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Who should kill Leafe?

The Holy Order 0.65740740740741 65.7% [ 71 ]
Seiune the Red 0.074074074074074 7.4% [ 8 ]
Raid 0 0.0% [ 0 ]
Sir Jing 0.037037037037037 3.7% [ 4 ]
Shammal 0.0092592592592593 0.9% [ 1 ]
Lunaris 0.046296296296296 4.6% [ 5 ]
Gage 0.083333333333333 8.3% [ 9 ]
Someone else (PM me with suggestions) 0.092592592592593 9.3% [ 10 ]
Total Votes:[ 108 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 21 22 23 > >>

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The Legend:

Leafe began life living in a castle, though he remembers little of the palace of his birth. His parents were the rulers of Wonderland, what passed for a King and Queen. His younger siblings, Mani and Night, were born one year after the other, and at the age of four tragedy struck the family. A beast found its way into the castle, and it proceeded to rend the Lillith parents to pieces, try as they might to fight it off. Much of the castle was destroyed in the process, and it seemed that the children were spared only through some divine providence. Their Uncle came the next day, intending to meet his sister and brother-in-law for Leafe's fourth birthday celebration, and rescued the frightened younglings from the rubble. For the rest of their adolescent lives he raised them, acting as Regent until Leafe came of age to rule.

By the time the young man had reached 20, he was already regarded by his people as a genius inventor, and a fair ruler. Though in fact he and his siblings ruled in a sort of democratic way, merely presiding in matters of extreme importance, where a firm hand of monarchy was needed. Having done away with the systems of the past that their Uncle clung to so desperately, it was no surprise that one night he simply vanished, leaving Wonderland without a word. He was not heard from again by any of the townspeople, or by the Lillith siblings. There came a point in the lives of the siblings where they discovered deep below their own castle a hidden shrine. Blazing upon seven pedestals were gems that shone with the lights of a billion stars, power unknowable and unknown contained within.

They would often come, the three of them, secretly to this place to study the markings on the walls, and the gems that they couldn't get close enough to in order to touch. They did not lust for the strength the jewels promised, but rather they thirsted for the knowledge that seemed to lay just below the surface of the stones, and within the very walls of the shrine. Who had made this place, and why was it hidden here, of all locations? Their questions were soon answered, for there came a day when Power awoke within each of them. On this day, as they lay on the floor of the cavern writhing in torment and confusion, three of the gems burst to brilliant life, suffusing the orphaned royalty with their incredible strength. From them Leafe and his brother and sister would learn all there was to know about the Chosen, and their intended role in existence.

Alas, fate was thwarted in this, for they wished to show their people of their discoveries, their newfound abilities. The Wonderlander's greeted the revelations of their monarchs with cold, terrified glares. Being superstitious folk, the villagers and people of the countryside began to whisper that their beloved Kings and Queen had become demons, made a deal with Nexus herself. After a short time, a force of Wonderlanders gathered outside the Castle, and they attempted to overthrow their tainted rulers. Leafe, Night., and Mani were heartbroken by the betrayal wrought upon them, they who only wished to bring peace and lasting prosperity to their kind. With the death of their parents at such a young age, the evil of their Uncle, and all that they had faced for their people, this act of hatred and fear caused something to snap within each of them, and they surpassed the worst nightmares of their kind.

They became raging Gods of Destruction, laying waste to all before them and bringing utter ruin to the land itself. Not a living thing was left where they flew, and they bathed that day in the blood of uncountable innocents and animals. In their madness, it seemed they had rent the lifeforce of the very planet. However, one young man survived the slaughter, and he crawled with purpose and determination through the carnage and towards the siblings. He wasn't particularly special, simply the page of a talented swordsman who bore a weapon of some repute. Holding that enchanted sword clenched in his hands, he had no skill or expertise on the matter of fighting. Indeed, how he managed to live will likely never be known.

