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<3 </3


1 0.26708074534161 26.7% [ 43 ]
2 0.21739130434783 21.7% [ 35 ]
3 0.51552795031056 51.6% [ 83 ]
Total Votes:[ 161 ]

Sweet Gaian

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Lumina Cafe

Welcome to Lumina Cafe, enjoy your stay!

Lumina Cafe is your basic thread where you can hang out, make friends and just talk. All at the same time we have the occasional Avi Contest and themed days just for fun. The regulars here are very nice people and Lumina is very welcoming of newcomers,so please don't hesitate to come in.


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I just want to remind everyone that its just nice to try welcome everyone who enters Lumina and be courteous and polite.Thank you!!

- Follow the TOS
- Keep it PG-13
- No Bumping when the thread is active and full conversations are going on
- No Spam(ing)
- No using size 1 or any font to small to read.
- No stretching the page
- Try to avoid huge walls of quotes
- No Begging for gold or items
- No disrespecting!!!

And if you break the rules there is no blacklist, you will simply just put on ignore.

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Sweet Gaian

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Owner: tricia_vanswinkle
Co-Owner: Felix Morgan
Security: xXx-Oni Suki-xXx
Security is in charge of keeping the peace and Reporting Spam/Scams
Manager: LuminaCafeBursar
1. xXx-Oni Suki-xXx
2. ...
3. ...
4. ...
5. ...

Head Waitresses: demon_shiska and yura kumiko
1. Megumi
2. VioletTheJinx
3. ...
4. ...
5. ...

If interested in a job, Please PM me the following Application:
[align=center][img]http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c222/pbolenbaucher_/Gaia Drawn by me/bbd3ef88-fea8-4091-81b5-774d9feee049.jpg[/img]
[size=24][b]Lumina Cafe[/b] [/size]
[size=18]Application Form[/size][/align]
[b]Position applying for:[/b]
[b]Experiences related to position:[/b]
[b]How available are you to work in the cafe:[/b]
[b]Tell me about yourself:[/b]
[b]Why do you want to work at Lumina Cafe:[/b][/color]

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Welcome/About/Announcements / Thread Rules / Employees / Regulars / Upcoming/Past Events / Memorable Quotes / Group Pictures / Banners/Affiliates

Sweet Gaian

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These are the people who are Love LUMINA just as much as I love them lol
(and their birthdays cause we love giving lol )

If you feel like your a regular please PM me... I havent been on as much so I cant keep tabs!!
Kotetsu Sakura
RIP You will be missed. Farewell my friend!

Tricia Vanswinkle (2/14) yum_tea Toxicity (5/09) yum_tea Megumi Tierana (1/16)
xXx-Oni Suki-xXx (11/25) yum_tea demon_shiska (3/16)

Sarah aka Gum Girl (2/14) yum_tea ForbiddenSpell (12/10) yum_tea Xgrimreaper1X
John Aiven yum_tea Cabbage Soup yum_tea Cheese Brocolli
Chyu (7/22) yum_tea SwampertGuru
Astrelle yum_tea Kaze Mozokai (7/20) yum_tea Rae Simmons
Cosmicfuzzball (7/21) yum_tea Magooalou (12/29)

kontan_shikaku (12/21) yum_tea Oxaloacetate CoA-12 yum_tea I_Eat_Peanuts
adean_killer (4/01) yum_tea Dj Girl
_GiAnSkie_ yum_tea David Tennet The Doctor yum_tea xox-StarLove-xox
Kira Oblivion yum_tea benja42oh (10/10)

sensual-suffocation yum_tea sithe-fae yum_tea Subete no Owari
xXx-Nezumi Rayel-xXx (8/23)
Killer Penguins yum_tea King Yuromeshi yum_tea Predictable Pineapples

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Sweet Gaian

8,200 Points
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Upcoming Events:
Pinky Thursdays-
Just wear Pink while Chatting in Lumina smile

Christmas/Holiday Avatar Contest-

Dec 22nd 2013
There will be an entry fee of 1k. The prize will be the fee plus 5k from Lumina Cafe.
If interested please PM tricia_vanswinkle your avatar that is to be entered by Dec 19th. Use the code below please.
[align=center][img]http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c222/pbolenbaucher_/Gaia Drawn by me/bbd3ef88-fea8-4091-81b5-774d9feee049.jpg[/img]
[size=24][b]Lumina Cafe[/b] [/size]
[size=18]Avatar Contest Entry Form[/size][/align]
[b]Name of Contest:[/b] [color=indigo]Christmas/Holiday Avatar Contest[/color]
[b]Title of Entry:[/b] Ex: Santa Cow
[b]Image Location URL: :[/b]
[b]Has entry fee been sent: ___ Yes ___ No:[/b]

In addition all entry fee's need to be sent to LuminaCafeBursar by the 19th as well.
Voting will take place on the 22nd and will run for 24 hrs.

