Hey Gaians,

We used to have the weekly Ask the Admin question and answer hour each week, but the sheer volume of questions and speed of the thread made it almost impossible to keep up. Instead, we have decided to switch to a periodic blog post to answer the main questions we see posted in the forums, or which we receive in emails. We believe this is a good way to provide you all with answers to some of your most pressing questions.

Gaia Online Staff

heart Community Questions & Answers Blog - 11.11.13 heart

1. Why does Flynn's Booty keep getting released?
Flynn's Booty and Chest have been re-released so those members of Gaia who have expressed an interest in having them can get them! While we understand that not everyone likes the Flynn items, there are a large number of users who do like these items as they allow people to get Gaia gold to purchase items from the marketplace that they really want to have.

2. Why do you keep re-releasing items and re-coloring them instead of putting out new items like you did previously with bundles?
Re-colors and re-releases are very popular with a lot Gaians! We've repeatedly heard that many people like certain items, but they either cannot find them or that they would prefer them to be in different colors. Re-releases and re-colors of items allow Gaians not only to obtain items they really want to get, but allow us to offer a variety of item options related to one item/style.

3. Why was ATA closed?
ATA was closed because it was not providing you (the Gaia community) with the service it was originally intended to offer - an easy way to answer your community questions! It became apparent that the number of questions being asked were too many to be able to adequately address in the hour long discussion. Moreover, when questions were answered, the pace of the thread was so fast, many people did not see the reply so the discussion would get bogged down in repeat questions.

Going forward,we'll be posting blogs to answer the most pressing questions we see around the site. We'll also think of some fun ways to stay connected socially with the community - for those of you who just want to chat with us and give item suggestions, feature update suggestions, etc.

4. Why does it seem like you are not listening to our feedback?
We do listen to your feedback - whether it is good, bad, or neutral, we always read what you post. That said, one thing we'd like to stress is that just because we don't act on all pieces of feedback you provide doesn't mean that we are not listening. Sometimes our decisions may not be in line with an idea some members of the Gaia community suggest, and we understand why that might be frustrating for people, but that doesn't mean your feedback hasn't been read and considered. We are always grateful for your input biggrin

5. Why can't I turn off the various pop-ups or banners that display sales? I am never going to buy Gaia Cash.
The various sales pop-ups and banners promoting item or cash sales are great for those Gaians who like to purchase items/Gaia cash - these tools allow us to offer Gaians who do like to purchase items or Gaia cash an easy way to spot sales and discounts. They are also great for Gaians who might be interested in getting some Gaia cash or certain Gaia items, but aren't sure about how to go about making a purchase. If you aren't going to make a purchase, that's cool - you'll just have to close the pop-up offer or ignore the banner ad.

6. Why did you "ruin" the battle system with all the cash incentives? It was perfectly fine before that.
The cash incentives/items were added for those players who wanted a chance to enhance their game-play by buying certain items. Having items in-game for purchase is a standard gaming practice across all platforms - this isn't unique to Gaia. Moreover, the battle system is free to play - any Gaian can jump into the fray for free! You didn't have to spend any cash on in-game items to enjoy the battle system and get ahead in the game.

Hope this has been helpful!