With a cry, he leapt from his hiding place and drove the spelled blade through the back and stomach of the woman Mani, middle child of the Lillith Three. As he withdrew the sword, Leafe cried out and ran to catch his sister, and Night swiftly ripped the boys head from his shoulders in a clean motion, proceeding to use his claws to rend the page's corpse and destroy the ribcage entirely. Meanwhile, his older brother tried to keep Mani holding on, he knew there must be something he could do to help. But she couldn't, the last thing she said to her brother was "I'm so sorry." And with that whispered phrase she faded. Leafe spent what was likely the next several days shaking her body, trying to awaken her again.

Night, upon realizing what he had done to the corpse of the young man, snapped back to sanity with a sudden, horrible clarity. In his grief and rage for what he had done, he slashed a hole open in space, a power granted him by the weapon he bore and the Mantle now a part of his soul. He would flee Wonderland, not looking back for even an instant, all thoughts of his still-breathing brother lost. The eldest Lillith, however, was in shock over the events, and erased the truth of it from his mind. Unable to deal with the calamity, his memories overwrote themselves, and convinced him that his own brother had betrayed him, killing his sister and the rest of the planet while he could do naught but watch.

With a fiery vengeance he pursued Night, traveling across Worlds and dimensions to find him. He learned the ways of many civilizations, discovered technologies and weapons, and in time he built himself two cities capable of flying, of travel through space and the trans-dimensional barrier. He had long ago forgotten about Wonderland, thinking only of his hatred of Night and the lament he felt for his sister. A vile beast that had taken his Mani from him, a monster to be put down while he searched for a means of reviving her. He soon lost all ethics again, destroying whole galaxies in his ravenous quest for the Chosen of Shade. After a time he came to a World called Earth, and there on the continent of Gaia he finally found what he was looking for.

Night was hiding amongst the mortals there, and Leafe threatened to kill them all of he didn't give up and come home quietly. Knowing of his brothers madness, Night refused, and they fought a battle which shook the planet. It would later come to be called the Cataclysm, an event which very nearly wiped the Earth clean of life. It was saved by a lucky chance, the clashing of the two Immortals ripping open a portal to their own world, sending them back from whence they came. In the twilight of Wonderland Leafe struck the killing blow on his younger brother, obliterating two of Wonderland's three moons in the process. The people of Earth, particularly those that remained, came to know the two as the Beast of Bloody Ages (Leafe) and the Hound of Chaos (Night). The two fought over the Maiden of the End (Mani), and in their supreme judgment found the World to be lacking. It would be debated many years later, when the tablet depicting the fight would eventually be recovered.

On Wonderland, though, none of this mattered much. Leafe had found his revenge, and he kept Night's form with Mani's, searching for a way to fix her. Unable to do so, and enraged at his own failure, he continued on his path of destruction, killing more and more until killing was all their was. By the is time, the Guardians had noticed his existence. Each dimension had a Guardian, and their purpose was to keep things like Leafe from having their way with the Multiverse. They came to know him as the Destroyer, and he slew many of their kind before finally one of their number, Frost Silvertongue, fought him to a complete standstill. Having both spent all of their energies, they fell to sleep in separate places unknown to the rest of existence. When Frost awoke, he would have continued the battle if not for a most unfortuitous circumstance. Leafe had vanished, and no sign of his power remained anywhere.

What had happened was a group of Gods, known to the Earth Norse culture as the Aesir, had accidentally sealed him away. One of their mightiest warriors, a Battlemaiden Valkyries, had recently given birth to a child of some raw power. Pronounced a Valkyrie before birth, the child turned out to be a male, and so their Lord Odin decreed him to be an abomination. He was meeant to be sealed with a human life, but unknown to the Aesir that human life no longer existed. He should have become a young man, happily married with two children, and would have been if it weren't for the fact that Leafe had killed this person, and destroyed his world mere hours before the sealing took place.