Christmas Daily Giveaway
Beginning Dec 20th 2013, Lumina Cafe will be giving away 5k every day. Giveaway will end on Dec 25th. Winner will be determined by the time stamp of their post. The last person in the 24hr period with a time stamp containing 12 0r 25 will be the winner. However to be eligible it has to be an actual post, not a bump and you have to have at least 3 other posts in that 24 hr period. The 24 hr time frame will be from 12:25 GMT -700 pm to 12:25 GMT -700 the following day. All winners will receive a trade request from LuminaCafeBursar.

Lumina 4 Dead Contest-
Play Left for Dead Survival mode and last person standing wins.
Prizes for first and second place.
Date: TBD
Coming soon

Past Events:
2012 and previous years:
Meshi's Art Contest,Banner Contest,10k Page Events, ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY
Mark's TekTek Contest. Winner: Magooalou
Avi Contest. Theme: Winter/Holiday. Winner: AngelofLust
Avi Contest. Theme: Fall. Winner: Me

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Sweet Gaian

8,200 Points
  • Threadmaster 200
  • Friendly 100
  • Generous 100

Sweet Gaian

8,200 Points
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Memorable Quotes

Conversations that I just love will go here!! And if you all have some too PM me the page number!! I know I am not always here so let me know if you have something that should be here.

John Aiven
John Aiven
John Aiven
you forgot our kids!!! crying you dont love us anymore!
hes hallucinating
surprised gonk
She is this abusive at home too! she wont letme have friends!! or use the phone or go out crying she doesnt make love to me!!!! emo
omg no sexytime? get out now!!!

*packs everything* crying crying Toxiny, Johanna, Mushu lets go!!
and am gonna delete that tattoo i got on my butt!User Image

--------------LOL------- LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL ------ LOL--------------

John Aiven
John Aiven

*kisses* can i hav food?
i thought you just ate pasta all sexy like!!

crying am sorry, am such a whore crying , you know am yours besides! am not full yet!

--------------LOL------- LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL ------ LOL--------------

A troll? Let's go to Andalasia to bring prince Edward, he loves to fight trolls. xd

--------------LOL------- LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL ------ LOL--------------


dramallama dramallama dramallama dramallama dramallama

I are trying tricia... but it's like birdpoop on the front of the car. You try soooo hard to look at the road but it's there being pesky... and your too lazy to clean it off... so you let your parents clean it... but they don't... >.>

@chyu - heart

--------------LOL------- LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL ------ LOL--------------

Megumi Tierana
Even though I had other clean dishes, I still had the urge to eat my cereal with an ice cream scoop out of a gravy bowl...


you are soooooooooooo ready for college

--------------LOL------- LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL ------ LOL--------------

Megumi Tierana
Megumi Tierana


*tackleglomps off a cliff*

OH SHI- *holds onto kontan's leg* MAH WINGS DON'T WORK THAT WELL!


-flies after-
-dramatic music-
take my hand!!

*shoots music speaker* OKAY! *holds onto kontan's leg and megu's hand*

O.o my speaker!! Astrelle!!

--------------LOL------- LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL ------ LOL--------------

Megumi Tierana
[Toxicity"]-throws marshmallows at pink-
go to your queen1€!!!!!!


--------------LOL------- LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL ------ LOL--------------

Hey you guys, I Have to take off for a bit.

take care.

*kidnaps care*

--------------LOL------- LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL ------ LOL--------------

Megumi Tierana
I went to the Bahamas... and Canada... but canada's not like a real other country.

XD I haven't really played many 360 games at all except viva pinata. AHAHAHAHA. ........

don't let toxi or pink or Luffy see that XD

XD I mean in the sense that it's so close to me... and so easy to get to. I wouldn't be offended if someone from canada said the U.S. wasn't really another country. Sorry toxi and pink and luffy if you see this.

HAHA I love canada.........

--------------LOL------- LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL ------ LOL--------------

Megumi Tierana
no way o.o
now I know
Hey no way.I come from jesus

I Jesus nut.

--------------LOL------- LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL ------ LOL--------------

A peanut is among the foulest foods ..Also most common food allergy..I've murdered people being such...But pleasant to the ones who can eat it.

--------------LOL------- LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL ------ LOL--------------

call me berry:
im sooooooooooooooooooo tired
*naps on the couch*

-Lies down on the couch beside Trica- Scootch a bit would ya? -Falls asleep too.-

call me berry:
rolls over and hugs
i love spooning

-whips out camera-
picture time!
- - - - - - -
User Image

--------------LOL------- LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL ------ LOL--------------

Megumi Tierana
"Felix, Lumina's period"

rofl rofl rofl

what toxi, what?!
it was someone!!! eek

Megumi Tierana
omg twice in one day! eek
Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays

Megumi Tierana
must be a heavy month rofl rofl rofl

he never said what he wanted tricia gonk

Best Wishes!
Best Wishes!

--------------LOL------- LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL ------ LOL--------------

Megumi Tierana
Megumi Tierana
King Yuromeshi
This went from choking to interestingly wierd stuff about being nude lol, and I thought the navy was wierd enough.

nah, thats just late night lumina

--------------LOL------- LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL ------ LOL--------------

xXx-Oni Suki-xXx
xXx-Nezumi Rayel-xXx
I'm outlawing retardation....

