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Fashionable Genius

I have seen hangout Threads for all sorts of groups, Gay guys(four huge ones eek ), Emos, n00bs, non-n00b newbs, Les and bi girls, Adults, super-literates, Christians, fans of just about everything... except for...

((And Avians, and Scalies, and any other group I've forgotten...))

And I just wanted to make a little place for us to chat or whatever. I really didn't expect it go grow this much, though...

Edit: There weren't any furry threads when I made this thread.

Table of Contents

1: Introduction
2: Rules
3: What is an "Anthro"?
4: Updates
5: Awesome people/regulars/blacklist
6: Cool stuff
7: Banners
8: Furry RP's
9: Rp-ers
10: Furry Classifieds
11: Thread suggestions
12: My Quest
13-15: Unknown as of yet

Fashionable Genius


The rules here are simple:
1- Follow the ToS (No flaming, cybering, trolling etc...)
2- You don't have to be an english major to post here, but Dont poste liek thiss cuz im shur that u can spell most of the words. This 4150 inclu|)35 1337-5p33|<. For some of us, it's painful to have to read that crap
3-It's okay to speak your mind, but that doesn't mean that you have to be cruel about it.
PURELY For example, (I don't believe this'):
I think it's wrong to be gay.
I don't like gay people
Damn faggots! It's gross and it's wrong! I hate them all! I wish they would all die!

4- check here regularly, i might update the rules. ( I probably won't...)
At one point in time, I was an avid Gaian, Otaku, and furry. At that time, I regularly updated this page. I am no longer any of these things, so I have very little interest in actually maintaining this stuff. I like the people on this thread, but I only really show up every couple of months to pop in and say hi.

Table of Contents

1: Introduction
2: Rules
3: What is an "Anthro"?
4: Updates
5: Awesome people/regulars/blacklist
6: Cool stuff
7: Banners
8: Furry RP's
9: Rp-ers
10: Furry Classifieds
11: Thread suggestions
12: My Quest
13-15: Unknown as of yet

Fashionable Genius

What is an Anthro?
In reality, anthro (or anthropo) means human, so the correct term is technically 'anthropomorphic', but in the furry community, Anthro is very often used as an shortened form of that word, because many people (myself included) are too lazy to type/say/write Anthropomorphic every time.However for the purposes of this thread, as well as this community, the word Anthro, has numerous meanings, and it's not particularly easy to find two people who agree on the precise definition for any of them. 2 basic meanings include:
1. An animal with human characteristics. (Think Bugs, Daffy, Mickey, and Goofy)

2. a human who relates strongly, in whatever way, to the idea of the characters outlined in the previous definition. This may involve anything from a person who simply enjoys viewing furry fanzines or films, to someone who actually desires to be a 'real' furry, or believe that they are literally a non-human trapped within a human form.

Well, I'm not a furry, but i'm interested in the concept, Can I post here?
Absolutely! There is no reason why you couldn't!

At one point in time, I was an avid Gaian, Otaku, and furry. At that time, I regularly updated this page. I am no longer any of these things, so I have very little interest in actually maintaining this stuff. I like the people on this thread, but I only really show up every couple of months to pop in and say hi.

Table of Contents

1: Introduction
2: Rules
3: What is an "Anthro"?
4: Updates
5: Awesome people/regulars/blacklist
6: Cool stuff
7: Banners
8: Furry RP's
9: Rp-ers
10: Furry Classifieds
11: Thread suggestions
12: My Quest
13-15: Unknown as of yet

Fashionable Genius


1/26/13 At one point in time, I was an avid Gaian, Otaku, and furry. At that time, I regularly updated this page. I am no longer any of these things, so I have very little interest in actually maintaining this stuff. I like the people on this thread, but I only really show up every couple of months to pop in and say hi.


4/24/06 WE ARE OPEN!

Table of Contents

1: Introduction
2: Rules
3: What is an "Anthro"?
4: Updates
5: Awesome people/regulars/blacklist
6: Cool stuff
7: Banners
8: Furry RP's
9: Rp-ers
10: Furry Classifieds
11: Thread suggestions
12: My Quest
13-15: Unknown as of yet

Fashionable Genius

Awesome people/Regulars/Blacklist
Awesome people
Owner= Yours truly, Ban_Meru

Mods= Anthag

Cool people=

Wolfy Boy Ryuuko- He introduced me to teh furry fandom!

greenpuppy54- because she would never let this thread die in the beginning((and she made a button))

Anthag- he just rocks!

Gylfie(/kiri)_Ookami- She donated to me twice^^

Kitt_Kitsune: He's probably posted more on this thread than anyone else... (From what I can tell) and he won't let it die.
-HOBY-: The same exact reason

Quick note... asking will NOT get you onto the cool people list... In fact, it will most likely Decrease your chances of making it there. I will not just add any old person, it is special, and i will only do it with a good reason. If you wanna be added to the cool people list, be a regular here, and ... be... cool.