Fate has an odd, twisted sense of humor, and so it became that the Valkyrie boy-child should come to rest within his soul, and the seal placed upon his memories and his powers struck him down entirely on the day of his awakening. He awoke on Earth, in Gaia, with false memories of himself and powers that were oddly limited by something he couldn't quite place. Assuming he was one of the so-dubbed "Meta-Humans", he became a Hero who fought for justice in tandem with both the Holy Order and The Defenders. A beastly man, known as Auron Fallenstar, attacked the tower of the Defenders one day with an attack that erased the building from existence. However, due to the nature of Leafe's body and the complexities of the lock placed on his abilities, the attack served only to force the confinement of his abilities open which gave him odd bits and ends of his true strength.

A fight with the villain Enar later nullified, if temporarily, the magics which restrained and controlled him, causing him to accidentally blink himself into another plane of existence. Once there, the lock returned, though placed slightly different form before. But Freya felt his presence, and she returned to him to undo what was done, to free his memories and soul. She knew not of his true nature, and so released the Valkyrie within him, and removed the seal. For a time he had the powers of the Valkyrie, and he was still a Hero, even upon his return to Gaia. But his memories slowly returned, and he subjugated the Battlewarrior to his will while he planned his return to power. After a time, the Valkyrie within him was withdrawn, and he was able to take a form more like his true self.

But much of his power was lost, and so he still had to bide his time. At this point, he was the second in command of The Defenders, one of the highest ranking members of the Holy Order. He waited for a chance to bargain with the villainous powers of Gaia, and he seized the chance to procure for them a book that was in the custody of the Commander Gage, leader of The Defenders. With this treachery he left the side of Heroism, turning to a darker path which would be steeped in yet more blood. Leading an attack on the Holy Order he took the life of one of their great Mages, as the Leader was absent and the second in command in a place where he could do no harm. After this he recovered the bodies of his siblings, now lain dormant for untold millenia within one of his cities, and brought them to a man who could give them new life. A painful and disgusting process it was, but in the end Leafe succeeded in resurrecting is beloved brother and sister.

His loathing for Night forgotten now that the truth of the matter once more lay before him, he welcomed both with open arms. Night cast aside his remorse, and together with Mani they ransacked the Ilse De Gambino to retrieve the evidence of the original struggle on this planet, and the weapon which Leafe had lost. With it, even more of his power was restored to him, and Leafe knew it would be only a short space of time before he could claim his right as an independent force of Chaos, and leave behind the V-League and all the others. All the while, he grew closer with a Lycan woman, named Luna, whom he for some reason trusted even with his greatest weapon. Through the sharing of the scythe Hel, their souls grew closer together, and Leafe found that due to a miraculous and difficult to explain twist of Wonderland physiology he was with child. Twins would be born of him, their mother-spirit of their little forms being Luna. Around this time, he left the V-League and began to formulate a plan that those not of the Lillith family could only begin to guess at.

During the war that was taking place between the V-League and the G-Rouges, the old second in command of the Holy Order (And Leafe's rival in all things) had fallen. It was a noble death, a sacrifice made to save the world, but Leafe was grieved by it. For who else had thus far proven their worthiness to him, that he might contemplate death by their hands? Still recovering from childbirth, he could not yet visit the Order to pay his respects, and he slept for a time. Meanwhile his elder son Gabriel (who had been brought up in the city in solitude) brought many Heroes to the city, thinking them to be his father's associates and that Leafe was a great Hero. Upon learning of this, his world seemed to be turned inside out and he didn't know how to feel anymore. Leafe awoke during the middle of the banquet, and he removed the Heroes back to their own places of residence. Disappointed and spiteful towards his son, Leafe threw the boy over the edge of the flying city to fend for himself form then on.