Good, start with the poeple that hit my car at 40mph

--------------LOL------- LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL ------ LOL--------------


<(``.`` )>
V `I`V

There you go Megumi - for you, I am nekkid heart

*and now the dance




Sweet Gaian

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Memorable Quotes Continued

Megumi Tierana
Megumi Tierana

Thank you Tricia - for being an inspiration - and for being the magnetic center that brought everyone together C':

that she is crying crying
-glomps tricia-

awwe. How cute. Now get off Gumi, my turn
*hug :3

(don't tell no one I did that) stare

I saw her first
-pushes, glomps tricia-

Falls over. Cries T^T. Dies X_X.

at least I die happy having hugged Tricia TvT

--------------LOL------- LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL ------ LOL--------------


aye....wow thats extremely lazy!
man i aint got nothing on you

Oh hecks no - it's not possible! I mean besides, you take the effort to reach all the way to the trash can just to drop off your tissue. I just drop it straight down when I'm done =P

(too crass? I'll delete it if it is ~_~)

--------------LOL------- LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL ------ LOL--------------


aye- who do i remind you of?

It's a cross between Cleopatra and Marie Curie

B/c you're a pretty queen w/ radioactive powers 3nodding

--------------LOL------- LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL ------ LOL--------------

Standing outside the cafe looking in, Aye watches as the pair of kitsune service the gentlemen. At the bar sits a narfrog, while in a corner sat an albino w/ his fox.

"Such a strange strange place..." said the talking bunny. 0_0

--------------LOL------- LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL ------ LOL--------------

Megumi Tierana
xXx-Nezumi Rayel-xXx
Megumi Tierana
did we scare him off sweatdrop
hmmm, this is really nothing till toxi gets on...

I know right!
OH god so many mem quotes!!!!

--------------LOL------- LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL ------ LOL--------------

Haiku of the moment

An old computer
Running CS2 to draw
Takes a lifetime; so slow


--------------LOL------- LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL ------ LOL--------------

Megumi Tierana
you guys are no fun lol

We'll fight if you fight Tricia then. XD
My money's on Tricia - she gave birth o_o so she's gotta be tough o_o

--------------LOL------- LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL ------ LOL--------------

lol ilove you Tricia heart

Aye proxy - ~_~

rofl rofl


--------------LOL------- LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL ------ LOL--------------

Why is it that I click the thing to come here and the first thing I see is a guy being held in submission by another guy.. sweatdrop

Gotta love Lumina.. never know what you're gonna get.. kinda like jelly beans.. but not really.. cool

--------------LOL------- LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL ------ LOL--------------

Megumi Tierana
but eos doesn;t like it o.O

why luffy :O

and toxi
what are your plans with that chainsaw?

to ******** bitches up

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Sweet Gaian

8,200 Points
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Avatar Contest

Other Group Pictures

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Sweet Gaian

8,200 Points
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[url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/chatterbox/lumina-cafe-hangout-and-mc-giveaway-now-open/t.37904177/][IMG]http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c222/pbolenbaucher_/Gaia Related Images/lcbanner.jpg[/IMG][/url]

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[url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/chatterbox/lumina-cafe-hangout-and-mc-giveaway-now-open/t.37904177/][IMG]http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c222/pbolenbaucher_/Gaia Related Images/luminacafebannernew.jpg[/IMG][/url]

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PM me if you are wishing to affiliate with us

Astrelle's Quest Shop

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Sweet Gaian

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Lumina's Daily Giveaway!!!

We are going to be giving away 60k gold a month in daily giveaways! Every 24 hours, someone who posted in the thread will win 2k gold.

LuminaCafeBursar will be in charge of running the contest All trades will go through him. (Donations are welcome razz )

Winners will be chosen semi-randomly by using Gaia's random number generator. Every day, Head Honcho will use the RNG to get a number between 0 and 59. The LAST person to get a post time with that number in the minutes is the one who gets a prize!

So for example, let's say Head Honcho gets the number 12 from the RNG. If someone posts after him at 2:12, that person is going to win the prize! If someone else posts at 3:12, that person would get the prize instead. If a third person posts at 4:12, that person gets it. The prize will stay open for grabs until 24 hours have passed from Head Honcho's post. If he posted at 2:00 pm Thursday, the last post that can get a prize is one at 1:12 pm Friday. Of course if someone else takes the prize away from you by posting later, you can always get it back by posting again. razz

As of right now, there is only one rule. The purpose of the giveaway is that we can attract more people so we all can make more friends so there will be NO "bumping" allowed when the thread is active and full of conversations. However, if the thread is completely dead then bumping is perfectly fine. smile I hope that I will not have to add anymore rules. But we shall see.

If there are any questions please ask them in the forum or you can PM either tricia_vanswinkle or LuminaCafeBursar.

/melzolen/ /Megumi Tierana/ /[Toxicity]/ /[Toxicity]/

Sweet Gaian

8,200 Points
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Lumina Cafe
Avatar Contest Entries

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1. White as Snow

Sweet Gaian

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Sweet Gaian

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