gaiaonline Hang-Outs" and features / games that were removed, And just general info about what changes have gone by over the years, I am always interested in history, but gaia is a total mystery to me.

Oh, And one last question.

3: Are there Any plans for a "Hue" option for items? Such as, Being able to alter the colors of items before putting them on your avatar? It wouldn't be too hard to add the feature.

Hi Destroyer,

I actually don't know about the OMG question - sorry!

We'd love to do some background on the History of Gaia. That could make for a pretty cool blog post. Thanks for the idea!
For number 2: I haven't read too much of it but gaiapedia http://gaia.wikia.com/wiki/Gaiapedia has some historical stuff and other information. It's not our site so use at your own risk :].

Uncle Kenny
Hey why isn't resort world working for user who use Google Chrome? Me and my friend who both use Chrome had this problem.

It appears to be an issue on Viximo's end. We're actually in contact with them to try and figure out what's going on and when we can expect it to be fixed.

Black Death Goddess
Hello all you hard working Admin!

Question will there ever be a Phin Phang bundle that can be bought with gold instead of cash? I mean one that you buy from Phin Phang and not the Cash Shop.


No plans for one at the moment - sorry! sad

Phuck No
Zero Omega
Phuck No

No. xd

Awweeee you guis elok so amazing tho emotion_kirakira Cept biglanky eek

It's only because quite a few of us have been around this side of forever - so we were around to get some of that stuff when it was new. 3nodding

I'm just going to ask this but can the gaia community give back the gold i had to spend because they choose to CHANGE MY USERNAME AND MADE ME PAY 40K just to change it when i never even did anything wrong
Please and thank you..

Thanks for the post. We're sorry you had to pay for the name change, but you were told in the PSA that joking about certain topics was not ok to do on Gaia. Still, you posted a link in that thread to deliberately mocking the PSA by calling attention to your inappropriate username. This is why it was changed. Sorry if this inconvenienced you, but hope you understand why the name was changed.


Is it possible that you could make it to where we could sell our old cars? neutral
I don't mean on the MP or anything major like that. lol
What i mean is like sell it for half price maybe like the potions i guess? heart
Or even sell them for chump change like the orbs even. lol
Is it even possible? emotion_eyebrow

Hi Heldren,

The cars operate on a different system than most of our other items, so it would take some custom work (I believe). It's not out of the question, but I don't think it would happen anytime soon.

Are you guys making a memorial item for Neil Armstrong? sad

I don't think so right now, but that's a great idea, given how many space nuts we have in the office.

Do you guys actually like sports or play sports? Don't give me that "Oh we have the Jock Strap so they must like sports" bullshit because last time I checked, there were no recent sports updates with athletic gear.

I do CrossFit and weight lifting and biglanky14 plays basketball and is a runner! biggrin


Uncle Kenny
Are we going to get any new games soon?
And, do you Gaia Staff, have any ideas for the upcoming 10th Anniversary on February 18? Its not that close, but still emotion_awesome
And Thanks for keeping Gaia awesome! I appreciate your hard work. . .

Reposting because I didnt get this answered sweatdrop

Heralds of Chaos will soon be coming to Gaia for its Beta testing phase. We're also looking at possibly making some small, new games and updating older games. While we don't have any concrete plans just yet, we are actively looking at more games.

Zero Omega
Hi Guys
Um, I wanted to ask this for a long time, Because I did not really understand this but, why was Omgpop removed?

OMGPOP was purchased by the company, Zynga, they requested that all external OMGPOP games be taken down.
Uncle Kenny
OMGPOP was a third-party company who we had partnered with to provide some of their games through our site. They were purchased by Zynga who then decided that they didn't want the games to be provided on any other sites so we had to remove them. It wasn't really a decision we made, just something we had to do.

Sorry if this seems crass, but my question is:

"Why is everything so expensive? We barely get any gold by playing games, posting, and voting, how are we ever suppose to attain the 3 million gold items and the like?"

If an item you want costs 3 million, it's because it is in high demand. Users set the demand... not anyone on staff at Gaia.

Narumi Misuhara
Hey, Gaia staff!

A few years ago, I started a petition to ask you guys to develop a feature in which we could select whatever header we'd like to display at the top of the screen. With each CI comes an absolutely beautiful header that's up for about a week... and then fades into nonexistence, never to be used again. It would be a great way to make Gaia more customizable and to be able to appreciate even more of the talented artists' work! I'm aware BetterGaia has an option for this, but I want it to be something all users can use without having to get a new browser. More information is available on the clickable picture in my signature (or right here, if you like!)

tl;dr: What do you think about developing a simple feature to do let us use past headers? I in no way expect you to sign my petition or anything, but I'd love some feedback.