He had Leucian and Carmilla, the twins, to take care of now, and to carry on the Lillith name. Leafe was gifted with enough of the Sight from his Mantle of Sol to tell him that they would be great villains one days, Destroyers in their own right. The warrior then went to visit the Order, finding Arcanjelo's body being freshly brought back. He had a small spat with Arc's daughter Felicia, and he injured her gravely in his rage. The sorrow he felt released even more of his power, restoring to him his wings of shining gold, where once they had been burnished and blackened. Ever more he regained mastery of the Mantle of Sol, the powers of Light growing to immense heights within his soul. The burst of power that escaped him then could be felt, by those sensitive to such changes, even into the deep reaches of space. Those who did not have the Magesight for the gift of empathy still felt that shaking of the world, as a sinking feeling in their gut. This power would cause Frost Silvertongue to once again recognize Leafe, his ancient foe. Now died and reincarnated many times, Frost sought to end it once and for all, before the Destroyer could implement whatever scheme had had brewing. He foolhardily attacked Leafe on his own, and met his end when the Chosen of Sol corrupted his spirit, shattering his soul-crystal and draining the life from his veins. He had destroyed the last of the great Guardians.

Going to the place where Arcanjelo's body was kept preserved, Leafe now apologized for being unable to die at the Paladin's hands. But a part of his soul, resonating with Arcanjelo's own spirit and the holy crystal he was encased in, etched a skeleton of his plan within the afterlife of the man, and the Powers That Be saw ft to bring him back. Thinking the resurrected saint to be a mere fake Leafe attacked him and the Holy Order with great ferocity, though in the end he realized that truth of Arcanjelo's soul and fled the battle quickly. He did not want the fight to end there, too much was at stake. He had spent a long time pretending to be human, and had convinced Veidt Corporation and A-Tech to fund his human selfs project of raising an ancient city from the ocean. Once it was finished, he sprung into action.

With his siblings, he lured several Heroes and Villains to the newly-refurbished city and dragged them through a dimensional hole into Wonderland. In this place, the people of Gaia had no powers, and they were forced to look upon the true horror of all the Leafe had wrought. A world frozen forever in time, never-decaying bodies sitting in windless fields and forests. The water of Wonderland was as blood, and the sky was like a negative. The Heroes made their way to the Castle where Leafe and his siblings had ruled from, unaware of the history behind it. Past all of the tricks and traps they scurried, coming to the Shrine of the Stars where the Lillith siblings had met their destiny originally. Without their powers they were unable to stop Leafe from receiving the Blessing of Astro, thereby restoring his full power and making him as powerful as a true God.

Leafe realized during this time that he had fallen in love with Luna, and he had brought her along to witness his Ascension. He gave her all he could, knowing through his limited Sight that he would not get another chance to show his love for her. He would leave the children to their fate with her, and he prepared to unleash his master plan. The city that had been brought up from the ocean, Solgaea, was actually one half of a powerful weapon he had designed many millions of years ago. He intended to use the two cities, Solgaea and Pangaea, to rip the space-time field around the planet and completely eradicate all traces of it from the face of the Universe. There was a reason for it, one that only he and his siblings knew, and he was determined to succeed.

The time has come for the final battle to take place...
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-No God-moding-
((STFU about Leafe being OP'd, that's the point))
-No auto-hitting characters without the player's permission.-
-No killing characters without the players permission.-
((Unless you post an obviously deadly attack, and they do absolutely nothing to block/dodge.))
-Know your weaknesses-
((Take a hit now and then, and if you're a fire creature than don't assume you can survive a tidal wave.))
-Work in teams!-
((Leafe isn't gonna be brought down by a single Hero or Villain, so work together for once.))
-Have some fun!-
((This is a good time to further your characters story, or get them really involved in saving the World.))

If you have a character you'd like to kill off, PM me about it before the start of the event.
We'll arrange to have it done ICly DURING the event.