Sorry, another note... If you think you or someone else deserves to be put on the regulars list but i haven't put you on for a while... Pm me... I'm not always gonna be on and won't be able to tell who is posting while i'm gone, and how often they post...I'm too lazy and won't take that much initiative.

scream This had better stay like this! scream

Table of Contents

1: Introduction
2: Rules
3: What is an "Anthro"?
4: Updates
5: Awesome people/regulars/blacklist
6: Cool stuff
7: Banners
8: Furry RP's
9: Rp-ers
10: Furry Classifieds
11: Thread suggestions
12: My Quest
13-15: Unknown as of yet

Fashionable Genius

Cool Stuff
At one point in time, I was an avid Gaian, Otaku, and furry. At that time, I regularly updated this page. I am no longer any of these things, so I have very little interest in actually maintaining this stuff. I like the people on this thread, but I only really show up every couple of months to pop in and say hi.

User Image

Table of Contents

1: Introduction
2: Rules
3: What is an "Anthro"?
4: Updates
5: Awesome people/regulars/blacklist
6: Cool stuff
7: Banners
8: Furry RP's
9: Rp-ers
10: Furry Classifieds
11: Thread suggestions
12: My Quest
13-15: Unknown as of yet
User Image

User Image

Fashionable Genius

At one point in time, I was an avid Gaian, Otaku, and furry. At that time, I regularly updated this page. I am no longer any of these things, so I have very little interest in actually maintaining this stuff. I like the people on this thread, but I only really show up every couple of months to pop in and say hi.
I seperate the url so that it doesn't stretch the page, you'll have to combine the two

User Image

submitted by:Ban_Meru
Art by: Shadowwolf


User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Submitted by:Greenpuppy54


User Image

Submitted by: Ban_Meru


User Image

Submitted by Ban_Meru


Table of Contents

1: Introduction
2: Rules
3: What is an "Anthro"?
4: Updates
5: Awesome people/regulars/blacklist
6: Cool stuff
7: Banners
8: Furry RP's
9: Rp-ers
10: Furry Classifieds
11: Thread suggestions
12: My Quest
13-15: Unknown as of yet

Fashionable Genius

Furry Rp's
At one point in time, I was an avid Gaian, Otaku, and furry. At that time, I regularly updated this page. I am no longer any of these things, so I have very little interest in actually maintaining this stuff. I like the people on this thread, but I only really show up every couple of months to pop in and say hi.
Being both an rp-er and a furry, i Know how hard it is to find a good furry rp on this site, So i've decided to Collect a list of Furry RP-ers on this thread. To be added to the list, please pm the following information to Anthag with the title "The List".
Note: This is NOT a place to post your Character's profile! That is for you to detirmine on Your own time

Gaian name:
Orientation sad yaoi/yuri/het)
Contact method: (pm's, Aim, Yim, a particular forum, etc)
Anything else:

Table of Contents

1: Introduction
2: Rules
3: What is an "Anthro"?
4: Updates
5: Awesome people/regulars/blacklist
6: Cool stuff
7: Banners
8: Furry RP's
9: Rp-ers
10: Furry Classifieds
11: Thread suggestions
12: My Quest
13-15: Unknown as of yet

Fashionable Genius

At one point in time, I was an avid Gaian, Otaku, and furry. At that time, I regularly updated this page. I am no longer any of these things, so I have very little interest in actually maintaining this stuff. I like the people on this thread, but I only really show up every couple of months to pop in and say hi.

Genres: just about everything except for vampire... (romance luffed)
Orientation: Ya,Yu,& Het
Contact method: Pm's, aim, i have a yahoo, but will only use it if i have to...
Literacy:Semi-lit to lit
Anything else:Stay on top of me about it, Because, though I don't like dropping rps, I am a lazy bum And might not post because of it.

Genres: All. Romance is preferred.
Orientation:yuri or hetero.
Contact method: PM's or AIM
Literacy: Semi-literate
Anything else:

Genres: Anything from slave to royalty, I love variety :3
Orientation: Ya, Yu, Het
Contact method: pms
Literacy: I go from two paragraphs to five
Anything else: Ferrets pwn!

Genres: Furry/Human or two Furries. Open to suggestions.
Orientation: Yuri
Contact method: PMs.
Literacy: Semi-lit

Genres: Any, just nothing to pervy...
Orientation: I dun care...
Contact method: AIM, YIM, PMs, Starlight Bar and Inn, Anthros of Gaia, Elemental Bar
Literacy: I dun care. ust know that I type the way I talk, so if ya dun like it, get over it
Anything else: I like furries! I like to RP my furry, and I'm just a wittle kid, so um yeah!