I have most of the headers fixed, now! Third week asking this general question... I hope I get a response! *crosses fingers*

I've always loved this idea, the issue is time to do it X_X

Uncle Kenny
Uncle Kenny
Hey just wondering if you plan on making any new updates to cards or to puzzles. Like maybe new card games to play or maybe a timed mode for puzzles smile

thanks for your time on this crazy hot monday @@

Yup wink

yay thank you. is there any set time you guys are looking at? in time for xmas?! Q u Q

We don't really have any details yet for what's to come since it's all still in early talks. We are actively looking at it though.

Okay. My mom is willing to let me go to a Convention...
But. I don't know when it's going to be going to my state!
When is the Convention coming to Las Vegas, NV.?

Hi Samantha,

Love the user name!

Unfortunately we're not going to be headed to Vegas this year. Sorry! sad

Beloved Pastries
Hello, i was wondering if my green glitch you see here could be fixed its caused by the light spirit blush and vampire sound. I haven't been able to get in contact with anyone who could fix it stressed pleause anyone look into this

I fixed it. Try to re-equip the item. It may also take a few hours to kick over.

Uncle Kenny
LabTech David
I was wondering when will the Angelic Rod + will be release?

Soon! It's going to be part of some other updates to Fishing and the Games page/dropdown. I'm hoping to have all of it finished and out in the next week or two.

Hi Admins! cat_4laugh

So, here are my questions:

1) Can we get an update on when Lex will be moved to the P&J gold shop? Or has there been changes in this decision? cat_eek

2) What has become of Flynn and Lance? Are they still NPCs associated with La Victoire and will they ever be part of gold shop again or...? cat_sad

3) The 'Honey' post style in guilds... Is it possible to make this post style usable in guilds? And, perhaps, outside of guilds too? cat_surprised


I mean, I really, really heart the undo feature, being able to see what I have equipped, etc... An absolutely wonderful improvement cat_whee

Hi meep,

1) It's still in progress - just taking a bit.

2) That's an excellent question, and one for our writers which I can't answer. Sorry!

3) Unfortunately, it's really hard to make individual changes like that to Guilds b/c of the way they're built. But we are going to be making small updates here and there where we can, so maybe that'll be one of them.

And you're welcome - glad you like them!!

II Demonic Voices II
Hi Lanzer! I've been meaning to ask you. Are we going to get anymore sponsors? I'd love to see something from Batman or something even more interesting

Yup - we're working on a few as we speak (err...type).

Zero Omega
Zero Omega
One thing that's been bothering me for awhile, and it's not very relevant to anyone else's questions:

Why do you guys wait for the last resort to ban? Is it for the attendance? Freedom? Because it may be good for you guys, it isn't good for the gaia community--it makes people want to quit.

We recognize that people may not completely understand the rules or may have made a mistake that may cause the rules to be broken, so we try to give users as many chances as possible before banning their account. It wouldn't be fair to our users if we gave you a permanent ban because you may have only made one spam post.

So, why don't you send warnings then?

And why can't the hackers get banned? They don't exactly help the site's reputation. Like when a couple years ago that kid hacked into the Play Station Network? That lost a lot of fans and costumers.

Warnings are sent our for some cases.

Hackers actually do get banned, we don't have "hackers" in the sense of the PSN hack though, our "hackers" are actually just users who phish other users. When we come across them, they are immediately banned (in fact, just about an hour ago I was working on a case where I banned a couple hackers).

Rinceoir Tine
Evening *grins*

I've not the super patience to scroll through all the random posts but I would like to ask if there has been anything done toward fixing Resort World?

It still has yet to load for anyone that I know who plays it. Let alone myself.
I'm seriously ready to get back to fixing my Island and hoping my absence hasn't messed with it to much.

Thank you for working so hard guys!!! cat_mrgreen

We got a hold of Viximo finally and we're letting them know about Resort World. I did some testing today and noticed that Resort World doesn't work on any site in Chrome. So there's a bug on their end that they need to fix.
Hi Rinceoir,

Yup - another company hosts that game for us, and unfortunately it's a bug on their side that needs to be fixed. We just yelled at them a little today, so hopefully that will get them moving.

Can you use it in another browser? I know Chrome is wonky but it seems to work in others.

Autumn Wolflight
Hey, I know that Bid Blast has been glitching: I was trying to get the Cheshire Kitten and three times it said I won the item, only to go from "Congratulations you won" to the bid going back on, what the heck was that?

There's a bug in Bid Blast where more than one user will get the win confirmation. Bid Blast will probably be going away soon.

awww... are you planning on replacing it with anything? Because I loved the idea of getting ridiculously expensive items (especially those that are inflated byond reason), even if there were only a tiny chance of actually winning it.

Yes, there is an alternate plan wink . We plan to ramp that whole thing up quite a bit.

GAIA : Could you please add an opt out check box for the " flying gift boxes/trunks " that pop up.

Also in SiteFeedback Opt Out for Flying gifts

If there was significant desire for this, we could do it. File a petition.