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[ Leafe ]
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[ Night ]
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[ Mani ]
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[ Various Arts of Leafe ]
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All was quiet in the risen city, floating gently upon the northern waves. It was close to dawn, the horizon already gleamed with the pre-dawn red light. A cloaked man stood in the town square, gazing up at the stars, eagerly anticipating the day to come. He pull the hood down off of his cloak, eyes of slate and and cobalt searching the clouds above for the sign he awaited. Somewhere up in the sky, far above the fluffy white nimbus, a city the twin of the one he now stood in was preparing to make a move. Even now it moved towards the southern pole of the planet, protected in an unbreakable cocoon of many energies. It was the city Pangaea, Leafe's personal island. He had made it for his family to live in comfortably, and for all of Wonderland to enjoy when they were resurrected.

The Making.

The odd young man's thoughts turned to the Making, his soul aching for it. This world, useless and decadent, would be ripped asunder by it. All he had to do was move Solgaea, the city he was currently in, to the northern pole and prepare the Re-Life Machine. A light shone in the air, interrupting his contemplations. The signal he was waiting for, the sign that the time had come. He reached out with the Lunar Matter had had been charging within his arms, and down into the city itself. Slowly adding Dark and Light Matter into the mixture, he touched the main control for the city, and activated its engines. With a a long, almost reluctant shudder the island began to rise out of the water, taking flight as it began its northward journey. By now he had sent word to all the peoples of the World of his intent.

Best to give them a fair chance, eh? Or at least that's what he told himself. He knew in his Heart how it would end, though there was always the slight possibility that he was wrong. But he had enough of the Sight to be relatively certain that the future he had seen would take place. It didn't bother him, he was living off of borrowed time anyway. He took something small and shiny out of his pocket, and gazed at it wistfully. Now was not the time for regrets, nor was it a time to consider what could have been. He shook his head, trying in vain to forget the woman he so desperately loved. He couldn't be distracted during this final battle, he couldn't allow himself to become weak. And the thought of her sorrow cleft his heart in two pieces, made his legs shake. Such thoughts must be unknown to him from now until the end.

The people of Gaia would receive the message around midday, plenty of time for him to head towards his goal. Who knew how long it might take the Heroes and Villains of Gaia to spring into action, anyway?

Clean Hunter

It didn't take very long at all.

One of those things that could have been, one supposed, was one of the very things which were headed towards the flying island at this very moment. Riding upon the back of a great, white steed whose hooves glowed with silver fire, Arcanjelo headed towards the Flying City.

I see trees of green... Red roses, too...

When Apollo's hooves finally did make it to the edge of that great city, Arcanjelo was quick to leap off of his back. Almost instantly, a pair of silver, cruciform blades were in his hands, shooting out from his sleeves like liquid steel and then instantly solidifying. Tearing from under the collar of his coat came a pair of silver rings, swinging and twirling in mid-air around him. It had been a long time since he'd utilized the Rings of Space... He supposed he'd have to give them back to Mason when this was all over, if time allowed.

I see them bloom... For me and you...

No matter. Into Solgaea. He hated what he had to do... But at the same time, he was no longer afraid of it. Judge Serpyntos... Had seen to that. Even as armor melted free from him, surrounding his body to protect him, he lunged towards the city, with his powerful steed riding along beside him.

He had to protect this world. As decadent as it was, it had its beauty... And he couldn't allow its people to be erased. No matter what they'd done, they didn't deserve this.

And I say to myself... What a wonderful world...

Blessed Inquisitor

12,125 Points
  • Mark Twain 100
  • Invisibility 100
  • Alchemy Level 2 100
The crystalline golem swept into the battlefield on its six large silver wings, catching up with the large flying city of Solgaia as it headed for the north ple, as Pangaia was undoubtedly heading for the southern. The boots of the 50 foot seraphic titan come paladin thudding into the ground at the edge of the city as Zarachael overlooked it at the monstrosity that was the Lillith siblings in their merged form, sensing their powerful aura at the center of the city like a gigantic flare, he knew what had to be done. Fighting them again at this power level would just end in the same result as before, they needed more power. Casting about the construct’s azure eyes finally settled upon Arcanjelo, the one who resonated so well with Angelus.

