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I am enjoying playing games like zOmg and the Jigsaw games but no one is around, why is that? You can play Flash games using browsers like Pale Moon (which I use) and downloading the Flash Player before the timebomb and disabling updates. I thought it would be handy to tell you in case you didn't know rather than miss out on their fun games  4laugh

Professional Bunny

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that is a lot of extra effort talk2hand

Kcassius's Senpai

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I don't play anymore only because when I did, I was kid, but now I'm about to grad college. Most of us here are just growing up and out of Gaia.
RIP Adobe Flash.
I re-activated my account just today, and tried to play, it said, I should download Waterfox, so I did, and I should download Adobe Flash, so I did, logged in again, and when I tried to play, it said: Server Security Error. And the page isn't downloading. I wanted to play jigsaw, but it is just not loading, and the SSE message popping up again and again. So, what should I do? Where can I report this, or what did I do wrong? sweatdrop

Premium Gaian

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Returning Gaian here. Literally ALL i want to do is play the games, but im not gonna install some 3rd party BS and put myself at risk to do it. They should realize that updating the games would revitalize the site and just get it done. Until then...
I am enjoying playing games like zOmg and the Jigsaw games but no one is around, why is that? You can play Flash games using browsers like Pale Moon (which I use) and downloading the Flash Player before the timebomb and disabling updates. I thought it would be handy to tell you in case you didn't know rather than miss out on their fun games  4laugh

I miss those games but want to wait till updates happen so Lake Kindread is usually what I play. Rallys 3 (beta) works for most people so I see people there often.

Smooth Taiga's Queen

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I miss playing but until they update it to work with the newer stuff I'm out.

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crying I just want to play slots and buy the bedsheet item from Prize & Joyyyyyyy

Sparkly Fairy

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I am enjoying playing games like zOmg and the Jigsaw games but no one is around, why is that? You can play Flash games using browsers like Pale Moon (which I use) and downloading the Flash Player before the timebomb and disabling updates. I thought it would be handy to tell you in case you didn't know rather than miss out on their fun games  4laugh

Never heard of pale moon, I'll give it a shot!! Do they have the link to the old flash player too?

♡ we should play zomg together! i havent played since i lost my old account. im going to get the pale moon browser and try to get the game running♡

Greedy Gaian

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I'm too lazy to download yet ANOTHER browser just to play them, and frankly no one should have to. It was announced back in 2017 that flash support would end, and even if you didn't see the first announcement, it's already been 2 years since it ended. There's absolutely no excuse for any website to still not be upgraded. If they have the money to crank out endless premium items on the daily, they have the money to hire a developer to fix the effing games

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