The warnings you get about "refreshing" are because you are abusing the site by putting too much load on the server too quickly. That's what happens when you blindly open many tabs all at once without spacing out your actions.

Harbinger of Pandamonium
what's it like to be the admin? heart


how so?
does gaiaonline have like a building made just for it? or like, do people ask to work there?

Lots of pressure to be awesome smile

We do have our own building, but we didn't actually build it. But we do hope to work in a Lego building sometime smile

And yes, we do get a lot of requests to work here.

Kimiko Doll
Are you going to fix the edit button in arenas for we can edit our entries?
and i was told you was releasing the new arenas. but so far i see nothing.

Just about done. A few more loose ends to wrap up, and they'll be available!

Zero Omega
Why does gaia have items perfect for trolls (Example.. The troll...) and then ban people for trolling?

Having items that are "troll-like" does not mean that we encourage our users to troll. A user is the one who decides to actually troll other users, their behavior is not dictated by a simple item.

yggdrasill x
Quick question:

when can we see some improvements in the inventory organizers?

It feels like this issue keeps getting tossed away since I've yet
to see any announcements on the matter.

We're planning out some improvements to it, but they won't be wide, sweeping changes. More like things to help with sorting - that type of thing. Not sure when it'll be done though.

My aquarium won't load since I updated my flash player.

Any ideas of when this will be fixed?

What version of flash are you running? You can right click and get the version number.


I'll look into it. If you don't hear from me in a few days, feel free to shoot me a pm to bug me about it. Thanks!

There was a topic made in the chatterbox a number of months ago, personally attacking me and mentioning my old username (so all one would have to do is look up my old username in the fourms and BAM, there it is) I've reported it 3 times asking at least the post with my username be removed and nothing has happend. Are you guys planning on taking cyberbullying seriously? It's a huge controversy in this country right now. And are reports even taken seriously?

EDIT: This is the reason I've had to change my username, I did not want to.

Repost :]

Thanks for the post!

We do actually take bullying and harassment seriously, and are sorry to hear you had a less than stellar experience with another member of Gaia. If you want to pm me with more details, I can check the status of the issue and give you some feedback. Also, just so you know for future reference, if you are repeatedly being abused and harassed, please file an Abuse/Harassment Report to have it escalated.

Hope to hear from you soon! biggrin

Black Death Goddess
Dear Admin, can you tell me who does all the RIGs? Is it just one person or a team?

Oh gosh no, one person couldn't do it all. THEY'D DIE!!
CI has it's own team of a few members.

fkglh sfjkdghsdfjklh hgd
People on your ignore list can still tip and quote summon you.
Its annoying.
Will you ever fix this?

Hopefully at some point!

Sweet Crys
hello! I would like to know why you have finished EI's in the weekly EI polls.
and if you say there not done, then how come they say finished in the museum?

They're in the poll if any of the gens are available for purchase in the cash shop.

Is it possible to add a way to organize subscribed threads... like being able to create folders/sub folders?

We would like to do this, but we've got a bunch of other things that we're working on in the meantime, so it probably won't be in the near future.

Uncle Kenny
Why are these little red circles, with numbers in them, appearing on the home page?
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

The circles correspond to the number of unread notices/announcements you have for each of the sections that the bubbles appear on.

Blaze Star Fire
will we ever be free of green goo on some items and the speech bubbles being backwards?

Honestly - probably never completely free, b/c we have so many items and almost infinite item combos that it's basically impossible to make sure that every possible combination works. But we do try to keep them to a minimum!

Treacherous Hat
I'm looking forward to school! It means I don't have to do my crappy summer job any more. sweatdrop

And y'know... knowledge an' stuff!

Anywho this is a teeny tiny grievance but why do the titles for the Treasure Hunter achievement not actually contain the word "treasure"? I'd love to be "Treacherous Hat : Treasure Hunter!", it's what I have this outfit saved as.

Or a slightly broader question will there be any other ways of earning titles in the future? Maybe trading tickets for a "cardshark" title or university credits for "professor".

Hi Treacherous Hat,

Yeah, there's not necessarily a 1:1 correlation between the achievement title and the forum titles.

There could be more ways in the future, although none are immediately on the horizon.

Thank you for joining us on this week's ATA! Enjoy your long weekend and we'll host an ATA on Tuesday at 4pm, PST. See you then!
To save you some time-zone math...that's one hour earlier than AtA usually is. (Well, technically 23 hours later...)

Fiery Punk

25,850 Points
  • Dragon Uprising 75
  • Survivor 150
  • 1 Win 50
Yuna Matsushiro
@w@ jus wondering wat are sumways u can get banned from gaia O.o i want to stay informed so i dont get banned since i luv this game too much ^ - ^
Pretty much every way of getting banned from Gaia involves breaking one of the rules set forth in the Terms of Service. So just give that a close read.

O.O what about rules set for zomg
i heard from some ppl tht if u delay the death of papa saw in order to gain more gold, you can end up getting banned from gaia.

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