The siblings plans couldnt be allowed to go through, and it seemed.. fitting somehow, that the way to make the power curve shallower was using something they had learned whilst fighting alongside them.

Clean Hunter

And that was when Arcanjelo's eyes alighted on Zarachael, the angelic being that Angelus had become while fused together with the merged forms of Metatron and Sandalphon... His hand extended quietly forward, drawn to the soul of the man he considered his brother, despite all he'd done to him...

I see skies of blue... Clouds of white...

He felt the very same resonance that Zarachael did... And it was even stronger, now, as Arcanjelo's body was no longer physical - it was a spiritual construct that was meant to give him the time to come back from Death and complete an important task... And what could be more important than this?

Arcanjelo's love for Leafe hadn't faltered nor died. He just realized what was important... What had to be done. Similar to Leafe's own feelings, ironically, he'd realized he had to cast aside what could have been and do what needed doing. The major difference between the two men, though, was that Arcanjelo didn't do so by ignoring the feelings. No, he acknowledged them and made them a full part of his determination to end this.

Bright, shining days, and dark, sacred nights...

He felt his soul grow closer, not only with Angelus', but with that of the Twin Angels, now a single entity themselves.

And I say to myself... What a wonderful world...

Blessed Inquisitor

12,125 Points
  • Mark Twain 100
  • Invisibility 100
  • Alchemy Level 2 100
Within the chest carapice of the golem angelus eyes snapped open, gazing across to the blue flame that represented Arcanjelo's soul in his vision. The chains upon the great ring encircling the seal began to retract, withdrawing the form of the paladin from within the Golem’s body, the golden hair-like strands of Orichalkos parting as he slid from between them, bringing is body to rest almost directly at the center of the glowing halo. Seconds later more chains would sprout forth from the ring as they extended out towards Arcanjelo, wrapping themselves about his arms and legs and lifting him from the ground. Retracting, the chains bore him towards the shining seal, lining him up with Angelus.

The Orichalkos and crystal that made up the body by this time was diffusing, beginning with the bases of the feet as they almost dissolved into the air, filling it with a swarm of petal-like crystalline shapes that weaved to and fro, making their way to behind the wings where the seal and two men were, surrounding them in the shimmering effervescence. The great motes of light ran across the large silver wings as these would move, arching upwards and bending backwards on their new joint that had formed, even as the light that was gathering formed a sort of spherical cocoon, the wings caressing over the surface and enshrouding it entirely. A pure white glow emanated from between the feathers illuminating their many outlines before the mass of wings contracted, a wave of energy flowing forth from the silvery sphere as it shrink to around ten feet in diameter, threatening to harm any who were within range with the untainted holy energy.

Seconds ticked away as all motion had stopped from the daeic cocoon, before shifting again, the wings would peel open like the petals of a flower, sending out another wave of energy as the feathers of the white wings rustled, though as light contacted them they threw off a reflective sheen as if they were slightly silvery, almost metallic.
At the centre of the eight wings would be a being of great power, attired in a duster coat long enough that it gathered around its feet, though this gave off a slight sheen too. Pauldrons adorned both of its shoulders, these pure silver with gold trim and decorations, and each depicting small figures locked in great holy battles across their surfaces. Beneath the long flowing coat the figure wore an ordinary pair of white trousers, these tucked in just below the knee to the long slender boots which ended in a pointed toe, these each bearing metal plates across their surfaces, matching the pauldrons. Blue lines of holy energy traced their way across his light skin, it looked closest to male, though was androgynous enough one would be unsure, these running up his face and into the slits that would be eyes, though these radiated solid light with no visible iris or pupil. Its face was framed my an armoured headpiece, in the same silver and golds as the rest, as a visor like one would find on a helm swung down in front of the being’s eyes, completely obscuring them, though its paladin-senses were at the level that it could see without even needing its eyes. The eight wings would then disappear, a few feathers shed and drifting towards the floor as the golden glyph on the back of the beings coat glowed, the silvery appendages slipping into it.