Shinsetsu Senshi
Genres: Medieval, Future, Romance(preferred)
Orientation: Hetero
Contact method: PMs or AIM
Literacy: Semi-Lit(1-2 paragraphs)
Anything else: Really just looking for a forum rp at the moment.

Genres sad Um, I don't know)
Orientation:Yaoi (VERY yaoi!)
Contact method: PM
Literacy: Quite good.
Anything else: I'm really, really playful in... um, in bed, and I like to yiff as well, although that's not for a thread...

Genres: Furry & Furry / Furry & Human
Orientation: Yu ,Het and Ya
Contact method: Pm's, Msn Messenger, Aim
Literacy: Semi-Lit & Lit *Depending on rp*
Anything else: Aim= AngelOfHell91 MSN Messenger= I_Smush_U_Good@hotmail.com *Im very naughty as an anthro so lol

Genres: Anything, except some anime shows.
Orientation: Het.
Contact method: PM me first.
Literacy: Semi-literate to literate, depends on how you roleplay...
Anything else: Looking for a roleplay partner, and a good fourm roleplay.

Genres: TF (transformation)
Orientation: Yuri/Het
Contact method: Any way you want to get to me.
Literacy: Those who know me say I'm one of the best... my greatest flaw is spelling and I write posts in Word, so that's kept to a minimum.
Anything else: For examples go to The Atherios Project.

Vile Construct Ver 2.0
Genres: Anything that isn't based off a book, show, or game. Vampire/Angel/Demon RPs are also not in my favorite's list.
Orientation: Yaoi
Contact Method: PM first, majority of RPs take place via MSN Messenger. (Face it, forums and PMs just take too much time refreshing.) x3
Literacy: It's a must, but you don't need to overdo it. I manage about 1-4 MSN posts in one turn depending on the situation and my current interest level.
Anything Else: My hours are very irregular due to a constantly changing work schedule, but in most cases I am always available from 10:30 PM to 2AM EST.
Table of Contents

1: Introduction
2: Rules
3: What is an "Anthro"?
4: Updates
5: Awesome people/regulars/blacklist
6: Cool stuff
7: Banners
8: Furry RP's
9: Rp-ers
10: Furry Classifieds
11: Thread suggestions
12: My Quest
13-15: Unknown as of yet

Fashionable Genius

Furry Classifieds
At one point in time, I was an avid Gaian, Otaku, and furry. At that time, I regularly updated this page. I am no longer any of these things, so I have very little interest in actually maintaining this stuff. I like the people on this thread, but I only really show up every couple of months to pop in and say hi.

Looking for someone to draw your fursona? Any furry related quests? Want to do something for a fellow furry? If you do, and you want to be added to this list, Please PM Anthag with What you are advertising or requesting and the Subject "Classifieds"
p.s. Please keep it Furry related...

Ban_Meru Is looking for a good anthro artist to draw his fursona (A canine)... He is willing to pay for this. If you are interested, please send a sample of your art to him. Price is to be determined based on quality of work, and some bargaining (sp?)


I'm looking for someone who has a really good eye for figuring out peoples' fursona; I'm not sure what mine is, but i'd like to know icon_3nodding.gif
i'll send them a closeup of my RL face and a full body shot with my fav clothes on.

Vile Construct Ver 2.0
Looking for someone to draw one of my fursonas that range from foxes and skunks to wolves. Willing to pay but currently on limited funds so nothing over 5k if possible. Color is nice but even sketches would do fine. PM for more details.

Table of Contents

1: Introduction
2: Rules
3: What is an "Anthro"?
4: Updates
5: Awesome people/regulars/blacklist
6: Cool stuff
7: Banners
8: Furry RP's
9: Rp-ers
10: Furry Classifieds
11: Thread suggestions
12: My Quest
13-15: Unknown as of yet

Fashionable Genius

Thread suggestions
Can you think of something that would make the thread better? If so, Please send your ideas to Anthag in a pm titled "Ideas"

Table of Contents

1: Introduction
2: Rules
3: What is an "Anthro"?
4: Updates
5: Awesome people/regulars/blacklist
6: Cool stuff
7: Banners
8: Furry RP's
9: Rp-ers
10: Furry Classifieds
11: Thread suggestions
12: My Quest
13-15: Unknown as of yet

Fashionable Genius

My Quest
coming soon...

Table of Contents

1: Introduction
2: Rules
3: What is an "Anthro"?
4: Updates
5: Awesome people/regulars/blacklist
6: Cool stuff
7: Banners
8: Furry RP's
9: Rp-ers
10: Furry Classifieds
11: Thread suggestions
12: My Quest
13-15: Unknown as of yet

Fashionable Genius

Fashionable Genius

Fashionable Genius

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