Puriel raised his arms forward, and then quickly rotating his palms to face forward a torrent of sacralidium silver bars spilled forth from each coat sleeve, spawning from the bracers that enshrouded his forearms beneath the coat. These rods would all begin to flatten themselves out and take form, as if simultaneously they were all being struck by a hammer, forging themselves in the air.

For the first time the figure spoke, his voice eldtritch and echoing with a depth most people could only muse at the multitude of octaves running through it.

“I am the bone of my sword.”

Several more strikes upon the sacralidium as it began taking the shape of sword blades, the air glistening as light began crystallizing upon them too.

“Steel is my body, and fire is my blood.”

The weapon’s shape began to become rather obvious, each slighty resembled the swords that floated around the daeic weapon, though instead of one large wing on the hilt two small crystalline wings were now forming from the holy light as a crossguard. The edges condensed and became Orichalkos to strengthen themselves but the body of the wing remained the clear glistening crystal,

“I have created over a thousand blades!”

(No he hasn’t made this many in one go, but am quoting an awesome passage)
The myriad swords completed, they would all begin darting through the air at breakneck speed around Puriel to the point they were almost invisible as they orbited him, an asteroid belt locked in a constant turmoil around a gas giant.

Super Soldier

9,575 Points
  • Millionaire 200
  • Somebody Likes You 100
  • Generous 100
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† Il mio percorso è uno soltanto che posso camminare sopra... †

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He smiled to the male merchant that handed him the vanilla scented stick and a patch of matches. He lifted the brown six inch stick to the man before turning around to see a figure handing him a piece an envelope. He tilted his head a bit before pealing the plastic off the object he held in his left hand and placed the butt of it in his mouth. He pulled the white patch of matches open and pulled one of the matches from it, striking the flint with the head of the match, igniting a red and orange flame. He placed it at the tip of cigar in his mouth and puffed a few times, smoke flowing into the air. He flicked the match out and tossed it on the ground, placing the patch in his pocket. He pulled the cigar from his mouth, his bloody-crimson eyes having been set on this piece of paper that he removed from the envelope as he exhaled a steady stream of smoke.

"... Well that's not very nice," said the man in his thick Irish accent, his deep voice resonating through the streets. A few passing women caught his voice and looked at him as the passed by with a 'snooty' expression of which he ignored.

Ah... and it was such a beautiful day too: The clouds were out and covered up the sun as though it were about to rain and his cigar was at hand. The air was at a pleasingly cool temperature with a breeze that let his nose breath better. He smiled as he looked to the sky, taking another drag to catch the flavor of the vanilla. The sweet scent filled the air as he released the smoke from his lungs and mouth.

"... Time to go..."

He looked down at the piece of paper once more before wadding it up and tossing it to the ground. Lunacy was the only word for this sort of action. Nothing could survive this type of thing: Not even the creator... so It looked to him as though he was trying to take everyone with him and end this entire planet's existence. To him, only one word crossed his mind: 'Fool'. He then continued on, heading in the direction of the great water city: Solgaea. Ironic that a City partly named after the sun and partly named after a massive continent was sitting on water.

He smirked and took his first step.

† ...Ma se volete provare, sia il mio ospite. †
In the center citadel of the palace, he could feel the Daeic Merge taking place, and he could feel the power of many other Heroes and Villains on their way to this place. Leafe smiled, for he knew what lay ahead. He prepared himself, allowing calm to wash over him and fill him with strength. The energies he commanded were flowing freely, easily, and it was almost time for the final battle. He knew that they could feel him, feel the power he possessed. Strength enough to ruin worlds, earning him the title of Destroyer. Patiently he awaited the arrival of his opponents, as the city moved closer and closer to the pole.

((Blaze, the city was sitting on the water before.))
((Now it's flying.))
((Also, it IS an empty city, just so everyone knows.))
((It hadn't been inhabited just yet.))

Amorous Paladin

14,400 Points
  • Pie For All! 300
  • Signature Look 250
  • Battle Hardened 150
A young girl flew speedily throughout the dawning sky towards Solgaea, the one place where all of the torment Leafe and his siblings wrought was bound to come to an end. The world was precious to her and she was not about to lose it.

She had remained fused to Phi after leaving Wonderland and gained some knowledge of how to better use this form afterwards. The wings on her back tucked in closely as she came to the edge of the flying city.
There was no turning back now. Her resolve had become iron. She would fight beside the great titan that held Arc and Angeles inside. Her form seethed with energy, gazing across the expanse as her tail swished.

Leafe's energy levels were even more intimidating now that she was more sensative to it. Wonderland wasn't here to hold her powers back. Tongues of energy seethed about her form, seeking to tear apart the very person capable of destroying the planet.

Gage was ready and just so had loaded up on iron, taking much too much. Needless to say, her system would need all of it. She even kept an extra dose on standby. The girl wasn't going to allow herself to pass out from an anemia and combat enduced lack of iron exhaustion.

Plumage fell along the way, creating a small and strewn out path of blue and red glowing feathers as her energy carried her the rest of the way to the Weapon's side. She spread her wings once more, fanning out and allowing distance between the two for movement's sake and kept to the skies, spreading her wings to hold herself there and conserve energy.

Blessed Inquisitor

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Still stood at the city limits, with a rotation if his right wrist slender fingers curled through the air, wrapping themselves around the invisible form that was beginning to take shape. The blue lines that circumscribed themselves across Puriel’s skin pulsed with power part of his very soul beginning to travel down his arm to reach that point.

“Unknown to death.”

In a burst of energy it flowed forth, becoming a visible creation, that of a sword handle and pommel, with a thin rod-like shape extending from it. At this level of soul sword the swordsman could use just a fragment as the core of the sword.

“Nor known to life.”

Energy began streaking towards the sword as if it was a magnet for it, the soul-sword borrowing the ambient energy in the air and the willing souls of other natural life around to fuel the blade, as this moulded itself around the soul core, a feathered crossguard fluttering forth and a n extremely long blade shaping itself.

“Have withstood pain to create many weapons.”

With the glowing of the glyph the silvery white wings burst forth from his coat, as wielding the blade he rocketed himself into the air, arching through it and across the buildings towards Leafe, the other blades he created cutting through the air in his wake, as the castle came ever closer.

Super Soldier

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† Il mio percorso è uno soltanto che posso camminare sopra... †

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OoC: Yes, I caught that. I was going to put it into this post.

He let his legs carry him a bit before he realized the over looming shadow that was pressed over of the entire city itself. He looked up slowly to let his red eyes meet with the structure he hadn't noticed during his previous gaze into the sky. He then closed his eyes and let his head hang as he finished the cigar in his mouth. He pulled the but from his mouth with his right hand and tossed it to the ground. He placed his hands in his pockets and relaxed his shoulders. He didn't feel like flying today, but I guess it was one of those things he had no choice but to do. Furthermore, why did he stop reading the letter halfway through? Oh well; no harm, no foul.

His back began to bubble and boil as his skin split to let two massive white wings spike out and spread wide open, flapping once or twice to let the blood flutter on the ground. He then let one mighty beat smack wind to the ground beneath his feet to hoist him into the air where they continued to flap to allow him to hover. He lifted further up and shifted his weight into a spin as the air sounded a 'boom'. He took off with immense speed, cutting through the cool air towards the kingdom in the sky.

† ...Ma se volete provare, sia il mio ospite. †

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